Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1926, p. 1

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x vsvt ky y fiftysccond year no 10 thursday morning september 2 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 2 ip26 single copies five cento the acton united church of canada minister rov r e zimmerman q a pursonage willow street labor day sunday services it 1100 am and 700 pm with appropriate labor day ncrmonm nytufl pastor sabbath school session at 1000 a in prayer and praiso service on thurs day at 730 p m presbyterian knox churchrctpn ivunittor rov a c stewart ma mnnsc willow street 1000 am sunday school 11 00 a mtho minister subject the uplifted christ v 00 pm the minister subject tho successful church x strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by ho pastor i the baptist church acton 1000 a m sunday- school 1400 a m rev j l hnrton t0o pm rev j lharton thursday 745 p in prayer meet ing and b y i u all welcome special notices vwertltnicnltiti thin column a ccntr per word minimum tjarge joc per tntcrtion lost between lowvlue and acton on august 2nd an oil painting finder please return to frosts pkss office you may off a in a smart- coat or frock if you are among the lucky folks jvho profit by the final sweepout reductions at jfc rack of silk frocks printed and plain color flatcrepes the majority in misses and young wo mens sizes quite a variety of summers most stunning styles in this clearaway group 595 is dollars and dollars below regular at 1495 silk frocks up to 2450 flat crepes in light and dark shades and a few in printed crepes- sizes alto gether from 36 to 46 at 1975 dressmaking ladles and childrens dresses and garments of all kinds- prices reas onable apply miss b trinder 104 4 main street fahm for sale 100 acres- 70 cleared brick house now bank barn drlvlner shed hog pon acton 3 miles a bargain to close an estate 5000 easy payments kerr real estate auction 8ale john walters will hold a clearing sale of his farmers implements house hold effects etc at his farm adjoin ing acton on saturday september 4 rj kerr auctioneer m auction sale w j reld wllt hold a clearing auc tion sale of all household effects on saturday september 18 nt two oclock sharp 103 roth1ndlby c o plank clerk auctioneer auction sale john walters will hold a clearing sate of jls farmers implements and stock household effects etc at hla farm adjoining acton on saturday september 4 ir j kerr alictlonoor for 8ale a ford touring car in good repair one good driver acme b range high oven practically new several pieces of furniture mrs j parker 83 k r no 4 rockvood tenders for building veranda tenders will be rocelved by the undersigned up to wednesday 8th inst at 6 oclofck for the construc tion of a now veranda at the parson age otthe united church plans and details and nil particulars may be seen upon application to a e nicklini becfetary of bunding com dresses up to 2750 lovely creations in georg ette- crepes in a good var iety of colors light and dark sizes 36 to 40 at 795 975 dresses up to 1675 flat crepes printed crepes a few in crepeback satins and a few in silknit and balbriggan light and dark shades sizes from 16 to 40 at 1095 silk dresses up to 1975 flat crepes in black brown grey sand grapefruit tiffin and rose shades sizes 36 to 42 at 395 all the summer wash dresses rayons in solid colors and printed patterns fuji silks silk and cotton mixed crepes sizes 16 to 42 regular prices up to more than four times as mtuch as this clearance figure 395 dangelo committed to await his trial by police magistral oakviue on f any summer hat 39c or 98c wonderfully smart styles that have been up to many times these small clearance figures our buyers are now back from europe new york and canadian fashion centres and the new fall fashions are expected- to arrive soon in the meantime summer goods are being swept out at drastic reductions like these quota tions above guelpits leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p in except in o wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 pm shields atj way jjcrt dangelo humtitok jhejelf- confehsetl bootlegger waa committed for trial on friday afternoon at oak- vlllo by magistrate j h shields on two charges of manslaughter arising out of the deaths of george hh and jnroes johnston two of the oakviue men who succumbed to wood alcohol poisoning a month ago police magis trate moore of acton by invitation sat with magistrate shield a on tho bench no application for bail wuh made by danscos counsel hugh- john mc do mil a- of toronto and immediately after the trial the prisoner waa re turned to milton jail mr mdonaid stated to reporters that bail vuld be sought from a judge of the bipremo court t mr mcdonald made ylgorous ob jection to the admissibility as evi dence of the statement made by the accused man to detective david r crocker of tho hurnilton police in the statement dangelo confessed to selling gill two gallons of wood al cohol for 14 por gallon on july 20 crocker admitted that beforo taking the confession he had not warned dangelo thnt whatever he might say might be used ugalnst him the de tective contended that the man was not under arrest at tho time anions the spectators at the trial was dangielos need mother mrs mary dangelo and his sister wltfi her few months old baby they had come from niagara falls to sco him and the mothers greeting- to her son made a touching see no in tho court room at the conclusion of tho trial later she was allowed to seo him for a few minutes before he was taken back to milton jafl by an officer a suitable crest for acton concrete pavement to be laid on main st the total cost to be 15600 it highway department ap proves tender councillors parker holmes and thctford were present at the reguur council session on tuesday evening and reeve muson presided the eighteenth report of the finance committee recommended payment of tho following accounts general account john rogers labor stephen cuxe hauling gravel a h bishop labor d b nunn gravel for sidr- wulks m v clarrldge making out tax notices and postage acton hydroelectric comm town- hall lighting acton hydroejectrlc comm street liightlnar vir 170 00 acton and district 28 20 150 30 24 43 1000 t 62 2 69 9408 29 waterworks account john rogers labor miss b h speight re water works billing acton hydroelectric comm power at pump house acton hydrojjelectrlc comm power at spring 6 00 41 0i halton crop winners ko i lowing is the list of winners in the hal ton county agricultural so cietys held crop competition 1st f c wlllmott son trafalgar 2nd g e wilson esqucslng 3rd g e gastle nelson 4th a d mcdufte trafalgar gtli mccann ilros tra falgar 6th w d slvlelds kelson 7th h w uichartlson nelson the soldiers monumen to be unveiled next sunday afternoon 7- obituary th council favor adoption of that of actoni england offices 8tore8 and rooms to let commodious wollllghted and heat ed quarters aultablo for stores or of- flces und rooms or npartmenta fur- nlsheol or unfurnished with modern conveniences 1n tho centre of tho town moala eerved if desired apply to j jacques tyder and mowat building 7it acton ontarlb tenders wanted for buidino ticket office and bandstand tondors for the building of a c9m- blned ticket oftlcc and bandstand will bo received by the undersigned until monday septomber 6 at 6 p m plans and specifications may be seen liny week day at the oulco of the solo loather tannery and alter 6 p m at tho resldenco of mr j m mcdonald mill street the lowest or any tender not necessarily accoptcd park improvement com c b parkor chairman brick store and dwelling for sale the brick mock at the southwest cornor of mill and main sts acton nodlous store a cellar residence in rear and above and u residence or elciit rooms there s also n garage on tho premises there is a largo lot also fouc- building lots on brock avenue nos 1 17 20 21 facing also on victoria- avenue lporportlcularai applytoj wallace lasny executor margaret nlcklln estato i aiui st- apton w ms- fsfh kv j f wonderland friday september 3 the vanshrig american by zano orey btatrlng rich ard dlx and xols wilson com- edy in deep charleston con- tost 1000 in prlics 1st 1500 2nd j300t 3rd 200 i aturdav september 4 best bad man wostern starring tom mix xlbmedy tho wrestler news- fox monday septembcr 6 uaibor dy tne wlf wo was nt 2i wanted with an allstar oust includ ing irene rich comedy over thor abotits tuesday 8erembeb 7 iy my old dutch from tho stage play with may ilacavoy and pat omalloy tho vlaat cliaiitor- of tfunkon slvor comedy carsful please wllv lloyd hamilton b ugregobt ft son m get ready for election returns by installing your radio now we have selected two 8tvle8 of raoiosthat we consider the best the market affords the six tube superneuttodyne hlget tho six tube superneutrodyne ihlfiol is a handsome two dial control machine with specially desjgned straightline broadcast single and tandem condensers it is built in a hlghlypollahed genulno walnut duco finished cabinet really a wonderful distancesetter the electbola the electrola ih a flvo tube machine with handsomely hand- nolfcshcd satlnflnishcd cabinet has threo separato tuning diala this lnbtrument la particularly noted for its tone and gopdl recev- ing qualities we can demonstrate these models at your convenience anyone will be perfectly welcome to come to our store to hear the broadcast of any of tho notable speakers during the campaign and also to hear election returns on election night w d talbot phone 76 we deliver main street jost around the corner watchour window when in acton at the pair on sejtitember 31 and 22 make symopts your headquarters symons hardware mill street i plwna 49 w mr h p moore j p addresaed the council on tuesday eyenlnr flug- gestlng the adoption of a suitable crest for the munfcliiauty of acton ho explained that when vis 1 ting- at acton england the matter had come up when the crest of that town had been exhibited to him toy sir harry brlttaln the member of the british house of cojnmons for acton bur rough who had prepared the crcat and arranged for its registration in tho college or heraldry mr moore in further conversation withslr harry brittain- said that in aamuch as his own native town of acton canada which was the daugh ter of and had been named for the english actoni had not yet adopted a crest it might be a matter of fur- ther pleasant relationship between the two towns it acton canada would adopt a crest similar to that of acton england sir harry acquiesced with genuine interest and pleasure and suggested that tho municipal council of acton ontario be invited to adopt the same crest substituting the english oak leaf for the canadian sugar maple leaf and- he agreed to secure per mission or the council of acton mid dlesex to this course this consent was evidently obtained and an engraving of the crest which is shown hero was forwarded toy the town clerk to mr moore mrs wm panton milton lily mackonzlo wife of major wm panton passed away suddenly at her home at milton on sunday morning she was a daughter of the late canon w j mackenzie and waa born at baltimore ont she hud been a resi dent of milton sincu 1870 when her father became rector of graco church of which hho wna a very active mem ber mrs panton is survived by her husband who la county clerk and editor of tho milton champion two sons and six duukhtera a nlster in milton and two brothers in the unit ed suitcs the funeral will tiiko place this thurnday afternoon from grace church get your job printing at the free press before leaving england sir harry brlttaln presented mr and mrs moore with a beautiful replica of a holland milk jug in very fine china bearlngf the impress of the acton crest in the colors registered in the college of heraldry the whole matter was- explained to tho acton council by mr moore who offered rif the suggestion met the approval of jthe members that as a memento of his having occupied the office of clerk and treasurer of acton fifty years ago and navlnr sat at the counoll board for forty- five years as a representatfvoof the fftcs piusss he would have pleasure in having the necessary engravings made and pre sented to the council at his own ex pense i the members of the council enter tained mr moores proposal favorably and instructed mr harold n farmer ma municipal clork to have a by- lorw prepa english john mcintyre for many weary months mr john mclntyro young street lay in a weax and enfeebled condition hoping for death o come to end his hufferinkh he was taken 111 with an incurable ailment severaf yenrs ago when on tho farm in erin unable to continue nlsfarm work he retired and came to acton he paswed away on thursday morning and on saturday hla tlrod body was laid tb rest beside that of his beloved pnruier in fairvlow cem etery mrs mclntyro hnd predeceased him- on july 12th 1924 she was em ma gamble daughter of tho late john ganble lot i con erin two daughter violetta at hojnc and mar garet mrs angus thompson hurvlvo mr mclntyro was n prosperous- and wellknown farmer in erin for many years his brother angus who lived for some time in the west recently bought the homestead and is now re siding there mr mclntyro was a member of tho presbyterian church and the funeral was conducted by his pastor rev a c stewart ma acton and district salo of homemade baking the ladies aid of tho baptist church will hold a sale of homemade baking- on saturday afternoon sept 4th at three oclock in leishmans store mill street monthly meeting the regular meeting if the womens institute will be held in the band room on friday september 3rd at three oclock a prood attendance ls asked for as there it important busi ness to be brought up and a good programme prepared everybody wel come towns crest as suggested to bo pre sented at next meetiner of the council the members were especially pleased with the suggestion to adopt -the- motto of the crest floreat actona let acton prosper old boys retjnion at eden mills great gathering at edgawood pa on labor day on monduy septembor 6th an old boys reunion will b held at edbe- wood park eden mtls this being labor day tho attendance will prob ably be large a softbnll tournament will includo contests ylth the tjol lowing clubs aberfoyle arkoil bropkyluo and eden mills there will le a quplt throwing con tent high jumping foot races for men and women pillow fight on pojaoa putting the shpt and a taby show with prlzea meals will be served by tho vvo- mens instltute- old and new donees in tho ovon- hig 16lmfo ba los in jt fire caused by lightning completia ly destroyed tho largo bank barn to gether with all farm implements 90 tons of hay and a aumntlty of grain on the farm of fred spiers west caledon last wednesday afternoon creating damn go to the extent of ixq 000 a third of which in covered by insurance- mr splersj waa helplnflr a neighbor haul in grain during a svre electric atornrr which was unattended ay rntni when on hwplng a loud crash ho looked in tho dlreottdn of tils homo fearing it wan struck the largo barn buu of lilaok ash bunt into flames neighbors rushod to tho scene find dtd all nosslbn to save what they could livestock was led from dhe burnings building bit it was impos- alble to check tho bhu david williamson millwright full of years jjayld williamson for more thun ten years a resident of acton passed peacefully away on monduy evening at st josephs hoa- pltal guelph mr williamson waa in his elgluyflrat year he was born in scotland and cam a to canada in 186b when a young man of twenty- four ho was n mfjlwrlght by trade and was engaged in muny important milling construction engagements ills devoted wife passed away in 1918 and hla daughber jessie is now the only survivor of the family during him declining years she gave him very de voted care and solicitude last year with a burning desire to see the hind of his birth again who accompanied him to tho old lund ho had thought he would stay and end hli days there and did enjoy a few weeks nmtd old scones and with kindly relatives but in a short time ho longed with a keen longing to return to thecanudu which had been uils home for over half a contury arid they returned inst fall mr wllllnnis wtfs a n presbyterian church- a vnan of ster ling character tho soul of honor much sympathy will he felt for miss williamson in her new experience of loneliness the funeral was hcd froftj guelph yesterday af ternoon by motor the service at falrview ccmolcrywas conducted by rov a c stewart ma7 friendly bowling match milton and acton lady and gentle man bowlera have eenjoyabla evening on monday evening august 30th acton bowling club cntertnintid four mixed rlnlch from milton on the greenh of acton- athletic association after plnying sixteen ends milton ah the score shows won by live points the bowlera were then entertained at the home of mr apd mrs n ii garden the aclon ladies providing a delicious lunch before leaving kirr millwii on lit- hnlfftw mihoirlkwlih moved a vote of thanks to the acton bowlers and to the host and hostess of tho evjnlng for tho good time enjoyed nnl their hospitality a return game will be played in tft near future milton miss blaine br turner mrs turner j bluiuc mrs telfor mr robinson mr roblnadn mr teircr j mrs mlllson a mcnab mrs houston mr millwon mlim chlsholni mr service mrs young- mr wilson acton mrs inrlg mr mntthov mrs goind 10 w j gimlcl mrs reld mcr its wliugs miss ntljion 27 t bhyloy 1 miss wallace 1 wooth miss cmhmlijiit c- a inrig 2 xtim boll j bauer mrs lluchuiy 10 r swemicy 1 b yp u picnicked at lowvijilo tho young people of the baptist church motored to lowvllle on- satur day afternoon nnd had a very en joyable plcnic on the lawn of mr and ilrs david davis former resi dents of acton the event had much of pleasure not the least of which was the renewal of friendships of former dnys an enjoyable motor tour rev and mrs r e zimmerman and the two girlies reached home thurs day after a months motoring on a trip east they went tirst to kings ton and ottawa thence to montreal and quebec at the undent city and its environment they made quite a prolonged visit and enjoyed travers ing tho many historic points very much from quebec they crosmod over to tho suite of vermont and motor ed through that state with vlnlta in now hampshire and new york points tlioy camped throughout tho trip and wcro favored with grood weather near ly every day a bright students success from tho richmond hill liberal we glean the following interesting news miss isabel cowie who attended richmond hill school lust yean lsto be congratulated upon the high stand ing she obtained at the midsummer examinations sho wrote en ten sub jects and passed with honors in all six firsts 2 seconds and 2 thirds hopes are entertained that this excel lent showing wlm win for isobel one or more scholarships miss cowio is a daughter of mr georgo cowie blacksmith park avenue the frkb pjikhb hns pleasure in extending sin cere congratulations to miss cowlo on oils splendid allowing mi i tons soldiers memorial lloutgovornor cockuhutl has con sented to visit milton on sunday next to unveil the monument to the soldiers of tho town an3 neighbor hood who fell in the great war conon captain woodcock of tor- onto who aerved as chaplain of the 109 56 the report was adopted the bylaw authorising the con struction of the concrete roadway on main street from the canadian na tional electric tracks to the provin cial highway near the railway was introduced given the required number or readings and passed by the council tenders were received for the con struction of the pavement and sup plies from tho grant contracting co toronto for tt60q the- hamilton contracting co for 17386 hiid w w king oakviue for ib22jt the tenders were left liragie hands of the reevo to arrango an interview with the department of highways for their consideration and to bo iiasaed upon moved by f e holmes seconded by c e parker that mr h s holmes be granted a refund of taxes of 9900 being half the property tax on the ryder mowat property which was vacant for about a year carried a ruling was naked for on what was going to be done to clear tho property of w jj reld upon which no water works- service rate had been paid since being installed in his house and which has now been sold tho clerk was instructed tp write mr reld suiting that the council considered he was indebted to the the water had been installed in his residence unless he could produce evidence that ho was entitled to free water from the town mr jteld was also requested to report what had been done on the settlement ofwaber- works arrears on the beardmore housed tho question of a clerical error on the assessment of mr m overholts property which was claimed to have been assessed for 1000 and was rated in the tax bill as 91800 was duscussed the clerk was instructed to write mr overholt suiting the taxes must be paid as billed and any refund must bo applied for to the council and the grounds stated for claim before action could be taken the waterworks superintendent was instructed to have the suction valve of tho gasoline pump repaired irh mediately and to hire whatever help was needed to make the repairs enjoyable thimble tea the monthly meeting of the ladles aid of knox church was held on tuesday afternoon at the home of mr and mrs g w masales main street in tho form of a thimble tea after the business part was over a dainty lunch waa served on the lawn tho ladles brought their sewing and spent an enjoyable afternoon unveiling ceremonies at milton arrangements have now been made for the unveiling of the monument erected in rctorlkt parkt milton on sunday september 5th- at 3p m lleulgovcrnor cockshutt has con sented to be present for the ceremony also rev canon woodcock formerly chaplain of the 164th halton and duffer in overseas battalion and others more arrests re poisoned liquor hon w f nicklc attorney- gen eral of ontario announced last week that c w smith of milton and joe cox of st catharines had been ar rested by provincial police on charges laid under the customs act the ar rests were made in connection with the investigation in the truffle of wood alcohol which caused the deaths at oakvillo and other places recently the pro be has been proceeding stead ily by provincial and federal officials during the past few weeks decorate tho 8oidiera memorial the flower bed at the soldiers monument is now a mass of bloom and beauty and is admired by citi zens and tourists passing by now a that flowers are in bloom in profusion in many gardens in town it would be a graceful act on the part of citi- xens who have flowers they could spare to use them for decorating the monu ment itself there is room on tho granite bases for abundance of low ers and their presence there will be a grateful tribute to the memory of our hero soldiers in whose honor tho stately monument stands the judges equalization deputyreeve holtby and town clerk sykes of burlington attended the opening session of the equaliza tion of the county assessment at mil- torn for tho minimum charso slncej t rn 11 k r judge elliot is hearing tho eylr guests op the band most eenjoyabla picnic at blue 8prinfl park a k loith halton and dufferln battalion will deliver an address there will bo community singing led by tho choral society and tho massed choirs of the threo church of the town with music by the band a guard if honor will he furnished by the war vetcr- ans under command of col g o brown formerly of the 4th battalion tho fighting fourth 1st canadian contingent gave name rather than go to jail pleading guilty to being intoxicated walter johnstone waa lined ten dol lars and costs at monday mornings police court when placed in he witness box and interrognotcd john stone stated that tlic liquor he had consumed had been provided by an acquaintance known as shrimp whom he was knocking around wltli when advlhed by tho magistrate that ho must- give tho numo of the man or go back to ho oclla defendant vouchsafed tho necessary information and told of a trip into st ta tricks ward where two bottles of wine weru pmchnspd ah n result of this infor mation the ftoucb will probably lay other charges guelph mercury john precious has narrow escape lnnt week mr john precious and his fapmily wre on their holidays- while motoring ictweon iiarrle and orillla they had a very narrow es cape from fatal accidoht while pass ing through a road vvlih bush n olthor ld a hullot whizzed through tho windshield cutting a clean hole in the glass nnd punned out thf rear side window which- happened to he opon without hitting any uf the oc- oupanth tlio lying gljisii however cut the fuce of one of tho children in tho rent wilt iiow mr preiloils or any of tho occupants mlhhcd being hit i j a miracle mr precioiih mniodlato- ly stopped the ear and went twick to investigate lint cmild find no truce of anyone in the iiiihii the nceildont oc curred about live oclock in tlio after noon w- tho very generous invitation of acton citizens- band to our citizens to attend their annual plcnic on sat urday afternoon was accepted by our citizens in largo numbers and also by a good quota of tho community outside of town by motor car and electric train they camo in largenumbers at two oclock and spent the glorious afternoon in blue spring parks sylvan shade on swings and easy chatlrson teeters in shady nooks in the cabins and wig wams in tho pavilion and on tho greensward or out on the athletic grounds watching contests which were very keenly fought the new broom ball game and the races the various contests were won as follows girls under 5 years qllve- rogers helen simpson boys under 5 yrcara w buchanan w johnstone j girls under 10 years e taylor e johnstone boys under 10 years a skilling g moloxztc gtlrkt under 15 years n whter- house c mccomb ya under 16 yeara p paphlonr a buchanan young ladles 50 yards- m grlndell g skilling n hall bandsmens wives 50 yards mrs r agnew mrs e rceaor- mens open 100 yards j kentner l mosaics married ladles open 50 yards mrs a m mcpherson mrs r agnew married bandsmen bo ynrdsray agnew bert holland single bandsmen running broad jump r splolvogel n wilds ladies clothespin race mrs r blazoj mrs simpson necktie race men and women 50 yards mr and mrs- a m- mcpherson time race open l burns bandsmens time race instruments playing ol adibq boys wheelbarrow race joo woods nnd k tubman automobile owners time race a m mcpherson bandsmens pigaback r splcl- vogel and c k brown eot bandsmens race h harrison a thurston threelegged race open c currlo and c mclaughlin mens relay race open j kent ner l masalos n wilds and e pat rick t ladles relay race onenrti hall g skilling mary chalmers and m grlaiuell i time race for bandsmens wives nnd mothers mrs g a dills mrs n f moore broomball captain miss m ed monds and miss viola rumley tho bandsmen proved themselves excellent hosts they exerted them- nelvfes to give everybody n good time and ospcclally the children who were present during the progress of tho games every child on tho grounds wus given candy and aftor the sump tuous tea which was served ice cream cones were given to all and a peanut scram hie was given to the kiddles dur ing an intermission in the band con cert played by the band the plcnic was pronounced a most enjoyable affair dence hsquesing and nassogaweya have appealed against the equalization passed by the county council only three witnesswere examined for ea- queslng at the opening session and adjournment was made until thursday u will take possibly sev eral weeks to complete titer evidence as every municipality t is- interested hughes cleaver is appearing for bur lington married in toronto on saturday a quiet wedding was solemnized on saturday afternoon at flvo oclock in toronto when miss myrtle may tho youngest daughter of mr george dills acton became the bride of mr frank j browning son of mr and mrs j browning of cobourg rei john neil dd of westminister central united church officiated the brido was becomingly attired in rosewood crepe elizabeth with hat to match she was attended by her sister miss ettlo pills or toronto after a brlef honeymoon tour to buffalo and de troit tho newlywedded couplo will make their future home at 140 lamb avenue toronto ipsano man appeared in erin on tuesday evening inspector reevely and constable owens had a call to erin township when they arrived there tney found a posso of farmers with guns guarding a farm house and a prisoner who is thought to be an escaped inmato from london asylum the man appeared at mr john campbells house in tho after noon his unkempt appearance was forbidding but ho was taken in and given hla supper then tho mans conduct was so strange that pollco magistrate moore was conferred with and- inspector reevely and provincial constable owens notified the insane man was taken to guelph jail and there examined by medical authorities nnd re committed to the asylum paabor in the pulpit again rev r e zimmerman a pastor who last preached to his con gregation in trie united church on the 18th of july resumed his- minis- trations lost sunday in bis intro- d at the morning service h re- marked that wnile he had greatly en- joyed his vacation the best part of it was the roturn homo and resump tion of his work his sermons on sunday were earnest exhortations to wait upon god for renewal of strength and equipment f jr service tlio morn ing theme was based upon that matchless verse in isaiah 40 31 they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary tboy shall wulk and not faint here ho said was the inspiration of the thought that there is comfort and strength from god all the way along visitor from now york aftor 45 year thrp surely flics last week an interested visitor to town was mrs clara de pacaza of mow york mrs de pacaza spent her girlhood days in acton as miss clara watson daugh ter of mr and airs james watson and sister of mrs james wilds sha was also tho sister of tho late a g watson for muuny years editor of the credmoro star about fortyflvo years ago miss watson met mr do pocoxa fell in lovo wltn him and they wore married and settled lnlnew york whllo thoy travelled largely and visited mr depacaxas old homo in madrid spain their travels never wended in the direction of tho old home mr de pacaza died a number of years ago and hla widow and their son julian now grown to nanhbods estate have continued to live togeth er in ho american metropolis in her girlhood days- in acton miss clara watsop wns popular sho stood hlgb in her studies at school was a member of tlt methodist jhurv choir she claims georgetown as her birthplace during her visit inst week mrs do paoaxa met numbers of old friends id of whom were delighted to meet her again mrs dopacazn waa accompanied by miss ida wilds of oloversviuo m y- both of whom were tho gjiests of mr and mrs david williamson puelph street during their stay la town vv2- -i-r-v- r liilirisiiiabbeaa yy yy

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