Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1925, p. 6

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r blrthi vrricl nd demthi are now clsrsfjo7 ir following rat wrthf marriage joe ioc ptr v7 death soc lino extra tor died qwackhaaterat her homo on 1 roderick slroet acton on su mornliib december 20 ellhi lane anderson belovod wife of wm b swuckhamcr u her 67th year khlmanin milton on thursday deoombei 11 2s james k kol- nuin in iiib 13rd year 2hj artnti jtoggmb thursday december 24 1125 brief local items chrlstmoa tomorrow wo wish you a very merry christ mas welcome the homo comers with n real christmno welcome go earnostly into tho joy of slv- inb this curlatmastldo please use the renewal slip an1 envelope sent in last issue the shortest day of tho year on monday was brleht and surtshlny this is renowal time have you lonowcd for your ftoss press for 1926 tomorrows christmas dinner is brlnsrlne forth pleasurable antlcipa tlon my tho nrmfuls of christmas tokens to be seen going homeward these days how sweet the luiscrlng music dwells the welcome sound of tho christmas bells tho cutters and sleigh bells will bo ju3t as welcome during hrlbtmas week aa the best motor car there is stilt a keen demand for houses in torn by people anxious to make their homos in acton dont spond so much on christ mas that you cant get even whb tho butcher and grocer until march pho bchooisclosecr tuestaay for tho christmas holidays theys will reopen on- monday january 4 tho children are still paging santa claus for the doingsjwhon tho stockings are hung upunlght heap- on more wood the wind is chill but let it whistle as it will well keep our christmas merry still dont grumble over your work take off your coat roll up your sleeves and go to it fine for hiding soiled cuffs round out the real value of christmas joys and homo coming by an everybody at church day on sunday a number of distant friends havo been made glad during tho week with christmas presents of tho fiuac pnsss for a year tho guolph mcicuiy says that joseph burns need 3 bf dlmlin la of a iioraoveilns natuic threo timos lio has escaped from the ontiulo io- fi niatory hero and threo times ho lias boon caught and punished and oven yot ho hasnt had onough when mnglstwito watt in pollco couit on wednesday morning sentenced him to two cars in penitentiary at kingston and told him that ho would nt tho conclusion of his term bo returned to the farm to finish his uncomplet ed terra for his latest escape on octo ber 14 of this year ho muttered and mumbled in tho box and flnallj blurt ed out ill never do it tho muarja- tmto advised him shortly not to talk billy fnrr wn flrnt pwiftd in tlio town of elmlra in may 1d23 to a term for liouaebreiking and theft tho fol lowing month of his committal to tho local institution ho escaped and was recaptured in a few hours ho was takon back to tho reformatory and ms punished there as crown at forney kearns put it in reviewing tho prisoners record in november ot tho snmo year ho made another break for liberty and was again unsuccessful being back in tho tolls in a few hours afterwards for his second break ho was given two yejars in kingston pen in september of this year ho returned to the reformatory to com ploto tho unexpired portion of hla initial term in october the month following hlb return ho was working with a gang on tho farm and as it was a dark murky day he slipped away unnoticed and succeeded in get ting many miles away from tho prison grounds before he was recaptured twb tieurs later in a swamp near acton after pleading guilty to tho charge of breaking custody when ho appear ed wednesday morning burns peti tioned the magistrate to allow blm to serve not only his now sentence but tho tialance of his oll one at klngs- ton commenting on the prisoners queer preferment before going ahead wlti his recital of the many offences of which the blackbrowed youth was c3juty crown attorney kearns re marked with surprise to the court tbat ho apparently prefers kings ton pen to the institution which we are all so proud of here m guelphs street car bysteih had a doaclt this year of 18437 12 this was huwevcr les t the deficit of 1934 rlng the joy bells mortals sing praises toourheavfinly king scat- tor presents for and wide ever in gods love abide a nno twonty six pound christ mas turkey in the window of patter sons meat shop has been greatly ad mired this week among tho contributions to the toronto santa clous fund on monday is 11000 from tho cgi t of acton united church tho frank e doltch who was in busi ness in acton many years ago died at his homo at ios angles california on monday december 14- while tho gleiehing is not by any means perfect tho ground is covored with snow and we havo after all a real white chistmas swiftly onward tlrno dotlifly hero is christmas coming nigh ilttlo children laugh and sing saying what will santa irlngr dont give your wife something sho doesnt care for just because you want it yourself this dont works the other way just as well on christmas morning thero will be three celebrations of the holy communion in st albans church at 8 00 900 and at 1030 oclock dont try to find the price marks on the gifts you receive if the gifts are worth having they mean some- tiling above dollars and cents ijr barber attended- the last meeting of halton coifnty council for the year 1925 last friday and was a guest at the wardens dinner that evening toronto has 3 000 homegoing students from to university alone this week as many more will go home from the various othor schools and collegesr this christmas eve dopt forget tho bob cratchlts and the tiny tims that is unless you are unregenerate old scrooge jn which case forgetful- ness can the new pavement laid on st andrew and tower streets fergus cost ids 086 e9 of this the town pays 182264 66 and the owners as a frontage tax 113211 56 dont set your own happiness up as the chief thins to be looked out for at christmas time try to make other people happy and forget yourself then you will be surprised to see how really happy you are one of the pot office employee said the other day jtrdging by the number of letters kolng to santa claus the most appropriate gift to him would be a brand new letter opener the old one must be worn out jail breaker goes to penitentiary joseph burns who was cauaht hera in october tries liberty agsln neighborhood news- town and country crewsons cobnefls on tliuisdny of last weok ml 1 wo vln butnri llockwootl onterlainod few ladles in honor of hoi slmtei in law mrs j c dennis tt buclo of i fow weeks tho luldo woio tiei njil- dlng gown of out volvot nnd gooigttto aftcinoon tea was scnort by the hostess and a pleasant hour oi so was spent na88aqaweva the 1926 fair a success guelph winter fair has surplus of 300000 this year that the provincial winter fair at quolph after the few liabilities still outstanding wore paid will have a surplus of approximately 3 000 for 1025 was- the gratifying announce ment made it mondays meeting of the guelph city council a meeting of the executive of the winter pair board was held in tor onto last thursday at which aid jaftray was in attendance as the citys representative he laid before tho ex- respect to holding the show on the original date in december instead of in november fteruest was considered very fav orably and it was decided by tho di rectors to lntervlowjlon j s mart prrjrvlnclarminisfer ofgrlculture in january with a view of trying at got representatives of the royal ottawa and guelph shows together to discuss datea and see if an amicable arrange ment cannot be arrived at by which the local show can again be held in december without conflicting with tho dates set by the other two big winter exhibitions tho ebcnezor sunday scliool hthl their annual christmah tieo entertain men last wednesday evcnlnb a gool progrnmroo was provided the annual meeting of tho public schools of tho township will 1o hold on wodnoaday 30th inst the latc- poyers are urged to bo pieserat jml discuss the proposed wis fof tho creation of township school bo rds to roplaco tho trustee hoards the meeting starts at ten o cloclt in the forenoon fl wo wish tho nun ebess and all its rcodcrs a very merry christmas nomination day next monday foi candidates for reovo and councillors for nassngawoya in tho township hall brookvlllo obituaky bannockburn a w peart nolion in the doath of aithui v peait of i olson township wlilcil occuriod on monday at hla homo lho maplos litillon county imh lost ono of its most prominent aml hlghlv icspcctod cltlzons mi ioart wuu bain on bo- ctmboi uj 1801 tho guindson of mi vicious poart a liloneti sottlor of tho township he took tho dogieo of ii a at toronto university and for a sholt time cngaeod in journalism being on tho staff of tho mail and lmpho circumstances culled him to toturn to tho home faim whflro ho spont his life for many years ho was actively engaged in addressing meotlngs of tho tarmot s institute fiom 1806 to 1808 ho conductod an ex perimental fiult rnrm for tho pro vinclal govornmont ho was also tho picsldpnt of tho ontario rrult grow ers association in recognition of these important services to agrlcul turo ho was in 1914 granted the degrco of p r s a from london england in politics ho wus an ardent conaoi- vatlvo ho wasjlnstrumental as tho prtsldont of tho nelson and burling ton historical society in preserving traditions and rocoids rolatlng to the early days in that locality tho mem- bors of his family aro his widow hel en somervillo three sons dr t w burlington grant s ottawa and rus sell of rreemon and two daughters mis grant thompson indian head snsk and mrs tarlton of hamilton the annual christmas cute- tain- mont of bonnockburn school on mon day ovoning was a gratifying success tho attendance taxed the school building to accommodato all tho programmo was replete with a varied list of numbers they were all pre sented and greatly enjoyed by tbe audience tho scholars gave recita tions dlnlogues choruses dits and solos which showed careful training expuplls of tho school asslbted in the evenings proceedings and nut on a play which was full of tun and frolic entitled bettys aunt billy from texas it was replete wifi laughable incidents and antics coun cillor gowdy oj- llmohousc was present and made a brief address con gratulating the tetebrsaiuipuplls uporrlee excellent programme they had rendered miss wilkinson the ef ficient teacher was tho directress who arranged tho entertainment nnd carried it to so successful a conclu sion the receipts wofoabout j30 00 and will 1e used to replenish the li brary of tho school oakville 111074 80 was collected by the police department for tax arrears and paid to the treasurer this year dr andmrs h r miller left last week for now york city whero the doctor intends to visit the various hospitals in tho city for about flvo weeks tho rojol oak tire and rubber qornpany will recommence operations at a date not later than tho middle of january was tho word given out by ecutlve thewlnhes of the council with- flenernl manugexplckson in an inter view with mayor robinson recently the annual concert of the salvation army sunday school was hold in vic toria halllast week a largearid ap preciative audience assembled and en- joyedejdrogrnjnmeinojio up-oc-recl- tatlonn dialogues and u splendid sketch n threo parts entitled the greatest of those by moving a section of the wall back into the courtroom a distance bf about four feet the magistrates of fice has toeon enlarged considerably and at a reasonably small expense hitherto minor cases had to bo tiled in tho police court on account of the lack of spaco ill the magi roaceotjrttnews a low months ago john h maud of georgetown was convicted of mak ing jltiuor and fined 9200 00 and cost a early last saturday morning ijiconua inspector rcevely and provincial con stable fowtrell raided tho place sc cured several bottles of liquor evid ence that there had been hquor sales and discovered soveral prominent citl scrs intoxicated in mauds house maud was arrested brought before police magistrate moore who commit ted riim to the county jail to await his trial on the 28th in at jball was fixed at 500 bat maud failed to secure bandsmen and therefore remains in jail to await hla trial tho offlceis report maud s house as the most filthy domicile they ever were called upon to investigate v william tv wright an ex police man of toronto who for the past year or so has been conducting the hotel at streetsville was charged by in spector jreovely at brampton ooforo police magistrate moore on friday with illegally having liquor through his counsel mr roy lent he pleaded guilty he was lined 9260 00 and cost mr wright says the hotel business is not paying and ho will not continue its operation in the grabbag fortunate cltlxonn are chief mc pherson and messrs william and lawrence williams this week a fif teen pound turkey landed at each home on tuesday with the compll- nionlh of mr nnd mrs william mc pherson hrtrtney manitoba hur hurrah for the phrlst- nhs lieu with lis glory and glitter and mystory its twinkling candles that bud and bloom like strnnge bright flowers in tho darkened room its glittering gold anofsller bells its candy canes and the blueeyed dolls tell us santy toll us true how you know just what to do what to bring in games and toys to the wait ing girls and boys ma and pa and toji tho rest you givo just what they like best tell us how your plans are axed that you nevei get things mixed tho grab- bag at a churchfair some times contains strange things on a recent occasion the pastor of tho church had invited all the people of the parish to contribute something to this branch of tho fair and mer chants in the town sent orders for small quantities of their goods a reflpoctable resident was some what allocked though ho had no great reason to bo surprised when he drew from the grabbag the following or der good for one grave dug any time during the ensuing year john spader tho acxton and village gravedigger had put in one of his orders with the rest fieadquaf tors record rockwood lorne school it cannot be done this wounds easy but just ask one of your friends to try it she must placo a light chair with its back to the wall then stand in front of it facing the waif her toes about 2 in oh en from the frnntnf the oholr- ln st johns anglican church tliert will bo a christmas service commenc ing at 11 30 p m on christmas ovc everyono heartily invited last friday evening tho congrea- uon and sunday school of the ere- byterlans enjoyed a pleasant evening when they wu down to well- lido n tables provided by tho ladies in the basement of the mend s church the supper was served at 7 oclock nr3 some 140 individuals partook of tho good things sot before them after 1 1 a u i per all repaired to tho auditor ium when a good programmo was car ried out by the sunday scliool scholars after the opening chorus rev mr simpson who presided eravo a brief address on behalf of tho sun day school the programmo conalstod of recitations songs rendlngs and an instrumental number on tho guitar by george torrance among those vho took papfc and contributed some aplen- dld pieces were elizabeth gray beatrice swanston and miss d doug las and some good laughs were in dulged in toy all present a aborted dress was given by the superlnten dent wm harris at the close santa claus put in his appearance with a hlg basket of good things for the young folk as well as distributing the numerous presents from the tree jffcev mr simpson was given a aultcono and bathrobe prior to his departure for hla home in california for nw tears the presbyterians were for lunate in huvlng mr simpson minit ter to their noerjfl nnd his stay in thr mldst wlm not soon be forgotten tho united sunday school enter tainment was held last wednesday ovenlng in the town hall a good varied programmo was given it bo ing the first time for tho former sum day schools of methodist and pronl terlan church to ako part together- mr john smith xe turned last week from detroit where he has been alnce last spring wumot pjtzsimmons left last week for jrtngara trails where ho haa fle cured a situation- tho schools eleffied their dobrs iat rrjdjay for the holidays and tho young folft are enjoying themselves to thli heart n content at being free fropi their lessons for a brief period tbe weatherman was kind onoiign to grive us a fresh blanket of the h innf fly tff nnri n amhii mjiiu nd add4i by mrs william swackhamek very peacefully txnd very suddenly did mrs william swackbamer pass away at the family lesidenco oi frederick street last sunday morn ing while sho was able to bo about until a few days before her death mrs swackhamor had been in poor health for some ttnnc sho was much interested in tho installation and opening of the new organ in knox chui ch and attonded tho servlco week ago sunday and on the follow ing tuesday evening on wednesday sho waa t iuite ill and a trained nurse was ongaged early sunday morning her heart action weakened and about threo o clock she peacefully w mra sayackh a mer waa daughter of tho late uenjamln andei- son and was botn on tho homestead on tho first lino below dublin elxty six years ago she became the wife of her sorrowing jiusbantl- fortythree years ago through all their wedded life thoy were much to each other always seen together whenever pos sible she loved her homo and made it a place ot attraction and comfort during mr swackhoaners long illness prior to and succeeding a serious op eratlon her loving caxo and solicitude were constantly devotod to him for some years after their marriage mr and mrs swackhamor lived on the homestead they then moved to acton and with the exception of a- few yeaia spent in toronto thoy have made their home in this town ono son mr pecil swackhamer of toronto survive mrs john kuddlck and mrs s coi- dlner ace sisters mrs swaokhamor was a godly woman a member and regular attendant of knox church from her girlhood sho lived in the esteem of many friends thosorrow lag husbandhas thtrsympttttiy of tho community in his sudden bereave nientthefuneial was held on tucs day afternoon a memorial sei vice was held in knox church where feeling set man was pleached by rev a c stewait interrnont was made attiirview ctrmeteiy rioral tributes were received as follows wreathes from sisters mis kuddlck mra lasby and mrs mcdowell gates ajar from brothers and sisters and mother of the swackhamer family spray from brothe and s mr and mrs cordlnor spray from elsie and kdwin barnos niece and nephow spray from granddaughter teresa spiay from son and wife pillow from husband spray from kno church w m s spray from mr and mrs h e somorville among those from out of town who attended tho funeral were mrd kuddlck ommee mr unci mrs chas lasby toronto mr and mra qeo mcdowell and daughter robe tor onto mrs bai nes toronto mrs winfleld glenwilllama mr and mrs cecil a swackhamer toronto mrs stewart l armstrong toronto and mr and mrs prank day rockwood next she must place a hand on each side of the choii and lean forward until the top of her head touches the wall tjion sho must try to lift the chair from the floor nnd without mov ing tho feet tako away her head from the wall nnd stand upright she will discover it cannot bo done for the sportsmen dont 3ot your little ones into th4 secret that santa claus is an impos tor let them figure out for them serves how a fat man with a big pack ean got into the parlor grate through the chimney of a modern iiouhc heat ed by steam imaginations a quality desirable to cultivate mr a t brown has been favor- log tho public on mill street for sever al mornings about nine oclock with wellrendered christmas aarob dvef lho radio they have been remark ably clear and distinct and wore read ily heard from the teps of the 3ow ment buildlmr aorom the itrstt theciirlstmaa number of rod anl gun jt issued seems to be just the thhig for the sporting folk during the chrlatmaa holidays a wealth of good reading for tho licaithy man loving the outdoors la to be found the atorhaa ami articles are not merely seasonable but cover all sport in activities and seasons there are good hunting stories hat are always good reading while trout fishing in nova scotia la bonnycastlfl dales theme andfothor good fishing of all kinds la touched on in 6 p bladen fishing notes tho series of articles fn tho biff woods of canada and breogca from the weft are retaining their very fine quality and krlse has another wjimer in the january carp jtopn n 41 fact the christmas closing at lorne school this year was featured with an excellent concert and chrlstmaas tree on tuesdny evening mifla isabel an derson the teacher took pains to prepare a programme of merit nnd she succeeded admirably it was as follows opening chorus school welcome primary daises the meaning of chiiatmas corinne mcdonald solo fofccderlck harrop dialogue christ mas in the other lnndsj recitation dora denny chorus and dance senior girls christmas cheer prim ary classes solo leslie swackhamer dialogue the ministers mistake carol singing everybody solo and chorus primary closaes boys chorus tho evergrcon cluh reci tation wallaco swackhamor solo loona waller christmas story bj dickens barbara outhrlo mouth organ selection wllmei davidson recitations verna murray drill manners class dialogue married in haste tho coming of santa claus good night chorus school god save tho king tho christmas tree was character- latlcally attractive it bore fruit for every scholar and a beautiful ivory clock fof tho teacher mr andy murray made an excellent chairman while wesley wasales acr ed the part of santa claurt to perfec tion ho concealed his personality so perfectly that very few present dis covered who ho was tho rchool was crowded with tho pm cuts and many friends of tho scholars a result nature looked very pleasing to tho eyo from a picturesque view point- a hearty welcome is expended to sjll who cane to our cqmmtionlty for th3 holidays ana may they ehaje with us tho ohriatmas festivities of the sea son j -a- m r cht thtmttfl i oh e xarfoir and staff of the pukb press and to all its renders j- diw tou me it lumwuto l an warden mcintvrbs banquet dltmbari of the cou council nd offiomlt and other quau en- joyad tho function tho nonl hchblon or llnlton count council for wis enmo to a close on friday and warden p mclntyro of jeorrtoj tendered a banquet to the council momdetv nt whloh tho of fla1s ot tho county and town worr olfrq nfuoatn tllo xirgo bnntuolroom ma tnnlo- uiix liberals of halton nelaon parliament m pf tho nnnuul mooting of tho halton liberal aaaclation wns hold in the town holl ivlllton on wednesday afternoon nnd coneldorinfi tho imd weather and the ntato of the roads tho attondancoiviiaioqa ndsonarllament delivered a rous- irik nddresa bn organization and geo wllklo k c of toronto grave nn in teresting outline of tho political ait- itation of the day comfraring tho records of the lylboral leaders with those of tho conservative iinrty tho mootlnir wus adjourned to tan unry 0 when tho olortlon of ofllocrs foi tho nsuinff year will take ivluce news of local import christmas greeting among oui assets wo hko to count tho only ono that money cannot buy youi good will and bo ut this holi day season wo extond to you not as a tender alono but us it friend tho llesl wishes for tho tumliift you the school closing on tuesday tho closing of tho hchooln on tuoi- day afternoon was chai ictoiixod by tho rcul christmas sjihlt thero wus a ohilstmas troo in neatly ovory room and tho pupils enjoyed tho fruit thoy boio veiy much imlood inuivinff tho scholars pleasure tho teachers them solves enjoyed tho experience quite fully no days of gnco allowed it is anndunccd that thero will bo no days of erraco allowed to auto own ers in tho matter of tho new ilconsoa for 1920 in other yeara it was custom ary to allow drivers till about the first of march to proem o tho mnxkors but there will bo no such provision this year tho now numtaors aro now on sale and can bo purchased any day a springlike sunday the mild woathor last sunday ap parently created a sprinffhko feeling in certain jrlrls and boya about town two erirjs were out walking on bower avenue sunday afternoon without hjatd and- two young fellows were noticed walking down otiurch street without overcoats tho only thing that was missine was the lobins the chickens wero there spending the holidays m england mr e solman went to keston eng land tho first of the month to visit his parents and other friends over the holidays ho writes that he had splendid passage ho arrived at his home on december lat having had ideal weather with only two days of rouffh weather ho says it is quite wintry in england and that skating is real good tho first time in six yearsv tor several days there wojs dense fog jiofoundthepeoplohttrte old home quifo well pedlars must have licumti a bronte man appealed before magistrate barr at burllnffton lost week for failing to tako out a podlorfs license upon agreeing to take out the necessary license and pay tho costs of the court ho was allowed to go too many pedlars are allowed to prey on the public and it is hoped uio authori ties will contlnuo getting after theso gentlemen it js not fair to our lo cal business men who have to pay their regular taxes besides a business tar the day after to morrow after thomerry christmas bells that tinkled o or tho snow after tho glitter ing christmas tree with twinkling lights aglow after tho christmas tur- lceyplump with thlnga fltuflfe aftei tho spicy christmas cake with frosting capped and uffedjjfiecllic clulatmts mall that made tho post man worn and gray after the christ mas holly wr w scarlet rib bons bfayafterlho cfirlatmaa mistle toe with esculatory thrillb comes new years with its please remit and sheaf of christmas hills the long ago christmas do you remember tho chriatmas of your youth enemblo leatler the hanging up of your utoeklnfis on christmas ove tho scurry in tho jnorning-tosee- whatsanta hart left- the fun with the now toys tho din ner tho gamea afterwards- a happy joyous family group and you you thought tho happiest jf them all now in view of this happy paat ex perience do your very bent to morrow morning and all day to grive present- day kiddies juat as happy a- time as yon had 40 go or go years ago sunday dancing at georgetown somo citizens of georgetown ap pear to bo so enamored of dancing that thoy aio not satisfied with their weeknight revels but hold such gatherings on sunday iiast sunday a dance was hold in a placo north of tho canadian national railway bta tlon with boisterous music floor man ager calling off and much unseemly racket neighbors of tho placo were greatly annoyed the pollco have been appraised of tho affiir and will investigate as thoy aro determined that georgetown s good name shall not thus be besmirched with lmputgnlty repairing gordon home at a meeting last weok of the board of management of tho childrens shelter at milton which was recently seriously destroyed by fire a satisfac tory settlement wns made with the lnsui anco companies ananscmenti wore completed at onco for full res toration of those pars of tho ahelter destroyed by tho are tho eleven chil dren that aro at present inmates of tho sholter aro being made qulto com- for tab o in those parts of the shelter not injured by the fir peel wai rep resented by reove rldell and doputy- rcevo button and halton by wordon mclntyro and mr blaine oativille haa licanso fe of 1382 tho town of oakvlllcvis taking full advantngo f tho statutes which per mit fcoa to tio collected from various sources uho following wtro coilocted this yciu v tobacco and chrui ottos 280 00 j unit dealeis fjo 00 teams and tiuckrf 12100 auto uvory 100 00 pocltllcis 6200 dogs 47800 pool i oomh 9b0 20 theatres 60 00 rthtuuinnih s17c00 poll tax 410 00 total hcenhom collected 1 30j ag tho llconse foe charged thero foi the mile of tobacco and clgaottos is evidently much urkei than in acton while jht restaurant feci aro an income our civic authorities huvo not yot put into effect r get somittiinct for your mothft say yo unff man you got you mother aornothlng sho will hkol you got her bomothfng that youve thought of through your love for hor youre still hor little tike and all her heart and soul aro wrapped in you remem ber hor if all tho rest must go and watch her eyes how their glow vou sot your mother some thing she cm say my boy bought thlh for me on christmas day and oh tho music of her yolco when sho speaks of your gift around tho christ mas troo rem em ber her however far away and it will bo her goldenost ehristmns day you get your mother something even though it isnt much some simple modest thing yot in its unpretentlouancas tho glow of your love and ure remembering remem ber her or mid all change and strife you aro her hoy na long as sho has fo notice to creditors creditors of peter lome masales late of the village of acton retired farmer who died on tho 20th day of november a e 1925 aro required on or beforo trho 11th day of january 1926 to send to tho undersigned solicitor for the executors of the last will and testanent of tho saiov de ceased- their cjiristian and surnames addresses and descriptions and the full particulars of their claims t after tnauodllthdayjof fanuiry- i92t tfie said lcecutors will proceed to distribute tfco assets of tho said estate among tfae parties lawfully en titled thereto and they will not be responsible xor any claims of which they shall not then havo received no tice dated this 10th day of december a d 1925 wdciuaji howard masaxes robert james ramshaw executors by h nt farmer acton ontario their solicitor 243 village of acton notice op registration or bylaw noucojrxfireibyjfivjiiitliat a by jaw was passed by tho municipal council of the village of acton on tho eighth da o 1025 provide ing for tho issue of debentures to the amount of 240 00 for tho purpose of defraying tho cost of construction of- ccment sidewalk on the northeaster ly aide of wilbur street between the residence of 1 0 arnold and mill street and that such bylaw was reg istered in tho itefflstry ofllco in the county of halton dn tho 10th day of december 1925 any motion io quash or set aside the samo or any tart thefeof must bo made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot bo made thereafter da ted the 3t7tlx- aay of december 1925 2g3 it n parmer clerk feed tho winter birds now the value of bird sanctuaries and of feeding th birds during the winter which so grcat- increases the bird population is atronco apparent two birds can kill in a single day more insects than two- men with a com- pieatied air sprayer in an orchoud or a farmer with a twohorse duater in a fields bird refuges in such places afl pnrks town or county forests or on prlvrto property should bo encouraged by fa rmers moro than by any other class the more birds the fewei in secta if birds are fed when the snow covers tho ground thoy will be more numerous in tho summer time rumley tractor school start at tomato jan 12th 1926 one week of wonderful training in ono of tho jecit schools of the kind held in america irdce farmers mil- favvcd lr and thresher over 6000 attended these schoolu last year if you would like to come writo todiy or phone 1129 hanuabros rumlay distributor guelph start monday jan 4 at guelph business college stenographv and bookkeeping will capitalize your brain and yoqi ability moko them nay you dividends a l bouck prlncipal oud proprietor qu imprtlaivi services an absurd question fully decorated for tho occasion whloh wn attended by ono hundred kuonts many pompumenury remarks vrmo r mww rbmin the oblltynnd court- you sign this deed of your own fr0 will do you madam inked tho lawyer what do you mean by tliat de- nranded the la lire flotlil faecal wo man looking threateningly upon tin toyyor t ntean there has been no ccimpul- filon on the part of your liuaband lias there chlm hhe ejaculated turning to look ut tho ittlo meek nmn sitting leblnd hor frederick id like to co- him compulse me mmch satisfaction wan ex- dm the itrit you we it asfotwo trsr l ta man who does not know how 0 learn from his mistakes turns the tet schoolmaster out of hin life usury ward beech er there w is a nne spirit of christ mn in tho church services last bun day the christmas hymns and an thorns the christmas sermons with tnelr tender messages of lovo nnd ntl oral fon of tho child jpiiis itnj ills influen c u tnen- tho lappy chi istmas greo tings as cjirislan peoplo met in followshlp and ffce bright chili ch decorations of christ inas colors in greens and redh a1i this brought very emphatically the spirit of christmas to the hearts and affections of woishippcis ftobbers at harry frankum drua storo while harry rrankum of hnrritfion wns propirlng to lock up hit drug sture last wednthduy nifht ho hoard an unuhual sound coming from tho roar of his storr and on investlrtatlnsr found someone at work attempting to foi cm tin witiance into the main store tho thief had been workhitf dlllrtritly with a large bar trylnir to pry the door off tle hinges in order to firnln admission mr trnnkum on soinjt into tho back storo created a noise which causeil tho wouldbo thief to discontinue his work and 1 uu awny quite lecontly tho collar of do mi ii wilkinson of tho township ncai hnr vision wns entered and a xomptte lennup made of ogetabies fruit etr loth of these ahoh have been ro ported tp the local provlnclutpolice whp are now jnyohthratina ouexph mercury t h w hinton jeweller watches clock8 christmas gifts sp bargains fancy goods toys sta tionery china wo have a nno aaaortmont of now ooods for chrlutmas pron jmtn mechanical toys 16o to 1b mh ma dolls 89e to 3 50 tea sots 20c to 25 doll purnhwo 25o lo 2s games ibe to fl25 doll cnirlngoa im ulklos wiwons homos bliipks chlldnnfl ilooh 10 lo new araroojlioo records spodtfcfi nnd wrlat watches m to 23 00 clocks 1ji0 ta15 0o silverware linivcm iorka jind bpoons wm kojjerh commun ity and tudor male pyrex ciumorolos plo plates tray9 utc china tea ci and saucers eso to 10 oako plates 50c to 200 bowls 50c to 1k tea sots dinner sots 17 50 to 376o r vases candlentlolis hook ends nto polycnromo and drnneo lamps and uulrfct seta acton and qeorqeitown a merry xhrlitmm nd pre- ptroua naw vr to all mclean co mill street acton 1 you will find the good listed here make suitable christmas gifts mens initialed handkerchiefs at 25e and 50c mens suspenders arm bands cuff links mens gloveswool knit0c 100 and 125 mens work mills at 50c 75c 100 and 125 mens tto at 50c 75c and 100 ladles silk hose ladies silk and woo hose ladies gloves chamote and wool gloves ladies broadcloth bloomers at 100 toques for boys and girls towels ah sizes and prices in stock today runners pillow covers etc a good useful present measure up the room where your wife wants tbe floor covered with linoleum and call and see the new patterns 4 yards wide make her a good useful christmas present this year we will cut the length you want and keep till christmas mclean co mill street acton ont store open all day wednesday reesor s dry goods novelty wish their customers and everyone iveixmerry christmas huififttmj f nit ufa trnh all a utrry jfferrg hlttbtmas miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods phone 109 watches for christmas gifts any person intending to give wrist watches gents pocket watch or a clockfor a christmas gift and want to feel that they are giving a reliable movement should call and see me there are at present just 2500 different kinds of wrist watches on the market many of which are of no value al though the cases look nice watch and clock repairing open nights james k gardiner acton onlt watchmaker hill block heres hoping you have a bird of a christmas wf invite you to see owl christmas bisjw op christmas heats cqi r gsl acton ont pmm rh

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