Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1925, p. 7

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births marriagee nh deaths are now cbarffed for at the following ratca birtha joe matrleies js deathi soc memorial cards joe loc per line extra tor poeraa born claridge iii trafalgai on sunday juno 14 1925 to mr and mrs c i claridgo adaughtor hahrop- in eocjuoalng on monday juno 8th 1025 to mr unit mrs ed hanoi a son david edwin married mlybrsyoungat schrolbor out on thursday juno 18 1025 by rev william held j wjyrtlo tha oldost daughtor of mr and mro d h young acton ontario to henry e moyora b a of mondota hi the youngest hon of mr and mrs john moyera clifford ontario died cottreiil at tho homo of his onl dauehtei in nelson township on monday juno 82 1025 qeorgo cot- trel in his 82nd year clarke at ho jiomo coouovlllo on wednesday juno 17 1026 adah alicia strutton delovod wlfo of john clarke in her 60th year mason at general hospital quolph on trldny juno 10 1035 ellon borth- wldf bolovod wllo of john mason of nnssagawoyo agod go years gh artnnste b thursday june 25 192b s brief local items alain streot la toeing improved with a coating of gravel these are tho busy examination days for tho school pupils rsummora here now tho almanac says it commenced on sunday tho winter wheat la well headed in many flolds now hereabouts this week summer cornea and the juno sunshine give the roses birth the publjo and hgh schools cloeo this week for the long summer vaca tion tho window boxes at tho tbwn hall put up last week are quite at tractive the innumerable flower beds in tho towjrt ore beginning to bloom pro fusely ribvjr next meeting of esquesinff town ship council will be held on monday july 20 at 1 30 p this 1b lh month of marriages our maidens choose their bridal days in junos warm sunshine homo grown strawberries of ex cellent quality sold in acton on satur day at 2 boxes for 25 cents inspector levan was in fdrffus last week looking bver available sites for a now high school nowsrecord 7thojmaaon knitting co employees and their friends picnicked at river side fork guelph last saturday after noon the salvation army band fiom quolph gave a very enjoyable openair concert on jtfihstrcemast3vednoblny ovonlmr- tho garden pea crop has been un usually good but tho blackbirds are getting more peas than tho household era family o wind thou has thy kingdom in iho trees and all thy royalties swoop through tho land today olt is juno sweet june the eastern division of the bap tist young peoples union will hold a rally in tho acton baptist church noxt monday evening ju no 20 tho members of acton i- o i jviu parade to the bapjtjst hurch on sunday evening- rev atrjboyd will preach tho annual sormon tho current weeks issue of the f1w33 pmcss completed a round fifty years of publication wjth never an issue missed in the half century tho will of the late john shaw nf molhae hi has been probated th thoughtful captain remember the old home church at acton with a bequost of 50 00 which has been payed to the treasurer mr a h blstop gardener brought ttfia editor u fine spunplo of rlpo toma toes grown in the open air on tuoadaj this la surely tho record for early tomatoofl juno 23rlnlhis latitude rov father mcreavyhas had a fine tennis court constructed on ihe north lawn at st josephs recory tho young people of tho church are enjoy ing the privileges afforded very much on tho eve of his departure from hornby where he had been pastor of tho presbyterian church for five years rev m malcolm woa the recipient of a purse of gold from tho unionists of that church a good many hundreds of fnos press subscriptions expire the present we ok kindly examine date of your label and renew so as to havo no in terruption in tho welcome weekly vlalt of the home paper mr a montgomerlo has kindly sent the f5re fjuebs a copy of the splendid memorial number of tha auckland ii iustrated weekly news giving detail ed information respecting the late prime minister mousey the government building is qutio gay with its floral boxerthe flowers and plants were supplied by the acton horticultural society and janitor anderson placed tho boxes in their at tractively arranged position the flrs homegrown strawberries marketed hero were brought in by mr o h switser on friday the first picking from ms farm garden yielded x h fr re loll p a v neighborhood news town and country churchill mr d h elliot of toronto spont tho wookend at tho homo of mr t graff itov and mrs ijuchcr pnrkhouso and children visited at mr john graftfl on monday mlsa blva grnff ofballlnafad was homo fpr the week end mr and mia o overland of krln spent sunduy with mr and mrs john graff scotch block on thursday evening of last week tho girls auxiliary womens insti tute friends and neighbors gathered at tho home of mr and mrs thomas michlo to hondr in a small way tholr eldest daughter mrs w l mcdon aid nee miss ellon michio for the faithful way sho did her duty in tho community prior to her recent mar riage about 8 30 m 13 turner called tha meeting to oidor and made a very ap propriate speech ho aetod aa choir- man for tho remainder of the pro gramme which consisted of solos duets and violin selections at tho close of tho programme mr and mrs mcdonald wero usherod into tho parlor and were comfortably seat ed hi two arm chairs whero a number of baskets wero filled with parcels waiting to bo opened by the bride tha parcels numbered about sevenfyflve and comprised prcsonts beautiful val uable and useful which went to show the popularity of the young couple as soon no tho bride finished her task of acceptance mr mcdonald re sponded in a moat fitting manner jxho girls had not forgotten to bring their baskots filled with their boat cooking and soon all present wero fully enjoying themselves tho community along with the different organizations wish mr and mrs mcdonald a long and happy life rockwood tho ball game saturday between hlllaburg and rockwood on the home team0 dlanjandrosulted in a scoro for the visitors of 4 to 3 almost a tie leslie swanston of toronto was- home for tho weekend missl beatrice foaron vfho hatf been attending hamilton normal school during the past year has returnod homo for the holidays wo are pleased to seo johp ritz- slmmona back at his post at the can adian national railway after his re cent operation his place was flllo3 by clinton wieford of stratford miss jean torrance la among the first to have sweet peas in bloom and the plants are not yet very high miss torrance is congratulated on her ef forts for such early blooms of this pop ular flower anyone else got flowers of other varieties in bloom yet the last mile or so of tho highway between rockwood and guelph that was finished before winter set in is bein d uvtuv a a few places which required some coarso road material to help tho surface which was impaired earlier in t spring by thotraflia tho roadway in front of the ontario reformatory property 1ms been greatly improvedin appearance a distinguished visitor to acton hev p d thompson d d o kelvinside church glasgow visits relatives here ballinafad is cento quite a contrast to the 40 cents of a week before quite a number of acton people at tended tho farewell and consummation services in the ballinafdd methodist and presbyterian churohee last sun day tho presbyterian church there is now tho united church of canada tho last services in tho methodist church were held on sunday after noon the attendance was very largo and included numbers of fprmer mem bers who have removed from the old homo surroundings the congregation was especially favored with speakers rev mr evans and rev mr waddcl the local ministers were pros oil t rev dr dickie of georgetown was tho preacher of tho afternoon and rev dr prlngle ex- mod era tor of tho gen eral assembly of sid hoy n b who had been attending the united church council at toronto accompanied him rev dr dickie preached a very able and interesting discourse dr pringe then gave an address which all en joyed he related how ho had boon sent to ballinafad as a missionary 47 years ago he remembered the old people of that day and recalled num erous interesting incidenea ho was called from ballinafad to the presby terian church georgetown and dur ing the gold rush to the yukon went to dawson asa missionary rev dr pringloe address was greatly appre ciated in the evening exmayor hlltz of toronto one of our boys preached to a largo congregation in the preabj terlan church his discourse was very practical and timely the two congregations have united andwiu hereafter worship together in the presbyterian church mr james young while shovelling gravel in the pit on the sixth line lost week happened with a painful acci dent when the bank caved in and hit him an the ankle the two public schools of this dis trict and the sunday school scholars of the united church will hold a pic nic on the farm of mr prod hugglns iot 81 esauesing on the ninth line on saturday jurie 27 mr selwood of detroit spont a f ow days last week with mr and mm frank bjnnlo before returning to his home acton was honored this week by t visit from rov p d thompson d 1 mln inter of kjelvinsldo unltod rrt church glasgow scotland ono f tho fratornui dolegatcj to tho lant session of tho general assembly of tho presbyterian chinch and to the general council f tho now united church ofcanttda dr thompson has a numbor of ioia lives hero with whom ho was maklns a brief visit mr david williamson of brock avenue and miss joaslo cntoi tallied him in acton ho also visited at tho homes of peloi mcitmaci esa and a t mann esq who aro related mr aloxundor macdoniud church st is also a rolatlvo dr thompson gave a fine fratcrml message from tho united iyeo church of scotland at the genoiul assembly of which tho following is an epitome moderator rathers and broti ron i do not know whether the welcome which wo delegates havo jccelvod is a typically canadian welcomo but it is certainly the warmest which i at leabt have oyer received in tho course of my lifo- it haa toeen warm in tho at mospheric sense but it has been no leas warm in tho personal senso in tho old country we are accustomed to speak of a scottish welcomo or a high land welcome as something outstund- ingly hospitable and graclpus but ovn that falfs short of the extraordinary wealth and warmth of kindness which haa been extended to us since wo sot foot on canadian soil and which wo have mot on every hand prof macgrogbr and i appear before you as t representatives of tho unite free church of scotland our com mission is to this undivided genorul asaombly and to the united church of canada wo ixayty come charged with instructions to convoy to tho now ujaited church of canada tho kindly greetings ahd cordial good wishes if the united freeze hurch- of scotland this does not mean that our church does nbt cherish feelings of the most kindly and brotherly intrest toward those who havo not seen their way to enter into this union this is far from being the case they too are port of tho presbyterian family many of them how many i do no t know but certainly many of thejpmlnlflterbjot- flcebearera and mombers alikotmuat have been originally or by descent tho children omljo united free church and as such they cannot but have their own placo of offectionato roraembranco and regard in the chnroh of their birth and baptism nor if wo havo beon formally commissioned only to this undivided assembly and to tho unltod church of canada it isbocause in tho view of ojir church this union has been car ried through in a strictly constitution al way by duo pxeabyterlal procedure and on terms which this church haa found to bo consistent with presby terian faith and practice it would be strange indeed if tho churehrwhicn we havethe- h to- your pi ciiclit com no in tho piovidence of god and undei the leadership of ft buh chrlot tho loul and head of ih 6 church by tho presume of tho leliglous fjltmition nqd foi tho gieatoi clrlitlan good ofcanadrt it is bo cuuuc w o bollovt that that wo bom t you a mcaaagt of good will apd godspeed may i bo pcimitted a ncisonal n miniscliicg befoio i cloao duiing lnoo months of tho great wat i oc- upltil tho pot of presbyterian town uinplaln in boulogne whothot i was sent thoio foi my alnu i do not jknqw but i greatly wanted to go elsowhcro ono compensation 1 had howqvor which mado ul in laigo moosuro for my disappointments ono was a dis tinguished mlnlstei of tho church of scotland the second was mysolf and tho third was wftficd moulton now of didsbuiy college mancuoator and ono of tho most topioaontarlvo of unglish mothodlats in tho evenings when om days work was dono wc three jd long and intlmntor talks ro- gaiding our variouai chuiches their doctrines and policy fhd wo discover ed that in docti ino my chut ch of scotland and i were according to moulton iopd methodists while in hln conception of church government ho waa in our judgment aa ncarlj aa might bo a sound presbyterlun wj wero only a littlo community but what wo discovered for ourselves the churches will discover for themselves aa soon aa they como together and get to know each others real minds you in canada have discovered it already you have been tho fli st to discover it and god haa given you an honorablo and perilous taalc of leading tho evan gelical church of christendom into r woalthlor inheritance and into a wld ei service may he bless you ibun- dantly in youi act and adventure of faith and may ho graciously overrule oven the troubled and dlatressca of the present time foi his own greatei glory for tho spiritual welfare of this far- spreading dominion and for tho ex tension of his cause and kingdom in tho world dr thomson al addressed tho gon- eral council of the unltod church of canada in similarly fervent para graphs east sunday he preached in tho leading presbyterian church lni0n- don in tho morningandtn the plrst mothodlst chucohin the evening in thovnfternoon a mass meeting of 15 000 unionists was hold in victoria park nt which di thomson delivered an address this visit of this distinguished preacher to acton was much enjoyed bythoso who had opportunity of fel lowship with him t greatest show on here soon arth acton drops to third place r tej georgetown dafata thm in hlton wellington league qame on saturday acton bad a disastrous ball game with george town in tho park hero on saturday tho weather sua rather cool and a ntrong west wind wtu blow ing alt afternoon a ano crowd bt fane waa on hand to witness thl game the very drat innings spelled dis aster for acton it was a general mlx up of wild throwing and lots of hit ting howe evidently couldnt get nl curves working right result 6 runs for georgetown after that ilrst spasm the gamo settled down and went be- tor and each team only irianaged to 0- is was r3 the gamo was as usual in amatcb with georgetown marred by the chew ing fetrts that some of tho supporters of both teams seem to delight in and which most fans can barely tolernte georgetown is now leading the jeaguo and rookwood is on the bottom rung the league standing is now as fol low won just gdrgetown 1 slllsburg 3 2 actor 2 i hoekwood l 4 in tne other pamo in the xieajrue be tween rockwood ans hlllaburg play ed at rockwood the tollsburg nine were victorious by a score of 4tttoii played hlllaburg lost evening thillurg and floclrwood ploys 1ft georgetown on saturday rumor now confirmed biggest cir- cus rlngling bros and barnum 4 bailey headed this way bringing more than eight hundred of the worlds premier men and wo men stars three hundred and fifty per forming horses and many big now foreign features tho rlngling brothers and barnum and bailey circus is to give a performance at toronto on julj a hero is a partial list of its won ders ono hundred railroad cars flvo rings in place of the three heretofore used six arenle stages one hun dred and fifty trained horsespresented at one time in a magmwclent equine ballet highwire acts introducing no less than nine of the worlds most famous dancing somersaulting and jwundlngwiro artists in a slngla dis play five herds of trained elephants a troupe of twenty leaping and long distance jumping horses and many other imposing acts and features 1 aniong the host of noted perfcrmors nro toe australian collcano the spanish wizard mliaros maximo naldia mtllor and berta beeson who head the congress of highwire artists may wlrth this qoorge hannatord threeruns each the 1m ssajssss to and the relftenach slvters are amfing the seventy boreback riding champions lillian ltzel the ale- grinteilbonrj and the rooneya lead iho aerial displays xsntlre families of famous gymnasth are being prtntod these incliula the colfeano family of eleven remark able athletes the nelson family the worlds greatest acrobats and tumblerr the pice hia nis troupe who have como from itnly to astound with their gymnastic feats the medlnis who per form upon ladders a high as tho tent- top tho janetro troupe acrobats who wear tall stilts and ardst of others the addition of two more circus ring has been efectod- by setting circular curb on two of tho elevated stages this makes it possible for the rlngling brotbrsto present for the first time in history flv para to companion of porforming horses at pho time represent did not rga d with deep in tortat and sympathy the movement toward union in canada which hay been going forwantfor many years and which is about to be consummated at- last for one thing ours is a church which believes and believes profoundly in tho christum duty of tjnion its very name la a standing testimony to that conviction it is called the unltod tree church of scotland and at least four separate unions havo gone to make it what it is today a church with such a record of union and with such a tradi tion in favor of union and with jsuch h conviction or tho christian duty or union whenever it can be accomplish ed on torms consistent with its own constitution aa a presbyterian church cannot but have and does have the doepest sympathy with the prosbi terlan church in canada in the union which it has carried through on just such terms again wo represent a church whin has paid tho prico of union it must bo within the knowledge of most of you that after the union in 1900 the jtrce church side of our united fjco churci was stripped of its property by a legal judgment it was divested of evoiy atono nmr of every tennjr whlchit possessed it is truo that vory sooi a large portion of its property was restored to it by thp imperial parlia ment legislative enactment redressed and righted tho judicial wrong but this is my point that even if that had not been dono oven if tho judgment had stood the united free church would not have counted that too great a price to pay for tho assertion of its full christian liberty ujl in particular of its christian right to unltb with any other church with which it found itself to be in true spiritual faith nnd fellow ship but tho price which it has paid for union was more andgrcaterthan of a material kind it consisted ujio of the pain of separation from honored brethren with whom it- has boon asso ciated in close christian fellowship and service that was and remains a costly sacrifice you also and on both aides havo boon called upon to pay that price hardly it would seem in the providence of god is any great achievement possible without sacri fice and your union is a great achieve ment our comfort is and your con solation on both sides must be that no sacrlnce which is made at tho ca 1 of conscience is ever made in vain like the corn of wheat which fall 3 into the groun and d itjwllt yj brlngtorth an abundant harvest it in from a churph then which itself has bean through the fires and whtrh has paid the price of union that we bear grehing and good wishes to you who have been called upon to make thq same costly sacrlfle finally wa represent a chujrah which is looking forward p a greater and more comprehensive union still for sixteen years our church has been u negotiation with the church of scot- 4antwlthv4ew to union the first task has been to remfive the obstacles in the way in tho judgment of both churches the main obstacles have now been removed by tho act of parlia ment of 1921 which recognized tho constitution of the church of scotland and in partloular its completo spiritual freedom and by the act of 1925 pass ed only a fortnight ago dealing with its nrpperty and endowments the way has been opened up for tho churches to come together to olear tho ground of any minor dlinouitu0 and to pre pare the way for forming j raslu of union j vfavr the motive behind thl tfreat movement for union in scotland and the motive on both sides has been not to create a larger oocoleslastlcal organisation ipid not oven to brinjj charles rowe painting paperhanging and decorating first class work by experi enced man work- promptly and satisfacrily executed orpeh lk i a 8p meat 8hop wanted 10 men lo qualify foi work paying 9100 to 200 monthly aa motor an 1 ignition oxpet ta chauffeurs weld ers battery and tiro work a brlekluying baibcilng and me chanical dentistry wo pay money part tlnu whllo learning those tiades call oi write for in form a tlon hemphills ltd 1g3 king 8 w toronto great rally baptist young peoples unions rrom fiturroundlnsr towns in acton baptist church monday june 29 at r p m tdjvm dont fall to hear the spocltl speaker rev andrew imrtb of kitchonei ho la a man with a gripping messaijo for thoyoune poople of ourjlay j special music by visiting union hear tho acton baptist church malo quartette everybody welcome ukum h dominion day sports iuerin horse race and field sports at stanley park erin on wednesday july 1st baseball match terra cotta vs rockslde ladies softball tour nament v j between lrin georgetown 6rnngevllle and elora reams jance a danco will be held in tho pavilion in the evening i irat- dloflfl orchestra gentlemon 05c tax gfc yes george im atarting a course of train ing at tho guelph business college on july 6 mary allco and william hae just finished their courso and located 4n good positions tom and andy have arranged to start on september 1st but by starting now i shall bo ahle to tako a position ahead of them you get individual instruction at the guelph business college ai l bouck 1 principal end- proprietor sosaion the entire year removal notice k w hlnton jeweller watch and clocltmaker etc is remov ing h8 business noxt to tom mortons barber shop on mill street on t june 1 1925 j a whre ho will continue fo do all ropaira and retail tho same linos as cheaply aa possible thanking his numerous pat rons and btfllcitingr their further patronage ho hasaiflo takenarerxacl rioyda jewellery store in georgetown wievo ho will also elvo of his heat to old and new patrons h w hinton jowollir watch and clookmoker acton ind georgetown mclean co mill street acton the store with the stock ladies white silk hoseszes 6 4a qc u 9y and io special at ouc and dc 1 125 175 t 60c 100 125 holeproof silk hose in all the new shades per pair mens silk anlwool socks per pair mens muslin combinations mens combinations short sleeves knee length fa nyhite extra good value at mdv mens work shirts in khaki black blues etc special at 1 125 175 mens plain blue overalls our regular i aa 2 25 ine special this week plifv watch for our green tag sale july 2 3 and 4 mclean co mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 130 dance gossins orchestra will supply the music forihe dance at stanley park erin friday evening- june 26 j a smith insurance and heal estate agent for confederation tlfa as sociation london lancashire jtlrp insurance iondoiva laneaahite- guaranteo and accident ponilnlon of canada guarantee and accident insurance company tarm and town property for balo prompt careful and courteous at tention given v your business solicited residence mill and wallace telephone 105 r 2 sts inly and beyopd all khnnenge a na tional church hut to meet rn9t ade quately the spiritual needs of tho titepi- hih people with our present division of foreee these needs aro not beim met both churches aro agreed they woraaerood at mi hbennnlnr and the lapse of time has mly cpnflrmod the conviction that under existing con ditions tbey never can bo met istdth- ln abort of an incorporating unlpn of these two scottish church con cope with the spiritual need of scotland that haa been the motivo the driving forco behind the present movement for union and because that is tho mo tive a motive pf tho purest and loft iest kind nothing can fltay t until it reaches its end now it la beoauae rlshily or ytrrong- ly we believe yan to have beon con- b train of 1 by precisely the same ffreat motive to have boon impelled upon mr north iapouthey y welt hv pi p on 3 summer rfay the ciindy wfbh a trip to this candy tou and a vlftlt at our fountain la like a trip towards uio pole youll feel refreshed by our cieum and sodas dif candles will udd a note of bwmty t9 yf aummet tlpij j our ondy ml feed be ckuio it mud good saturday treat maple peanut 29e ib bmooth rich maple fond ant chuck full of pennuttt hog 40c lb 8aturdsy treat 29c tb weekend chocolates 32c ib just a real good fissort jnpnt rog 60c und 60c t 8aturjsy peclal 32c tb milk chocolate rqdb 39c ib equal in quality to any 60c budfl speoial for saturday 30c tb jtt cream oet- you kot the beat lco cream in bulk and bricks in nnaorted flavors drop into our par- opa and enjoy a fresh fiult ttundtte er 4n ice cold soda clearing sale of hats all hats reduceo to wlsinand tip jvdssjgalbraith millinery and fancy goods 8tors pliont 109 aoton ob ii n ma iiiiii iif ii ii ii in climax bug killer a boon to potato growers am market gardeners it destroys potato liugb without injuring tho plant as in tho case of paris green it saves its cost in lahoi of applying it stimulates tho growth and increases the yield it adheres to the leaf nnd does its work after conslilcrolblo rain it ib ft perfect treament for currant gooseberry and cabbage woxma cucumter or rose bugs or any insect that foeds upon tho leaf come in and ask about climax bug killer and get our prices wdtalbot phone 76 sole agent in acton main street acton for 14 days only june 231bjuiy 8 all 10in doublesided 75c his masters voice victorrecords reduced to c all other his masters voicesvictor records with the excep tion of red seal records 20c off list price this offer includes all the popular f hits all the latest releases a t brown mill street actqn ontario h g meir barrister wishes to annqunce that his acton w office will be open for the afternoons only during the summer months and on friday evenings until 9 p m m gandte aquatic sports at huttonville park wednesday july 1st c41rls swimming race itoyn swimming race olrln fancy diving boyfi taney diving walking srensy polo tub rare toap race over and under is years over and under 15 yeals opol qpep bnys over and undep 15 years qppn qnon bathing beauty contest host appealing girl f a tuflilnfcr pul aoop prizes watch for poster sports start at w0 brass band in attendance free parking 8pacr admission 25c children 15c the people6opular playground be a scout and come to acton on wednesday july 1st acton citizens baflb afternoon and evening pnrag at 2 3q oljloijt ladies softball game rockwood vs acton water sports childrens races athletic sports of all kinds may pole drill evening programme opwntns selection vocal solo vocnl solo cornet sojo r malo quartette comic duett quintette number fenxaphcn duett j3ioht o clock sharp by tho lioncv- j mibh jonn konncdy mi tftyloi chmlio ianclsboroufch bflntl malo quartotto ray agnow and eulojh spoilvopel 1 v by tho mixed quartette mr amot maonn nnclr fueo mafion summer meats camp fire programme including numnors on tho banjo accordion mouth organ 1 tromborio and cornet iuetth excellent booths oaihe grond rey a c sjewart chairnjan mrs under th aueplcea of thladiee scouts auxiliary j bymon prealdcnf mr8 a mason sec treaa admission afternoon adults 15c chlluren under 11 free evening adults 25c children 5s if there 13 one particular tinie of year that meats require eytrs good aftentioti it 1 the summertime jve have the fapilitips iq our efiop for paring for jill meats properly jgnd every diepe of meat ye serve ypu is right our large refriger ator nt the abbatoir and our cxpellent cold storage riant p4 newly installed refrigerator show case at the shop are guar antee of wests served right all summer cold meats during the summer months many people do not want to cook meats and have hot dinners we always carry an excel lent stock of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham jellied meats bologna cold roast pork jellied tongue meat loaf sfratbberries the season for strawberries is now on in full swing and as usual you can secure the best berries at pattersons and at the best prices buy thein nop find come in and sev thew it pattfrsons jforc placipg your order for preserving w j patterson corner mill and main streets acfqfy qjjt a rmmzmi j- jc

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