Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1925, p. 6

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itf artott mvtt wfl thursday june 25 1020 youthful depravity mamma 1 flnlt i am not well sum hity llttlo mavcl tin bciiiih id given hor to atiou nfglt ctcjd on tho tablo 1 ii dimpled cheek aith roses vied her oyoh tho htars reacmltfcd the chubby fpim my faith dolled my dulling had dlhbombletl vm houylcnr l era vely cecauso youll mlnfi the puddlngn tho plnco for sick folks 1b in bed with not a tattto of food things sho thoughtfullrbmotrthen out her dieha this wicked little ulnner then im not sick junt now i dess ill wait till aftor dinner a woodpecker a woodpecker pocks out a great many apecki of aawdust when building i hut he workh like a nigger to moke the hole bigger hes floro if hla cutter wontcut ho doesnt bother with plana or with artisans but theres one thing j- can rightly ho said tho wholo excavation has thrta explanation he builds u by using hla tlead the sunday school lesson for sundry june 28 twenty years ago from tho issue of tho froo prfls of thursday juno 29 1905 mr r scotl referecd tho weston- georgetown lacrosse match in george town on saturday tho acton bowling club has receiv ed an invitation for a game from tho westmount club montroal who men tion aa ah additional inducement that of the novelty of playing on an electric lighted green construction has been commence on tho nw freight sheds at the g tv r station wuhdtunzcd faceitanatn conslder- ably hotter step than when they tramped away to niagara two weeka ugo tho boys of no fl company marched down mill street on saturday afternoon after the usrlval of tho 230 train another bouquet for actons flro system and for tho bxigada was corned on saturday afternoon at 510 an alarm was telephoned from tho station and tho town hall bell pealed out a hurry call the old station which has been an eyesore and disgrace for so long was on fire any other time tho news would havo been received joy fully but fears wero expressed for tho new station almost completed and only six feet west of tho old one- tho ex cellent water pressure even blew holes in the walls of the- old building died dmedonaud at tho home of her hus- band mill street acton on tues day june 27 1905 xaura mooro 5w golden text yo mhall be witnesses unto mo both iln jerusalem and in all jutteu and samaria and unto the uttermost port of tho oarth acta 1 h if we omit lesson v which of courso is rjiot in its proper chronological place tho lessons of this quarter exlcnd over a period of about fourteen years from may 28 a x 30to ad 41 the lessons with the exception of jesson v arc all concerned wjjh the things that tfeauh continued to do aftor his rcaurroctlonantl ascension thiough tho holy spirit through tho apostles a profltabio rovlow can bo conducted along the fine of tho power of tho risen and ascended christ- lesson f shows ua the risen anj ascended christ as the giver of tho holy spirit y lesson lish6wshim aa tho one who has power to make strong a man born lame lesson hi shows us him executing judgment in his church lesson iv shows us him as the sustoiner of his faithful servants and aa tho one who welcomes them aa they go to bo with him and albo shows us him in tho- glory at the right hand of god lesson v should bo omitted from the rovlew lesson vi shows us him winning a man of great authority to him self lesson vh shows ia him appear ing to and overwhelming with tho glory of his person his most bitter and dangerous enemy saul of tarsus lesson viit shows us him pro claimed as the son of god lesson ix shows us him healing tho sick and raising tho dead lesson x shows us him again as tho giver of tho holy spirit lesson xi- shows ua him working with power among gentiles as well as jews and saving them lesson xil shows us him sending his angel to deliver his faithful ser vant from prison ancient basra grows progressive cod liver oil in chick feed an experimentwas conducted 1 the central experimental- farm ottawa in 1924 to detormine tho effect of tho various vltamino rich feedotnthe feed- inffof chlcksrttoxirteon- pens of40 chicks ncli were used these chicks were hfruscd in a pipe brooder houso tm a cenfent floor with planer shavings for litter pen 1 was the controlpon and was fed a basal ration which con sisted of standard scratch and mash composed of shorts middlings corn- meal and outs both milk and water wero supplied the other 13 pens were all fed this same ration plus ono or more feella which are recogniied as being high in vltamlncs the additional feed used were wheat germ rlco polish iarro yeast a dead yeast prepared for feed ing purposes flelschmanns yeast a living yeast tomato pulp cod liver oil and raw liver at tho end of tho experiment which lasted three weeks pen 4 the lot on larro yeaat showed 3io deaths while tho ancient city of basra situated near tho head waters of the per- sin gulf- below tho junction of tho tigris and euphrates rivers and near tho sito of tho garden of eden is the great oil shipping port of meso potamia hero aro located the offices of the british oil companies during tho world war basra was used ns the base 1 of the british mesopotaminn ex peditionary force one of the resultsof the sojourn of the british army at basra was the decision to extend and improve the local telephone system climatic con ditions in mesopotamia are exception ally hard on telephone plant but these difficulties hove been met and today basra is enjoying at some of its exchanges that most modern improvement the automatic or ma chineswitching telephones who will say that distant mesopo- ufckcmv 9 persia syria mdornestv syrian dese rt tamia home of sinbad the sailpr irace is lagging behind in busin and the reputed cradle of the human acumen a bath in senegal ianifrviffivtmrcboimld7 insttfntttt tho lot on conltveroit aged twentysix years married thomasrussell at tho resid ence of the brides mother church- hill on juno 28 by jtev r j dryo- dale abram john thomas of acton to minnie daughter of mrs alex russell erin dunngibbons in sl josephs church acton on monday juno 2g by rov father feeney john dunn b acton to mary j daughter of peter gibbons of requeuing moorebrown at tho residence or tho brides parents gould street toronto on wednesday june 28 by rev w h sparling d d albert h moor son of john mooro acton to may brown daughter of a a brown the conquest of a stump tho founder of tho kings daught ers mrs margaret bottomo used often to relate an incident in her own ex perience from which she drew a valu able lesson r her family once moved to a new place where she was hoping for a beautiful garden the garden was there but her heart sank when sho looked at it in the very centre was an unsightly stump it was as im movable as it was ugly and it seemed to spoil every possibility of making the garden attractive but tho family canvassed tho possi bilities of thp situation and whon ovoryone had conceded that tho stump could neither bo concealed nor re moved they hit upon another plan they banked rich earth around it made a mound as high as they could and then planted thto mound wflth trailing vines and flowers the flowers grow and blossomed and the hideous stump became the beautiful centre of a iovejy garden there is scarcely a homo without its stump so mo burden qr hindrance that occupies a central position in the llfo of the housohold there aro sad incompatibilities incurablo afflictions mental and physical infirmities and painful memories in some homes tho stump is the causo of almost dally collisions it seems to be impossible to make the yard so wldo that there is room for the members of the family to avoid the stump but n and again thcjsa family tfiat has bahtced hfitfuraifwtlh love and covered it with flowers the sad and undeniable reality that cannot bo hidden has become beautiful in its overgrowth of love there aro churches in which tho same condition prevails in which the dead memories of past disagreements have left their alltooconuplclous vtumpa members approach one an other with restraint and there la a wldo untrodden spare of reaervo about topics tabijoed byrpanon of past dis sensions now and then in such a church there rises a man or woman of gracious tact and gentle spirit who hows how to plant the- flowers that can make even th memory of tho post dlsseaulon take on a certain beauty sometimes after a few years of cul tivation the roots of tho stump and the stump itself give way only the flowers remain a monument to somo ones tact and christian reasonable ness no receipt can be given for it each ffndenfmibt disclose its own method of hiding its stump but everyatump in some ones opportunity he could keep a secret pjotonld was not a bad horso to look at she had a whltenndbrown coat a bushytall and a gcntlo manner but she possessed says tho sheffield tele graph one incuiablo fault she could not nee her nc owner discovered her in firmity a day toolafo ho visited tlm horse dealer from whom he had bought the steed and demanded nn explana tion shes atono blind ho exclaimed t know she is replied the deal er but you never told mo anything nbout it spluttered the irate pur chaser twell see said the dealer u was rather a delicate mattor the man from whom i bought her didnt ell me anything about it so i natural ly thought he didnt want it known and larro yeast showed but ono each whereas some of the other pons show ed considerably more tho highest be ing in pen 14 on cod liver oil and rlco polish which showed 8 deaths an outstanding feature of tho experi ment was tho effect of tho cod liver oil on leg weakness in every ppn in which cod liver oil was used there was no sign of leg weakness whereas in every pen without exception whero cod liver oil was not used there were chicks either off their feet or showing preliminary signs of leg weakness further at tho end of tho experi ment 16 chicks which wero completely off their lags wcre selected from tho various lots put into a pon and fed a cod liver oil rafion one of these chicks was in such bad condition aa to be almost unable to move and had every appearance of being about to die in throe days most of the chicks showed marked signs of improvement by the fifth they all appeared much better except the one previously mentioned chick and by tho fourteenth day thislastrchickwasableto run around normally the birds wero then put on standard rations and kept under observation for three months during which time there was no recurrence t leg weakness and they developed quite normally as these results aro but confirmation of previous work at this farm the conclusion is that leg weakness may be prevented or cured in growing chicks by tho uso of cod liver oil- g robertson assistant dominion poultry husbandman senegal is a region where a good bath with reasonably modern acces sories la a luxury much to bo appre ciated and very rarely tobo obtained some years ago tho capital ct the colony a little town tho importance of which depended wholly upon its ofllclal character did not posses a bathing pool or bathhouse hut it did have a hospital a j traveller from paris with his friend learned that in tho hospital and there alone were proper bathing facilities to bo onjoyod and that although only residents and patients had a right to tho privilege free it- was procurable by outsiders for a price the two with the mos delightful anticipations proceeded to the hospital and stated their desire to the superintendent certainly saw the ofllclal take scuta if you please your names sui names and birthplaces but wo merely want a bath exactly what ih jour name tyhpt nnd w were y hprnajul jj a visit dorothy and may wero going to tako their first trip away from homo on a visit cant wo stay a- whotecniantlv pleaded dorothy as bho kissed mamma goodbyet the station f should like to stay a wholo big month sho urged eagerly s mamma smiled well see if you want to was all sno said as bho gave them each a kiss papa carried the big black bag with their clothoa packed snugly inside and the two llttlo girls held their very beat dolls rn their arms dorothy did so wish that thoy could have bad a trunk but then the people couldnt havo seen it becauso trunks are always put in a baggagecar it was nearly two oclock when they icached aunties house and dorothy felt tired and hot and a bit hungry i dont think i like travelling sho said as she sat down in the big rocker an i dont either said may less mommacornea with me ono of the commonest complaints of infants is worms and tho most ef fective application- for them lsmothor graves worm exterminator how did he know joe tho fat boy in the pickwick papers spent most of his time in deop slumber he was happier that way probably there are a good many people in tho world a good deal llko joe but most of them do not get the chance for sleep that he had this- scrap of conversation recently overheard sure ly would indicate that although this is a nervous age the desire for sleep is not wholly dead i i dont feel well remarked smith ns h took ofthiflqat in theafllcb preparatory to sitting down at his desk the trouble with mo is that i hrcvilopf ns i should i dont feel i unless ive slept thats tho same way with mo re marked his partner in fact i think i feel best of all when im sound asleep laugh this off the toastmaflter at a big dinner wnii eager to shneaa a brilliant wil this ambition led him to perpertrato several crudo not to say cruel jokes when ho came to introducing mr edward a fllene bostons merchant prince ho told the audience that mr fllene hnl attained wide fame as an afterdinner speaker in fact ho added all ono has to do is to drop a dinner in tho slot and up comes a speech from mr fllene ri when tho laughter subsided mr tmlene smilingly began theres ohu dlntcrenco between our witty toast- master and myself ho has t that all you hivve to do dinner inlhdstot anttui51 speech from mo all he has to js to drop a speech and up comes ones din ner has tu is to a up t jk the place for him two sweethearts from aberdeen wore rambling round when they came to a movie t the young thhh run his oyo over tho front of the building it rested oip a title in largo jotters the woman pays jean ho said i think well gang in here croydon advertiser for frost biua and chilblains chilblains come from undue exposure to hlunh and cold and frostbites and from the icy winds of winter in tho treatment of cither an excellent prep aration is dr thomas eclectrlc oh as it counteracts the inflammation and relieves the pain the action of tho oil is prompt and its application is extremely simple aro you government servants soldiers or officers no well tho rules do not provido for this just a moment i will read them again yea hero is your case you must first mako out on stamped paper an application to tho governor of tho colony after favorable notice from n tho governor you send another application to thochicf colo nial doctor who will send for you and examino you but wo are not 111 it is the rule having examined you tho doctor will give you two non commissioned ofllcers bath tickets to bo delivered to the assistant doctor why noncommissioned officers bath tickets for tho reason that in our accounts we recognize only two categories of persons ofllcers and civil servants th jtter taking rank with petty officers you aro not official at all if officers were to find you in their baths thoy would probably mako a row what period of time will all these formalities consume two or threedays provided your application is approved at tho govern ment house cornh aro caused by tho pressure of tight boots but no ono need bo troublod with them long when so slmplo a rem- ody as holloways corn remover is available hut after dinner thoy forgot all about their being tired as thoy hunted for eggs in tho old born and fed the pig- oons and rabbity i think well stay a wholo year in stead of a month dont you suggest ed dorothy yea wo will murmured may giv ing a t downy yellow chicken some dbugh from her plump llttlo hand when six oclock camo dorothy and may sat on the red settee holding a meeting im going home with papa said may over and over again an you promised to stay a whola year exclaimed dorothy reproach fully im going home with papa repeat ed may and hes going right now she declared aa papa came out on the fiont steps sho rushed across the lawn as fast as she could go and dorothy follow ed behind wovo decided to go homo with you both children said breathlessly as thoy tookjiold of papas hands well welll exclaimed papa laugh ing this isnt a whole month dorothy is it it scorns most a year answered dorothy solemnly and were tired visltin and wo want to oeo i ammo and that night mamma tucked her two little girls up in their cribs just as if they had never been visiting at all margaret dane nogftants wanted how the japane8e work nearly every village in japan is tho seat of some special characteristic in dustry each carried on in an individ ual way by separate familiea in their simple and narrow homes and each family and each member working in some little touch of individuality a writer in tho craftsman gives a des cription of tho work in tho dally life of japan ita simplicity and beauty in ono village i saw an ordinary little boy sitting in a doorway not whittling a stick an ho might have boon doing with us but embroidering chrysanthemums on a gicat aquaro of satin true tho outlines wero stamped on the fabric stretched in its framo bv fore him but without supervision or model ho was filling them in accord ance to his own sweet will al in ex quisitely shaded golds and browns and trinkrf ah i stood and stared jio laughed at me ho looked perfectly happy i went awny thinking in a country of unheardof things where chlldron contentedly work at polishing lacquer whero little boys cair embroidery party frocka whero a workman gratuitously adds beautify ing to the task ho accomplishes la it not a mistake that instead of tryluft to catch tho spirit of such tollers ns these wo should dp much to spoil it left to themflelvestheae workers nr so patient thoy havo so much time i saw in a furniture factory near tho door a lad sitting with flno emery- cloth industriously smoothing the corner of a box or coffei duly stamp ed on tho back of his coat was tho sea horse which is the tradesymbol of workers in wood when i camo back that way half an hour later ho was still carefully at work on tho same corner of tho same coffer i did not wonder it was as near perfection as tm hand of man could mako it every town has its peculiar industry it mny be famous only for a upponnv coarse straw work for a particular sort of wood inlay for a queerlittle ornamental owl dangling from a stick and made of tho thistle that grow by the wayyido for a white enamel work done with powdered eggshells but whatever it is it aa welj done a rose perfume sparc tho child from suffering from wormh by using millers worm powders a most effective vermifuge with which to combat thesli insidious foes of tho young and helpless it is an excellent worm destroyer and when its qualities become known in a household no other will be used the medicino acts by itself requiring no purgative to assist it and so thorough ly that nothing mpro is desired a new method to those interested in tho training of tho memory by tho association of ideas tho following will appeal a y6ung lady of tho south was teaching tho alphabet to a little piccaninny who seomed unable to over rccognlxe the letter f ono morning howvraftcr having successfully named tho first ave letters he passed on to f which bo called out at once without the usual prelimin aries well done crosar said his teacher but how did you manage uf twos mammy misa ella caisar explained sho say th me sho say caesar ef you tries you kin remem ber a delightful perfume may bo made hi thin simple way place n few hand- fuls of petals in a glass or china jar then fill the jar a llttlo over half way with puro olive oil tie down and allow the jar to stand for four and twonts stiain the oil through a hair sieve or a piece of muslin and replace it in tho jar dis carding tho potato add fresh petals and repeat the process for flvoral days when tho oil will bo highly perfumed being oil ono must bo careful how it is used and to perfumo llnon or any other garmont n drop or two hluyuld bo placed on a pleco of cotton wool and not on the arlclos themselves fathers ethvmologv wlion you really do not know a thlmr it is the wisest and most honorable course to admit the fact but not eveiy ono has tho modesty to do so cspecially to ones offspring jn oils case lepoftcd by a writer in ideas tho fathei preferred to bluff it out tommy pa what is an equinox pa why cr it is ahem for goodness jke tommy dont you know anything about mythology at all an equinox was a fabled animal half- horse halfcow its name 1b derived fiom tho words equua and ox it does seem as if these public schools riontr tench childi on anything now- days wilsons fly i pads kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers and general stores among tho friends of thackeray tho english novelist was matthow james hjgfflnb w4ournalist whoso horn do guerre was jacob omnium he was a very tall man and in her reminiscences mrs b m ward- tho artist- tells an amusing story of tho two friends jacob omnium stood at- least six feet ave but he was too wellproportioned to look at all unsinly his head was modeled in exact accordance with his body nnd hla jnanus and feet perfect in shape and buio seemed only to adi finish to a jymunetrical and harmoni ous whole thaclceray who was also very tall says tho artist told me that once when jftcob omnium ond ho were tourinff in tho country together thoy arrived at a village booth and noticing an apemture high up in one of tho tents tw suddenly popped in their heads a woman was the only occupant and thinking to make merry at her expense thackeray shouted out inngru ffvolcoi a z hi misslh do you want any giants but the woman was equal to tho occasion with a mere shrug of hor fat shoulders and a contemptuous little glance at tho faces above hershc replied no wnd certainly not such ugly- looklnseggars aa you thackery thought it a capital joke and was aever tired of repeating tho incident to his friends notwithstanding the evident disapproval of his better- looking friend jacob omnium for burn and scalds dr thomas eclectrlc oil will take the flro out of a burn or scald it should be at hand in every kitchen so thnt it piay be available ut any time there is no preparation required just apply tho oil to the akin nnd the pain will abate and in a short tlmo cease altogether a protest aoainst profanity whether or not it is as some can did foreign critics assert a character istic falling of this century there can be no doubt that swearing la offensive ly common one cannot avoid listen ing to profanity on the streets and tho trains wherever men gather to gether even la the conversation of those who oughtto know better the fault is serious from at least two points or view it consists in taking in vain names which are sacred to every rightminded nerson if not to tho swearer himself and it is in unfailing sign of vulgarity of 111- breedtng of a want of reverence and a lack of consideration for the most deeply felt convictions of others fortunately every one ls not callous to tho gravity of the offense when thousands of men and boys all pledged to refrain from the use of profanity march through thv streets in public testimony as uioy did in pittsburg a short tlmo age there is ground for hopo that the situation is not beyond improvement tho holy nnnno socletips of the ro man catholic church aro most useful agencies in encouraging greater rever ence for the most sacred words in our common speech the protestant churches might well take pattern from them it la nqt to bo supposed that rn f ti names of god and christ is less among protestants but thoy still have something to learn in the direction of effectivo organization after all however tho home is the best placo to teach lessons of right conduct if parents were always caro- ful to teach reverence and good taste in speech both by precept and ex ample the evil of profanity would surely diminish after ten yeri of asthma dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy proved tho only relief for one grateful user and this is but ono caso among many little wonder thint it has now become tho one recognized remedy on thto mar ket it has earned its famo by its never falling effectiveness it is earn ing ft today as it has dono for years it is tho greatest asthma specific with in the reach of suffering humanity touqh on the dog as nn example of housohold economy in the present era of high prlcea the followingbit should serve as -u- model to all wlvss tondllnff to be extravagant provided tho family got enough to eat u each meal there should have been no complain from any one with the possible exception of the butcher and the dog say a writer in the herald mary maam what about that ham bone i brought homo the other day cant you cut a few ncrnps of meat from it for dinner thin evening i cut off all the meat i could last night for dinner- well then you might boil it thin evening well have soup xw- maunl and what do you want me to do with it then tomorrow morning you might ace if you cant get enough marrow out of it to greano tlao prlddle for the pan cakes yes maam i at6 mary after that you niny give it to the doar t always btiy ir railway time tables at acton green tea the little leaves and tips from nlglv mmnttiiiv tea gnrdens that axe used in salada are much finer in flavor than any gunpowder or japan try it wmll demonstrate crecutisepaivtor we will show you how it will save you money from the start why it skim cloaerwhy it lasts for twenty years and skims as clean then as the day you first used it it pays for itself you should have a melotte now may we demon strate ferguson bros phono qeorgotown 95 r 6 balu1nafad ontr anapian nationalrailways oolna wait no 20 800 aa no 31 1045 am no 33 i 220 pm no 35 500 pjn no 39 830 pm no 25 sunday 1011 am going east no 20 72lam- no 30 7n ilii7nm no 34 335 pm no 36 u 017pjn no 38 813 pan no 24 eunday 708 pan look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your colloctlon troubles qend us your hat wo will do tho rest no nbto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away we will tackle any honest dobt kelly aiken collectors ohangeviule owens0und j m abcen manoeor jos j kelly manaeor reference sterling bank of canada canadian national electric railways waatbound dally bxoopt sunday 743 am dally 043 ajn dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally 543 pjn dolly 743 pjn dally 043 pm dally 1232 am eaitbound dally 743 am dally except sunday 943 am dally 1148 turn dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally 543 pm pally 743 pm dally 048 pm dally u40 pm xvolsht dellvored by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto c 1 1 when customers go to the country many grocets and butchers continue to supply them by calling up outftown pros pects in a circle of 30 40 or 50 miles on an ap pointed day arid hour and gettingtheir orders grocers say thoy can well afford to do so on weekly orders deliveries are made m j cadesky of toronto eyesightpecialist will be at a t browns diiug store acton monday july 6 anyono eurforlnfir from eye strain defootlve vision or hoadactie should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown drubelst consultation free offlco hours 9 a m till 4 p m it often happens this time it was at a nice social function in town and mrs blanks cake was much in demand in fact it was so well liked that she was asked for the recipe for it and then she had to tell that she had been so busy she just went to fairbanks for it why fuss and fume over the baking when fairbanks can do it better fairbanks bread cakes and pastry better than homemade fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton castoria k mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all i ages of p constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of caj provtn dlrrctions on each package physicians everywhere recommend it by truck or express visitors renting cottages at nearby points readily re spond to offers to supply them and this is usually- profitable business we would be glad to help you work out a plan for reaching this trader t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to order8 left t e gibbons main street advertisers tho free pre8s is anxious to sorve you and serve you well wo can aivo your advertise ment batter attention and there fore make it more attractive if the copy is supplied to us on monday ortuosdsy if copy fails to roach us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up before the forms close and the result le likely to be less satisfactory send in your ad8 early does your watch keep time tryour repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario j u il w8ss5l97t fskflswsrjjhmimi taf56feitabtetabiyaip amnartymx ac-

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