i h rfcht3tel thursday june 257t92e think right think omlleo and bnilleq shall be think doubt nnd hoiio will ilee think lovo ami lovo will crow think lmto nnd hate youll know think bpod and good ul here think vlco ita jaws uppear think joy and joy nocr enda think gloom and duak descenda think faith nnd faiths ut hand think 111 it stalks tho land think peace aubllmo and aweot and you that peace will moet think fear with brooding mind and fallurea cloae behind think this im going to- win think not on what haa beon j r thlnh vlcfry think i can then yourea winning man davld jt bualh virginibus puerisque out ijiko erie i have been throu new8 prom overseas acton slincue town vittorlo port ddvci port rtyernonnd normandalo and hay j home for trie week similar in many nbhedonlon8uei through norwich delhi unrt ah far u tlllhonburg thero aro homo peculiar featurt toward tho south from sinicoe ill thi direction you go through tho aair plallih whero thoro aio huiulreda acres covered with drlftod for being drunk whilst in charge of child under heven ycuth of t ago it uxhridgoroad west ealing on satur day evening emily cox woatealliik bio viu fined cjl und ordered to pay lfljl uunda whlto us snow and imprcgnnt- doctors feo cd with iron oro ho much no thai mr frank hoblnuon htm of mr win by the unci of nn ordinary magnet yo itoblnson of 79 brnssionvcnuo can soon hi a soda fiftn i one tlmo it wos considered poa- rdblo to uso it commercially and u teqmpnny was formed to molt it but tlio returns wore not enough so the achemo failed and tho email tree pine red bale maples chestnuts are at j- that the soil supports ami when tho cntes in aoton acton is home on leave from h m fc scarab after two and a half yearn an the china station gratification was expressed in a tending article in- hist wcoks acton clazetto at tho responso to the off oft to popularize national saving certlfi- 5- if r whero 1b jack asked mr rogers as he came in at six oclock ho was lute for dinner last night and he coins to be late again tonight x saw hlnwlth that jones girl an swered hia daughter iorothy she ia a new girl in town very pretty but terribly bold im sure shes not nice i do wish jack wouldnt go out with her it took mrirogersa- longtime to get out of his overcoat and toko off his gloves generally he was full of boy uh spirits when he days work vpa lono now tie was very quiet and lie looked long and absently out of the window presently tho door opened and jack came in jack said his father i want to show you something relief and interest showed instantly in the boys face the dreaded que lion was not to- be asked after all mr- rogers led the way to his work room in tho attic there i were his carpenter- bench and bla tool and bis lathe and in the corner was the little dynamo that worked it jack had seen them all many times what is it fathert ho asked mr rogers laid his hand upon the dynamo- jack by means of thin a mysterious power becomes mine w6 cau it electricity but no one knows what it in we only know that if we treat it the right way it will enablo us to dojffwonderful things it will ffiqrkourmlltollhtuxjuomesani our streets and run our cars itwlll enable man to do more than any other power that has been discovered but at the same time if you treat it in the wrong way it will strike yon dead yes father i know that said the jpy his father turned toward nun with an earnestness that jack bad never be fore seen la his face there is on- other power very like that- in results there is the mysterious feeling that men have for women and women have for men treat that right and it will bless your life and ennoble it and it will make ten times yes a hundred times tho man you could ever be with out it nothing of earth will do o much for you if you treat it right but treat that feeling wrong and it will curse you 4uid blast your life and kill your immortal soul for j they loc each other oquarcln- tolpstberrthty- woht down stairs insolence in tho ball below jack ptrtthis hand on his fathers arm i know what you mean father and i know its true hejiiit whispered thjlrpdopllfe the xbhdreaeaied along luvo- xoth ing road kneodeep in mayborn flowrs and many or friend sbeltrlng around their timid footstep stood and hid tho end they paced a while along the dautlfng way andbome among their number fell and died those who remained pressed forwarj day by day the crowd grew wide youth came they did tho worlds best work and strove glad with tho joy of strength which warms like wino to ociie the hovering phantoms pleas ure lovo and fame divine i ovxe of them fell the dear task left undone and some strewed flowrs and cypress on the grave but soon forgot and wandered sadden ed on still strong and brave in 7tfffrdnranthoymoved to meet tho foe death waiting- whore tho earth and neaveturmeet then in their volnsthe blood ran thick and slow and hearts low beat those see tho end the dusky form of death ready to hush thorn into sleep at lost and stand aside and watch with fall ing breath n the world go past i age may hot stay soon silence comes and rest the tomb the child could seo not and the youth pecked not to flna tho refuge that is blest at last the truth jnda blow for a few dayh in one divfre tton the roots of the trees will bo from a foot to 18 inchehiibovojth- leveirtlfcn irin other dircotlon only a pnrfof the am all trees will be one of our boys in high position i can tell you i was glad to seo lr tyqgn- the- papers came out oh wed th boom was on v fjl a commerciat traveller who was o ing- through a certain auue t or tki hrst time kot off at iv waystatloa which waa najned for wpollttclanr5f iuiuoiuiliuuuwulle1oolcedabottt for tho town but thero were only a few forlorn houses then helooked about for th station there was only an old freightcar a small oldtylo cor of fortythousand iwunds capacity rij- feed up with stops leading to 1u wldo- open mlddo door- the traveller climbed tu and peered inside a pine table held o languidly ucklnc tele- graph instrument and in a far corner tho stationmaster leaned back in oil choir tlrtod against one side of tht car his feet on the telegrflphtablej there was no tone otoe jn sight f hey i tho traveller called out wheres your town f the stationmaster pointed wltli his thumb toward the few houses outside what tho traveller exclaimed ia that althe town youve got and nam ed after sondsotoo well whero is the station tho stationmaster waved his hajiil toward the interior ot the car wliat the x traveller exclaimed again is this all the station youve got at that tho stationmaster removtd his root from tho telegraphtable drought the front legs of his chair down to the floor and eyed the strang er sternly no look here he said thats nil the town weve got and this here all the station weve got and wo arc nam after 8oandso but just yon bear this in mind stranger theres boom on in this town thats what the commercial travellers hope bognn to rise oh is that so he asked yes thats so the other replied why even the railroahs on to 111 theyre going to give us a now-uta- tlon the travellers interest increasod you donl say he said thafr what they are the a nesday morning of last week giving the report of tho doings at the council- of tho united church of canada that hlfffa honors had cozno to one of our own acton boys 1 had been following the reports very closely each day from the tlmo of that wednesday before wltli the great settlement and com munion services i had been following tiny stories told in the newspapers be cause x havo always been intorestod anthsonlonquestlon and b it and be i was anx to see master- proudly declared theyre itblng to glvo us a new freightcar f sixty thousand pounds capacity 8ave the birds r incredible as it may seem some o- callod- sportsmen who are otherwise decent clttzeiis and men of ordinary respectability are eh oo ting song birds of cqurao suoh infamy is coniriiry to the laws of canada and there is a stiff nno of ten dollars a bird for tbqee who are caught at this contemptible worfcv v it js said oia famous roman gour mand that ho caused a sensation in his dfrcadent world by serving aj dish tjjtnlghtrngftiibs tongues to hhj cronien as he did eventually of overatuffing his name is held- up to the younger generation as the embodiment of glut jonyand of greed l yet today ther are men in the country who como home in triumph after a days sport with a long string yf so birds spirted on the polo that jrangkfram tiieirwhouldflrar t oh bravo man the little birds aw too swutt and too sharp for their clumsy wits unaided so these n men call to their assistance all the resourcea o fowlingpiece and gunpowder to wage their war tttey boast their robin fts and their oriole stew whenever the lnpector are not around any man who would kill a score of lgblna and rob the world of then- joy songs to provide himself with a meal so thauhicujd brttjr aboutit-ttfter- wards should hot be let off with a juie y- v a torm in jail might bring hon5e to him the heinouenesfl of his offence then again ther ore reprobates snare song birds and makfi mon out of their illicit trafoc they too should bf made to serve n jail sentence for this way they could appreciate what freedom means to ihe how the thing worked when tho people of the three churches got together well after i learned about that great arena meeting with tho very impres- mwo proceedings and the reverence wlttk which the sacrament of tho lords isupper wasadmlnibtcredto tho 8000 communicants i felt sure everything woaldgo all right and i think they tive the reports showed good feel- ing a give and take spirit real broth- ety folldwshlp and a church organiza tion which i thlnk any christian man or woman can subscribe to and feel at homelnr l- i to me it was fine to learn that dr cjiown who represented a consider- obly larger number of chyrch members than my own church took into the union was- willing to forego tho great honor and opportunity of being the first mod crater of tho great new united church of canada and to ask that a ballot too cast for dr pidgconi of course xra glad that tbe honor fell upon our eflteemed and worthy reprcsontative jdr pldgeon ad the office exceptionally well and preserve the dignity of the high position which we all honor but i feel as if much sloryand pralso are due to dr chown now i didnt intend to bay all this tout as usual my thoughts got wandor- iiif and ran off further than i in tended to go what i did intend to sar though la that x consider it a areat honor to acton that one of ther bona was also elected without a con test for tho second highest position 1ti the new church when xlbert moore was made tho general secretary of the united church of canada yes i call toriia albert for hes always been al bert to me and always will be many say i should give htm his propertltlo well here it is rev t albert mbore 3di but as ive known hfm ever since bio was kneehigh to a grasshopper i teflowhim sullbest asalbcrt moore beon to out the trees that shelter the farms means ruin as tho annd norm destroytf tho fertile parts now it was too obviously audi a condition thai my friend was almost forced to plant his pines i vlslfed this farm nearly thirty years ago and had aomo flno gartuw among tho walnuts beeches hlckorys chestnuts butternuts etc in fact a paradise for squirrel black gray red with pheneanui thrown lri to make ful measuro in this tract there was over twontyflve acres of timber which woh cut down cfnfl found a good price bui after it is was cut down there was nothing to prevent tho sand from blowing ovor the fertile ports for it watf just such l land as x have bemi describing and my friend waa faced with a condition not a theory he invited mo to go and seo his pinery what i saw was a tract of land bare of every track of former forest but looking you could see rows of trees pines planted in spaos of about 4 feet apart he made inquiry of the government and found that he could get shrubs of all kinds from their nurseries free ho choso pines as tho most hardy quick in growth there fore coming quicker into the market value- the method ho used under advice wa3to throw a- furrow one right one left which gave him a shal low trench two men could plant as quick as ho could open tho trenches thyused a tdol such aa gardeners used- to plffpt rnmwnrprtq dlbblo which tho plants were put and sent with a pushor tfio foot on heavier soil a method 4ipew4atdlffexcntjwiuid bo needed to know how rnpld the growth was tho plant was froth 6 to 8 inches highland after two years they were over thirty inches hic6 with very largfe branches i measured some roots on tho surface that wont down over efeet in length and around the tap root i counted sixteen roots radiating in overy direction ffom each root there are short rootlets that go out from 4 inches to 6 inches then strike dowji no doubt suckers to distribute the moisture s now the great surprise is that to look at that body of white sand one would think it foolishness to put any thing into such soil but if you dig down two or three inches it is almost wot and i am told that in tho night tho cold air draws tho moisture to tho surface keeping the soil in good grow- ilujf trim my friends has slrico i- waa with him planted 10 acres more of pines jn a held with somewhat firmer soil he is putting in a variety 6f trees thnt are adapted to- the soil and condition in dome paper i saw an artjelp on this subject and tho writer throw out the idea that it would be feasible method to have tho township councils bring the need for replenishing- our forests before the general public and give information as to the different ethoda ofpla kinets7oftreeg etc knovflng po much of the wealth of forest that this old county bad with in her bounds many years ago and the varieties that can bo grown and know ing- the desperate- need there is for something to supplythe need their own eclf-lnterost- should be enough to urge almost every holder of land to take steps to pet up some workable scheme of reforestation respectfully isiv nearly je 22 was obtained in acton by tho marigold day collections oij bo- half qfthcjtoyaljuobiauon inaid ct the deaf and dumb the kant acton musical and drniri- atlo is- ibeheves unlquo- amongst afirjaolatlon of amateurs in thlh netghborhood for the amount pf money it succeeds in raising for j hi charitable and other causes i following his usual bank holiday quo torn the rev w cottrcll vlcur of bt thomas acton took such of his congregation as foil disposed for u jaunt in the country on monday admitting that ho had boon drank but stating that ho had no recollection of his conversation john oconnel 25 a porter of seymourroad of acton green was fined 20a at acton police court on monday acton la represented in the african tour now being made by tho prince of wales inasmuch as one of the crow of h m s itopuloo ifl a son of mr james salter of peters fieldroad john kennedy a laborer of bor was fined 10s at acton police court on wednesday for being drunk and in capable in kingstreet acton summoned for threatening emily pearce a neighbor rose streamoa f holland- terrace acton was bound over a- acton police court on wednes day henry a olufle a mdtor mechanic of stirllrigroad acton was fined 20s at acton policecourt on tuesday fur being drunk and- disorderly at park- roadnorth aoton the fate of qunnersby park is now in tho hands of tho ministry of healthy baling and acton have agreed to share threefourths of the cost in propor tion to theh respective rateable values it la doubtful whether actonians in general appreciate- tho jfacttjiat they have in their own borough a delight ful and jos yet with abundant and luxuriant greensward and leafy lanes a pretty weeding took phvcb t st dunstans church iast acton bn sat urday when mr elrneat w a xlck- ton of east acton was moiried tp mlua ida s james- of tottenham a report with regard to tho ar rangements for tho proposed fete in aid- of the acton hospital to be hold in acton park on july 25 was pre sented to the aoton hospital commit tee at us meeting last- night- h stidwell of park-road- aoton was fined 5 for exceeding tho motor vehicle speed limit at acton police court on wednesday his licence which had been suspended in may in another court was suspended- for a further nine months arwomantoldtmratpn magistrate weekly fashion hint blondie ant brunette come to town has alk of elegance this model in rustcolor crfipc satin laan immistakablc air of elegance and chc it has a vshapcd neck softened with a jabot collar of selfcolor geor gette crepe edged wth lace buttons trim the lower front of the skirt which- is also widened with inset goejets and the long closefitting sleeves medium srae requires 4k yards 36ihch satin and yards frilling harmful superstitions a singing- teacher not long- ago dis covered that a young woman of slender resources who worked hard for hr living was possessed of a remark able voice a teacher did not ho had thought twlco in a lifetime get a chance to work on such a voice and he decided to give her lessons without charge n the- next difficulty was in finding time to practise as she was too tired to sing in the toveningnfter working ail day lib askod hertoractiso an hauctorsolnthemornlng before her breakfast voeks passed by and sho qamo to her lessons but her method re mnlned as- badaeeyeiv often thoy showed off insot u qlonjjia flnishina supper taking a swim in the icy cold water nohyy wmi to govern a nation wisely and justly which la pijly to say happily it fbr a spirit of the greatest and dlvlnest mettle i knew him when ho was the first apprentice to tiieu acton kosb press iflfty years ago i know him whon ho and tods brother h p moore dissolved part- neahip and thbri went into the minis try- i was glad to see the announce meat in the papor last week that he would preach his first sermons after tlio formation of jhe union church in bis home town and irt his homo church irsetmed the right thlnff to do and quito timely too for another reason- boauae the fax pnsss complotes its flnt flrty years this woek 1 know hes always had a keen inybst in tho pper in which he and hllrothof hj p mcobre have been connected for the whol half century 1 albert moore hashad a fl no career oji4 made himself useful and sue- ceaiftil in the ministry and in the work of nocial and moral reform according to the papers i hes made n name for himself throughout canada were certajnly proud of him horo in the pld home mary ami i will both bo but to hear him prea next sunday lf can get fherk na quite sure albert moor will flu the duties of his new high office right up to the letter in the now church guelpits fine r c church to have towers work commenced on new towers 86 feet hloh the xhurch of our iady atguelph one of tho moat perfect specimens of gothic architecture oh the continent and known as the cologne of canada la to be further beautified two mas slve towers- which aro to bo located on the front corners of the buildings overlooking norfolk street aro undoir construction ever since this handsome roman catholic house of worship was comp leted back in 188g it has been tho in tention to finish off tho church with stpeples or towers in keeping with thg architecture p ho edlflco but no ac tive stops albpg tblg lino was taken until thp past year or so when the present pastor rey wafer doyle s j undertook to hnyo- the big con tract looked after preliminary arrnngempnts in con nection with the mammoth undir-tnk- iihr were lnuncbdh29rtonsrbiff stono wero out and left to weather but jit was not until recent months that definite decision was made to proceed with the task and the final movo to- wnrdsgottlng the work under way was made during the latter part of may- since tho project was first announc ed several plans far the new lowers have been considered but the design accepted was that submitted by c h hopson eminent architect of atlanta go 0 on i tuesday that- while her husband was bound over to keep peace after ah assault l she had no complaint to make now that the tlmo hadexplred he was hitting her again two acton boys were summoned at acton police court on wednesday for riding cycles at parkroadnortli in acton to tho common danger and not giving audible andsufllclcnt warn- ing of their approach how a younff man lost his life thro ughji kindly effortto recover a- lost ball for a little boy on tuesday evening in last week was related to mr r kemp at an inquest concern ing the death of aaron henry pope dlsraellrodd north aoton baling acton and hanwell were well represented in tho dense crowds of people who wont out ih holiday mood on saturday- afternoon to seo thp king open tho now groat west road which runs from chlswick hjghcoadv just above kow bridge to stalnesroad hoar hedfont miss nellie stocker daughter of mr crstockor lloeiuibv-ghe-maohanicb- arms hotol churobfleldroad aoton met with a serious accident on sunday morning while travelling on tho pillion of a motortsyclo belonging to mr l pearson a friend of hers an jippllcant at acton police coupt on monday was informed that k a man called him a- thief or a rascal ih the street so that third persons could hear ho could complain to the magisr tratcs but if tho information were convfeyed to mm quietly it would bo a matter for the high court miss maud truss daughter of tho lato mr william truss and mrs truss goldsmithroad acton and mr ronald williams bon of the late mr john williams and mrs william urtldgo- rpad shepherds bush were marrlod at st marys church acton on whit monday while working at his employment at messrs augeners music printers at aoton lane on tuesday in last week harry keating of inkermanroad jh kentish town was seised with a para lytic stroke he was conveyed to tho acton hospital wherdhedied on fri day t at tho vcpt london police court on monday before ilr- marshall honry pain ton laborer antrobusroad acph pleaded guilty to a oharge of being asked ono day if she practised faithfully she confessed that she did not praotiso at all be cahs o it was bad luck breakfast the old saying sing before you eat cry boforp you sleep tho poor girl be lieved so implicitly that her musical education had to bo abandoned it is surprising how much wasted onorgy results from superstition oven in this age of tho world friday still suffers in- the minds of raany people about to tako along journoy to an ex tent which tho- transportation cdm- panics realize and yet it has beon proved to demonstration that friday ia hot unlucky in an essay written nearly two hun dred years ago addison relates some amusing- experiences in a visit which ho made to a s family he tells of tho geliulnfi melancholy ana sadness which resulted from the spill ing of salt and his misplacing of a knife and fork upon my return homo ho said i fell into a profound contemplation on the ovils that attend these superstitious follies of mankind how thoy subject us to imaginary afflfctldnb and ad ditional sorrows as if the natural olroum stances in tarmlsfortuheet calamities of life wcro not sufficient f it jwotarn the moa in one day in early summer a party of guides were camping near emerahr lake in tho canadianpacific rockies now it happened that tho campers had with them a very younc and very unwise dog who rashly got frisky with a lady black boar and chased her up one of the big jack- pines standing on the border of tho lovely lakd the only thine that saved tho young canine was tho fact that the lady was a block bear not a grizzly but when the bear stayed on horlofty perch the campera discovered that she had loft behlna youngfamhy cuddly littlo things not much largor than pup- plee and just- as playful tvrosst them took along leaving ona for the unnatural mother ono was a lightbrown flufty thing so her new friends christened her blondio tho other being of tho dark brown variety nnturally was called brunette they were about two months old when mary- graham bonner met them and so charmed was- she with the two baby cubs that she tella the story in- st nicholas magazine if you wont away and came back in a week youd hardly know them thoy grow so fast thcrefnover wero any brighter little bears no nor smartor ones thoy will kcon you entortalned always and it was all pretty true but- winter was coming on and ab they jtmd been brought up byhumann the guldca feared thatthoir natlyo in sihctw6uta hot assert itself and dc- cldedt bu ijda wintcrbodf orthem r but even though they had spent the summer with humaub they wero going to sleep through the winter in their own- lnlr nnd penates the guides don was not dark enough so the stupid humans learned that all the shades should have to be pulled down in the little house and all the curtains had been drawn nnd in crawled the two littlo bears and when only n day or two later when one of the guides went to look thoy still hail their brown eyes partly open but they were too sleepy to even be interested in their favorite meal of cakes and syrup and soon they were off to tho land of jstod to dream swcot dreams until snows grew soft and they could venture odt if the sun wero bright onoushto cast their shadow and when that time finally camevjho first words they heard were the old fa mil la r o n efl rownt rrt get acquainted with free press advertisers gems of thought somo men ore sov excessively acute at detecting lnperfectlons that they schrtfely notice excellences in look- ing at a peacockte train they would fix on every spot wmere the feathers wore worn or tho colore faded and seo nothing qlso archbishop whcatly ewpry day is a vessel into which a great dpal may bo poured if vo will actuajly rfiu itup- that is with the thoughts and feelings and thelp ex pressions in deeds as elevated and as amiable as wo can reach to gootho it is with nations tis with individuals those who know the least of others think tho highest of themselves for tho wholo family of pride and ignor ance are incestuous and mutually be get each other colton it is the continuity of lifo that tests the continuity of character tho same dull round- and common task each day renewed yearafter year each uh- romantlc as tho last john w chad- wlck deop is the sea and doep is hell butprldo mlneth deeper it lu colled as a poisonous worm about tho foun dations of the boui tupper real giory sprhrgs from tho silent conquest of oursolvcs and without that- the conquer is naught but tho first slave b thomson i buy your now you can buy partridge quality tires here in your own town cheaper than you can by mail you can examine them and make your selection right here in the store without uncertainly ari3 vexatjbus delays everyxhje of these tires bears the partridge guar antee they are touge durable and will give faithful service come in and see this wonderful value quatlty wrong feelings are infectious thoy polsqn tho atmosphere thus wo may hinder and harm others by our moods everybody 13 planning holi days british make foreign money tbd old man of the big clock tawtew rxijr erlend owing to pressure on my tlmet am forced to send this arhcloon re- foreatrdtian an x first wrote it and it js none too legible for which i an omrlf you wliih you can tiifr tt nn mf isla contribution i will try awdwrlte tip something for next wook woold a screed on present- cohd- tlodb n soclbty enpeclally amongst the rounger female bide do in any catai t will do my bout y rerorbstrxtlon tor aomo tlmo i have had a notion to vend to you some ldiaa i havo picked up in my tramps through the southern part of ohr province more specialty ih the county of norfolic as yu are awnro the greater part of that county is jiixt of j a former lako boitum a much larger one than ht pf the presr the goyerhmehtof lithuania jiag given the klngfh metal company of birmingham the oontraot f or provid ing 40000000 copper coins this com pany has htfd wide experience in coin minting when the british- mint has been hard pressed to fulfil big demands for copper coins tho birmingham firm has come to its asalbtance and the only differonco batwoen tho coins that are minted at towerhill and blrmlng hmjajtjmm the latter these can be recognized by twtprtters k n whjfih stand to tho left of the dateot- tho r0yrso stfig of tho coin- some coin havp ht in stead of kn which stundo for heaton and sons also of birmingham- a jolly game here isa very good gameto plity out of doors choose someone to play the jart of spot ho then takes up a position at a certain phico an4 thelbpckroadj aptpn other players slanot fn a row sontp yards distant spot turns tils back to the players nndai the wbrdapl all begin to creep forwarctt they must koepa fthftrp eye on fipotr for ho may turn round at any moment and if a player ih caught moving hhi namo is called out nnd ho has to retire frantthe game the win ner 1s the onewho enn got right up to spot and touch him without having been seen to move the gunto will ciubea great deal of fun jfor if spot takes caro to turn round very suddenly hels almostsuro to catch on j more of the- players bows drawn- at a vonture hit in way that astoninhes ourselves when god puts his own arrows on tho be4nn a bicyclp jo fhp common danger whmo panning tjirpugh highstreet acton in a tram pn hj way from uxbrldge iq shoperds bush on- sat urday mr james albert blbhop- of albanyroad cambirwell wps taken 111 tho motor ambulanpe was sent for andhe was convoyed to acton hospital but on arrival thoro ho was found dead acton does not appear to be directly represented in the j3irthday honors but among the new knight command ers of tho order of the british empire is mr frederick c parry cb whp is a son of the late rt hon ttov dr edward parry a former rector of aeton who afterwards- beanie binhop ot tovcr sir ifrederick parry asho now becomes is deputy chairman of the board of customs and exclae when henry butler a wlhdow- cleaner jor oloveilyvroad acton green and threeother lads were singing and shouting outside a house they ignored a request of tho householder that theylshoiud goaway unfortunately forthem the householder was a police oflloer and ho arrested butler who was fined 10s at acton police court on wpdnesday for insulting behaviour charles austin a costermonger of boeivopthroad sfqrth kensington who wjw ftrcoetodunjar irchmstnncesdea- or i tied fast wepk was charged on ro- mantl at aotpn police court an- wed nesday yst atoaun fl- ipwl spoakur and other artloles from ho y ed engineering cas promises in blpk- everyone is making plans to spend their vacation in ono of the many dif ferent holiday placos that aro scattered from coast to coast across canada the charming resorts on the sea coast of now- brunswick nova scotia and prince edward island are becom ing increasingly popular because of the wealth of scanlo loveliness and sea fishing while in muskoka lake of bays kawurtha lakes and georgian bay golf tennis bathing boating etc are added attractions for real nshln in ontarlqthe forest reserves of nlpl- gon quetlco timagaml and algonquin parkcannot be surpassed or take a trip- to tho canadian rockies tind thp pacific coast for which ow tourist fares aro beingvffered theieis i won derful mountain scenery rushing rtv ers glaciers indian villages and t magnificent d50 mile sail through tliu sheltored- sconlc v v tho paolflc coast then again there is tho world renowned alaska tour aslf any ngontof the canadian na tional railways for beautifully illus trated booklets of the different resort and full infqivmafjori regarding them quito tho most interesting things jn st maryh pfirinh magaaihovfor june is nri account of thochurehardena books of the money spent on boll- rlnglng at he church in the years 1688 and 1689 the people of acton were evidently umesenrcrs in those troublesome dnytf supporting juntos it whllo he waspn tho thitine biit salut ing willium of orange- very readily as smln as he was chtabllshnd ten hhllifngh were spept on tho ringers who colebrnted the birth of james ills non the old pretender m juno 1088 and six shillings on those whorann or thw kings birthday in the following october shoe palish mm if the business of any retailer in this com munity is to grow bigger in the years to come it win not be a matter of accident oindue te an increase ofpopulatioh only- it ivillbe the result of intelligence added to energy plus advertising wherever you find a big flourishing busi ness yquwlll find behind it a strong push ing man of indomitable spirit driven by the power of these 5 words i can and i wiu this man advertiseshe mtfst deliver his message to those with ears to hear multiplied customers and larger turnovers aire absolutely essential to his progress j a word to the public help on the business of those who show themselves eager lo hove your custom who invite and prize it enough to ask for it shop where you receive the hest service values and goods seward with your favor those who solicit your favor by tncs- snres addressed to you each week in our advertsing column re you are invited to shop i5iv b4 if j j m if3s