Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1925, p. 4

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47 the home or sty artmtsft ftes member canadian weekly newspaper association iicmbcr selected town weeklies o ontario the acton tree press is published eery thursday morning at the 1 ree press building mill street acton ontario tile subscription price is ioo per year in advance postage is chalfted additional to offices in the united states tile dato to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address labcl advertising rates transient advertise ments to cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line far each aubse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted nil forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business ofllce nw residence of president ill residence of manager 131 election act amendments voted down the house of commons in committee of the whole last week voted down a proposed addition to the do minion election act which would huye requircttnewi- papcrs to disclose who paid for good articles etc dealing with electioneering when a bill to amend the dominion elections act was being considered h a stewart conservative leeds moved that the clause which required newspapers to give information and also on demand to furnish and publish a list of their stockholders5nil executivestaff be struck out the amendment by mr stewart carried the senate reduces reinbursements to home bank depositors after drastic amendments and without a division the senate passed the bill to reimburse the home bank creditors to the extent of 35 per cent it now goes back to the house of commons where it is very doubtful if the- alterations made by the upper chamber will be accepted the total sum to be paid by the government will be 3000000 instead of 5- 450000 as provided in the original bill of the govern ment the whole principle of the bill is changed in that a new preamable has been put in denying any moral obligation on the part of the parliament and government of canada the reimbursejnent being made purely on grounds of pecuniary need only neighborhood news- town and country georgetown thursday morning june 25 1925 editorial the enactment of an eighthour day the enactment of an eighthour day law lies generally within the jurisdiction of the provincial legislatures but the authority vested in the legisla tures does not enable them to enact an eighthour day law in jeoioa to servants of- the dominion g or for parts of c not the boundaries of tthe province this in stibstanco is the finding of the supreme court of canada on whether the dominion parliament has jurisdiction to pass an eighthour day law another advancement in surgical efficacy the constant aini to affordprompt and effectual aid to the wounded and especially to men wounded in battle is accomplishing very desirable results more thaniio pervqent ot the severely wounded among the freivcfm morocco are being transported to the base hospital by aeroplane with most excellent lesults th french a has been able to transport the most severe cases to the base hos pital within two of three hours with the result that surgeons could treat wounds while fresh an impor tant matter in a hot climate t they make the town without any thought of sentiment or suggestion that we owe allegiance to anyone the cold hard truth is that the retail merchants of our home town are the best business friends we have the retail mer chant conducts a school of commerce for dur educa tion and the tuition is free he protects us against fraud or deceit he stands for the square deal he lives where he does business and his success depends on making a friertd of you and your neighbor like you he has to mate good the retail merchant is the one great factor in our commercial system and this is true solely because he renders us better ser vice than we can get elsewhere take him away and our home town is gone the retail merchant will continue to abide in our affections so long as we value- our homes bqteausethe average citizeiris proud of his town perth courier o mr and mru h p mckerrlhen of toronto were visitors in town last week alius lrfllian campbell of toronto jcnt tho weokend with mibh latin miliar mr j shnnkh of pettaplcce man visited uitquehlng friends during the week mr c a barclay of howard sask is vlnlttng his brother councillor w barclay mr wllllarn tout who had hie lee broken some weeka ago is home from tho hospital and able to be around on crutches mru angus duncan who recently underwent nn operation nt the guelpn general hospital is improving nlcoly mr john karater of rangoon india visited ha brother mr ben forater uhd other friends in town during the week r s i messrs jack barber and kin ay allen havo passed their second yer exams at toronto university mr george brown of norvul ib recovering from his recent severe 111 nes1 and is able to be out again miss ida caldwell b a is being congratulated on inning the goll aicjav- jn iior flnal yar at vlotoria university she has been appointed to tho position of research worker in the department of household science in the university of tor onto fgr tho year 192520 mr and mrs john erwln mr john kennedy sam la mr and mrs nelson moqre and mr and mrs c gamble acton mr and mrs lome erwin mr george burt of toronto were in town attending the funeral of the late mrs james kennedy lost weok herald milton thii wlo had tho job of cleaning up around the town hull propeity mudo a tood job ofit and thoplactr now presents a vory neat nnd tidy ap pearance to what ltscd to the band concort nouhon opened t victoria park last thursday night a large crowd wan present to enjoy the progratnrno which consisted of selec tions by tho hand played in their usu il splendid manner tho new goir course the land for which was acquired iait full wu of ficially opened last week in lovely jup weather in tho absence of the mayor who woh to ofllcuito ttio past presi dent mr mockrldge in a few very well chosen words declared the course wan open the brick dwelling at milton heights which was built when the original tor onto brick co began operations there thirty yea i a ago or more and was oc cupied by its manager mr charles minmy caught arc about 7 n m on tuesday and wub a total loss it was occupied by an italian it is said to have caught are from a c p it engine though it stood at about 100 yards in from the track raise your own field and vegetable seed burlington oakville to-x5p-or-not-to-tip- not worthy of acton it is anything but a pretentious introduction to vur busy town to s two signs with d infor- mation at the municipal limits one newlypainted erected by the highway authorities announcing a twentymile speed limit and the other rather ancient looking erected by the municipality announcing a fifteen mile rate one who tours by motor knows how he laughs at similar anomalies in other fowns and gains his impressions accordingly for instance up till a couple of years ago when repairs were made there was a large sign at the western municipal limit of j3rjmsbym the jtfiagaradistrietgrimsb wel comes you if the driver was not watchful at that particular point the welcome was likely to be a series ofsprmgbreakihg jolts for a vicious section of roadway was met one laughed but one remem bered and so it is in some respects in actons case lets have some real welcome signs of the new and attractive designs at actons borders and since the signs already erected by the provincial highway authorities announce the speed limit make it as so many american towns do kindly drive carefully courtesy pays in road signs as well as in human af fairs a leading editorial irit thisweevs tssue of the youths companion of boston discourses at length on the practice of tipping the companion says strange yet comforting news comes from new york the union of restaurant employees which calls itself the amalgamated food workers has declared thaf the tips must go and that if it doesnt go atjmce 1 5000 men will throw down their trays or their soup ladels or their rolling tpins or whatever it is they work food with and go oh strike that the practice is a kind of blackmail that it embarasses the diner and saps the selfrespect of the waiter who receives thc tip hottieen asserted anttp roved again and again in the public press here and there are a few restaurants who have put up no tipping signs and a certain portion have meant it and have paid their waiters enough to satisfy them but in most eating places the old system prevails the waiters get very meagre wages accordingly they eye you coldly and serve you badly if you dont tip toronto is tied tip to the tipping system in nearly all its restaurants thcrtipthere has gained groundinrface of the argu ment against it the news from new york is dis tinctly encouraging and it is hoped all over the con tinent that the amalgamated food workers will be successful in their endeavor to overthrow the vener able but indefensible system of tipping the tax rate for the year has been struck at 49 mills payable in two in stalments mr w s pavlb has recently made a number of sales and reports also of having many other inquiries for properties in this district st johns united sunday school will hold its plcnlo to grimsby on wednes day july 8 the steamer macasaa hus been chartered for the trip permission was granted the lad tea orange benevolent association by the towncouncfl6 holo ttttagoay for the purpose of raising funds for the- true blue orpha o saturday juno 2t rev pr mu and jpls family have fifty years of publication completed this issue of the free press will complete fifty years of publication the first number was issued on dominion day 1875 joseph h hacking was the editor and publisher in a little more than two years he sold out the business to t albert moore and s w galbraith within a year mr galbraith went to montreal to fill- a position as editor of the daify p6st rn july 1878 h p moore took a half in tere in th bustnessnartntetshlp in july 1879 t albert moore entered the ministry and the present editor and president bcccie the sole owner for fortythree years the writer was the proprietor editor and business manager in march 1922 mr g a dills who had been for many years an esteemed and faithful employee was a dmit ted tc partnership since then he has been the business manager and the partnership registered as the acton free press to have been established in the middle of the reign of good queen victoria and have lived through the reign ofher son king edward vii the peacemaker and kept on fifteen years into the reign of h grandson king george v is an experience worth noting to have marched ij step with every in- vention and discovery in fiftlong yearsjias been in some respects la marvel to feel at leastto hope girtwogenerations 6t the communityareiperhapsa tittle better for the weekly reading of this home jour nal is a measure of satisfaction to have spent forty- seven years in editorial control of a newspaper repre senting his native constituency is perhaps iri some respect unique but this has been te rather happy lot of the present editor it has been the constant aim of this pournal to advocate the best interests of tb3 community to stand for high principles in all moral issues and to issue a family paper uplifting inrspint clean in tone and typography with never an expression even in its advertising columns which would injure the most innocent mind it is a matter of pride to tho management that not a single weekly issue has failed to appear in the half century of publi cation and this notwithstanding that in april 1879 the plafit was partially destroyed by fire the kind est regards of tne editor manager and staff are cx- pressejl to all our readers on the completion of our first jifty years of publication editorial notes if the decrease in tie provincial revenue from race meetings indicates thatxntarlopeople are not back ing the horses asin the past the revenue from gaso line tax indicates that they are heavily backing the motor cars mail and empire former president ramsay mcdonald of the british house of commons on behalf of the labor opposition has put down ri motion to reduce the foreign secretarys salary as a protest against the security pact deal witltfrance moved from the manse to the house on iu phds r formerly occupied by john keney now the property of jjy- man root dr munro will be in charge of st johns united church until tho first of august when the new pastor mr mcbaln will assume his duties enthusiasm and good fellowship which found utterance in song jeit and lively conversation marked the charter night of the local lions club tn the masonic banquet hall last frl tiny ovenlng the gathering was tho largest and liveliest of its kind held in oakvlhe for some time and typiflod tho hearty and energetic spirit of the organisation one of oakvilies oldest natural landmarks is soon to disappear the council lmu givenorders for the re- moyal of an old birch tree in front of tho residence of w a ingleheart on dundus street this venerable old tree which of late has become quite decayed is famillur to all inhabitants of oakvltle and the district although its age is unknown it must be about a century old as its trunk is several feet in diameter with the consummation of the union of the three great churches in the dominion the oakvllle methodist church has become st johnaiinitfil church the change was brought in at the flrat congregational meeting of the new religious body held in iiusk hall last friday evening the ses sion was also the last annual meet ing of the oakvule methodist church reports presonted from the various de partments showed a successful year the total receipts being 20175 oak vlhe record on friday evening about twenty- live members of the daughters of eng land gathered at the home of mr anof mreja meetrough ton occaulon of tho 36th anniversary of ithelr wedding und presented mrs trough ton with a beautiful fern and basket on saturday eveningerlarge number of the members of christs church of the united church of canada as sembled at tho manse to convey to mr mcqlllivray the good wishes of tho congregation on his reaching another milestone in his life a very pleasant hour was spent during wtiich the con gregation presented the minister with a purse of gold a meeting of the chamber of com merce was held in the council chamber wednesday night with a good attend ance various matters were discussed and it was decided to hold the meet ings monthly and invito all members to take part in the proceedings quite a large number of applications havo been received for membership and tho directors are optomlstlc thit the chamber will have a most suc- cesssful year miss thalia cannom has been suc cessful in passing her first year ex- amlnfttlontf in tbe facuuyof artst toronto university a fltudebakler coupe belonging to luther h6uonwljenives abdutlhree miles east of here on tho highway was stolen from the side of his house on monday night a bylaw was passed nt tho lout council meeting retaking a change in the time for taking the assessment of the town under the now bylaw th assessment will be taken during june july and september and the taxes will be collected on the roll in 192 g wo was commenced last week desplto tho careful and tarnejt u upervinion cater ciged by mapectora and sccdmon in tho buying and in spection of field root and vegetable seed much t of the seed offered for retail sale in canada not as repre sented it often turns out to be an other variety entirely or is badly mix ed and the resulting crop contains i high percentage of undesirable types of two hundred apd twentynine var ieties of field roots obtained from the bccdmtn mid tested during ihapast four ycirs at tho dominion experi mental station at lonnoxvlllc que only twentytareo have shown a rca sonablo truencua to type of the re maining two hundred and six a few proved to bo merely incorrectly named but the majority were composed in part oiwjtivere whomy of types entirely different trom tho tecognized type of tho variety tlioy were supposed to represent this unreliability of ordin ary commercial seed is also found to a somewhat lesser extent with many species of vegetables tho result of mixing careless selec tion of seed block or incorrect naming of seed is often more serious than would at first be supposed where a crop is composed of mixed types it is usually found that the majority of the foreign types are of an inferior nature and seriously depreciate the yield and q of the crop a ttjhbtanceqf i bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipog and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan ptmls74 queuif business directory uh rdr in doa wsml sb into attorn ct to kilt lice and vermin cleaning up the debris of tho brant inn which was destroyed by firo a week ago tho work of rcbulldlng will be started immediately although the new place will not be as largeas t formerly was the trinity sunday school plcnls will be held at grimsby this year on wednesday july leth this trip will e made by rootoivan o enjoyttble- outing is being looked forward to by the sunday school scholars dr and mrs t w peart mr and mrs r m peart and mr a c peart attended the peart family plcnlc held at tho farm of mr thomas peart the maples oneida township on sirday afternoon last over threa hundred were in attendance at a meeting of the official board of the united church held at the close of the church service on sunday morn- l it was de to change liennrno of the church to tho trinity united church of canada gazette this of two lota of hair sugar white mangel grown at lennoxville in 1924 ono that was about ninety- ave per cent true ut typo gave a yield of 13 tons per acre more than the other tho crop from whldh was composed largely of roots representing other varieties and intermediate forma and it should bo added that the feeding value and keeping qualify ot the m lot was far the inferior of the two incorrect naming although not so serious usually results in a crop of les sened value by growing his- own seed of field roots and the common vegetables tho farmer or gardener has the matter of selection in his own hands by care ful yet not laborious attention he may not only maintain n high stan dard of purity ajid value in the seed he uses but each variety may be gradually improved to suit the parti cular requirements of his form or gar den therefore apart from the saving incurred by producing instead of buy ing seed it is quite possible to produce larger and more profitable crops by growing seed at home for homeuse detailed information on this subjecc may bo obtained from any of the dd- mtnlortekptsrinental farms or stut tlons who is it 7 a suburban housewife relates over hearing this conversation between her new maid and thie cook next door how are you hilda tm well said hilda i like my yob we got cremated cellar ceme tery plumbing elastic bells and hoot- it whats a hooalt hilda the puzzled cook exclaimed oh a bell rinss- you put a thing to your ear and say hello and some one says hello and you sav hooslt continent a safe and sure remedy for aung children- millers worn powders contain m cmilvtaxrh ou1cklvand imohouohlvcumwcevtn tkk most dcucatk vru as iweu as suoaft dr j a mcniven phyaiolan and surgaon oolco and slealdonce corner tiovrar avonuo and elgin btroet phonb 88 dr e j nelson jmlederfck stkhet aoton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box tit harold nash farmer a barrister solicitor notary publlo conveyancer eto perrymafcl block acton ont monet kbnt n mortoagb8 uour09so nm to 5 pjxx saturdays 1200 ooloctc bentai dr j m bell d d s l d a oentlet honor graduate of toronto tjnlwr- sity tho latest anesthetic used it desired ofllce at residence corner of mnl and frederick streets long distance truckiligp localand long distance- tracking stock delivered direct to toronto stock yards arrangements made for picnics may be your patronage solicited fred ecclestone a 135 main street acton dr f a gollop dds lds dental 8urgeon office over bank of nova sootla hours 0 to 5s0 isvonlnss by appointment i miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder aooount books- of all kindsxnade t order periodicals of every deserlptlon en rp fully bound rullnffneatly and promptly done vfyndhanf street tovertvtmambfllore ouel o western tours this summer remarkably low in cost the afternoon onthe day of a federal general electron day in canada is declared a national holi day under a clause proposed by a w neill inde pendent member for comoxalberni and adopted by the house of commons in committee last friday following the meeting of the canadian national committee for mental- hygiene at montreal last week it was announced that the laura spelman rocke feller memorial had granted the sum of 1000000 to mcgill university and the university of toronto for the establishment of a nursery school of the labora tory type visitors to town these- days admire our beautiful trees and tell us there are few towns that can corn- par with acton for its treelined residential streets that our town excclls in this respect is due to the citizens of a past generation who planted striplings that those who come after them might enjoy them their work was purely unselfish equitation of the county assessment this year took place at a special meeting of the county council last week the whole question was settled without any difficulty it was agreed that there would be a general increase of 5 per cent all over the county except in he township of nassagaweya which was increased by only 2s per cent canada will celebrate her fiftyeighth birthday as a confederation next wednesday july 1 but behind the blending of the old and the new in this country there is a history as colorful ds fascinating and as purposeful as that of any other country on earth it is only because canada has yet such tremendous areas of unsettled lands that it is often designated as new really our history goes back to a d 1615 vwatcrford star celebrated the fiftieth anni- of the founding of that excellent weekly last week the star was established by f j penrcc in 1874 before the village was incorporated in 1807 he sold the business to his son p george pearce hi ton b m pearce b a is now the editor and another son c p pearce is business manager the pierces are a successful family of newspaper men and have served their constituency with exceedingly loyal und intelligent skill vel erin tho sudden death of a peddler named uvlneratone 4ocurred at the home of isaac teeter lot 8 on the town line of erin and caledon last week the peddler who was about 60 years of nere was vell known and generally liked throughout the country where for many years he had travelled buy ing- wool and furs when the man did not answer when called in the morning mr teeter was sent tl investigate and found that tho man had passed quietly away mr and mrs bert harris of tor onto have leased the residence the property of mrs rev a evans and took possession last week all saints anglican church erin will hold their annual garden party at tho home of mr h b austin 15 slderoad erin thin thursday even ing june 26 mr john bingham of ottawa is visiting with his brother mr samuel bingham and other friends rev a kottcrflon of brooklyn n y was the guest of mr and mrs j t austin a few days last wetk oft monday evening commenced the evangelistic services in the christian church hlllsburg under the leader ship of rev f c lake- former pastor of that church now of kenmore ohio and will continue for two weeks the hlllsburg womens institute will hold their- annual june meeting at tho home of mrs w a mclachlan friday june 26th at 3 p m miss h gray don of streetavllle will speak and the junior womens institute will fur nish he programme th local lodges l o i no 112 and if 3 a no 474 and visiting lodges attended divine service at stanley park erin on sunday evening at 730 oclock when rev h caldwell ad dressed the gathering the home of mr and mrs william armstrong was the scene of a happy gathering on tuesday evening when tho friends of the newlyweds mr and mrs ernest teeter nee ethel arm strong assembled and presented them with a miscellaneous shower and goad wishes on tuesday morning a large trans former at the- power ho usu tn cataract electric co burned out and the power was oft from early morning till about 1 30 in the afternoon it was fortunate the management were so equipped as to replace tho transformer and contlnuo the service in so short a time the inaugural service of the united church of canada was held in what was formerly the methodist church on sunday morning lost when a largo congregation assembled and enjoyed a splendid sermon by rev dr lyons the organiser of the united church lv manitoba lie took for his text 1st john 521 xlttle children keep your selves from ldols in this he empha sized the mistaken ldea w making nn idol of a denominational name and the materials of a building very in teresting information wna given con- corning the work and purjdose off the united church the main object of which is to eliminate overlapping onl denominational rivalry the pastor rev j a evans assisted with th3 service v at the close the sacrament of the iiordh buppet was observed when a goodly number took part in tho servjco advocate a now national flag for canadi has been authorised by the govern ment wo have travelled through tho most glorious sconery it has ever bee my privilege to witness wore tho words used by the duko of devon shire while governor general of can ado in expressing his admiration for the scenery of the pacific coast the opinion he formed of our magnificent west la confirmed bty tho many people who tour this wonderful country every year if you are planning a tour of tho canadian rockies and the pacific coast this summer you cant do better than takeono of tho low cost trips ar ranged by the canadian national railways these tours start from toronto with stopovers at all interesting point on route at jasper park where the famous trlapgle tour commoncea n the largest park and the largest sanc tuary of wild life in the world 4400 square miles of mountains rivers lakes glaciers canyons and waterfalls of almost overwhelming beauty leaving jaspar you pass mount robson the highest peak tn tho can adian rockies then comes tho quaint indian village of kltwanga with- its grotesque totem poles and indian relics at prince rupert you may choose an interesting side trip to alas ka or you may board tho steamer for the threeday trip through the famom scenic seas of the pacific coast to vancouver victoria portland and seattle returning the train follows the beautiful winding fraser and the thompson rrvers with their brilliant colored cliffs of red gray and yellow returning again to jasper national trkanaln due time to toronto the outstanding beauty and com pleteness of these tours should appeal to every one these low summer tour ist fares will be in effect to october 31st complete information pamph lets and reservations may be secured from any canadian national railways agent to you it isnt the man wno smiles that counts when everything goes dead wrong nor is h the man who meets defeat singing a gay little song the song and the smile are well worth while provided they arent a bluff but heres to the man who smiles and sings and then produces the stuff henrietta heron notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of neil gillies late of the township of es- quest no in- the county of halton farmer deceased nbtlco 1s hereby given according to law that all creditors and others hav ing claims against the estate of the said nell gillies who died on or about the 10th day of january 1026 are re quired on or before the 4th day of july 1025 to deliver to tho undersign ed full particulars tn writing their claims verified by statu tary declar ation and further take notice that after the said 4th day of july 1s25 tho executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tho deceased among tho parties entitled thereto hnvlng regard only to tho claims of which they shall then havo notice and that the said executors will not be liable for to said assots or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoso claims notice has not been received by them at the time of distribution dated tho 12th day of juno 1925 h g meib bojp 2j acton ont 518 solicitor for the executors perhaps you are using good tea we think red rose extra good wont you try it red rose tk ais good tea the same good tea for 30 years r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears ezxporlence list your property r with me actoft ontario s6fe aoniwot jee ekgiisvnp h3 richmond st vtor tforonrro ganad4 gardening and lawn tools tea we have an excellent stock of shovels hoes kakca etc to mako your gardening work a pleasure and for work on the lawn we havo woodyatt lawn mowers lawn shears edge trimmers in fact all the equipment you neeov our range of colors in paints forall classes of work is complete name your color and class of work and wo can recommend a suitable paint for the job w d talbot phone 78 main street acton a e nicklin rrr ansuranceaqent life tire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trustee for estates collection business entrusted to my caro will bo carefully lookejd aftor and treated coufldontlally money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 414 bower ave acton reportsoa canadas- crops at frequent intervals throughout the season the bank of montreal macs reports on the progress of the crops in canada these re ports telegraphed to headquarters torn the managers of the banks 600 branches cover every prov ince and form a reliable index of crop conditions the reports ate furnished free upon request at any branch of the bank your name it ill be placed on our mailing est bank of montreal total assets in excess of 70000000000 the surest way trained nien and women aro always in domand at salaries that aro very lucrative hun dreds of guelph business college graduates havo been placed in excollont positions we can do tho same for you det in on tills today guelph business college qummor bldg guelph ont a l bouck principal session the entibd ybait dont neglect your eyes toko advantago of specialist sorvlcca onterod by this estabt ushmont and knowyour glasses are jflsht experience is a good teacher 19031826 wo have hod ovor twonty years at it and hero patrons are assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfn- optlotan 8avaqe building right at tho post ofllco guelph ontario the old and heuable granite and marble works we aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of honumontal and hoadstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus savins our oustomor 40 per cent wo have the best appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where othora hove to have law suits in order to collect wo have tbs largest and best stoek of granite in the dominion or more than any three dealers in tho west wo ore legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders wo employ only moohanlcs and dofy competition hamilton sons guelph ont s iju r r f aw4wpe3sa

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