gbrjn3tofegg thursday june 251925 fouroclqcks nrr the shade by tho barn la widening atlll and by tho trough whoro tho willow grow j ono by ono over blueberry hill tho billowy clouilh so drifting slow down from tho bod by tho old whlto gate there ateala a subtle and spiced por- jfumo ae the ions sweet afternoon grow late tho fouroclocka are beginning to bloom thin blue wyeatlis from tho chimney twino as some ono kindles the fire for ten sconl of tho burning willow and pine blends with the garden sptoery tho sun sinks lower along tho lane whoro seven poplars stand tall and straight and tho eddying fragrange wafts again from the four6clocks by the old whito gate purplo and snowy and pink and red they fling thole sweotness up to tho sun a challenge guy from tho garden bed just as the long bright day is done tho cows walk soberly down the lano tho workers back from the meadows come and tho fouroclocks breathe their greeting again j- welcome and evening and rest and home friendly posies to lovo and pot flowers of homeliest humblest cheer they luro and bind with a magic yet stranger atid stronger year toy year mystical dreams of worlds remote pootry passion glow of tho west all in their fragrant greeting float welcome and oven ing and lioxne nnd rest by mabel earle vittuwmimurviuuvi mmimimimimimi gtyrjfeet tyxtxx hart hinj marians choice by may kesley champion things mo pretty buiiy at tho omeo j you hoc and 1 and daughters uro no expensive marian supplemented that wah a lot i of money that mother indeed yqu for f itf her jmul eycrycoulwaiixoi sho huont hpcutuny ot it vat im i clad to say i youre wolcomo to it child her father sold heartily marian croascd to one of the book c5 the missing cart wheel fc alf turner belonged to that great army of public nuisances the practical jokers he was big burly and loud- voiced if he could work one of hia peculiar jokes on an acquaintance he would guffaw until the neighborhood resounded with his mirth it was no wonder that the men who had suffered at his hands hugely enjoyed the joke that proved a boomerang to alf- alfjlyedoyenfnllesfrpm the grisly mill and ho hauled his grain in a hugo twowheeled cart drawn by a pair of spotted oxen it was his custom to takoo large grlateocbrtlmo hewent to tho mill in order to make as fow tripsins pobslbie7notlat wfceir hhr wifo told him that she noeded hoth fl cui irmgairsna netognirjhji his groundfeed bin was almost empty he loaded the cart wellnigh to its capacity he always found it a boui- racking task to keep v alongside his crawling oxen and mad it a habit to let the team walk ahead while he stopped to talk with his acquaintances along the way that morning he mejt lea drew and told three stories before len succeeded m getting away a 11 tie farther along he saw john howard at work just inside hia fence and he stopped to rest his folded arms on tho top rail and talk over the news from bangor s7 at the nftxt fa he cau sight of henry mar tm straining to tift an old broken plough into hia wagon and he atepped inside to help him by the tlm- hohadieft martins house ho felt sure that his team must be at least a mile ahead he started off at a trot catch up to them before they reached tho place where the road forked just beyond tho martins line fence the road curved round tho top of a steep hill that sloped down to a creek among tho trees and bushes at the middle of tho curye he found a cart wheel and in the roadbed saw the deep scratching trail of a dragging axle ho fltqppedwlth n rhuckln nf delight some follow ban lost a wheel and dont know it ho said to himself ill make him work a little bit so he wont bo so careless the next time setting the wheel on- its rim he grasped the spokes rocked the wheel a few times to get a good impetus and sent it whirling down the road straight down that long steep hilt tho wheel bounced over the hummocks gather ing speed with every yard crashed through tho bushes and hit the rock bed of tho creek a hundred yards trtittkthncoail therixlf turned with a broad grin on his face and went on after his team again for half a mile he followed the trail of the scratching axle in the road and never suspected the truth until he saw his oxen standing in the shade of a tree that overhung the road calmly chewing the cud while they waits 3 developments only the left wheel of the cart was on and the other end of the axlo rested in a little furrow alf never worked so hard in his life as he did in getting that wheel up the bill to the road again then it took him almost a half an hour to find the linchpin that had dropped out and let the wheel come oh after all that ho had to play roll the hoop over half a mllo of road lift the load from the cart pry up thelaxle replace the wheel and reload when ft was all done lie stood beside the cart and took a solemn oath that he would drop practical jok ing forever he told tho joke on himself witli whimsical humor and laughed as hard over it as he over had at the jokes that he played on others it may be that his ability to enjoy thje joke on himself is what mado the neighbors forgive his past offenses so readily he alender v too of marians slipper sought tho plazxa floor and set the hammock swinging there was lhit graphophone again across tho street how could people n next door tho drows piazza was gay with jaiiancbe lanterns and young voices tho light and tho laughter altered through tho vines and crossed the dark lawn between the houses it had boon so ovory evening since marian came homo as soon as it grew dusk tho chairs and steps would begin to fill hilda had told her that she would be a welcome addition whenever she might come over but marian had not yet crossed the lawn to join tho plasta company although sho had re turned hildas call promptly in catl ing costume and with her cardcaao again sho set tho hammock swing- ing gently waa it only three weeks slnco jihoso swift- passing sad happy last days ofwhool how sho would like to see tho girls but there was august to look forward to all of august at newport with julie fram- i ogham dinners dances yachting lunch eons bring your prlttlost clothes julio had written tho framinghama were among those whoso names ap peared frequently in tho society items of tho newspapers and tho sands was noted for hospitality and brilliant entertaining it was pleasant to forget the graphc- phone and close her eyes and dream of august but there would be july flrstiuly with a dresomaker in tho house and very much flowing for julias easy in junction meant no less tho jjiraphophone ceo arid mari breathed a rollevod high as she turn ed comfortably in the hammock sho heard through tho sittingroom window tho rustle rfanwpaiirr thenj-came- wheres marian in her fathers volcer a fruit tree pe8t m brl nc the europea red j sometimes called the plum spldexmlte is a major pest of plum orchards in ontario it also attacks cherries apples and peaohes and has been found in british columbia and the maritime provinces details of its appearance ltfej jitstory tho injury it causes and its control are given in circular no 9 just issued by tho entomological branch of the dominion department of agriculture severe infestation robs- the trees of vigor and dwarfs and degrades tho fruit the adults aro carmine in color the eggs are pink at first and later are a dull red dry hot weather will favor rapid multiplication and wet cool conditions tend to keep the pest under control in order to conrkbat the mite no special sprays or applications nre necessary spraying twice with commercial lime sulphur 140 at the regular times for other pests js suf ficient but as the mites are round on both sides of the leaves it is es sential to cover all parts of the foliage tho circular may be obtained from the publication branch department of agriculture ottawa issued by tho director of publicity dominion de partment of agriculture ottawa lipreading in mills v w a london police court was amoved by tho with which a deafmute was able to speak and hear moving soundless lips jn answer to the ques tions h read on the lips of those who spoke to him but this feat would not be considered romarkablo in lancashire for thegr who work in the cotton mills have broughtthe art of conversing by up languago to a high degree of perfec tion it is lmposalblo to carry on ordinary eonvoraatloji in the humjnjidl roar qt tho weaving sheds but long practice has enabled th girls to converse quite easily across a long room filled with the deafening noise of machinery by watching each otfcsrs lips i haventhcfln itcrfll dlnn re her jnother perha sho is over at hildas sho hasnttbeen about among the young people very much yet but i know hilda asked her when she first came home hildas a nice girl i wonder why he sold that mused marian letting herself down from her arrested position on her elbow of course hilda was a nice girl although she should cultivate poise and reserve she told herselfj remembering how hilda had rustiod up the stops and hugged her just aa if they wero 81111 children poise aifd reservewero qualities that were much dwelt uppn at mhis bre- llnghuybonsacho at tho wo college wherdhllda had spent herf0ut years less wq8 madevor at least said of thom r do you think this newport visit is going to be a good time for marian a good thing marians mind re peated tho phrase in astonlshmont how strangefor her father to question it but sho could trust her mother o make him understand there was a pause however which she had not looked for we want her to have every advant age mrs hills said hesitating you can -spare- the money john- aho add ed more quickly because if yes times aro sort of tight just now and a number of our investments are not doing anything but i thjnk we can see this through and give tho little girl a good time i hato to have you say that you are going to give up your trip though it was as much yours as mine i know- but you need tho rest and youve talked about that trip for years r youtoo but well go next year if all is wen 1 s be sorty to have marlanmls8u71s pleasure fortthrnk sho has felt a little forlorn since sho came home its different from vaca tion schooldays nre over altogether- now and she misses her friends of course all right i want her to be happy and content thats all it seemed to me that she hadnt been quite since she came home mr oils rose in through the open window marian saw him go round to the other side of tho table i believe ill go up ttf bed i dont know when ive been so tired he bent and kissed his wife then stood for a moment boslde her every dollar that i can earn is yours and hers vbu know that ho said i know i know john mrs ellis replied gently a throb camo in marians throat us she heard her father stop through the hall and- up the stairs poor father every night slnco she had beon at home he had apologized for being very sleepy or excused himself and gone to bed she did not see him except at dinner and in the evening for ho al ways stayed intown for luncheon nnd she did not get downstairs for the early breakfast v v five rrrtnu tea with the punchingbng dvo minutes with cheat weights and ten minutes with other exercines fol lowed by a cold shower brought her odwiiirinei tbnblneos for the meal but it also made her late for it so they were giving up the trip that they had been talking of so long mr and mrs elliss wedding trip had been like the marches down the st lawrence blver and among the thous and islands they had always said they would go again hut the- years had passed and thoy hail never gone when the marches took their silver- wedding journey mrs ellis said well take ours too where wo took tho first and this was tho year marian had forgotten it how careless of her the hammock hung motionless for time affairs in tho sills household ran smoothly bo methodically and wlthnl so simply when compared with the manner of living which she had found lp the iipmes of most- of her friends at the frellnghuysbn school that she had never thought of sncrl flee of course they wore not rich she know thatbut there had always been enough for them to live amply with a margin for small luxuries nnd a gener ous hospitality now as marian looked hack oyer tlffi post four years she wondered vacations spent by her father and mother but a short distance from their home or perhaps not taken at- all tho summer jwejs so cool and they were so comfortabto nt homo so many gowns that her mother had do- dared would do perfectly well for an other yen r with a lltthts rreflhenlrffc so many things that could bo dono hotter by herself than by finy one who sho could hire to come in it had all seemed vecy easy and very natural and pach year marian had gone back to school ono of tho best schools in the country as it was nlso ono of the most expensive she gave a little lh im afraid im one of those investments of fathers thnt are not doinr much she thought the next morning instead or going at onco to her hooks when she hud finished breakfmt marian wept into tho garden immediately on cpmln homo she had sot about planning i systematic division of her days afte- breakfast an hour of german an hour of anglosaxon then n walk of flvo miles beforo lunch in tho afternoon a nap readings in a course of old english novels that she had arrange nnd such calls as were absolutely nocessary this would bo for tho sum- merlatershejvquld-dqmqrflfltudy- ing how lovely tho roses vlth the dew on thom were gathering an armful sho carrjed them into tho house and arranged themjn a blue china bowl on tho sittingroom table for the flrot tlnio she felt as if sho was really -on- joylngher vacation when sho had finished she wont out tbjtho kltchdn it was mrs ellis habit tp mnko the desserts for dinner her- self and marian found hor in the pantry with a bowl and eggbeater in her hand if youve an easy toxt- book for beginners mother 111 seo if i can work out thcppudding proposi tion for- today she said the bwl and the qggboator wont out lylth a cordiality that was both prompt and marked youre a dear her mother said gratefully and marian thought how young she looked the indian society is to meet here this morning and ive been wondering how in tho worfd i could manage to do this and get my dress changed in timo horos a recipe- boo k as she hurried up the back stairs mrs bills glanced over her shoulder norah- is busy in the laundry so if you want any help call me she said suet pudding troy pudding dew pudding queen of creams ricosherbet graham pudding marian turned the pages- slo wly too jl elah tratqqrtqq hoavy or not explicit as to details tapioca cream mn gives all thede- talis quantities exactly and seems to be easy 7 suc is ifratl and marian gavojhjdmi wh tle stove somewhat later a satisfied whlbkoooied-lt-in-a-imin-of-waterr-and- at last turned it into a glass dish and set it away in the lcohtfx then sho alsa ran up the back stairs paused in her room for a few swift refreshing touches and ran down the- front stairs to catch the eleven oclock trolloycar fortown as sho hurried past tho sittingroom door sho heard a confused murmur of voices and caught a glimpse of numerous summer hats tm glad i brought in the roses she thought late that afternoon as mr ellis turned from thostreet into tho shaded path leading to his fhouse dt was wlththxrtneraory of pnrchedair and scorching pavements tho glaro of tho slate roofo -reflecting- into lila ofllee windows all day long and p hot dusty ride out of town a voice greeted him from tho piazza its cool here father he turned the corner of the house marian came forward in a fluttering pink organdy since julios letter she had- been wearing shirtwaists all tho daythrbugh to savo her better gowns for august she had a tray of silver and glass in her hands and at the back 6f the plnzza screened from the streets by vines was -a-tabloz-spread- wlth a whltecloth oompany her father inquired ap prehensively conscious of something unusual and feeling that any extra effort totenjertolh would bo a burden tonight nobody but ourselves marian re assured him but were going to have dinner out here dont you think it will bo pleasant charming whoso bright idea- yours marian nodded dinner may be fow minutes late ictldnt thlnkof it liikom and returned with a handful f pumphleth and folded papers thai hud been tucked in botwoen tho top edges of a llnu of books and tho shelf ubovo i went into towji toduy to busaot meyers dnd got these what quantity of delightful llteratureihqfje tlckot ugencles nro so willing to give away mr nd mrs ellis looked curiously at the circulars and pamphlets that she spread beforo them on the table advertisements issued by tho various raklwuy and uteomboati linos thick guidebooks bound in jmper hats of hotels and boardlnghouaen all bear ing st- lawrence river und tho thpmhjvnd islands conspicuously on tho outside leaves there said matian aa sho v laid down tho last one mrs ellis had already taken up an announcement sent out by ono of tho stcamoat lines a uuniptuouu pam phlet ot heavy paper and artistic half tones and was turning thopages very slowly o john do como round to this sldo she cried delightedly or ill come oyer there she rose drawing tho chnlr round to tho opposite side of tho table sat down by her husband together they turned tho reaves of the different books and circulars one after another while marian stood bo- hind looking over their shoulders de lighted with their enthusiasm it doesnt seem twentyfive years ago i declare replied her husband ive been looking at these nearly aft afternoon said marian and im quite sure that a two weeks trip up there for usfall wont cost- aa much as you had planlnodto spend for mo but dearher mother interrupted we want you to have tho visit and well e next year if all is well whlchwouldnt bo tho sam thing said marian a postponed silver wedding trip would have no romance at nil of course sho continued a smile discovering a dlmplo that sho ha n full outgrown of course i dont know whether i should like to be invited on un occasion llko this should a certain rich man but i should like fd go u nunureu timesbottorthanto go to newport marians mother laid ahand on hers aajej3artiof-tho-i10ftburerof- would be wanting without you m d s sai thats true little girl echoed her father im sure thats an invitation said marian gathering up tho books and shaking them together then i shal write julie tomorrow thut im en gaged for august you were entirely wrong john in your idea that marian might not bo contented mrs ellis said aa thoy straightened the sittingroom for the night after marian had goao ypstairs she- was tired of course at first and it takes a little tlma to settle into tho home ways but j am auro aho is very happ and a so am i saramr ellis taking a heavy chair out of ills wlfev ianda where does this go here i ought to hayo remembered that sho is her mothers daughter inve8tment8 until a few minutes ago then i shant have to hurry getting dressed thats good i dont feel like hurrying about anything tonight its been blzziing in town you havnt nnyldea again marian nodded sho had talk abodt antolneh terrace din ners exclaimed mr ellis this time by way of the diningroom isnt this great and he surveyed the tabic with its sliver and glass and whlto damask smair green ferns rose from a pyramid of cracked ice in the center hjonpy- suckle and dutchmans pipe shut out tho street how pleasant this is ho repented in great content leaning back in his chair after finishing his soup theres no reason why we cnnt- have all our meals out here on pleasant days bald marian if would bo asking a groat deal of norah though her father remind ed norah says ho wont objoct to serving it if i sot tho table and im sure i shant mind that breakfast inquired her 1 father quizzically this is an era of reform as every body knows who reads tho magazines laughed marian after dinner mr elliswent into tho house to look over the evening news paper and as her mother followod marian went round to tho other piazza whero the hammock hung the graphophone was not going that was good and she leaned baok com fortably in the hammock prom hilda piazza came tho sound of voices sho would go over only she had something else planned perhaps she would go tomorrow night at last she lose and stepped through tho long window intotho sittingroom her father was still reading ho news paper and her mother was sitting by the table sewingv thats tqo fine work to work on evenings mother i jiret want to finish sewing the lace on this flounce ill do it myselftomorrow by j series of steady pulls marian drew several yards of lawn and lace through her mothers unwilling fingers theres going to bo a good deal to do before you go away mrs ellis warned i know it you will havo to work every day for tho next month to not me ready to play teodllyfor atfnonth after im not going to newport i shall write julio that i cant como her mother looked up in burpriso ur marian stood boslde her resting her hands on the table her father too had caught tho words and was re garding her over his paper why i thought you wanted to go mrs ellis bald as for tho work yes mother dear youre going to say that it would bo un unalloyed plciisuro to spend your oummor up stairs running tho machine but ive changed my mind and i think that i can tpll julio that i have another engagement she looked across the table its tho flret two weeks in august she asked that you usually take for your vacation l it father why soinotlmch mr ellin ro- jilled surprised by the sudden quon- tlon yes thats that tlmo its usually been but i havent planned to take any this year no vacation out on highland avenue a young wohiun with a tired excited face stood on the curb and waved her handkerchief at judge bradley passing automobile hollo uncle judge she cried jsntthlh justluck i woasq uretli didnt know how i was going to drag myself to the electric car the holdup of a federal officer is a serious matter young woman but being a judge i withhold judgment until i have heard jjfo case there may ho mitigating circumstances there certainly ur carol agreed nestling comfortably track in the cush ions myi but weve heen working its for an entertainmont for the war orphans mrs qrpsvenor is letting us have the ugo of her grounds and we are going to glvo a midsummer nights dream tho rchcarsalfl are the least part of it there are a thous and dctaus im on thrco separate committees besides being in tho cast i expect you to buy half a doxen tickets sir but o uncle dana arent people queer 1 tried to sell a ticket to miss betty hlthcock and she said sho could not afford it couldnt afford one ticket for little starving children and bo fore sho came into tho parlor i heard her tell her old moggie to ctookthp potatoes with tho skins on for tho saving i never supposed she was so small judge bradley shot a keen glanco at hisnioce but she said nothing thon and five minutes later carol waa ut her own door tho play- came off a week later everyone enjoyed it carol had scores of compliments and many flowers be sides her uncles sho should have been triumphantly happy but when her undo came in tho next evening to congratulate hor ho found- avery seriouseyed niece father and jnother uro out she said but i am so glad you camo in i thingb dont come out the way you expect them to unele dana and its so disappointing suppose you toll me her undo suggested its tho play weve been working over tho accounts nearly all day and uncle in spite of the twodollar tickets weve only made seventyseven dollars it doesnt seem possible- but there were so many expenses the lighting and chairs nnd scenery nnrt costumes and music and printing seventyseven dollars for a month work of how many people thirty 7 nearer fifty carol acknowledged about ono fifty apiece yes i agio with you it wasnt a very successful investment do you by nny chance know how many war orphans miss hitchcock is supporting she brought the commfttoo tho money fo the fifth ono yesterday sho laughed when wo asked her and declared sho was doing it on scraps and snylngs i imagine opo saving la in tickets for entertainments wo cant exactly blame her for making a lhtlo better investment with her two dollnra do you think so oh carol cried i didnt know o uncle im no ashamed jjinet worthington had read much and thought somewhat and cherished strong oplnjona among tho rest aho held that it isouulor for u camel -to-go- through tho oyo of a noedlo than for it rich- man to enter tho kingdom of heuvon sho did not place much weight upon tho exceptive clauses that follow in scrlpturo in which ft is made plain that with god even this is pos sible aiifl that some men who are rich in tho things of this world in that simplicity of mind and heart yhld on ublcs i them to ontor as little children sho had lived in a country town whoro thero wero no rich peoplo nnd fow vory piioiijcaiesajiiluinootthothlngsaho dreaded on coming to tho city was that her church homo was to bo with tho peoplo of anotliorsort from- those she had known tho young peoplo had selected i committee to select a placofor a- pic nlc but tho two young men of the committor l could not leave their busi ness no tt fell to tho three young men to inspect tho grounds and report thoy wero to go in mr flotchers auto mobile the machine called for thom r and then passed by mr fletchers office and ho hlmsclfkuunp out saying ho had started tho days business going and thinking the girls might bo glad to havo him as thoy could not have tho boys ho would do tho best he could as a substitute so ho sat with tho chauffeur and tho three girls fill ed the tonneau thoywero glad of hi prosouco and judgment for they wore a little overwhelmed by their responsi bility janet had rejoiced to ho a member of this commltteo it was tho kind of work sho liked antl her jfrst official responsibility the car sot itself to covering tho twenty miles and back and the thrco girls gavo themselves up to tho exhil aration of tho trip at longth thoy saw down the road ahead a woman walking alone as thoy neared her thoy saw that her back was dusty from the vehicles that had driven past her stop for hor john said mr fletcher no no girls you need nt move ill make room for her tho woman stepped wearily to tho sldo of tho road and at first did not understand tho invitation she spoke hardly a word of- english and they could not make out her nationality hut hu wnn ftyldnntl th wifo of a small farmer and a recent immigrant mr- fletcher assisted her into tho sentence sermons nothing worth while was ever accomplished by watchhif the clock can ie expected of one who is al ways telling hard luck storfes ever accomplished from passing tho buck accomplished by tho ono who will not earn more than ho is paid was ever settled by a religious con troversy ever noeds to bo promoted by fraud ulent advertising is ever gained by selling out a true friend alleviating circumstances did you say asked the gentleman who was looking for rooms did you say that a musicteacher occupied the next apartment that cannot bo very pleasant oh said tho landlady eagerly thats nothing slrthc musicteacher has eleven children and they make ao much noise that you cant hear the piano at all v- k v auwmuwimuva excelsior ruutvomttifniimt felacimoounonut aotfiounjraihms du lindsay acton lioes nont w the manbuilding strength of the wheatgrains await toit in excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street fcfcton ont car and- himself sat on the floor with hisfobv on the ruhnlngboardr tho woman had a little dog th co ii ictn cit uliueratasui the arrange ment ho ran before the car in peril of hiallfiinnd greatly to hia- fatigue wait john said mr fletcher we must take him in tho dog robellod ho tried to cape and when captured showed his teethbut mr fletcher lifted him in nnd patted him till the teeth disap peared and tho tall began towog mr fletcher had won tho heart of the dog and of hia mistress who had few words in which to express tho gratl tudo for a fourmile rldo vvhon at longth tho woman indicated the house- whero- she waa to go and tho machine stopped for her tho dog stood in tho car pleading for her to comer back it took her best effort to ge down so h was he i ndvo a now idea of rrch mem said janot that night some of thom doubtless aro arrogant and oppressive hut i have learned a new lesson about sin of judging peoplo by their sur roundings i know one rich man who is humble slmplo and kind of heart to every living thing i am sure ho is a true christian no 4 market trle broilers now is tho time to bo soiling the broilers if there la amofkct for these youngcoekerehrace about supprylnglt it pays better to sell now rather than later all chicks intended for the table and- as for breeds such as the leghorn oqo cjinnot afford to keep them until fall land then sell for tho price of roasters if a market is not already arranged it would bo well to seo about it at onco usually tho broiler market should not bo too far away tho best place to look for customers are as follows named in order of highest prices private dwellings clubs highclass hotels summer- hotels highdasa boarding houses dealers etc tho beat time to sell tho broilers is when they weigh from 1 to 2 pound qagb tho earlier in tho season tho ler tho weight that will be taken and the larger the prlco tho most satisfactory way to mar ket js to kill and dress beforo shlp- ment all but dealers require them dressed but for longer distances and in warm weather especially if sold to dealors thoy may go alive bofpro selling tho broilers it will pay to glvo thom special from 10 to ip days in experiments conducted at the dominion experimental farm ottawa it was shown that a good feed was rnnde up of equal parts of corn meal feed flour andjnlddlings to this wai added 15 per cent of tankage or beef- scrap and tho wholo mixed with buttermilk ono part of the dry mash to two parts of tho milk by weight ia tho right proportion this mixture proved better than propared com- mercionmlxtur6sahdtcedthycbtimes a day to broilers weighlngat tho start less than 2 pounds each gave hi 4 days an average gain of a little over poundh at a cost for feed of leu than 5 cents at the price sold 50 cento per pound there was a profit of 29 cents on tho feeding operation tho feeding in ordinary fattening crates gave slightly bettor return than the feeding in pens and the heavy breeds gave bet ter returns than the light breeds broilers above all classes should bo fleshy do not murket then ina thin condition fc elford dominion poultry husbandman the loss he mourned boiling eqg8 by telephone telephone- operators nved a henso of humorto make the pctfy annoyances of their occupation bearable if they have thnt they can find endless mat ter for amusement in tho frcaklslmcns of human nature that exhibits ltflelf at the other end of the wire a telephone subscriber in newark asked his operator to ring his bell in the supervisor rang on tho line and hp his receiver at tho appointed unto tho supervisor rang on thho lino and the subscriber responded nforoly with thank you ilujer ho called ugnul and thanked the operator and explain ed that he had boon hulling egg nnd wanted to time them they had boon cooked to tho queens taste he snltl another operator tolls of an out-of- town call from- a coin box tho oper ator told the lady who called to da- poblt ten cents for flvu minutes talk hlio replied in great excitement o central i put the money in the wrong dot i had my gloven on and i couldnf see tho pocullarly deep affection of i man for dog la proven with un expected forco now and then a writer in tho london dally news tolls of a farmer who greeted one of his labor ers on new years day with the ques tion well george and ow did eo get on last-yenr- ay master was tho reply it wur a bad year for i i did lose my mlssuti and i did- lose my canary and i did lose my dog and it wur a good dog too dr soper or white specialists ia dlmnses of skin blood nerrcfl bladder and special ail ment of men one vltyt advisable if impoaqlble send history for free opinion and ad vice question blank and book on disomies of men free consultation free medicine rfornuhcd la tablet form houri 10 am to 1 pm auj 3 to 0 pm eandtt 10 am to 1 pni dr8 sop1r white si toronto street toronto ont a uestiom one everwuesti good gment you btismtfcla buici hsw0t because no one 4iscejdhajejth contrary everyone hears many good favorable experience of mclaughlin through many years has brought buick universal recognition as one canadian motor cars s vking representative for thi8 8ect0mggfej georgetown on t go t v where shall i go to get it mentally asks the man or woman with a want to be supplied dont go come who advertises says the merchant teacher twenty mia aro op- here are the goods you want here is the service you need he adds newspaper advertising is the most traveled bridge between supply and de mand that is why it pays the adv 1 who uses the acton fre and direct monumental p uoll direct lesolo prices jr 40 per cent llancos aiid the tho pomlnlon who atlo tooia properly onoes from hundreds taro in toronto and other jb others havo to have law dor to collect we have the ind beat stock of granite in union or moro than any three jln tho woat we are loglu- j dealers and employ no agents do not annoy or past customers sending out ignorant agents sollclt- ig ordors we employ only mechanics and defy competition jffamilton sons quelph ont i6 twtiw rw5wffiffi wjevasbia7ibls