Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1925, p. 1

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jir i a- fiftieth year no 52 thursday orning june 25 1925 acton ontario canada thujrspay morning june 25 1925 single copies five cents the united church of canada acton sunday june 88 1925 1100 a m kev- t albert mooro d n of toronto subject tho uniteu church of camilla its spirit ual tusk and potentialities 700 p m kev dr mooro tgronto subject tlio united church ua chiil- icnge and its prokrammc kt00 a in sundiiy school a pti- trirttlc ervlco with- pp address on tempeninco and special music and re citations thursday evening a prayer and bralsoaorvice 730 to 815 brief ad dress heairty singing presbyterian n knox church acton minister rov a c stowart m- a- manso willow street 1008 a m sunday school 1000 am blblo class review 1100 a m tho minister subject i camo not to call tho righteous but sinners toot p mi the minister subject a prisoner of tho lord strangers leaving- address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor the baptist chubch acton james w boyorpmtor- 94b a m sunday school h00 a m rov s s weaver of toronto 700 l m tho pastor stfbjoct a crisis u challeng a chci tho local uranch of tll orange association have planned to conduct their annual church pomelo to the oyeniner service juno 28 mondayrftp tnitakstrtcrsprnp jtauy of b v pitf spoclul simwikor rov andrew imrjr of kilcticnor all vklcomb notices june abounds in good values at this bountiful store advert agents in thia column cent per word mfairauro charge- sac per insertion for sale cnam wicker baby buggy in good condition apply to p o box- 80 for sale strawberries aiab awc crw p- h young hono 102 w main st n ft l for sale jt ltchbn range in fiooiruor now are box apply to n d rogers 13 crescent j wanted fbr saturdays only frelgrht to giictlph androturn- rate reasonable gt2 phone 135 acton wanted at once 0 fdrlo to pick fruit freer transpor tation apply to v purtis house phone 139r4 bchrp3vllieont auqtiqn sale of furniture datvirt wltrllamaon brock avonuo will hold a salo of furnlturo on satur day juno 27 at wo oclock roy htndley auctioneer flat for rent a flat for rent 5 rooms ouid bath immjodtatopobaflilon apply- to wd talbot 45tfj hardware store acton reward a reword is offered for the recovery of at fountain penj bearing tho name janea ha vcrcori engraved inusold lost in acton on saturday- probably about tho town mall finder will kindly leaiye at fiucs pjikss ofneo i notice 10 creditors creditors and other persona having cinema against the into mra mary orr winl kindly send the sumo on or before jurfio 30 instant to alexander orr lwbr avenue acton hllo not legally responsible the jn alexander is endeavoring to make arj equitable adjustment of the cjalma card of thanks imr john clarke and family wish to tluank their friends for the mnny-klnd- hsbcs and expressions of sympathy jiown to them in their recent hcreavo- nent also for tho ijcnutifuljlfiral tri- buifl card of thanks with very grateful appreolation i leslre o thank the peoplo of aoton un4 tho community irenerally for the keen interest they took in my appolnt- rnent as postmaster of my native town ap nuoceed my revered father theli lpd words of congtutuiatlonlnco my ppointment to tho position hava bean kceedingly kind in return for al thcuo favors it will vnrjr constant atm to give- thotaosf possible service to itll patronn of acton posv office owwtwiy and prompt unci carcfail attention will characterleo tho rfforls oir my staff ilnd myself j xtrester matthews x po3tmastei- wonderland friday june 2 byes wiwemess anled from tho npvol wm- defnessr starring corlnno irlf- 11th sturicd in tho canadian yllds and the jungles of b squth 8a islnnris coniody tho iforrrnb hraupfc with bflri turpln fpldj pflrtunrtv satvjrday june 87 v teeth slurring vrom mix tony tho horse and puike tho dog com edy waal aha furious car toon prop dash for caeh fox newa tuesoav june m otie thrcexmuskeuers iynm thoclasblooy- aloxnnflor dumas starring bouyilait fair banks adolpho monjoi barbara la mnrr and mary clnran chapter 8 cr into ytjot comody puxklcd r jkxiss- words f f wednesday july 1 tess of the story conncy k a new production of tho niiich l loved classic starring mury plnkford- good comedy croatton bx gregopy aqn boys first eongiand high school suits reduced one hundred smart models marltecl down to- 14s5 values up to 2250 its a roundup of all the lines that busy selling has left with not all sizes in complete range 7ewsofakinrj but an immense selection when all one hundred aregathered to gether g6odwearing shades in plain and fancy cloths sizes up to 38j savings up to 765 according to the selection a young fellow makes chpqsaat either the mpin or branch store mens shirts up to 300 fpr 149 negligee styles with jouble soft cuffs some with separ ate collars to match all firsts in qualitynot a sale of seconds but a special purchase on which a gener- ous price concession -was- ob- tained from the manufactur ers good choices at either the main or branch store 35c jeitseys for boys zimmerknit and therefore the best in quality sizes 22 to 32 long sleeves in the majority best liked colors reg 50c kinds for 35c at both stores luggage specials suit cases at 129 these in black club bagsat 149reither black or brawn a lucky purchase brought a reduction onmadeira ijnens20ofp 7 and also on bdnita linens which tire exactly like the exquisite madeira linens excepting that they are in natural color embroidered in white centres serviettes ovals drapes tray cloths and luncheon sets in a broad choice of the popular patterns while they last 20 off jnjjnesoewashgoodsreduqb summer fashions millinery and readytowear a fascinating array of charming styles with prices on a brpadjmojjgrscalejpsuit every purse d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of local import r boston- ghurchiofchhrannivtwary the 105th anniversary of tho bosto church was held with special services on sunday rev kenneth mclean of georgetown preached at botii services his sorm6nu were timely and impres sive farowell evening with misatiadau about thirtyfive young folks off tho baptist young peoples union motored to the home of mr chester plank on tuesday evening and spent a social ovonjng with miss tisdale who ho been an active member miss tisdale 16ft yesterday fo her home jit st thomaaj 1 y an eloquent lay praachar di- schofield of tba ontario agri cultural college quclph occupied the pulpit of knox church iaat surrnay he preached two excellent sermons which the congregation enjoyed very much rev mr stewart was preaching an niversary sermons for a ministerial friend at an outside point eaquealng court of raviaion thero was a very short list of ap peals at esqueslng court of revision last weok mr appleyards case was dismissed mr g h blgnell reduced 10q on buildings mr kellcy allowjpd mr f c thompson dismissed mr r liowrie dismissed- john andc camp- boll lot 12 con 2 to be assessed with lot 5 in 1st con mrs elwopd allowed an appreciated donation tho abundantly supplied bed of flowers at the soldiers memorial were generously supplied by the georgetown floral company who supplied the acton horticultural societys plants thla year- president seriven and mr archlo- mochrie arranged them and the effect will be very attractive during the season theae are church going timaa i acton peoplo have evidently turned 1 fow l inthertna go tochurcv of tho unionists knox church has asr largbattondances as usual- at tblstime of the year at the united church the attendance has beon considerably larger tho pas tfro sabbath than hllwnevn prayer v worship and the weekend specials fresh marshmallow in toasted and pjain reg 40c lb oo werkend special per lb ofcic we also have chocolate coated marshmallov at 50c lb assorted chocolates a special price for the quality yq of the chocolates special price per lb ztrtstg assorted chocolates we have spjdthis same grade of choco lates for a long time reg 40c and 50c lb weekend qoi special per lb ociq koka bud a- fresh shipment of these chocolate buds oqi special price per lb ooc assorted fruit drops guaranteed not to stick in the a hot weathef per lb thjc we have a bigassortment of ice cream in jrick and bulk we wilt deliver same to any house in town juat give ua a phone call ask for a dairymaid brick mill street acton h wiles focilwear look here a bargain in uptodate footwear for womerj- gore pomps in bateqt leather ard tan newshade worth 500 o ac other lines in 450 and 500 values 395 mot all sizes in each line but all sizes in the lot see window mens oxfords tan brown patent and black kid- i af worth 550 and 600 for tkj j mens fine boots fiojn 3250 500 dozens ofither lines for women misses and childrens sizes at bargain prices work- boots play shoes dress shoes for everybody womens holeproof hose 100 125 l70 all colors harry h arrisonjhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all the year round with tke exception pf decernher farewell by us the ministry of rev mr culp acton terminated last sunday 9 just a year ago rov j culp came to acton from tara as the minister ot the methodist church he was cor dially received and ho and mrs culp entered upon his work with high hopes and the expectation of a long pastor ate last spring- a nerv breakdown doveloped arid from this he failed to recover his physician ordered cessa tion from the onerous duties of the ministry for u time and a chango of climate having a son and laughter living in california mr and mrs culp decided to ifp to them for a time in the hope that improved health would result with this in view ho advised the official board of the church here and applied to the hamilton conference for superannuation for a year tbe pastoral term ended with juno and lastv sunday rev mr culp con cluded his work here witli impressive farewell aernibna at tho mbrnlri service his discourse was based on z timothy 2 21 a vessel unto honor sanctified and meet fpi the master social and personal miss- mary ahamahawitivlaltinff with friends in toronto miss mcpherson of toronto visited acton friends during tho week mra w j hall spent tho wcykcni with mr andmrs t h dobbio in toronto miss margaret j macdonald visited with friends at st cutherlhes during the week mr w liivell of aurorafls vlslting- wltli his uncle and aunt mr and mrs a reosor mrs william sayers spent the week end with mr andairs d frlck in toronto mrs beatty arnold will not receive any more until tho inst thursday of september mr john samper ot guelpb spent monday visiting with his uncle a mr alfred soper miss jennie mcc who has been seriously 111 for the past two weeks is now steadily improving- mral john brown church street has been spending a couple of weeks with friends at poriotingulahene mrs davit mcdonald off brigdon is visiting at the home of mr alex macdonald church street miss nellie e hhh has returned actons tax rate ckal44jvtiils use and prepared unto every good werk to secure bcsrtesults wo mustomefor thoholldnys after attending- prior to the consummation of union the services in the other churches aro all well attended the act of vandal very naturally president seriven of tho acton horticultural society was discovered that some one with a horse and wagon had deliberately driven ovor the triangular beauty spol at the junc tion of mill and guelph streets several of tho recently planted shrubs were broken down and of course tho neatly cultivated plot was disfigured such deliberate or careless action merits severe punlsbmont- such will be meted out if mr seriven ascertains the name of the guilty party canada woewy newspaper j publiakara a year ago today the members of tho canadian vveekly newspapers as sociation who wenoyerseasjyere so journing in paris france qou hob- nobhlng- with president demeroquo marshall foch and other celebretles today members of the newspaper association are in winnipeg and en joying entertainment by tho manitoba government winnipeg city council and tho railway and steamship com panies a great interprovlnclal meet ing of canadian weekly newspaper publishers is in progress in winnipeg thsva pretty dear fishing such was the ejaculation in police court hero on- monday when foiico magistrate moore announced that a yost of kitchener was fined 500 and costs 1310 in all for ashing on the trout preserve of the grand river fish ing club nassagaweya on sunday 7th of june mr william dennis the overseer gave the information and the presldciicof the club mr rife prosecuted the club intends to make it dear ashing for those who violate the terms of the statute by fishing oh leased property mr yost is tho third wicher this preserve who has been summoned to court this month another enjoyable band concert the second of the series of popular saturday evening openair bamd con certo was given on saturday even ing on tho lawn at sunderland house an excoucnt programme was dis coursed before a large gathering vis itor a wero present froom georgetown rockwood and the countryside the reputation of acton cltlxena band for good music is widespread bahdinastor mason and his players deserve and receive hearty thanks for their very splendid work the council assisted materially in facilitating the playing by the installation of electric lights on tho sunderland house circuit tills j saturday afternoon and evening 2th inst tho band has been engaged to playafthe 3eararriore co plchic thoy will play in the aftem6on from 3 to 5 at the park and in the evening tho concert will be hcldvavthe grounds of the athletic association on mill street from 745 to 930 p m jeox8oo 4tfpq ro i n i q n d ay acton has hitd numerous dominion day celobrqtiqns n ho flfftyelghi years since- opnfjedoratlpni but nftyer before 6110 under the auspice of tho acton boy scouja the boy scquts have pro em p ted his popular holiday and tho puhlic park ind therell be things doing nt qn attraotlyo char acter nil afternoon and evening- thero will tie a parade bended by acton xitl sens- band at 230 oclock in quick suooesalon thore will bo helda ladles soft hall gamebetween rockwood and acton nthletia contests may polo drill and abundance of tempting re- fresh men ts at booths conducted by the ladles in the evening there will bo a fno programme featured in tho park local musicians will provide an ex celleht programme ii camp flro wlth its envlroments will lv portrayed by the scouts rev mr stewart will p the chairman and the member a of the ladles scout association will manage things oneday tournament twenty rlnks bowjing on the green a of acton athletic aaaoelation a oneday bowling tournament vran held by acton rowling club on jhe greens of acton athfetlo jasqitjon yesterday twenty rinkn were in tho toi-rnri- ment as fallows fluelph 4 kiphanqr 2 fjalt 1 mluft swntlftol hchple l klpia ij lrtnl georfco- town j acton g there ns a splendid day of uport the krecna vrero in 0ood condluon and us usual the vial tors were loud in their pralao off the howling green iu situation and onvtronmenl rfecure best materials best builders and good foundations when christ was building his new church on earth he selected the best material obtain able some thought his cholco of ma terial wus a mistake when ho chos3 men like peter ufid aul and others but results proved hiswiadom it la not always the mostexpensive mhter- ial or the most brilliant minds whlcn bring best results ordinary human being ore often tho best wbon their consecration to christ is fully made sin has decelerated the human family but the grace of god has gone down lntotho gutter and lifted men and women and transformed them sin je often diffleult to bvercqmo but jesus- christ has come in and by his g t is transfor io howcharucler tfio church of v is- thegospel- nctrrit thetralnlrig school for christians- if any man purge himself he shall bo a vessel of honor no outside power con touch a man who lives in the strength of jenmflchrlst train for it and tho high er things in christian life and ser- vice seek a wise and understanding heart the tpracc of -god- and tho presence of christ will make us meet for the masters use peters ohari atter reauired the touch of chrldt and pentecost followed through lf tsfgracemi pllehed for- tho master the evening sermon abounded in similar exhortations to faithfulness in service and implicit trust in god tho text was 1 thea 1920 for what is oar- hope or joy or crown of rejoic ing aro riot even- ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ at his com- iiyj for ye are our glory and joy success in service in the ministry of christ was tho theme tho success of the ministry of the gospel whether by pastor or by the christian worker is that souls have accepted the mes sage tjho greatest service is to find that through such service souls have been transformed wocando much through the grace of god to- live in christ that tho sinner who knows you will ho influenced by your life to come to god in his concluding words rev mr culp said it is only that i am obliged to that 1 give up the ministry i am giad that i have had this year in acton for in many respects it has been the best of my ministry i have had the joy and comfort of fellowship with you and haye made many friends out side this church the kindness of you alltb mrs culp and myself has been highly pruned wo are leaving our membership in this church for we de- slre to keep in touch with you all in the church and in the town wo wlh never forget our year in acton cod bless you all a solo was rendered by miss jean kennedy at the evening service which was very effective and much appro- elated rev and mrs culp left on alonday forenoon for beamsvllle to spend a few days with relations there be fore proceeding to- the pacific coast before leaving a purse containing a substantial amoilnt was presented to him on behalf of tho congregation mny kind and tearful farewells wero spoken next sunday rov t albert mooro dd of toronto secretary of tho general council of tho united church of canada will preach morning and evening i rov r e zimmerman ba the new pastor will commence his mlnis- tryl jwre on the following sunday july 5 fifty years a free press reader inapector of the royal bank of can ada writes vary kind things the following very kind letter from mr l p snyder inapector of tho royal bank montreal is much ap preciated afthis office montreal june 19 1825 h p moore esq presidont and editor i thbaonfnbhpri3fl acton ontario dear sip x have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for 500 to extend my vwaa pflsss subscription which i nolo fa ahout io expire although i have been away from acton fdptivor forty years tho fniss pltxss is just as welcome ns it ever was r still and in it a great deal of news that interests me very much particularly tbe items re specting the peoplo i knew when i was a boy in acton where for a khort time i tpont a few hours each week inking tho rollers of tho old washington press then in ubo and distributing tho paper to the local subscribers in my travels throughout canada as general supervisor of bank premises of this- bank i have had exceptional opportunities of exam- thing weekly publications and am glad to be ablo to say that ho far i have found nolle that como up to the ftuae pmcsstn the uniformly high standard of its editorials and other rendnlg mntterand the gen eralexcelloneo of its mechanical features the fact nthat the fiueu pbfis is nojv auccessfuliy ending its doth year duriipk tho tntist of vhlch h yry gratifying o you each ffeek look forward to the fflm pjuchh with pleasurable anti- plpfltlqm njid urn never disap pointed trusting you are intho boat of haalth and that the fiu3d press may have tho good fortune to have the benefit of your long experience for many years to come i am t yours faithfully l p snydbr the toronto normal schools mr robert campbell of kincardine has been plaiting with friends in acton and vicinity tho past weelc dr and mrs hore of markham call ed on acton frlonds lust week while motoring through to preston mr and mrs william thompson of georgetown were guests- of mr oji3 mrs r r arnold on sunday morris starkman passed tholoxa- mlnatlons in the arts course grade- b- at tho university of toronto misses emma and ollle robinson went to kenil worth on saturday to visltfthelr parents and sisters miss king of toronto deaconess was a guest of rev and mrs culp u ihe-parscmgo-overtho-week-end- observationr mrs skinner and mrs icnlfifht7 of lindsay have been spending the week with mr and mrs malcolm mclean mrs john oneill and miss young of georgetown spent friday with mr arid mrs d h young main strooti mrs annetta barnes mr and mrs- j moss op and babe spent tho week end at mr r h wansbrougbs lake avenue mrs thomas rumley park avonuo who spent last week with her son in toronto ro turned home on sunday evening mr ami mrs-r- k nedyi of- winnlneg wero guests during the week of jlr and mrs john r kennedy and family mr and mrs w h speight of toronto were here on saturday to attend the funeral of the late mrs- john clarke mr a t mann attended a meeting of the presbytery at guelph on tues day as representattvo of thounltod church of canada mrs henderson mr and mrs james henderson and daughters of hamilton visited their aunt mrs julia a mc- arthur on sunday mrs robertcfamoor7torororv the gdest of mrs wr j- gould during tho week she met numerous oldtime friends daring her visit mr and mrs frank sayers u cooksvllle and mr and mrs robert mcpherson of toronto visited at mrs peter sayers on sunday mr and mrs frank day and family visited at the homo of r h wans- brough on sunday and attended rev mr culps farewell sermon misses lillian dabble and beatrice fisher of kitchener are spending heir holidays ut tho hompor jmro andrew dobbie dolly vardon mrs robertjohnston knox avenue who has been in poor health for some time was sufficiently recovered to be dblo to attend church on sunday mr and mrs h roy wansbrough brought the formers brother harold home from toronto on saturday harold is getting along nicely now miss vera hurst of the toronto normal schools returned to her homo here the latter part of last week where she will spend her summer vacation mr and mrs e j to ml ins on mr and mrs james vol lick mrs m vol- llck and little jack cariflold spent sun day with mr and mrs jack vickers miss jean kennedy was successful in her first years examinations at the toronto university taking third clas3 honors in her arts course english and history mr and mrs hurley brlgnall and son of toronto arrived at mr and the council has kept the rate j the some as that of last year tho regular session of he council was hold on tuesday ovenjfhg coun cillors mason- atkinson and holmea were present ond reeve barber wan in tho chair in the abaonco of mi thotfqrd mr mason fulfilled the duties of chairman of finance tjie finance committee presented tholr thirteenth report and reconimended aymont of the follow ing accounts general account bowman nunn gravel und teaming 03 0d emerson anderson labor g 00 g h ritchie teaming is 65 provincial treasurer sinking fund john nicol cement john inglls co balance of ac- count a- e crlpps cartage bey telephone co phone ctflls waterworks account h a coxe oil u g arts h ore v thomson co sup plies r neptune metre co repairs jas robertson co supplies drummond mccoil co sup plies a e crippa cartage neptune metre co inch motro obituary 1m 01 1 so 87 oo 4 75 1 xs 3oa 90 1 25 36 00 7 0j 26 02 r c2 50 6 16 ds 167 07 the rbport was adopted a representative of tho empire atjejmeltcsl addressed tnocoucil on the merits of the empire metres he requested the opportunity of installing a metre on a large service pn approval to prove its merits mr j p flnnrmyf r council consider the case of an ex- soldier who was in the hospital under brlgnall and babe are staying- for a week or so mr norman lambert of winnipeg visited mr and mrs malcolm mclean inst week i mrs jean clark and mrs- c a wright of toronto mrs b f xick- son and mis a joyce dickson- of bols- sevaln manitoba wero visitors at the homo of mr alfred soper missfcilar tisdale of tho high school staff left for her home at stthoma oh tuesday miss tisdale will enter mcmaster university next september to complete her course in arts mr joseph soper of 1dmonton alto epont a fow days this week with his brother mr alfred soper who hn be bh11 rfort ho pool a6venwobwanurs still in bed but progressing slowly mr and mrs bailey and master ronald and- mrs stewart motoroj up from toronto and spent sunday with mr w hall mrs hall and miss nellie accompanied them to acton miss lottie v mason spent a few days this week with kitchener frlonds during hor stay miss mason played with the kitchener girls band at the tattoo last wednesday evening mr charles wilson superintendent of tho hydroelectric plant here and miss bertie speight secretary of the commission aro attending tho provin cial hydro convention at niagara falls tills week mr john a grant inspector of jhe highway patrol force of oritarlo was a caller at this office on friday mr grant is well pleased with tho careful patrol and general observance of the highway traffic act in this district mr and mrs john harvey acton announce tho engagement of bojr daughter alvalna to wliliqmhon- son son of mc- ftlvfl a josh 41- thmphcn p erltownnhlp thfi mav rlige to nk plco th- intor pari q jnny- jfnnnd jrt a t- brown and misaei bortlo ftpplflbt and fern brown left im monday for ft motoring trli to port colborne nfnganf falls and other points they will vihu rev and mrs moyer at port colbonjo and rev and mrs draper at niagara falls mr andrmrrf john nlcolgon of mar ietta mich who aro spending a week or so with relatives in esqueslng spont tuesday with acton frlenda thoy motored over and are enjoying the outing very much mrs storey and mrsv henderson sisters of mrs nicolson accompanied them to town 7 wk6htho doctors report comes in the council promised proper action the bylaw setting tho rate of tax ation for the year 1025 was given ahe required number of readings and pass ed by the jcduncll the rate was struck at 44 mills the samo as last year j this amount is made up as follows debentures and sinking fund 48 mills public schools 15 mills county rato gg mills street lighting 20 mills free library 5 mills waterworks 0 ranis t salaries and allowances 3 mills miscellaneous 26 mills the uratjiuiymnnt is rtnajonse lr4 arid the second instalment on novem ber 10 a second bylaw appointing miss m v clarridge as deputy clerk and treasurer during tho absonco of mr faxmar- municipal treasurer wasroaj as required and passed by the council mr stephen cordlner requested that a sidewalk be laid in front of his property on wilbur street the coun cil agreed to attend to the matter and have the sidewalk built the streets and walks committer was given authority tp go ahead with the necessary repairs on main street at falrview cemeeryjontrance movetrbyf e holmes seconded by l e atkinson that the firemen bd given permission to make the neces sary purchases of supplies as required the arrears in the tax roll occupied a busy hour the clerk was instruct ed to secure vouchers for hoso tax payers who hiul produced receipts w c t u convention at bdlton i stirring address by reyjohncoburn oftoianip onwomini- share in prohibition the annuoj convention of the hal- ton and wentworth w c t u- was held in tho united church milton lajt thursday mrs flov h caldwell of george town the president occupied the chair at tho morning- hessioni interesting reports wore presented by tho various unions and ys of the countlos tho afternoon session had a full programme thccads of the various departments law enforcement sunday schools flowers etc roported their activities during tho year from which much encouragement was deducted animpresslvo addreaa was given by rev john coburn of toronto one of tho fleld secretaries of tho department of evangelism and social service of the united church his themo was the importance of tho work for women in the effort to socuro prohibition of mrs james h rejds on saturday mrsrphotojiortrafllc in canada prises were awarded to misa doro thy campbell and mastor milton wat son acon for essays on temperance subjects miss jean kennedy sang a solo which all enjoyed mrs bodwln of burhngton arso sang with good effoct mrs caldwell was rbelected proal- dont and miss crossley secretary an event of tho afternoon was th presentation t6tucrbrrb galbraith milton of a threestar pin for secur ing the largest number of members during tho year a plcnlc lunch was held at noon and a blue ribbon tea ut tea time both of these functions were enjoyed mrs james s mrs iljjp moore mrs george somorvllle and misses jean kennedy viola rumley marguerite symonand dorothy camp- i boll wero present from acton i tho winners of the county contest in essay andpostor work were high school essay marlon beggs oakvillo i high school poster milton watsbnj acton form xv public school doro- thy campbell acton forni hi public school mary elliott west flamboro form rv public school poster gedffrey gllby milton form iii publicschobl j poster gordon currio acton soft ball league softball is advancing with leaps and bounds in acton all flvo teams in tho local league show wonderful improve ment in their gamo to date and no doubt thoy will become more pro ficient in this sport ns tjiu aoason ad vances- v xho ghmefl this iwoek were much jnore vwly miitched than those of last wek ha the scores wiu indicate on thursday night tho acton tanning co defeated the town 109 and tus gave tlicmselves a chance to share tho rivers scat ln the league with the town loam who are tine first placurs of tbe league tuesday night saw u good gnfffe with hewetsons wtnnors ove thomairled men by a 1018 score tho weeks play tlgritonca up the league cqnsldembly giving any of the nrst three teams a chanco to ope the bunting the standing of the league to dute is us follows u won lost town c i acton tanning co 6 1 hewetsons 3 3 beardmore co 1 6 married men 1 ai us john clarke tlicio were many sad hearts in acton on saturday when the body of mrs jolin clarke was brought hero from tho family residence at cooksvillo for liiernient mrs clarkos death oc- currod with heartrending suddenness on wednesday of last week hor all moat was diagnosed as spinal moninr grltls the shock and exposure from trio fire laut march had serious effects upon mrs clarke she waa not well all spring and summer her final ill ness waa of short duration however and tha end came unexpectedly ami was a terrible blow to her sorrowing hus band and children mi clark was born iri crariborno salisbury england and alio camo to canada with her dovotod htibband u brldo thlrtyflvc years ago thpy settled in acton and this was the hlrthplaco of their children two years aso mr and mrs- clarke and family renoyed from acton to tho great re- grot of their hosts of friends mr cluikoand their son wont into busi ness in toronto and took up their resi dence at port credit lah spring their homo was destroyed by fife and recently thoy took up a now rcaldenro in cooksville mrs clarke was a lady of very flno character her home an her churjeh were always foremost in hor thoughts she was devoted to her hufllmndnnd children and tholr com fort arid pleasurewere her everpres ent cnddavor she was aa active member of st albans church and to her loyalty and- earnest efforts thai church and congregation owo very much indeed mrs clarke wua beloved by all who knew her the suryivinjr members of the family are mr clarke mia8bsaiaah ethel- dora and phyllis ancvmr john clarke jr the funeral waa hold on saturday- aftor a brlof aerylcoat cooksvlh the c rrtb- torod to acton an iriipreaslvu acrvic was held at st albans church rev mr baugh spoko tender words of com fort totho boreaved family and -re- ferrcd to the valuablo services render- m ins uer long residence here interment was made at falryiew cemetery the paolboarbva- wevemessrowar stbroy 7 h b holmes john mcartliur john stalker j m mcdonald and mr bonr p0ucb court news a party at pusllhch lake dance last thursday night in which tiree young men arthur burr ell h pfelffer and h hornblower and one young woman may bubbles morrison all of preston participated culrrilnatod in the appearance of tho quartotto bov fore maglstratb wfttt friday morning charges of drunkenness and dl- 1 k1 provincial coffers of approximately 100 in linear hornblower waa- alao charged and convicted of having liquor in a placo other- than a private dwel ling they ull pleaded not guilty to tho charges mercury liiapector j grant picked up ttireo menjd oconnou a mclaren und a freiipier all of hespeler r chris- tlevllle last friday evening taking them into guelph whero tiicy spent the night in tho cells oconnell had a bottle on him when he was appre hended und ho waa assessed 50 and pobta saturday morning -whilo-frep- plcrdnd mcluron each pleading guilty to imlng drunk were fined i0 and costa james clark geortfotown camo be- fore police maglatrato moure on sat urday aftornoon on three charges pra- ferrcct by inttpectoc reovoly bolng in- toxicated driving a motor car whllo k intoxicated and for using prof a no and insulting language three witnesses were called to substantiate tho charged earl newman robert masaoy and debbie lappln -oh- thocluugq boinir intoxlcatedr newmah7who kttvo the information to the inspector and declared clark was vory intoxicated on tho seventh lino when returning homo trom a dance at stanley park erin couldnt swear when- giving evid ence in court that the defendant was intoxicated and volunteered tho lnfor- malon that clark had- come up to seo him alnceho was summoned as a wit ness he further said he now desired to withdraw tho chorgoi the iriapec- tor informed him that haying himself laid tho charge tho witness could not withdraw massey gave- similar evid ence and naturallyhhc case was dis- mlsaod tho magistrate pointed out that the matter of tampering with witnesses was a serious ono and advised tho crown to take tho matter up tho chargo of driving a motor car was as a consequence of the witnesses chanqo of front also dismissed on tho chargo of uslngprofano and insulting language nowman mnsscy und dctbblo lappln who waa with hlmj ave evidence against clark ho was fined 2500 and costs on this chargo inspector recvely prosecuted and james havorson k c was pros- ent for tho dofenco information was laid on friday by trafilc officer lomon ugalnst a leading urofeusional man in guelph charging hint with driving hhr motor car at a speed of llfty miles an hour on tho provincial highway between norval and mount pleasant that morning on tuesday pollca magistrate moore re ceived a letter from thopfofeailonal gonucman pleading guilty in thoso words thero la noquestion about uiis one i was late for an appoint ment in toronto thefowas no ono on tho road and x allowed my chauffeur to drive- fnater tlwin tho law allawa i encloae my cheque for fifteen dollars on fjio cth inst a similar conviction was moxlo for fast driving in halton county chlof mcphorson being the cdnrplainant on that charge- the district womens institute mrs george agnow aoton e footed prflbident at the annual mooting the district annual mooting of the vonaens inbtituto was hold in tho arena georgetown on wednesday june 17th with very interesting morn ing and afternoon sessions tho of ficers for tho year 192626 wero elected as fqllotvu prehldont mra geo agnow acton 1st vicepresident mrs alltonv of palezpio 2nd vleopresldont mrs a g clar ridge hannockburn sectreft miss amy l howes of hortihy publicity convenor mrs j a tracy knquoalug childronh shelter convonor mrs iyank lonl omagh historical convenormiaa aplobe isaqueilng icducutionol convonormrs ingle- hurt palermo jillun ethel chapman assistant superintendent of tho department of womens institute toronto gave o splendid address on the work of the worncnb jjnstltpte a good uttond- ance of represaptatlves from all tho branches of too county attended i i v ms4i zt- imimmmmi assatfesfaiiafeffiiiu ssiiil

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