Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1925, p. 5

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s flip ivrtnu 3tr tirurbpat januaky22 10i0- principle tvfft3 ttubcep not a lamb that n tray cd way in tho n arable jciiua tolti a jjrownup uhobp that lijacl roiio j uhtrny from ninety am piufl in tho fold out on tho hlllultltvbut in tho colii twrun nhhoop tho good shepherd nought and ifucu to tho lock anfo into tho fold fwna a uhcop rtm good shepherd brought and why for the sheep wo oiirjieutly ions i amlas earnestly hope and pray bccauuethero 13 danger if- they go wrong i they will lend tho lambn astray for tlie liimba will follow tho uhecpr i you know whereyer the sheep may utrayj- vvjlon the ijiifp r wrong imnli bo long t the sunday school lesson for sunday january 25 jesus comports his discipwos goldon toxt i am tli way tho truth and tho life ho man ono comoth unto tho father but by me john 14 g l tinro tuesday night april 4 a d no v place upper room joruaalcm tho toxt explained 1 i will comp npalnv 13 the 14th cliapfer of john in most romurjcablo gold mno in world tho bible the- llrat clauuo of verse ono is the keynoto to tho chap ter especially of versoa 12 verne 27 ends as voruo 1 begins jlot not ytjtir hetfrt bo troubled and all in bo- tweon might fitly bo ontltled thoughts- for tho comfort and en- uf bulluvuis the till the lambs arc as wrong s they vnd a with the trheop wo earnestly plead vor the salcoof tho lamba today if the lambn aro- lost what terrible coat some sheep will ha vo to pay twenty years ago the the from the loouo of thofroo proas of thursday jqnuary 26 1006 sugar continues fo hustle up in prlco there haa b for a couplo off woeko mr m iv barry coptlniibs to uhlp jargo quantities of turnips from hore tho firnt hockey match of tho town league oh monday evening botwoon boardmores and tho town team j-o- rijulted-tn- 54 infayorof beardmproar y xnox church held its annuatrnoct- ing mtholocturowjom laotwodnoo- dny ovening reports- wero received from tho session tho treasurer tho r w svm s tho xjhurch mlaolon so- clotyv ladloav aid gbforthrtmiouion bond- and sunday school tbitraoni- barahlp of knox church- now stands at 32g tho first carnival of the seaoonwan held by the management of tho rink on -thursday- evonlngl the tifcathejr was favorable arid tho event waa well patroniiedr but vory fow appeared in costume tho annlvoraftry ncrvlccs off the methodist church wero hold on sun day- and monday evonlntr rov- dr brujgs tho honorod book stoward of ho mo tho d lot church wao tho preach er of the day on monday evening a oumptuona ropaot waa nerved by tho ladles of tho church in the school room whoro tho orchestra played tho ontortainmont which followed woo hold in tho auditorium of tho church and consisted of muaio and a lecture by rov j c trcleavon of porkdale on- titled say so j 11 thomembraclect of the halton county council mot in tno court houae milton on tucsdoj for organi zation archy mqlhbon was elected wardon humorous better count your chickens before they aro snatched tho darkeys hour ia iust before the dawn r i u sergeant what denomination are you church of england recrullt oh i aint particular what hrc you short of julia now toll tho truth you men like the tnlkatlvo women as much as you do tho others jack cvhat othero hilda so you made up your auarrcl with tom dtfrin yob but only temporarily wero getting nrarried next month ho who han loot oonfldonoo in man kind has loot mucii but ho web hao lopt faith in the inari under ills own hathaflijnothing moro to jose fatlirr whata tho matter allcb auco prcddlo hnd i hayo ported for ever fatlier um in that caoo i oup- pose ho wont becalhngfor a couple of nights- aunty- and were you a vory good little girl at church thla morning sah- ho snlllo oh yes aunty a man offered me a big plate full of monoy and t said no thank you aboenco jf tlioir lord the aomain der of yjsrae lcontalha jeuus in fall- iblo preiicrlptlotl for heart trouble the- one who truly believes in god and bellevou in jcflua christ will never be troubled in heart isa 20 3 wo can tako quv chdlco between- boliovlng hearts and troubled hearts vhon faith comes hi anxloty goes but k number of specific comforting thoughts follow thp first is that- of hoayon tho fathertr house la a jarge place roprri onotigli for uu all asweli an jeops ffho second is that jeods 1b coming back poroonally to take us tothoit place tho temporary oop- tirntlonrlfl to bouticcodoybtorhat reunion ho does not send for us ho comob hlirfself anypno who has learned to interpret scrfpturo by scripture can easily satisfy himself that tho coming hero spoken of is thfe doriuiliiqcondcomkig of christ by a careful comparison of yoroo 2 with thcoo 4 1017 tho return off our lord has ovor boon tho blessed hope of ballovors jesus hero speaks of it hi inkerproting this jiassago ho closes with comfort one anothol with them words 2 the way of the fathor tho third comforting thought in that they know the place where ho waa going and how to rfot there vergo c is- ono of the mountain pcake of scripture- it tollsufl that- tho way to god jfisuo himself la tho way we get to god through him and in- no olther way- that way is open to all how jeouo is way tho bible mffkeovery plaint ho is not only tho way but tho truth alaqho is thj truth incarnate other moaoengers of god teach tho truth jeauo is tho truth if thon wo aro to know tho truth we must know him ho la alao the life if you wish ufo you must take him as ooonao you liavo takon josua you have life if you havo not taken jesus you may havo eac- iatonco but you havo not life if ou arbanxlouo to know- what lifo real life is look at susand you will see 3- ho that hath oocn me hath aeon tho father 711 if jesus were a mero man and not diviner in a sonao thatnoothcr is divine then verse 7 would ho appal- iing and blasphomyi but jcaus had d right to say ifyo had known me- yo would havo known my father also- for god perfectly and fully revealed himself in jo a us to know jeauo is to know god to ooo joaue is toooo god to know jesus fully is to know god fully jeaus la god manifest in tho flooh there jo deop anlficanco in phlllpscryj lord shew uatho father and it aufilcoth uo yea that will oufllco iia to ooe god and nothing else will foraovoral years philip had been looking lit god arid not seeing him or knowing him thoro aro many in this day just- aa blind an philip jo8uniancoa to have philip arid the rest of tho disciples b that hi womans glory valuable ffiv people realizo tho onormoun price paid for humnn of various tints and qualities jjiiunl prfcoo of yood varletlofi of hulr of ordinary color vary from jioo to sgo a pound whllo tho rarer hueu particularly white and auburn are much moro expcnnlvo for jmrc whlto hair thoro la always a largo domarid and tho prices paid for tho beat qualities range from twontyftvfl to thirty dollars nn ounce boforo the world var l weir known dealer nold hit hyri 554jji per pound noxt tii vhjto hair caraco tho titian tint in point of viiiiea fow years ffo- w kivn wjrian who woo blended with equisitu ied treusdo no- icnu than ilvo feet in lengtli sold throo reot ofthein to a paris dealer for j5000 the cutting- of tho locks was done wth a pair of goldon shears which- wero afterwards preaentod to the lady moot of the line huhsold is eur op caiv and in normal times about five hundred thounund pound is imported into this country from europe wnd twice that amount from china the 1 itter ischenp an c tho beat hair cornea from the pouthorn pare or frnnaetrom italy and btijiemla in fct the dealcrn nay that the- frdnoh hair ia jjie finchtriuality of all tho demand is constantly- increasing no doubt this is duo to the fact that wigs h ive beeribrought toa ureat degree of perfdcflon and also bcus of the- ln- cieaaoof baldness on uip continent railway tuni tables at actq61 ligfgiym gaina west no 20 j- no si mo j3 no 35 no 39 so 25 slltiflnv no 20 no 30 ndr 34 no 3g j- no 38 no 24 sunday 809 nm 103gom 9p m in tin v9im -r- ma tuut 715 ain 1118 ana 335 pan c17 pxau 813 pm 7oapme of 100posbd at their troinino quarters twonty years ngo back rw toft to righl h w brown m nicholtc r r mantora hi harvoyj h parker q donad b plccloary secjorid row j stool m 0rownlie f stewart c drownlie l f cupples a h woct l paowai a white third rowa c robitliard h g munro r irvine c q porter ss deanr j jichardoohi 0 nopia a h hart a e cv6k6vnfrbnt rc mcgraoivv crdahyfwluca k s vcnaon c badoley nopia taking a place kick canada la to beo tho famops- au- blaclcs rugby team of new jzealarid and british columbia will sootliem in action tho canadian pacific railway announced when- making public tho facttliat thia galazy of starb on the conclusion of their tour of the british isles and irnnco will return homo tho- leonvjandlngnt st john nbr will vjait toronto niagara pails the canadian paciflo experimental- farm at strathmoro calgary- banff van couver and victoria at banff thoy- will soo and probably take part in tho winter spbrtb carnival as thoy aro interested in canadian winter sporta and havo expressed a koon dcslro to soo a good game of hockey thoy aro to play rugby at- vanqouvcrcnt ruary is next tho toam will proceed to san pranclscci whero thoy will probably piny another game and on february 25 thoy will fcall forhonio aboard the canadian australian liner tahiti tho all- bi ars wh b h ave play od 30 matchoo in the british isles and prance before they leave and who aro hcheduled to fly across tlie channel to play at paris and toufouso nro prob nbly tho most famous rugby football- team in tiioworld and it ia expected that thera will bo a tremendous de mand for boats for the games on tho pacific coaat successors to the au- bjacliu whieh tourod england and america inl90gnrid was only onco detl featod the present teqny has aetrsfclf tho goiil of returning tp new zealand with a complete libt of victories ant scorns to be well within sight of thlh object uw out of 30 games bn u the lropeari uchedule it lias thuot far won nil managed by s dean and cap tained by gg porter thoro nro 2d athletes ln uio touring aggragation pf whom tbo average ago is 24 height g feet 10 inches and weight 171 pounds- figures which speak fbra team of unumially big mon tho for- wnrdwrwho are said to be tho strong er portion of the nide thoah tbo whole team la a remarkably well bnlanoeit one w are till undersix feet but aeo180 pounds in wolght portytwo persona make up the to tal allblack party as tho team has with it a coramloslbn whose object is to promote trade lbqtencftnadaatld now zeaiand e s williams land inspector departmoritof natural re- aoutces canadian pacific jftnil5yjoit calgarj who was in charge of the canadian pacific exhibit at wmbey laot summer arfd became friendly with tho men there has been invited to meet thorn at st john and accompany them across canada too easy when affairs are too easy wo lose intereott and when they aro too hard- vb lose courage wo nqed to moot obstacles in our vuyioua ondoaybra lp ovder to retain bur zfeot but of course if jthoobstaplcsaro rnultlpllcd till thoro is no posalbility of our getting tho be3tr tjf them our courago olumpo and wo have no choice but to givo up yoclaim that eaclionetutluoilia equal to everyposslblq combination of circumstance a is foolisht of ourfle obstacles may bo too much for the most determined bjtthja happens loss often than wp might- uuppoao au a- generdlrulo tho dlfflcultion wo encounter arc ne mora than enough tbjteep our enthusiasm alivo evory- ono gets desperately tired of work which la too easy work in which there is nothing to overcome canadian national railways wobtbound dally except sunday daily electric dally dauy daily daily dally daily daily 743 am 343- anx l1143 am 143 pm 3 43 pm rl- 543 pm 743 pm 043 p m 1232 am eaatbound daux b daily excopt sunday dnjly xally talent required atfjur iv i u t a t ur rannvft a few morocpntrols on tho whool and dash and havo ridded a fow dlnguooa for tho feet to manipulate tho only porapn who will bo aile to- drivo a car wll bo tho pipe organlstopotrlot motor nowa overhear n church donoider themaelves decidedly above an indian wind 60nq the wolf of tha winter wind is swift juidthe hearts aro still and tho chcolcs are pale when wo hear hid howl in tho fthootly drift a ho rushespost on a phantom trail and all thfljilkhijsjio huddlo and fear porwo know ihq his- path is tho path 6f d and tho flameu burn ipw when bin otopa are near and tho dim hut recku wltli liitf grave- cold breath the hound of tho autumn xvind in slow he loves to bask in tho heat and sloop when tho nun througji the drowsy haze berids low and froatii from tin hills ihrpugh tho atnr but oftentimes- ho n tarts in his rroams m when tho hol of lio winter- woff drawn nigh then lazily rolls in tho goldwarm beams whllo tho flocking birds to tho south drift by poter mcarthur act as ir wo hadnever known the meaning of fear the only hopoloss cabd is that of tho self satisfied complacency la a pretty good proof that wo do not kriowxiursyives ns well ns wo should hew near do wo come to our ideal man or woman and what uoji lot ua not go on taking our solves for granted this in far too important a matter to leave to chance tkw i waa in tho father and the father in him and hq longar to havo us bo ll ove it also his wocko prove it co alpwho have at discerning eyo 4 ho that believe tit on mo tho works that i do uhall ho do alse 1214 verso 12 contains nnothor of- tho comforting thoughts thpy certainly do not describe the oxuextences of tho average christian but we must not bring gods word down totholoyel of our experience wo must bring bur experiences up to tho level of gods word jesus meant just what ho said wo aro now by our faith united to tho rispn and ascended christ tho one who possooftes all authority in haavon and on earth arid by reason of this union wo lutvd power to do grcator things than josurt- did during uio days of hs hurinikfcubnr thosp tovhom jgausilrflt pokb thooo words saw three thousand converted iri a slnglo day that wao a far greater work than any that jesus did whllo on earth of course he tho risen lord was tho real doer of it work in tho do main of tho spiritual aro greater than to rise one physically dead- it is for each of ua to claim our measure of thlo power versoa- 13 and 14 tell us how theso vorseo toll ua ot tho powor that goto just what it asks andariy- t it u i i th p uf thoso who aro united in jcnuo christ by a living faith that ohows itaolfin on obedient lovo ahd it lo tho prayer upon tho ground of christh claims upon god icnowihg that wa ourselves- havo no claim whatever upoji god it ia far ipore than to add to your potltlon ail this i ask in jesus name we may oay that tind atlll in reality riot lie praying inour own name think- ing that wo havo soma claims upon god but jesus baa given us a right to approach qod upon the ground of his claims upon him and when wo do it no matter how sinful wo mafia if ybu aro easily discouraged road have been jesus himself will do what blor a minister who had- tho reputation of never relaxing frmjxhlajlljsalty won trying to prove co a few congenial friondo that tho reputation was not deserved why one day i laughed right out in tho pulpit ho said anrf i did not getavor the dbagraco of it fpr hcvoral woelto- t3ut ltwan ono of thane tiriios when my sense i pf humor got tho better of my ministerial calm it was one hot summer day and my church whlch woio cloao to a house tho windows of tlio church wcre opon and we could hear distinctly tho murmur of voices noxt door i had just offered prayer- and there was tho intense si lence which always follows an invor cation in tho solemn sllenco a wur mans harnh voice flcreamod john whore are tho nails 7 and a gruff voico anaworod in the coffeo pot you fool you put them thero yourself taking yourself for granted many young people aro too inclined to takothomsnlvon for granted they electric power the amount of power required to oporato some domestic machines is small a plant of sufflcent capacity to operate one or twro machin of makes it possible to urfo if for other purposes six horsepower will drive a grain elevator or thrash 2eu0 bushel of ootsin ten hourjs threo horao- pawerwiumnko 6 pounds of milk into cheeso in ono day alxliorne- power will run a food mill grinding twenty bushels of corn ah flvo horoopowor will grind from twenty flvo to forty buoholo of xecd or ton or twolvo bushels of ear corn an hour seven horsepower will drve an eight teeninch separator burr mill corn and cob crusher and corn ah ell er pro ducing from twolvo to fifteen bushels of feod an hour and from flvo to eight bushels of flne meal alx horno- nower will run a heavy apple grater grinding and pressing from 4 00 to 250 bushols of apples an hour five horae- pbwer will drive a thirtyinch circular saw prbduclngvfornjlxti- to scvonty- flvo cords of stdve wood from hafd oak in ton hburo nix horsepower will sawall tliowood four men can nllo in cords twelve horsepower will drivo the averageand thoy do not majto any ia flftyinch circular saw sawing 400a invcsti gallons with tho object of rtnd- feet of oak or 5000feotof poplar in a ing out whether op not thein com- day ton horsepower will run a slx- placcmont opinion is justifled teeninch onsllago cutter and blower no matter what oqr status in the and elevato the ensilage jntoa silo boglnnlng there is a possibility of thirty febt high at tho rato of aeven improvement if wo aro ignorant w i tons an hour ono- horoopowor will can learn if wo aro cowardly wo can pump enough water from a well of it tootifioafor itself dr thomas eblcctric oil needs no teatlmofilalo of its power other than itsolf- whoover tried it for coughs or colds for cuta or progress uro wtr making in that dlrcc- contusions for sprains or bruises for friend of all suffererbrrbr thomaa eclectrlc oil is a valuable remedy to all thooo who suffer pain it holds out hopo to veryono and real izes it by otllllng suffering every where it is a liniment thaf has tho blobulng of half a contiriont t is on ealo every whoro and can bo found tyhctover enquired for first aid to discouragement a successful business man in tho tlsys wiien ho was having a hard strug- glo v make lioth ends mqgt was in tho ordinary depth to supply a farmhouse and all tho buildings jmina in the limbs ox body well know that tho medicinpproyos itself and needario guarantoo this hijows why this oil is in general uoo keeping fit nino timea out ofv ten iii health tri young people hi iipmeuiin of which to bo umhamed liey are out of conr dltlou because thoy sacrifice sleep for plcaouro and aro disinclined to tako oxerciso also thoy eat that which they want regardless of tho effect on their indigestion tin other wordo they aro not well because they ore lazy preedy and lacking in common nana and solfcontrol it is your business to keep fit if you habvtljof studying tho biographienpfnejd a doctors- old get it at oncobo famous mbn rihi3 cvonlrigs in order foro your case becomes unnecessarily to make up for some of tho lhclto of acrioutt most young people could ba the successful hope chest judicious selection is thooecrvt of tho linen trousseau of modest extont tho articles should botiurable in tex ture and tasteful in design as is the matching and selection- of the wood in tho cedar cheat in which thoy aro tucked oway rather than havo one or two exquisite pieces that aro al most to elaborate for mod era tb use it is bottert6makp a complete survey of tho hope chest and to make sure that all tho fundamentals aro first in place tho following list has boon complied by authorities on tho linen subject and is worthy of consider ation 32x2 yards table cloths 1 2x3 yard table cloth 1 dozen napkins breakfast size 2 dozen napkins dinner slzo 1 tablo pad 2 henuatltchod tray cloths 2 dozen bodroom towels i idozon bathroom towels d pair hemstitched cotton doublb bed size 3 bedspreads with bolster covers 2 pairblarikctjj double ldozon dlflh towjjla sheets 1 dozen glass towels 1 comforter 1 luncheon set- 2 dozen tea napkins now that the verdict has been road and wo know tho essentials for the chest let us take a peek at the temp ting things which every bride dreams about first on tho list comes tho chinese luncheon set with its dainty border design in blue what could bo more attractlvo for tho table st for two for the more elaborate company luncheon runners of hondkorchtcf lin en wlth insorts of fllot may drops tho tabic a tea cloth of shadow embroidery is an accessory in which every brldo takes great pride whon she is enter taining her first guests not only does it glvo tho hostess a sonae of security but it gives a thrill of satis faction of the visitor who hag come to bcphowher tea sot flt into thu home i another piece that will- bo called forth on one of the early athomes io tho luncheon sot 4 of irish linen with orango inserts tho servico cloth for the pdrch party will not go begging for admiration when madp of ciotmlywovon cloth dolly dolly dally dally lially t43 am 943 tcxxl 1143 am -3r4-pir- 343 pjl d43 pm 743 pm 7943 pitl u1l40 pm jtwhbtdouvorod byopobil cxprosa- rblcht prolglit jlood up at any ad-t- dross ba toronto ai w at if i roberts 5 cviri sforc6oghscol0s a md bronchitis g 3j and dotf orated in red and blue em- hrpldpryl of tho russian pheasant shades all of tlie bright colors anh jfestlye designs ijluould not bo reserved for the hio early education ofton- when no well if they carbd to talto the trouble social affairs of tho cottage a cdlor sat down to his rending ho wan do- and theso deaorve condemnation rathor jectod and discouraged and under the impression that no one else over bad- such n hard time as he as ho road of tlie difficulties these famous men had encountered and conquered hlu own began to bhrlvpl and by bedtime thoy had shrunk to tho rriost insignifi cant proportions than com mis oration for their ill health 8liqhtly different the witricshhad boon cautioned to glvo moroproclso answers wo dont want your opinion of tho question tho judge- told him wo vnnt it nnnworcd thats allv you rfriye a wagon nuked tho proflbcutlng atfbrnoy s n tflr i do not was tho decided reply why olr dldyou not loll my learn ed friends but a moment ago that you dld7 no sir i do not now i put it to you my man on your oath do ybu drive a wagon no air thon what in your occupation asked tho tates attornoy in deapor atlori i drive a horao waa tlio reply keeping down costs why did ikey invito only married people to his weddlng7 well in that way ho figured that fththeih0bentawould bft-olenr- profit bocord i drivaa asthma baforo it tho smoko jor vapor from xr j dr kel- loggh asthma remedy givqs asthma no ohancb to linger it cradicatob the cauncc our experience willi the relief- jfjvlng roiriody shpws how actuul and positive ia tho succor it given it la tho result of iong study andexpori- ment and- was not submittod to the publte until its milkers know that it would dp jta worl wll wo ask of tho fathorln his noma daily roadinoi for- next week monday january 19 jesus com forts hiadiaciplos john 14117 tuesday junuary20 comfort of the needy matthew 11 2530 wednesday january 21 comfort for tho sorrowing john 11 1820 thursday january 22 comfort in tronblo act 27 21-25- imctay january 23 a comforting brother 2 cor 7 27 gaturday january 24 tho god of comfort 2 cor 1 17 i v sunddly january 25 comforted through salvation psalm 20 10 1white collar jobs thoro is n father unfortunate trend umongjho presentday young men in favor of tho whitocollar jbb some young fefiows would rathot- tako a small salary and bo able to dross well and keep their hands immaculate than earn twico to money rtt a job which means greasy ovorallu and blackened nailu a young follow of thla nort talking with nn older frlonds after graduation from highflchool says oarnoatly of courso idont want a dirty jjib tlio friend answers omplrfticayrof courao you dprit but remember that tho dirty job id the one that leaven smut on your houi not the one that blaekonii yourhnndir if you go into any ocoupatlop in which you are quired to mleroprooont in which- ypu tako iidvnntnao at tho ignorance and lnexporlenee of the public to mako gain for aomobody you have a dirty job von though you go about looking ilko omallorn advortlhflmbnt tho whitocollar jon is all right if ir is your job not otherwise the young fellow who tuma his back on tho oc cupation for which iia ih host flttod booaubo it means woaring overalio and getting grcoao on hio hands dooa not deaorvo to eupooed biography if you think that no ono ovor had as hard a tlmo as you aro haying road tho lives of tho men whose lives shine llko atarb in tho flrmamant thochnnces nro that you will com o to tho conclusion of the man referred to that yur mountains of difficulty aro littlo insignificant oandhills millers worm powders attack worms in tho stomach and tho intes tines at oncoand no worm can como in contact with them and live they also correct tho unhealthy condition in tho digestive organs that invite and oncourago worme dotting up reactions that aro most benoflclal tajine growth of thojchihi they havo attested their power iri hundreds ofcnheaind tit all times are thoroughly trustworthy worth money some promlnont business concorm hiro a man to find fault with them thoy roallzo that sometimes an out sider sees that which la wrong better than those who aro too clone and thoy think the criticism is worth good money when you young people lose your temper over criticism you arc acting in a rather shortfllghtod fash ion it in worth rn0rioy to you tb seo your defects as an outoldor ocos them and when the motive behind the criti cism la fribndly or unfrlondly dbos not malco a particle of ulfferonco in tho results if a bunlpcso firm will pay a largo balary to a man for plckihg ffawa wh should you become angryot oomo one who doeh this scrvioo for nothing to know your shortcomings la worth monoy tnkq what criticism ia glypn you and bo thankful tree pruning itcsulto- which may ourprlaa motty praotioal hortlculturinto have beon ob tained by scientific dxporimohts on tho wpjurif fruit farm in england it wis been observed that tho leas a fruit troblu pruned tho larger and heavier it boeoineh 3vfn when allow- anco i madotfoi wood rmoved 1 annuul priming of normal trocn tho frlt crops ar aluo inoreanod sis thp uriiount of pruning is dlmlnlqhcd the general conclusion is tho tho loss pruning tho better oh regards growth and fruit thla appllefl however only tp hoalthy ftnawmu to get th most from a dollvr for few people who do not know tho full value of monoy to havocharga of a charge account is dangerous an thoro are few young people in uchool or just starting an wage corners who do kiow the valuo of money of course vast numbers of older people aro ignorant lob there are thousands who will buy nn nrtlelo they wll not have to pay for till noxt month who woulih not buy it if they had to nay cah others hav anidea thttndn extravagant purchase is not iad if the payment can be otretched over a year or two dobt of courso may oncourago thrift us in the case of tho youg couple who buy a house paying nrfow hundred dollars down and arranging for monthly payments on tho remainder this is nn investment however and quite different from indulging oneself in oxtravaganc6 tho way to got tho moat out of a dollar irf to wait tctspend it until you havo it babys restless nights might be avoided- qcaldedbkiii and oilier iikiu troublea are cotnmon causes of reatlcssnesa and ofteu iucottldbc uvoidcdbycttie tttl bathing with babya own soap vlts frngraut lather cjeanoes arid i hcala imbys skin and prepares for atful sleep btmfor ytwrnnd bhittk tau effect should bo worked out for the kltchonnawell red and whlto dust cloths red outline figures on tho glass towelb and a little red nouoo embroid ered on tho kitchen apron make tho hours of baking seem much shorter the bathroom finds its spot of color in a pwpjoor yellow guest set tha might consist of bath towel andwash cloth with lavender atripon- and a face towel with embroidered baskets of flowera in shades of purple- and lavonder thla room must atso havo ita masculine touch a real linen towel for tho cold shower path bottles for lotions to match the color sohemk can be decorated with enamelnc or scaling wax in all tho hoppcheat planning con- hlatency should be tho provelant note tho modoator extent of the home tho quality of the furnishings and tho stylo of the- sti an tho china should all bo taken into contdderatlon tlie linen trousseau must not overshadow or bo overshadowed though it abounds in individuality it must not so to the point of being obstruolve with a llttlo foresight and common sense tho d cap orate patching together of odds and enda can bo overcome and a truly worthwhllo linen supply established no ohlld should bo ullowed to suf fer an hour from vorma when prompt relief can be obtained iln a simple but atrong remedy mother graves worm exterminator ddnt rum on- flat tires a hut tire makes hard going tho air you pump intojrour tires docs not holam tb amount to much but it in ns tmnnntlttt ton pleasant nip authe gas oline iri tho tank i courtoay is jlic nlr in the tlrp it does not supply motlvo powori nut it makes the jbnrnoy comfortable x caoenthe joltav your cducatloriom- bined withyomriaiural ablhty may curry ybii forward in ufo at a wonder fully rapidly rato without plenty of gas you aro bound to chine to a stand still on tho other hand you- may have nil tho gaa you need and yet feel every bump in the road it la courtoay that inflata the tire and makes the going ottpy castoria mother fletchers gastoriais a harmless substitute for castor oil- paregoric teething crops and soothing syrups prepared torelieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation windgolic flatulenc to sweeten stonrach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the as9imiiationof eoodi promoting checrfalness rest and natural sleep wiout opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cjxvgeucjim proven dircctinrts on each package physicians everywhere recommend it iijsp5s xheh in nicltol chevrolet service vudw yy look lor thsblblu ira mifc q0 r one reason chevrolet owners have sufficient confidence iri their car to travel anywhere is that wherever they go they find chevrolet service available i fact is there are over 2000 ser vice stations in canada showing a sign similar to the one above in practically every city town or village one can obtain efficient chevrolet service- y which of course is one more reason why you should consider chevrolet s v king nepresentattv jfor this section georgetown- ontario chevrolet- for economical transportation t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street acton jsgravlng g cbriciiuohdstwcst- tfrgntto canada a new service we have established nn up- fodate watch repair depart ment with five watchmakers at your service with these new facilities we hopcto be able to create ahfapftir service second to rjone in the province v invite ypu to submit yoiir repairs for estimate quick service competent ser vice this is always our aim savage co jewellers guelph ontario she was too sick to try entrance elxama jwiiiq wu oo of tho many chll droit tn now ontario who travol mlli oooh doy to ochool fair weather ol foul n trudge alons thu rouarh roads eaffor for tho littlo bit of edu cation toalblo for them flfteoo yeani had paened olnco joannoa birth and oho had never enjoyed tho bent of health durlnff that time- six iof these yoars oho had spent in nolnir to school holplns arqund tho house and at odd timer working hero and thero to earn a uttlo monoy oflo daysho was caught in a oleet storm on her way homo from school before loner a terrlblo couch sot in which anally ended in oonaumptlon of courao it was impossible for her to try the entranco examinations an- ouier year perhaps but oertalnljr not now said tho doctor now she is resting at the muslcolca uoapltal tor consumptives ber pleas- ins shyness still remains her curly fafr hair rofuaedto benavo whllo her blue eyes with the aid of her llpa radiate cheer and hone sure naya jeanne im irolnp to hlirh school wliy notr- and m echo twhynotj and tho doctor flays why not be- cause jeanno is on- the road to wellvlllo i will you help her and others to reach thebonlctafcnnlrjnullntttavuis tlosplul luodot ajtt may bo oent to hon w a charlton prooldont ill collese street toronto ontario subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free press office irt v1v ssmmmiimmjaa

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