fiftieth year no 30 thursday morning january 22 1925 acton ontario danada thursday morning january 22 1925 single copies fve cents the methodist chtjrch acton rev josephus clup paotor pnroonooo willow st hooa in tho miniutor subjoct tho mind of chrlut 230 p m sunday school 7 00 n m tho mlnlstor subjoct self huit of sin presbyterianj knox church acton minister rov a c stewart m a uanic willow 3troot 11 0o a m tho minister subject s t jtoallty unit ncainesa of our taftl 300 p m biblo vlauo studlea 1n mlittliew clinpici 23 3 00 p m sunday school 7 00 p m tho ulnlflter subjccc tha of man peilahea tho worlc of tho loid enduies strangers loavlne addroaft yrtth tho u5horo wlu bo catlod upon by tho poctor special notices advertisements in thii column a cents per vpti mpjmiub clmrgc3nc per insertion house to rent on scene street enquire of mrs waterhouse 29tf last houhe on scono st to let room for office good location eaolly heated rent icasonuble apply j p o box gl2 t acton ont for sale a good driver four years old apply to 303 n w burns r r no 4 roclcwood wanted basswood bolts in tho round 37 or 50 long 5 and up top advise keenen brothers ltd 204 j owon sound wanted at once maid to do general houseworks ap ply to mrs j b mackenzie 292 georgetown for sale a quantity of primulaa all in bloom 35c per plant in pots apply to a h bishop 20tf falrvlew ave lost hound black and tan female any ono holding oamo after this notice wil bo noverely dealt with geo jhillman aotom or phono 7t money found t a tium of money in acton finder may recover oamo by- proving owncr- uhlp and paying expenses of adver tising robt mcarthur 30tf church stroet acton choift leader wanted applications will be received for the position of choir leader in kno church until january 31 apply to j r kennedy convenor of musical commit ter- p o box 544 302 card ofr thanks mr adam coolc and miss myrtlo cook wish to express tholr slncero thanks to tho frlondi for tholr kind acts and words of sympathy during tho illness and death of tho beloved wife and mother of tho homo auction 8ale paul s kennedy will hold an auc tion salo jot 100 sheep and 16 lambs at lot 20 fourth lino esquoslng two miles oast of acton near stop 70 on thursday january 29 at two oclock tcims nine months r- 3 kbrk auctioneer 292 phono 30 acton as8essor wanted appllcatidns will bo received by the clork or any member of tho council of nouoagawoya up to february 2 for tho position of assessor for 1920 john marshall clerk card of thanks i wiun to thank all thooo who have signed tho position to tho civil ser- ylcqcommissian requesting that i rc- folyq tho anpolntmpnt n postmaster of acton ir thoro aro any who hnvo not already nlgn6d tho petition uni wish to do sh if thoy will kindly call at tho post ofllco an opportunity will be jrivon j c matthews acting p m farms for sale 45 farms in tho counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lot us sond you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith roal estato agent phono 105 acton ont wonderland friday january 23 enemy sex adnptcd from the story tho salamander stauing betty compson comojdy stago fright with our gang fox ncwhj saturday january 24 the lone chance starring john gituei t com edy hot air flint ot a series of six bonny leonard light picture tuesday january 27 foolish parents druunt with an all star cant chapter c of lrathci stock- lngi comodif her city sipi t gomjw l the side shpw of i4tv adapted from tho moito- bank starring ernest torrance r l gregory son two community dollar in gtielph friday and saturday l january 2324 1 a festival op bargains all over town with every good store taking part in- the celebration and the biggest list of biggest bar gains is to be found atguelpljs biggest store the buying power of your dollar will be immensely increased on those two days if you can possibly get to guclph on friday or saturdayy you cant afford to stay away d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store township assessors o b thompson and m campbell e y barraclough appointed a member of bonnf of health and john h smith inspector the council goes on record as favoring the proposal news of local import acton chamber of commerce tho monthly meeting of tho cham ber of cdwmietee v wjll be held on thursday evening junuary 39 nt eight oclock in tho council chamber tho election of ofllcers for tho year and other important buulncatr wttt v be tnlcen up a full nttendanco of the members will advance tho interests aimed to secure by this important organisation the son hawk a gront production that tho pcoplo of acton appreciate at tho inaugural mooting of thj w ilm was amplyem- of a tax on gasoline our jldghways rcoolvod this council vmount of insurance now carried by weekend specials i sponge taffy display we have a fresh shipment of sponge taffy on display in our large window i quaker kisses quaker kisses the oldfashioned candy regular 40c lb weekend special 32c lb i assorted chocolates assorted chocolates with hard and soft centres regular 40c and sue lb weekend special 32c lb o those delicious fresh fruit bricks have you tried a fresh fruit brick they havo fruit and nuts chopped and mixed through them try a pound pf our faijcy biscuits mill street acton h wiles esfjucslng- council the following -mem- bo rij subscribed totho declaration of ofllcd and took their oathn s revive w g applebe licputy reeve cpq q brown cc jncilloi ht l leslie william gowd and m j carton- bylaws were passed appointing g b thompsorrnnsoboortfor wardd 1 2 and 3 nnd m cdrflpboll for waxdo 4 5 and 0 they will receive tlgcfeaen for their services james standlih and john brown auditors at 1500 eich e y barracjough as a member of tho board of health and j h smith sanitary inspector tho latter to recolvo a salary of 7500 the reeve and secretary wero auth orized to borrow 20000 for current oxponoosr tho following resolution wan carried xvith unanimous consent whorotta under tho heavy burden on tho tax payer of this province for the construction and maintenance of go on record as being in accord with tho proposal of thc minister of high ways to put on a gasoline tax to help raise revenue for the oaid work and that a copy of tho resolution be for warded to tho proper authorities a motion was paused fixing 20 conts per hour as tho rate to bo allowed for shovelling snow all accounts to bo pasaod only on the order of the path- master accounts were authorized to bo paid as follows x j m moore printing 92 10 king edward sanitarium ro harry gllllngham 31 days 40 co j proaswood gravel 84 00 m e turner grav 33 00 georgo flndlay gravol 2 80 adam alexander gravol 04 75 w j l hampshire gravol 3 38 david given hauling gravel david given shovelling gravel artluir morris shovelling gxavel v j hunter gravel 93 73 r harrop gravel 73 10 malcolm mcnabb gravel 90 00 howard bradley gravel gg 88 gordon leslie gravol 37 50 thomas glffon gravel 02 02 john glffon gravel 80 60 93 75 22 00 3 25 john glffon dynamite telephone accdunt c w s harrop refund twice asoesned beatrice maxwell refund twice assessed frances home rernoved from township j a brown rant of hall norman wrlgglesworth dog tax refund thomas mcbrhje dog tax re fund s c tennant repairing win dows and other work 2 00 3 88 9 87 5 00 4 10 onstrated a the new wonderland on saturday when the sea huwlcwau produced the theflttro wan crowded both at the matinee and in tue-ovon- injf the verdict of nil was that this picture is a wonderfuljroduction and vividly porttayed conditions people costumes and general environments of a couple of centuries ago tho ea- gttlng vessels and the conflicts of pir ates and merchants wero remarkably true to historic delineations halton farmorx r insurance co the twentyflfthnnnunl meeting of the haltonltnion fire insurance com pany will bo held attho head office town hall acton next monday 20th rnttoton6thlriy oclock tho an nual report prepared by tho pains taking secretary of tho company mr thos moore and confirmed by the udltors messrs r e hall and a l mcnabb will bo presented the the council may borrow 2100000 for expenses the board of health for 1925 drlzmeniven the reeve the clerk and henry awrey the daughters of the empire granted free u8e of the town hall for a char ity concert we close every wednesday afternoon harrisons r ains slippers 200 for 160 150 for 10 125 for 100 about 50pairs all sizes in the lot heavv rubbers lumbermans at 338 375 and 400 easily 50c to 75c below the regular prices mens goodyear welted boots 550 for 485 thirty pairs all sizes womens patent slippers regular 650 for 450 sizes 3 to 5 i tan slippers 5q0 for 295 375 kid slippers for 295 to elenr harry harrison the shoe man bring ua all your shoe repairing we will guarantee you a good job 17 r wul not bo vlblblo nffain forflvo hutv dred moro yoara harrywoods work szs thiifaiitflcnor llvo hundred yoaru an r h thompson uupplloa for snnltary rfntipoctor opray- er and matorlnl 7 hydro commission otroot mulito in qlonwllllamo nnd township 46 00 quthrlo korwln legal ad vice 10 oo courxcutadjournod to moot on mon day february 10 at 130 oclock social and personal mrs james symon is spending a week in toronto mr and mrs frank day fire visit ing friends in toronto miss hazel mason spent tho week end with friends in toronto miss anne corriglu spent a day or so this week with kitchener friends misses jean and anna lindsay of toronto werehomo over tho week end miss ruth nelson of macdonald institute guelph was home over tho weekend mr and mrs earle brown of kitchener spent the weekend at tha parental homo hcrp mrs jj c stono und miss barbara warren of torontp spent a few days in town with friends mr and mrs r h wansbrough aro spending a couple of woeks at mr frank days rockwood mr w c anthony of georgetown spent monday at the home of his sister mtfe h s wilson miss mary zlegler of qeorgotown spent a day or so this week at tile homo of mr h 8 wilson mrv and mr04 donald mcgregor of guelph spent the weekend rft the homo of mrs j duncan mcgregor mrs s s kusoelnnd children of oakville spout a fow days last wpek at he homo of mr w johnstone mr and mrnw c bcssey and doris of georgetown spent sunday at tho home of mr h s wilson mr r t mcdonald of brfgden spent the woekond at tho home of htj slotcr mrs a mcdonald church sl mrs h s wilson attended tho funeral of her uncle the lato wra anthony at georgetown on saturday mr william hunter jr and miss wilma hunter of terra cotta spent tho weekehd with mk and mra chair melceown mrs beatty p arnold will rocclvo on tlyrsday january tho twonty- nlnth from four to six r nnd afterwards tho last thursday in tho month mr and mrs walter bush streets vlllo annotince tho engagement of theti only daughter myrtlo murlau to mr georgo s burrows son of mr nnd mis gburrowa brampton mar- rlago to take place tho latter part of january both wo nerve tho company for its insurances is 1157900000 of this 80505000 was written in 1924 the losses for 1924 wro larger than usual and aggregated 3753025 s v tho church union question in acton following his announcement rev mr stewart mado a statement re specting the important question of church union at tho morning servlco at knox church lnat sunday in a fair and impartial manner ho gave an epitome of tho basla of union and then referred to tho lcadirujfnrgu- fnents being used against union mr stewart advised ho members wfaon the vote was taken to cast tholr bal lots as they individually concluded was for the boot interests of tho causo of god and his church he refrained from advising tho support of tho mem bers either for or against union but hoped all would vote and voto con scientiously ths suns eclipae on saturday everybody will be moro or leflain- terested in the total eclipse of tho sun which la to bo visible in this district tho eclipse is timed to too place between 905 and d0g on sat urday morning january 24 and it will last for about a minuto and a half at tho instant of totality acton and district will bo immediately plung ed into total darkness just an if night had suddenly come as soon as the moon has passed ovor and the time of totality has been complotcd daylight wall coma back just as instantan eously if the uy is clear on thit day the pcoplo of this district will have the opportunity of witnessing u sight which has not been visible in tho regular i session of tho council on monday evening had councillors mason tiiotford holmes und atkinson present and reeve barber in the chair tho finance committee presented their second report and recoranende payment of tho following accounts gtneraf account e j hossord supplies v actontrtmofcss printing dr jf a mcniven medical health ohlcer j b ltacicenxieauppllcb a e crlppi cartage cic news of local import lady missionary homo on furlough miss louisa watf of calcutta indu is at present vlnltlne magistrate and mrs f watt at sunny acres guelph miss watt lias been in india for the past four yoaru in connoction with tho church of scotland and has charge of the schools in calcutta she is on furlough and xvlll mako an ex tended visit in tho city 4ia 3 do 32 15 57-73- 2 05 q 100 88 waterworks account aqton fel- pituss printing etc j 3 90 a e crlpps cartage etc 70 h a coxe supplies jg os j bell windows pump houso 36 75 adorn and eve and the pa by d c f mctaviab of tho douglass institute 6i drugless healing witt lyohlhhjalthecture fintltlnd adam a and evo and the baby acton lodge of oddfellows at tho last rogular meeting of the acton lodge no 204 loof hehl on january 13 ix d g bro chlsholra of milton installed the followlpg of ficers for tho ensuing term i pgbro np mclam n g bro george hynds vg bro h ritchie recordingsec bro d f kennedy financial sec and treasurer obro r m mcdonald warden bro walter bauer conductor bro r spollvogel 0 g bro f e3 rawllngs 1 g bro joseph anow r s n g bro john mcarthur x s ng bro wm kilty r s v g bro goorgo ritchie i a v g bro george hall r s s bro ray agnow l s s bro jojin creemore chaplain bro tfaoa kilty at tho conclusion of tho install ation ceremonies refreshments woro served and a musical programme was rendered which was much enjoyed by tho youngster who got a gjpctr io taltp down fl largp order and flfturo up how muph it cump to- then coolly in- fqlinqll tfl victim that ha wanted to know because it vfb the answer to on 3f hlrriichoo durrw lfafl a match in tho woll burn woman wlvo usked a busy grocer to name the different biands of flour lie can led und when he had done so expecting a sale said sho didnt want to buy any aha thought ono of tho names might lit into a cross- woid purale olio was doing the count ctttdrans aid v 8oojtt mr w ii stewart inapoctor for tho childrens aid society of halton and pool counties has just issued a ifsty interesting and attractive report for the year 1024 thlrtyolx children wero sheltered in tho gordon homo of milton lust year the society haa 101 children who are wards who were visited by tho inapoctor during tho year ho reports that it is very en couraging to sea how many of these children ore happy tfnd contented and doing well last christmas there was a very happy gathering at gordon- home with a christmas tree a de lightful evening was provided the chll- dron which they enjoyed respect ing the valuo of the childrens aid society and tho homo mr j j kelso provincial superintendent suya great social ovllo can bo overcome by education and publicity there can be no moral darkness where en lightened public opinion shines bright ly this society under tho direction of its inspector and gordon home ad ministered so ejilciently by tho matron and her staff ore accomplishing won derful results for the children and the community mr matthews very favorably pfloadad ah was stated itist week in these columns the clucens here aro very generally sollcitloun that mr j c mutttcwa should succeed to the vacant pen it ion of postmomter bf acton events during the week havo proven that tho desire is moro than goneril 1t 1b almost unanimous during the paht few days busy business men have voluntarily circulated petitions pray ing the postmastergeneral and the civil servlco commission to entertain favorably mr matthews application for tho office these pctlfions are being willingly signed by our business men and manufacturers have nppepded their names every minipter in town overy professional man every member of the municipal council eyery momhor of the itourd of education and citizens everywhere havo shown tholr desire for tho appointment by signing the petition numbers of signatures aro also hting nentfln by various rcsl dents pf the various lural rootea from jirton with this splendid expression tfio government authorities who con trol these matteru will have no dlf- flctily whatever in deciding as to tho wisjies of this community respecting tho nominee for the vacant aroc 457 33 tho report was- adopted mr david elliott addressed tho council relative to tho sharo that might be expected of him oil the costs of the freeport sanitarium suit no compromise of any sort could be ar rived at however although numerous suggestions were mado und tho fol lowing resolution was passed moved by l e atkinson seconded by f holmes that the clerk bo in structed to havo execution issued against david elliott and if return of nulla bona is mado to havo it trans ferred to tho sheriffs ofllco to bo filed against his lands carried a bylaw was passed authoritlntr tho borrowing of money for current expenditures the sum of 21000 being the amount incorporated in the by law the board of health for tho year was unpointed to comprise the roeyo the clerk henry awiey oknvt5rv f a mcnivep as- medical health officer tho boll telephone company re quested permission to erect three poles on wilbur street this was granted the clerk was instructed to write tho storey glove- company to inform them that complaints havo been made that smoke from their chimneys is causing a nuisance and request them to take steps to effect a remody for tho trouble tho cleric was also instructed to write mra c a conway regent of tho duko of devonshire chapter of tho daughters of the empire inform- ing her that tho society would bo granted frco use of tho town hall for their proposed charitable concert adjournment then took place an clips tea tho pcoplo of oakville ore surely up to date in ho matter of curaont cvonti tho local fnipera last week had this comment- an ccllpae tea will bo ser ved in the l-usloiall- on saturday afternoon january 2j from three tn six there will also be a onleof homo mado cooking a wollknbwn aatron omcr will give an address on the eclipse of the huh acoidght by cow at large cost 307 in county com t t hamilton last week judge evana avardod damages of 3lfi-ovlctoilawreiicot-nfoalr- ville and 8 to hlo eiflter miss mcia a lawrence who auod mra mary richardson of palorrao for injuries they recerved when tholr automobile struck defendants cow which had etrayod on the dundaiistcfiojlhigh- way 250 members the objective for the- year 1925 in tho town hall acton on thursday evening january 22 at eight oclock the ad mission la free and the lecture s worth hearing an afternoon meet ing at 4 oclock for ladles and girls will bo full of intcsest and instruction a jolly girls sleighride about thirty of the youug ladles of the v w a of knox church had a sleighing party on tuesday evening tho hospitable home of mr and mrs t p watkins first lino wan tho objec tive and thither tho party drove through tho snow drifts to the acconi panlmcnt of merry sleigh bells the home was delightfully warm nnd sub stantial refreshments of welners cook ed to a turn appetising sandwiches detectable cakes and tarts and steam ing hot coffee all contributed to put the company in a happy mood gamoj wero played until midnight when tho generous drivers messrs alex mann and wllmor watkins announced the sleighs wero ready for the return trip it was a very enjoyable outing commimnicabo disease must be reported it is reported that somo families are not taking tho proper precautions to prevent tho spread of communl- cnblo djacascu such as mumps meas les scarlet fover etc sections 6g72 of the health act says wherever a communicable disease exists in any house in which there is a pupil attend ing school the housoholder shall within 12 hours notify tho principal of tho school and also the medical health officer and the person suffer ing therefrom shall not attend school until a certificate haa been obtained from the medical health officer that ho or alio may safely do so no per son suffering from or having recently rocovered from a dis ease shall mlnglo with tho general public until such sanitary precautions as prescribed by the medical health officer havo been domplied with the towrt hookoy league acton la v lots of good fast hockey this winter in tho town league th la week good hockey was played hewetsons woio heavy losers on the weeks play east thursday ovonlntr the shoemakers root and were defeated by the acton tanning company tho game wnsgood and both eoriia djsptayod p goo form again on afopday evening hcwetsono lost to tho tcwn team it wan howot sons third straight defeat thoy havo ynt to break into tho win column this evening thursday actdn tan- nlrfg company and beardmoro co hook up in what should bo a good game if tho boys from tho acton tanning company win it will make n threecornered tie in- tho league next monday night tho town and acton tanning company will provido tho show tho standing of tho leaguo now is w l goalh goals for aflwllt sdmore o and h s 2 0 e 2 town 1 18 11 a t co 1 1 17 m llrfxvtfiomi 0 j 12 last wednesday eveulnjy acton de featod u team fiom guelph by a largo score acton had an nil home team on tho ice and it showod up very nicely a rcjnrkoh who lead ihelr group- in iho toronto industrial league und have ono of tho fastest teams in tho city aro scheduled for filduy evening an excellent gamo is oxpocted caroloiuity set firo to homo jdhn randall sr wnu badly burned about the face and hands last thurs day night in putting out a firo thot had started in somo old papers in his hack kitchen it appears ho went over to fepd the horao and in passing through thte kitchen lio lit a lantern and throw tho match down carelessly amongst these 61d payors returning the same way later he found the placo in flames and it wan while he vas extinguishing them that ho re ceived tho burns new clerk for guelph presbytery rev d a mckerachqr of kitchon- er was ehoson moderator of guolph presbytery for a second term at the inaugural meeting of the presbytery hold at kitchener ont wook rev j k fraser of gait wan noxt on tho toll und was nominated for tho post but owing jto hlo otrqnfc viewp as an antfunionlat h failed to get tho ap pointment rev h woods of aber- foyle wus elected clcrli and treasurer succeeding the lato rev h h mc pherson while rev dr macgillhvray and rev a mrhamtlton of guelph wore voted honoiailums for looking after the dual position olnco mr mac- phersonsj deaith itov a c stewart m a attended the prcobytery moot ing from acton won 500 prize for poster mr j sidney hallarxi 77 dunn avo with tho sampsonmatthews ltd toronto has won flrnt iirlzo of 500 in an international non- sectarian post- er competition conducted by tho poster advertising asuoclatlon chi cago the design j that of the sav lour pointing to u clmrch and be ncarth is quoted come unto mo anl i will glvo ou rest mr hal lam is m nxtlht who has been employed for so vera 1 yoaru by sampsonmatthews llmltctt ifrwlpbfitfcrowane ictfjuse pjtujh leaders to know mr matthews of sampsonmatthews it mr c a g matthews ono who la proud to refer to acton uh ha birthplace and ajso he was for seven years a member of tho fitia piusss btaff acton horticultural society quito enthusiastic in the intention to make this a banner year every home with flowers and the public places to be made attractive boa i ceremony at ookvi1lr ropol lng tho proceedings at the inaugural mooting of tho oakville town council tho star says l villos now council hold their lnaugural mooting on monday forenoon with all the mombero present and with a short opening prayer for tho- jlvino guidance during tho year offered by rov dr dougall thoro wflfi u good atten dance of ratepayers tho first busi ness was tho striking of tho commit tee and other routiner business at ono oclock mayor robinson enter tained tho mombera of tho council clerk proas representatives and rov dr dougall george hlllmcr m p p and exmayor forster at lunohoon at tho gibson grill all nat at a long table and after phrtakinir of tho tasty lunch congratulations wero extende i to tho now mayor in a resolution ro- solved by rev d douaall and reeve cross kindly words were extended for his thoughtful hospitality at ho inaugural meeting death of popular burllntjton pastor rev goorgo a king- b a pastor of tho methodist qhurch burlington passed away at tlio parsonage on tuesday morning after a brief illness ho was 48 years of nge- he was born at taro und graduated frm victoria college in 1007 ho had held charges at brantford st thomas hamilton kings vlllc and many othor places and was stationed at burlington ho was- secretary of tho hamilton conference e ia by his widow and on son carman also iild pfxrents mr and mrs james king of guolph two bxothera stanley of winnipeg and herbert of saskatoon and two bisters lottie of guolph and gladys of ham ilton the funeral services will bo held in the methodlat church on thursday at 3 p m and tho romaina will be taken to tura far burial to morrow morning itov mr king was wellknown in aoton and preached in tho methodlat church on moro than ono occasion tho annual meeting octthe acton horticultural society lust wednesday was very appreciative of tho activities und accomplishments of tho president and his executivo during tho past year the presidents address had mucn of intetest and included an epitome of tho work undertaken and cm rled to satisfactory consummation vthls in cluded tho gonerous djctrfbution of seeds plants and bufljs to tho 1s7 l members tho supplying and culti vation of both spring and fall bloom- inelawhatnnracton aoldleis mon violent the construction and ollirrfj ot freeblooming plants in window boxes at the government building and tho town hali tho planting of flower beds at tho churches und the supply ing of aster seeds to tho school pupils and furntohingof canh prizes tothe successful pupils at 4ho childrens flower show this entailed a largo amount of attention and labor on tho part of tho- president and ofllcers- h was attended with very satisfactory results mr e t thotford tho painstaking secretarytreasurer presented a vory encouraging icport tho membership fees the government and municipal grants and ono or two donations on- abloct tho exooutfvo to meet all ex penses incurred in full and to closev the year with a small balance in tho treasury mr thetford showed that tho value of seeds plants and bulbs supplied to memboro of tho society was more than the membership foot at wholesale prices after thaplca to tho president nd congratulatory words respecting tho success of the years operations by h p mooro j p and rov a c stewart m a the officers for tho year wero elected ua follows hon president h p moore president frank scriven 1st vice pros rev a c stewrl 2nd vice pres mrs h p moore secretary treasurer h ingroy directors mac mcdonald archie machrlc a smethurst w pargettor mrs n v moore mrs william hall mrs thetford jind mibs lama gray auditors v t thetford j cheater i matthews it wus decided to make the object of membership for the year 250 and tho officers and directors will aim to accomplish this and they crave the cooperation of tho members goner- ally flowers at every homo in town will bo hoped tor a resolution was passed recommend- ing that the municipal council bo re quested to place tho core of tho grass plot at the soldiers monument in charge of tho horticultural society at the same cost as was entailed last yejuv it being felt- that as tho society already cared for- tho flowers tho work could be accomplished to better ad vantage by tho socloty tlie ofticcra- wero authorized to un dertake tho work of supplying window boxes at public buildings flowora for the church plots seeds to tho school children and to endeavor to prepare and cultivate plots on suitable lo cations near tho canadian national and electric railway stations in ad- dltlpn to the distribution of plants and bulbs- to the members ns may bo agreod upon ai rangements will bo made for several public meetings when address es may bo given in horlculturo a special invitation will be extended to mr j locjcio wilson superintendent of horticultural societies to address a meeting hornby district l o l on tuesday tho avnnual djatrlct mooting of the hornby district loyal orange association tohich consists of the following lodges stowarttown georgetown g ion wf utarns hornby milton cnmpbellvflls und acton was held here thero was ix large number of delegates prcsont overy lodgo being represented by one or more delegates the w m bro mccartney presided nnd conducted tho business with hh wollknown ability the election of olucers for tho current year resulted as follows w m bro col q o brown of stowarttown d m bro norton llon williams chaplajn bro robe rtu campbell vlllc rocordlng secrotary bro v thompson stewnrttowii financial becrotary bro n thompson suwnrltown treasurer bro j a drown stow arttown 1st lecturei bro jf p scarrow acton 2nd lecturer bro h masalctt acton marshall n robert scott acton rev mr baugh reelected cliairraan and h n fnrmermra secretary at the annual meeting of the free library board tho annual meeting of tho acton freo library board was held on mon day at 1030 oclock a m in tho ofllco of h p mooie police tagiatiate members present rov ii g l buugh ma chairman rov a c stewart m a john cameron a e nicklln j p h p mooro and n m pawnor m a secretary tho work of tho year was reveiwed by tho chairman and secretary tho new 4lan for purchasing books at frequent intervals during tho year was decided to bo in the interests of thtf library and its readers and it was decided to continuo tho plan tho officers for tho year wero elect ed as follows chairman rov h g l baugh ma secrfitarytreasuroi h n farmer ma boole committee tho chairman rov mr stewart and tho secretary tho treasurer reported all accounts paid and a substantial balanco in tho treasury messrs john cameron and a e nicklln wero heartily thanked by the board for their examination of tho books on tho library shelves and withdrawal of all in bad condition and unfit for repair the need for a reading room in con- nectlqn with tho library kfaa again emphasized and tho hope expressed that a plan may be devolved tn tho near future which will remedy this vory evident und greatly desired lack through telephone line to toronto dont forgot january 2h the 8 e euchre and dance in tho town jbtoj1 ocjnnacacink at 7j0 oborp tho district was found to be in a flourishing condition a targe inctenso of mdmbors being roported the fin ancial position is alno good it was doeldcd to hold ho ncxt putrlt mooting at caupueuulo manager q h lantz of tho bell telephono company in drawing at tention to another recently provide facility foi local subscribers point n out somo of the advantages to bo de rived from this now long dlstanco circuit between aclon and toronto before its inception ho states a call from acton to toronto required tho service of three or moro operators the operator at acton for instance ins toad of being nblo to cajl toronto direct would first cajl the operator at x baying that she wlohod to speak to toronto tho oporator at x would thon call toronto noting i this way in much tho samo capacity as a local operator who connects two subscriber in tho same exchange am this although necessary by tho former circuit uirangpmonts took up a largo por cent of tlie total tlmo ro- quired to complete tho call now it jiuu boon ollmlnutodby the construc tion of a lino to bo used sololy for conversations between tho two com munities instead of three or more long dlstanco operators as was form erly necessary only two ono in acton apd the other in toronto will iw uocessary to complcto tho call thus saving valuable time for uscis of tho