Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 3, 1922, p. 3

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s thuithday aijquht a 123 um was a- frienl ti men unl lived in u in ub 1 y iho at i t the ro 1 homer there sro hermit souls tlul live wlih in tho pius of their lf ntjmt there um muu ilka alura that tlwel in m fell wlea nrmsmenl thar r loneur souls that blase their pell whr hlifliwlys hw jful 1 iv i tl an i utt frl i i 11 bi llvt in i tllfl thul vvht r t mix f tnfi th mti i who ura k w ax xmh1 nl u ui at i wul i n t sll ik tha too or hurl the rynlon ben ibi ma live in s jn ua t y tin and im i fn tn my i uh by th aide of the road lly it al i- of lha hlahwey of ufa tim man who press with their ardor of hop w tho moil vwt u mr faint with 111 trlris hut i turn not away rrom their emlles hoc their tears itolh part of an infinite uli it mo llva in my hous by th- sill nf the road and it a riant to null i know there km brook gladdened mowlowi shea i ami mountains of wearisome helaht that tha road passes n through th ions afternoon and atratahes iwiy lit tha nlzht hut still i rej le when tho travellers mjolo and weep with th straiisers that nor live in my hou t tha aids of lha run i uko a man who dwell aloi li ma hva in my 1 1 us by tha aid or tho road where the rarr of man o by thay sr awl they ara lsd thay weak thay are trona wlaa foollah ao am i than why should k hit in tha aoonnsrs aaat or hurl tha cynic bajit lat ma live in my iiiiuh by tha aids of tha road an i bgu friend to man bam waller loes out of real life tho other day i was lven flfty cards to bo fllled out for a business organisa tion s aurvey of the city uy territory was down in tha southeast portion a section with whlnh j ma i itainbvrynbusy with other mat tars i souaht hum ope who could perform tha task for ton there s one of tha mom bars of tha hlsh school anlor class llvlns in that pari of town uccastod a friend tnlaht do it for you lrlvlnst to his horns ho was round hatpin his father in tha sardon had never mat him but ha lookad ilka s inn upstandlnc youth tha plan of nillna out tha csjnds aach wit twenty blanks was axpulnsd llstanod carefully in silsnoe whan it was ovar i added xii pay you tor your ums what about iit quick poalttva cams tha rsply til do it now these cards must bs on my desk next friday tuornm tlnuod k til havo them thero thatwas all not an extra word not a question just strata ht forward business hmmlna with i don t jcnow whether i can do it do you suppoaa i ret the answer r or anythlna tike that it was all orer in seven word tha followltur friday morn inst when i reached my desk the fifty cards lay there they had been brought brlaht sod early jcvery card was filled out tp the last question and remark thsy were complete and neatly prepared thay were anions the best reports of the city survey what about ttr just this that boy has the making- of a suooassfnt mot one boy in a hundred would have been so businesslike or fulfilled his task ao completely he had the right dea of doing things the other morning a housewife h0 a pa to go by ex called up the offlca and asked or a messenger the ra ease tiger was little more than a boy and when he came he was met with the expression ob i havent any cord and the package lrt ready did he turn with ill wise back when you are ready t he did not i 11 help you and he ran out to tho wagon secured the cord and came back to le the package then waited for the address to be written glad to have helped jou was the smiling exit that la a fins boy what 1 hia namer remarked the housewife to me later relating the expert snoe tie is a fins boy but tha finest thine about him la that he looks on his am ployexs business as if it ware bis own um ta the kind of a boy who will be an employer himself arben be is a man tha boy who does not think tda actlons are noted and bis standing fixed by the older persons with whom he comes in contact makes a mistake some day whan there is a plsoe to mi the boy who did his task with fidelity and the boy ftho was obliging are going to be selected first it would pay any boy to alt down by himself and thnk ebou4lt a bltc u iiaraer twelve thousand miles twelve thousand miles at least must be travelled to bring salads to your tabic yet so skilfully is it prepared so carefully is it protected that tha delicate loaves reach you but a few weeks later in all their tender fresh ness to really enjoy tea at its beat insist upon ba tour grocer has this delicious tea ask for it to day keeping the nation tftono a cose study of any particular ranll locality would undoubtedly show a sur prising sat of influences flowing out to every phase of national life tha busi ness social and moral contribution made by the thousands of rural com- muni tins over the country to our na tion has been such that under no oon- aldsratlon can we as a people afford to permit the source of supply to dry up thla means that turn lfe must be watched with the greatest solicitude the nations human seedbed ought not to be allowed in any degree to lose its richness and the life of our farm youth should have the eye of every statesman and of every public spirited person upon it to the end that the full unfolding or the lives of the rising aenarmtion may be accorapuahed both for individual and national advantag itural communities need a satisfy ing- institutional life there is requlr- ed a something that will give the boys and alrls of tha farm a broad view of the interesting life in which they live in hundreds of communities in ontario the boys and girls club work is ac complishing this vary thins in quite a satisfactory manner v would that there was developed a shfflolont lead ership thai every but farm boy and girl n tha province mjgbt have brought into their uves such inspira tion and information a opma ftoot association in tha most- roatswjt vs of these local boys and glrw-iojrgahlsa- the old mans reflection thla week latm we v thn ush 1 loaaatit ulul ihrt uh vu udy waalhar tts bard to ph whan friends an dar i erhsls twill oel a high taar than teal away give little win lug cimmwm thins nwn lima ky not good nghl hut in mioii brighter clime 111 i m good mornlngl though we live never w w j are alweya coming to tha end uf some thing nothing- earthly u raalty long lived many things la- 1 but f t a day you look at tha sunaat olouds tbera u a glory in them which thrills your soul you turn to call a friend to behold tha apleodor with you and it has vanished and a new splendoi as wondrous though altogether different 1 n its puum you cioss a flsld on s july summer morning and svery leaf snd every btad of grass u covered with daw drops which sparkle uko millions of diamonds as the first beams fall on them bat in a minutes later you return and not a daw drop is to be seen you walk through your garden one august lng and note its wondrous vsriety of lowers in bloom with their marvellous tints and exquisite beauty to morrow you walk again along the oro paths and there is just as great vajidlyand amphftavenhessrbut all is charuied usny of yesterdays flowers are gone and many new ones have bloomed into beauty itut the memory of all th- things la lasting it does not fade but goes on and on forever llka the fleecy clouds and the dewy fields and the beautiful gardens are our personal experiences tife is like s kaleidoscope every moment every day every hour the vtew changes the interesting things of one glsrica or of one days observations are miss ins at the next while new things just as full of interest though not the same appear in their place the pleasures we had yesterday we do not have to day though our hearts may be quite as happy with gladness and thanksgiving juat as pure and deep in a sense to most of us young or old life is routine an endless repeti tion the same tasks the same duties the same cares day after day year after year yet in this routine th is oonstsnt change and incidents si flclentiy unusual as to fasten upon our memories for all time facts of interest which we recall over and over again for years and years we meet people we have mw things we new books we see hew pictures we examine new inventions we learn now facts at the same time many of the familiar things are continually drop ping out of our lives the race w saw yesterday we miss to day and there are new faces in the throng the sons yro sang- last year we do not sing this year the books we used to read with aeat we uy aside and seldom open now the pleasures that onoe de lighted us have now ho charm because of our changed tastes snd growing infirmities the banpy days of youth with their sports and games their schools and studio their friendships and visions are left behind though memory never ceases to review them and w pass irito tho sterner realities of active lire with its harder tasks its rougher paths its heavier burdens its deeper atudles its maturer exploits are aver comma to the end of old things and to the beginning of new things we keep nothing loot but memory it butts and tto recollections of the older days and the older things gives real seat to the newer experi ences of the present this is true also of our friendships our hearts are made to love and to altnjc all through lire we gathering friends and binding them to us by ties of varying strength many strong as life itself the very knitting of soul to soul some perhaps slight as a gossamer thread and as easily broken but memory embraces them all all early friendships print thou- stamp on tha ripening character and this very characteristic which gives tne pleasure in recalling the friends the early cltlxens their homes and home ufa incidents of interest those of us who can recall them and perhaps to the descendants and friends of oar residents of fifty lty seventy years ago george mac donald the eminent author and poet once aald i think that nothing made is lost that not a moon has ever shone that not a cloud my eyes hath crossed rut to my soul has gone that al the lost years garnered lie in thla thy casket ray dim soul and thou wilt once tho key apply and show tho shining whole a especially t true in general this la especially true f the pure friendships of our lives nona or the impressions that they make on our lives are ever lost well lived days make completed years and the years well lived as they come make ufa beautiful and full and friendly well well well bow x have gone on and on talking of life and frit ahlps and former years in general my re varies carry me clean away some times i hope you younger folk will have patience withan old mans wan derings get soafb good out of them if you can and try to remember that similar thoughts and reflectlona will come to you if you have the good 1 three and now u few more recollections of 1 lower avenue and its curlier real dents the pretty brick bungalow where mr and airs malcolm mclean now live in such comfort and satisfaction was i said last week originally the ilte of the home of mr utjd mrs john moore if waa always a neat and coxy place mrs moore was a lover of dowers and john thought he could stow fruit equal to that of tha lake side fruit growers dpwn at oakvllle i remember a famous lombard plum tree he had it fruit excelled anything about here in those days john as lighted in showing these plums whan thsy wara in their prime i remember meetinf pirn oast september day mtsr dlnner going up main htreet with a haatn full of rip plums off this ira unusual to see john carrying anything all ng tha street so i aocos d him wltb hallo john what you oh he replied just a row 1 linns lo sliow tha boys at the kind of plums i grow thny wr nne looked good and uapt lis unl hud that fruity arums which imoat tnake a preacher hook t in in m liut john haver otrarad ens liury u ui lie had a sll place f r ii a t turns and lis mu gilng lo baa tin i limy all act tiwrt well as i aalda wk of in ih- urn of iihsauir moor to umel 1 use to tak- the puuo 0 bis 1 rutltur in law uf oowdy at tluelph mm manager of lit toronlai lin com im11 ys w rka there ami by tha way ian t it mtrsngn buw t hi tic hnm around with the ryrlna of urns art- mr u hr ws at unwhuum tor thirty or tl irty nve yaars and be retired mr jowly a aon william want froen j unit it tt suwead hi no and he a tbaxw it holding down lb job just 1 as either his father or bu kincu did an i is turning out mora lis than tl y aver dreamed would be braikaed in the big 1 lat artr mr moore left tha export knallah stove collar rroea yeuvlt kngland who came to acton tu cut no gloves fur mr btorwy lived in this huuaa and ha end mrs jeans alao luiil a one bomr garden end kept tin t umi mat and attractive u was i -r- that harry ami ii411 jaana w u ys my 1 ut that seams long til ago it waa fnini hare thai 1 urvy wmit an i married nellie wurdn- ii ay feat up a kiew hums it was from ere that hill went to marry llecky carroll thay had a kama neat ban for u kiumbei t f years and then w oloveravllle n y harry is in uualpfa ut 1 so is his son hilton but ma ilia died a few months ego mr and mrs jama first brook had thalr home there for a number mars and thay also kept the place looking like a real home with borne ilka surroundings i think arthur urst 1 nok their eon calls this his blcth place when mr and mrs vlratbrook removed to toronto gordon hay ward purchased the place no previous owner nor tenant kept the place looking more inviting and homelike oordon whan ha waant shaving leather at th tannery or shaving the faces of acton people at handy mclean s barber abop or trimming their hair or whiskers lng and trimming his pretty lawn and weeding bis onion and carrot oordon and bis wife milan wordan were good cltlxens too end we all sorry to sea them go o toronto to make their home hut while they have done well there i dont think any of the thousands of former cttlsaas who now reside in tha bbr city are gladder to come back bom on a vlatt than thaw- same oordon and ellen hay ward mrs john denny bought this place from mr hayward whan her b died and ah retired from her life on the farm on the fourth una mrs uenny made up her mind take a real rest and leave the m of butter and attending to poultry to the younger folks hut she found it more loneso in a boms of her in town than it was oo th farm found herself longing for the cows and the calves and the chickens and th folks on the hill and after a year or so sho found herself back again amid the old surroundings and there ah is tow happy with her children and grandchildren well mrs denny sold the place to mr and mrs malcolm mclean they have mad it a beautiful brick bungm low furnlahed it with all jh latest conveniences installed electric stoves and heaters and are now as comfort abla and coxy as a bug in a rag and that tha history of this ofty ave year old home on rower avenue no theres one more item in all th sales and re sales of this property has never once been disposed of by any one of its owners without yielding advanced price to the seller there s more to tell yet about llower avenue ierhaps 1 11 give you another chapter next week perhaps i wont it all depends an how my rbeui act or whether mary and i go visiting- for a week or ao well see so will you my my old hands itch to get out in the harvest field onoe more while irltf fnu ilr tinso comlror dates of fairs to be held the nomlnat fall have been announced by the on tarlo department of agriculture the following will interest the local acton aberfoyle rock wood ilramptun hurling ton caledon v- ttrtn september is 1 september 12 13 september la 24 september 24 xt october 10 fergus georgetown celt grand valley milton oakvllle u september 11 12 vn october 7 september 22 23 hptember it september m 10 september 14 to if september 22 wedding rings it was once an old kngush weddlrur iltstam for the bridegroom at the cere mony to roaent the bride with a purse of money as well as a ring this appears in the words of th ceremony as given in an old edition of the insyer itook with this ring i thee wed this gold and silver i give th the ring- waa the sign that the wife was entrusted with her husband a kro party specially valuable posses tom were delivered into her car bht was responsible for them wedding- rings were often used as seals and with them the faatenlnga of house treasures were stamped itoman rings were iron aaal rings and it was com- 1 for a roan to give his wife two of them one of gold to wear outside the house for show and one of iron ror every day use the tradition of the fourth ringer of the loft hand with tha vein leading- directly to tho heart seams to have an ancient origin tha thumb being reckoned as first finger the rod and gun the august issue of itod and gun in canada contains a wealth of worth while roadlns and it abounds tn brurht and interesting- features the camper or vacationist will find the bbr article some suggestions hegardlng outfit worth a great deal for it is written by un outdoors man specially for the nd of hunday pleasure seekers whoa trails lead through the wilds or the open spaoes other live articles ot interest appear itod and gun in canada is publish ed monthly at woodstock ontario by j taylor limited lack op inspection have yooany complaints to maker asked the prison visitor yes 1 have replied the ufa bon- lol therermlnteafhr enough exits 0 4hla place new tppcoi sera prize list oy acton flower show to he hri i wednesday aug 16 360 m to 10 oo 1 m on the beverley houe grounds church fttreet special prizes lkor tha tcxhlbltor winning th booat points in th lubboti claaaes at tha khw imported iris roots valuo i1d0o hhmdlthl by j m carter kaq uuelph 3for lh tlt card- by amateur gardener will h divided into iwm flaws urga and email haeds to velu uf 33 do for large garden seeds to value of 31 04 for small garden haenad by llannl v ca toronto s vor heat verandah case of silverware value i0o presented by it hlmpaort co toronto 4 km three heat cut llloonm 33ee 1st prtee 1jl0c 2nd prise praatantsd by t marab feei t vot lleet collection of uweet was hot leas than 34 steams tlee presented by a grower yor heat table houuoet iw presented by a grower 7 kor heat display of 12 asters 1 dlatioc colors water mans loutaln lan presented by a t itroam kaq e w lleet hlx hplkes gladloll silk tie prevented by w m cooper kteq vor lint collection of hulbe for veil luatog- not 1s than 3 varieties tcbony hair itruab presented b k j hassard v lelor heat collection of vegetables grown by any acton high or public kehool liey 33 oe donated by mrs t gray 11 por heat collection of blx ileus 1 lants 31a0 donated by r k gamble kaq ixvor heat collection of verbenas alr bilk hoe donated by mclean v co 14 ww twelve heat hplkes hnapdragon 31 bo dona tad by mrs h l- moore yellow cut mowers any variety silver meat kork dons tad by nelson dt co 13 kor lleet individual aster chins jardiniere donated by v bcriven esq ltkor dost display of gladioli not less than 12 spikes ladles shopping hag dons tad by g boper leeq 18 kor rest hanging- basket silver uerry spoon donated by c c hpelght kteq a for heat six white asters lad us handbag- donated by k 3t fcc bteela ior heat collection of cut flowers china vsi by c wood hail ksq ribbom classes ror cut flowers cusm i aatars heel blx lllooms one distinct color 2 aster ilea collection of three niooms anyona col 3 aatar heat single itloora 4 dahlia dest collection any number or colors khladloll heat hlx i pikes sny colors oudloll lut three hplkes any varlaty t ijlles uest collection not leas than 12 3 nsaturtluma heat collection not less than 12 ransles heat collection not less than 11 10 ittlox heat display six spikes any one color ii vhiox host display not leas than ix any colors 13 stunlas jleat collection six single blooms ix ietuntss beat collection six double blooms 14 petunias dest display not less than ix is unapdrogooa ltest display not leas than 12 13 sweet iex host ten stems any one color it hoses ltest three cut lllooms is verbenas heat dlaplsy not less than 13 manias heat six lllooms any one color lo lnnlss heat display not less than 12 sny colors 11 host collection of annual flowers not leas than 3 ribbon classes fob plants itegonu dost hag heaonla 33 liontstobt ftant any other variety 14 uchla dest single llsnt ib fuschla lleet double haht 2 vom uest plant any variety of fern it geraniums det three b ingle plants 2 distinct ooors 3ataranlums host three double punts it geranium heat single planl 30 geranlumuest double punl 31 tropical plants beet display 33 heat collection of house punts 1 at least ribbon classes for vegetables class 13 iieens lleet three pods 34 lleeis heat three hound 3t ileets dest three p1l 3f carrots thro dest it celery three host sticks 33 cucumbers three hesl 33 onions three largest hed 40 onions three largest white 41 parsnips 3 dest 42 peas twelve heat pods 43 potatoes twelve dest 44 tomatoes six ust for table um bodnie burns knew better ye think fin lot of shakoanerr i do sir was tho reply an ye think he was majr clever than itabbls burns t why theres ho comparison between them maybe no but ye tell us it was shakespeare who wrote uneasy lies thij head that wears la crown now habble would never have written ale nonsense as that nonsense air thundered the other ay just nonsense babble would hae kent one that a king or queen eitherduna gang to bed wl a croon on their head hed have kent thay hang it ower th back o a chair efficiency complication you mustnt ask tha telephone op erator the time of day when your clock stops why nor inquired tho new sub scriber because it takes up too much valu able time t i but it takes up more ot vrerybody elses time whan you get the wrong- un umber onoe or twlc before you ean i call up a friend or a jeweuery store to make he untfltwiicy how how coral is harvested the coasts of algiers and tunis in africa have long been famous for thebr production of coral but some years ego coral fishing on these coasts rapid ly diminished until it was abandon ed now however this industry seems to be reviving la algiers and it la expected that it will b resumed in tunis x gystematio exploration uf the beet methods of oouectlng too coral have been discussed the old wear which was verv wasteful consisted in the use of various forms of grapples combined with strong nets wmch wars swept over the banks tearing- delicate structures apart and recovering but a tsmall portion of the broken ooral the employment of divers is advocat ed more economical both in the quality of the harvest and the pre servation of tha banks divers can descend to a depth of about 110 feet and good ooral is seldom found at greater depths a home protective union wifejohn if mr noxtdore set a new suit f must have on alao jlub well my dear dent worry about that naybor and i formed a protective union today and neither of you la to have om in tracks off god father asked thomas looking iip fn in ills studies how do y ii kn w tbrevu tlattr why what make y u unit tint qumitli 11 7 do you tloull thn 1vli t imir well i heard no of tl wtu h nts ty that he hsd lioelt ran 111 u u book tut ln veil concluslvsly that y tl roul 1 1 wing 1 othlntf etx ut g i i f van xi mure thcic is u god um milii that if it era ware a god k wun 1 ulmi l i the wi rid and of siioi a imtum t ut iimullmtkni lili is hr uny ray really to know 7 well my tky do y ll ramemlmr ii e luy that you wurt luinfhl u nim ut ll i litaon crusoam luniuy ut llaniwrlna hat there ware i tin r iwr miis on thn laland lai las llm if t 1i w dll h- dlaoovsr thmt hi i h ben than t no i a discovered onu trui k f a tiara fm t tn the sand and he know that it could not tte his own he knew that only a human belus rouut have made it stirf ha knew that vrhoover had made it could not bo fur off yor ilk tld had ot yet rewohwl ii ull thoaa things i knew to le true although h had w t imkii u liumut bolngt within mllas uf ii lsluii 1 ah 1 tie knowlodgs was all koiihmi f r i mark in the sand if 61 e print of u 1 are foot iii amid is alisolutn prtm t 1 t tha exlwtei nn si d praaettco t f u hunuin i elng wl ut ura we to su pose wl en wi aeo th lrhtts of the mmtera alios us lluiyal alls it covvrli g lb wli lewlloworllt w aae a million rrulgros that only ohi onul i tnuka we kn on mountain snd in valley tl l rlnt nf tho fingers f god we si u million 1 wars i lants an i trees thut only tlod m inske row we see mil the rivers and the springs of tho world fml frunl tha sky we see a great unlvers per feetly made an i ordered from tin tiniest speck to the greuteat t f all t w rids what do all thoaa things mean oiose millions upon millions of footirlnts in tha cly of thn wrllt thay mean god llvlns present lng and loving they mean god and nothing else happiness la always pound in friendship in good thoughts in helping others in friendly letter in pleasant words in little kindnesses in social intercourse tn work that we love in mutual conndenoss in healthy rerreatloiia in cultivating the rnlnd in doing duty cheerfully in making ot hsjpy intartntfnirvwllh a smila tn achieving worthy ambitions in the companionship of books in doing ones best regsrdlnss of reward sharpening a lawn mower the ordinary lawn mower with its votatlng knives is not an easy artloli to keep in the careful adjustment nee eeaary for tho bast quality of work tha cutting- action of those knives is really a shearing one and tha- knives will sooner or later wear o that the grass will in e way chawed rather than cleanly cul moat lawn fmqwars or made with the stationary blade adjustable end all that is u sry to sharpen the mower is o loosen and tighten certain screws by which tl is stationary blade is adjusted it undm simple but it must lm very carerully dona otherwise tho bearing nf thn rotary knives sgalnxt the sta tlonary knife will not be even unil tl n mower will be hard to operate und will give poor results the i lea sometimes posse on to use u nie on the rotary blades but thut u a mistake becatiss it is tremely difficult to keep the line of their out exactly parallel with lb i in nary blade it is baiter to let tha lawn mower be self eharpenlng- with tl slightest adjustments that tire ncrcsssry for the stationary blade freedom from dandruff 1 1 um ly 11 1 1 ittni- i h ulp kai hull 1 uip tl a ulj tl irougt ly i it y ii 1 ll i mlwiity t ifhinruf in practically dllmluated koreen nalireh own remedy if uf 11 i auhlly 1 1 ii 1 trrutmeni jur thn aculp i llmlnstas 1 l ifi 1 i 1 tl i ill t n fullinm- and real ires its uatiirul uesllh at y0uu iibugjgists you should not miss these specials womens wnk and illuc chambray house dresses elbow sleeves nicely trimmed only 125 womens voilo kimonas elastic waist sizes 36 to 44 to clear gt 1 75 girli ginplini and voile dresses sixes b to 14 yearn at 5125 and 150 dark and light inntb 10 inches wide good quality and good value at 23c per yard y white gabardine sport skirt at 2s black and grey silk ho to the black are pure thread mlk seamless side fashioned the grey have back seams second quality sixes l rj and 10 to clear at 7sc we stock better qoods at a lower price l starkman acton phone 69 open evenings farm specials nice 100 acres ror sale 9000 or th crop floqo flnn loarrt sollwcll feacodrroodbaseraentuarns comfortable bouse iilco stream of waterflowing through property water in both house and barn convenient to village and on good gravel road choice little suburban home of fivo acres nice garden toil and homo price sgoo some particularly choice two hundred acre farms fine buildings and situation some beautiful homes in georgetown and brampton at reasonable prices it you ore in tho market for a homo consult us before buying wtevansisgo insurance olil imatl ge agents for canadian pacific cartard aixhor donoldson lines sttawahlpa the store of quality tannery cooperative the ad and the man he saw an ad from day to day and muttered 1 defy it their stuff may be just what they say but im not going to buy it ab time wore on he maderemarks it would not do to mention for he was mad because that ad was forced on his attention but in a week or two or three he said theres no denying the way that ad gets hold of me the stuff may be worth trying for just about a fortnight more he dared mere words to win him and then the ad completely had j aroused the spender in him next day he drifted xm a store and quietly expended r a few of his good dollars for the stuff the ad commended tie found it filled a longfelt need its excellence surprised him and now hes glad because die ad so deftly hypnotized him advertise in the acton free press ilikm yjfii lata

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