tat and daatha act ubttuk mi deaths yx mrmoi lw wx pf una calfa lor poma i monday july si 11 c lller bqrn goli ticit in anion 1021 to mr nnil m of t n nt ii ax n lawbon on june 14 ts to mr nil i mm n rnmn if uwiioii r loqiimli g u duughlornnrma mar ghg acton 3ffrer jfceba thursday juiy 1mi bxief local items inn lerriea ur ripening 1 erry picking hua tx m man coil uardnn parties ur atlll on dark july loan t swelteral much yet i the ri tmpry acuuujn is hre nguln now were in the secon 1 half f tho ynr 1s21 ulmonli n rtttt payers will lay t4 mill tbls year this la urn ural woek of tlio long summer vncatl n cut the luwn regularly and keep youn imiulovard tidy hoint of the home garden sweet q rti l now in tassel i 1t trick layers are tuay on hoc rti ihook improvements news of local import not oeod mortpsoe lifters nice mile farm you have i ore mil i u vlslti i to a farmer i ho thr iny you ought in boo ths m rtguge i n it growled itin gloomy farmer heor ui you ii i ny oft that mort kuru tu mu luy iou t bejioyo i wilt i might have ilonn it t ut it ct uulu uf dud blamed prohlt uu n ug it wrecked my atlll nail now thny wufh inn ao close i ran t io not hi n lut farm the ruin that spoils your holiday tnay bo just thn thing for the crops july hsylng and thn wheel her vest will make this month a busy oo forty nine candidates wrote at the wtrnm examination here last week ohl urn meadow s bright with clover blossoms red and hi white pleuae do not throw your pupnr bags wrapper or envelopes nn bowmunvtlto has place insurance policies on the raemliere of the tiro hrbrade brampton tax rule for lftll has loen fixed at 40 mill two milt higher than for 1021 mr a it mcllean barber juat installed a now i lace hair clipper in his barber shop the retort machine hhopa buay place the day turning out automobile accessories mr n forbes church btroet has sold his two iota on knox avenue to mr marvin kennedy the shady nooks and bosky dells and purling brooks are being hunted out now by holiday folk exeter will vote on july 17 on a by law to issue debenture for is 000 to construct mwdp drains flvo new member wore added to the communion roll of kjiox church at the service list sunday mornlng you are in urea ted in keeping the for eats gwwn put out your camp hres rev r b jones has resigned his pastorate at eden and i for the present in toronto canadian baptist most poop i i are ready to sing tho summer time i d kindly arvet it it would come without the heau the reddening- cherry trees with thelrabunuanco of fruit are an at tractfyo feature or maifr home gardens now qood morning rlave you renew ed your fan pwbur subscription for the year which commanoad the first of july the tubio school pupils will be much interested in tho list of mid summer promotions given elsewhere in this issue the fall wheat la now headed out well and is beglontng to ripen in some places an unusually good crop looked for tho bricklayers are busy on the new waits of the secprd block the renewed bu tiding will present a flno appearance tho unseemly fracajmtt the base ball match on dominion day dlfln t say much tor some or acton sports as good losers some ofi the boulevards were clearedvof thelf bay crop last week others a trifle tfinjcult to mow ware skipped nttogethec mr vri first altlsen large else weighing six a little tiie lawn would impi strengthen wllsonv aj and his in the helm mill street is the report new potatoes of iterday he dug tubers lunoea each re frequent mowing of he boldlera mounment the appearanoe and greensward it train strpek robert kt quslph on monday fer and mother who were were seriously injured an unuaually prolific strawberry crop hume gn wu lmwlnrrlea rim in lkx ut a month s an i f rtniktit tmirk it was hint i t ut the beat ut tin in i wea j ick 1 itiul week tin weathor hua lxen vnry favorul la for nlrawberrlea i awxvir and last wak uw tl e fin eel berriaa of the acawonr rt th market horn an 1 arvut glwn till h ut hum vln fruit is still in le i nit hut tl la wuek will proltably an inn nn t t the r p th l rices have boon vnry rtiaih rial la an advantao in ek am i nation u ami uvuriirm utn 1 in uwuy with un lr the dui artnmitt icsamlnotl ns fir lllih hchikil atu lania in firmer years atutlviits worn reuulrotl to make no loss than 40 on uny jwpor un i n konarul uvarsan f b0 i n lilt this years uplls aru rwiulred to muka t0 or rniirn on all itspers and no altentl n riven to the general avcratav those whituu in any aubject uro nnlahml with that subject hut plumsiitary n aralnatlona are poasiblu on aubjects on which thny fall many happy returns pat awlortnan iatrlck c olbls was lorn at acton onturlo t years ago to day when he reached the ngn f 2d alderman aihhens decided tu winm weal for the post sovontnsn years he has boon ongaswl in the real estate hualnuas in vancouvnr he is a mem her r the hoard of trade and takes part in the work of many public or ganlsatlons alderman qlbbens is serving his second year on thn city council as chairman of the market and exhibition oummlttne aiwl la one of the prime movsrs in thn effort to es labllah a qurb market in the ctflitral part or the city vancouver hun r the workers have a play time on dominion day nil tho men em ployedln mr j a wlllouahbya ea tate at onorxetown played golf four prlsrs were offered and these were won as follows 1st a minor and j hull 3rd j haaetwood add 4th o hull after the rame mr and mrs wllloushby invited the players to a dainty but substantial lunch mr wllloughby also pall them for the day after a neat spoech mr morrison responded thanking mr and mrs the atreettvamosnd traffic rules observation of the traffic rules in towns snd- cities is a very lrhportanl matter not only to the motorists but to others who have occasion to use tho slreqta hen in anton ovary day he ruloa are pemiatantly violated nul only by motorists hut by bicyclists an i those driving horse drawn vnhlnlu indeed it mllit be adde i that the pfldflntrtans uro not i iways too curefu mom ventral obaorvuitoo n tho part of all would immtslbly avoid troubla whan out plo nicking thsas days now that the pin nlo aeason hus arrived and many in this locality are hieing them to woodlands green per hspn a little sermon is in order do y tu kitow hut 1021 in the near vl hn ity uf pic nip spots titers ware left rjittnro 1 tin cana pwpar plates and mj rr cupn nmoii ting t thn billions lo any nothing- f u bottles water ma ion rinds and i rig additions story is tol i f ne man however who t i r tales he for after a i in nlo he carefully picked up all the scraps and burned llmm thnn buried lite tin cans leaving tin pluce un iwututlful when tho i arty loft us whan they is carrlvo 1 itliim mlxii- of the i arty joshed him i ut i nit if nnl ky ills mi ly w rth tmi eatlntf 1 don t 1 11 j to ill burbase on h1 s front luwu tl ink kindness such events as this give the people who work for othurs very kindly feelings toward them care of the wsr trophies newspapers in neighboring- town are tailing attention to the neglected state of war trophies entrusted ti the care of the municipal authorities by the militia department dr currelly curator or the royal ontario museum called attention to tho fact that steel guns will not stand exposure to the weather and pointed out that these machines should either be kept under us i ii laipiaeaj il i r wjsm im od to prevent rusting else there woujd be none of these trophies left in twenty five years the guns at the acton community house and the soldiers momoruu hero have all been painted and really look better than uhon they left germany his w alpdltor who knows says rtgs ptardener does not care if jf dom if tfie onions were jjprown in hla own yjurd it is a badge of honor cept a fltth for twelve years prtnoipal of the orangevllle sohools has bedn appointed principal of the brampton schools in place of tho late thod3ss atchugh it u significant that all the county league games played on saturday were lost by the home players i acton lost tp ooorgetown milton o burlington and bronte to campbetltllie key a c stowart m a of kpox church will preach anniversary ser mons for rev a i budge m a of hamilton next sunday ilev mr budge will take mr stewarts work here ir kin of morrlston has pur chased the residence of dr lowry of guolph and dr nndurs iuwry in tend making their daughurnd family in vonoouver b o an extended ylslt mr frank striven church street one of the moat enthusiastic members of the horticultural society has a remarkable showing of pansles nqw some of them measure a mi lnchcw int miss the special dance in suburban park by auto via crewaons comoro on friday night july 7 tho wvllknown bltels orchestra of qalt will supply the music around free bancing 91 00 a couple mic and wrs h a wilson and y family moved to their newlyarulred hdme fct ahp obrner at mill and young- streetsk the premlsos have beep greatly improved with waterworks leoarlo llt and other obvcnlonoes 4tr harry mainprice ijaa opened dalnt little hhr- ahan njr in window smashed with csupult it is a number of years since tho late chief of police lawson conducted n campaicn of extermination of the mischievous catapult among the boys in town a now generation of lads has sprung up and this summer tho catapalt is found to be a favorite weapon tn their hands they shoot at birds at cuts and other objects and frequently a shot boos astray and does other dnmajre on tuesday these weapons seat a stono through urge front window in dr hells dental surgery it is well for boys and their parents to know that tho use of the catapult la on illegal prac tloe hereafter boys in possession of catapults will be liable to arrest chief coonoy is on the lookout for offenders report of behoof nurse miss bessie alexander nurse for the schools of milton oakvllle und trafal gar township has com pletoq tier re port from january t to june 30 as follows children inspected a sos do feotlve 771 vision cases 93 vision cases corrected ib defsotlve teeth defective teeth corrected 171 home visits and consultations 11d pedlculosus cases 47 infectious cases schools serving hot lunch during cold weather ss school floors oiled first time 3 schools with new blinds one suspected tuberculosis case was removed from school for treatment dental work done by mlfton dentist for school children examined 100 operations required s3 treatments given 38 fillings ids extractions d temporary teeth fiz extractions qf permanent teeth ib batabllsblnn hjew churches mr p d christie of quolph lain- teresung himself these days in very worthy philanthropies ijoaf sunday a new baptist church was opened in a section of ouelph devoid of other re llgtous privileges mr christie had much to do with its founding and it is named christie memorial church a correspondent of the mercury from chrlstlevllle further writes respecting another ohurh enterprise mr d d christie of duelph accompanied by mr w p gamble atid family also mr j tt hepderson of- oalt made a business call n1 the plant on thurs day after the routine business a site was located for a church when mr christie puts his hand to the plow he never looks back ea wo may expect something in due time th qoldsn rule of motorists the greatest known test of a good disposition of motorists is whan that good disposition la inside the driver of aj automobile and tho car ta out sj country road at night meeting scores of machines whose drivers do not have the cofurteay to dim their lights there la rtd discomfort in drv ing greater than being constantly blinded by the girt re of powerful lights of a car approaching from tho opposite direction in all valks of ufe there are the txmalderale and the lnoonsidorate but the latter srejmore oonsploiiqus when thoy drive automobiles at nighu they consider it too muoh trouble to be constantly dimming- their lights when the machines ty meet are numerous roonaeauentljr they get out of the habits aitoiiether evn when they meet cnraon th road occasion ally what these driven overlook la tho jeopardy tn which uisy put their own uvea for arlvoo who la ap- proachlns a oar wtr tha llchta blind neighborhood news- town and country rockwood the youpk j oop to s society christian endeavor t the presbyterian church i nd their hi nual plo nln lost saturday afternoon ut itlue bpring jark a ory enjoyable afternoon was spent by ii large numberpresenl and all con criitiilatr 1 the sports committee oi tl elr silenlid management special mention was made of the haspltallly und srmmrmatliin given hy the pro 1 rletoru mr und mrs murray fhff new mathodbt pastor hilia l pi tmjultliy tl u tu tha landscape i f ne man powover uture aa she is und eh it the i tin liilf blmlrii mlnat y i go l in nlok tubareulln teatlnp fer cities f a dlscuhnl it which took plco tuntly in tie h ui if commonh voalml thn fat t i lis i thn clfles und tt wits f canada do n t tuko udvatit ugn ti tl e extent thny nhoul i or might do if the opiortunlly i itered by thn i mm i nlo n impurtment uf agriculture lo have the herds sui plying milk or uruum liat 1 fur tulter ulosls hy oftloials of tho i leal lit of animals ilrunrli uy ordorjjn eounntl it is pro vl in i that n application to ibn vnt orlnary director lennrul uny city or town can secure this service on c lltloh that the dairies supplying tha milk or cream are hennaed and confirm to thq standard it is further under stood that two years after the first test the sain or unpasteurized milk or creum in the api lying city or town ntall be prohibit a 1 unless the vetar friary inspector can certify tliat thn dalr hnrds oontalit no reactors and urn free from tulercu 1 an is theae c djtiona being areed to un inspector or inspectors will be soitt to teat all tho cows furplshlnu milk and cream to the city or town concerned union communion service the method at congregation guests of knox chproh at sacramental the union services uf the tresby terlan and methodist churches had a very auaplces beginning last sunday wllloughby for all their thogbtfolt thv first sunday in july being com ntunlon liay in knox church for the quarter thu members of the methodist churl were invited to unite wtli tljem in the observance of tho sacra mont of the lords supper the kind offer was a ceo iit ml anil u very large number of communicants at thli vice was the result pr pending the sorvice rev stewart pruachud a very impressive appropriate uscoursa from jjcch it 10 tho phrase ills iomlnlon shall bo from seu lo sea and from the river even to tha ends of the earth being the iwals of his able ermo n jn this se tlm reference wo made toh unhlveruary drcavutda natal day and its roper obearvanca was made tho fad that tho text of the m ruing was ibo inspiration to the fit thorn of confederation in the choice of a name for our nation was very tritely presented tho methodist congregation also worshipped with the presbyterians the communion thanksgiving service in tho evening next sunday the two congregations will worship together in knox church in the mpmlng and in the methodist church in the evening rev a l dudge m a of hamilton wllf preach in thn absence of itev mr stewart who will preach nnnlvarsary sermons i hamilton at tho evening service mr q k ell of oalt snng a fine baritone lo the lord is my help the miller vs murray case jury awarded mr miller atoq apd mrs miliar 1300 the report published last week in these columns from amfltonepaper was incorrect having received at copy of the order of the court giving the jurys finding we gladly publish the same h tha following official statement of the judges questions submitted to the jury the jurys answers and tho aon aves awnrdod show the result uf the trial of this case in the county court of the county of hatton between william mulor and jemima miller plaintiffs and andrew murray the youngon defend ant questions to the jury i were the injuries and damages to the plaintiff caused hy the negligence of the de fendantr yes j if so stale what was that negligence answer in not keeping a proper lookout jn not hav ing- the caf under proper control r were the plaintiffs or either of them guilty of any negligence that ooptrl buted to the accident no 4v if so state that negligence 6 could the defendant after he first beoame aware should have become a ware that danger was imminent have then done anything to have prevented ut yea if so state what it was answer stop his car or turn effto the left damages win miller f 100 00 jem- tu miller laoooo the f llowlng is dublin school re ik rt for june fir tv m croasman v crossman m wewer a stewart i- kelly- jr iv u htewurtj i kelly j hluck j ht mi- k frank dmcdougall m wsldle mr ii- h wetwkr jr i u wejmtr if kelly w wnldle i criokurd m crickanl junior iilmar- w fryer k trick n i hg ill id uvnrage alien la lire k johnson teui her timehousc ii i mr and mm t marshall an 1 family i r krln v bills 1 frlen ts here on sunduy mr ixigtu m tl wdy la visiting frlen is n detrol mr un n vialte own of nf balm of krln joorgatowi uui lay mrs f inissre vlsitcl linn on sunday mr wtn marshal i unl son ilatph misses olive and kdwinu were home 1 lonf t n nlo over the holiday misa ii yd uf tho channel islands urrlvt 1 here lust wek mrs unas of toronto and mu itoos i f leorgnlown visited at the i omu f mr wm u mllllaro over the holiday mr an mrs fcillolt and family of toronto have tukmi up their summer real lenoe here a largn number of nh are lying dead on tho bunks of thu streama on uccount of th break in thn tunnnry filter dan at acton mr w uftwdy vlalted friends in ouelph vpr the holiday miss xvwhoiipnnl the teacher of b h no v ksquuslng who is leaving this section was presented with a smsll token of remembrance from tho community of umchouse and vicinity last thursday evening in community ist a very onjoyublu social evening was ape it every one who took part accrediting themoolvos well the pre sentatlon was made by miss jessie norton assisted by the misses millie and uhion turswull milton rt v hurul ddbn o v cook who has benn rector of oruoa- church for several yearn hue been appointed roc tor of ku lukes cburqb hamilton to whch pariah ho ts removing this week an interesting feature of halton agrfcultural society s too ns tor garden pry pf thn tmy f yha pr winners wore first uaby morley sucoud i lut y snow third ruby ma kansle judges nurses agnew fraser and wcnger all of the ouelph general hospital i ittld miss margaret mckle of mnncum n ii is vlaltlng her uunt mrs v c whunott mrs j c wlllmott of toronto and miss llowea of milwaukee are tha h uobr of mrs f c wlllmott union services of the method la t unl 1 rest yterlan congregations begun on sunday and will rontlnue two months on tuesday evening two pair of milton bowlers dr oowland and c r turner and jas w slain and wm chlsholm wont to gunlph and llftod the cook challenge cup from itg o uelpir holders tha strawberry growors in this dls trlat have had a great season this year the weather conditions havo been a i right along with the result that riot cnly has there neon a big crop but the quality is everything that could be desired on sunday night lost a number of martin street residents had their pow ur gardens raided by some person or persons as ycf unknown about the most despicable kind of a thief is a flower thief and merit the sternest kind of punishment tha law allows lust saturday w c itoblnson was driving a horse rake un the base line rrom hla son imwarda fararto his own was jolted off the seut and fell tn front of the rake the horse kept moving mr robinson was unable to stop him when be reached hla own gate tho animal stopped of his own accord mr noblnson had one of his legs cut and his head ha dty7 bruised sustained other leaser injuries and suffered from shook on account of hla age between 70 and 80 it was fear 0d thap his condition was serious but he has rallied wonderfully and is get ting on w6ii no w champion tl e following interesting particulars of ll a farewell sarvlces of itev charles llavkatt at i art col borne appeared in just issun uf tho port cnlborne cltlaan there was no sign of tho summei slump in the methodist church hun lay evmlng last on thn n nlrnry u building wus full to um last pew it was a uni n service ut wl ich thu methodist i reabyteruui an 1 uaptlat congregations joined to bid farewell to itev lhas harkett wh luuvra i ur town after a successful term of four years tu a new pas tor to in aclnn near flunlph and to tha cluurtnanahlii of the ouelph district tl e pastors of the visiting churches warn on the 1 lut form sn i a luted in the service the choir aui g um un snll en a rendering of at v n ere the sun wss set the sermon was baaed on h pirns 4 1 3 the theme being th esoantlaht f unity by way of introducth n the apeaker gmvn a brief setting uf thu test as part of pauls plea for unity abi wing the various eervloes that may bo rendered by the individual and the amies that may bo perf rmad an 1 xllbltlnst the whole as inula non et i lion ot church life home hindrances tn unity am in dlvilual bclashness depen it nom on mi hanlcul tiund and lack of eptrl uullty ileliu to unity art llvll g tin ufa of lliu master co nnl luring the rial ts of i tt ers cultivating tl a spirit f i rothprliihml and acquiring a world wl lo vlalon in couclualon mr hackett whll ihunking tl e people for their kind i beapoko a warm rooenllon ft r 1 is oucoemaur and hearty coopora tli with bim he expressed also bis tl inks for the girts that had be n i rnaented vis a rhtnu dinner sol f r mr hackett and a got i klgln watch i t himself afior thn benediction the large con grngatlon dispersed all foiling that in thu removal of the pastor and hla family tho town loses four excellent cltlten who have entered most heartily the life of the community us wall vs tha concerns of the church hpecul mention should hero be made of the valuable help given by mr hackett in the referedduga campaign am chairman of the oommlttae ho trough into tho movement organising at llliy of a high order and his it tapir ing leadership did much to secure for j rt col bo r tie the only favorable ur ban majority in the niagara pnnln u hu la another column of the same paper is given a report of the presentation at a previous service after the solo by mrs hardle mr w u- pet representing th quarter ly official hoard and dr rlokurd representing the trustee board in the- nume of the two boards presented mr hackett with an address and with a guld watch and chain as a mark of their esteem and with their good wishes for the future mr hackett briefly responded the address which was read by dr ulckard was as follows dear mr hackett it is with feelings of deep mgret that we the members of the trua toe ant official hoards of this church iullge you must to day sever your connection with us aw our pastor during thoxbur years in which we have worked together you have proven yourself worthy of our u most confidence and our highest esteem hy your superior i us i ness ability you have successfully guided our church through a period dxaai i win 1 dap slaowmu- our spiritual adviser you have over shown by your example as well as by precept ihe value of a true consistent christian life wecannot express in words our appreciation of your labors among us but na very slight tokon of our appreciation we ask yqu to ac cept this watidvand chain with our best wishes tor yourself and your family may god bless your labors inthe new field into which you are going and duty you flnd there as true frlanda as those you are now leaving signed on behalf of the official jjoards 1j d luckakd recording steward iort colbome ont june 15 mm the wutrh bears the initials of the wearer und was inscribed from tho official hoards central methodist church port colborpe a 31 road improvements north of town the county stone crusher has been it on tha second llnejnearetr charlcu davidsons and wll operate there to furnish stone for he roadway from th corporation limits to tho jsauieslng krln town line thla section was uraded last year wnn gtyna a good raauiur or broken atone and rolled with tbe steam roller it should bo one jvleco of highway july orosij speelat faqjoo theae are six octave piano cased organs guaranteed in perfect order all reliable makes exchanged on pianos freight prepaid to your sta tion will be exchanged later on at full purchase price on a piano term for those who cannot pay cash july la i the month of bargains in xhopographa pianos and organs ocljmr list mason rlach factory branch guelpb ont brief scasion of smsll oeekst of duel nee session tuesday tlin regular session of j was held i n tuesday councillors i tell jiarru0n 1 1 resent un 1 the reeve in i tl e finance commit u lb lr fourttenth report min led puyment of the fd c in is t oensral aeeeutn i v itltt i h meal j h r i uoh r co supplies hy lro i citric cofflni simot lighting hy lro kim trie commie town itsgej sf m misssnald telephoi j j cm ny telephone wstsrvvork hylro llmir commll power ut spring f m xjnoy supplies k rd mo tur i i auppll j iteld inlephone acton 1 flower jn connection witt show the robert 1 toronto have ganei a case of silverware 1 prise this prise will lie aw verandah which has t fix etc and of n vrnttfeuiidh lp llio chased exhibitors ucl fairbi bak bread we use onlyj grodrents in on made clean arr we soliq v busin phon jas fa mill 8tree saturday treat whi social and personal continued from page one mr wilding and mlas qljve qood man accompanied by mr wllbert and i miss sthel crnhj of toronto visited at the home of mr amt mrs crew- son moluugblln over uie holiday lr and mrs john bingham ottawu mr fred of st andrew a i college and mies lillian of mcolll university were guests nt mr robu j bennetts lake avenue last week miss jean orr has been suooossful passing her primary rudiments ex am nation of the conservatory of music ut the university of toronto i with flretolasa honors congratubt tjons jean j v mrs duncan momurohy who has 1 1 peen tn calgary the past year or go 1 is spending a few days with friends at toronto and wilt then visit at the home of bar son dr john mcmurchy j at dresden little billy purchased five cents worth of candy t one day and ho said please give me the soft kind i want to treat ygrandma see hov con sidorale little willie was moral get the habit of taking a pound of our saturday treat home with you remember tho rest of the family like candy for this saturday we nave a great summer favorite 00 lbs of our fresh homemade victory marsh- mallow a soft smooth two flavor marahihallow strawberry and vanilla regular 40c lb saturday treat price 29c lb to buyi pure candies mr william murray arid mooter ooorge of ingorsdtl spent the week end nt tho home of the formers brother mr george murray main street miss margaret murray re turned with them on monday mr jamas qoodalu of woodstock and mrs alfred weatuim at hamil ton spent a ooople of day this week in renewing ncqualntanoea in acton mr goddalt became a cltlsen aver fifty years ago and ho and his family lived in the esteem n the community mr qoodnll has nqt been in acton n tela oomlohe fur twentyflvn yenra and waa greatly y due 9 the i pleased with the improvemsnta now 1 manual weekend chocolates 29c lb wo know jhey ro selling t away below their roih value you will think so too when you try jhora assorted creams and caramels weekend special 29c ft neilsons cream chocolate bars 8 for 25c wonderful value neilsonv assorted chocolate cream cakes regular sc saturday 8 for 25c saturdaysunday chocolates 49c box a pretty nice box of chocolates lor the money one pound of assorted high grade chocolates ovcry chocolato put up in a wax paper cup saturday 49c box t h mobreheae bbahptonj t georgetown j- milton jcton our special our bourbib i 24 lb uag f x pound ul libbya porkf keep swcetl quaker cornf jutland brlsb rolled oats vlnest cannel new peas 1 pj phone 16 mjgffjhmfjhhhpsal i i i j yi 15