ssaab lftthmmpn nrmr nf i ttrtt toam ffl i uw r he artnn 3trr hfld riiiuihiuy jifji 1 una a ilovb vacation i 11111 iinimy 1wii i4ii 1 iiim i at iran pa 1im farm tommy ttnili l hi tl and it lilu il lit i 1m i full i t w i aii it l mill lr ilt lruiu u 1 rrlilitinu i mout lit dmtli up liln boinn p 1 m t n l thnt round ulmif llu lulu imlf iii iiikiii u othn thn illi llu it ulrky thing to do uu nuhu u llttln wlillt hm really hnuikht him t ulurk u ullik into iillilv of ihmim- tili ixtriy iluy i rnumu t u thing fiiiti thu uwr int want uwuy tllliml thu ul 111 im f t win rmi uh i i imunl 1 1m 1 ii woilt willi lilm wlill rluky thy i i fir i3 nuil ii lurry inn jut lltin ii imv und vii antl witlih lilt unu und uuki t ultvul you nut hi u limn lilm y ii lilu mi tin r in k litni lutk tit town to lt u utile ku iu lummy mtiu or jill hli llfi that wiu willi fur th brut twenty vcana aoo ivom th antoit cnrmt lltind wi lit lit rlanrgo- inwu lutit 1 likirn luy nvmlug to umulul in rliltlng mr llurbara victory thi y 111 tllr purl wll alton ilattall club im talking of urranalng u inutch with th llomtnn llloomorm olrlf who win ut printout touring ontario ur w ii aikiithoii u horn took u trln down town from 4ia family rasldanoa ynntnnluy morning nil hlm own account rit waggon wum badly djtnngnd as a twmiili t next runituy limn will lm no pruauh- ing in tha mitlnil in t church tito lust or will i hi tituuiit ur conforenofl ur w a hlnrey iism ihwn alec tad vlf irwlil nt for ontario of tha ulow und llllt uumifuotumra hnd jobbers aiutot lullou of camilla which u itontly iruunlxixt ut mont ma i ivuio lit houtli frlcu london un 2 all kjik lii tul sings to tiny with tha joyful tlilldco ttuu tho lloor vutr it ovoi in nvory rtvqutb im tlio numo of ilortl kltehnr thit atunly llrltlah old i or wlio nlonn wuif rhla to muihiua tho lkwarfil ijorviahtut of tha mouilnn nml now liiut uucewhlcft in lirlnajlns nao nut of the muilillil comlltlonm in bouth africa hucn rrowilta utooil in front or ilurklimhujn 1uluao all nlchl rrmuuuly ulntttag kltxl havo the klhk ona hat onljr to ho to b piulmtta a publicity tnuii 1m nalikfor hl work h stuuiii l nut a man ha no rlttht to lw mnnflw until ho haa dona hlm bamt tha lrl who hi qulnk to h ftiullm 1m npt to tmrnaln mn old muli a mmhrn way or iilirtytlne tha if c c u tu cull it the coat of aurva- tloa uho uprlklit ldino of our noxtrioor j noljjhbor in notnttlma u tlovnrlht nulaancs v anyway ths bald- head d mun flop not hv to nquiindrr ttla money tor hair ayo thir im tnn chuut of jmyiilo upon whom whlskay aaenui to huva lltta or no affact chomo who lot it alono tho man who can y ye nnd no at tho rlsht llroo tian a uf- fldent command of lansuaia a cynln la ti person who dlacovnrm mean thlncn ubout hlmaelf and tbn say 9 them about the rat of u itomt all your money ah t you ahould havw lnvati it in a kotns oorioorti i did it went to tha wall why la it you on time in tho ma bbmtc nrliy it a ilka thin bona eutplolnad the tardy one you koit tolllnij me not to watch tho clock durliuf onico jioura and i cot wo i didnt watch it at home uhar comi dlaappear when treated with hollawaya corn itomovar without lea vlna w acar the gold ol the inca8 the b pan lard who oame to houth america found a people rich in sold and jewala for centurlx tha indiana hkd bean acouatomod to caat their void puid jowela aa natlvw ofrulrup into tha aacred lads of ouatavlta in col ombia or into aomn othef lakes of central and 8oith atnorloa the maa- alvo void chain bis an a ahlpa anchor chain that atlrroundod the palaoa of the incoa ut cubco wua ao heavy that it aook 200 men to aarry it when it j wma decldad in 1 63 j to carry it from cusoo to catamorco aa u rift to ila- arro in the paursa of tha trip the indian partera laurnlna that their kins had been atrnnalod throw the chain into u lake probably an an of- ferine to aoma rod o that ho mlitht rccajve him favorably in another world in tha ijuce of gumtuvlta utono thorn baa already bean rocoflcrfd mom thun 18000000 worth of sold und a moral df i the sunday schoolv lesson tom 0undav june a 1022 l miloy 4 ii 304 33 rl of our jl i hn fiji llir jl laon comtrianta vphi i ih u wnrlm worn utokiu in hi fmiitli yciir if jolioluklm llila tlnin llio illrntnul tn ji rmnluti wuu dtut tlio wonu ih wrlttn down llururh will th iipiiiiion irf tln muioii lory ill irbini ill it iuttml ti olli- c rtili wmi not liilnif th nn nt of jriilhh jtmt why lunid mi ihu llmo from h iniiui of jihovuh in not iitutod it llurin it wuu tn rnuil whut it hull onlr d him to write to rimd tin in on u mux in i fuat- i rri il to on uiirh ull cmvhkiiiik uh yould bu huoly to ih it pitopln thtilt would it iluli i iii i ll jl i rnliublna thn ituopl bill hnurt yuurihml nvw mrltilkil hnui that tlny lit lit yutoiturii to jehovuh the kipl1 wire miiii duinod to think il iii ulidarau- dlmplnnuure of jfnhovnli vruo s it luimt huvti ihhiii iiocott- tniry for iturinli to voluntnr to read hulitly of tho tlin v vraa 10 tli lnlnrvnjntf toll or lutruolim rnudliih the wrltlnif flrttr to iiit prlnioa in tho hmm 1m loniclntf to twfcjjorlbek lcurful of th irrat tha miaailin tnluht iiuvb on tint klnir thny tlrat told him about it a i tha klnif wanted noma thing more thai 1i ouid i tly r j ullnntbu tookhotilora in u dual rial concern mom dlaturh- 11 it tha wlntnrliouan wall tin purt oloawl in nii won bund durliiu tin cold atonny haunoii tjie ninth month rtirroapomla to our unowmber verae 13 tha not wun probubly ilun purtuilly to bnuar mljtwl with konrn lilen of iimulllns tho judsnlantm by loatroyhia the mnwuikii vvrn 34 thulr hturla wehi wi hurd- ited hy thulr rinatoilly ilnfylntf ool thut they know not tlui four or tho ird vpraa 13 tha intervonlntt varaoa houlil ho read in ihtan we barn thut thn klnic aouuht to tukn jaromlah and itaruoh llluatratad truth ni tampering with tho ltlblt not do uwuy with tha truth h forth v s3 illtihtrutlrn laript inili ixl nvar rviortu ivinoernlotf aanltary illllona in the plant and ordorad invebtlsutlon tho mnort of th comrnlwilan which ravealvd a horrible ututa or- ultuira rll into tha hunlu if the murinirer who daoldwd tu dn- itroy it thla h did uuonwlltn by iitkary in auppreaxinb tho fuata a month inter however a aoourwo of fuvnr awapt the moomtnunlty and tha wholo truth wm made bare toplco for raaaarah and olaeuaalon i a ueaaake from johoijuh va -i- b i how nan we locate thla leaaon hilnt or tlmn 3 what wall thn poultlon of llarucht 3 what r4- aona would you rive for lie word a boliir written 4 in what way wo it to bo made knownt v 6 what ho pa did jeremiah nhorlaht the meuuke itead va s0s1 t ltefore whom did jeremiah reodt 1 on what apeolal oooaalont b ljow did tha prlncua convey tho newa kliirt t wuu tha king r- quoat u favorable indlcatlont 10 at hat tlmq did thla oocurt iii tho meanaice upurned va 31- 34 ltwhy flld tho kins hum tho rollt 13what waa tho attitude of klnif and hia mnt 13 what waa tho prophet ordornd to dot dally raadlnoa for naxt weak monday june t tho irophera wurnlnir jor 17 110 tueaday june tho lrophet an- cuaed and imprisoned jer at tl- 1b wednmduy juno v tha lrophot apiicala to th kins jr 17 1 21 thursday juno 8 tho irophet oon- nluuid to the ttuiiroon jar 3u lfl prlday june 0 tha lrophet ltea- ouud from tho duiireon jar sb 7- 13 baturdoy juno 10 john the uuptlat imprisoned iuke a 1620 hunday june 11 johovnhn iolv- nrnnoa pa 40 18 seeking plea80re in un uddraaa to catharlntf of trohhtriau iroaldenc ixrwall of har vard llnlveralty aaf if any of you lire hero to seek pleasure you or sack ing it in tho wrong place there la plauauro in abundance to be lound here but you will not find it by aoeklnir for it you can attend n sreut deal of lulwr ovor it und set nothing i know no occupation in life mora bar ren of ruiului tlutn tho permanent huaklng or plouuura 1leaaura la a by- produot ir dolnir aomuthlnif that la woith dolno thereforo do not book plousuro um auch ilouaure comm oc aooklng aoinelhlnb also und comes by tho way the whole point of enjoying rvurvullon im thut it is not your par mam nt otouputlon tha man who lu mnrklna ploamuio um iiim mutn oocu- ihitlon ffi ufa pover hurt uny recrea tion inxiiuimo hn nevur cull turn to anything olxfi what t0tplant in late kl garpen carrot boats and celery for win tar uao may be pluuted in tha latter part of junel golden imnuani corn to koojiup 4ho aupply for into iinnmur icarly atrlng boalia and poum to pro vldaoubatltiitom for meat wash and crisp vegetables aa thu means of saving canned productm for wlntpr use seed sown in mid summer ahould b planted in freshly stirred aoll and somawhat douper than in spring and the aoll over tho seed should be firm ed mora carefully than usual toovlsh pulit mhtltim und sickly child rmi owo tlwlr condition tn wqrmu mothur oiava worm w terminator wll rolloy thorn utid reatora healtli sparo the children from suffering from worms by using millers worm tnwders a momt erfectlvo vermlfuro with which to combat the no inslduous foes of the young und haltis h is an excellent worm deutroyci and whan its qualities become known in u household no other will bo used tho medlclna arts by itself requiring no purgative to uanlmt it una ao thor- ourhly that nothing mora la desired one on the teacher a teacher in america wua having a time teaching a boy tho presidents in rotation klnnlly nftor nt pan tad failures ahe lncn mo dlugustad ut ma density jnhnny johnny aha admonished why when i wns your w i oould say tha fresldanth numos forwards and bnokwarda and begin in tho middle to go either way 8uwna much tukt n abuck hy the rntj tfcs whan you wore my no thuro waant ao many rroaldentb bills raymark8 murphy th fommun of tha railway opulr fifiis want to tho ntuce to itort ft nllgbt accident to flnn of hln forto so u railway journal suya ii ot u hluiik and prooeodod to mnk out his rvilort ila wua ifftttlng along ull rlohl utttll ho cm to tllu spaoo houdod lnrmnrks after titarlug ut it iiwhun hu irackoned to tho dark who kad whut u tho mutter latf woll aor wild murphy y una it whs uuta big too ho bit will th hummer und it wuiln t luk well tor no t wrllo down th ruymurkm itll first radio 3n a train 1 hn cunudluu lullwuy in cnimil uppurutum on ila trulnu 1 hvihtoik improvfimnit train ion rars now louring thn irovluio of munltolui wll hour from wlnnhw uudiiiurtsr rutlhi cuncorth and ro rulvn all tho big now of tho world u u thiy kii uloug thulr itinerary cv n to tho tjtiluteut nirul plaatis 1 wo mur- ihl llvnutock liuprovkim nt trulii ii iiuliinl nml ninlhtiitnifl hy llu cnu ndluii lunlito itiillwuy iho projoi i hirkid hy tlm lloinhihm ntiimrtmntit of aurli ulhiu tho atfrlciilturul col u u dm i lv took kfllimigo tlm ciitniiiinlim iitlou the wulirn lio of buttur furmlng ntii pur riig tint hrunihii ml uiorit prntltubli hut lllutdiutloji uljiiwii pint of train ith iiiilln uiiiiarutuii ut both onils vt rut rliiuu wont you m please tommy uftar going t bt tl iwcnmn thlruty or thoii h did h cnllud uu i want a drink tha molhiru volca anaworad bank tommy you o to hlap tommy kruntthl turned ovr ami mu i want u tommy you piy int i hiiii co to sleep was tha again for ten mln- thaii mu i wont u drink tommy if you dnu t go to alaep ii come up utid pnnk you morn wllourq this time for ulout womlnutiii ami then mn whim you immii up in upunk no bring too u drink won t youy ha oh of th athlete in rubbing down thn uthlt will find r thomu holootrlo oil un okoellent article it urn tho muiiolra and slnewm pliable takew tho moruiinsm out of them und niitbann them for strains that inuy put tttton thoni it atands pra- vmlnent for this purpoun and sthletos who for youra have tinnu ualng it can illfy n ly vahiu uu u lubrlcuitt manners count muninm don t count in liuiiliinii mil i a young man what you iinotl in push llu was only a lmglnnr und it lw to im hoped that experlanoo iii buvn taught him his mltuko im- foro in inim uonn vary fur it la true thut iourtty uinuot niaka a suoceaa iu who im languid und tnvrt ttu thn other hand ull the energy tha world cunnot make up for a curt n uddremi unleks you eliooaw a imnillta oxlatonoo you will liovor and a place whom mannora do not count making a success harnesalnq the jordan 1 lie wutetn muk uu nth to he hunuuuud tn power which will ihroukhout tm ibtnilry uf tho jordan ilia ynr ir rlvira of ialeutlna lire mtlpdly olotrlri lie dulrlhutul it la ulilititlly iuiinncd thiil mr uul nlierg a ituh iilun jiw ipiuml to thn vjilemllno ov iinmnul for iv iiiinuohiilon mi hiewn unm the urpjtft wuu exnmlnml und upnoved by 0io wleiilnn ooyifii inniit niul tha colonial oin und un tigruemunt binding thut jv mment to uinnl mr ltutenhrig tho ooiicuhuioii upon condltloiih wus enteral nilo cgyptian liniment j the parmers priend itellevcs caked bog ear- get spider or infection or the teat also thrush in horseff feot fistula etc stops bleeding at encc removes proud flesh soreness and uwell- mntf at u pmi hnj dnsuu douglaji co naramkc odl kenney bros ikill ilnoa of hummer frvwilwoar in mens and ladles oxfords tennis and itowllng sham indies ihiient strap supikth hucked chin and boya and chtldrenv shoeo prices as reasonable as the quality is gpod ilepaiking mu a und ludtes biwed work and nil kludd of reiialrlng all work promptly finished lirlng in your repairs 1 store opan vry cvnlno ekoapt wadnaaday kenney bros mill street acton wanted by acton creamery co sour and swket cream new liaid eggs good dainr iiutteb any quantity will pay highest market price for same- provided the juullty i right cash on deuveky our motto quality olen eveningsytnesday prlday and saturday also wednesday afternoons the acton creamery co e j oneiu ihoorietor cant de done amaro who had an injured hoad ontvred u doctors ofllou hello saml got cut again ji see yis huh j done got curved up with a rr oc why dont you keep out of bad company t ult tho pliynlclan after ho bad dreeaed thn wotlud ietil i d like to loo hut i atn t got nflff money to get u dlvoroe laughing 3 altaouad by aathmatho llrst rear- ful uefiautlon in of suffocation whloh hour by hour lieuomeu more dehpomlu nml huieesm to such a wirn tho relhr uitoiflod by ur j i kullogga ahthmu ltomedy huimit nothing than mrnoulius its help is quickly uppnrvnt ntul j tho dreadful iit- tuok la muutoreil tim uathmatla who haw round out jum- dupandahlluyuc this storllng retnutty will never lw with out it it is sold overywhero i a hirschprn ladies tailor georgetown hob just hold an attractive opening in his splendid now promises in tho mcglbbon block the now storq is cbtitrol miu commodious attractive nev stock of latest spring styles equal to thje city bh0p5 best rossiuije servicer given inladies tahxhing at reasonable priced wo nlwnys hnvo a 7 our customer becomo ouf fricntli welcome for them alhkrschprii ma1w btrfet i k oeondetown a thoughtful pninceqs 1tojilo hitvn wondered why ivinuuns mury thouu u iiuiii oldni thiiu imruelf for lit f hiimlxmil thinio who know tho pijmom un lemlmid jhe lu uutli old und yiuing for h i yijuru it lu uuully ex plu i n nd hho odm lit during the wur inutnui of hohlg in i rod u i nt tn iliinreu unit liuumvpurtlnu h uu ovuy girl uiiywhtiro nif her it hon oxiinolu wlm wim ntruotd to wounded mililleru not the fun uf wnild wua unrov rod foi hr hut mlmry llu young filondi who iild hnvo linen fmllultlnk with iter 0 working hurd in limmpital lulltil- tlnn fnrtniy und on tho land hits la ruelf jilnycd a vullunt purt th tliouiflitruliiiiiii myinpitthy uiidotiruga- nimit nml hy inik tunil work uu u v a ij n liouiiltul numo und thi hulilu ant uu 1 tiuuidy ovoihhuilnwod hei finiilly foi tlm uiiihiumliiutlon of thn luiuiilun lilllinoine hll ltiliiuvnu nftlilu nit imv even h ounifjghl uhwnnt- nl i i ud 1 1 nd hn htnlllng httppy fuo to iluy then thoio in it thuiiuhtful tnlinl 1 it lu thin lhoiiihtriiliunii which mukeu hni jnurrlugu uo uiiltulihi iho priiireliu hnu himu tniro with older hum younjetr poopio although the qui on miw to it thut alte hud yotutg rrlmulm yet ulio could not holp it that her only ihnighter uliould ho hni con- otmit rniupunlnn thev hitvo been a much to inch other the two mnrys in temperament they nio unturally illko jiith ure tiilort by one gnat ina it iloiliiilh dull perilling but it mu iniulo thu quoeu whut hho is to im tuition and it huu ulrtutly mndo lie pi luceiifi buloynd by everybody huty im thn wntohword of tho queen nd of the prlnceau hey tin lint tnlk nbnut it but it lu pi i fnotly evident to llione luomid tin in nothing would limtuuuilii thn prlnremii tu break un cn- giigeniont nothing will turn her from iur piirpnuc ii hu known miqi own nlm older women umnng hti fi lends jty that alio hnu nloo manner riiouo who loplnro the hud hianiu r if the modem girl will know that luua ii inn muniuiii mn tho oulcomo if thu prlnnoiiii n coiirililerutioti for ilher people always raady and rellabllraa hnnlly nil puliiu ruining fronj itiittim- niutlnii nun hu removed with dr illfllnuu melootiio oil hlmply rub it flu tho aorn apot and it u qulokly illirorhed by tha aldln um healing power lu convoyed tu tho inflamed tlhuuo which lu nulokly miothud thla no old himiily lu hiho il npeelrio for ii nmunor of cutu sorutcliea brulaeu nd upiulnm keiip u bottle hmuiy al- tonoue in a clep8ti0k iii tlm old iluyh mil inhdmneauorh wore punluhoil hy pluohlg tho oulptnt in thu utonku in liouton strangely ntiough the llrlit pemou to uurfar such liunluhmotit uftur thu htocks wore oou- utruotod wuh thu curpuiitar who mada tlituu the i coord relates that icd- wurd tulinor for his oxtoryon take- tng lie pound ii uhlllhiga 7 potico for the plunk nnd woodwork or iioaton htocks ih ihud nvo poutulm and ooti- hild to be set un houro in thn mtocka they di alt in titrango ptinltlva meji- surtim in tliohe duys it wam the pruo- llon in the oiiwit of pernons guilty of ekhuililtuncy of thn tongue in ruyiltig nml ucoldhig elthur to gng tho of fender or hut lilm morw frotmently her 111 il tlunklugutool to bo dipped three tlmnh in hoiiiw oonvi ulsitt pond aliothe i tongue in liu the to the tldloule of tsio public n cleft utock ituud him iii rotrlbchildq wit aurlng the ii vyhiuonury year 1h48 n thiouteulng mob hint gathered round iho hnuho of the liead of the houtta of uothunlilld in pail llaroti inmes opened the iiiti funed the crowd who lieekoned to its luudei who with lilu lleiitenunt lit niioo name forwnw the thrtio togethei entered tha hiiunohrm humittim nintleincn biild the huron you ihnlro i timli iutnn1 uu erniul iiv1mi nf whut i liuil utlierh own among the liunpht n ft alien i ulu quite agree nhlei to enutrn jiihtloo i have been toiklng out a little minv tlm iwhl- tkiihln viiluo of my propeity ammintm to divide thut total py tho whole populntlon of the country you will m thut it iimnuhtu tixiintly to ho ninny 4011m pei html allow tun gen ttutnon to lnuid yeu your mhum 4 eenlu and lo wish you a veiy uarni innrplng many necessary operations in making a pocketknifc an impoitnnt event in the mitlqty lndiintiy wuu thn invuutlop of mining knlvu oi imold iknlvim the blades uf vjiloh could be folded into the bundle i iiim lnv titlun took place about he inlildle of thn nlghtfiipth ruiitlii v the poiktknlfo being uilglpnlly iniinufuo- tuioil to mit tlm nibs in u until pou l wmi thlh luvetitlnn huu krovyji aii nonnoiiti vtillety of pattuinil fur peu- iuiivch no iniiknr indoed mi u able to hivo a ihillnhle uutlmato nf thu ounu hut one intnlilinhmoiit uloiio iroduid inoxthau tin thoiuiaiid lirriint put tuinu before tho war und tlui nviriiuti iitiinbni kept lu htouk wilti twelve ihourllull liulveii lu making ioolit tknlves detuthul und puhimtuklng lubor in iciiuhiut a pain i hh t uu ciith ly inininfiiotiuud lu nf hild mtuluh flint iittcr ull the different till is of a four bliided knfo htwo imon asuuntblod on uiooittlec a banehrtlrn nnmln no iikh thiiu s dlallnfit op ycmtlppii to bu performod greenings lay flat poultry fence you can talce prldo in the appearactca of your poultry yara ef you use greoninffa lay flat poultry fence it doesnt buckle hug noraap it mnlcea a fence that ig not out of place in the filneat surroundings keep your back yard aa neat a your front yard use greenlngv u heights from 12 to 72 inch good hardware dealers sold by tee b greening wire co uuited hamilton canada easy to control u layl jiat when you unroll it summer necessities screen doors screen windows garden hose lawn lbwers garden took oil stoves paintb you nro invited to cull in nnd took ovor our rtock water services how about having n water service put hi for tho lonj dry summer mouths you would mud n lown bervlce a yrout con venience estimates on this work cheerfully nivcn wu want your business and guahan hie i sansragiion j w kennedy son kenney bros old stand main street acton phone 85 farm implement repairs for international fleury toronto wind 1 mills pumps and engines dclaval separators and also other makes secured to your order water bowls water systems installed metallic boohnic alwo relt rooting call u our now sjcel building and got prices bo faro ordering elsewhere c e parker g roszel mill street acton phono m children cry for fletchers castor i ai fletchers costorla la strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medicine la even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was the need of ft remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castorla before the public after years of ronourr it and no claim has been mnde for it that its una for ovor 3d i years has not proven what is castoria cantoris is n harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contiduu neither opium morphine nor other narcotic mihstaiicea ltd age is ltn guar un tee for more than thirty yours it liao becd in constant uso for the rellof of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying poverlshness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aldsi the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural deep the childrens comfort tho mother friend genuine cast6ri a always bcarfe the signature of in use for over 30 years tits cahyauh comwnv mbw yoss cw railway time tables at acton qrmntl frtinlt llly oyatam olnu wast h 13 am lit 34 am c jo t m t 00 p 111 h it p m in 34 m rcmuin 11 ib u tn 3 36 p la 17pm ftiaiim fl 68 p tn 0 17 ll 1 ij l u 01 p ii ru a ut u ia p in i rn p i ii on ban cuotrlo ftirrrwsy i liu wel dilli miipt huu luy hilly ixi t hominy ij illy i xci pt huriilny p uuiwlui only ilniiiluy only llumluy nly inu cbt tinuv uvc t iliiniuy unlly exu pt mumluy dully wniit iluuiuy lliiudiiy only nly llumluy only tvhfih lift lm into ut itiu lujii now riinu on thno nn i imivt m nt kieluht ihllveied by tipecliil inu frptght krolght pleij d up ut iln nd- driiuu in i ronto v ifl v lllloliollo agent anton e k cook can hluljjy you shirts culliirs tien inn dice r- chiofn huttona and studs arm bauds garters suspenders shoo luces gloves mitts in soles shoo polish and hu lowt ask liltf iroqtx kltlier call and 8ee e kc60k in yi mtllloidt speighta poh uahdwaite cljlhvuy hirjvi uwaiu flhanltinvaun urnwauta i spouting goods gramophones pniota nioht satibfa0tion quarantced c c speight mill street acton natures mint vfake out of ct to tlm monru belnnif thn days when gold uuggatw cniild ha mh alien from umnng thn kiumh roots hut thnulc bonlinwrt the diiyn of npportuiilly urn tint yet gnmt for tho buy with grit und puuhl tn him nature orfirtt geld gruen white red yellow nil within tho little pleoe of ground which ho can cull my garden 1 fere hu rnii raise benim un tianmntretit tender uud siupiy toiiuitootf ho fut ami red corn of melting awoetnoim au ihoiie hu can uell tn mothdra far aud near hethtti mit but little ferry pure- ii rod umiih uro 10c a pupor they ure thn blue bloodm if ueodum the pick uf uortu devoted to helen- tlilo grcwlng und mihictlmi of ueeila liny thl m at thn utnre arnund tho corner mend for kerry m heed annual nhonimil of gurdmi lilnbi to in which vekelubliii are hettt for the hums garden write tiuy qet nti doi ly htuit nu your garden its tl qolrian itla that pays feriivb pume bhcd seeds dmferry co windsor ont t556 acton bakery phone no 11 fresli bread and buns nltown dread rolls pies and calces qijram purrs orilcm will lio delivered at nil timed doughnuts walnut calces und fruit cakes my tho pound or liny size our own muko whkhoii deuvora ovory day will call on you orjlione no 7 and wakkoil willcall m edwaiids co acton onitaillo 6ara ciohii evary nlult ckoo prl- lay and saturday at 0 30 pre free press ads bring results children ory for fletchers cast or i a t m