Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1922, p. 5

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styr art tin jfrrr jlrrflfl iimilhilav al 1ui all on account of the dadv a ffiir oh u rrlull und a thousand uluriuu all nit uituitt of th baby ami i htla tii1 nuius und whistles mnl rhimrt km in r linr t wttlo u httl r of blnus jrint ituiinln- lit iulil unl fn murulmf ui re fuit i und n iu fiimr than un urm and u hul that lw 1111 j i i for lsk f llu shop i u hood of unamy f tho baby a joy fu h ueavaud lladt lit thu nmt i t ii hiihy all i llllll lltst iiiiu u tuyrlud v ttvth ami u sunshiny aon llmt unnllt r alil piirentau of aoitl um a huby in pur at i uuriimu of fulfil ua llui rhlldraii atnj u klory of lnvt imtwiu ti lilmhutu i ll and u eanr unl impplir outlook i nr i all on an mint nf i lift huby the sunday school lesson for sunday april 23 1022 muy la willi lumiwritti i ilh gollnn i mtru hon i u fill 1 mv l im hjtsrlcsl sattln a in lit 7cg ii c ul la comminli viryfl 3 lly tho tril dtuth of hlu filhr ainualuh usslah lume kin of juijii ih luct tlml hlx mnthru iiuiihi lu uiuutlonod ttll1 that til vnii of j i kiv twenty vezatis agct from hm luut of the frpr of thursday april 24 1poz the fclrtxlw lmik lwililly better ulnne lhy wr rukad und iikhiimi hrluif on th sprlitfah r mr li without delay movtnty six in thu uhude at noon on tuiaduy a prntty dwut april tam- paralunt for thn ludy of th tlimws mr john hurv yn retaining- wall at th foot of hi priwrty ut thn mrtmr of uak av iiu und mill hlr im un xovlli nt plaoa of work when hla brmtliuf i soddliiovum nomploted tho mrroitiulliium of hlu jmw reeldano will tut viry utlraidva now that spiing huu oome round ajtiilii und distant nlda look haay thut tired fceupu mwa on mnn ml mukom th it nt kod and huy tli aetm ten n la club hohl uielr nntiual monilntf in thn council chrnn- br on tuajhlay evnlnjr mnit olentnd thn ful lowing ottlron fgr thn foaimn lion prwddnnt j it wallaco iralint a k oumy vlcrmldnt mim adiih t tyf bnrntary troajturor ulaa etllo ft lnlrd unmbarahlp commit too mib c k uooro dfluo 6tthaiutoii uanturnt lulrd mll uolmva dr itall ntul mr jo ir ihiyd born waijetk in actnn on huturday april 5 190s to mr- anil uii vrml ualotf n will died camkiton in barnlb on rtduy alirll is ho unbolt mllnn wlfn or uufh calnron nnl tl yrara iankabkckrh in acton on tueh- day april zz 1003 uury in wire or o a lunnulmckr ki yeant 8hith4x thn lioma or hoi daugh ter lira j a hurray art on on hunday april 30 i so i jiuin dlvin widow of tho lain william a bmlfh jcd 13 yutm ailan at kalrvlaw ria tho 1 or hr dauahtnr mm c b wi on wndnday evening arll le 1b02 cutnarino camptmll wife ot ijout col wm allan ad ill yoara homv beed time and the oat suppljv the unfortunatn nrop condition in 1111 in many parta of canadu mora apnculiy for nata lod thn 8dd lur- caalnc icommualon ot thn hood n ran oh nt ottawa to hod in rraerv con- aldcrably mora than hulf a million buahala of mo 1 wed uu for thla fcprlnsa aoodln thu tiraiil wma ator- od in kovernmant interior terminal ouvator at calcary and aaakutoon early in march about 400 000 biiahola of thla rain had boon dupoaed of a oonaldarahlo proportion of ft golngr to ontario quebec and mora aatrn point tho seed iurchaalns cnm- mlaalon aupplloa aeeil oata in car loada only and at the hot ooat of the ro- oleoned aeed it la understood that during recent niontha banker and otberw have perauted in encourajtlns merchants to be cautloua lie porta reachlna the beed commlaeloner in dicate that aeed merchant have ieen an irulded by these brecautlona n nave in many caaea an inauttlcfent supply of aoed krain to meet the mil requirement so much of the aucceaa of a crop depnnda on the quality of the d nown oa well u the promptness of settlna it into tho ground when the proper aoedlno- time arrives that farmers who havn not already secured thpir full requirement of seed whould see to it without further delay isaund by the dlreatorof puhlloliy tepurt- nient of agriculture ottawa sucaeaeful inioolo m not afraid of rtaka the aaylmi nptliln venture nothlncl luivq la a bit it tho wot id a cryatalllaed wisdom minflrmed by overy aucceaaful koneratlou one who want to be ttur 1m vury ukaly ui let all the opportunities imi unlmprovetl take the risk and don t worry ready- mads medlelnej you need no physician for ordinary lllu when jyou have ut hund a lottle of dr thomas ecleotrio oil kur couiciih oolds sore throat bronchial troubles it u ln- vahutble for analda bui its bruise apralna it la unaunwsaod while for cut sorea und the jlke it is an un questloiuibla healer it needs ho testl monlal other than tho use and that will satisfy anyone us to it effective out did 6he7 the inspector put hla hand on bolden hem of the tlnleat lrl in the claaa and smiled kindly what la your name little alrir he aaked my nemos lonu ahe piped ief- vpualy and what la your auraamet naked the great man please air she replied i would rather not tll come come sulil the hinpeutor you needn t be afrulil of ulllnu roe your surname you wont lauaht aald the little maid anxiously or oourao not my dour tou tho reply well air my aurnnme la per 1 wua the anawer and the lnemtetor hud a hurd time koeplnif hla prumlse iluvh llnwor of johovuli 1 irtytwo iujh um iii l willi llu holl lri urwirj aliiikll atnppod uul fioii thu utli of rcitulo hut the mulit l nor f his llfo was uut v 11 rhulw iiln t u not to ihi loiifoiiudthl with thti khuruli wlui proplnhli1 hi th ilmu of uuu and who wluio 1 1 hxu wliidi iwajrs his numu thu i4iii i w ion ltwn the kluuu prosimrlty and his faithful in to 1 noted v n ib thrt klnif had already uliown hit niiterprluit an u h til lilt t lly 111 inn out kirmlum id limn of m uce ha prui tlml the iloclrliiu of 1 r lutredlms iii davlsixl uh 4lfotiv tulupitlt for prilhi ifrrowu und lur atnnnw vm lfl ti11 ionilioii mimre of thn urohdiful tnull wum too lnuflh for u lull vt rwim 17 ik it riulml no amnll uliiotint of rouruuo for tha tiion to wllhstund ttfn lduu und to order him to i thn plarn lm1 invaded vnrse 10 thn imuithly spirit of thn klni whouo nunin hud aiiruud tar ubroud rulhillmt utfuhihl thla lntr- furunrn the punlohnu nt wua wwlft mil auddi n ihmviii- him no room for doubt ulmiut its iwliiir a ulaii of jod m v ran 30 the ht of a leper at thn ullur uiiiihi to the horror of the alluutlon vnrmi ii tho klnif waa tint evempt thn law thut aipuruled the lmr fron tlis lllustrul truth hit tun inilowmeuts thut urn cap- uliln of niukinic rami nruut hold itlso th lkullllltlm of dtrutlon golden text lllunlratlon tho hlu oukiiio the mimit ihiwnrful thut ever ramo out of tho mhop ami tho pride of icnulneer mi te in the eoruli heap inatnad of rvino it uwuc it imtramn an tn- rumnnt of destnivtlon all heoauwe it emiupod from the hand of it inuater and run wild lonjf nnouiih to oraah u train loaded with frelnht and luiuannann the hrlef hour whan the kliib ran wild sent him lo the weeap- tuup for thn rest of hla day topics per feseercfi and diseueelon i a 1romulna hturt va 3k 1 vhom did daaluh humeml ua kino of uluht 1liiw lonit was he klnct i what do we knowif his lurentaoat i mow do yiiu ucrount fo the tho iioiukm r amaaluhy who unems to have been the klnsa spiritual uldt what do we know of oeclwrlaht a man of iower v 15 i v what conutrmitlvo work had tho klnir donet be v 0 10 j 8 uow did he fit hla men for mllltury sorvloot 9 what 1 your idea of thn miaineu ho bulllt id la th hnlp referred u in ie fifteenth verse rrom ood of from enr iii iteumiituou irlde va lels what do you understand by the statement that hla heart wm lifted upt 12 what wua the law concemlnir mcinun ut the ultart 13 who sought to prnvont him from burning 1 licensor 14 wtuit la the too com mon pro tit ice coiicarnlnjf sin in hurh pluceat hiveedy punishment va 1bz0 how dd thn klna further show his rebellious nplrltt 1 what sud- den punuhmlntt overtoif him 7 17 wtntt added reason hud the jirnt for wuntlna to net him out of the plot 18 i low lon did tjsilahe punlshnent last dally readings for next week monday april z4 jod callm laalah la s 113 tuoaduy april 3cood cell abraro oen 13 10 wednesday aprll 3e ood calls mdaoa ocx 3 thuraduy april sloixl calla joah- ua josh i 10 kriduy april 28 jod calls jeremiah jer 1 4 19 haturday april 30 joeua cajla hla nisrlploa matt 10 i1g uundny april 30 ood a help and llloeaimr f 17 the indication of worms are rest- asntias krlndlnk of the tnettt picking of th hose extreme peevlahmuta often oonvulalons under these conditions one of the beat remedies that can be got la millers worm 1owdens they will attack tho warms aw noon aa administered und uiy puaa away in the evacuations the little sufferer will i mi immediately eased und a re turn of the attack will not im likely oor pussyi uttlo johnny jones recently cele brated hla eighth hlrthdnjc and nmonsr the present be received waa on air- tun for shoot i na dart lunpylnu the cut neat door aoutod un u wall johnny crept stealthily to with in mhootlujf raiiiro and taklnit steady ulni tlrtwl tim eat uuve u iiecullur nireech und with u inluhty itound d imp poured johnny ut onoe nrocuuded to thn hnumi next door anil without tho least tiuir ruitk the imjii muy 1 huvo my diirtt he askwl um n h pm i vea tattled olil ludy uppeared 1 hiivntt rot your durt my little no suld johnny calmly but your strangled with aethma la tho only cxpreamon that set ma to nnnvey what la endured from an attack of thla trouble the relief from dr j i kehobba aalumnuemody bi beyond measure where ulf thur uultehnu thorn oarnen comfort und rest ureutli lilt become normal und thu bronchial tubca comiitotely cleared this un equalled remedy la worth many times lie price lo all who uan it the oude samaritan old soot dlnnu- cry ma woe laddlal if ye dlpna find yor penny nfnro dark her a a maunil wuyaldo taloa wonderful indeed jan instveulor wua exumlnlnif m wry youthrul class of hoys and umomr other subjects ho reoumited the luuuher to iittk her pupils u few auestlona in nuliirn kuowledke oeslrln- her class to do her honor she decided upon tho slinplu subject chicken now oldldrett i want you to tull me homuthlnr vevywonducful about irtilck- iiow they yet out of tholr nhell promptly rea ponded one little fellow well suld the teacher that in of course wonderful hut i mean some- thlna- mornjwbmlflrrtil atlll there wurallence for u few hononds then up apnlto little tommy flense muwm lt more wonderful how they cvt into their shells keep on oijeb8ino when trumpink ahtitf a lllnhlunil roud up icnullnh tourlat met o illffh- liuidor whom he utlilreioiiid an ion- eld uipl usked the wuy to llallucbu- llhh ami hot i did y ku ma uume wur 1oiiiit1t lniured the lllfthlnnder i kueauod ii aald the tourlat then ye inntin hies tho way to ltalluchullah wua the reply to women who io their own work suppohe you rquld huvo nix minuter every day in wbhhlnn poln and porw two minute after very meaj in a month thin would amount tt a saving of three hourh of thin dihoerecable hut necotaary work thin having can be mode by lining sjwp enameled kitchen utcnsilf as their nmooth bonttary aurface will not abaorb dirt or reaae no aeraplnr aeon ring or poluhlnr la needed when yoa use dumotu or pearl ware boap water and a dish towel la all you need auk foe smrfxware diamond ware u a threeboated enameled aieel sky blue ami white outside with a onowy white llnintr 1earl ware la enameled steel with two coatu of bear grey enamel inskla and oul heet metal products cojtm mohtnkaljwonoujowimnil rrt yanouwrrrnamv gh t every ggj farzfware store v w are as important as we make ourselves many po lo tonshhp- thii of m llrtln hnortuii to thi w rl i that tlwy huvo iiolii art rr uiiythliitf thu 1i ihy mm do thiy think will ti hi llltln that it run no i l shii or a pr lutml by ths world thoirfoi lliuy b not ulr ikkbusa of any i uplrutlonul hnpulns i ut uvruiina they ixiun i to hmk thvir llvlna tin y tloi lt hair 1 ational western way canada tub new koutu winmipe0 saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver regina edmonton victoria and aiju whhtbrn tointl choice of routes leave toronto- 0 45 p m tlady standard slwouw torento to wmnipiaf via noath bay anil cbchrann through toumt sleepiaat car toronto to winnipeg on tuesdays thursdays saturday and sunday leave toronto 10 35 p m the national mfaalsys wnadaya and friday via sudbury and port arthur som through tram with 3tsjmhud and tourist slerpmir car coachee colon ut car and dmuuj car harvico- connoclton at winnipeg fof all point west qet full particulars reservations etc from loos agent or neareat agent of the canadian nationalgrand trunk rail ways canadian rational railujaus bomb dest things lm iwat law the lollon ltaln ths lhat hluruttoil selfklowlnhiti the lien phlhisophy rotuented mind hi lw t irimllrlne fl he rf nines and torn iterance thu boat war the huh i uulnst unna iiwm weukllhui tlfn thut music the laughter at a child tim iwat urj painting u smile op u fno thut is aad the besli sclenon oxtrantln aun- xhlnn from a cloudy day the 1m at illumination flush in if u ray irf hope into a despairing heart the lnt hlogruphy the ufa thut writes chsrlty in thn laraeat i attars thn iwst mathematlcu multiply imf the joys und dividing thn sorrow of ptheru if you are building a house bam or any other building targe or small we solicit an opportunity to furnluh lrtca on anything or kverythlni in our line tndudin nails hinges locks glass putty paintfl oils ccmcnl roofing carpenters tools we do itealipg plumbing eavetroughing and electric wiring is a specially with us j w kennedy son kenney 1iros old stand main sti1eet acton phone 95 no need to aurfer with corns or to run tj risk or parlnv thlim hemove them aurely and palnleanly wlh hoi lowoya com rnjnover children cry for retchers cast0ria jtotcher8 caatoria is attlgtly a remedy for ipiants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medloine la oven more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not taterchangeahle it was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castoria before the public aftef years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago is its guarantee j7or more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying peverlsiinees arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural bleep the childrens comfort tho mqthers friend genuine castoria bcoxu the signature of nlty tlmy do nilrstuiil that lb- human world is oipon4d of all lh pil and thut in li liidlvlduatfult t tv lmporunt n hla place as i mg us hn howing uliy uavful work kadi oru hslis to mabo thn world hattaf or wr wa urp us imimirtunt as wu ntukn otirnalvas w ara of grimiest im portanno whxn w- rndir to the world our liast aarvlras lu the work for whfrdi w uln oaiwlally nttixt llmiiuit and uuoml lub r la hooorabla them lira h mli ili la ul in iuihttlonw inuii uri women who innahur tbomaulva wurth noinothlng who ur inlarastwl hi th ir work bill who ui not ufrall to do u llltlw in ra than is roully nwmiary riry am not uutlsriad with ultlng othis dl ull thn good iii thn world thy love to uicumpllah us muili us tlly immutllily all thamaalvaa thy ftnl i hut if tlly nan do somnthlilo to tuuks thn world hattr it is for tin ir wi auln tbase 1mmpi urn iruutud und uptirnclati our world muy ha hud hut it is hot so twd tliut it doe not hi unna way reward its worthy in u amiill town w iwir hoyu pluy inutus wlilla tby grew up onn lw ume u peddlar und thn othsr a black- uinlth tim wddler vr imlloyeil hn rould uiompllah much lu tho world und he u still u tmhllur without u homo thn blacksmith oonsldarnd his life hniatrlant put his soul into his work und made good now h is a lilt f draughtsman at a big salary ami huu a hrved family und u nimrortublri home charles olive muuy motlmrs run tnstlfy to thu irtun of uoumr umvh worm c twrmuiutor because they know mini rlaoca how uaaful it la an oil of mrit ftr thomas ko- ctrln oil is not a jumbln of madlclnal uhatancs thrown together and push wl by udwrtlslng but thu result of tho fill investigation of the hnallng- lltlos of certain oils aa applied to thn human hody it la a mm rem- it inn und it won und kept publio favor rrom the iral a trial of it will curry oonvtctlon to any who doubt its lhwr to repair und heal forqot the ouerttle lie was ataylng at u popular keaaltle imardlng house in thu afternoon tut wus sitting on the verandah when u liundsonta young woman and bar kik- yourold son tauna out the little fellow at unco mads friends with the latest urrlval what is your numnr he uukod 1hn when thla information hud n given he addett aro you married v t am not married wonnle reapond- ml thn man with u genial smile at thlu the child paused a moment und turning to hla mother said what elan wau it mamma you wauled mo to ask hlmt pacts about roup the chief value of auups in thn dint la the gastric atlmulanta their liquid warmth causes u ready flow of digestive juices preparatory tho room substantial portions of the respaut such oa ookl meat thus oner a hard days work or when one la fatigued a ptata of hot soup is the flmwt reviver paaalhlu and thn heat thing to take before anything solid is attacked lrom u nutritive point of view clear eoups imef tea also plain meat stock or lioulllon have little or no food value on the othsr hand soups thickened with vegetables ore highly nutritious gall stones marlatts specific a never failinjr rcmody for appendicitis idduroatlon stomach diaordera appendlcltia andrldnet stonea are often cauaed by gsll utonea and mislead peopht until those bad attacks of gall stono colic appear mot one in ten gall stone huftorora knowa what in the trouliln uarlatte specific will relieve without pain or operation for mja at all uruir btor- or e j hassard druggist acton ont j w amarlatt m co si 1 rtemrat w tavamto oerf railway time tables n truu um iwy 1 oelnu waal no ill no 33 ni 3e jo ji ni 3c iiunduy go no an no 30 i wo 34 no lfl no an no 21 fluuduy enginedriven washer fho lndics nro invited to call ut our irriplcment shop mid lutpcct one on tlio floor rirbtclasq hohev her 15c lb reduced prices have come 1kact0u prices i ii c tt iflill p t cylinder and 2 furrow tractor imov v 77500 tituu 10 20 ii p 2 cylinder and 1 iurrow tractor plow 82500 or tractor dic harrow with cither tractor in iiou of plow dc laval cltfcam beparatoru lot us have your order for fertilizer repairs for various machines kept in stock or nccurct ut your order wind mills pumps gasolenes pngiuc tleury plows rollers and repairs dont tcnd your cash to mail order houes for your wire fence wo can supply you nt numo price if you ktvo cash with order und you can ica what you arp ttmng veedol motor oil i irtt quulity machine and separator oils cup grease c e parker mill street acton g roszel t e- gibbons get your comfortable old shoes hade good as new ww use the beat leather and havu ull the latest ujipliaooas to turn out a rlratclaaa job batlsfaatlen guaranteed wo have in a took tlrst claaa lino of mena and boys ahoea ut very reasonable prloea mill st acton a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown hun juit held on attractive open in j in bis splendid now premise in tlio mcgibbon block the new store is central and commodious atlraetive new stock of latest spring styles equal to the citv shops itest possible services given in ladies tailoring at reasonable priced our customers become our friends wo always have a wclcotno for them a- hirschorn qeorqetown main street monday only truln no a whirl loronto at 12u5 noon on uuuii luyu ilurlng thn tnonthu now huvvu ut 1 tt u i w ight dallvt rail by kipaflul uvprnwl freight iydght ikbid up ut un od- draaa in loronlo 1c t tiiuttkoun agnit alton 8 11am lt34am jt m du p in hlspm 10 34 am 1 okajn lllukm 3 is p in r 17 p tu toronto suburban uctimo railway golnu wt 0 17 u in dully tvript hun lay 3 33 v ti h 00 p m 1 ojit i c 3t p hi 0 6s in v iliilly t vript llun li i illy i v pt i luu lay fluu hty only lluuiluy only llun luy only going last 7 4h u tu i illy ivrut miinduy j p in dilly ukroi t lunduy oih ii in dally xr tt liniiday ucmk in hunday i uly i p hui day iiy ru in use for over 30 years ytna nwitua 3hrnyunm von crrv free press advertisers are always reliable albert d savage recistered optometrist and manufacturing optician savage optical duildino right at the pait office gulpw we operate the ortly iens sur face orindinjc machinery in this dihlriet speights uaudwark rui ucitv ouani rnwauia tinwaltl sihiotinb goods ciumoiiionks pdlceq rlaht satisfaction quahant5ed c c speight mui street acton the ability to make good rualnehm men nro unanimous in their prultuof tho clunlph lluhlneaa oolkgn mothodh in miulpplnir uraduiitou for reuimiuilhlo itoultlnna the uniform nhlllly of eur gradu- atea to nuike nood in thn business world inviteti your investigation of our mothodu guelph business college herald bldij guelph onl a l douok principal vou can btatlt on monday 5he acton bakery phong no w fresh bread and buns rolls pics and cakes orient will be delivered at all times doughnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes lly the lounjl or nny she pur own make waggon delivers ovory duy will call nu you or pkitao no 7 and waggon will on m edwards co acton ontario stare cloaed evofy nlgm except fri day and saturday at 030 p m castorlla for infants and children in use for over so years 4 1 i aleraya beam the bhinature of

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