lv arhui jfotf jlrrtftf wrrlly nrwbi i itkmtilliay maiick 30 12j allvj 111 im r i n r t uah 1riuli 1 r l lv i f r i r 1 f 1r in ly 3 tl i i 1 1ioni why should trre publicity lfe ankp ncttuulty compcli n country newspaper to jo as it i do no by it proprietor cannot induce a mo klcpcr to j ivt linn jjoodi hi tlic value of 1 50 bcpauui liu c be niinlc u purcha c ninoiintuijt lo 5 neither ilo h ntw paper jlvc newpaper publicity to the viiluc of 1 50 or any othof value for that matter to onu who bit purolia cd worth of printed matter like liny other limine man the newspaper gives is wortli of good for the 5 and if any more good- ure wanted puyincnt it demunded jutt an it is in uiiy other plutc of bn nici alliton herald ontario w not atlrjurled i lie premier of quebec ujciiii to take a lot of pride in the fact tlmt in province is acting as bur- tender tor the north american continent and be jinilc the coin- derived froro the fovcrtimcntowncd liquor truffle in the expectation that the other pro vince particularly ontario will he lured by the ius1 for am hut mr lachcreuu will learn that ontario think more of the youth of the community and their well being tli tin of the protpects of gam or low taxation that he holds out for all who follow the course taken by quebec star mistletoe drains it ll f n 1 1 nrlouu lllnui of ih w klitf of liil hlii i i u utlruy 1m rry u ir lr tl tint will li trl4 t i thlnf tuln f k ih ion toimh t liry ivi i i u lm ul tllil llll cry huu ih n kn fill llntf lixiteiimiil iniw tit u liny n ilrt- tl l rk root oil if ih lli mill ihl tryli tf in rii i ih a hallvlot in prospect lly iniljf wlu ml ulrlx i in thut it wl n it i of urtlflilul iiruhi on ut wu hiudhi horlaon lrkld tho fur of thn it to lior tti thfl utrthii no to it rittlti- iilu ill 1 1 in liu lft r nr until it ruiik with ihn nut m it aftrr tin tl mull w imwikst a t lll tlii jiiilni of u horny huii kdludly tl kii1 liwiilr vou dnliijf thuf if thnn oat in utv jurulutid thrrm which to mlritti 1 why ir uttulii l 111 voht edttoltlal k t a ivclude to church union rev dr w t hcrridiio former moderator of the presbyterian church in canada has accepted an invitation to a the partorate of grace methodist church winnipeg for an indefinite period dr hcrridjic who li now in ottawa has been an uneoniprismg advocate of church union his acceptance of this position is u pructical demonstra tion of his faith in the udvi ability of union and that its consummation is a practical issue i ilusineurt lrognhiiuj at ottawa so far as the session has progressed the govern ment has no cause to feel other than satisfaction good progress hot been mode and it is apparent that the attempts to drive a wedge between the liberals nd progressives bsvo thus far failed the western members are not fulling into the arms of the gov ernment but at tho rnmo time they aro holding themselves free to help along anything they con- sider in the publlo good and the majority of them are friendly to the government and in contrast to the official oppositon and are evidently determined to give it a fair chance of making good beforo they criticize i t the four power pact for peace very gratifying and far reaching was the prac tically unanimous vote of the senate of the united states last week ratifying the fourpower pact the anglojapanese alliance this treaty supersedes the convention bet weep britain and japan apd places under tho supervision and control of britain franco the united states and japan thocntire problem of preserving peace on tho pacific ocean and adjusting all matters of a controversial nature that may arise over this treaty thcro wus mora controversy than over any other problem at tho recent disarmament conference at washington the momentous char acter of tho senates action may bo judged by the i fact that had the tour power pact failed of ratifica tion tho united states could not have taken the risk of reducing her navy and tho work of tho arms conference would have been destroyed tho senates approval of the key treaty paves tho way for ratift- catioin of tho other agreements by tho senate and of all the treaties by tho other great powers p- t oetting prices down to normal the restoration of prices for tho common every day commodities which every homo in tho land is obliged to purchase will bo very slow unless there ift a general getting together of manufacturers mer chants farmers and artisans it is rather unfor tunate that the attitude of organized labor has so far delayed the revival of businobs for iluan been inclinedat least so far as its spokesmen aro con cerned to insist on a wage scale very near tho level that was reached during tho boom at the end of the war under oxwting conditions that means that fewer people can be employed thoso who are for- tunato get work at high wages but hundreds of others get no work at all and business lags because it ts impossible to get prices to the point where they jneet an effective demand there aro many pe6plo who believe that there will bo no battlement or satis factory udjustment of prices until all bankers fanners workingmeu busine men producorsand consumers alike agree upon a general price scale possibly higher than that which existed beforo the war but considerably lower than thoso now ruling the wwkintf r the merchant i tank the deciiou of the government to take action against sir montagu allan ircudcnt of tho defunct merchant hank and against mr l c macarow tho general mauucr of the bunk will be received with commendation not only by the thousand who suf fered loti through the impairment of iti capital but by the people generally who desire that justice in cauudu t hull bo administered without regard to tho wealth or social standing of thono charged with orfenici uguinst tho low the govcriimrntistfoink iti plain duty in taking action which will determine who is re ipoiibiblo for wrecking this venerable instl tution which for o many years enjoyed an honored career and wus favored with the confidence of the public throughout the dominion highway grant to hal ton for lft2l tho county council has received notice from the department of public highways that grants to hal ton tor road and bridge construction and main tenduce toe 1121 total 12130012 i hat looks very good but unfortunately for tho majority of us throughout the county who will never see lot alone use the big new high level bridge completed lost fall most of this largo ium was sunk in that job it is sincerely to bo hoped a larger sum than that of last year will bo spent in 1022 for road construction and maintenance weve been ten or twelve years build ing big bridges at an aggregate cost of about half a million dollars it is now high time that more at tention bo given to our good roads system in the crying need for rebuilding and maintaining them in many sections of the county editokiairnores ontarios greatest budget shows estimated re ceiptf for 1022 or 32000 000 hut the figure is small er than the sum waged on ontario race tracks last year globe whats a poor fellow to do landlords raise rent merchant raise prices unions raise wages but the poor coniumer cant raise anything but a howl hard lines after years of earnest effort on the part of many houscwlvo who have to do the purchasing for tho family larder they have succeeded in making the hen listen to reason eggs sold on saturday at 25 cents a dozen carleton place canadian an ottawa press correspondent says tho honor of making the worst speech of the session so far and probably tho worst maiden speech heard in tho house of commons in years went to tommy church of toronto who talked for several hours united states bootleggers are reported in a panic because of tho activities or their federal authorities lit trailing their ganfc recent captures of half mil lion dollar stocks of booze have dampened their enthusiasm and proven that they are not so smart as they fancied themselves to be hon mr holdings estimates for dominion ex penditures ror 1022 23 show that he is off to a good start on the rood to economy a reduction of tho expenditures which will savo the country 138452- 201 03 during tho present fiscal year is certainly an evidencoqf economical effort on the part of the new government walter r ruthcrrord ror sixteen years a mem ber or tho staff or the toronto globe has been chosen private secretary to tho canadian high com mlssioncr in london with his experience ho will render fine service to canada in making the old world bettor acquainted with tho resources and at tractions of this country t time for a change tho legislature can confer on every town and village in the province a great anu lasting benefit by enacting legislation tkut will provide ror the holding of mtimclpul elections ut bomo time other than during tho christmas teason business men in tho tovms and villages cannot give the name attention to municipal affairs during the biisy holiday seasoji that they could und would at other times for this reason tho towns and villages have not had tho benefits of having their mo interested citizens pok ing part in munlcipul affairs now that tho women are to take more part than heretofore in municipal elections tho need ot a change is greater than before bqcauso during tho holiday season tho time of tho women is almost entirely devoted to childrens en tertainments and other festivities tho month of november is objected to hecnuso a largo nutfibor of voters in lake ports would not no homo at that time the first week in february would ho a suitable timo both in town and country tho holiday rush being over and spring activities not yet started if our representatives in tho legislature will give thiif jm- port ant matter due consideration tho necessary legis lation will bo pawed this session forest free prcag dctnf fijar fo praise ii iii ly i ij uuii ut i ii tin ril lliyr nn 1 n urn nt 1 1 ii i tlf ll liilf uu unhid with ii i hi 1y lilrf v ii t j y 1m ti i vi urultlnk tlln u 1 ih ir kritt hilliiif ut th i ii r tir li t tl uu hoik ujh kif n turvful whut yi ii imv vim ii iif uintn 1 i 1 ai i iii u llf i ioiukm hi mi u u im y wml i it xili id 11 blv tin work that satisfies w uljviiyu lint i f i 1 1 1 11 till 1 1 iff iim p w f mooney cton ont prepare for a short crop this season hull 1 u oiitt llok flllo hulf tho rmt of u wmii miio ulitl will lut u llfnlllita cluurnlllmkl umml wirlcltiulihili mid ilu tinur trust i imf uu it 1 hiuii1ii to ruikn thoin writ i far our tuoim iirlcam u cko watson son hftjovcton ont auction sale houses dairy cowb young cattle purth uhed and grade bwine and 8hecp rho uiltltfih 1 mirtlniumirx liuv mil hiutruntfl to mtll for j h miller bonb and a duilvov tl tho pr mluim ut j it mlhor a moiim t lot 3tf mill at roue union 1 h rhi lull wnt if uidiimu oil tuesday april 11 102z t nun ohocu umn tlio folio win if liohll ii 1 tfown hnihit rlmlntf 4 ynurm 1 hrowit wnllliiif ruin t yuru 1 i ill hi u flrutcluuu tuutii 1 alilliiff lulnir 7 yniiru 1 in urn rliihtif t yearn iallt cowlli lliilulfht now 7 ytuirx hltli nilf tit foot 3 hohitlii u b yaairx with uilvm ut font 1 llunk ow 7 vr with oulf ut fimit 1 llmk tow 11 yturu with tulf ut fwit n 1 rnwu 7 y urn with eulvuu ut fthit 1 ml mil whllo oow ilim ituy 10 liuiok row iliki april 5h 1 rml riw in in muy 1 rimit row nillulnif h liidiitlim 1 kolxuiti hiw ilim lu muy 10 durlium itruln um with culvou foot 1 1 iinurly duo yoiino pattik- 2g htwr mul ttulfru rliik 3 y ura lurltutit ulitl forl krudum kulntf 1 ynar a intra val rulvoti if tint iimvlmnly i hi hwinib 11 yoiihtf howu in farnitv r with tilitm ut fimit 1 yomik yoiumiiiio mow 1 tutnworth how htr ull urn ulmkvo imfllatoait will lw furnlillwl 2 yark miwk du in wnroh nnd airil 3 york mowm duo in uuy 13 york koww in april unit muy la opon york uowh so oliiihkx an wnunlluku ttitmtn n htx yorhh um itlnmlly vnmtwl ml with tint iwuit htrulnm in cuiiuda und united tftutvm hi11cici 10 ilootai und oxford tmiimh 10 co nnd undar cauh nvw thut uniinint 10 inmithu rrodtt on rurnliihlnif uitprovod joint mitt w pr umiiim off for rimri ja6 modonald mwf ii j kerii aucttonr- w lutuoun clru auction sale in 10iiamoha townhihp horses duqgieg and harness for roy q you no at itookwootl i ivory itam oil mondavt april 3 1022 ut two oolook hhurp tho follwliif loltfirft urown ivonm yar lorul luinnmw brown mum b youra tranftral parihiwi hrown horna is ymtkn bannrui iiiirinn tirown irtum 6 yours mrrloulttnul buy man t yrnn nrl- oulhirul liy liontu is ymirn ukrloul- turut brown horan v yur urloul- tiiral i hay honut t yarm nurrluj imy linrwtt s yoaru currhtku iwy tnaro 4 yaam drlvsr hay mar 1 your drlvac kiy muru 4 yar driver hoy onlt 3 ynurn driver thoaa himnn uro ull tilnt mitl nlty hroltn for iudlm to irivn jmaoilch top huaar rublwr tlr top buitify ktnol tlr otkou uuituif ntool tlr iraunlcim itet doubla driving liar nmm not ulngto hunittn hot mlngla hnrnojui military twddl und hrldlo tkhmk uk 00 und undtir oauli ovr unit u mount 8 month omdlt oi uinirovod joint notok par annun oil for buuli i no rrva h he uvm for hor in bumwtr r j krr auotlonr imioiio sb acton w k qu all am clrk mr samuel charters m t has been appointed deputy chlor whip for tho conservative party in tho ilousd of commons our long timo friend of tho brumpton conservator is climbing up in tho esteem of hid party he will soon havo reached the high position his fallow citizen hon richard blnln occupied before ho was shelved in the senate tlio drury government is evidently not losing prestjgo notwithstanding tho censorious opposition to which it is subjected in tho debates in a division forced by m m maciinde of south brant last wednesday on a hill introduced by w a crockett labor member for south wcntworth the govern ment hud a majority of twentynine raising trees on the rainil8 uiitouhtndty uitru urn mor dim til iu m t with in rutuln trmiu on tho 1iih thmi uiv to 1m found in ti fuulini urovliikd in thn llrut plain th tuliifull iw vir hinllr 1 uxond thu iiuum lmv lo wlthutun 1 u wraut to uloi uiwl irnnitei of tunhrutur third t liulru mill uh wi now unci it ufl ykurtt of kikimnrn u ihn 1 nirntm hi otnihiit und liurd thut it mold lx upmlklly urtiurol tfir it lu tit f r tr growth noon f theuii condl llonu uru howxvi f of kuah u uturn u lo inubn thu rululnif of trttu ull lintiou nihility hot hy fillowlnif otit rovtuln iikuioiim whlrh uru lndkultd by ru iiiim ulmuily ohtultiml tr ifrowlinf on tint pruhliu run ito inudo juut uu uiicrrhhrnl und ik rhiiim uvi n tnoro rartiiln ihun whrut ruulnif normun m 11om iinlilon torvat nuruiry ulu lion iitdluu llni huuk be fair to the dav it iw not fulr to o n uy ut u illuud down hy ihn ihoutcln fulluin or utpri iat lo morrow iromli fulr to h kiii uur work iv ikivvu to uuit luifo wdlffhfiil of youtnrduy u f m niutliliitf it lu not uh thn hundl i whloh lu tho ttftor- i rolontti i lonif aft r uhmip uhoul i twt nt i foro on will ili uur i mi lurifr u dkinutnj of wiirln inuth of plnuui tho hotirm wh u tori ii if tli nrv dully tuukw muki an fur uu wo r duy iihnuld huvo uu fulr u utnrt uu if tlmr huil uucn ho urnlecuusior ltu fulr to i tm duy io not ntiout it out of tliu rhunri of uohlaviount by hrlniliik to it only hulf your poworu canadas stately homes ynuru uuo th iiovt wrotn ulutnly hoinim of icnulund udu uuyu u rimmint wrltoi of horn jut un ututly nlxnit thn but can run lynt tho well kont furtii bomau und furm hulldtntcm tlmt dot ti oountiyuldo nlvi uu u twniht of imvouhty und ko tohoriht ii lri w ii with rural onturlo jim luudoro uroimu thut iirniit thn nyom on ulnioiit ovory furm uuuur tho itoholdvr thut tlin llvo mtook indnutry in in u hourtuhlnif condition oi i onturlo mil liouut of tuuny bounty upotu thu writ i uddu thut hoi i duy ii upont ainonif thorn will tiring much fliijoyinaiit a poor fixer it mlnif trim in un iowa court tho j ml iru docldpd a con tout nd point iittulnat u yountf luwytir whom upon thn luttor lout iu hcud your honor ho ould in a trombllnu viilrn furlntf tho court i um uhinxodl inutuntly tho younif luwyi ru uurtnnr who huppomd to lui in tho courtroom upruna to bin foot your honor ha utorimitfd i wunt to nptkloulku for tho liuuly ronturk of my ynuna inrtnr uy tho tlmfl io uu old uu i rnn ho will not bo uinmnil hy ifiiythhitf your honor dotu the acton creamery co wants 500 crati of now laid eggs will pay ciutu and hlulrat market lrkr dont forget to bring yodr cream we want it vv guuranuc vou a suang lhah havl i got to tnl you wurkr -at- lhe actomrcreamery co k 3 onkiu lvphcr ilhlhjg ii coming buy a tord got out into tho country every minute you ian spare you will tackle your huwne with irtnter zest your wife will forfct tho monotony of house work your children will loie their town pullor and have tho time of their lives its enny to buy a ford our way come in and lot us give you full particulars of our deferred payment plan a coxe acton ont we pay return fare to guelph g b ryan co will pay your fare to guelph and return it is not a temporary arrangement we hope to continue it indefinitely archie mccoig arthur hardy and tred pardee ipnt it a corker the way tho boys are slipping into tho rptl chumber thesb days perhaps now that these two liberal champions from adjoining counties in southwestern ontario havo landed nice soft scats in tho so n ut 6 they will inform a wondering public jiist what tho so n a to really docs renfrew mercury tho municipal authorities of n town over in maine havo hit upon a new plun for reducing tho tax rate for posterity they havo planned to put out a few hundred dollars every ten years to remain on in terest for a century tboy have found that 1000 put out at compound interest now will amount to 32 000 in 2022 our greatgrandchildren might bo glad if this scheme were tried now- hy acton council i clearinq auction sale in teiuk townhii of hoiioeb cattle hoq8 and seed drain tim unditrxiiiii inu rooolvl mn- utniotlonn from w wm thompson a hugh reed to hull by wlllo auction ut lot 8 8n1 lino icrin on friday march 31 122 ut two o alonb uhuri tho following iioiioich luiy mot 6 youm old wulifhlna 1 boo buy muro kyourm wolifhlntr 13001 buy horo 4 yarw old ltrluuu hormo thtuio tiro uood borxoti cowhuwl row yuuru old duo juno 30 k iio t tod now 7 vxuru old duo julio 3s iwd t uw 4 youru old duo ootolnr 4 rod oow itvouril old duo muroh 3s rd now d yourw dua alrt 25 jnrmy tow 4 ywiii old duo kon- tomlwr xii aymhlro row 6 yoarti old fiaxhumtd junuury 1 hrtul iiuuln nitottnd row u yourx frohhonod muroh 6 bltick tiow 4 yoitrri old duo mnrah 3tl red cow c yulm old duo arll 0 md inw dim atll 14 rl oow 0 yourii old duo an- 24 rod cow 6 yfiurw old dun airll st 1 iurobmd uharthorii hqll 3 yuuih old uoodom 1wllkro fmnlhhud duy of mil to tiimui cuttlu uranrtoihu durhum krudq vouno catllm 10 tt miirhiif only 6 yturllniim b fut out tin 11148 iiiich 7 whkm oht 0hain jqo buiiholn tnluod ktuii thlh im tcfod itiuln 100 bithhiilipiii hiirlnv idjo tron u tiiw htim o looiy itnlitiuilij for mki paltuiy no rirv mr thomp son has sold hta farm imimh llooo und onur cniib ovor that uinoutit 13 tnonthn urodlt will int k i von on miprovod joint notour s off for cjimii s r j kbrr aut4an lhonu 30 a i li tjiiouiqy clork this is how it works out c we return be io you on each dollars worth you buy from uh up to hut not exceed injr 80c which ih the amount of the return fare from acton to gttiph you may arrive by train htw your own car home or any other way so loiu uh you come from acton or beyond we will pay your return fare on bank of 5c on each do lar you upend but not exceeding amount of fare refund a few illustrations av50 lurclumo uefundu a a00 lhufchane llelundu a 1200 iurcliiuto uclund a 14 00 lrchose itef undfl 25c cmll 10c gmh 00c ciwli 70c cwh a 1000 purckue itcfurala yuur wluilo ittlum fare 80c ciwl j jfiut mnko yobr purdtaucfl in the umial way at any department tic nuro yoi ore uiven bales check ami prcticnt them at our office klvlnj your tume ami adilrehh fhl arrankement will make it eaay for you to alutp with ut ami take advantage of our lanjv ausoried htikrlo and the utyle bervlce which lull always been aifitocfatcd with q ii ityan co g b ryan co department stores guelph owen sound general dry goodn millinery and iteadytowear menfl and iloys clqthlnjf and lurnbihinjcil three storeb in a gnelpli business direct itory or j a mcnivin hyioian ami ooruon ml in i it i i ni ft i r how f nn r j nhson tlyalclan burijon oullriolal acton ontario hni i 01 i i lit i nr flruy gui it it hi 1 li on horn i t 0 i in i hrkk lit m un i 7 to mt c r w ross mhyiclan and qurijdn milt t corutuwt phoiva 22 u linn hiirir n hiuio htuiltnl r r i lo 1i i il otti ntloii lo ilu in u of wo- mnii ml lilllroi innl infmit i odlnif dk w s ia1d 01 am m ir uo yoolwlrh lltront i yi lyii mono and throat 1 vi ry h iti i lay t hit r ltoma 1 ik no no 1 o llox hsk haroid nash parmfr m a durrlalr ootloltor notary puhlld convayanovr dtj fkrnvmxwdloci acton ont mon1 loi oan ilnum 0 31 um lo c n to 11 g me1r darrltr 8oliltor notary publlo qaoruatown ont dcnral dr j m bell d d s l b s dantlat uonoi orudiintn of toronto xinlvr- nlty lln hitiut uniatholo nu 1 ll diuliel olilo ut mil luiirt cirnor mill und i ttidirlclt tiool dr f g gou op d d s l d s dontul qurcjaon oirlin ovtr uunu at nova uootu llouit 0 30 to 6 30 pvmlnurt hy atiiolntmot miqcellaneogs rrancjs nunan booltblndac aitount hnokii of ull iclmlg inalo to dar i urlodlonlo of ovoiydfartrlptlon na i fully hound itullim noutly ujid rriinuit dono wyudhani htrtot quolnli ont ovor wllllinnn hlorfl r j kerr auotlonxr and hunt eatau auant 17 yoaro luxnorhmci acton ontario fluids fltitruutod to it t korr ro- titlvo nttnntlon from dntn of llutlhif to tin tn of mlo tut your niilni with mo tlaaidanc do war avnut acton phono 30 anton cull lit my i xponuii roy hindley auctioneer ialiduj pltort eiln 47 n r 3 aoton j e cheevers hook uinder quahao 8t cmut oualpli ont ilnnkii nnd muunlnou hound in itandiinmn mid hilliutuiitlal oovora niurnih lottorod lu uold on illhlo hymn looku and olhor imoku all work promptly exaoulad d alfix niven ml civil flurvrtvm fluhdlviulonj iliuiu ilo- lioi lu dntiorlittloiih llhinjirliini oto cnrtltlcnli ij for ihirolmmrit nnd mortiiiiuititt kllivoyii for aioliltnnhf itiilttiini nnd mnnloliml ctmtmllu pmlnuio itonortu ftitliiuitnu otn moltian uuildino doujue 0t auicbpii iliono 10q1 ont conjjullliiit knhiocm xamett iprociur rtxlforn iftd tt m pitoctor da qo manaur 3tl toronto ot toronto can urldifon piivoinuntb flatorworliu llawt rai myutonin liiolnoratoru llolldolm pllllllll ullllm ikluhlllkm knotorli ii arbllratlonu lltluutlon our pa uually pali out of ta ntoinjy i uiva our elunt 7 tjtsm lztt lmil m 1 thooidaiidllollablo tirahlio and muiblo dpalora wtt inn tnuiinfiintiiniiii und dlroat liuiuirtlmi of ull it i mhi of miniiinumtal ictl lltudfitnno woic wo nil ill root to oui oiditoiuoru ut whnlihiilo iirlnoif thuu iiuvliiu our mihtnmiru 40 pir riml n imva tho hi it tnijilliino i iuul thu only tnoiliiiiiioii in thn lioinlnlnii who ouiioin into inuiiiniitla tunlii iropiirly wn ciiii iflvn rofi ranouu from hiindrodit of inn onuti worn in laninto nuil other liluooii wlinio otlioru hitvo to hnvo law nilhii in nrdur o rolhtot wo huvo tm luiu 1 mil in lit idonlc of o i ml to lu tho ikmiliifitn 01 tuoro hum tiny thno duflni n thn wmt wo tiro hittll- iniitn diuilcin und ftnploy no ummth und do not lilitmy vir iiit iiuutoiuurri hy hindluir ont lutmnuit iikontu iiollolt- uik nrdtlii w oiunloy only nihtilimilflu und dofyu niiiotltlon hamilton sons co i norwlnh a woolwich bfca uulilv vuaj