Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1922, p. 5

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ghieikrtmt 3ffrr irrmi tiiumiiuy jltaiicif a 183 a dare tact two ladljf tay tnut n lmy dnn day hi hgi wcr brlur ruit hid hi i loth u w re hlite lilt a nut hr whri hi punt hli murkil thu pht worn putthd they hiihhhul willi joy ut liuibliiu uyl iwy wltti hi him of mi 1 own hu why lout yu ilutih with u oohr li mutlt- thoy hu khd wiiy not in bhiot cum doi t im coy my hlu- pro wi itpouk out unl thy luuglmd will glm r and hi hluuhod rouo rod whllu h wull thut blllt lm pulih that ma i lvoni con run t wvmtu i twenty years ago from ik ibu bf ths fr prss of thursday mirih 6 1002 it itlm hu mii ut hi cjlnmm luundry on willow tureet to kong hille- ynd may tint huvn murh moiiuy smui you hut you will hud rniutlilorahla clm in thn wutlur the warm wutli r una ruin hull pretty liuiirly unnlhlluli il tin miow by haturday hul htliiiluy u know storm kava iiuthii- tutrth m iiw itvnrlng air lummtt afuuhton of oeoran town mt a hum 1m r uf ludlo ut town in thn 1ubllc hi hoot iumi friday artnr- noun ami dtinmtuit rated tint pletnhnr method in tniiuiir in a vnry intnroutlug way mr hamuli mautuxru i form ing tiluaan 111 anion for teaching this method tuluy morning john ltusneft ksi of ilnko avniiue received a latter from hi minn john and unhurt who ura mining on their own claim in th yukon thn loiter contained u little buckskin bag containing heuullrul wclmnna of nugget and gold dust thar younc men initio a good paying claim within 1 mile of dawaon mahridd ktuijottiaf i1 v at tho central church uhiih tlalt on tuwly kabruary f 10j by hay or hu-k- on thiunuil jilllotl or campbell- vllut to adiluj daughter of oliver laaby crewaon ctorner oems of thouqmt uen or lh world toll that it u im- poaalbut to 1o u biimvolint notion nx- oapt from an lotoroatnil motive fur th mk of admlrutlon if for no krtiha- r and rtuire tanklhle kb in tyouhdmui thajr art ho convlnn4l that when the inn u ahowarlnjf unlit from thn ky ho u only atandlutc thoro to lm tard at anon mothlnc u ao contanlnuh na cnthun- laam it la tho redl allasory of jh tal of orpheus it movm atonoa tutd cbanna brntoa h la tho geniua of alnoarity an a truth accomplishes no vtetorim without uv lllwr of h wtld beaata preaervn ma from a tyrmnt nd v all tatrio from flattftrerv bei johnaon wit bout ooiuttknoy thorn la neither love friwiulahlp nor virtue in the world addlaon r our own heart and not other mna opinion forma our true honor cola- run bad ton cxoum thalr faului sood man will leave thoro un jolitiaon no man flatter the woman ha truly experience la the extract of auffor- lna- help to and fault u eaay rnay be dlfomitt why buffer frohi coma when they can be palnlttealy rooted out by uahi iiollawalya corn itentover impressing charlie she sailed into the telegraph orflce and rapped on the counter the clerk i remembered aa he camo forward to mt her that ahe hud been there about tan minute before iio wondered what ahe wanted oil time o ahe aald let me llave the tele- ram i wrote just now 1 forot aome- thins wry important 1 want to under score perfectly lovely in acknowlwlir- n the reoelpt of that bracelet will it coat anything extra v no maam aald the clerk he banded her tho meanac tho younv lady drew twoiheavy line beneath the word and aald ir awfully ood f vou to let mo do that it will please charley mo much dont inentlon it aald the olerk ii you would uke it i will put a ew drop of violet extract on tho teleratn at ho aame rate 0 thank you air vou dont know how much 1 would appreclato it im colnjr to aend all my telegram through uua ortloe ynu are no kind and obllc- irur i and the amita b irave him would have done any one kood with the possible exception of charley intarnally and eaurlnally it qootli the crownlns property of dr tbomaa ualectrtn oil i that it can be uaed internally for many complaint aa well aa externally kor wore throat croup whooping cough palnx in the cheat oollo and many kindred ailment it baa quatltle that are unaurptuiftfhl a bottle of it coat mule and thwre i no loaa in a 1 way a havlrur it ut hand thb sunday school lesson ron sunday mahchs ira2l jmiova1im mklk v hi a 1i1ca- 1iikm c1 v jinutli 3 110 lollrii tkliil tho willed for- uuk hlw wuy uud iho imrliili 1m ttiituulilu mid 1ft htm r j hovuh und lm will huvu mi n y upon lilm und in diir jnj tur h will uhui duntly imiilnnlut u 7 hutoncl bttlno tiniii homo lluiti diirhic iho of joroli ilur nln ih latton comainu viru 1 ltoud thu vuttro imhk for w pmtptir bnttimf of thu iihhou on if muiiuiiuliut ritiuonu for xrntltidn lit nl in thut ho dthiu ulv thn man who full tjjiwu mi hlw tuuk mmtlini- t hiinco joimh h uxtitirl iii o in trylnif to thwart thn flnti of thn almhfhty hud u hltur imi vthi 3 niniyih one of lh itroal ltlo- of tlif- uikuit world wum th rupltii if auuyrlu in tho nrut lull of jouuh it wuu mud ibiln thut th ity wu to ih overthrown liuu if itu wiikdiiuu jouuh wu to r- olvif hlu mihmtiuir from uod viimo 3 riil hum jonuh rnport for duty nhibvth wuw ulwut uv huuilrml mllci dlulunt from joiiuiih homo it u prohullu that it would tuko thriti duyw jmiruiyluu to covtr iho city uu jouuh would tuod to do in wiirniiitc tho p ihi vurim 4 tluro wuil but olio muwi i1ii it wuu joiutliii iiiihiiiom lit dnllvor it fiillhriilly 3hu pernio wm to 1m ulvn tlmt in pn uiro fur tho nnt vtrai t tim tlrit wtnp to rvtntuncn liututiilly wum lwllif in iho tniuuuikn thn pnttinif on of uitki loth wum uup- ikhtnl to lm u ui it of uelfpunlnhmant h wiui ulhitlmti f from food vrrwi 0 trolwbly thu mnuauso utm to thn uiiib- indirortty lie not liwui thun hi uuhjcclu wum muviid by tlm wonl of thlu iitrmiico prvuulibr vumn 1 tim ulntf hlmwnlf lutcome un umlarmtndy to thn 4ivnjitfllt x puhllnlty rornmlttvn le uot to work 1 houali no promluo of mry hkiimi to huvu ultiiidn thn proalumatlon ha would liuvn tho whiiht mlty tve itaelf lo umi thlliif viimn 8 thn klnif hud the rliiht id u of repimtancn the prayer and i rlud would monll rmlhlnit from moil who hud not tiirnml from tholr ulna nrnn fl thn oouraw of thoan people wnni without it pnimlnn on whlrth to huill their hopn for nmroy rnhuknu he indlttnrnncn of tho rnultltudn who irn rum i liar with uoiih kmclitu orferm f many jot dliiplihiburn 1 tlroct- hl thoaa who n 1m1 hi pur- p4mte oianm whmi mtui thnmaelve rhunttn thn nlnovltoa wura unoertaln a to whnther or not clod would acontit their roiwntuncn wo labor unilar no irh uncertainty vunto 10 when ninn rnpnnt thn chunso tutkoa pi urn in tho heart but there i alwuyw omethlnu vulbl- to the eye illustrated truth the llfforanco in thn relation bo- twwn ooa and men la ulway duo to tho difference cruutal by the hitter v i uuxtratlon a j tho ontranoe to a jnall town htandu a tower built of ouah atone kathornd fronl the country for mile around thn atone have baen painted whlti and ut hlrht a i 111 lit a id mi from tha top lllurotnat- inir the town truvullor upprouclilnjc the town over tlu invel road aon uie to war many mllo awity at a oertaln dutunco tt hunm to lm u pauk covered with anow then it i u atatuu of heroin hix 4kln it lu u clmrch aplro yot tho tower never change tha oiftarence la dun to the poaltlon oo- plott by thoao who vlow it one muat come up to where it la to aee it and know it aa it really 1 topic for reeearoh and dlaouaslon i taking tho becond chance v l4 t what particular raaon may there havo beun tor jenah being glv- on a nvoond trllt s why wnro tha people of nlnovnh nhigled uvit from mnng other who did not know uodt 5 1oe ood now limit mi n a to what they ura to proaoht 4 whut i meant by nineveh ihtlng a threo day journey tveaahlng thut truck homo v c0 g whattwu uio chlf faitor the repnntnlica of ninovell what outward hibiih of repentance hoont 7 whut wu tho algnlfl- re of the w cutomt how can you account or the cnumo of tlm klngt what do you undvratand uod ro- ihalltuilce to bet dally readlno far next week mondy march 0 am on wurn ixrae amo 6 181 tueaduy uaroh 7 dutiifor of kvll comimnlon oniv 1- 710 wednoeduy murch tt deuuunhery through prttnkeiineith lau 20 18 thuraday march 0 lirulality through drunkonnuw amu 6 1016 kriduy march 10 oimi abhor xrunken ilaveler amo c 51127 haturday march 11 the bi pa rated ufe kph 114 sunday march 13 a qlttxen uf xlofi ilu 18 15 nearly all children uri nubjnol to worm and muny uro bom with them spare thum nurfurlnir by ualng mother oruve worm kx terminator an x- cvllent rum ol y be not afraid moat of our trouble ore like ghost vaoe them and ihey dlaapear fcar itaelf may bo conuipred by railing for a ahow down homo lopla complain that trovldencetlirt thetn out when courage wa imlng handed around h i an attribute junt jllfo muscle that develop with uwe tho root of rear he in over oonnclouuim a woman will ttack u tiger bard bunded if her ertw la in dankr llur courage l nple aelfforgetfuliiua tho coward la usually inteiuiely mellthli hla cuw ardloe u a form of helflmbntuui you can vaoqulah foot by a hoifforkutfulnuh unlet you orn phyulculiy or mentally unthr lie not afraid of uuddnn fear neither of the desolation of tho wlckod when it oomoth tuko tho trouble that threaten you by the horn meet it rnnrothan half way in aptlo of tho wollknown proverb take a good aquare look at your dlltlou ij it la never a big un it appear and no matter how btro it looma tuko a gol right handed hwtng at it kear ba worked more dbhutter to men and na tion than all thb other forcu of evil put together if you conquer your mudden fenr you will npt care a boot for tho desolation or the wicked when it oometh hhoo and leather journ al what amen means a wealth of ulgqltlcuucii la atorod up in thn word amen amen wu nnii of the old mi t initio of tho un clout kgyptlunx and onu of thilr uhluf god hi umblum wu a mjn vcurlnir a red crown surmounted hy theillsoof thu ml lit lokon ofhl ilomlnlini over imth tho ourth und tha hi name meant hidden or ooti- ctuiltxl while omi of ida title was amunknnuitf tiu luiwbuhd of hi mother tlm hhtniryliiu- itita tho ilnlly in itinstlon wu lit tlio uunio tlmii thu olluht und iho yoiiiikeat of crnutod lie- in tlio huhr lj anion hlgnltlu stri nglh t trutworthlnnaa tho oud of truth ref erred to in lhuluh bnlntf lltorally tho ood or arniiu in uxlug tho word ut th end of mm rmod und pruyur thertiforu wo titlt oiily uxolulm o bo itl which i fmftkunerutly unceptiml tneaii nit of the inrnhut iilltrm the tnilli of whut ha buarpiucltud canahian leaders urge open gate to worthy immigrnts two fnmiiy h3mt in fctiicc on lloliar alborlo r lamilxco lrvc in ttw tv hotn tr t i taban t n ietytncfl ietytncnrv j vtrm bnxjditp pnd fuel aapplv r pcf ct tu33iat ttoilwj m scmttiern juanikia a personollv conduebpd c pk larnd jjarty arriving al sljtunn m t iran jfnjualhd if your oven is slow to heat you will find eggo just as slow to act its double action insure leavening with a slow or hot oven eggo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer sell cream or churn in tho large centres of papulation cregmxry butter has almost completely inkeil the plaoc nx dairy butter muny farmers have been delivering cream to the creamery for bo mo years riui have jtvcn up cliurninj for good sonic did ttnt after cylmustiva cxptrnncnm witli tho returns rot by cliurniii ut homo and thonc obtnintd by belling the cream selling tha cream i always the more economical because it saves a heap of labor and tha slam milk stnys at homo in any event if you havent hceii u creamery patron start now mora and more are conunf to it every year the acton creamery co e j 0tie1l iropricor railway time kt actom tables in pr-wih- day iminluratlon tlowivil owunl aimrliu from the four end of ho urth thlu tlht wuu ftummod hy hu war uud ii tnuumptlon rotunlfhl by afinrwur oomlltloiim cunuda irwl il hgliilatlva luirrlnr u to tpuuilliy ilimllty and kind cutmdiun loudxru now declare tliut ao fur bm cunuda u conivrnel th luirher miiht 1m ralihmt uud immigra tion nuiiurugihl lnl mhaughmuwy r whouo udntlnistrntlon uu it prmlilciit thn ruuudhiii iuclilo 1uii- y lhirformod mlrucle of colonisation and dnvolopmeiit tor cullada nay wo muni liavn immlgratlori we liifv liud v little since 1014 or thi cotitroiy i am nfrald w huvn lul uomowhat thaiu utlut the wur tlm nuturu feeling thai grttw out of tlio wr sucouraged the liu lug or m- utrlctlon on tmmlgrutlon tlmt bkvn imhiii most dlaastrou iii their result wn must have aettlnr from all ovvr thn world not arttuah hut rneit wild will go out on our land to our forest und to nur flsharte utuj help to d- volop those rvhouroo there muiif lm un litaltmt demand uvon iurllamonl lo pus inglalutlon that will open the door to tlmru to a reaiwmablo xtnit and will permit them to rinio in no man in canada know in tter ihuu ijinl uhiip i irmnity whut tlm ini- mlgrant f vurlouu miuutrl havo cm tribute to the dominion wealth unl wolrtr tltero nr thriving il- milf of tlkruhilunu iohii llunifurlan hwluu jjuidh licuudhiitvlun and vvutuh in addition to niny of theo iiutlonalltleh vliai huvn ihh merged into mlxod commimltlou tuilwnnu 1b0o and lolr cauudu abnorbod gd4a im migrant fnmi tliof centra 1owur ami hu thun 101 hnv riunn lit during the ifiiofiwdlng ynar cunudu rvallko tho vuluo u worthy iniiiilgriint no mat- tr whnnoo their orgln and the flrat wtopu urn imiihu tdknn to opmi her gate to ull aurh banff winter carnival asthma victims tho man or wo man sabject to uhthina is indeed a victim what canbe more i err uy lug than to auddenlybe seised with par- oxyams of choking which sein to fair ly threaten iho existence of lire lutelf irrom such ai condition dr j i kj- togg asthm nomedy h brqugbf many to oomplotaly restored lnwlth and hannlnesa it is known and prised in tvw7 tkttubn of wu bftnut dms r e iricketsl codliver ail t tho best thing in the world for ricket scotfs emulsion contains richest codliver oil abundant in the vita- mines that every rickety child needs at all drug atomx price vi jso auwl 5o semt bewaa teteal oa alao makkrb or rlhoids tkmat or firasmsm es indigestion j sluslt 1 indian teepsea arranged do th main street at o anfr 2th i bluu at banff u betting of snowcapped mu tuluu und sombre plin n tbc heart of tint itivckle italilt altmrtu wo lit its iwut for thn sixth annual winter curnlvul which opunod on january ii limb i ideal wtmther riiidltlotiu the wondurfuluuiigrtimid wim guy und umlling ror tho ovnut iluufl avenue thu mulii titrnit wum typical of ttur mld- wet in the uiihiiio arrangement of tnnptxu utld plno tlnou rucb tent wuu giillv pulnted 1 ml lun fuhlm with elk slid in ur uud burfalo hnudu and fali- tuntla deulgnu blug ttuttoro1 bravely lu the hruex pn thn guy blguway luitd- itig tn the crowning foot uro tho nmn- htnr lcoiluluc u i built at thu en- truiion to thu haw b rid go uurtw the how ltlvur directly in front of the imiiouni lu u milting of uuowy plnu upnctuciihir piuicd take tho form of un old ciui1ni gutowuy foimlig u groat utwull co foot wldo utifos tho tmet wltli drlvt through it wldu enough for all motor to pus the central towii- la 30 feet high und tlm idn tower uro 18 foot high about goo blooku uf loo vi inchu by 33 by tttf 060 ihiumbi eucli wuro taki from thn llow hlver for the oomitrun- lon tit tlm gllutonlng gatowny 1iuui- log uiroiikh thn pulaco gutn roads luuil up tlpmy avvnuo to the c i i chateau to pi cave and 1 lau in tn uulphur mountain ami f tho alpine luh of canada thut the slogan of the llanrf win- hport auuonlatlon lei do wftm rk on ml to by people from vuli- r to monlixul waw nvldnncntl fnim imtvutlon at thn vurloiu hutols toggury ws every wlior in in tlm bhthkst rntu in tholr coloring the furs tha moen- it thn bright uwuutur tjntrt- lobfibgnn nobtumehl sktlnxr jiiw wero mounted toliao in iirra plonntir in good ull t iidlutui lu gorgmiuuly ut ihu borth mm hi all mingling in a huiy in tlodu gruut out-uf- tuniuil tnounlulti l mwmml thut ouo of tint mimt exhlliimt- ing of winter mtmrl was phinned fin axtru thrill tho ulldn is romitruntfid on tho uuturjl wlope of timiml mmni- tu in and run directly down curmni utrjiot u dlhtuliro of about liulf u i truirkitil nil tho wny by llugh liiirliik in thu brtwxc tflvr tv brluht note of color t tha lalidncapa lumir hu becomo onu of tbu most promluent hklcnntrvu on tho nontln- ent tho mmijluoulur hklhlu i tuli nl mouiituln was tha hchu of umin imiiortuiit event in which j um pur of inlernutlonal fulpo took iiurl hnow shoo imrtlu wem unu hf th liopiilur fnrmh of sport und blk lo thn various fuvorlto himiui with iminnre luinhi lu tlm mountain cuhlmi were crguulxud by tbo votoruii imow ahor mr n h hamtoii one and ull de- oluvml thut conditions wer never txittr for tliu form of sport and i o tho vlultprs ixooptloiial opihjrtun ity of enjoying tlm bounty r tlio moun- twlus tlkiilliig cuuhduu crowning wit sport romiod itnimirlunt w on the la lint omni ah- rink on thn ljw hlver with id mmrhmidi drowning down mi thu tunny miikit llookny nnlhu- lastu bml dtwook of uport toujns from curtitiilr tuuinoro llinikhmit cutgwry ami vajionjver took p irt ip th kullll a unlaiin fmtuim wit tlm purklng lynttiht in which hovurul oldtlun u wall uu uipiitw from thn btomty indluii riuorvo lonk lunt mhts liiht0 muiiuhr nf vnurouvur cjimon of thu firnlvul wuh n k i thcuiumclullim iml took ti promli psrt til tllo fohllvltln 1 v ttlo variety f utliiuuhm uiopt every mm in he litntl trhtt tjio wood ulionpluu uoutosth thn whip put 1mocm thi alilili dog rniu tho trap hhimtlng the liulliin iuiw wow whuii tbu induitin oul mid ydung wio out u ereul sptnndor uupt iitrulvul kunatn uiy u ull led mm to thnturo tht in uuim r or wintor rolnw luinrf rich lu color und ciiniuknint i oun of the worlda most gbulou ituturut liny- ground r0 1 a iirsghorn ladies tailor georgetown hai juut held an attractive opening in lint splendid now premises hi the mcclibbon block tho npw utoro is central and commodious tivc new stock of latest spring styles qual to the city shops hkrvices given w ladies tailoring j at beasonable triceti ts itccomo our friends wo always havo a aj hirschorn oeorqetown kennedy son elumbiru tinsmithinp electric wiruik ware sewer pipe ilealinp cemenu lainh special tor tho aciit moiitli in order to keep our workmen cm- ployed during ii to quiet bcason wo will uivc you very attractive prices on elccjt ic wirinp and other inside work lot us give you an estimate or your house full li glovck i e of skates hockey accessories and mitts carried in stock j w j kennedy son n kennbv liroa ou stand main stttkkt acton vhonb 95 tt win it a mother detect from thn rithliirr und muting f child thut onn urn tiniihllug tt nbo iiaii pro- euro u iiillublo rciuetly in miuerm worm vowilnrm wh0h will expel all worm from tip nylynt ibuy muy tuiihn vomiting but bis lined en mm no uiixliiy bncuiimo it is but u manl- fnslullmi of thvlr thorough wtrk no worms an long sxbit where theso 1m wilm urn uwtd some mooni why ih tbiy call ii the silver ilotauiio it cjinitt out in luarters and lialvtia k a povb essay 1 ixmi u boy essay the umnmll 1 hilltop of the dnsertj it doe not havu to gut mi wry to gut it luirk up lnw urn putme mmllt that wuy wlmn mil ii go bn a journey they drink lunch water as to lust ninny iuy huch animals are called uiiuhfuck 1 power gf it own ir tliomnn kolectrlo oh has a nubile imovur uf its own ah wbo linvo mied it know mil mid knup it by them u the tnout vnfu- ii hlu llutmunt uvallabld li uses are tnuumemhin and for many yeurnllha bevn prlxwl ua the inudlng llnitnont fur man iirtiljajoat f lolin it itmkofollcr bhik a mlfln jir in fhivoliiml lo pdu in hlu wr n ufi i hu hud oninrmilulily budd lir wlf lm iisktil lrt- t i whert would you like t go oh 1 dont mm tho uuiq ml- r pllod vtuirrn do you want to got i mr ituokefallsr ri with a twinkle in u yi want to b to uchveil oh mrltorkurhlnr the girl ox- claimed l h yob hjivn t kitt unu nuoiigiiti takoyou thorci v castoria for infants ond children motters know that genuine castoria alwaya bears the signature j of qrand trunk itatlway systam oalna wet no 3et is am no si 10 34am no 53 i in pm no 39 k3jpm no 6 llunduy 10 34 am poind et no 24 t oh a m no at 11 111am no xt 3 3pm no 3d no 311 u h ou pan no ai himduy scupn t a suburban clclrlo illway golnu wast 0 17 u i ijully iirpt llunlay 3 3i i u uully ixrpt munduy 00 x 11 03 u i hully i m pi llunduy m lliiiuluy only it 31 p u lliiiiiluy only d it p fitimluy only qolrtfl east 7 til a i tully i xrjpt munday j0j u uully vxupt iluujay 1h i i dully mopt lliimlay 0tuu lliiiuluy only r tu p ii 1 mi jay only t tc p ii tlumiuy only tli i no lrolght dtillvirtd hy ujifn uil nxprnes freight ivi igllt plcuud lp ut ull ud- drt in toronto t tlllsri ohi aginil ador for over thirty years albert d savage registered optometrist and manufarturino optician bavaqe optical duildinq wom mk th pot olfioa gualph we opemle the only lcns sur face grindin machinery in thifl niwirict speights for llaudwaiik cutijhy hilvickwalin ollanltkwain tinwauu spouting coods guamowion lircouoii prices right satisfaction quahantid c c speight mill street acton the ability to make good ituulnns non uro umihlmoualn t lr prutim if tlm ouelph itiisluosa colluo intithoils in niulppliuf griuluato for riuihimlliln pmtltlnun tim uniform ability lfom lrudu- atu to ninke luu in thu bualiiosm wtirld invltou your lnvintlution of our ninthodu guelph business college hrld djo- oulpli ont a u iiouck prlnolpl vou can start on monday t3he acton bakery phone no 11 fresh bread and buns rolls pies and cakes onlctu will bo delivered nt nil tinted douglmuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes ity tho pound or any size out own mnko waeuotl delivers every tluyi will call bit you or phone ft 77 und waggon will call m edwards co acton ontario r cloj cvry nlull cxcpl fri day nd aturdy t 630 t m free press ads briiig results castors ttor jnfanta and chittlaii in use for over 30 yoara always beam the stgtiatuie of

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