Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1921, p. 2

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1 -a- jij juv4 u- w qhu arto tironhoat xmii t iai wl ut lm a fallurtit dually u it ii r to a inui wl to lv ll rial l at 1 it muk hi irlt within bin wtlr s i t mo v11 i i re tin 1 nulit f yi it luva lover imiiwi itm nti oven t you nsvcr liavu won u lilgll success r wl ut 1 u mlsst its a i ructlc shot wl ich i nil must mnlta to enter thii list f those wl o aii hit the spot of the 1 nil x sy uia centra it y u 1 ovr tiavo iwni your bullet you 1 ovcr inva t ut s mark inside what a knock lownt a count of two wl inh u nuniakm for a iwt it will give him a elm no to oomo up again and do til tmrtlulr beat if you lutvnr v mri hun knot your maid i guaaa you never liavo load the k- u ever o much better m c than us kitchen whlapered doris to herself dorim was satins in her chair hi the cashiers desk la the cafe turla of thla mummer resort a lb hills bhe watched the line of lummw oinp coming in at the door on bar ivtt tuiil winding toward tho counter at the tar end of the room tjhero hi knowlea wu cutting- meat and several glrla were haloing her with the vege tables pud cone when doru bad drat omo to this resort ho had worked in ut hot and hurried kitchen washing silver aha ii lug peas arid doing- other things but the caahler resigned and want away and dorti waa chosen to take her place it aeemod delightful to doris to be able to put on a delicate white walat and alt here a bouquet of wild pink rosea at her left hand and receive the rntntr t r mlit eating outside of the hour for the thrse meals a day she had time now tn take walka on the roads and trails uer pay waa better too than it had bean whan aho bad erorked in the kitchen and thla meant a ood deal to doria for aho aant her mo nay home to mother who waa a poor widow with little children doris aant all ah could duy mrs knowlea on whom con ducting the cafeteria here devolved aha bain- responsible to tpo haul a mile farther down tho trail was pleas ed with dorla aa caahler for two weeka ever since doris had had her new place the money each night had tallied to a peony with the little white allpa marked i ib- j6 80 etc that the luesta preaented when- they paid for their taenia porta kept tho white allpa tuoje on an uprljrbt metal aplndle sba had triad to bo accurate in making- change and had auooeeded to day after doru had aa foldln a pile of white paper napklne the nrat sneuta who nad llnlahed oatln- came to pay her boon there waa quite a crowd vf people llnlns up walnar to pay and cat chance tkirla kept her head and worked awlftly suddenly a young roan came in the aide door from the porqh and ktoodat the bead of the line jle waa evidently a bicycle rider in a hurry can you chance twenty dollar t ha aaked dorla ahowlnc her a twenty- dollar creenhoelc t wantl to pay n bill at the store and they couldn t chance it but they aaid maybe you could i think ao aaid dorla goncln at tho creenbock be held the little grocery atoro for enmpera waa not far away on the wtadlnc road dorla bad aometlmea before thla made chance for the atorekeeper or hla clerk but thla younc man waa nobody aho had ever eerm before in mnklnc chance dorla had to uoe a number of nnedellar creejioacka she counted them twice to make anre ahe waa rlcht the youny roan mean- ume had been roiutul and re rolllnar hle twentydollar kreenbaue betw hla nntfore waltlar thanh yout thafa nni be amid io dorla an aho handed him thti money he toaood her hie rolled up areon- back and dorla thruat it into her drawer and went on reoelvlnc pay ment of the allghtly impatient ime of people after dinner that nlaht about etcht o cloak dorla waa aa uauaj oounttne over the reoolpu of the day and com purine them with the amount the num erowa little white allpa on the aplndle came to she exported that everythlnc would come out correctly aa uaual why ehe aold toheraelf whyl it a elchteen dollara abort bbe akrn- t h r drawer toadvlfj ahe had left any money in that no it waa empty startled dorla ocain be can to count ber money and her allpa the reault waa the aame elchteen dollara of the daya reoelpta were mlas inc a audden thought truck her where waa that twenty dollar creon back that ypunc man hatv had chftnc edt liurrledlylaue looked throoch the moneyi v were plenty of two dollar sreenbacka butno twentyl she caaped and trembled a premonition elved inw out it mint be here ahe cried why it must be here i know haven t paid it out ecunt aa ahe would ahe failed dnd it bhe uifid to think she wan uure that when ehe had drat aeon that atranca younc man money it had been a twenty- dollar arsenbackv had held it apread out there could beno doubt that h waa twenty he had roiled ittuxerwarda over and over but ehe had thought it wan becauae ahe had made him neryoua valtlnc ao lone whllo ehe countedmhe one dollar hud aha aeen that it wna twenty when be toaaod the bill to bort bhe bad been ao accurate about clvlnc him twentyl xlad ho clven hor the bll he flrat ahowed ber bbe remembered aeelnc the fhjure i on the bill ne threw her hut it waa rolled she had eup posed of counm there waa a cipher after the 3 she had thruat the bill into the drawer andburrled to receive the pay or the waiting line of people had that yotlnc man aubatttutod a two dollar bill cor the twenty he had flrat shown her he could eaah have done t for her eyes had been orfner oountlna tho chanceforhlm i the more dorla thought the plainer the theft became she bad civeh him wentxdollara and be had riven her jmly two she ought to bave unrolled hla areenbaolf and seen but he had counted on her hurry she lad thruat hta bill into the drawer eighteen dollara abort doria trembled what would afra knowha ob wbst wm ura knowlea aayr tub it wail hra knowlea cuatom to umo over the cahlera account- mlaer- hbly orla waited it was faalfpajrt rfht it waa twenty jnlnuto of pine falnly aha tried to lmsswa amy otb reason for tl o discrepancy tlio more i tliouuht lliti tniire biio wm sure re w t i tlir way i u ijuurlcr bufpro ulna urn win riin i urrylnff out t the idl on ha i t llin infalerla whllo d tminblhic potu vvallod t t imr at rt cawbltru dink ilrlony y rl ful rml it i r il ry uttoutlho utruugn 1 is toon il hum fthortl tied mr i kitowlaa ijghtean dollar 1 ura knowlen intolnxl the pile of white lt of paper bhe ujvoot the i he if iwmay into iter apron bhe nut luwn nt oho of the tabled end counted an f figured it all came out ou dorla ha 1 aaid there were eight loon di llarw mlaaliig dorhwwtilto an 1 trvnihlinc imhlnd the caahler h deak in the blc mi ty taraterla aaw ui know ian fac en w grim wnlll aaid ilm knowlea ahortly you ii have to make aood that eight oeri dollara or oburee 1 ii telephone ha hotel but thy ii novar catch that young man ilea probably tnllea away w 1 ity you hadn t found out about hla fhcetlnc owner ha fucky you got paid for tho month thla weeltc o y u can hand over otghtown dollara u tnumm thla gmtd hut i i can c faltered dorla i nt my munny nearly all back homo uu tlmi- bho ahe needs it no di ru voice broke now ura knowua waa very tlrod ivom early morning till thla hour ahe had been on her fee cooking in the kitchen and helping at tho caftrta kelp waa abort every thing depended on mm knawlu hho responalbl to th hotel down the troll for thn upknep of thu cafeteria bhe waa worn u it ml tl opgh naturally kin 1 hourtnil 1 or putlonoe gave way bha facetl dortm with uwltt vehnnience blghtnen d llara abort and nouilng to pay wlthl 1 urat out ura knowlea you don t expect im going to pay for your careleosneaa do you 7 you u work hero until you work out that eighteen dollara and after that yopll and mind you flon t raoko any mlatakea while you re working how for do pay and then you go i such careleaaneaa dorla held en to her deak trembling but i cant work for nothing ahe cried why i woo tl j ve sot to youll workt here till youve worked out that alghteen dollara aaid ura knowlea youve ot to i and then you ii c dorla buret into teara she could not bear any more sho ruahed out of the cafetarlo and ran through the dark to the little tent where ahe usually elept alone she flung barwelf down on her cot and cried then ahe eat up angry and defiant she hated that young man who had cheated her i fio doubt he was somewhere away on aafe laugh lnc at the way ithitnad believe anyone woold ever and him and i won t oend home to mother for the eighteen dollara declared doria m mother i bhe needa very cent i sent her for the children and now tve lost my place and got to work two weeks for nothing i oh i hate to work for nothing i lie mean just for a ml take i slowly aa ahe eat in the dark a plan formed why need ahe atay here and work the eighteen dollara outf bhe had two or t dollara if she should pack up her things to night and take her ault canea and slip away down the road to the nekt atation and take an early mornlnc train how could mrs knowlea trace her ura knowlea did not know where her hove town waa bosjdee ahe did not mean to co home she had aot money enough for that hut a gtrl whom ahe knew waa working at a summer resort aome twenty miles away and had written that help wan very ttcurce there i will go there no doubt i can get work there ahe exclaimed that what iii do bbe needn t explain to ber mother exactly why ehe changed reaorta sortiy doris drew her two ault canea out of their comer it would not take lonc to pack she ut a candle and bid it aa much aa possible ao ber shadow would not fall on the tent she must have a little light to see her belonslnca bbe did not bava ao very many things her two ault would not be too heavy bhe could carry one in each hand at the atation ahe could pheck them hurriedly ahe packed ono ault case and locked it- sho packed the other bhe held up the candle to aeo it she had left out on y thine except what ahe meant to wear no olio bad everything packed sho blew out the candle and lay down hut ahe waa too excited o aieep and ahe must make that very early morningtrain wont mrs knowlea be mad when phe unda ahe baant any cashier to morrow morning doris whispered to borsch she bod a vision of mrs knowlea hurrying around the cafeteria kitchen in the momlnst tnaldiur mush fry lnc griddle eajtea oopldtur broltlns bacon the string of cafeteria guests waiting at the counter for their orders toj befltlad suddenly urov knowlea working hurrying would bear that there waa no caahler at tho deak and would auapoct what happened airs knowlea would have to pay that eighteen dollara to the hotel herself i don t care muttered dorla olamo me for one horrid mistake i won t work it out but aa ahe lay there ntorlog at the dark memory would keep bringing buck certain thlnga the night when toothache and ura knowlea had come to the tent with aome remedy for her the bundaya when ura knowlea had always tried to arrange the cafeteria work ao that the girls could go to morning church in the big auditorium tent not all the jtlrbi were christiana not all cared to go but dorla alwaya went she in the choir what waa it that ahe and the othen of the choir sang lust sunday t jijead me in thy truth and teach me xad me fnrthe way lead me in the way everlaatlng it waa a beautiful ontjom and ns dorla had aung it with the others her heart had followed the word and made them her prayer lead the way jjaad mo in the way she hod meant it then but that ivaa sunday well thla waa thursday did ahe mean it yott ix aho took her suit cases and allppod out on the road in tho car 11 est dawn and atolo uway would tiho be going in the wayt ouiotuial oarly mdrniifroaa tw indeed gods wny for her what would the othbr girls aoy at the cafe terla those sirla who were not chrta- qfaa would they say doris was a mrlatlan bujaho waan t an honest cashier she went oft owing eight teen dollars and ura knowlea doeen t know where aho gonol did aha en re what they would say did ahe want to walk in ood a vay really a long time dorla lay thinking by and by she slipped out of bod and got down on her knees in the darlu tier ooba shook her ob ood help me to be an honest girl aho sobbed mother needs the money ao poor mother and um going to be ao droodyui to work two weeks wtthoutpnyt butrmotberwouhl wont me to be honest oh ood help eae tobe on honest girl i help me to walk in thy vrayl a long umo she knelt there cryfng sometimes quiet batnatlmes hw trios bidden lead fan 1 ua wmjr her llpa eajjtinoreandj more slowly at hwt almost aaleep she climbed on the oat her tieari at rest tihxtwfmi goiindiuiieepln srwflfn a whoa one awmkentav it was morning a dayilworlt wa befoxeherda for which abe would oejvwdlyipsy doris want flrmv to tb0aceti1 u her breaknwt sjta too w awfl gggg cp the finest and purest xea sold salada there is genuine and unmlstakeable plesure in its daily use black green try a packet front your grocen or mixed j j but be sure itbsojaaa utymenta at nun aho ltd the umo lr bona f her hustalned liar ihe was doing right i j in i a aena nf harouun flogs aoaioj times befura fatigue d ru fait that by evening wnll i ne day of the awful two w oka was over anyhow and to j ay a ao counta wero atralgt t thirteen more daynl she sroai od and then what la to become of mot knowlea had tint looked at ell ay mjotiitttic uua nml 1 take iorla irsenca aa a matter if course in fact dorla discovered iit lay ura klidwloa 1 it j ar own troul ida the took waa sink ajul gone mra ktiowlna luj 1 to knop thlnga g ing tho three glrla who waited on the rafetorlu c unter did nut want any work between moala indlfterent to ura knowlos pnrploxltles the three d iua ppea red after each meal to take wlka or tida it it nut our buali ans lorla heard out girl uay of mrs kimwtos perplexl ties dorla herself out on a beautiful wh ding trail finding a cool seat in mid woods waa incllmxl to ignore the fact that ura knowlea waa tolling extra hard watching u yqulmol ahe out impatient with her occasional twine concerning mrs knowlea t think 1m doing trolly well to work put that eighteen dollara sho told herself 1 dint see that i need real any responsibility for mra know a half hour later she roaa reluc tuntly from hor sat 111 juat peep into that kitchen as 1 go i it woe easy enough the big hot cafeteria kitchen waa emi ty save for mm knowlea and a boy about twelve who with on apron girt about his waist was laxity scraping a kettla loor mrs knowlesl watt that smell toy holpt 11 ion on piles of unwashed dishes and tins atood on tables hear the sink there were pans of potatoes tlvat needed peeling pans of unahelled pean 1oor mm knowlea attending to the roasting meat hor weary face red with beat lloiheratlont groanod doris to hor conscience nobody had aeen he sighing dorla went to her tontt and found a big apron pure well to cool woods for the afternoon she returned to tho cafe terla kitchen the frowning boy itlll laaoy scraped the same kettle she slipped in seising a puo of washed dlahea turned on the hot water land whirled the small boy around from hla endlena kettle and toaaed him a clean dish t twul you you goln to help ns aukud the boy staring dorla laughed hho half euw ura knowlou turn and npq her lips aa if to upnak hut ura knowlea aaid nothing dorla and the boy attacked mouni idlns of dishes lie cheered 1y ih rla company moved a utuo quicker dish es flaw into their places laa were shelled ivitatoen were pared dlah towels were scalded alnt you a worker said the amall boy admiringly but still mra knowlea said nothing doris worked moat ofjho hot after noottthon went away and was lumber place aa caahler on time tho next day the cook was still oleic there were rumors that he woe hot coming hook doris looked into tho kltchn between moala and finding no one but ura knowlea and the dlomal small boy there she began helping again but ura knowlea did not say a word of thanks silently hurriedly never stopping she worked vndleaaly making plea cooking vege tables hardly speaking to dorla all day how quoer abe la never to say thank yout thought doris maybe ehe thinks though that i ought to do it aa extra pen an col the three girls who waited on ihe cafeteria counter laughed at doris what do you dolt for asked one glrl does mrs knowlea pay you extra for itr no said doris put its too much tor bar you cooael laughed the girl but doru kept on helping a week passed a new cook was found then and doris did not feel ahe waa needed in the kitchen but mrs knowlea had never sold one word of thanks for the help ahe had given she lust took it for granted thought doris maybe i have been a gooael the two weeks drew near an end kuch evening when doria rendered her accounts for the day she waited to see if ura knowlea would aoy any thlhr about keeping her when the eighteen dollars ware worked oul but mra knowlea never did at last the final evening enme mra knowlea t nearly nine o clock went over doris accounts for tho day everything tallied mra knowlas put uway the money i i nuppooe this is my lost night lsn t it asked doris 11 ve worked out- the eighteen dollara now haven t mrs khowlea looked at hor sharply what you talking about r veld mrm knowlaa yop aln t going to leave me now are you why i thought you aaid i must faltered doris you aaid never mind what i soldi llashei mm kjiqwlea you re the only girl that was christian enough to help mo but when x hadnt arcookl thoaa other glrla may go to church and sing njl they please i ve lio objection buf they oldnu ooro whan- they saw mo slaving in the kltohen without help they didnt mind it a bit but you did if you d been my own daughter yoil couldn t have done better by me you needn t think you are going to leave vou just stay herol i know a real christian when i see one and you aln t going to loan that eighteen dollars either not a cent of itl you 11 have tt- eend to yaurna ivo talked to the hotel folks and its all i ight when you write to your put yqu ii have your regular month s pay to send tb her oh mrs kilawicml cried toru oh mrs knowlea and before dor is know it ahe had thrown her arms around mrs knowlea and kissed her homely face there nowl r said tlrttowirlas turning red she hurried toward the kitchen- and dorla went out into the night and lifted- her face toward thb sky us she whispered oh im so glad 1 tried to walk in ooda j off and leaving that eighteen dollars unpaid ptrok4un deposits beueyed 40 be lsxtfinslva have tpesn duwovered on prunin ofyhe apple orchard the tollacaof a tieo is the manufap turlng centra where food material from tho soil combine with those from tho air to form the tissue building materials tl a larger the active leaf area ihcrofiro the hatter growth de finite experlmenta covering four years in virginia inillcate ah nvsrage in rretsn of trunk growth of ids inches on lightly l runed tree i 69 inches on moderately 1 runed trees and 1 41 on i avlly prut oil trees in uther words tho gmatoht growth will result where no 1 runlng la 1 ractloed vrunlng is im wmry however to direct the growth ao that an evenly balanced strong tree may be formed and surplus and undesirable branches not allowed to devel 1 the directing of growth during tho early years of the tree la of i articular importance the ldrnl tree la probably that which has the first brunches about 24 inches from the ground an 1 c to v branches which form the frame of the tree spaced evenly mm fur upart as possible lr tlcularly dcairnblo la it to remove tho ixt to the last top branch which if loft will f trm a weak top because of tho forked imtch formed with t p limb heading back at planting time is nooeaaary to b lunue the losa from out off roots bncuutie of digging tests made at knntvlllo show an average growth ojh r3 inchon the first year and lojnchca the second year where newly planted trees had three- quarters of their growth removed whereas similar treeu nal hcali t hack made u growth of 1 inch the nrat jcaarand 1 44 inches tha wooond year strong growing brunches nhould be hupproased i y heading back and weak brnnchfu not 1 runed at all if the whole tree la w a severe heading the h flng will throw greater vigor into tho remaining buds and thua bring about a more vigorous de veli 1 mont but if thoro arc weak branches on one side of a tree and htrong onm on tho other tho reduction of lont area n tho weak branqhea will tend to further weaken these branches itecanso of the ntrongaat sap flow to ward uie greatest foliage area ot vlouaty therefore a reduction of folfbga artta on the ntn ug branches will lessen this teadenoy and throvmoro growth toward the weaker brandies t the central brunch should be allow ad to maintain the leau this however not for the purposo of forming a pyra mldul tree with a central leader but so that from it several well spaced sutfotd i irons may be developed thua forming a mors icslrublo type of treo than if neon ln nmrhas ura developed nn alia limbs only altar a- few good scarfold brnn lieu urn formed on this central leu lor if tho tendency is to wnrd u pyrutnidal form with control loader extending high into tho air hav ing many bra 11 oh en ra hating from it this ahoull in checked thus forming a tret comhlitli a the deulrable features if tl v pyjraml lal form and eliminating th undnelral la pan centra form tree to bauuine tho tree tho heading back of ntropg growing branches is heces nary ihla hcullng baalc tends to d6 velop aide hraiiclieu and attention must in given to the elimination of some of these that ton many scaffold branches are not forntod tho whole aim should be to build up a framevfprk that will carry large crops of fruit and at the same time not have an over abundance of largo brunches sunlight hi eaauntlal for vigorous loaf growth and also for ripening the rrult a dansa growth la therefore ob ectlonablo an i the preventing of this shoul i for the most part consist of annual removal f such small branches aa are likely in time to extend to where other more desirable branches should be the judgment ef the opei star only can determine how beat to develop tha treo the tendency to re move all amall branch ea which may for several years develop fruiting areas should ho nvnlilnd tt la of couse 1m passu to to 1 runo no that aurao of tha larger bronnhea will not in time have to be remove but a little thought will reduce tt is possibility to a mini mum undoubtedly the latter part of march ond april tiro tha beet months to prune tha wounds made at that season will more readily heal over than if made earlier aiu there la more time t6 give the work- coverings are generally of little value except in the case of urge wounds when a good thick white lead paint with n little linseed oil in it should be painted into the wood sur face to prevent check lug and decay such wounds should be protected from year to year to preserve wood until healed over the nutting oho u id be made reasaa ably close as otherwise more time will be required for thn wound to heal over htilhw of brunches if left pre vent u covering of tha wound with bark and decay may result before tho wound la healed vcr old neglected trees should be carefully pruned to remove an doud wood leaving the beat and otrongeat branches if is not always noaaltfte to make it good look lug shapely tree in doing this and lb usefulness of many an old tree tfas boon sacrificed for some years by too extreme pruning at one tlmsv w f blair superintendent experiment rtatlon kentvllle n 8 t put youpqelf to sleep tho latest soggbnllon for the cure of mill attacks of ujuqi luminous is llio lmlntli n yawn nystcm ii i as lean tried with oonal lenil la ti 10 on4 y the wilier himself try it f r y imalf tl i naxt time you f el wiittuf il at hlgllt junt close lour ay 1 ll dulgi in a few long drawn ut ui 1 normal e 11 11 us yawne uy the time you have c m pie ted ths sixth or aeventh it a more than probable that a oortnln irawslness will be steadily oreoj h g over your senses the explanation la almpls enough esch time one yawna ho bad air in the itinga la more or lesa expelled and this expluslon aut6 matlcally induoes restfulneus more vor the mere aoun 1 of a yawn by raaaon of its eieeply assoclatlonh will itslp te- bring about sleep approved i suppose you are ana of those who look upon tollers with cantemptt sliabby one demanded bitterly nat nt all tho gilded youth re txndd pleasantly in fact take my great grandfather tho old gentle man worked like a beaver and invest krd his money intelligently and really i im quite pleased with him tat having done so heart pcrtuuen give heart to the farm they give more punch to the soil greater power to deliver the goods a strong heart means biggest crppi of but quality and early maturity low pertlllzars more than doubled yields on gut indiana farm pf uuina sdd4 pr la 8 yauit to cd4lanauuni to wba 20o lb 344 rotation corn wbtat hay toul apo pw acts in t rrt lot ill lima and lf lulart e 00 total vain fflottaa p acra sao 00 ratxat rurdsat9 oimtlom law bb wibb and prrtjl1zb ftfew r oa rafossi the soil end crop improvement bureau j henry o ball b sji director 14 manning arcade teronto ont l wuw afsfwpl matji kmim wksibbmgibw mmsiliajnagmmaibsiajaim dp vou need a i good door mat birds are forest policemen insects have done and are dplng a great deal of injurs to tho forests of ca the forest services federal odd provincial are carrying out pro toctlva measures and the federal de partmonl of agrtouture bus tt staff of tomologlsls who devote all their energies to thla work many ingenious methods are i eng devised but tha nubile will be moat interested in one thing that ntanda out in these invea tlgatlons pamely ttmt tho preservation of bled ufa la ono means of reducing the numbers of forest insovts there may be some blrda which do not eat forest insects but generally peaking it is true thai the mere birds the fewer insects canadian boys and young men in tho past have been too prone to go into the woods with a gun and shoot at everything in slghtx wlthout thinking of the injury they might cause canadian forests are line pluses for healthful recreation but thane who go irjto them becareful not to burn them up and no to destroy unthinkingly the iiongame birds which are forest ppllpsmen uet the young people shoot sa fnucb as ti with u camera not with a jhevjfke hut sweat and palatable mothe qraves worm ffixjerrolnator- is acceptgbis to children and lu wor surely bootleggers and whiskey smugglers are disgracing canada on april 18 abolish importation by voting yes since january 1 1920 thousands and thousands of gallons of whiskey gin brandy and high wines have been shipped into ontario express shipments alone for a long period averaged tout to six oars per day and have run as high as eight rtnr loads a dajrmeans nt learrtrlb 200 nunrtrrdailytor ovcrsjwoooo auarta per year and yet the people of ontario i in permanent law i quarts per year and yet the people of ontario voted to make prohibition thin imported booze is the stuff whkh etinblcs the bootlegger to carry on his illegal trade and allows rum runners and whiskey smugglers to disgrace canada pfficero of the law are set at defiance read what the chairman of the board of license commissioner says himself importation makes law enforcement difficult ater an experience in the administration of the ontario temperance v act coverjiur the period from its first coming into force in september 1910 i am in a position tb state that importation is seriously hampering its effec tiveness the war afessurca act wag repealed in january 1920 end the dominion orders lnconncll under ths act were rescinded heavy ship meats of honor into the province began at once the number of cases of breach of tha ontario temperance act have increased in even greater pro portion prom s statement by the chairman of board of license commis sioners for ontario voteand vote yes mark your ballot oa above with an x opposite the yea and nothing more ontario referendum committee m v x if 53eassseaab 77ie car of durability andeconomy 7 j tf oeill 6 son distr1butops op 9tupebaker and dobgb- brpthers motor cars fqr r acton georgioyw and mlltph t r le1shman aclon roprcsntatlvo jfl k lilllc mi plmil 8tl door- mat irli izxls ii j- xu rh ztuio u ro khci idssl wlrs door mi u 3 si u n 3 s3 00 hssvy 1 si 7ft 173k 3 3r bkalslon dot cocoa mala h hon ir kmwu kuip t 100 vr cant trm 1 all i 11 co r uart wr hav ii what yoir want the bond habdwarf co 1w pkstm 1012 y ouelph n this stores policy i l actly as to ihcir quality to sell to those who knos and to those who dont know at uniform fair price to faloli all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction 1 savagej co jeweoera guelfh ontario spies gravtng olhiooostufco ttbnomo gump4 icrand trunk ivis the double track route i1etwk1 m montreal toronto detnorr chicaao jnexcalud dlnliiif car servlo- blasplng cars on night trains bint parlor cara on rluolpal day trains krull uubrmatlon from any cjran trunk ticket rgent or o m koral t district iaasenger agci t toronto il a uolmea agent acton ont loia is r noble ha acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity of feed corn and oh cakk just itegelvbd txour feed norval 1uun and shorts hay straw r noble ltd henrv awrev manaqetk vben yon need boots shoes at any tine buy prom w williams mui street acton famous for satisfactory footwear- hbasonableprices m friittt r-v- tjaiis 4 i s- vv

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