Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1919, p. 2

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fh artun wist p0o t1iu1u1day july 10 1919 to canada 1alr can da i lovo thre my dear adopted land i lovo thy plno clad forests and thy mountains towrlng grand i love tho nturily maple arid th i loaf of that dear trre tito wall beloved emblem icar canada of thee 1 dearly lovo thy people uo itaunch o kind and true and oft i gaoe tmaptured on thy uunny akin of blue i lovo thy lakes ao mighty i lovo thy glorinu fait i love the leafy woodland i yam whence i ho wild bird calla i love thy feathered aongstere to me thcyvo crown do dear i rladly hall their coming in the aprlngtlnio of the year i dearly love the robin and iua happy cheering mix with oy j rain would listen to hla full no tea all day long tho far from my dear homeland at 111 tho old fla woven oer me the union jack true emblem of freedom liberty hweet land of hope thy beaut lea i aeo on every hand and fondly do i love thee my daar adapted land isabella b wataon old rusty jie had been a crack engine thirty year before and ions after every other locomotive of her pattern had been broken up into acrap iron old ituaty waa hauling a local express and making tier thirty two ml lea on hour like clockwork but at lost because abe looked bo ridiculous beside the dew engines ahe wan taken off the run and put to drawing freight from the companys shop to the stations on the main line absurd aa the old engine appeared every engineer who handled her soon grew fand of her even poor hepburn who tvent a uttla wrong in his head and lost his toaiuon- the yardmostet gave him odd jobs to make a it v tog and when in the course of hia oiling and cleaning hepburn come to old ituaty ha petted her and even talked to her aa if ahe were olive there never waa a man though who made so much of the engine as did young uaitland hepburna suc cessor ualuand had fought hla way up starting with everything against him when old rusty was given him he set out to master her and he ended by getting mora out of her than any one thought possible at the end of tho year when the records of the locomotives were made up it was found that the old engine had used less fuel and ccst leas for repairs considering the number of miles run than any locomotive on the road then ualuand could havo bad an other cngino and a passenger run if he had wanted lf nov he said old ituaty teach me something yet and i like to be close to the shops where i have a chance to experiment and pick up new ideas one night in september a night of darkness and drlxung rain and slip pery tracks old rusty with steam op was waiting far the departure of a special that carried the president of thoroad and an official party of course a fast new locomotive was assigned to that train which included twd pullmans a sleeper and baggage car besides the president private car five minutes before seven the party appeared on tho station platform the president was holding his watch in his hand and looked worried thave just an hour to make forty miles ho aald and before the words hfcre fairly out of his mouth the yard- master came up to report that some thing was wrong with the crank pin of the locomotive and that it would take twenty minutes to repair it the en- sine could make the ran he said but according to the rules she ought not to be sent out in such a condition the president of the road wasnot the man to break bis own rules is there any other engine ready asked old rusty is the only one but ahe might make it the yardmaster an trwered the president laughed as be looked over at the ungainly old engine but he had heard something about the per formances of old nusty and her en gineer so la two minutes the new locomotive was run on a aiding the other was coupled to tho train and with a screech off old rusty rattled to make forty miles in forty eight minutes then a strange thing happenod the new engine had been left alone for the moment although her engineer and fireman stood only a few steps away up sneaked hepburn the poor craxy fellow who had once been on engineer jumped into the cab pulled open the throttle and was off on the main lino before any one rcallaod what was going conductor and tho two men madp for the rear plat form of tho car nojt to the last one it la not very ilirfirult to uncouple cars when a train is mo vine nlowly but with an engine tearing along on old husty was and with the know ledge tint another engine in uvrooiv- ing down upon j ou few men would care to attempt 1l duckling the trunk itrnp round lilu waut no that the conductor might hold hlni olutlanb crawled over tho rear railing and lugged at the coupling irven when ho had managed to frco the lost ear it had such headway that it did not at once dcocrt the train but presently it fell behlntl a trap for the wild engine a barrier of preserve tlon for the president s train then ualtland raoed back to old ituaty while the conductor explained to tho officio la liyw their uvea liad been aatfcd it wan only a minute or two later when the crash came tho pilot of the runaway struck tho uncoupled rar and then rone in thoealr there woa a frightful roar of escaplpg steam heard above the grinding of wood on 1 iron and then the engine rolled over n its side and the strangest of all hepburn the craxy engineer flung out of the cab at tho drat shock escaped with a broken leg old ituaty went speeding on not until tho next station was reached three miles ahead did mail land atop then tho president got out of his car and hurried up to the engine como out of that cab he said moltlond got down and every man beginning with tho president shook hands with htm rut no ono aald a word nj one felt talkative then the old engineer had finished but hla appreciative bearer ventured a question or two 0 yes the president and directors gave malt land a check for a thousand dollars the old engineer aald and they said old rusty should never bo broken up while they controlled the road and she hasnt been uut the worst of it was that jto rears after that added the old en gineer solemnly they mado maltlond division tuper intend en l it was a sin to take bo good an engineer off an engine a flrstcuuui engineer ian t born every doyl youths companion on the yardmaster rushed xo the tele graph office in a moment it was ticked over the wires to the next atop eight miles ahead that a wild engine manned by a craxy engineer was loose- on tho road maluand bad none too much of a btart for it did not take hepburn long to get his engine warmed to her work there were three minutes between tho i train and the wild engine at first but only sixty seconds separated them when maltland came to the end or the long curve at berry hul the engineer happened to glance buck and the alght that met his eyes made his heart leap and his face turn pale through the darkness shining like an evil eye came the head light of the wild engine multland shouted a warning to his fireman and opened tho throttle wide he was thankrul now that he knew old rusty s every strength and weak ness as never before he coaxed her to show hrr utmost speed death was roaring behind them as th n the first st maltlamf looked out of the cab and saw the whitefaced operator an the platform frantically waving them for ward there was no hearing what ho aald hut his meaning was quite clear enough it was alx miles to tho next station und old husty mado tt in a littlo less than eight minutes hut the runaway was gaining aha would overtake old rusty wlthiu tho next six miles the ancient engine was showing wonderful dieed but it was trying to do tho im- i possible htay right here jack and keep thi throttle wide open ma it land suddenly roared to his fireman ho dashed from the cab climbed over tlo tender and into tho baggugo car lit n second ho hud a stout trunk strap in bis hand ho rushed through tho forward car ttia president and his guests stood up white and silent they thought ma it land had warn them to prepare for shock itullow me i ortsd malt la to the that extra piece of pie not many persons would uuspect a piece of apple pie of having magical qualities yet it was a piece of pie that opened u me the world of opportunity f was waiting on table in the monte crista restaurant in menomonle wis the bills of fore were printed by tho times printing company and the owner of the times agreed to have some ono board at the restaurant in payment- a tramp printer named donham was the victim i waited on him but wo never indulged in conversation one day for dessert we had nice thick juicy apple pie don ham had his piece just as be was finishing the lost bit of it i happened to look at him the look on his face told me he wanted another piece but would not ask for it becauuo he had had his share without- saying a word to him i went to the kitchen and brought him out on extra piece his face lit up and he thanked me nothing more waa said two or three days afterwards sold what are you waiting on table for you dont intend to spend your life as a waiter do you no sir i answered i want to run a country newspaper some day why dont you get a job on a paper then asked donham i tried co get a job as a reporter on the nwb and the times but they told me they didnt need any more men now huh i snorted donham he wants to write and ran a newspaper but he never even think about knowing the mechanical end of the business then turning to me again he said listen to me boy learn how to run tho shop so you con do everything your self and dont nave to depend on tramp printers like me if youll start in the shop ill get you a job he got ma a job paying is a week i boarded out that printing bill of 160 that left me ii co and the dollar i paid for a room i hod no money for clothes my shoe soles wore out and i borrowed pieces of leather from the local shoemaker to slip over those holes x bad no overcoat and had to run from the house to the shop hav ing no spending money i had to work and study to keep myself amused in nine months i was foreman of the shop at the end of the year i took charge of the paper and ten years later was editor of a boston magazine that had given me mi much inspiration in that old menomonle prlntshop dur ing those storting days ofijny boyhood jjf o has been very rich i am doing the work i love to do but what would have happened if i hod not given don ham a tramp printer that extra piece of apple pie i wonder all the time i keep thinking how wise men and women are who glvo a little bit extra form journal tub sunday school lesson tor ounday july 13 1910 no more ual demer according to the new york corres pondent of tho times major lcmoi on american army doctor who has just returned homo from france after i very rough passage discovered on ro fallible preventive against sea sick neon this is simply to pack the ears with sterilised gauxe major lemon starts from the wellknown fact that tho organ of equilibrium is sltuatod in the ear and ho argues that tho sick ncss produced by movements of a ship in a rough sea is caused by tho sensa tion of irregular invitation in the oar uajor lemon who has asked to bo allowod to remain in the american army for a short time to enable him to continue his research induced u number of other persons to try bis method on the voyage from krance and he affirms that the cure is positive if that is really the case major lemon must be accounted a public benefactor presumably his method could be used against air sickness also it is a curious fact that soma of tho pre vantlves already in use uro aald to affect the cars lint major lemon does not apparently explain how it is that many people assort tliat ttioy have been seised with seasickness whllo asleep in their bunko ho much has bocu done in recent years to make travelling comfurtablo that it seems high tlroo that the problem of mui sickness which deters many people from travelling should cease to bo a monopoly of the conilo paper ny jiuan i hurliiut iiaitihai matt 2b 18 0 murk 1 1 11 additional material for tcarhern- matt 3 1317 luko 3 if 23 arlu 2 3741 13 17 1 cor 1 h17 cjal 3 20 is conmon scripture passage is and jeaus came to them and npako urio them uuylng all authority hath been given unto mo in heaven and oh earth id oo yo therefore und make dls clplca of all tho nations baptising them into the name of tho 1 alber and of tho son and of tho holy hplrll 20 tearhlng them to ohuervn ull thing whatsoever 1 commanded you and lo i am with you always ocn unto tho end of tho world 1 tho beginning of tho gouiet of jesus chi int tho hon of dud 2 i ven aa it la written in jualah tdo proptut lie ho id i aorid my messenger before thy face wiio shall prtjuro thy vuy 3 tho voice or ono cryltiff in tho wlldccaisa make ys ready tho way of the iod make jib paths straight 4 jouii came who baptised in the wilderness and preached the bapt am of repontanco unto remliuilon of simt d and there went out unto him all tho country of judca and all they of jerusalem and they were biiplltcd of him in tho river jordan confcsslng thelr sins 8 an1 john was clothed with camel a hair and had a leathern girdle about his loins and did eat locunta and wild honey 7 and ho preached ouylng there com eta after me ho that lu mlghtlir than i tho latchet of whouo shoes i am not worthy to stoop down and unloose 8 i baptixed you in water but ho shall baptlxe you in the holy hplril 0 an j it caroo to pomi in those days that jesus came from nuxareth of galileo and was baptlxed o john in tho jordan 10 and straightway coming up out of tho water ho saw tho heavens rent ajj under and tho spirit as a dove des cending upon him 11 and a voice came- out of jho havena thou art my beloved bon thee i am well pleased golden text for afl many of you aa were bapuxcd into christ did pu on christ oal 3 27 departmental top jo and references irimary top to ijcsus rapthtod by john mar 1 111 memory veroe thou art my belov cd hon in thee i urn well pleased mark 1 11 junior xplc tho llaptlum of jcaua mark 1 111 memory vera marl 1 11 intermediate and senior toplo the meaning of rapt lam young ieaple and adult topic the significance or haptlora matt 28 13- 30 mark 1 4 ii rom 0 111 blackboard battism into enmsrs sur- vice raptism for all peoplh raptism rjquiitns juipiint- ance raptism a pledge of faith lessor thoughts throughout the christian world vro find one universal usage tho service ealled baptism it may be observed in varied forms or under different rules but amid all its variations we trace everywhere ono purpose and one mean ing in this rite 1 baptism is the outward form of consecration to tho service of christ whoever accepts baptism thereby pro claims himself no longer his own mas ter but a servant of tho lord jesus when a littlo child is brought to be baptlxed 11 means a solemn plodgb the part of its parents hint it shall be carefully brought up oil christ a child 2 the rito of baptism is for nil people the church of christ began among jows in judca and for a time no one outside of the jowlah raco was baptized rut it was soon revealed to tho apostles that tho wholo world was the heritage of chrlat s church and that every man of every land of every tongue was to be brought to christ and become a member of his church we look forward to a day when in all tho world not ono shall bo found un baptlxed ouuldo tbo fold or christ i the crest demand of baptism repentance when jesus began his ministry his words were repent yo for tho kingdom of heaven la at hand when ulmon ietcr preachod his mes sage was i to pent yc and be baptixel every ono of vou tho wauhlng of baptism means that wo who are bap tlxed have by un act of our own will ceased to do wrong and have resolved with tho aid of gods spirit within us to do right 4 our baptism is tho pledgo of our faith in christ uy faith wo put our trust in christ as tho captain of our salvation wo pram loo to obey him as our lord in word and deed and thought wo put off uur ulna und wo put on christ with tho roha of hla rlghtcousiicjui to bo hla fur tlmo and ilcrnlty hsadinas for next weak monday tim lord a supper malt 2g 2030 tucauiy tho now covenant murk 14 222c wednesday in kcmciubranui of m- luka 22 720 thursday lttxad of heaven john a 41si friday partukluif pf christ john 0 t s3 saturday communion with christ i cor 10 14 22 sunday luting wui thlly 1 cor 2334 a warning ikni sir recognised us tho leading upwciao for tho destruction of wunu mother uravm worm kxtciinlnutur has prov ed a tloon to stiltorlug children every where it uoldoni fulls anewqame undo jack and undo j am en had como to ore their sister and her swoot little children and like the good natured fellows they are they wore soon inveigled into tho nursery for u while there was nothing more than tho usuul amount of uproarious riot which denoted that tho little ones were perfectly happy but at last tho noise increased to such a terrific ex tent that mamma hurried up to find out the cause of it v why children ohlldrcnl she cried j wtiatovcr is all this no loo about uut littlo freddy only mailed its all right mummy he said wo are playing a new game wove locked undo jack and undo jainus up in the cupboard on when they get n bit angrier 1 m going into the tlonn den will you stop and see us play awful only the uninformed endure gwny of corns tho knowing wvply hullo way s corn cure and relief make yourself wanted here la un incident that puts in u very fcw wordn the secret of usiuooj success a young clerk in a store unco auked for an liicrcano of ualary r was grantud but tho proprietor uov care ful overall tit of tho young tnuu t work ho lxhnio convinced that he was wurklug with more thought of tho sulury klven than of thu way hu served the firm when f next viu young niuu hlnto jijuit un l klwavrroso should bo lilu tho employ t r aald young man wliut you need is not inure money but mtiru uacfuhtcua there are oountlees ways in whllh you could servo our intercuts that you seem to ignore my advice to you for one year is to boo what you can do fur us rather than what wo can do tor you then iulrtlng out oovorul places win re the clerk had allowod th i company a intercut to drag ha con tinued livery tlmu a customer coiufs in und asks for you personally it counts fur us my udvuo to you in what i lull ull young men gut uk into business maro youiolf wan tod lxchugo wo munt hp on our guard agaliuil lliuiir propaganda tht liquor people swhoo- ofio object lit to make eaay inonry by making llfo hard for olheni havo million at tlielr command und are uiilng thcrn in an inoldloua and skilful manner wo hear of deputations to tho gov crmnnt npaliuil prohibition wo no accounts of thousands of telegrams imurtij into tho government demand lug iitro u cr brer wo read of cruwilu trying to bicak up a tcmtcranco meet log if wo did not know belter wo might think tliat these were apon tun co us expressions of public opinion liuttoad of having been arranged and final crd by tho llqti tr irtti rents our great enemy prvtt about lib rrty as a cloak for a lout determined effort to muko ulavea of the drink tliat they my contlnuo to exploit them for their enrichment if oviry man liad liberty tit do aa ho liked our streets woull imui run with blood llbortyl ulterty is what they oay but money money la wliat they mean when liquor w ui uold freely there wan littlo liberty for nveryone who drank was determined tit liavo others drink with thcrn whether they wanted it or not andrure was frequently used they nay the working man must hovn his beer but they know very well tliat thouoanda of drinkers and hurl dreds of drunkards vote for prfpllbluoik every clionco they get all they care for tho working man is hla money in ilrluln they lay tho blurno on a working man but they dare not let him vote on it working men are not fools their latent propocanda in to repre sent people aa being dissatisfied with prohibition becauae they cannot get whiskey when they imagine it is need od for medicine they know perfect ly well that the government has maie araplo provision for liquor aa mcdlclm but it jults their purpone to raise that cry medical men are allowed lo keep liquor for medicinal punoaos and tho dlspcnuary la not far off tho only men who will bo inconvenienced will im the chronic drink cm but a few weeks or months without drink would mako iiov men of thcrn thankful for their true liberty from the slavery of drink i havo only thentlonod a few of their protariln and would worn tho pub lic to bo up and doing ii arnott mil mcph- department of social service make the saw the boy ntood bealdo bis grand father his eager eyes intent upon tho yellow violin which tho aged mans busy fingers were shaping and onlnli- liur rut you cant finish it grand father aald tho lad in despair 1you ran t mako thosa littlo s pieces why cant i mako crot dcmandml the grandfather criaply itecause you haven t u saw fino enough for tliat then i ll mako u saw waa tho reply and ho did mako 1l years after that boy grown to i wellknown violinist understood tliat his awn mastiiry not only of tho violin but many of tho problems of llfo was largely due to the force with which that one sentence took poasciwujn of hla mind that tiny ttotln the first ho had over owned represented to him tho overpowering of all difficulties by patient determination and by an unflinching good courage from first to last it is often harder to mako the or in other words to conquer oome new and unforseen difficulty at tho end of our task than it waa to achieve all that caiao before it selected mrnimiiiniiiiiiiimiinmiinmimiitimiiminnrmn the farmers we have large resources and the vast experience of 87 years to draw upon to serve you bijt we have something even more important we have the earnest desire to do so we cash your produce and persona cheque collect your drafts all byjnail tf required and gladly give you impartial advice on any ftnanciaj or business matter the bank of nova scotia fxtdcpdrulkl rismooo tuacrre i una 12000 000 kcsoarcea iscoooooo w e cbaflah actios f auuatlrtdch children cry for fletchers vxvssr tho kind you have always bought and which has been la osu for over thirty yeora haa borne the signature of i and has been made tinder hla per- eonol supervision ulnco its infancy allow no one to deceive you imtnfa all counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of infants and children experience again experiment what is castor i a contorts is a harmless eubstituto for castor oh paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic cubctance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it haa been in constant uso for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishnees arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and tnml sleep the childrens panacea the mothex8 friend genuine castors a always pbears the signature of idfuld 0pcak cffcct1vely r ii iiiukrrn worn bnhig ncnt u im if of tho fourth ubrrly ixun lr imiiry department innunl t onto iiiojit valualilo rulm tlion iiiiint hwvo un pr pared b wim ill i riilnje and nucccaaful orator uro rulra no nun cun afford ti illnrrg rd in trying to lufiuenco hla mlnlntrm tnoat of ull mon now and keep uucli rulca ii r ii ro iiomt of them h in with n poltlvf i onrrrti utrllttiu iitatitntut trjll your audin intuit thing at tho aturt thut will im mediately grip their attention ii iiliurt ectltrnccn try to muko ono wonl do the work of two avoid fine lttiraaca you arent there to ilvo them an carfull but a ml id full tula to tho hack row of your audi- cinuj you ii hit everything doner in tulle lo tho almplcnt intelligence in your uudlrniio you ii touch every tlittii- higher up in natural and direct hinrerlty woura no frill peak nlowly a jumbled sentence lu u wanted fitriicc ion l forgot what you represent and di n t tat your uudlenfo forgrt it blnluli iitroiij anil aharp itco to it thit iirtlon follows your speech wurh i p nk dm cm that would oliort- tn amnonii uliuricn their jkilnta dximin their imprrnulonu und multiply tho riuullu hu loubj advocate nothino good for aithm aath mu reiin dica como und go but every yt ur tho iuiick of tho original dr j i ktlloiitn antluna ilemdy grow great cr und greater no further ovidonro could ita nnkoil of ita rcmarkahla merit it rollivui it lu ulwuyn of tho nam un vary luif yu tllty which tho auftcrii frim iflllimu learna to know do not outli r u not her attack but get thl xdundl 1 rcmotll today saturday treat try our now chocolate crlana superior to patterkrixp lies coc lb haturday apeciol 40o othor loc chocolates for 30o cocoa iluda better than maplo iluda lb 60q our reo cream parlorla again opou with much better- ice cream and tho aama good scrvlco hulk ico cream pint 30o brick ice cream each 30 any quantity delivered harold wiles canada food board ljoenae no ft- 12503 mill street acton the bond hardware co hop lool lluinui t ki ill from 13 76 to j10jxl on h ii until kn i rlttd ul 1700 ain i hull i 200 2 7u 7c uwn lun 2jm 2jx rm wlnj i kl00 wulr aim jap d 60c 00c 70c 00c 1 10 125 wut r i aim ilv t jli m0 j1x5 iuwi1 i i iimii 10c p r fkt luh 17c pr fht c rru itd luwii ii t h 20o lr foot im h 22 o pur foot cloody r llou n h h 25c jm r foot iloodyiar lloui s huh 22o p r ft couilluitii 20c hone ihinilu ccucli llonn wixluru lo jj h ijiwn h rliu n goc osc 00c j2 00 kom hxlii 1j0 2jz 3x we havi what you want the bond uabdwabjn co ltd phona 1qi2 quclph savage co established 1c4s wvndmam fjt quclph watch co diamonds jewellery liorary desk seto fine china cut qlaqb silverware 8ilk umorellao fountain pens speciallsln in wedding and luruiday glf la urpert watch and jewellery ilepolrera savage co 70 year in dimimm in qulph bttit itfrnwi s oca m koop your eyes strooa andllclth if tbertlra smart itchor l burn if sore irritated rcvftinfuunedorgnuuuted use murine often sfe for infant or adult atalldrugbista in canada write for frco liocjr7wlwcmfaa7cakausa atrip to remcmbcrl la after ycara and other places you will recall these joy promenadea in the early tjunnuofiuwium ounc tho deck of tho noranic already tho ovly rissn are haadinjr tho proceaslaa tho clrjjing rbjagpq pro flaiiliiujc in thamornlns sua tmd dipping it jo thtin- noronic hamonic httronlc these ndgbty steamers take us oixuwu huiuln d nnlm froia dalrntt to samla acrooa lako huron through tho locks at llie w uu to cuadu i win luca iort arthur ami ut william until ilnauy worcuch uur northern toruiiuuu ijuiulli wo tiro nnuthwartl houiuj once xnoxc spend six cloys of your vacation mt hoard ono of th aa lujurtuuj ntcauicra lujoy tho ruio good iclkiwslin of tho cnest jkmjo of two nutiouu 5650 to 6day th three ship wjj f port arthur ad dululh fur mallnuaiu o dy rasa ulu uultm fitua tujnl iocjudla ol lisjlk sllrrneoa rwina ilnrai pualaluhakaukaralu kmjlu aouimlut tot tljouxli iktas are ciuju tlmu lc o uudiul thvy utj vpt ull taftta v r qrod i trunk tlki at 1 tf t4tr bit t tlni fixig ivo tu4t f ad coo toujul acal o nviao m ii wjw la itytll u t 11bi tunaua1 uau it ukuuju stall pjuu w 10oo mde sjuooay crui auoih taoodum ilt till tl rough 1 ooo ijuia ud he l- toiuolu kui uuliulj ttm ull lu ulut quitiit kui ll alujwun writ fur liku ni i jtoag northern navigation company limited sarnia u lttjxlxritthfrrr raci it rrp ntptn ra- dont miss a years local news for the sake of 150 suitings akl btylikh comp0it abijianocooi btcp in to duy and look over our bumplcs sclent youni leave youj- nicuurc und well make you a uit to your order youll have riil tomfoi t every duy you wear it re nelson phone 40 naxt post qfftos guelph jfiaiuvandfeetj store we havo a uupply of tin followlnj now un hand the wsllknown d rands ot kiru cholcs norval and national flour nothing bsttar rolled oat0 red clovlh 0hort8 alsikl oat chop timothy hjlt inlturruhi 00 lb itaja or uuiall humility if dcjtlnd mi rciai iin1j in c1ucklm fciu jivu iivm uauv mwal a tkial ixjmijtio uojili oath i hij hi ht uiiudu lod llourd ijunuu no uo robert noble limited hcnhy awi1ly manager

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