Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1918, p. 4

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j t children cry ffor fletchers 3 railway time tahlea there in in ovcryililiil cloi thui through uf did you jrounj- iiriiu horse whir had triml 1 a ixuiullful ablo that no one wan able to mount lijin tho prince who hml boon standing by mw what no ono eluo had noticed that tlio horao was frlaht- sntd at hla own uhadow and opolco ooothintfly to him and nt raked him ffvittly until hp wan nutoted ila then mounted and rodo him with perfect ease any ono of ttia men rnlht hrivn r7p tho itailik but nana of thorn worn ob servant onnuch to find what cuuood the trouble tho prince afterward became ale- ondor tho great and tho horao wan bin fumoiui steed iturephalus pro babty tho power of fibscrvatli ono at tho qualities which mado alox- andor tho treat tencrl and conquorer ho people whi co throujti tho world without their oyes open lose much of pleasure as well an many opprtuitlea to advtuicn their own interests and to be ur uao to o there selected tho kind you huvo always bought and which hao been in uxo for over tliirty youiru has borno tlio denature- of j ttnd hoc been mado under hla pcr- t jcffly- wnal iitipcrvlaioa cjneo its infancy vt7z jccccajcz viioy n0 ond to deceive you in thin all counterfeit imitations and juataaood nro but experiments lmt tflo with and endanger tho health of infanta and children experience again eipcrlrncat r atis castowa caatona in a hariojcji oubitltuto for castor oil paregoric dropd and soothing syrupc it la plcaaant- it containo neither opium morphiao nor other narcotic eubctance ito ago lo ita juarantcc for moro than thirty yearn it boo been in constant uoo for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feveriohneea arising therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels olda the assimilation of food riving healthy and nnt flleep tho childrenn panacea tho mothcxp friend always at acton runk hallway oyotom gono went h 13 n m id 2 j nm j u li m i 12 ii m h u ii m uiulay t in i hiniii li artn ijclitlj w it it 0 it in utl taut at r ir i i toronto qubur an clactrc hallway go tnu woat 3 17 ii ill dally ot npt hunuay 2 22 p m ially t xfw nt f hi ud ay k 00 p in dally iixiniit tunday 11 oj a ni iumluy only c 32 i in hunduy only oo ni cat 7 h in daily axt pt hunday 132 p i dnilj t xti pt ilunilny 0 1 h v in dilly nxtupt hutday lunday only on n lay only ihgymwgiiwatehiaaa use for over 3 fears tho kind vou have always bought i canada and the u- a americana in eoncral know too 11 lo about canaita canadlajia on t10 other hand know a lot about tho united htatcu tho canadian school courses ejvo adnquato cournrai on tho bcrapby tho history and tho re sources or thin country whllo ours content tbcjnsolrcs with a hasty sur vey or our notehbor as partners in this crcat war ontorpriao canada and tho unltad atatta havo reached a unity of purpose which cements tho friend ship of tho last century in now bonds wo oucht to cot acqualnted in tho years to coma detroit neva the oovious alternative a spoilt ii ttia boy of four years had been a source of considerable annoy ance ajj thro us h lunch at lenjjoi ono woman an intimate personal trlcnd of his too indubjent motlier turned to her and said i cant think how you can let your little boy bo no roody and unruly at meal timer if bo were mine i nhould slvo him a pood npankjnf ob said tlio mother you cant spank tho poor littlo chap on a full stomach no paid bar friend but you con turn him over strange engagement rinqo girls bccorolnir enlaced to soldiers mako a npelai point of noqulruiif out- oflho common encashment rinra all these havo bean very succeasfully and artistically mado from tho bands of shells molted down and inset with the prospective carers favorlto ntone on the insjdo is lnacxibcd the day oti which tlio fracmont was originally picked up and a few particulars hhel bands uro aloo mado up into brooch co and bracelota war brides have a fancy for rafher wide wedding rintfa and for tho moment the smaller oue tho popular ono before last amrust is in the background anccs at tin i their intrlimln ivlcndnhlp h inclination in tho good and hujiphilji addison clrcuniittancuii do not uhap but rnvcal them 1 do iiuuun nuia ufo may iui proimrly ih railed an uny othor ami tho urt at incl- n it uro m moru i old c red an aovurcst nicmlninj of a inn i a noblu polin jlonry lluldli wo havo to tfvu uluno to well ood a uralimi icolttrt ii tho nurcat uy tu iotl in ton is to luitn much jjmjic littlo und nay notlilnu that you may bo uorry for la ltoclilfom juld charity drawn down a blmjni o the cluirltablo l- u- a kueehtion tor your sumincr ooiidny tlib year algonquin park highlands of ontario an ideal opot for your gummor va cation midst wild nd dliahtful scan- excotlont land inn total orvico at th hlah- lilll liifumiullon from any orand trunk tlrkol ajnt nr c i homing ilutrft iujiiu ntfcr agmit toronto il s- holmes agent acton ont phone v 1 it tocth in a not what untry but inaltcs tt trxat his only hequeot an unpopular ollccr j tho llrltiah army ono night ullpded into noma deep water and a private who hap pened to see tho accident pullod him out relates harpers tho oolccr was very profuse in his thanks and asked bis rescuer bow he could reward him the very beat way you can reward me replied uto private is to soy nothing about it why my good fellow oaked the astonished superior do you really mean that you wish tno to say nothing about itr ayl ir tho other fellows know i pulled you out theyd chuck mo inl was the frank response an absentminded pr0feq30r a tsry absont- minded professor was busily e in uotvinc a scientific problem wluti tho nunio hastily opened the door of his library oiid annoutioed a great rurally trvent tho little stranger lias arrived pro fessor lh said tho professor it la a littlo boy mid tho nurse utuo boy littlo boy mused tho professor well ask him what bo arsjjts twelve 8pecies of oak twelve epocles of oak reach trco wire la canada but uply red und whlto oalc sxe sawn in commercial quantities th bulk of this lumber is used for furniture am interior ilnsh ror botucs it is also used in tho form of vmccr and in the nnuiufacturo of tljrht coop- eruse njrh cultural tiiipjpnitjjtji pml otlirr articles tluit demand a heavy strong durable wood tho output lu ltlrf was 3149 doo jtoot valuod at q2- c41 as compared wlfh 3118 000 foot in 11b agreed with her johnny is se ill ni your dcuiioi he bring y a utll ov raid johnny pi why johui the teaojiur no maam jj i kiiuw it uln t uuii tliuy all do it- itloil anxiouu to pllauc li you mu iiiiilj lit do ix bit every day vea ruillil ihf miy m nut how ahout t iyr vvrll tho t i her iua liron i a uttto tmubh with nr ioti i think i lulirtit may uwuy frui i and five her u ixait wuulil j tar when yau ieel sluggish and nervous tired and indifferent you have the first symptoms of declin ing strength and your system positively neetls the special nutritive foodtonic in womans life mrs godtien telia how it may be pawed in safety and comfort premonlo iwsjinattinpthrouia uia critical pe of hie hmc ulx yesni of age and had nil tho uymp- toms uiciurn t to tiist chonjo heat fuub- c3 dcrvoujncsa sjld ww in a concrij run down condition so it was bard for ms to do my work lydl when you dig i iim h tif farm an ta with u will for victory allied pi ni o itivalla pud parunlp octabl com pound was recom- mandod to nae as the beat reroody for my troubles which it enroly proved to bo i feel better nad atronper in evory way sloes taking it and tho annoying dymptomfl have disap peared mrs m godden 025 na poleon st fremont ohio such onnoylnff uytoptons a heat flashes nervoutmus hsckaehe head ache irritability and tho blaos ruy f j k uu m c f ho peedhy overcomo and th yjtem 01 fiood health icort a jbmul- restored to normal condition bj thu to replenish your blood power enliven its cxrculntion and faring back the snap and elasticity mton bupphea nature with the correct butf ding food which is better than any drugs pills or alcoholic mixtures ucoujto tlbu oml ufe fnmoos root and herb romody lydia 12- pinkhsms vegetable compouacl if tiny complications present them- colves write uio plavham medlclae co lynn mans for auggeitions how to overcome them tils result of forty ytsr experjonce is at jour a orvico and your letter bold in strict conuusnee 1 illp lurruw ii ni wutitnd for arpiluu iitrotu to tuko tho irnat of- in hit fool niht thn nuiii ui lili iipud und iuhi putrloll- hofrl nilinjr tlu man with tlio d hayomtt lo riikji hli llft ijv thli vhn dgl- llrltltih lllnluti englibh language in japan jupu can he hear you when you talk into space and not directly into the mouthpiece of your telephone you arc not giving the instru ment a chance to do its b work q the mouthpiece was designed to speak into and best results arc obtained when your lips are about half an inch from its rim 9 economize time and temper by speaking dis tinctly directly into the mouthpiece and avoiding needless repetition and delay n mat or woma thouohl 1 bbl pull fully ii bail t b iu utl of cornu whu utl ortiiin u 1 lif lu u hum 1 uu ilul low iy c ru uro the eell telephone co oil canada spring term from ajril 2nd mcriteu into tho bummer term on july 2 in shaws uusfncou jjchoolu toronto no va cation intcr any day iiroo cat- aloiruo w h bhaw pros kct0n and bs lin having mrchaiad itiottvery and goodwill of the himiies from ar a mccann i wlicit wilh confidence the lutrumujo of tho public comfortable rejonablu lalc- upplied at lyiuft ca for weddmipi and bpeeiat artcntiod to cojiply convoji ftiuolal motor cam fiiniiicljliim ro iuircd dos tflcuma all tfiainf- l atkinson aaon ont th of tho iiu i l by u bilf in get the geiwiae ooola avoid disappointment refuse imitalions oiiy genuine columbia grafbnolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- can h llllmll ho uulvtriutl languulo tn uvi i la urn 1 i on lit ji1 dovol tly to b tit all johnny cake 1 lost on 4 lulo civlj th bit ox lunutlou of uu or i it huh johnny cako n job 1 u iny iu tako hi in fuahloi may bo 1 hi r th 1 lanutlon or u cam dlu win hu u boon i vill thn l h1 hi l ll nuiu that j u til rru tlllll of iu 1 rn 1 vtll jlh w muu tin olo of j hn and ttlr onriy itotioh ran dli hue but u adipta ut nuiuli k 1 ii o j uiio y- low di what he mlant mi ull 1illtiiu li i wulit i j grain 0 chopping s ij well done and f quickly at only ijj 5 cents m per bag harhis 6 colimited j kockwoop ont graionola uj- only iiiiuul uatluna that walk tho high puw uf thn ijlrth tho thickest known nul aoam in the world forty aoviii foot la at lltcllar ton nova ututht alwayit tjuf iirldf in our tou nry upeak will or it and thun lmiiiim falui hid nobis uuuuawr foh saul uy illtuil jilhr tu ii vvuu u tulhl jl hoi illwnil i iu tlitl 1 u m ih 1 vry llitlntlv ui y hiall watch roil impmovld methods eplace yonnr bmiggy a iror c c speight acton ont ore tlian100000 fordu aro owned ly lnoplu in canadfl in prefurunct to hju old lioroidrawn buggy and other multea of cara your neighbora and faruiuniin every bocliou at tlio dominion aro abandoning their old buggies filing tlieir driving honea and buying ionls ford cars aro utility can tluy ae built to eilduro thcatrain of conatant daily uo over reiugh roada tliebo an teata every firmer givej hij ear hid ford meota iuvni in a tati futory manner it ii tlio farmers car bo why not replace your lioru and buggy with a ford touring tfbos runabout s7s coupo 770 scdun i070 ciniu 35 the universal cali onetontiuck7so f 0 b ford ont li a goxe dealer acton ont when vou need boots shoes at any time uuv ikom w williams acton ontario cj iamod 1 or satisfactory footwear iuamnahlk 1kiuis mmmtws i promptly secured itau fxiimtricajlalc frroir invljfleooia wnfntih wbtci will 1m xnri frta tlaiiinfl jlmaiude 304 ulu vetally av mom rnwax

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