Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1918, p. 2

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x in nrc lowlni pttixi cot ioo 11 i alirll cur tm iaur fleet hropa vec llnntr tettytesa itoanl lum do- dililt native win njlng out ualca- ytca and front ad ulcl i uio provlnco lion to anulat prvproducllon tw jftven a apodal rcpurtte will be opened 1 arrtculturoi coiipec bt of may contlnulnc l which women will bo kn of general kind kcuvllleo- the coumr i women who arcphy- ready to oljni up for tervlco on tho farm at i course one hundred wloctcd from those who i of farreachlne 1m 3 by the canada food lci w fhmltintr clement from the uco buslneou thy kood definitely limit the tirmlucc which a dealer i storaco to hla reason pentn and also make it him to- carry larger lfood than are required bla trade requirement pn of scant production holding of excessive produce in o to race in nrtfiuhject to heavy atlonal ivadb aa- i race tine at wonh- i hrist year adopted the utloti b an unanimous 1 that the truatce of endowment for inter im awembledforlhcir an- declare hereby their ho pe moat effectual mean of parable international peace eetno war acalast tho urnan government to final democracy in accordance lcy declared by the ircal- tfnlted statea in vow bts emphasized by the pjurum of the german deceive and muilcad trig people of the world t committee of the kn- unnnlroouaiy reoidrma ruon und pledjica tho car- international k jr of those piat will aoouro early victory for tho lied foroe monies coming in already dean handed t tho trvuurer tjr acton ild croxi c irlng in very outlafuctor- tofcowine contributions luvo lh treasurer ibutpm in equeino bj paldle und duucuu bll lot uiul j ml llnca hlmjjtiidl 3110 00 ami pclcr ilo- 4th lima rp arruuirtt t ni i iroud 37 6k ntrlbufuin in acton by 1 ilrowl and mlua ut tliovtaiim rim u3 h ey and mr hw i chun it htno r jc uw lam lhttuaq mulilri muhuii main hint t t it u ij in il kemibd niut of d trunk iullway n co johti v noijhui main front brock avi nuo r jt ji i alice 1 lnur unil mui hpilht l kchurch fat to imh f kjlr ciruy umljji klneron all 11 htm from hn ht ti jluku avu jam mnuru uiid mm ilatcwtrt mill ind f il to juliti tit nlcklln and mro 11 floper ilowur avu ij ii gamulo ltyili m at glove factory mk kciinoily ami aim tkloore w u btoroy 5l otovo fmtory m x friend in uk nttlted a t no jcuh l i nra ullll ouvrrnl cjiivukjm iu i wport viono llntu mill cotmlili r- uy kurmeitt the iilxivo the ladle of tho iud cidiui m iiro mx tery hlfihly tho uencmun tontrl- btlom at a time when their fuiula t arluualy drpli ted iholr fro hot appoulfl arc liberally re i pond ml ftsr too people keneritlly epprxilutt ilenttld morvlocb tiny arn rendlr- upplylug comfort m tn our nnl- ofrth flluapd in tho wlhpltal cross society dralren to dto for uw m ofcntmffor their to extend actons b0un- imiuks the mttor of takina m territory now enjoying town privuae wm pibcuasod acton nccda watcrtworko rounrll mi t in rrnular neanlon in tho coumll c ham her on monday ovon- liil with thn ltio in tho clinlr and all tho mi tnln ru pn nt tim commute on 1 inunco presented tin lr li lith n port and recommended payment of thn following uccounta coneral account canadian conaolldatcd itubber c o nuppllci 126 60 wm omtlni rrini trry 7 60 ixjjuild mclxitii all ot recta and wulka 2 00 wm thonipuon wimxl 20 00 a j mu iclnnoii ojtpeiiaca to tonnto 3 00 w it ivonney nxponoen to to roii to 3 00 j6i 00 moved by w it krnnny ncconded by c woodhnll that tho oluhth report irti adopted carried 1 ylnw no 63 oiuuuinl tho dc tmimicg fur dio shoe i rtuiv by luiu tiij them in umallor dr un itixitlona to fin ip to tholr tiandllm by tho holdcrn if thu dobonturtu wua read a drot noconil and third tlmcu and paoaod by tho council tho matter of cxtcndlnif tho corpor- ntlon boundary wan broucht before tho council the mop was otudled and it vtlkii readily neon that q number of cltlxcna of tlid townahlp were enjoying tho full pflvllcbca of acton residents and payinu nothlnif for llieao ad van tabca a number of othnr cltlkena wire really tu far distant from tho centre of tho vtllaco and entitled to tho lower ruto obtalnablajn the town nhlp tho abourdlty and unfaimeia of tho present boundary line wan clearly imilntcd out tho counoll lnatrxicled tlio clerlt to find out what etepa were ncccsaary to oxtend tho proposed line and report to tho next moetlmx there waa alno an informal talk about tho wisdom of coiinldcrlnff the advliiabllltv of conntruciins a water works nyatem for the town 70 for sheep killed by doqo eaquealno township qivea much at tention to dog nultance tho council mot aa per adjournment tho roco in tho chair metnbera all present moved by jamca l- sutnduil oec- onded by w j l ilampahlro that the clerk bo and ho la hereby lnntructed to arraneo with jaa buck of tho vill- ofto of georcotown for a loaao of cer tain lando owned by tho aald town ahlp and uued bj him that the clerk be instructed to write tho g t rail way re culvert on lot 11 3rd line 1- qucamc townahlp carried moved by john dine ham ooconded b w j l hampshire tluit uio treaa- urcr be i no true ted to pay j m uooro s30 co for 00 coplca of auditors re port cecil given c for bclne the mi ana of killing 2 tloga found vrorry- tn nh john hani in 2 for dentruo- tlon of a bitch runnlnc at larre carried movid by j llllot occondod by j l- htonjlah that thu treasurer pay mra guldlncu the turn of j7 belnc error in taxea carried moved by john blrgjham seconded b v j l hampshire tltat tlio treaa- urcr pay mrs a l- noblo tho aum of 26 a treasurer of i led cross society for norvol j a- tracy tho aum of is 10 for telephone account- for 1917 w i johnston 31 bclnc doe tax he hialng no don carried mocd by j iillot seconded by w j lu i am pn hi re uiat tho treasurer pay tiie following accounts to tho memlcra of tho council nnfl tho clerk for expenses in connection with dr noblo a ulilep trial and deputation to parliament kuldlntpi in connection with uio nqw sheep and doff icjrlala- tion alex joe j6 60 w j 1 ilamp ahlro 3g60 joa l btandlsli 6 00 john ulntham 6 00 j a tracy jc 00 tliat tlio trcaauror pay 12 il hurt acton box 203 tho sum of 70 for damaffu sustained to ah cop des troyed- 1 ydopn carried council adjourned to rot tot again on may 20 newo of the day anltntoriiiy epitome of the event of the week in canada tiiuiihday ur w t oreiifoh lh mrdlra mlniilnivary was iihrudor everyone must work government pasaos order- lncouncll to suppreaa idlansaa in canada ottawa april 6 an order- in coun cil to suppress idleness has bctm adopt ed by tho government from qixtoan to sixty tho rculatloriu provide that 1 every malp pfiraon residing in tho dominion shall bo regularly en cased in somo useful occupation 2 in any proceed uik hereunder it uluill be a defence tliat the person la a under sixteen yearn or over sixty years or ace w a bona fldo student proceeding with liia training for itomo useful oc cupation c a bona fldo student in actual ultendsjuo at somo recognized otluca tlonal inaiitullon- td uaually employed in some use ful occupation and tcmtmiraiily un- imp1uyil owlnff to diffcronces wiui iila tmployers common to almlbvr oro- pluycm with thif aamu employer o physically unablo to comply with tlio pruvlulniui of tlio law as here hi iiiaxled f unablo to obtain within reasoii- ublo dl llancu any kind of employment which ho is phulcally ablo to perform at urrcnt wajto fur similar employ ment vlulatlon of v provisions rondcra llitlilllty to iknalty not cxccodlne one hundrtd dollaru or in default to lm- pi itioumuiit with hard lulior not ex i illnc ulx mouths whllti tlio order lu uald to bo ul mod at ftnljntr hi thu wml who iuiq fdr u i ouuldorublu purt or tho year it ynulil mil m to apply to a man who ntlruj fioiu huulm nn ut uay nftyllve or imo who np ndn hlf tlino raculutlll hi nto liii for thu prtumblu uata forth tin tumoiio of thu urdur au buliic to tirovtnl im niujiji rapablo of useful work from nmufiilm in plluuuui at a time t lu ti tho iouiilry most urboutly ro utihia thu irvlnj of all human onory uvallabh anotheit goldieh at paris brat 3 george enjoy vialt t pan inn metrppoh munh 0 1u1b mi mo rtalnly rml to bo down hare lu uilo wuiulerful elty on lcavo for fourti en daa 1 huvu only hud lo tlut heri yi t find ito fur huvu onjood mya if imimiuii ij llin ctinudlaii y 1 c a joill that oiuj luuld i xpi t fur uji follows on u i liny uncuiiuo uiolor touru th itit purtliu t te uiul their good nnrlt hi murh miproclutcd by all itorday 1 vlnlted the tomb of na pnlroii ies invalid n itace do la cin- conh 1 iffcl lovvr and many other hlkturhal placo too numoroui to n on- tulr ii la t tx to bo away from tlio t ui hi for a t hort time 1 iftnut thank my many actnn friend n i ui are no ml uji mo thu l imwa i hopo ail tho at tun pcoplo ro quite ulno yourpolf cono4ujnr with my bent wshoa el j yours vary hlnecrely jnrotlnc of fjiidph cllj conn ell lant rtljrht thn tax ruto of 30 c it mills on bin dollar wan adopted jonulnsr i outer 10 yearn old of leamtnetoii died yenteiday from ptu molno jkilnpnlnif uftor drlnklni innpln uyrup frotn a runty pail at a oneday auction salo in uollo- llio of tho ilolnloln ureodnrs club yciaorday 108 head of eattlo wire sold jtocetpta totalled nearly 23000 perth county council was ycutorday urccd by a deputation to appoint a a district agricultural roproncntatlvn perth lo the only county in ontario without fano j j carolan winnipeg partner with xieulcol 13 it way land luui bun inundatod with application for tho fibre flax occd which is imilntf distri buted by tho ilritlnh government after coming from wisconsin to toronto to join tho itlylntr cirpo and having boon rejected her a i medi cally unfll alex oymci died in lon don ont on hla way back to wis const n i lolling a huge pushball from buf falo to now york a dlotanco of 73 mltea will bo tho privilege of huycni of bonda of tho third liberty loan the ball in expected to travel at tho rate of 18 miles a day tho pnjmlnes of tho intei intional bible otudents in winnipeg hivt been raided by tlio military authorities night peraona nro charged wllij havhu jn uielr poaaesalon tho book tho flnlabed uyatery friday work of cultivating wheat bind in windsor began ycatorduy old 4 elgin county lodge colo b rated tho centenary of freemasonry in elgin county yesterday the pteaxner c w jacon formerly tho cjty of paris has boon cold lo llammcrmlu paper co of lrlo for je1000 an application has been nrndo to tho militia zeparunent to allow tho trans- fer of all queen a ijnivcraity man in the depot rattallon to the canadian tank battalion which is now being organized llaut- sir ernest h shackloton tho explorer has arrived at panama from clllil where he has been engaged on a diplomatic mission w u milter a puullnch market gar dner had hla bock broken when a hugo birch troo fell on him in tho butih ho died within a couple of houry fiftyflvo bales of cotton valued at 110 000 were destroyed in a ire whirl broke out in che worehouao of tho eagle spinning mills hamilton yes terday miss anne good daughter of he founder or the bank of hrltlih north america in canada died near brant- ford yesterday at tho ago of clghty- alx saturday hamilton luui contracted with oril ua interests for 70000 cords of wood from algonquin purk for uno next winter byfkdeoisjon at thn tjiw commtuj of tho alberta lctfialaturc bunk- ln- edmonton will not bo nubject to tljo income toot provisions of tho city charter tho parents of pto j fargo brock vlllc killed while carrying despatches on the battlefield were presented with a military modal at tholr homo by brig oon hemming uamllton polico chief reports great decrease in drunkenness during thu lost j car high foray the a wabash fireman implicated in tho theft of rlco from a wabash car was lot go on suspend ed sentence in view of his having turn ed kiaga evidence on n companion unltod slates federal food adrnln latrators havo recommended to pood controller hoover that severe penal ties bo lnwtod on uio bwift co packing concern for all c god profiteer ing in eggs rodman law balloonist and aero naut attached to tho united btutes fifth aero squadron jumped from an airplane at a height of 2600 feet and descended safely with tho old of a parachute ho did it to demonstrate to the government tho feasibility of jumping from an airplane monday middlesex county council ban votod 30000 for y mc a war work among tho troops a fire at tho show case works and saw mill of d il gilllca co london out caused a loos of 126000 the uamllton polico yesterday seis ed a large quantity of liquor in an italians house on mcnab atroet seven dominion policemen havo ar rived in cornwall and havo already placed aeveral defraudera in cuatody category b men of class 1 in lon don qnt district have been notified to appear for service on april ltith the lorn mayor of london has re mitted to bli robert borden tho bal ance of the rellof fund for halifax archdeacon g i davidson who hua left for a now church in rcglnu rv celvad a farewell address nt guelph it la claimed that the u b has now uprrlor to that with hid nro hombardlni a lonr ranre mm which tin i rm paris weiuuortli dtntrlrl ijumit pro aiijcklutkiu havo dnrldid o r wliitr prlini of uilllc during hi mh2mjv montlui iloidon v ihompiiui lint long writ itlmuil a two wwltu mcthodlnt chunh ut iiiluulon at 1 li ilnililttoti y nti rdny a it rrlflo xplotilou orrurird at tli liethokm iilinl coiuiniiiyfi plant ihk italtlmoro juttnlpy jnornluir tli tiunpuny will not rovoal tlio oxtont t thu ilumag itev dnvld a molr of thorold be mines pastor of ht jumen methodist thunli hlinroo in nuri esston to ilov j h mr i tain who imes to kltrhonor motlioiuiit churrh tho governnimt ban provided 00 ioo for u- plant to produco funl frotn tile uliiuc of pmitim tianltatrliownn mid has takun uteps towanls dovolop- lnit tho peat boia of ontario tuhfldav aolto on the mount of olives has bien nurehiiscd for tho proposed jew- hih unlvenilty in jerusalem c v also president of the hell toephono co of canada lo danger ously 111 of pneumonia at hla homo in montreal wlniilpepojilo flnhorrn n havo sflnt an ultimatum to tho canada food board demanding an incrcaso in tho price of flab a man named palcguclk tried to umugglu wlilukoy flnnd x207 rlv rev nd mm j india baby carriage at windsor he soph garden mls- of tho methodist tho tjnited htatoa in htrutford uftor pplacopal church t havo arrived homo an absence of seven yearn to provido against futuro fuel nliort- nj brant funl ban introduced a bylaw setting tuiuio 26 000 to buy and sell eoal and purchase landu and equip ment thoro wns a largo incroaso of deaths in paris during march requiting from ptiaumonla tuicrluod to people taking rcfugo in rold collars during air raids threo now york presbyterian churches madison bquaro unlvoralty placo and old first hquare churcli nro to bu morgcil undor tho muno of i irul iveiihytcrlan church of now york city an angry dispute occurred at a nuotiutt jt hamilton conlrollera and hydro commlauloncru yeoterday city lngltxer graj caumntod tho cost of a pumping system would be jd4 mr t htowart said the cost would be j0 000 and alleged that thn city engl- nier w in lntcrciited in auotlier pro ject wednesday tiil calsary uprlng horse show is now being hold up until tho end of march 48 c00 jiuti mobile licenses havo boon ictiued during tho past wuck tho lo has droit on up on moot of tho great iakcs tribunals to hoar exemption claims of clous it men will atart to sit uhout april 20 guolph canvaancni for their patrio tic fund campaign collected fc 000 in 3 honrs yesterday tim introduction of tho man power bill was a lnrioiiod by a vote of 239 to ho in thosilrltliih houno tdrjmctrrlnx u the liberty loi htnry kchneldcr new nt to jail for ix mnu thn about coo olj lentoca under tho mili tary hirvlco act linvo boon founded up in itln jton dlatrict no 3 1 niplnjtcs of tho dominion texulo c ktniiiton havo been grunted an lucre aim nf iu pi r cent in wagco tho ohucrii yuurtors in tho hortl culturul building nt queen a park nt i mulct n were totally destroyed by fire tim farmers ohbs of north oxford will havo a cuiilkluto in tile hold next provincial election to contest the scat vncnttd by hon n w rowel l king georii nlgned a royal war rant providing that promotions to tho rank of tienerul in tlio british army ahull lto by solecuon instead of by seniority tho canadian heed purrhaslng com mfluionhas in transit for distribution in 1uitf m canada 300 000 bushels of hlfchgrado inspected seed oats to bo sold at not coat york waiter ytbrttlnyatft 1al imily had boer icecream wo have our parlor open every day now and wo intend to give au good servico ui poiulblo les craam bulk 30c a pint ice crm oricka 30o asoh cawbies our tju turd ay ft pedals fur tli is week will be as follows pure dultoracotch k raa- 60c lb for 33c chacolstas rag 40c lb for 23c durnt peanuts suaar coatod rag 40o lb for 23a haroldwues mill street t- acton take care of your telephone m any repairs to telephones are made necessary by careless handling i a telephone instrument hus more than a hundred parts and ia builtlikc a watch rough osage impairs its efficiency 9 help us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled labor by always hand ling your telephone carefully to avoid costly breakngesand repairs the bell telephone co of canada tmrnabmmmm ifnitn un mim en n ji isa j to aid you in brightening up your ttoom this spring congoleltm squares tlicao squares the coming in k favor they combine the nppcarancc of carpet squares ond the hnrd wearing surface of linoleum they run in circa ixll to 3x4 and in price from 5145 to 14j0 oil cloths in new and handsome designs and in all widthb per sq yd goc linoleums in block and floral designs in 0 and 12 ft widths per sq yd 90cv curtain materials bungalow nets aro more in demand this season than ever we are showing all the new patterns tn white and cream at 25c 35c 45c 50c and 60c per yd curtain scrims there 13 no irtatenal made that will give better satisfaction for the money than scnm3 will give good wear and easy to wash and do jip we have a big range to choose from in white and cream with hemstitched or fancy border good value at 20c 22c 25c and 35c per yd good values in tweeds we were fortunate in securing six pieces of tweeds suitable for coats odd skirts suits etc in browns greens and gray mixtures 54 ins wide special at 300 yd navy serges in light and dark navy 54 ins wide special at z25 yd cream serge in two makes special nt 75 silk popun dress goods we can give you extra good values m silk poplins in blacks grays blues greens nigger brown special at sl65 per yd black silks chiffon finest taffeta at 175 duchess satins at 2j0 pailcttc at 5l60 5l75 atfd 200 mill st wh bsll vox caoh wo anix ron lcos acton military noteo word luui been received that capt rev ii v d woodcock formerly rector of su judeo church oakville who went overseas an chaphun of the hhth battalion haa been wounded un w c waller haa received word from the acton boyo overaena atatlnf that they received the paxcela oent b her which were purchaaed wlth the proceed of the patriotic dance under her auaplcca pte c fletcher of tho 13th ilhrh- huidera who wu wounded with ahrap- tiol in tha leffa arrived tt hui homo at illlton hut woelc he was elvcn a nno reception and wua presented with a cold watch by the town the friend hero of pte william geo douglas received a measaoe admitted to lh fourth cuntirat hoi pltal at baalnratoke iranre on april 3rd wfth rupahot wound in tho left ehoulder lieut j il peacock muton who line been home on furlough owlofir to tho death of hi father ha received notice to report in emrland on the 2tb innt althouch he had been biven two month furlough the present biff offensive on the western front u no doubt tho reoaon of hi recall ileformcr llr arthur lynde teacher of elns- ihff from the hambourff ituoahxn con- oorvatory toronto teaches in acton each thursday from s 30 a m to 6 30 p in 08 spring term from april 2nd merges into tho summer term on july 2 in shaw business school toronto no vn- 3 lions hnter any day iroo cat opuo w h shaw pre the young mans best recommendation a savings account js more than a start towards financial independence it is a mark of character one of the strongest recommendationb isworlcufhugines3 that a young man can present in a mercrantebankpn nnbook showing a record of consistont savings a savings account may bo opened with 100 which ghows how highly we regard tho accounts of those who desire to save th mrchantsbank huldoflicolontronl of canada acton branch georgetown branch eltibllshad 1004 1 o shorey minasf- c w gkandy manaircr advertising is tlie motive power of all modern business the man who has a product that the people want and does not tell them about it is living in the sahara of his own barren life he is a derehet lost in the empty desert of his own ignor ance or f ohy the true function of advertising i to suggest rather than convince to leadrath er than to compel to inspire rather than to direct by creating through the domin ating idea used in the advertising other ideas in the mind of die reader that he or she will catalogue ab personal intimate opinions of the product and its value all advertising that suggests leads and in- spires is good advertising if it is insistent and consistent it niust bo productive advertising this is the elementary fundamental of all publihty tliat wins increasing sales the wallace the free press has the space to sell which will give you profitable pubucity fltta bernrnwntb the methodist church hcv t u l lar o a0 d p4tor oronjuo willow olrt sunday aphll m in a in am n i iitluiiul ketlowahllj jin alitor will priaoh nt hoth uie tmiriiltu iuij c vi iilnl liorvlron othangcng wclcomco good music dright service 1 un lay hrhool 2 30 p m evank kt mti ly ui rinti nilcnt found toiii iirooi with wiraeo nottinr i- u i ni iy iftvir at iiicr lhui oitlce timothy oced for 8xle a quantity ir i ooil dran timothy in i ul g 00 per huuhel n r lindsay il it il no 2 actcr- childs purse loot a hlli ri iinthir pumc contajn- ini u mm loll ir lull and nnvnnty nt hi i hum imtwuxn itunnouo utoro atiii uiul cruwiwin n corncm on tho t t it mllwuy i indcr will tlrlight lilll i irl hi nlurnlnit to vllst pvx3m ohli invtat10n3 or wcuutiii roooptlojul poxtleo ot oihor riiiirtioi pmp trcd and prlnt- frtiin knn now modfrn tyj on iuallty jiucni or canl at roaoon- o yrlcrn ul ttio 1 uci- illlss office actnn ont for saue a comploto lco crvarp outfit in mu table and chair nw foun tain q cylinder ga tub gl war lea eroim diahas clock alao agency for neilsons lcocrit1 will sell at snap apply to d c russell acton ont halton cream and butter co milton ont fol ir factory will bo rnth- cummendne early in aiiril wo thank our many ou torn era tor thiir pant putronaco and trust for cunt intuition und will nlwayit endeavor to fully mtlisfy our patron th wuiiboii will call on patrons rcfcxlarly ua in tho pout commencing early in april john irving mr 3b 0 muton onl notice to creditor n tho mattor of th eatau of john c nalon of tho vuuge of acton in tho county of hal ton farmer d- n tn ihy nlvcn purauant to mo sutut in that hohiilf tho1 all rniltrii if miy thuru bo and other jmithoiih tin vim claltnn analnst tha eu- tatu if john l nolbon into of the villaio of alton in tho county of lliiliou funui r who died on or about urn twonty fi urtl da of january 91w aro 4muirl tothl li p pr jvaul ir ihlver to tho undcfulinouttlio for uio lad in lcj ltrotr ir of the before tho llrat day iiui 1 if may u1h ttulr nnmcii uddrcsaes uml tull i irtljuljrii of their c loi ma luly vrrllliil un 1 tho imturo of thoi ihcurlllii of uny hold by them nnc uflcr tho aalil 1 imt day of may 291ir tho ii ild aumlnlulrujtrlx will proceod tw dlntrlliutu tin uuuctii of tho aald dtkiainud umiiiii th hruon entitled thlixtu huvlnj nhurd only to tho luihiu of uhlctt ijiu uluill then havo hud notlrt uml nho will not ho ilablo for any ptrt uf ttm uald entato to any l nion of who w claim who ohau not ttu n luivo had ntico a j mackinnon solicitor for tho admlnlotrntrbt- uaiod thin ktli day of april 1318 413 the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act nothu 1 1 lunliy civen that all reai- ilcnlii of at ton uro roqulrcd forthwith to lwti tholr oluru druioa yard i1l mytn wutor clonotu outbulldlnfftf and iiuii r promlaea and itmovn there from nil ilirt tiutnum and other buh- ntaiico which miy ondanccr tho public hultli and to h ivo tho iiomi completed by ilu tonth luy of may next on wldcti duy tin sanitary lnpctoc wfu i iimiim iii u a iuuml inhpcctlon anil furtlii r lal uotlco that the ooction of th iublk health act prohlblunn the kmiiiii of bojit boiwoon tho 15th of may un 1 tha lcth of november ox- ipi in p iu ut loout 70 feet from any lwrlilnj houm uud 0 feet from any i mi r lu tic with loom kept clear l ni imy mauling wtir and roijularly tiauuotl wll l mrlttly tuforced all culciiu aro larncatly rcqueatod u l p tin ir pruiiwcj uiiii utntly clean i ii i thoroughly dlulnfcrtcd tlpo jiynd3 ltuvoof tlio municipality a ton april g lfl 414 d d new wonderland friday april 12 ioixv ok thk emeus iii i number tifto t m olli ncftvork in a llyu pit mm with muo iu 111 umnnwr ti mlkii null iiatuilday april 13 i vry i irl u ur ui with ii muliliu uiul june cup- u i i 1 lul turriltn jn lw i urtj ulowlni u16 -alnirl- 11 11 ivy lu llrltluli wutlru tplbday april 16 1 jiunlti ut llui klbhunk r l gregory d- d actxin flour feed store kojttatt nobix limited for khd clover mammol h au alfa lucehni iimothy cokn coiin chop cuackcd corn low grade tlour rolled oats i tf u awbey nuudobr

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