tt writ mftttlaj b in 1 imqi rn i ow cl nm dtilutl llnwt ft tit i idhilx- uu o ifallah- 1 llhulit w u i iqo r llnajeltn f r ijjo dild mdmnnj ln nn l lll o tol on ii n i mrm 11 i i a 7uu uwkij at oyolpl oi tl erstlsy niorn iineoclnlxrlu 11117 ltarl si wl llo fillies i tl a isle siuuol i owsll m jmr of mrs t 1 m lecurtl lu jmw ofllii jmt lie rfoit jm rais tiiulthilay octobiitll 1017 editorial uotes tns indiafia el ontario in urantl coun cil at clmmotn near i oterboro so their uatinj credit for charocterulio loyalty oled down by largo majeruya reposal to ojfceisinptioii ftum trsiung under ti military service acl hut tl oy slso in a dloigjtj wsy mails en urje it tlotpuwl for tae franchise as o ril b withtiol f ai 1 ui woo by service la u tb dammo cabinet is unionclt reconstruction swl clianu ut a more ur ion momsnteas character tro ikm ujf offocu ed belero uio joenimont ross to the country for ft general election ur o c bellantino a proauaoab liberal of man trrjel has boen swero in as minister of pnhlia works and ur iin guthrie uhotsj member lor koatb wellington has httnmn solicitor general tnausaai gram in tha manufacturing of boor and spirits exoepb alcohol far muttl ttftn work will probably bo prohibited la cn some sucb action u expected to go tola enact almost immediately bach use af grain will bo nbopped t eooaerra the food supply tbo unilod suuj has pro- hi bl lest tbo use of grain in tbo manufacture of spirit but permits ths manafaotnro of boar ik la expected that the canadian law will lie much more drastic goinr oven bo tho extent of stepping pxoddctlon ef two par oenb boar tua vara given i y the elector of the ctby of qaebea of otor 1000 majority for prohibition waa a magnificent victory ft la more it u a certain icdez uiat toe proviqoo will abortly follow tbo atp taken by all tbo other province of uio ieminion fa the oatlawry of tbo bauiefol bqaor arafhc tbo roman cathollo chorea bo powerfal in tb provtaoo of qaeliec baa taken tnaao aflainb the liquor intereate and lhli la fiaonoe la largely roaponaiblo far uio iploadld victory in tlio cap lai city but week 0r h00 rural and urlan munlnl palitioa of qaeboo province bare voted for prohibition tujt oitaiuo in tbo paab too yoant ha peat 23 000 000 oa mral highways of which lean than one- oartar ramaloa aa a bended debt i tho information riven y tbo annual report of tho department of pnbuo niebwaya jot lasuwl today tbere tire only ai ooanuaa in ootano uiat are without county road aratema and two of t are commiued to tho early adop- tioa of roejl bntldlng ndlomea the report which thi year ui pro pared chiefly an an explanation of tha coanty rotuln aystei tntlowa uab yoarti road oooatructton aod oetlloeatha machinery of organization re quired oil well attivities near campbellville two car loads or machinory arrived in that village on saturday oil leases oh acton farms artivo ojiaralit tin f r tho eecuring of oil and jjoa in 11 county ha to now material iced two car loada of maohlnary arrivad atcmpljiilooi haturday aod drilling oeratlona livo cooitnancad tho pui i ucu ww l to campbell villa oa ioadajt to k particalars ef the inlereakink entorpruto mr ii il btnb bla a iesenpnoel driller in the amnncan oil i cl in in on uio pound oujorln tending the toutallauoii of tlu drilling apparatua aud will 1 avo charge of uio operation the tiouumi oil aod lafl co of toronto are tho proapectoni in u ia eoction tlu qiiit well ia located on tho ouelpb itoad about twu milea from campbell villa oil leaeoa i avo boen aocarotl lor a good many mlloe in ell diioctiona iti expected lhat operation on a well at orowaoojj corners will bo commenoed very elprtly by uio aame company ageuta wore in acton and vicinity last wook aacunng loeace on local farms aed it ia very 1 kely that walla will bo drilled here in tho near fuknro if those at preeonl being proapoctod are foand to bo auooeeaial last of tije local fall fa1bs ooorgfitown and uackwood last hold successful shows niltort yestehday ehih to-u0h- now oaorgeiown aod rookweod pall itaira had fairly food weather on tnnrwday and friday of laab week lb waa bo wo vex rather cool for atandtng aroand and the at toad nee at neither waa above the aver tke georgetown fair had many uno ox hiklts tho ball preeonud an exceedingly uno appoaranoo- the ahowlng of roobe was a great contreeb over thab of laat year whllo that of ftpploe and other fmlb waa much 1 totter than waa looked for the ladiee departmonta wore well flood and had many aitrrctivo faatarea the ontside ehew waa alao good there waa a fine lob of horeea entered thongh it moat be admitted thai thu fair like others u ahowin the oqoct of uio greab inflax of antomabiloa oa the farm tho aame atten uon aa in uio paat u nob paid to tha fitting of anlmalaof rtomealassea for ozhlbtueo par poeea tbero were nerertoe u n amber of very floo single and aoabio tnrnoota in carriage and rwulater c tha ahoving of cattle waa good and that of hoga ahoop and pool try very creditable tho 20th riattalloo band dlaoonraed nwoob muaio dnnng the eiternoon hhjtary notes iwtcra have been rocolved by tha friend i hero telling of the eafo arrival ef capt terranoe board moro and huj draft oi forepterb with other ovoraeaa coolingenl on tho loth september a letter reooivec on saturday from pte harold savill gives terestlng partlculara of tho journey over when near england a oerman bohraarino att uio convoy which accompanied the tramporte the eubmanoe waa 4a nk amid tha rajoiciny of uio ooldiers the ojhoara and man of tho apecial dreib went examined ahoruy after reaching qamp and pto savill reports uiab both capt beard more and hi mud panaed wttb a perfect bill of health and gt for uio treochea pihst call to military sehvice evary hon must report or olalm exemption bynovombar 10th ottawa oct 0 tho firat men drafted under tho military service aot will nob actnally be coiled to the colore ui dec 10th tho date has been fixed to place all taaa calltd on an abaolnto baau of equality by ulan all exompuon tribunau mutt have thahr work oompletod aod the man who applies far exemption will uioa gain time as compared with tho man who roporte for eervjpo wi tonkin ny nrh oitti there- will be no poea bihty of claiming xemption for uio purpoao of douy the proclamation which will be publlah ed broad eat 00 saturday rilling out tho first class of men providoe that every man within the dan called out majj cither report for eervioo or claim ri eisjjtioti on or boforo hav loui biff auction salo it o t h yards mr h 0 curi or oeorgetown will ell two cars of flioico atock i btockera milknra spnegors and jo breod log ewes at the grand trunk stock yard acton october 13th uonj 1 etch auc tioneer horses prightonod by automobllo on saturday mr chaa vallanco ami mias ilalla manaoa were driving- up u u second lino coming to acton lnwi tboy mat a moloriat from rton the tnutor oar frightened the horaoa au 1 thoy 1kiu d the democrat waa upeotand olua manaoa was rendered uucouaciou when throwu ouk the tongue waa broken and a baakat of ogga smaahaj tbs inuupt kiudly oonueyed uiaa menaou to hor ho uo uu uk town lino 8 bo hat rocoverod fro u l la mishap with the oiooptlon of a e w paiu lul bmiaoo eobflrt wilsons farm at victoria goes to downavlow mun mr john durston of lxif uaviu baa pu rchased 110 acre ab victoria chii a ooasy kownihip balougiug to ic k vyil son sale was made by j a willougbby georgetown out hock wood ahew aaffared from ahoworn in the forenoon and will bavo a aat claim from the rain inauranco fund of uio pro vince the people turned oat in goodly umber and enjoyed the exoollont fair tho hall exhibit were oxoellont bat in tome classes tho ootriee were not op to uio usual largo nn m ber thooulinary depart- meat was well nopreeentod and tho lady oxhlbitara of broad pastry batter canned fruits etc deserved tho no moron rod ticket they aecured the showing of roots and vegetables was admirable and the fraib classes had boiqs fine exhibits the year being considered tbo entries oi horses was good and the horse ring had bir crowds all tho afternoon there was a very floe exhibit of cattle- thi called forth the admiration oi all who enjoy viewing tho splendid stock far which this section is faxooos there was also a good showing of ehsop and piffs and tbo poultry exhibit waa the beab for years a highly attractive feature was the musical nd and roaaocavsring of tho 01th battery which cams from guelph for the day this was an attraction which all visitors appreciated gualph musical society band furnished tho mueio the official of uio society this year are to bo congratulated on their splendid fair under somewhat discouraging conditions they are president b n nelson 1 let viooprea a f aifld 2nd viooprea j store l secretary treasurer 3uhn gib- cphpodal peed wright gaiseb inasorloua condition tn a unitary hospital in franco mj john stalker rtjoaivod tl e foil wing 0 ui from uio u eplain t o 10 of the mill tary boej ital in jfraao en tucwlay fj i v itraaco jud bept 1017 dear friend i greatly regret to inform you thatoorii 1 red wright 11 1h7 fpurui canaiian hat tali on has boen admitted to this hospital having bean gassed us is very unwell but wo axo hopeful ypa will be informed should any serious change tako place yours trulfr a ej tiakhtoif chaplain corp fred wright leu acton wiut uio qraconungnt io august 101a lie ha bad a wonderful career b um front ami es caped fnm soy serloua casualty until he was gassed last month archdokin buys farm at hayncld mr james archdokin of chinagusoousy tewnship has purchased 100 acres mi may oald belonging to the gidan heist a halo tmads by j a willoilghby oorge- towa oab i vrhyhht creainnaeiry i piyintf 44 cts for ilutt r i a urino you it cki am to us iticbc t cream tests la i wock vfmuccullo rb 3 h near 35 wonro jmyinf the lushct cash pneo fr i ivn poullty rubinoff acton creamery i 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 f i itpkysto i i smop at this stouse i x v y our assortment is large arid prices moderate rheumatism arrested manypcoplc iuilcr with umc iuuicj and sliitcncd joints becjuc blood impqrities have invaded the av teju and caused ilieumatisin to arrest rheumatism it is quitt oj important to improve your yenersi health us to purify your blood and ths cod jiver oil ui scott a lniuumn ii natures ft cat blood mukcr while its medic 111 1 nourishment tieoj iluus thr organ to 1 xpcl the iinjmiilic md upbuild yttir tttrcnth 1 1 it k lltlu lic luiwii i ul tho hellis farm goes to johnson mr william j johnston of toronto has purchased luo acres beloufiog to mr smith b nellt crewsona comers salo waa made by j a willeugbby ueorgo- town onl preserved pears are ii economical 3l everybody likes prebcrved pears because tffljey retain bo much of the refreshing i quality of the raw fruit owing tol the absence of sharp acid they can ble preserved in light syrup with excellent results 3l pears this year lantic sug good aud may be abundant d the tenpound sack of ill preserve a fine supply use fans mgjsir 11 preserving of ilh jrity fine groiiulu- gt the uoix and high sweetening power nl 5 pound carionu 20 and 100lb badul uavo you sioii f10 lantic i ibrury tfcitkj licw cook itix k uu iltrviuji coke and candie u d ir-ru- srut free f t a hed ball tradomark cut fruui sack ur fru f rt panel of a inxo carton look to the future times may ciiaawuad wurk becoma lcu plentiful for you with udvuncod years and yn will have uu tucb help nuywheru a- iuf uito little low hniidroddollarb tuvcd in wmo tuuu 1 cntu liuii uuuk itoklnnow wlojfinly one dollav mnko a hobby i it sea how tar behind you cciio 1 bio uu 1 jlart 1 uuesi auvo all uiiui3 do jiot look bujkivurd 111 your run to tho hurlhir c 333 bnuichr- dr ul plant ottomutblst oftilli ttratvt9u ixo la georgetown ontario will bo ui ac ton t mr a t brown ijrut tore uu iriduy 1 f each wook for tho cjtumiiiulion touting and 1rou to 130 p want yourjiomt- comfortably heated blow ovcrholt t tho alton muuiiuo bhop ure- uihl ttta o exiicrieiim in lmtullik oi wa11 it iii alint bybtl ub tliey uro 1 rcjiarod to givo i turea tuf iv hot water bystcm you iuy prefer citlici in town or country itioy uro expert btcuiu littcrs aud will ovcrtiuul aud repair uny atcaiu or walcr i ipca which aro out of older h avo you heating syalom iupcctod uow bcioro cold weather acta lu co mo lu uiul bavo u talk over heating uiuttcru anyhow manager szssss4ssssl blow overholt main tjtrewt abton ont s ror sale e3qt3t3qntl 107 acres nassagaweya tuwnslilp acfton j uiilci murray arm jjruc 400 70 acres fcrin townslilpr ilallinafad j mile price i00 uu acres lranidsa township koclcwotid i mile pojcsbion at onoc prict 6500 iu8 acres lrin township mcdouall farm price sj 01 acres arlimeliouse csflucslnjf towuslnp known a the arthurs farm price 1000 i 200 acres acton 4 miles gibbon farm price 8000 0t363e3hq r j a willoughby georgetown ontario hosiery that challenges comparison ladic plain black cijiimere ho with seamless lect kngll ii make sisc 81 2 rj q 13 jid 10 spcci j at co pur heavy all wool worsted hose mid of fine oft yirn it tir ind jood fittinf e imle foot worth 1 00 special it 75 i ine ixi ribbed cashmere hose all pure cvhmcrc oft fini h ie 6 at co 6 x2 at ms 7 it 70 7 1 j 75 8 at 80 8 12 9 9 1 2 and 10 at si 00 per pair special values in mens socks men heather mixture worsted it 25 men black cahmere british make 50 mens hlick worsted at co and 75 yarn for soldiers socks 10 spindle of patonia scotch ilngering yarn in lipht and dark fjray 1 lb skeih 45 black velvet suitings essse manficlus and turnbulls underwear for men i lit rt i- no better und r weir mule thin the e two make 1 whc tlu r you buy iroin u or not be ur to 1 t ither st mlieldi or turn bull you will in ike no mi take w h ivi in tock stinfulds hirts uid dr iwer it si 50 200 ind 2 25 eieh iurnbull it si 25 175 2 00 ind2 50eieh i turnbulls underwear for ladles misses and children when we sell you thi m ike of underwear we think we rrc ellin you the b st on tile m irkct to d ly lvery armerit ij uir ujteed to give ood wear the viluej taking everything into con- adention are food ladies vests anddriwerat 40 co 75 and si mi se ve ts and drnvcr at 30 40 50 co and 75 childrens vests and dr iw r it 2530 35 40 50 co g5 md 75 y i t y v y y x goimway mclissia mdl street wm sell iron oasis usb bell voll lbu9 acton co w fin aciectcd under the military service act will receive tho same pay as thoao now on actrvo bervico receive pay will art from tho time a man reporta for duty money from the patriotic fund and separ anon allowance will also be available for selected men- canadian soldiers are well paid the fact that wages in canada are generally higher uian those paid in europe is recogni zed in the system of remuneration for men on active service clothing and all equipment in addition to food is also supplied to tho canadian soldier leaving turn with no expense except personal incidentals the rat of pay for men in the canadian expeditionary force other hup commissioned oihcers is as follows wtmnl otlksn v 200 cwiiunul s eius 1 bh wuiui o qunan ta gmajtl 1 bo ontxtr itooi cl vj 1 o 00ly itoom s lo pay stfnl ijio sj uu oc uuu i co coltfiuafcaai lul au j 1 m svj uu- 1 c j u i lo 5ui ijii abtji tke case of those already jjone overseas separation allowances will bo available for those dependent for livelihood upon selected men tho separation allowance is 20 00 per month for tho rank and file 25 00 for ffexgents and staff uerceaihs and 53000 w warrant ofhtcrs tlio expenence is that many men can afford to assign half their pay to dependents in addition a considerable number of men who imvo enlisted in the canadian forces have found themselves better off under the army rate of pay which is granted in addi to board lodging clothing equipment transportation etc than they were while in civilian positions thnr wants are provided for and they receivo a steady addition to the bank account cadi month th m sarvtc coctnod mummsfsm ihmiwwg jljrlu aobrrtiscinriits tjljr llrtljooiit 0 inn cii rton ii v 1 ianai itoltcji v a ii ij 1 tiivtivleu onto 1 f u 11 i ji f ol h 1 7 i 11 4 1 9jl v 1 1 uik iii luoll 1 i i 1 i tt r i i m u a wilcuuic ioii ai i oxfoid down mm p iornlo o lll la tol 7 a la 1 itli i 1 u t r iu at lr l 1 i a ill hi im x 1u11 t monky ioiini i 1 jlbu a p j amy of cyw 11 ant v i l 1 u ornca horlnj lost k iuii in i luit imjji vi jr a willi imbln s in nvun i- ti ou n i h0jimc and miy i rroit qald c100i hire 1 ut v ui rn i1 l x uu ifdr llrol i uev i i lu 0 olasa coo llu u iii all l tjull r ui apll to i a wolllll u t0rk j10 it nt niiatu n nllnu ur t tl r i i u 1 r ii lilt k will lut iis inn ii i em s t 1 u c full i ludlfi j il hui viul1 i i ii ii mrl i yiji rani kxl t ii i u jo it foourtoa joii 1 y au i 1 it jauui kf attiilwh hmiimih any program of any aort by any artists you choose is yours the in stant you want it if you own a columlbia grafonola the artists themtelvca absolutely to tlio last mtimato touch and inflection ao there in personality tlhxnigh they may bo absent in person 1fho rich round full tone of tho grafonoln u reality itself hcannij u behcving hear the graf onoln today wo hnvo many styles from 21 to 475 on cy terras if desired smppiflig ferries ex millin i wholoado commbsion merchants nockwoou and afjton arc in the i urnipbu 1 ness it acton ij u ml iritl will continue per manently ilihe t i i ii price j ud for my qu mtity offjood tu ilny turnip delivered at acton t i lolf notic6 a j present prices for electric light lamps wat aii irx 45c nlk 1 6 w at 1 io iidr ilctari in u clii djqo rlo ubovo i lay 1m oljt 11 c i at tho ii h ri lv1 iivni1s i charj j f r iu electric lit ill h u in ill so onlhly izzszv- ivsvs 3 j fsh fish special i oh friday irch iluldocu lr i am frch caijlu i i h 1 lreia ircli c 1 ua hi u 1 li 1 vt fttnh j stal ir krc h u r l 1 1 1 l 1 a s 1 itjh cai uuh t 1z ll man had 1 11 mil- a 1 1 1 irjl lla 11 1 1 11 ii 1 s j staofflr fi till dbialleh ac for sale by c c speight acton p new wonderland i fhioav ooioulihil wild and i in ii nomi a woolly lalllllamk hatuhdav oerroumiiia uo wl 1 wilh 1 oilcoti or tuuhdav ncroumi lo i h 1 u i i lll al 1 ulo co i a w tli ilalll al iii slowaie ou1ni allla lalt la tho 111 1 hllii la r l gregory d ihiimtllklffi highlands of ontario canada ihid ttuotu oi tills mcd duell atiptim raooais ilm n 1 in i1 1 lv w v ul i i n i wrutli t 1 iiv i i n v i la 11 n veil wr isth intli ivt lit ut tl o nurtl ll d kliiyia i lluari lu uidiu liniut ii ilo i aiaioii li from n iv mlku ia i n iviiiilr loth uiuia iv willof reap i 1 la u laklho llltinjat villi aillai k ii k k lit lnmtli k i u u to o 1 lljnilu ui i stth i iot out i h s hoima agent aqton phono no 13 ih i wssawwisfssbs