tfriw tnti jtr llrrss riiuuwm hi ni uu u mitt mi manly man iron ihi iml hi tr nlflu tlio w or 1 1 inv i wmi fur ilin munly man wlili tl ii djiliit of in inly ilimir i 3 lie wrl i dilhdmi in llni nmii wlio million ultitii lil i i tin loop iwitk ilin uuir t it invcw tlm nun uli when lhlitpi u wninit ti lull i hi plmunul bund with itln acu to lliu llultt tuul m oytwi to tho ukiii mil toll u llh a willing imtul tlio tunuly nuin is tlio oaiiutry u tiad owl tlio iiioiiioiiiu iihki forsooth willi u heart lliat imuw to tlio piihilntf tread of tlm ulllwl ioauiieu of truth t the world t 111 nml it woltu for lilm and il icnm ui hour tlio riny of tlio mown lib striken and tlio wheelu iws turna and tlio haimnora ho dares to hwllllf i it hiiim tlm forward look in hla food tho pnluo of litu nnlila hnad and the onward lunge ni hla tlreloui will ml ilionwaop 0 liia dauntlbiin tread hurrah for tho manly man who oumoswith unllnhtonhufkoo andthotiriifth to do and tlta will to dare and tlio eouriijfo to tliil liln ptnco i the world daliuhtu in ilia manly man and tlta weak and evil ilea wonth manly man tfooa forth to hold ida own on land or ma i ib magic bakinpowlw wkaht pho the ibtouiml wealhtr ilurnau liua rumf u au ono it a ilia word sinoy and it iiioaiiu nmoka anil fojf tlie huraau expluiiu that ry frequently tliera ur tlmo- when tliu mixture in uuraut in tlio atmosphere and it consider le new word a urtuit i iii la ida oryuoll nmn let it lie hut why end tlio lete oall u inixturo of ano anil nwid umuil a niwluro of minw and ioot uiioot and u mm lure of enow ami lull hum ii hum w niljrbt haw a weather foroouitt vhiall to day turning to suaol loiitu lit t to morrow stuojftfv with niuud danoeh prom li0i1thim0 ohio reporta tl thundar atorm hut year i and 2 deaths resulting them from vrcua an invmtludtlon hilo at umlaut clrouhi stanoe tli fallowing auggeatlons are sent out hy the htato agricultural colusa a worthy of atuntloil during elaotrlc storms i ltd not ufo to hlaiul in doorway 2 it is not safe to bland iwar a atove 3 do not bland near cattle llo not stand near wlro fancfit in ooniufiuon with tbli latur caution it ahauld lanatad that m ior oont of eatu kltuj hy utfhtnlnir wera htruck whad ktahdlno itar wire fane it u tolhla to lout pro loot loo from this danor hy run liifi wlw into tlm ground from tit ftnee vry uirva or four rod another fact dluloksd la tint a hulldintf liroirly roildfid la not so likely to 1m ittruek of ut4 fll flr in ona yaar rviultlnn frotji lightning only ana of uio huiulrad of tlj lumdhulminga wan properly roddl or luul any rod at all thla evhlano la furthar auppartad hy tlta rtijiart of an huuhhoi company which mantlona t-todo- 000 tlaki on fir liuurauoe aivd not a alngu lou front holuinaa proptrly rothlwl when using wilsons fly pads ivjaqy troubles flrho fron mfroiie jlcliei of the uver xjnumd th 11vr 1 working prpfly you may look forward to a great inany trouldto arlilnif nucli ai lllkiuiiiim coa ttipalloii licarthum tlio ruin aaj ourhig of food which leaves a liflkty taste lit the mouth tick bea4lch jauudlce etc mr howard newcoititi pufuatit hor- ho nb writes i hav had sick heoiuclu un hilloui tuid hav bad palm nter callnc and was also troubled with a had taite in tny mouth every taartilat i uud four vlala of your mllbuma lava liver pilli arul they cured mc the best pralu i can ulv u not enough for them milbum a laxa liver pill are 2fle per vial o vial fnr ft 00 at all tkaum v mailed direct oti receipt of price hy the t miluiiru co utniuj tofoato oot blackmail juiimr wliate tlio matur old maul you look uorrud biucar i tiavd cautui to i lave eubohdd a man to trow my jukllr quiutar wall wlat tha trouhta hunt ba hn uoooffult ulnur suooftuful i i thoiild uy te hu i im laying him hutji monay 8wot and pautaula mothar uhvh worta kxteroilnator ia aooapuhu to child- rn and it do it work oujy and prompt sa eao 10 dincctions cahecuilv af r the ejtactlv a uaojio can diipoaa of hla trouhla far cotuldaratlon la a uniua phja make noma paopla rldlouloua aad pttvnu otliara from hecomlng to ualiaf la ths hfllnblng of all knowledge chajfiwek children cry for fletchers oastori a unity of oamuaad it a flrt nftoaaalty of wot napalaon tba titlng time la witli ua at all tioua w btawart royaton it la hftuor to flghb for uio good than kllabtlu ul tannyaon her baby had dysentery had two deettt n httutt wm euito iv me uu or dr fowlers extract el wild tbvttbtnyi in dyocntcry the tlucbotwes ftota tlta howetn follow each other with rat rapidity ami aometlmea hecobtii mixed with blood never neglect what at fint appears to be a ulliiht attack of diarrhoea or dyitti- cry will surely act in cure the first vmplomi hy tlic ue of pr vomut liittract of wild blrowherry mra martin varralier dacbetiy cor- tter ni writea i can very atroeuly recontmeud dr powlcra imnxt of wiid strawberry for dyuiitery and uomaa complaint my llttlo sir at ute ue of two ycaw hud tho dyutiury wry bad wc lud two doctor but with no rult my mother broutjht me a bottle of d fowwa and when half the bottle was ttkd the little girl waa ninnin around phtylnie with her dolls with gfeat dllhc iad joy to the family f or we did sat thluk ahe would ever get better tutrt or a numhtr of puparatloua oa the waritft today claiming to be the fwe u dr vowuf ilxtroct of wud strawberry and alto called tlmlkr turns no aa to fool the public into think- in they are fitting the genuine ujjss l mnufaculiwi only by the tmllbumco limited toronto out se that their name u on the wrapper w wee 38 centk was weak and run down eolli i0t stnii the ueot exciteheir wheu one gets weak and run down the heart liexomea affected the uerwa become uiutnins and the least cxdu rnent causea a feeling of utter uautude what la needed iu to build up the heart aad strengthen the shaky nerves by the uie of such a medicine oa milbuma heart and nerve rills mrs jf a williama tiuicabmrg out writes i cannot apeak too highly of millumis heart and nerve rills x suffered greatly with ray turvts and waa so weak and run down i could not stand the least excitement of any kind 1 believe your heart and nerve pills to lie a valuable remedy for all tufferera from nervous trouble milhums heart and nerve pj1u are aoc per boa 3 irxcn for ii 25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t milbum co limited toronto out walked imto heat ul fourteen years ago two phytjclani of ninahaanpton n v told a eltixen of that oily that ha had only a year to live i sine that tma he has attended tlta funeral of both and now boa posted his ninetieth birthday i juh mode up my raliul to fool thou he soy i just started walking the arab two months i managed to nuke about two miles a day now unless the weather is bad i seldom go hue than ten miles and i have often walked as tnueh as twenty i use neither tohsooo nor itlmuunte took um raisowm a story la told of a ilrltuh midler u iujgluu iliaoalonel observing him one htornlug wending hla way to oftmp with a am rooster in hla arms ktonp him to knew if be lud been sibling ehlokene ho ooloue was the reply i i just asw the old fellow sitting on the wall and i ordered him to crow for england bn be wouldnt w i just took him prisoner children cry rod fletchers castoria uryodayb rictiom ifowa uie story you are writing get ting along uobhle t vine i justnow theres an awful storm am every one aboard is afraid the boatll go to the ton you mean totlie botlon no i dont i thla boats a submarine won vaue on lie usrltu the unbound ed popularity tliat dr thorn koleotrlo oil is not attributable to any elaborate advertising for it lias not been so adver tised bub l entirely due to the merits of this oil o a medicine in every oity town and hamlet in the country it laooughb after solely beoaueeof la good qualities children dry for fletchers c mavkjt ov the uttumauhlj o give us yellow fever t ttlve us tun- barntaoorfirowni let us turn sea oreen with envy or with mnkyedratrusdown buek in the fane with fury or white from draad disease i give us lnrphi eyes from ngfatlne or a hed pwboseu pleowi let us du ilka oorporel violet or any fate you ohoosegivo us any local oolor but lord save us from the htuss caili let bend dews osheeaaalolbaelneln mr j a luhlnleckl dauphin man writes it u my pleasure to write you in regard to deans kidney plus which i havn been lithig for some time for kidney trouble which used to affect tny back oo that at times i could not bend down nor could i walk straight i learn ed aliout your pills from your almanac nnd i bless the happy hour x thought of buying thla medicine one time a druggist persuaded me to buy a kidney rills saying they were just as good in fact be guaranteed they were x yielded to his advice and what was the result x had bearing down pains in toy back for two days so i took uie babuion of the pills unused to the druggist and told him tor give me enatis kidney 1111 as they would stop the pain in la hours at the outside iln told me he waa aorry x did not use more of the pllla utd lengthen the time to await results x told him thera la no need of waiting with deans wis they go right to the pot no xuhttltlila for ine doanit kidney pills nrc wc n box 9 box for 912a at ul dealers or mailed direct od receipt of price by the t milbum co limited toronto out wheiiorderliiifdiiirtrrttlfy dnanv rrwaa about time ono mniilnji th young mlnktor who hud imnitod riillmr utlritcled y hlnter oraoo vtn dining with the himlly iltll hilor u ulklng rully wlion the vullor hum uuut to uuk tho llouliig turnluktn the ohlld ha said in u loin of mild rc roof t luiirii i nin going to uak yrnw well itu ulioiit time attuwcnwl uttlo hiul hi au equally reproving tour weve heen enmictng you to do lb for a voar and bha hau too castoria for knfanta and childrea in if ao for ovr 30 yaara lia it now imsonlsra of the dilutive npurahih vhotild be lualt with at onoe he foreoomphcatloiia uriie t hnt may lie djl onlttoonpe with the mircht remedy to till end hiui one that la within rnacliof all in parmntoaa eguljia pilu the lmt ltxatlvoduduftilatlia on the markst iki nob delay hut try thstn now one trial will eouvluoo anyone that they are the boat htotnach retfulator that can lie got there may lie other corn cures hut lloltoway a lara cure uanda at the hud of the list so fur as result are oonoerned children cry for fletchers castoria tlio iclnd yoti liavo always ouonglit nnd wlilrli lintf insea in ue for over sio yem liau xtorno tlta niirnuturo of j0 al how boon liintlo under liu pr- lp ix-jsvyvrj- ionnl auporvlalon blnco ytu infancy wvvct allotvnooiiotodricolvo ymilntlils all coantorf olte xmltatlonm aiul uro but asxperimenta tlint trifle with and cndurijfcr ilia liriiltli at mnuuni and cliudaon atxporlonoo uuulnut uxpcrluient what is castoria ooalorlnv xa a hnrmlcaw anbatuuto for cnator oh kaiw boric 4roph nid hoo til trig- hjrupn xt iu nloaaant its oon talon neltlior onlum morithliio kior rtthcr karootlo habatanoo it affo itu cuuruntoo it doultoyw worma j nllayn xoverrahnouu xor mor than thirty yrar it km boon la onatakit nnd for tho relief of oonntlpailon flataloncyv aviud oallo all teotlilnft troublcat and idlarrhoiui it toirnintm thfi utotnaclt and lxowla suuriuiuatets tlio jvoml ulvlntf in althy nnd natural kleen the children e mothort xmetui genuine castoria always bears tho signature of wbharssssjsj made cana empire w typewriter sivci jou ftjo to 6o 1 xy before you buy it our ex pence most men reckon time by pay daya if uie play u a frot ute audunoe soon sella away uridas with sour dupoilttons are apt to spoil honeymoons the toius of a millionaire nuy lie im iwlsooed in psupsva uir uany a man who is good has a sad look in use for over 30 years tho kind you hvo alwaya bouqht empire typewriter co is aduid st umt roiionro okt till oram trunk railway i a tl qic ma ie ii tiia1ma 1 i ii u ml rfllmif nt which tambr nnanaannnaciddr 3g rain actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done a lvhopping s b well done and j quickly at only s i s 5 cents jj b per ba il a j 5 harris iv co limits j g kockwood ont wponanoaaaapdadst robt noble ltd b f caldwell actom ont praprletoi m wwwn what the jim siege guns teach these diagrams of a modern siege gun and the three differ ent types of automobile engine valves in general use clearly reveal the logic of the valveinhead principle in automobile construction vttaromlhl4 en will akaat ieivwjusu sum ths a- samba i m airaiif 4 thai all the tmerims giants of power the mclaughlin valveinhead motor ia bmt th m etiainwrinb principia 08 the au- eun n principle ai fixed and urchangeablo as tho laws of gravity it develops from 15 to 20 f moro power than any other typn of motor that means power plenty to use and plenty in reserve mclaughlin valveinhead six cylinder l io steady vibrationioso with abundant j in roservo for contingencies and expresses its hlaliest efficiency in io seven maffnlacent 1016 mclaughlin motlols overy ona a sin powor ls the an auomoblic rho motor which rtnoratoi the power is tho most expensive einglo factor in th construction of an a itomobllo roprosuntinr onuquarter of the cost of tha finlshod product and in point of service posslblluks and kino il lathfactior it rcproaunto uaarly 73j of on automoblloa value thareforo your doclslon of iho choice of n car jhoul i h lurftoly roverned by the proven merits of its motor jhs huston 7uulton hg6nt tlgrlu carkiace co n lv v head office factories w ljlff head office factories o s h awaontario tty wihhimk man mantresl que london onl haikotoon ssik lddwnlen alts vancouvtr dc ims beautiful and roomy pssner tonrina car 1m evundsr 3dss lit cantdever aptlmta full rear ttkle valvelnhead meter beloo feystem electric lltbtincsterdnfsuid isnltlotw 1304a wheelbom price 2150 fo oshawa 1916 models dbfmspasserursr tourlns 30s3 iip 1085 d4s spaasanffar touiliur 4043 ilp canlilsver eptmcs 1385 d44 runabout same chasola aw d4 1325 dm uunsbout tuune chassle as above 2125 illca kob miw every one a six and every one with valveinhead motor i flour plymouth bindeb twine gold mclil sikir hhtar qrmii bluat j l warren fresh groceries nlw ralulnn new urrania i uitcu nlw nnto new itcu kow bpicoa kin ltnolof confdotlonewf i ln1 chui lino if 1 anty cnkta and paitrj 1 rlsii oiury day toood 1ft ats llnn bacon with tho hoiiil iill lluor ii rt id uid othor foods delivered prompt i dilly j r livingstone buooebsof to m b rich hill stieet asjtoa boots shoes etjbbbrs sf jcf2tl wmftijffi32fca all linos 0 footwear at right prlcos all men a rubbers at bargain prices w witjliams mill street acton rct0n and bus liw hnvlnp purclmiod tlio l ivory ilthllllh mid pooiitvll of tilt 1 white if tho lale john wllllasss i respectfully solicit tho nntron- nffti of tho public comfortable nun will nlwnys ho mipplkd at rcnatiimblo charpen ior tlm preicn t ur osorae hall wlio linn ltad the mnnae mettt of tlio htitblen tho past year will omtlmiu in charge iiowlll nlwnyu lio round courteoun and 0bllrlk uuu mbstta aixtflalnh ambrose mccann m st acton on at en jpromptiys n all mnnlriris ask tbroar idvtbjilt vfhldi wlu be mahiom mahi0 hwrrnibsicacll