Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1911, p. 3

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headquarters weddlaf and birthday presents solid sliver tea and colte spoon hu h col tufca llerry liovdi suctr and lram r7 florer silverware- h7 hum isnnled hloa weddloa kiwi mahkiacim ugrnata issued geo hynbs aoton ontahio fall term opcns august 28lh sss toronto ontjimo tdf wlleoal a npnlcii real estate ey t loaa at lowcat raui or latere rabbmbctf uuvui far cateai dweltlayc aaai tker tttrty id all part of tn lawn w fcuv every facility far trajuwctlajc r atauilarsn te your coaaplete aatufactlon j a willouchby t1iuuhday amihht ivlii lull brief local items vry welcome luiwrii foil oil weak again toronto mi fair op n next wew saturday jolli lnt acton school will re open tuesday 6th september melbodlat hunday bchool plo nlo to warren lark tomorrow dr ltobrton of milton ha boon appointor returning officer fur helton lor lb approaching dominion election a garden party will l held at the home of ur drank kayer naira- woya ibl evening a large mi m bar of acton people will a tie 111 about forty member of the indira aid society or the methodul ohurrh had a ry enjoyable pic lilci irk mr lynda grov laat wednesday after- fred uaaalrji hail i wo finger of bt left band painfully crushed in a truck at the tan nary on tuesday ha will taka holiday for a week or u a a result ph provincial volunteer fire men demonstration hi llrampton laal weak wa a treat aucce there were 3000 person at ihe park on wedne day afternoon the report have been rocolved wa are well pleased with thorn olad wa gave the kk 1ukwh our work i enclose pol omc order for idiil c i norval tbe warren istrk lot r going oft rapidly they bav only liecn ou tba market two week and it j uc nabb tba agent report oneriuerler of taent already old uuelph city council haa ted a bylaw to disqualify any elector from voting at municipal elaollona who haa not paid his taxea on or lieforo oie 1 1 hi day of december preceding tba roof u on the addition to thai public echonl and thn carpenter have finished their work inside ready for the plaatarafa tba two now rournashuuhl ba ready hy opening ll mo oak villa htar j the tender of anmlllua jarvl jl co toronto if h00ii tor soo000 four par cent good road debenture waa accepted by thn county council laat weak liter were seven lower taudana por being drunk while ou the pro hlblled hat oeo uussoll pleaded guilty in polio court thlw utoriilii and waa convicted and hod j10 and cotu quelpb herald umrk appear to tt rtlny a t wam r aa of yotv bportsortlh watkk tba actou ktootltall club playl a taadi repreaaolltih the pink of liirlph on saturday itfieruoou in thu pavk hara tbe early part of the iauin avaa vary avenly ronleale 1ml before thnn waa up 111 the aacond half acloi play- 4 a4 pretty well over their ilillor tho aoora waa 2 0 in favor r anion thn dub baa the fine record of 1h koaltf to 7 for the aeaaou mid have loal hut one i iiahullal1 the brat baaehall match ouulde thn town league waa played in the park here on monday arternoon with krlna crack tatn the game waa an t cit ing one throughout liirin lad with a core of til until the fourth innluga when with the liaaaa full jake lhuter did the thn jordan blunt knocking out a homor attd tying the acure through an unfortunate error in the elgbtb krin acorvd twice and held upremacy acton bcored again in the ninth hill the flnatxwre waa 7 ci in krlna favor krin battel i p wt m mokeague p oar butt p acton ltv v o hurrell p laird and clark a ii alattbewa krlu waa umpire a game it lelng arranged for hatur- day aftarnoon with one of luelpha faat teaitia ijtwn imiwlind two rink of bowlera uatne froii krin in ftuloa on kriday aflernoou for a rriendly game acton wnii with tli following murn aais wrrov dr geer jim llohnee akip a kip la 1 p buah a j uacklnnou kip m akip 3tt 41 m two rink enjoyed a lullghtful drive tfc erin and had a very pleaaanl gatnn with erin on monday afternoon at tba o ofabo game the wore atood aa follow 1 t acton kh1n jl j uacklnnou j 1 lluah v akip aa kip a j lahnian dr oerr akip 10 klp la uv si silk neckllaa fnurlnhatid all ooior and pattern ialot delgn end choice money returned if in atufactory flpc each threa for oik poet paid llitium novklty oit itnx 851 torantn news uf local import tne county itlila aa oahvlu klvo tsndera tor iimi ihiildlng nf 1 1 in vmeiery hill uulge near o u uk- warn oiened by llim jihinty ooniicll ual weak but a declalon aa t which to areapt waa poatpunml until lit it wndneaday the amount of the hw- eat tender u ver 31x not includ ing the approachea laoar tlart of prlaaai won in th laat two month all annie i to daughter of j a owe ltoa haa woo four lean ii rat pihtna on aecond and one ihlid st com petition in hcot- luh dancing at cuhnurg klorardloe and lcknow tliu la lllavel to he a rernnl ettalled hy no oilier young lady in oanada ateawtat utilaml nw hldnlaht train itneva ilynda haa arranged with the jnotrlrun to run the a treat hgfallng ayaletu during tlta weeka of tbetoron kxhlhltlon until the midnight train nine in aa follow from august rtrtw wat tmtll hpt ut to krb until iwrli tba train la due at aclon at 122ft tt baptlat bonday bataoal fetaitle he annual plo olc of the llaptlat huoday hchool waa held uat ha tort lay tnikin in warren lark the weather waa delightful tbe outlng in all reaped wa enjoyable th tent r tbe w it ldn baeketa were d lac uaaed with joy and aatitf ac tion by the hungry acbolar after an rtioon of vlgoroua and happy gauia and aporta the effort of the energetic paalor itev ur hurrall ant the officer and teacher of the achool war auily rewarded hy the anlfeatatlon of appreciation mute and ruprneaed by tbe uhectm of tbelr rnoona ntarprlaa uul knlie 1h ubdvaawliv the port william herald ay tbe collegiate inatltute a tbe mchool r- apnnaibla for lb training of another auoceaaful candidate for unlvaralty honor m w u orlndall ukiug her full nun profeaalonal certlflcaln ula orindell u a atater of ur o ottodeve n harold htreet and will lie able to pee tbe age requirement of inatean by a very cluee abav hbe will probalily entr for the october llnuaralty term ula ohntlall acton friend bavu pleaaure in extend ing congratulation upon bee auoce the preliminary year of her out lag late courae were taken in acton continu ation hchool under irlnclpal blew art lew aran caaphu in runawaw aa ula iu1u rhortread eld oat daughur or mr walter ttltortraed mr arch campbell or ouelph were driving into town tuaaday even ing ay hie milton oharnplon one of the wheal of the buggy came off at the croaalng at the corner of main and martin htreet which cauaed the horae to itoltacroaatlieriiad upaat the buggy and throw i ho occupant out mia treed waa carried to dr andar- aon office where it waa dlacoverod ttutt bhn had aualalnod a fractnrti of of ihe hone lo lier right leg j uat imiow tlwt knee mr oamplmill ea- pad with taeveratabaklng upt rhe wa taken to mr htorey homo on ualnhtreet with whom only a few hour before she had taken tea mil to n helghu where tbe brick work are located have been agitating for a public achool it weapropoeed to form iwjteollon from part or no 1 k- iuaahig no u naiaagaweya and no 6 trafalgar a hoard of arbitrator a appointed and tnat in may but ported adveraely on the project at the tktunty council laat weak a peti tion tinned by over thirty ratepayer ippoaled agalnat thla dnclalon ahowed that there were over ninety children f wchool ago within the hound of the propomtd new tclino taction and re peated that a new hoard of a r hi ira tor bo appointed to conaldar the matter chairman ilynda of the com mittee on kducallon ripohrd favor- rod thu new arbitrator appointed hy the county council are ii i moor actou t h w kennedy oeorgatown and h o hmllb hur- iuirium thu hoard will hold it flrat lon at milton hlghi on tuaaday jth inal 1 analoua to ipavy taaaw for a number of yeara mrjtoaepb mcohire of church street baa aimed lo bualaln hi reputation aa ha ing ibe flrat ratepayer in town to pay hi b ii frequently ucceedad in winning tint place hut occasionally mr adajn hauer won out in tbe race mr llauer removed lo harlhi aeveral month ago and thla year mr uo- olure concluded the way wa clear for n eaay win of th laurel tlie ooun- ii niet on thuraday evening and alruck the rate for the year ibhght and early friday morning mr mo dule hustled to tbe town hall and teudered collector harvey bl tattoe for iwi remarking well im flrat thla year anyway ur collector oh nth not by umriy week mr mo- clure replied the collector uev hr anil iff paid hi tame in june lie- fore leaving acton for montreal ill action w certainly unprecedented hut it wa hi honurable method of doing bualneaa no joaeph you are not flrat till tlnie imt you make capital aecond for regulalinff the bowels invigorating the jcidnoy atd alining up ho lazy liver qrmovses ilaclifaxav root puls have protod for over half a century in every quarter of the 1 world absolutely uf e and mo effective 25c a box everywhere 37 social andplrs0nal mr walue fraukim rt 1vt wk forwlnghani air 11 ii wojdm ofcflph waio town on toeaday mr jama wild iulll ffenda in fiurlpb during lite week mr k j haaaartf 1 holidjlug k orangevlll and other khnu mr i i hnydrr oftkvllle waa a guaat at moorecrof t laat week m jme k flniltb toledo ohth u a gneat at kalrvanw ilar- mr harry kranktm of ki t home till week on holiday vuit lr chaa 1 uiftrr of thn hlar dundaa waa home fr a wnk and vult mr kdgar ivurman mod hla tuoutav wt dutlng lh week fur lb- norlh- weat mr and ur leorgestovrl and imim- or oualph vlllkl acton flend oil wl the mlaaeakernley of toronto have beau vlaltlng artim friend the ial weak ula vvard of ht ttmhuaahtlue k of hnr filml ml mamie maaal mia kathleen jlhbrn- 1 apending a couple of week with mind in toronto master virtor coleman haw ihwii ndlng tbe week with telatlve at alvinaton il mr and mr tliomaa storey mat la htreet lrt ut hiwk ou a trip to manitoba mr walker and children or lraa- ton are gueau or mr t uonjn main street mra john ullu and mia mat thew uf toronto urn gueeta of mr william hrown mrannlohertndmu mary of new york are gueau ot mrv it agnnw lark ave ur w a lawrence hotmgate court clerk milton lot lieen aerlou ly iii the paat week ur uchonald and uu or toronto are guealu of her prnu at haralma main htrret ur wj humidihea ha tell in winnipeg inatead of goog to haak- tooo aa he at flrat intended lit john mccaualand and children of niagara fall n y are vlaltlng her parent and alaler bare ur i 1 cbrutle of ouelph who had j uat returned from a trip to the coaat waa in town on friday j a f oruvra clerk ami treasurer of wlnghem waa the gueat nf hi auter mr j a uowat labt eek mia mildred keaborn of winnipeg arrived in town thla week to attend the marriage of her friend mia holly uchonald mr jen campliell ha jut calveil the bad uew of the death of her brotherln law john hhepiard of ht paul minn mr ilobu hltaw returned home on tueaday after a land log a coude of week with rriand at doraet iiake of hay and hracebridgr mr willi- fyne of chicago arrived lu town on friday to apend a fw weeka wilh hla uaclamrwju hktrey and othar ftuiul mm tltoma kaatrm will leave in a a few day to lake up bar maldenra in ouelph where her i wo noil reaitle hlin ha beait for uvor thirty year an mtleemml realdnut of actou mr f a mclean manager mer chant a hank left ou wedoomlay on a holiday trip to detroit ur o v ijawrence of oergetown will utanage the hualimm during iiik altminrtl mr arthur u cameron wiri of nv- mayor oamenui of calgary 4iid cor don cameron a re vulloia at the home of mr camel on mother mr hlley ii wimd u orarti ilreerouelph mer cury mr krnnal wortleti of uuelph un one of the kucceaafol csndldatt at the recent matriculation examination al ouelph krneat laid tba foundation for hla collegiate courae lu actou con tinuation school under imnolpal kin ra joaepli 1 1 oliovw ikiwwr avenue announce the eugagement of their youngeatdaugbter minora irene to ur frank aualln william- aon of ur oeorge u wuiiamn or hrampton tba wedding will take place early lu hepteniber a invltatlnna have been uauod for the wedding of mia vrore mao daiightet or mr and ur willum o o and oeorge hudaubiand which will be aolemnlaed at the htmne uf thu bride parent no h union 11 l at 1 2 oclock noo u ou wednesday augiut iwtbobuatown n y itepulmtaii hook wood new ha reached here or thn ware arrival of uua fanny oarnham at hue no aire ho nth america and her marriage ai follow r- a very pretty wedding waa celebrat ed in llueno aire argentine hapub- 11c h a on thuraday june nd whan france injnelope eldet dugt4r or hev and ur v ii oarnham of cayuga ont- formerly of hoc k wood becatua uie ulde of dr it 11 harkor or llueno aire formerly of llurford ont and graduate of tbe hnlveralty or huffalo alao of new york hlato ifnlverally tlie ceremony waa per farmed by hev jcn luuuan of the p american ualhbdln kpucypal oliurch i the bride looked very aweet and pretty in her travelling ault of blue with hat to match nd wearing a coraage bouquet of lllle uf tlie valley and a handaome dlaruond brooch the glfli of the groom after the ceremony a dainty wedding weak taal waa par taken of at charpentlara where the ronma were moat gorgeously decorated in white festooned wltli vine and beautiful white ohryuiileemiiius and carnation ill the oenlru of the bride table wa a large bank of while roae and ferns after the usual toast bad been proposed aid duly honored the bride and bridegroom received lira congratulation of all prceept- before proceeding lo ollvoy one nf ota many ebarmlna resort along the bank of the river plata i where their honeymoon wa kpeul the preaanta were niimemu and cost ly and included a aolhl silver lea special demonstration of the chancellor and others of the splendid linn of diuablc economical reliable and altractrve gurneyoxf ord stoves and ranges ondlttlay nf tuit torni y rlrm ihffl va thi ntlili ttittify lile rente tit hi alovc making conic and ejtaatla tbe apeclal point of eicelknce the oxford economizer r a tnarvellou device for thr control of tlie iteat h civca a vavlntf of ati in fuel bcaulei economy of time and labor a talent aulhomcd only on this line tlie dtvuuj on flee strip ut a great economy of food all danger of failure in baking 1 minimised with i u clever arrankcutent for rm dlttrlbatlol of jbaf there u no better test of practical uovc- woik hum tliu ierfect oven control another advantage ilea in tbe rwaj crai ciuiined with mrotix interlocking tec ill tliat tavc waue maximum beat with lesa fuel tlte lliollcr top the uiong oven floor are excellent feature hiki tta all conihlue with attractive design in wide variety of lire and price you mrs earnestly invited to coma and inspect the curneyosford hoc for tlte good of your purtc your health and all tlte comforts r f johnstone sou ai acton for perfect comfort g when on your vacation lc urc to hivc one s of our new style vtrsiiy 5 wool coats h 2 see the new lines in our window r e nelson 6e- metropolitan- bank head office toronto ont capltej pm ur utmllvldad picl1 la c total dvir iioojuoo aaojooo savings department intercut allowed from dttt of depoiit joint at counts may he carried on hy two or more persons cither of whom may operate the account a special convenience for the farmer and hii wife acton branch r e griggs manager what the farmer can do with concrete a hag of clmhnl a few above i lulu of ut more of gravel and klooe mired with waiar low bluipr mlly obtained and cheap these are iw uuiteflsls ihal go to mate up concrete and with them lb farmer can woru wonder in tin improvement of hi farm ihe moat trotori am lurl iiiourii 1 lo gal your cement of kuch a iptsllty th that you will have no liter regret we recommend m tula dement bocue we know it has lb uallly w have wild over sjo liarmu an far ihlt yer anj we will 1m pleated to upply your need also a vrnah car unloaded autfuat 8th r f johnstone mill st aoton aits1v7t 1 fleury plows and plow repair luay lie had from w j qordon thai haroeu ntitker sole agent for hi district why use shingles when amatite is so much better coats lean money and can ho put on over sliinplct by any one who can use hammer and nails a little at a time luntil completed melotte cbeam sepakatoe oil is as good s the mclbtto cream separator itself w6e right house hamiltons tavoitnx sllorrino flace these are ibusy days in the right house receiving room 8 every day hy carload and bhiploid from domestic mills or foreign markets from the worlds centre of fabric and fashion bales cases crates and packages of the newest and best are received examined and passed into stock to await your pleasure every item must measure up to the right house standard of quality jusl ithepmcliasc puce bowing to our rotoarltablo buyingpowen mutt imi the lowest consistent with the sale of honcst mefchandise our buyers arc but recently returned from the european market where they have starched the centres whence dame erliion iend forth her decrees and with discriminating care have sought those places where for each is found that which iu best suited to the needs of rkht hounic customers customers who como to the right house are asuurcd of the umc complete hclcction of the scasonv latpst materials of the choice of the same last minute itylcs in articles of apparel of the same variety of the newest and most artistic fabrics for furnishing and decoration ib can be found by shoppers in the worlds mciroolitan centres this store is a store of service to icrve you best to meet your needs with quality goods at the lowest prices to make this store your s tore is the continual ceaseless study of of cxpqrt buyers and salespeople who wait your inspection of our now fabrics and furnishings for fall taff 1500 new sweater coats y chiwnm n pi for womca misses boys iheetwwwir j ir- 11 1 whaiever you may eaod or wan i we cm aupiily you anil utns llave amvcu cure one now ana noy ll through the isle rum mar ice run from r 33 loijo 1 or woman sod uium tonaaollm lite varuty of color hatleandlle of coat would fill a whole newspaper bulhce to ay lht ipjily you from t lit collection nliwa coma in and aprtid a day with u liniilng over the r thlnk own at our 1 onr plan far refunillrnt falhaail atre take lunclieon in our t la itihim in the luaement ami your vldi will m twill ijoaaanl and unlit aid thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sta hamilton ont i mr working man i m h e m malliaawmsiaaaaailmma1mwpaaatswaw txjjyr the man whom this country depends on the man an necessary to ww the successful large and monnymakin indu as the tiller of the soil you mr man wc want a word with you we have a store m this town of acton wc claim to be the working mans f wc he you every pay day by making your check go as far a possible in buying lhenccessarlc werclaimtosnowyou a savinci every pay day if you deal at this store wc stand behind this with the guarantee that ou any purchase not satisfactory wo refund your money in full if goods urc returned this store will have no dissatisfied customers we wont have it that way the goods or your money remembeu our bargain list every week will be interesting to you mr working man and to you mrs working woman wc also say a word while your name does not appear on the pay sheet your work just as necessary as mr mans must bo kept up and to you tlie task of making the revenue of the household go as far as possible is given to you eady we introduce our busi ness and chances to save on your buying put us to the test our bargain list for this week me dept mcnu hull regular f o fur it j menu sulu rckular via lor f n95 menu pdd ijoi iuur in ijoo i lw mjh k rood line nf work pint l one man kuhhef coat rcgu hurl 30 for i0 men a or shirt for aw men work shit 1 for dc men i inen collar 1 lor 5c boys dept hoys suits a rood var- lo pick from and a aavlng on avery one we oiler a kit at fl llovs bllolia a lino of lutavy woik shoe in urea a 3 4 ami 3 worrhtiy p v- ll one price one wak oaly for 9119 t iloien children coloreil caalimare lloee in all color not all aire in all colors hut allalrea in the lol rtulr 5 value sale price b aalr for s9c sundry specials ciuh9 rkihts no yards crura islnl mo need lo tall yon of the merit of thee koods tbe name i mooc- lent tbe regular price wa rcc aru 16c we oher in lot at this sale at loe- ladies rtms duiidk ihl montb atnpiai we otler you any piece si hall lltlcfc 11300 far 17 5 torti 13 fur is 30 took bote over they will cost mora later i regal shoe agency for men i reundo shoe af ency for ladies caster 43 co- moores old stand bse store t set the pace mill st acton g a black hctn ont llmbhoubal mttssr llarohl and uttx iolllng- hurne of oralhlirat are home for holiday a rordlal welcome is ex tended to them hy their many friend mr john htolt haa nearly recovered front the injuria he sustained in a runaway several week ago ml kfho i vena of toronto i spending ihe luoilth of augut with her parent her mntler loug1aa uowdy in vlaltlng friend in hamilton mf oiincan hhari who had hi knee end- eye injured in aball hny reoently i able to im altoul ngaln h thu mend uf mr john mel hiwell formerly uf till place who wa aorl onaly injured by the fall of a rack lifter laat vfoek will be pleased lo hoar 1 that ha i thought to lie fn a flr wny to recovery 1 american and canadian scientists tell ui the common houo fly is the cause of more disease and death than any other agency fly pads kill all ihcfljis aud the dicjee tcimh too l

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