Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1911, p. 1

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ftht jlttim jfett tt volcmk xxxvi no kery ftu1mrllon raid la adn ajt01j0iitaji0 thdiibday mokning may 18 1jm1 bubacrlptioo riirr flu t1 annum hinuiiia copjicsjiirjcic cicnis be juton jfree ijresa tw1h i huhvllmtiu dollol fw year strictly 1b u1b all aub eeruuoae dlhonunuad for wale ttooy neve been paid baa aired the diu to wblclt ovary evb- nrtptlon is paid la danutxl lift um dh aallaaaa haaaaaitls 1 cents psr nonmnll um lor bret lumildd 0001 nt inasruoe alatr troaaloat 4vi nu pr un wa tirllraa wul b leaerted uil forbid ua nbaiel aooorouocly treoelent ad rwtltwhau miut be paid la eavoece aaveruaasseats trill be cbeoaofl on ah papain if eoelred iror obuum a toon above aivnuaoad to oom- aaasuest aswavoo paid for al ncuar tw for oop tract advortleeoiaata tea bo la too omoa by noon oo ture- taaooata payable aaootbly ellsh otto b rtt btrwt i-on- aata c- waro afeesra m aad x hajrwy oo will raoalva for us w vertlaeoaeal ond n free or oborso tr wan la kmuui o p uoour bolter ood iruprilor ttulhttss birctlorp rjw jefjedlcex os gray u 1 c u ucciki- xkx o r rprxaeaom llvr abul ulohutlu if to soton oat b holmes u i flond mtm u l b o lakes fcoi boraooo to ht jompba horlul lam cblaf heeee rbplow to hie vto i amsylfcal boraeoa to 4bo mamutb uhmkui msaareuy uoeyiuj boedon uui ureal nptmolta tou mm4000malb wdttll v laorropadbpt huot hospital i aod oohmi tteraawy nortbow j auoelnnon j hohabb ttlaas ftoartbdivteloa ooarv ooaalf of hal- aqa aalaolaiaaaarmooayoloaau aaron oht bjortal wr j m mclj uuhiuh elfdeslrad 0ues hardiu oiurrifit ftem ekus ooeuelry la all ita braaanal fflrn r t fatarca moaonu ttrm in artnsra bloek naal flordoee liar d mxacmulajntova kl amd hardy a co advestsinc coajreictoas n naw coaaiuroapbatm an float slraat london e c england wftktf asserts teitsc ha atvea tf metres pivhl oib htjhas booksufdbm aaaaaar book of ell biass hl i bcaaaaua aa n mcabbiaob cjohhbbs rtoom fruouooua mowltoowaaroqalradj lawad a ioalasa ta loo avoalaa ma oolo aofom u i luc an cicxaaao a crioaaa ardagfjjuajg- paj m mw r g a black licaauto atfctiomaiia iii l lla 1 it a anor ta laaaroa um bat tavarabl ih tosaota7tfauwararol laloroat to y aaawafoowoaoawaaitoa zacsahbado a ooaatlm of waluoftoo baltaa aod w1w j i oataooa r aronsaosjas bvabjac4uaamaaltaaaiooaaavlalalu jahbs mcdonald licaaakd aucnomaaa varumooonuaiol watllaitoa halloa oaalpk repairing now is the tunc to have your watch clean cd and oiled s j innk it bi your low i on is watch wan otlcd j hen think how long would 1 sew nig machine or other piuco of ni lunery iani- if it were oiled hut once a jcar your watch in our hands safe savage co quclph ont your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills hour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest jjrjccs harris co llrpltod northern crown trees i apifla vaar rittlo t tnf eh clrapa vlnv knitibmrriw obrilw cananlb ulaekliwiu d-fcil- sut tiaaa urouaulalb ol all kind hr hprno row riowmlaa hhrnb climb- are of nuf hcu atsjf a uannoth ilaobaiivahpod ally nja i o m v mt lna ii ufla iim ol ola story han uoalhlapapar wismers nursery vobt bcq1m ouxauio waters bros quclph headquarters tor o a c and school supplies nature study botanical etohological drawing paihhsg 41 wyndham street pton 350 isr aimsoisr palntcr paper hahoir pier u n rnamin ktc begs to inform the ladies of aoton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agcntfor three of the largest wall taper houses in carf ada 1500 samples to choose from pnces right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and lnamelcd ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shop mill strbft acton lottai3ouk apaty tobu k tbam bi- ogblflt lit aaiiomiai it btdaobaw site ow wd reliable qranltaand marble dealers 1 obaro mban baia to tavwamtbaa aay oraoaaiataui waara laauuaaw daalontaa aov rsicr i lton sons what do i want 1h i acouerft i ranawa furnltora oclouid okanith t lot am floora or johnson 8 wax for tlnlmiloi 1 or btainantl dye f or mf ay purpoaoa 6r alahabtlhlf walla and celling gtiiimoirimf ar ftimtr covering or any otbar apdnx work nacoaaliy i will auinlyijo id iumi a itoto whora iboy lutva every tiling i wnol ami will glvo prtimjil iluuiy the bond hardware co llpiltact rotallfhona 7 odklpli hak7 ohildrbn t biaajrlaa both a homo km acbool qlnun tholr kyea to danger 101111 iytucho ueailacho kmvuaaneu and slurring ol llio ejoa la tba rraull ii your chlldron havo any t iboao aymp luraa bring ibvni lo mo aa m craiioatoopto- molrui or euminallun ol lbs eyoa aod claaea lo relievo itio eyairajn a d savage btohtat ma poarornca phone 27 duelph your last chinee buy now 1 valuatli iia 1 add in all or ai ulkia education for profit tba loccctafal upnleikc o hnadrvdn o bright younk men ami woman who a now accnrrtly holdlnh eavlabki pmtiloai la tbo erral world ol bualneaa and a nance lxaa in a thorough coo ran of training ml ibo j30sliess fboliege afaaoafa bfooa upor wym4hmm w oaaloa out it would tlalubt and ulna i b you la um be alary ol ibo ilea awl proffroar of a lnr number of tha nra lualu of ihla laaooa i nail tul ion hera and now i bora aland wldo open lor you who hava yoatli beallh dlsoernmeai um ambliloo i ho nnwdoor of honorabo anc don i procrastinate mi 10 upport unity do ll now cocoa direct 10 ibo lollcn oftlco 137 uppar wyndham strael or addreaa malcolm if accormack ba principal noryal flour prices reduced en all grades lay in your stock for the summer largo stocks of hour kccd and seeds in store here r noble proprietor n p moore manager jlorfrti tub school or othirn knii tito oldoal anltotally wan nol on india airand nor in ibo vallay of lbo nllo nor on araua land from lima a brolnolor it baa tauvllt and allll it toacbro o it a learning rnlld in ovart child thn acbool of uollwr knoa tlta oldoat aehonl lo tebtko w and loach it doeply too dividing what abould not h dooo w aa o obwild do spring footwear wa novo juat rocaivod a uiga ahliuninl of bprtna and sumtnor foaiwaar irom lha very laleal abtericd pootwamr that will equally delight men woman and cbl dran drop in any lime ami inipocl thu coraplalo alack of big clau spring foolwoar iff wililiams wlill skteet acton was not in llomo oar lapahan nor by the kuxlnn 800 it bald lie awav r bjatorra day tbo arbool of alollier kara tha oldoot an m 1 n theology au touarbt whan lova to gl and rovarant and tbo uternal ouabt warn doop irnpraaaod on youthful boerta in pure nlncarlty cvnto to tha north with abola birth tuo acbool of uotbere knee ttif omoat and i hr qoaraaav 00 ll btlll maintain ita place and from itaeuaaaa aver full it frradiiatoe tba raoa without ita toachlncc w no would all tbo boat of llalnoj taraa planned hy haowan thu oartb u loavan tha acbool of motbera knrr 9tlfft 3tamiif rwmnj the bxcblsior bakery first ohtluy breid cakes weddlnr cakes etc meat of wheat pickanniny pancake lloar maple syrup anu lloacy holbrooks favorite punch sauce heinzs pickles 57 var ieties o3 stcrs and fish best lines of confection ery t siatham son main st aotoa it wah a couimon amj amnng tha girl of harbord straat h0i100i that jeoale itnklr did not lialf know what a good lima wu shr lutd a lively quartolte of younger brothereand aialora and awary una of thrnt lookod to jtnaalo tba big wleo older alalvr who of couroa muatknow nil about work on saturday ll waa jaaain who kcmbld uio kitchen floor and bokafl llut cookloa and aba actually had to waah duhea and bnalta bada ovary day of liar llf nor wr imi ytwingar litontwra of lht ilanklii cuo quite i ainpt fro 01 trill rwory morning kd will bolpod jrnln to waah tba bmak fkt dubea wblla jatnne and fred and i iii lr- until lidtrd up tlta diningroom nil clcanrtl lbo hetlfttoni unifw al noon ovory child of ihla writ rrguutrd bouao ottackod uu- dinner duhea and again at auppcr llmr many haoda made light work m llut nn jeaalo a young abould oro thera reeled what bar scboolmataa adjudged to bo quite a tiurdonaome aba re of work it la jual rldlculour aald nellie ivrkln howevait can a gill ttawn any aort of a good llmr whit la alwaye moving al bonier itroidoa conllntiod raco hulmaa look at jeaaloa bo ml- i tltry are al waya red ami if aba waa not wo prr- alatent wllh bar mualc aba would never tuako any aort of headway now allhouglt jfeaalo ltanklo beard bit of thu frequent crillcun aha waa not the girl to court pity and thua it catna about that lo all eave bar own home folk aba maintained on the aubjoct of bar homo dutlaa an attitude of lohy indlffrranca hut i deebtre ntnthetv he would often coronlmiojthlitgajtiro oottiron in tula old world i know yon am not atrong and you give ua all lbo good time you can but i ha re la not anothar girl in our claaa who baa to work like i do thlnga in tnurv evaruthan you imagine aire i tank in replied one day when tbla all too common wall reached liar eara generally in ufa what people mlaa at 00a place jhey can pick op at another but tha pwrklna glrla fat iter baa no mora money than my father eon tinned joaui- and yet i bay are a- waya at acbool in freab white linen or muslin dreaaoa and lhay can bring hnuioall the comauy bay like and iiever have to do a baud turn of work and how la all tbla aoeouipluhad daughlerr aakod aire haiikln grave ly kvery night i can aea lira inirklua aawlng and inandlng until nearly eleven oclock washing and ironing that lha little onea and thoee two big atrong glrla may ha kept at acbool in elaborate waah aulta the company which nellie and huaie bring home an conatautly and for which they make no preparation mrana that heir mother mual work a llule harder allll i fear thai loma day when it la too laic theae carebaw glrbi will find out wllh aorrow that a mother la worth tnora iban ellbcc lino elnlhaa or a good time jaiafe said noililng tor a 10 anient hbe waa thinking of the new linen ault which aha bad coakrd for so porilat- antly and wblch her mother had eabl utuat coiue naxt year a mentaj pic ture ton of bar buay daya and of ilia easy carefree life nt many of her cum- rode kept bar from giving lha fulleet kind of aaarut to thoae wlaa wonla but aha kuoed liar mother and aald t 1 11 reform abd bear iuy btirdana chaerfully aome day mot bar youll aer and true enough jraaje did reform coualo ftlayaj vialt waa ro- aponalble for jhe brat alep in the right direction flbrcamoll the way from new yink to upend j long pronilaad month in tne rankin houaabold and tha young girl tnnnj bar brimful of efferveeeenl aparkllng life tha very irat qlgbt aba aelaed jaaaleo red freckled ban da in bar own dm onea and aald in her energrlla faablon 1 what mrrrclly aptondld handa wberavfr did you get utero cftlld r ob tby are a product of acrobblng indoora and weeding outdoora jeeau 1 replied jnlher grimly bata my i fredkloa hot uiry ulcuoat by 1 hfrro you rmver heard fjonain alay wltb a twinkle in iter eyr that a freckle only apoke once and then l 1ht ll nrr waa known to light on a mia akin f after jr bad come to undoratand lliat din waa scotch fttr dark and tliot bor fair rloar aklu w- 1 k pretoed fthn uuoihhi in m plnaaed boorty faablon and then it waa uial onualn lfay made a remark wblch tbla young impreaalonabla girl nerer for go laaaie said altr t want you to irnaaurw olwaja boa una awaalwo writkept iiaivdnof youra iorg a tier lha f reck lew have all gone tbo itrawn and moacla will abide ond hu u lbo tuff ibat rounta in life it aland a for ipahility autd forea and uy par- new wllh coree of glrla baa taught r that the girl who amounta to botne- iblng i nol generally the one with lbo white lily handa uoat tin the girl who owne a pair of 1 aenae usable banda tbn kl have loomed to work whit it that the while tbia moat wbolooom ninaoago aa ringing in jeoala ltanklo young aara poor tired mro ivrklna alckened anddad tbo ft rat thing people aald aa that abivlng for bar children had killed her and in the ntxl breath tbey added that huaie and nellie were bltf enough l krwp bouae and ao indeed tbey were but be- cauaa lhay knew nol bow lo boll a potato or darn a blocking tliay made but a sorry axtempt aa housekeepers the younger children soon began to appear in latlered disheveled gar- mania and avan on sundaye ihe 000- tlma lutinaculate intiklna family waa it lu attire far from tidy ow of course people commented mi pitifully and aome caustically upon ihla very evident change but it rrmalned for jessie uankln one school day to plane ber finger uxntha real crux of tba situation aroordlog lo my way of thinking glrla hlte began l havo no special cause lo criticise rualo ami nellie iorklne tbey havo only dona what waa of uw are doing and what lbo root of ua hava dearly wanted at limes lo do whats thatr elx or right girls ukad eagrily woll iloy havn nuroly oboeii flm clothes end a good tlmr ralhnr iban tholr rootlier no mui spoke for a motitotit tills was ouch an auiaslng auaerllon of jassua atlsngtb uaudo lurs aald candidly i guroa its the troth w re hoarlng intt 1 am nuhr jeoair jtm ttavo no reuse to hcom yoursnlf yo klwaya save ymtr too titer i ilixi l save her half as much as i intend to do in lbo future jein re plied firmly then kbn added qulutly you know girls qne clothes and a good lima are common avrydy things hut toolbars are ao recuus that they jnat cant lie r pbiced tbua there coma about the rotor na tlthi of jessie thi krnnca or tnwm sjmokino from the vantageground of nnw york a note tsklng ilruuht under- takoo to dispel aome of i be illusions nourished by his countrymen about things american lie is specialty m pllcit about the customs of the court of my lady nicotine as thus men in this country havo their code of social right and wrong and it flndi othero tajcb motiok among tbo handmlla of the womens intrrlal he iltll assocla lion la one boadod ti10 ory of lbs fhllurrn to lbs mothers of jroal imtoln it la so full of wisdom that wti reprodure ll here for lha imnnlu of the many molbers who road this pk iiease lt me sleep in a cot all lo myssir and kaap my nursery window open tease nurse ins yourself aa jod aasaal y t lllll ooi-oloo- two old i lease teed ntr regular yfjnt me simp oil i wont and don t slick pins into y dolhos and tbnn i proinluo not to cry ilease scald or starlltae dairy milk before giving it to me to drink end rnmemtior to cleanse and arald my bottle nrrry lima i use ll iheaso do not give tne artificial foods unless ordored by the doctor or scraps of anything left over by tba grown ups or 1 nysifrnld i shall ba vtry iii ileaao irtt ma have looso nloiboa as i lore lo move my arms and kick will my legs quite a lot il giro me a bath every day and lei nie splash about as much as hike iteaee let mo out in the open air all you rod i love to sleep 1 ul in my coecb riease don t let lou 1 f stupid grown ups kiss and dandlo tn lis makes mo cross all i want la to nurse tny rub ber dolly and ply lieara with daddy i give jnn lots of fun with 1 tlber ithln hoys and girls when 1 am u el rna all t lie things ovtry boy and girl should know and don t int me boar about hum flrsl from horrid big boys and girls whum i am sura to moot aouin lime soon irklandfl advance tlie annual teport foe tbe irish as sociation for tbe lrc van lion of in temperance recently issued contain much valuable information tmtcoro ing lbo progress of tbn inmpomiiro cause lu lbo kmnrald lalw tbn asso- riallon 1m a frderaud cotinoll of a latge uuniltrr of active wniklog tetu parauco urgaitliauous with all of which it co operates while tint work of all it seeks to encourage among its interesting records of progreaa is a diagram allowing a startling chango in tbe quantity of spirits couaimtrd dur ing tbe lust thirty yrnrv in tha abca year commencing in 18w tba amount was ft km 000 gallons laal year it was 2umu00o tbo rrdncilnn in tbu year 100010 aa oomtaml wllh the year 1000 0 was 121 jh7 kqually onoour- btok is lbo record of arrests for drunkenness thn numlternf which in 1k70 waa 112ui ami in 1007 0s71h another intereallng labia shows a comparison in tba amount expended for stimulants in twelve dublin boa pllal for tbu years ittfil and 1000 showing falling off from xi ku to itil a rtxluclion of alxut eighty two per cent the report speaks of the success of the latch my pal movement and also refers to the work of tbo iio lieers a total abstinence society started twelve years sgo by itev j oullen 8 j wblch has now 173 centres and 175000 memlmrs pipeamok ing i shall never forget bow ooon after my arrival i mnigbt out fifth avenue and innocently smoked nay pipe for half the length it during the other bslf the pi pa lay concealed in my pocket so many disapproving eyea liod been directed my way and i could not find another pipe to keep it company i thought probably pipes were ahood for outside uaa ao when i aat down in the new york athletic club to write a few let ten i withdrew my briar from ita hiding place only to nd that neither member nor guests were allowed lo use pipes tito am erican man began lo appear lu a new light lie had frowned on my gaueherie for alnnbig on fifth avenue aitd how he warns nie wllh delicacy too that i am a social crim inal if in a mans club mm- tuber i dare to foul the air with tba fumes front an old briar i become quite interested in the problem and round that lu tha unl slty club the plpesiuoker waa banished to a piperoom fur the lira of ma i do not know what lha roaerachaum and lha briar have done to merit this legislation hut it shows an unexpected fastidiousness and i hereby warn all pipelovers that ir they wish to save their souls in am erica tbey must not be seen outside with a mnebloved mouth piaoe twenty yecaiis aoo the fia preset ox eiajf slat woi conned qvor 11m inadiug topuitt lint me tllig ut thohrlnml hoard was still tlm tiitur of school mccoiihkuuoii 1 bo purchase of itm ilaplul olnirrh ror ad extra dnpartinfpt was ubown to ikt h maltar ibat could not imi legally riuiaunitnatad in a otter rxcolvcd frtuu luhpeolor dnncon on account or im i tig oil the street hint without a playground irudmiqn loo would auggout ibn aillt of all mm abx lbalu how to patt a horn not many peope know bow to pot a4ore from tlie horses standpoint atanyratet aald a trainer kvery nicelooking horse cornea lu for a good deal off petting ifttch a on horse close to the curb and youll ond that hair tba luett women andr children who go by will atop for k minute say aloe horaay and giro him an affeo t loneta pat or two the trouble is lhay dont pat bhn in the right place if you want to make a horse perfect ly hnppy rub hi eyrllds next to that form of endrariiii nt a horse likes to be niblhhl ilgbt up between the aaral in patilug librsos nlost people alight those nerve centres they stroke the horses note while a wall behaved bursa will accept the nasal careee cotri place ntly ha wtmld much prefer that nice soothing touch ap plied to the eyelids once in a while a parson come along who really dnee know how to pat a borae njna mojo out or ten that wan waa brought uplntheoountry among hnreee and joanad when a buy their peculiar why he is more bucoisavul than vow ami whan you see o person wliij is get ting ahead much faster than you are whydo yrrrr try to justlfyimr slower pace by all sorts of excuses such as that the other fellow is lucky that be probably had somebody to help him lhathe happened to be in a more advantageous position t do not hypnotise yourself by aooh silly eaeuaeo kvery body will laugh at you ror making them and say to thsmselvee there is no doubt that there la a good reason for his lack of advancement why not get right down to business and look foi ihn rual cause p investigation will perhaps show that the other fallow is a little mora alert for opportunities that he la tiot afraid of taking pains that be does not think quite aa much about having a good time and of taking his easa as you do f that be is more willing to sacrifice his comforts for ittialiieaa lie probably retires a little earlier at night gets up a little earlier in lha- oornlog is particular about being to work o llnie 1 puis mora conscience into bis work t does nol blunder or gad about and talk aemueh aa you do lie may be inure careful not to make slur ring rctnarka about members of the firm in other words jusl get right down and analyse yourself and you will probably find a lot of weak point in your service which yon could improve site iio auggaatrhl reotlug inuiimr arlly a room and procpoding tilth or to build a two room building that could be addod to without marring it arc hi lwtorarappearaafi or pull flnwn ibo old school al once and build a six room building that would tut a rrudll to ac ion and make provision for further ilovnlopment the hoard decided to uk tba loapta n lo moi t on the groomlx that tltn whole tiiattt r might iki gn ltu mr llyoh- who had favoml the rhomb puruhaai roidially agro ing lo tbo ittnr prttpoaol lu iltw of all ihe nlr unwtancoa at the ronfi n ncti boh the inajhtctitr irnrwul his auggeathui and another mooling was arranged for theftuowing wook the llnyal t mplars pluyml house of omnmoim uat wi 1 k having a clil urt a hpnakir juid u bill dubaleil muoh htltin at waii niaiilfi sted and tbn primum dlngn will i nonlluih il the kit km kttkhil was ns iiiulii ad mired ao long ag iu it lu now and llov tsoolino lately from jsaii who apokn hero reccolly was so ploas ed withal tltat ho wrote bo had sent it lo his native country to khnw such a imiantirul pamr from a ci initry town hn considered it the fluent paper he had tctrn on tblu coitllitotit another addruas oh jstau wnsglvnn in town this limn by luv 4 t lo k ing in tha method la t oliutdi on the icllh mr imiklug lutd ihiuii five years in that rti at iiountry i liu hslvul lot a 1 my juhllen un halurdwy iilgbl and hunday ureatvd quite a stir ibn kttlildoeropn hrl gada wllh hllk bats and irincw albert cctals worn sotnethlug tmw in army clrchs rtto town ball had lo lw uaed on hnnday night a tu cil collectloii on haturday nlgltt imlnk ittunnioittnt tint ofllri r lu 1 liargu made a targrtl of his hat and it was m pxtrtml with rmnh prntty uvt ly for a hint gt ltlng what waa nt cded ilev lr jirford waa thn recipient of a very complimentary ahlrns from tbo mtlhodut ofll iil hoatd at its mooting on xfouilay night in view of thn oomr not rnnco of itu tnutoral charge i i roots was lbo otnoiitil in thn till of thn orlllla limes thn oth r day when an unknown diqkriulo mkciod and tttok oven that thn canada tovn works lis in atallod u gtmml water uupply ft r fire protection with hosu on wwiry i1u men worn as a pi in thneo days to cut their hands at mm hoani in the tannery and so john and rsnn gave hlmaelf an uirly gash mirm lw tltigers of his right band with his woi l r gun olub anorr 10 uhw hocks arh 10 yards rlstt open trap 1 barrol only w joans 0 1 o o hnolght fl j quittner 1 j harvey 6 u b kalk nr4j j learoii 7 ii ii wor- den mr wilson luiiuhaw and fattilly are comfortably aeltled lu tholr new home in ilerlln mr oj millar ttr orlllla has been given the management or tbe aolon tanning jos works ills son john will aaslit him mr mtafford yimmerman and family intended leaving fur iortage la irolrle man nn monday evnning hulhutttok seriously iii on mondaywrth inflam tnallon of tbn lutlgs and it will likely le soma time before he can go the assessment kol as returned to council shows a total nf ej0n an increase or about gaooo ovrr previous year diiopa kind wood drop a word of oh r and blndunut jtial a fuli sud i is gone dili tlicnt half a liutnlr rlpplt i rlliroi ami on and on il arlng hope and j ty and 1 mlorl on atib aplaahlng daahlng wuvi till y u wtmldn l lx lb vo the volum or tliu nnn kind wi rtl you gave drop a word of dinar and klndtirihm in a minuto yon forget hut there s plailnoas still aaw lib g and thoro s joy sclrcllng yu and you vo lolled a wave t f romf irt whoso sweet music ran i b aid over miles and milt s f water jm ri o kie wprth lmployocb mngbalm j t the rolltflon of mtrl tlim umy sound blaapbeuimits to somtt t nrs but that itntriutumi ihi less ttmii rplljdon is tt0 concfptluti wlilrli hat irtimrfil ibo twy for llm civic corriiitlon of ttto luit dt- stlr un aru to s rve ttto ntotu j a3 it only kith our immiich 11 h ho tlbr nttil ohreinen mr tun 1 ulllt ur imhm t ill u tr lut ua tin 111 hux int ii willi t hi rtittsrlotirts n f itlxt nt ount t one tit to i to n n hslin of pnlrlot ta uih fur auicrlrn u it it n land nlooe rft r n n untry nor n pco- 11m ititf a ltotc u uulnn mi menl uhnt u bier n 1 iff ion cnu hurt l tltatt tbo puro 1 t tout uiiktiltlkli icnliit if ttit uohutt 9 rrwt ciinimi uvttnlmt tbu world a htitt lnonnllttthhl htriilwn h u m pointed piiiiobopiiv ho vvho kervn hu frlnidu n iiivuf out r o j tb killing llmo may imun the auklilo or suoot as to inlo oneanir is the first rcquulliou lo ruin otliprw any inati who looks for tr tuhh is blliul lohuowulnler tbu gresler the uutnruliity the tiioro positive thn ignorant man tbe averago so called bhuutli g lu duguluti la vt ry unualitifaolory no man is more mixerable limn he wbotttiiveu uitrely to pleaito hloiaulf many iteoplo proor theoretical to practical work but they dou t liktt to lake their pay that way when a man ikgltis to argun with his 1 oiikcisnco as to wlnilbtr n thing is right or wrong itw tutfi lo decide that it 1m wrong atflalnino rahh it in intimating to nolo thai itev martian jnhlln noveijcnllan umdon agent has lteennppriuirj1inl with a vlow or natabliahlnk a farm in nova cicotia iindtin tbn buh lens of the jbureh fttr trtlnlog young mini rmip public schoolu aiinh au 1 ion and liar row who doslro to follow agricultural pursultu tills institution if r-atnl- iihiimi wt uld ihi in loin h with tlio agtlcultursl tvllfgn at truro nnd would tbua afford young men an op port unity not only of gaining prac ileal experience or ootimtlinii tnrmlng hubaat or laying a ihttnretlcal imbis which wiuld pmvn of incsllninblo value in ltt r life tbpre never waa and hover will ita n universal panacea in unit remedy for all lla to which flesh is heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the others wo have bow- ever in quinine wine when obtained in a aound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills dy ita gradual and judlolous use the frail est ay stents are led luto convales cence fend strength bjrlhtf inbuanoe which quinine exerts on natures own reaturaiivea jt relieves those to whom a chronic state ol morbid deapondenoy and lack of interest lit life is a disease and by tratqtilllmtng tha nervce dlapoaea to aound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the action jit tbo blood vrhloh being tlniuuted courses through the veins renglhanlng the healthy animal functions of he system hereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame ant giving life to the digestive organs which naturally ecuand increased substance leault improved apptfcue north rop k lymait of toronto have given to tha pnblla their eupertor quinine by tba opinion of ftolfatuta be wine approacoaa nearott perfection of any qn un natrlnt aildrtfggbita sell it in ungland the ladles have entirely abandoned wearing rats which la due entirely to this new discovery it has ittten pmvun that lltinna leaves con lain ihn ingredients that will positively grow bsr that tbey contain this long looked for article is proven every day the americans nro now placing on the market a preparation containing the extract from henna leaver whlrh is having a phenomenal sale tills preparation is called salvia and is being sold with a guarantee lu cure dandruff and lo grow hair lu abundance using daintily perfumed salvia uutjtosa moat pleasant hair dressing ii ihsard your druggist i the first lo import ibis prtpnratoi into aolop and n large guiioroue boule enn inj purohuautl for go the oppoarriona plioht a 1 rne jlmrch and an kaubllalkd ohurcb itesdlu mnt st an lujiatid in wardly remilvid to fill ono anouer drunk after a caronaal umy tot out ror home and on tbu way tbo road proved to he too narrow for ihrm both atnlthe iiree ohurab beadle at length staggered through tltn hedge ills mend bad not gone much farther whun he met his mlnlalm who held up his bauds with horror oh john john be said aucb n titntn to be hi wheest said john wltha twlnklo in bis yi you jlat took nor tbo hedge and see the kree kirk man vox rarm ihe rlchvsi farming in tbu world u fox farming hlaak fox farming it i really gold mining on rvlnct icdward lalaniythtt hualneu of breed ing hlaak toxus ban imwii pnrried tin for a geueralltih i rutik detdmeyer our consul at oiisrlokulown saysuial kjo has iwon paid lo a breeder for a single hlaak fox skin tbn prims for ordinary pelts run from gwo to 9500 each hum it fox furmere hava boon ablo l pay off a farm mortgage by the sale of a pure black fox ukln now york iroaa a toilstt hkoreit i there aru many healthy methods for making tbo teeth brilliantly white and nf r glossy upioarauce onn woman belle res in whitening i hunt with a fruit blench kvery day aha rats a hard sour apple chewing l very lowly and thoroughly hbe atlrl hutes to tbo acid of the frttlta whiten ing and antlseptlo influence upon her teatlraud finds a curative effect also in the apples wllh regard to her general health indian baby oarriaqks indian bablea are carried in a groat variety ttf ways but none of them go in baby carriages like while children home mother suih aa the hlnuv car ry them in shawls on their t tacks when lbo babies or the plains south and tkstnf calgary go lo town they are placed on a framowork of poles hitched to the saddle of borae tbe groov of the saskatchewan and the vary northwestern part of ontario carry their liables lu itaakata the little one is cased snugly fiom head to foot and laced in like a foot in a boot thu case is fastened lo a board at thn babys hack and ocr the baby a bead them la an iron fiame un which the mother hang loaves and twigs to brush away ilea and mot qui tom the baaket is usually padded with moss anil ihe baby is quite b cuw rortnlue hi it own way as any city or town baby in a baby carriage in dlf n itablea dont as a rule cry very much if tbey do their muthurs uauuli ly let them cry till they get heed m go to ah ep its quite likely a whltu baby would i to vtry unco iifortablo in au indian itaakvl but then an in ilia baby might ite quite as unhappy liber it why carrhtgo or n high in olth chair xakaujk uealkd babvaeorba mrs o tardy nf 470 helgneura st montreal writes i cannot toll yotl bow ibankrnl i am for tbo cure zm link has worked in uiecnwoofmy baby son lie was t roll bled wllh scalp dis ease and i trletl everything i ctnild think of but in vain tlnally i tried zsm link i could aao an lmproemml artertwu applications i after porso verlng with the zam duk lreatmentha la now completely ctired 7in bui is cert it inly la wnntlerriil balm and 1 almll always keep it oh hand molherai almilld use zsui ijuk for all childrens akin sore ringworm cajn sores ctlu chafing brtiuesetc be- oaum of un great purity aeo burw piles ec turns bad leg varicose sorea etc 0o0 lx all drugguu and stores am uuk soap 25c tablet- j bett for i bdbys bar ant far dnuoato sklrpi n aowaiali viifflcfir 1 ffljtfhhliawli t eilblteutemffef

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