Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1911, p. 2

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irte 4 l ui1iiihinu mwinl fin la f i una ttafet by b t w ic m 1 ur klllotl of cbkud lkllllllwil l h j oapt i wall lo h k mlaiw m iiihoiii tjuaan li ba boa ot mn j h mwtwu lata tba brkla mtlnhmw aetin wj 1 imui jwifjjw j w igniuw dauill iwslj t aalaqi ail twmi atblalmh 1ml ar vabmbm akkuu naktukjl jmn lauilalta lluunf vxm uf ua lla 8be attou jtm jjprcs thuiihday janiiahy 1011 kd1toh1al notatfl ininjf a nail a staltds or thrlt tim mru uniirtiuluttm nf mdlll ar lo btt contra i ulaled in tlmlr iloclalo by such adarlslvn majority a 1 w t 7h not to iv liquor at llinlr brniuoll monday a holm w j lrdon fwvlnrlal irwurtor uf llcnnaw at ottawa hay a i bat tho barkecuar aiul hotsl laruer all a ui rovinc am living up lo lit law bolter than tby have a d for it la lo their own bit mat a to follow out i tin law both in ajilrit and letter bul tnrtoclally ill formor th initiative was lautti by tlu director and aharliodar of tha tradr i tan it at thn annual ineotink on tuesday in a uidvnntimt from with a haaklna riiclna for an rfflwrnl in dspnmbrnl lnhilloti tlia resolution fevihrlnir tbla artloo wall ntroducawl by ul f il joholon k o director of tha bank and cmdrd by ltv j h xyillummn a shareholder that tha uommmaiil ha un irr r i deration aaaiipptatunntary nallma appropriation which rrally mran tha omomfinmiikinl of work upon thr georgian llay oanal hystam baa immhi learned whan iueliond about il hon william i obaerred the- whol mat tar la under dvlmnt i can make no statement till it i daall with by the cabinet upon the ratum of tho minister of flnancr the new form of marrlajr llcei whldb la now belnff issued by the deputy i lag isirar- genera a decided improvement upon tb one in us aeveral years tlie principal change plaoea upon lb clergyman who forma t he uiarrlag ceremony i he whole reaponalhlllty of unking returns to the government formerly th duty devolved partly upon he prrao r ieultx the horn the new license were adopted lat january louring tbe pavt yr the amount of railway construction completed surprisingly large in western can ad more than 1 km ml lea of new grade were built being dildd amongst tb different com panic an follows grmml trunk iaclr 30 mil canadian northern 3h0 ralleet c i il 000 nille a large amount of couetructloa and grading waa done in saskatchewan which gained over 600 mile of eteel it la elated that gp ic construction during 101 1 will be at leaet noua to and per ha pa great erthan that of 1010 vor the protection of property the council ha deemed it to be expedient to atend tb are limit to tbla i lb or limit by law waa amended at ulo meatiog oil uonday evening to to oovwr all building within the limit of the corporation hereafter per- mission inuit be obtained for the ereo- tion of nw building or remodelling of old one nd all building thu reeled or remodelled muat be of atooe brick otment block or concrete or it healed with metal aiding puater or omtmnl the council u taking alepa to enforce tba by law in all eaaea- tbe leglalature of ontario la in malon tueaday afternoon while the gun of lb dth field llattery were lowly booming out be aalnte ill honor the ijeulnaiit0nvarnnr hon j u ulbaoti atuoded by ilrlgadler- oenaral oottmi and hla brllllaittly unj formed alaff rntered the igulatlve obamber he waa met uku ton throa hold by sir jn whluiey and tcortefl to th apeakera data th- ulench from tha throne waa read lite new addition to the unuee mr j hanson llnwitt of houth wellington wna intnxlucnl od twenty three mlnutea altrr hla i lono appeared th premier am to move th adjourn mr nt of the iou th tnemban are now galling down to the actual bualntm uf th amnion dr brigcs- u0quent sum0ns at laflrr bunday m hkrvicjthi luw win hrlgga 1 i tulin th hp itooechlaward of matliodiat i bitrrh u alwaya cordially walciimetl when iigatxl to uracil in acton ha waa i lie preacher at lha jxtyajkui anolvrry aervlce uat monday and lita tliacoura wriw ai uhoal hu trbniimmtr anl impr alve tha i kl f baa loal imiim t hla old lliun arlivity nlir fj rwuilon doptll of lbotiht anil alriuanl low jif nhaata d r a prhtarm tim adimoii in the iitorolog wmi iwawl umin 1111 i xi for ton tn llvnla clht he aid tbla eiprea- aloo of iu iau waa ilia revrrent con faaaloo of mo old hian of varied riper euceajand waa not given in a popular fldrnoa lfor a frlnndly aimllence but waa wallleo in priaon and in honda tliatihly of 1aula vocal ulary u th atudy of llim lihty tlia thought ujirriuol in the mind of iii la apoatolta nuthunlaat were firat upreaal in ol miir and mmi abaolutn iltotnlnm to tin- haviour sallubneaa la the prt- vailing aln gf human oat hit only hivine grare can overcom it i had iramrj hla leaaot i can ilo all thing tbroogh tliriat who atrrglbcn tb me jrace maka lie aa joyoua ai joaeph and aa grateful aa david i jo fortunately the aplrlt of aalf ami world iia haa gotten into lh churrli u eome rclffitt and it rftta both til pulpit and the tew iaul waa a kiia ao ateeped in c hriat that arlf waa oh- lltvratpd he prrexlied brlat only tlie control of all bia being waa in the saviour handa ill chararlvr not only applicable to apoalollo tin but lajuslaaappllnahle today uvlng for chrlat la no hindrance to lrgltlmatci aoclal dull uor to dlllgrnce in bual ueaa but ta a great manly principle wblcb oirut followera every wlierc ahoold aditfit aa iaul did the evening dlacourae wa founded onjolin 1 llu in end of cbaptnr i wa aa important part of the record t evenla at the iwglnnlng of our ijmii udoulry true rrhgion la the reanl of mtmial ronlart with christ t havn miraonal rnllglon i to have er- aooal union with olirut h la ll moat real of all malltle- and la ohlali ed by coming to hiui lllul that ciiouli iihio uif f will in no wiwi raal on jaaua by llu aplrlt la giving thla invitation jnat aa tenderly uimy a when he waa on earth in tlie fleab ttioae who become dlaclplea of oil hat will b an ii loo a to bring other to him aa aoon aa be bail found the havlour andrew brought hiuion iur hi brother tejiurk plrlt waa audrewa leatlntony tliey la nothing the world need o much today a the man who ha accepted chrlat and knnwa he la pardoned andrew gave uil dadnlte testimony he did eoi thing more h brought hla brother to ohrul ii wa lb oral christian missionary deter wa the flrat ml alonary wmveit if i were a pastor i would rather have worker in my con gregauon than the biggest advertise ment in the paper about my sermon or the biggest poster at the church door andrew wa an humble worker he brought 1 niter to christ but 1m nnr could preach a initer preached at denteotwt he i tb sort of man the church of today needs a great many of in concluding the doctor made an earnest appeal to the mem her nf tho church toemulai andrews sample and especially during the present evangelistic eer vices homo ar brought lo christ by preaching but more by peraoual effort neigh hotly invitation and family influence tb work of the church of the future null be by band to hand work en gendered by lov for jesus christ the sermons of dr hrlgg war much enjoyed not only by the meth ndlst congregation but by th mam br of the ilaptlst and dreabytarun churches who were present iter k j llurrell i a assisted luv ur an til it the pastor at th opening ser vice in tho morning th special muslo by the choir dur ing the day wa much enjoyed by all ur williams and hi organisation x celled tbemselve the offering for the day fur th trust fund of the ehurcb constituted a generous free wllliifterlng baix1navad the vrmery and tvoniana institute nwetlng here on friday will lie an event or general intel eat in tbr ball at oclock ilr j lurlxmr will xpeak on draught horse and how oltalae theui au clock mr il u u curdy will give hii address on the short kotlinn and lloeil crom in luutlon to the weed ki i the women meeting at al at the imne of mr rv i w currie will tie addressed by kir p u walt on what uulhvreand daughter should know and heoiamoer at the even log meeting to tlie hall at 7 there will be address by mr it m mo oordy small krull tor home cs and the market t mtm iu walt on happlns in tb hume and mr g ijarbour on present day needs of ontario agriculture at the annual boiness meeting i f um prmbyterian churob last week it waa shown that 00 member in good ataodlng were un the roll kinauoo an in good shape mesar d a rul fnd simon itlfni war elected to th board of manager some mnroediiit are bring effect d to th iniarlor of tha hotel her j f ford elected warden thi standi mo committbltfl ttie county ctmncll met for organ laatlou at the coui t house milton on monday all the mem iters wrre t vxcept iteevn orlltln of nwlsou who haa inreu iii for several week j in th election for warden mr j r konl iteeve of trafalgar wes rleeteil on lb first liallot tin- slamllug coutiuitteew for lint ar wur else led a follow frivtnokj c ford chairman m c smith and k v karl itoalm ni illdlmllmd hulchm chairman john illnghain and d ceal herslnne col j st hull iiiiom wm tfvomp son rhalruuiil j i orlflln and l oraou llilntlnu k v katl chairman hen hynd and john hlitgham kmuatktn ceo hynda chairman i- cratl and j c ford si w t vi cmhmush vtiosm m v hmtth chairman d huloheou and wm tttoutmou lultwh i itaiihlatlo d frathrtslone chairman j 1 iirinin and j c fmi kti itoim4j dj jlfllt ehalr- man nil thn nther m embers or the fninnll and itod suwrliurndent wilson imnripal w 11 stwah of arlon wild imnoiphl d k smith of hurling ton were appointed member of ihu county hoard or kxamln on reoom meudatlihiof chalnun hynd tim council adjouilned at 7 0 p m in tea may mean to you flavor or strongth or fragrant richness rod roso tea is bleodod with such nicety that- it is the combination of all three points of merit will you try a package uairj asat it la a lutd thing to feeetlrred over roogaitd mt tlr you reel f to right redrose yteaissisr your grocer will recommsnd it auditors report presented tii nkw rina limit bylaw council met on monday evening in regular anssloil mttoi iters all present itouva llyiula lo the chair the commltto no flnalln prescnl el thalr mdiiui rkrl ud rriini lii ended pay i no tit if min iiitlu f i jow tleo havill rra j iii lo j h markosjn mall rial wid nlngmihhc i u john harvey work and mill- pile i 111 actih free frcua printing l aiulmw hurt work at mo tery 1 fj iskr kru oal co coal 1 hi jlltj 71 tin rejhirt waa a lojited the rrimirf or the audlloia if llin iiioiint for iui0 waa proaenlvd i ho andllora nooiplimenlml ibe c until uuio the improved c uiduiou f llu hooka and aorouiita moved by u m mcdonald second ed by w m ihiper llml tbn rihirt of lb auditor lie received and rct pt ed and the clerk lie liuttrueted to have the usual number of copies printed in pamphlet form carried a hy law to amend a by law to labllsh fir limit within i hi corkira hon extending the limit to rover the entire town and new building nref led wa introduced and passe th usual money by law miilhorls ing the borrowing of money for ginr 111 expense wa passed the clerk reported that notice had been given by the ontario hallway commissioner that a porllun of thti cost nf improvements to a crossing on th t t it at crewsona cornsr would beaased on the miililclpallly of acton tho solicitor was instructed to a p war to oppose such action mr hubert wallace haa applied to hav tha crossing over th i t h at th foot nf howrr avenue recort almcted he intends having thn held fronting on mill street south nf hi residence surveyed into lots and to continue dower avenue through hi property council adjourned u fore ten oclock d m henderson is chairman of th doatrd of kdumuon tor uis nublnkbal or w malbetimu t ii ilirmwra ijlmjtoaltl r hilura i n nt inst tliiltany vrnlng for i igallliatlon mnaurlkmmlj a xlo i hsndersoo a ul jhn willums oil the te elo 1ml emu rv a r njckjin w thomas and dr aulu ur i m llolrn irfunl rhalrmui b r llu y at tlmmnflliig oioilltethwreklrok as roll ws i janik jam wal hairman j willi- o- ilioi kitrydr i aull rhalr- uisn a i niolllo ml i i ukwvw hi iota- ilmiiiao d m hemurmoo ibetlunmlhet ul 1hiaiii prosiot xl lhlr lint rv tl an i recomou nileil paymrnli f- i- f illrtwa u havill gal in 1 hh o ii laylor teiia i il v jihosfom uplw i ci thoa khlmga ph illltli gv ut stieucer huha i pipe fitting 75 k j llaant 10 n pies each hi- loiy an i hyt i jt v 7 ha ti wasadi ted itv j c wilson ii a wss r appolilteil a rep asenullv f the hinlou the i isi ubrafy hoard 71m ohnlrmin and serelry were lost rooted to renew the insurance on thesrhiol i illdlngi and contents in rrh a thn auo not to 7 u lh lloanl will meet on tha second monday evanlog of eanh month at u oclock auotiom mali ngoiatbh hatimlay fahruary libsale of valuable umu thr wmi half of lot m in the ii rat i inresaloo of kniuoslilg anil the wal half of lot ju in the same concnablou and townabtp alto gwlher jtht arrca tut re or leas at kahmana hotel am j p m it j khhii am llouvi t k ill will liotltn that wa f amroiitiiiu illy talking about f ourailllty torair wnlchia a clxka will that i- f j lhirtiiswi liuve ih t oil i vat lie that wo an d i ll aid u d i it u hi r thhii moat wlol jbs makera first immub wk unrvd our full torin i f m prt ntiroshlp and aflrrwalds workel under the ileal mskmsln lorouto and jo yiats ex hrlenceglvel us such a groat advan tagn over most o uinta that wo minii lo you in roll cniifl limce that it will lie can fully and julakly done imtigli the jeweler cuelpli ohildren oiy for fletchers c asto r i a you will never know x tenth of what i tfolntf on in town stat na tion and world if you tall to tsk this paper ordmr hjvotf ordtr jf jvotjt consoiontious plumbing y heating is mot 7t jutvth iitcithi us fo the contrary wc make it thn most important factor so if you favor us with your prtromc you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phone 337 mmxmxhkxxmmmmmmmxxhmmmxmh 5 h something new i under the sun 5 s implements and machines for the farmer front any j manufacturer in canada or the united states at the lowest possible price b 5 i heg to announce that i am now prepared to supply machines of every make without ex ception ind that i will not in tho future confine mjself to any particular manufacturers hut bcjicvinp as i do that no stnlb concert ii s a monopoly of all the kood things i atrt ronii after the hrtt in c ich let me know your preference and i will endeavor to bupply it i have made a cart ful examination ind mil pre- pircd lo recommend the kinds most miitahle for this district in addition to implements machines and vehicles i will give attention to roofing mater ials wire fence machine and coal oil also the celebrated white lpronze monuments american coal oil 18c per gallon o a black s auctioneer 3 3 mill st acton b j two leaders melottc separators 4daln hay loaders 5 b s a opportunity for careful liuycrs to make big saving in staple and standard una ol dry qooos juring slocklaklnc whit h will orcupy thr h klance of tlie month of j tng iry we will el jr out it very peeiilpnti til inn in which we ire overstocked also ill lim s in which tin railc ij broken lvlry day now loi of the ibovu will lx put on uw counter t cllaring pricls no hell worn r old stje jood but tin he t s ihnfr lines of thr ej on here arc i few iiucm winch iudt tie tin eh tr ieter of the ood and the v ilucs offered wuoill owl clllara 1 1 mi au kluiia ipiiur ji jxr jislr i w miisn hulfli uklia i lyrfiulr 30 ilccra 1 rlnls r mmi jw mel ill in i it istfiilar uc par yd or i lg i lees 1 jtiey 1 hninrlatlen ryn sn 1 pink injrular j jjr pair y 1 f i mlhh iy- i ilnin c i 1uu all half i rid miluoay tail lijjalj h r j 73 l4lla jaclal liiioo tt esrh 7 jo ij1w jaclam irj ijwj tin i if oo remnants remnants remnants of all lines of piece dry cood special i ibl ill through stock- i dkuuf henderson 5t co mill street acton ontario k nb for thi book ilk before you build 1yitit goii crete is lie lies material from every standpoint where- wilh lo imild liunrs almiit lite farm tins rccmlly puhliihed hook what the afmef can do with concrete will provr to you llic ftupenonly and in llirlongrun economy of congiiktk n iluilaiu mril you as a progressive farmer owe it to yourself lo rea this hook before you attempt any further improvements tlie relail price of the bodk is 50 cents but we will send it absolutely free to any farmer wlio will fill out and send lo us the coupon below canada cement company limited kloo malual ll i kllldlb moirj veu aisy send m espy of your teak what the tatrmrv can ito kthl ooecr4e w6e right house 1 hamiltons ravostlte shopping place 3 wonderful sales will close next tuesday tho annual january the annual january the annual january white sales floorcovering sales dress gobds sales all sheetings and pillow cottons will be hemmed tree of charge until january list all carpets will be made laid and i incd i rcc of charge until january jlsl t et nolhlnjj nitcrtfcre with your mtuid d trip to till ilium ilousi before xjl i1c tuebday at six oclock on tint d lit three of tho greatest annual ialcs in our history willclo c 1 htse arc the whito salem the c irpu- rup and linoleum sales andltlie amiuil jauu iry sale of black dress goodi these three rrcat v iluu giving eve nts in alone well worth attendance iii addition to them however we al o bee leave to call your attention to the great prcivontory clearance sales which we are advcrtiblng every day in the hamilton papers what to kxpoot as a grand finale in the white sales t lie greatest valucf ever olfercd in hamilton in household and fancy lincng luces imin iculatc kinbroiderie thousands of white ulouscb dciutilul white yard oodsjixquihitrjljkl nnushns superior lace curtaum and rich ucd sprcadii during the progress of these white sales all sheetings and pillow cottons will be hemmed free or charge all carpets made laid and lined free of charge all rugs and llnoluems laid free these tree offers apply fa our out of town patrons as well as to our hamilton r customers 1 here is no charge tor the heavy felt lining tho making of the s carpet or our workmans time in laying it as usual tho workmans car jj faro etc arc paid by tho customer this frut olfor ineins a saving to you sf exclusive of prico reductions of 12c to i e per yard prt all carpets purchas- s ed rugs and linoleums have also been hovurely reduced and will be laid gj free of charge r- tho annual baok dress floods salo ono of tho most popular of all s 1 ba valtim un hi offarlnj ft licli relljle wwvu in irolmtilv llo nml rmurliabl evor dyrllm in jl llilapapar vmlu worlli m much a ua anl 15 ur ymxx r mlllo i j this is only onli g 8ulhoi1iiii11icpsnow1i1evaiuii 41 llw ll minute 10 inure campulo clonpc muy n que ball imi pleecfl will iw wpt out rt neil to nothlruf tlaat to you gj ilerurn railroad fares rlibundkd on a liblral plan i thomas c watkins limited king ancf hughson sts hamilton one rrrratifcrsncrtsbrrdbls ilrto hbirlisrjnmti notice h v 1 t li culn a ssslmt uts usa ui il will i 1 r 111 pll ii aasot j h11 t uafslisal wanted ol kilattlllh mtwl- 1 no hai coodr lililiivuo li ustttajtsstary lultl appt dllulf uaijvbjoo uaia4 w nrnabllls oat kiln wood wanted ww i nlhd m tthli iiowdv uskaasr totinaio lau uo ul uiiokk hijildino lots poll bale ailua l will unthdt i dum wm will aai all iacoi llkaltttwoiial t oo ii01jsk and lot pom ha lb fulal i tatiuatlmf allabsa l to aala hani aa aou h um allll hiasat asuan tli in a month far satllav w 1 diiisii i n0tick notu m lhty o u al applloauoa rll ba mad la llta islalalura of uta alaa fl onlargabia ist aaaalo b tb toroaas hul uiban malliar uoblpaay lor a act anuko lilu um uoadihtn ai to aaiand la una tmta mum polul oa lu lul i yr tha town at mllla uuuuiy at llalmu itudiuj ihtosab or asr tu tunbihlm til tuiuoto lraajaa ast riisaa vj to rtdl laa liaa irocn scaas poiat at a daar uualjj in tha joan ly ul walllaataa t twin ate baa haaila lrasto uaapalar aa flail in tha uaanf ot waterloo sad a uaasll- toa in ti oonoty nf wvitwortli toaals t ou11 u or ilia townablas of laalatj watarloo itumfdaa raatlnab itarsrlsy rtasa ihhii waal aaj aaoaatar i a to ibwass u capital sh aa aatbar- laa its haoa of bonds lex laatnlaals anj srssit lbs oauiay rallsa valarwaya and blab way oompaaj t lallvaya daud al tomnin ibis unt da of ihoambar laia liuvuht iihniisilison 1 trdsrs lisah itulwlnsv taroats iollallaaa lor tonalo aaburbu matlw on nplaai of ta moutgagk sale valuabu pahm propbrtv in iownbhip ofjuaooaaino oontaluad it uoduead at lbs i sold by ihiblio anoiloa sabjaot bid aa trrnan hot i l thviiijri of aolotl couui til ila luu o uaturriay th strt aay or atiruary a i i oil at i too uoiooa la ii a aiiaraoob itwjas ysisatifct uoda audwn aa u wast halt ij lot til slim tuirty la tna tin m of tba towssalp ot auuuoaloc and u waat part ol lot tsash taiuiaa aluslauiar two ii ai i tl a waat ball ol lot saw said is ta ansa- ad a dm and a balf atony irani dwallla bos auoqt mill isal and a iralnw addulaa llilrla i w lwurauulaaaloaaaalaar and s frswis was aliad ulajaa fast ltantramllh ahiai n ft lr uim l lib alabllo latsmuli atraar- iwum and sbsd ubm fas sad a r iin amoid a borssaam uifsa shss atissptiouafj abm ooaar it i lifts t si an aakl lo ba aboat nlaaty aniaa alaaiail ad undar suluiauoo and aboat bm haatdrad nsrs in laatan aad tba bala aa swllsd boat tfasn la a aanr rallla afwta on um prsllin wlui a i liaulla lain audio in llu hnata aail bain aodaaoft walaralatar tb ovam b iu ut u ra nilus irooi aafton and she aata bills rroni unnon ujtnsra tba fii biay hair a poaaasaloiwor fall tlowlaa atlas am auail lall on imvib wbaal in uis ground i uiaaaniaiit uiada tb twauty nun uf lall ioowib ula wi tmanurhiljlm pacosalla oaab at unas nf asu and bahuux in on tnoaui wltboat ta- taaaal fufthar tatlloulaia and aosduloaw mt via uiay lw obunad laoni iba bndacslapaaa moot j kkuii watt watt qbslata tantlonaar cni w lualb lubjnubry ll tanaat 1alod for wowing sul a lanant la i isasa wanted married mn for general outdoor work accustomed to horses teaming mills and girdm work a good all- round miii of correct habits will find desirable situation and steady work harris co limited rockwood ontario welunbton mutual fire insurmge gompaiy r animal mfotlne of tho wolliiijilftii mutual vlr mlurauco torn jminy will im iiom in company oiucv iidliili 1 11 wednesday 8th day or february at a p m lo toculvo tho roiwiit of the pi rectors willi tltmnclsl slmtnmunt for th er tho uloitlon ot olrcltorm for tho ensuiag year nml tliur lmiticui rnlouoat to tha mctitlutr joln oavidbon secretary h07vye5s and lanr3b in the west i or mem or other thinking of taking uu urni lnrfs or hitylnic latiils lor lnvaimnl ra invilnd to call am ma i am ptsdare to i irnlntiinetliliulnlrirmaltonastodo- alrsl lolocallotig iefm prlcas ale specially conducted excursloas wlih icfiinsantlbjjvos in chsrgb will ii iuii timing i bo pflnj ami aarly suiumor whon all nootlful in laniiailun ami alii in socutintf nimiriy will b given hoi cotivoolont to clljil6a- him an i oiher information will b irxmiitly furwarjbd by aljnsjn a e nicrlin grand trunk ivtfx winter tours mexico ciloradot cabfomi and pttcilic coast points lltormul iv1111l railway system ts tho x tinjiir u uto from all no lata east tlmiiikh cutmdn via chicago features lioublt i tuck knst service iliickt tut iiki mihlnru izqulpmstit uxfxcel led imuliiu ar scrvic all klcrocnu f suftty mid conftit to the sunny south no nuirw itaslrablo mute thdn via grand irual uml nndrctinliiii very low ratesl l nil information ticket etc froni h s holmes agent acton ontaltlo spik xsfx

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