Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1907, p. 4

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dtlic jkttmt jfrre prtas i i 111 iimj n m loltl it m hm7 ii tllli j1ahhoom ilu mil mini i tiilu i llllllll i ii iii ll it ilm mill mnltli ii willi mi 1 1 loun lllllltll i h ii i i i li mill iiiiiii ii m iiiiw xlli mill hiiiiiiii hill too huoh woilml mum ii 11 ml lull muni in k rill i i ii klin niiiiy hi iw in li nl lirlil miulilii llll 1 ii llfl1 u ml inn i or milk infill of l 1 mil uml tin iwil intt it llll a hit h a ilu i i a hm to i tn pitiri nit ill mini i ll nl h na utilft a imr in nil 1 1 in i tux uml hruvr aln alit ail ll h rmivi to juj u hint homo iinnnrlo ir to tiim it ami broken iinni la a lu tnhiiiw wllll vi i iiiiiii ii ll lllldl t lu 11 i it limpid it well tub unlvriiuabrout n lut lill hi do- rfllil in the imu vinihul dy 1uifi i- ii 1 a troavolmt ulvt u lu uiuk uiudrallmi of tlm fact tlilil lntft mm miu inivti miuig hi mil mi vih inl tin in irtu of mi n uml women jd niwiy ikitlonulltltm 1 lui fwideh1 uli mill in imu tin hoard tlio 1tiurh hi nut i donnl liouifd fnii con tliintluopti to iiruullli wo cofiitoniu tint li mli itin iu hilling ih wl willi ijllittlllk 111 hindu it lliliifuli uiiinu duo toiu u kid nt lluii i hi it ihnutlh viuui unit win linn hi ijulu lln ciulliut lniiii nbihiih n bin io win ri ctlvnl in u nulu i llttmii to which- wl worn ji iuwihk ono of tho party spoki of lihu nw tlio ukiiiiont of whnt in boat in immunity tim kuuul in imly oxrlnliiiid i kdrimi tu tin kditlimiin who hnd last pokoii how l mi you anioritinii kwii to lihn tlui pluce hint u orciiilil liy j i in imvii t nufnllmvl lontfmlnw i tin iniuiimil ioi t hn in bottn known too uiiiinitf fuioltfti ur th in nnyoik i xli pt tin ii own porta i huu li imkimi npuulliip i stood on tin hrlu nl iii1dilli t aa tbucltkri wuro ulrlkliirf mm hour ami tlio moon i mm o i r thn city ilohlutl tliuiliuk climili towur hhonddid lung to visit ii mton tlmt i in ly stand on tliu hrldfp in tlui uiinpiny uiiu an kngllrth captulu luiimhiu from tliu zulu war it typkul id ll iuli mililki with oviry cunrnrtmlutu of bin climu autumn a tliu ilinoonii i ml y lnul coin hiilod jio said i i rap lvii you no in billing hat tor tliiin hint uml lipgtin in n voire likuu triiinput toll mo nut in iiinnrnfiil nnuihoi i ifu in but nn oinpty drentu ilia recitation of tlio on iho poem was marked by ho common i uullsli liphoavnl noil down iouiiih of tliu voice in onoh lino but it wan uvldont unit holovodivhuubo wav rupoutlnn fliou a tall link rruy 1ml roil flaolchiiutn who uiiomod nlnnya oom iiiiinliik with lihixt if mid il only com inencod i thur in no hick liowovor watchud und hindu jlnt aim doiul liimh uthoru iiu ropuitml only a fow biiiiuid but nppnrontly could linvi given tlio wholo poem bud bu wuluil i or inymtlf i know hint my cnntrl bntion wav my lout youth begin nlngi oftnn i think of tlio lionutlful town hint u uimllil by tlio mn i tlftf u in thoiihht nit up nnd down ulio planunut utilitu of tlmt dirnr old town and my youth cninou h ick to mo a imnilsomu ollvo cliookcd yanup man n oroik tdiicatcd nnd living in knglnnd unhl i low do you llko thluf 1 lion ho bugnu to sing htnni of tho iiiiiiimar night 1 1ur in yon nuiirodmps llido lihlo your golden light 1 hho sloop i my indy rioopb 1 tliu captulu of tliu donnl wnu not lior rogulnr co nu but nn ofllcor oftlio nitttonnl i roncli nnvy who wan hi ohnrgft only foi n fmv voyngos to our imi tun i nil mo n t in nocoiitu bo qui ho tliatono dliroinod wjth iliflloulty tlmt ho wiih nttoniptliig ilnglmli bo in toned i zoo nodw of ncot fitlr vnlorng fust van trouli an a i poo n vrolugu pint a yout who burn mi oil snow and vcro a linn nor ond doon btrnngu dovocop nxoouuinr i nono of tho ntlior painonor pon trlbutod hut nlpinily nlx nntlnnnlltkn lind hpnkon hootch ltimaliin irnuk vronoh lnglluli mid aiuuilonn an wo vnuo from l bo tulilo nnd wont up nn do k to wntnb tlio lights glluimnr ingln nlpoloimu hlrthplnotv aj lopln tho himulnn huly aitld hn ynn uuppoao llinro u nny ntlior poot of any ounntiy living or ilnnd from wtioin u umny of u ooulil bao qiintul nol oiu not ovon hhako ponro nr vlutot i ugo or homor opaiikldb vou niiiht hnd llinl impodlmont in your ppoi ch liuinuvi nlontat tlmoa mr ii p n no j uvoiyb idy him bu littlo po poulurlty hnlumfring unimlnni what in yours well ronllj i mil not uwmo hint i have any n do you ulli ynni ton with jour right imnjl why ym ofkoinao wwill tlmt a y jour pocullmltyi moat ponplo ii w n i loiiupnoti inwyor would yon lulloto tin worn touthuony of tlilmumip wltnohh ooitnluly not sir ijiwycr and why nntp wltnima hinniiwi nr hint man limtoh to toll tho ti ulb 1 o nhviij i did wo woinhojh logitliot mid homed to cry wliun tho ttiuthu nuuln lihn ujy two and two imido fiuu iawyor anything ulio xvltnosb oh jih no lio wna hi and doaoilbnd hm uymptomn mi that tlio dootoi nriuoillud for a npinlitbd ankls whan ho wiih hiilfoilng from nenrulgla in hm huul rawyoi j lint will do finiwui tho imk of mm win iiuu lui n npiinnllillllli u ton lienvy to bonr hm imollu i iii jilut bnulliig hm twi uly jlflb tuck in ii dup lliiiincii of gu iiy wlilti iiiali i inl mid tho drmu liiuki i i lorn to tho window wna run olilg tint unwlng liuirhliiii lit top npoad will wo hiiio gill hnvo sunt tlilu wbolo dny looking lit hut mmlrl gowiiannd trying to drcldn how tho hrldouinnlilu drihaib uhnll bu itinde hi gnu it minimi it wna ao hurt to hx on ii ftylo that would im becoming in nil tdx or iho glrui llun nt the iiiutmlniite wodui ovurtd tlmro wnint filough film pi ocu wo hod cbitaun ilm itu louilfnl wlillhir nny moio im 1m got i and lioiuu jimcphtihf otf in voi iimnr wi itlng that if i vimt imr foi it hild ujmild 1 nuiat boikl oiv tlio ilrctih inituliil tyith trluiinlnga and dluuhoiih fm nmklnj it jn u huiry bitcnijuii ulio can t got inn mroaiiunkor ufloi iunt wnkl tuut it droudful mfliiml liu tired i and you look leiiily to dt dp j otimolf 1 aimi only i hlnk i vo got to wi ho mi okiii t description of hip llimur glrlt rostuiiiib for tlioh inntlilru his viny nlgbt i proinlsoiu ilm niuclflno utophd middonlj and tlio diiiuuiilnki r glivo uiiup 4 i vo bud a ton hit ncclduut uho unit and bi id up thu ukjrtnf luixannas limy wtddliigdroaa ilm front bnndth cuvorod with inllnltoalmal tucka which it hnd token mrs ilroiit nearly all dny to baste hnd caught in tho nwlft wheel underneath hie nia- ohino nnd hnd wound round anil round unlil it was twitted into a black oily rng 1 bo ihrin woiiiin look ml at each otlui ih apililngly mrs llront nnd ii mnnim trlid to ho romfortlng but the drouhiiinkci knv ns well as they hint the good wi ro an imported novilty nnd tbuyhndboughtlthocauio it wnu tho only thing of ita kind in tlio city nnd routd not bo dupllcnled hut thuy did hnvo a fow yard a more suggested itnxnniin if you i an gi t it 1 ii nfay i itu tu night und woiu pidinuul tho diota uinkur lurmiao ynu know i poiltlvo- ly mnnnt come after to morrow 1 wo iiilnutflu i itm hoxanun was at tho letepliono 1 bu an banian nsourcd jiui hint bu had foiu ynnls moro of tho goodu and in leua than an hour npiicliil mubbungflr placid it hi her haudu hho untied tho package with trembling flugpra and shook out the shlinniiirlng folds it nm tlio same goods but it wna hie blue will to atom of tho c renin not possible to usol at that luutnnt hoxanim was culled down ataira in tho front hull glow ing with the joy of surprising hot htood tho man biio wav gutting ready to iimiry ho hnd tin veiled m hundred mill a to ape nd ono day with her hut i nut end of the welcome ho had ox loot ed ho met adlstractod looking maiden who lung herself into a chair at light of him nnd sobbed hysterically i o dick ito no use i i cant marry you i itu ita oh itn too much work i that waa ono of tho tlmna whim a miinu crudo idoa about what la and la not necessary in i woddlng snvod the day to lie aure n fow dozen peo ple wondered when the quiet core n to n y took place why uuxnnna llront had been ao chnngeablo in her plana about her mnirlngo but except for tnnt tho world wont on just the samei nnd hoxnnnn well nnd happy lo to day n radiant witness to the truth hint u woddlng nood not necesinrlly lio too much work aftor all y a onvrimiirp much npprpiatcd liulr imiior o it 1atidori iff tlio owe i rod attached to tlio nuiye am one third bf ttic rod is ntado ul cincry h miiki i ft tifilcndtd uiifo- nhurpener ioo l hunlwftyfrtlicfo hnnd tar you you need wnhlu nutimo hunuifr round fur tliccaumyminlftcodj alcol bnyht jdta ch an accurate thermoni- ttler la a rollnblp guide to bdcccflfiful baking wiuil an inaccurate ono in a cheat of tho wornt kind l cry pandora tlier- mrjimcter i carcfullv nd- jyitcil and iiiic n prnitiuil dent by liotri iirovcncorrettlwfpro being bcllt outr tim rtiyiros wliiii nbow tho rerjureil df rrce of licit t ncceiamry for t to buleeauflil jiklitnof brtivd cnkcnitick etc arc plainly inkcrilwid in black on n liito ennmol uuffaco no tji it tltcy arc ca ilj rcnlnjie eenvlicn uk dnj ii ifiill if our locnl dealer dotit not ull tlio paildora write direct for free booklet mxiaryfc lohdon toronto montreal wmmrta vancouver st jobn h a hamilton c j bpisigiit locaij agent chartered by dominion tiovernmeni eiterilliliej 1h04 the merchants bank or canada iiiead opficb montkual iniereit added four limes a year i trj uraaclies i rotljent 5m ii mohtaou a clam vice preslilanl jonatham hoposon ut general manager l v i ik linn h caplial paid up ifioooooooo depnillsover s43 003 00000 surplus f 4 000 000 00 total amis ji 000 00000 savings bank deposits ono dollar or upwards will open an account money willidrawable any lime no delay farmers sale notes we lijive iptidal facilities for collecting ibese we will cash them at once imoslrod s low rale of interest joint accounts whan requested we will open accounls in iwo names either one may draw ibe money husband or wife etc acton branch thai w s chisholh manager elect rolns 100 watches where ust weans out one kiep your welch clean and it is as natural for it 10 go as for your heart to beat prinjrte has experience and ability to repair and properly adjust watches pos albly as great any person in canada many of our enroa nro hut a gloomy jqwolqur privllogojlxhlc waltur soott inoharaetoi hi stylo in nil lliluga tlio biipronio ixcullunoo la simplicity tjingfollow watch the kidneys tlioy nm the mnst important soerotory ftrgnwi into nnd tliroiiflh tho kidneys ttpw too wnuln liildn of thn body con tiiinlntj poumiou tnnt kir tnktu out id tlio systom if tlm klihlon dn not ntf properly tills matter i ntniiud tho wlioln yntnm iwoomih dlhirdintl und the following yiiiptoiiw w ill follow 11 in in tho hiimll of tlm hnrk nnd loins irlklitfiil dnnms akcka limiting mi n tin oyih nil iii n wis utnlor tlm ojes nl d willing of thn feet and nnklia or nm itriii iry trouble winn nny nf tliwwi rymptmna inniikni qc d pringtle the jeweller guelph a movkti liaddhr a laddrr la uimlit to im wnlkrd on but a human ladder n unvi ity and soinothnsa n grand novilty huoh ludder cnuin into rrulaltlon in n11w york tint very long ego hut after all though tho art wna novel the actor wna hut nno in the long linn of mi it nnd women who in llfoa emergen elm nm alwaya on hand to exhibit that spirit of vonrngcoua self f orgetf nines- which mnkeu thn looki r 011 feid tliut hero is sonietbliig grand left hi bu inanity yrt it wtttfriiit hie old story of a telle ment house on fir and a small crowd nf filghtoneil escaping tenants tiny came down thn flru esoaea hi desptr ate hnste iwfore tho firemen arrived upon hm scene hut between tho last run f of the ladder and tltiv ground wn rdroof ten foot ida light iflmsy luiwni ewnym u matli tie wluhtof tho nios ttuluret 4amm tenant who stiuid li resolute frightened tnllakn the big drop and unahl to vo turn foy tthtjvw wuaau ever incensing weight of luiimn inge preslrtg downward it wnh 11 moment of peril nrlil it threatened tu iw ono of cmtastroplipt uut just limit the janitor stepped forward nolf pjji bussed nnd self forgetful htundlng on t ho fenohed up nnd found thai ills arm r routd just grasp tm em of tlm snaky udder cllntli over me he cried and blood hla ground holding on to tlo flimsy ladder whllo nieii women and child reu soni inblcd over lihn to n plaro of snfoty lly moans of that human ind dar they all ruacheii tho ground a bad ana aim tlio unprolltalilo huslnosa of some of tho rush and worry of business lire la neatly siiggislod in the following dla lotigue found in one of the papers 1 ivhoro is jonoap gone to cull for n in whnt for r to regain ida health how did ho toso hla health r learning tlio money to go to cull fornla i ko cholera and all aunimor complalnta are ao quick in their action that the cold hand of dontli la upon the victims tafore i hoy are aware that danger la near if attackod do not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dow of dr j l kelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immedlnto lellef it acta with wonderful rapidity and never falls to effect a cure whothei you be man or women you will never do anything in iho world without courago it la tho greatest quality of tho mind next to honor james allan ynu enn quickly rid j mi rat it thn nun of tho bout of nf lliniimpi of uldlll by modirjiipa for thn kidnoya doanfl kidney pills mr john i- doyle hiittnn ot tltil writes i wna troubled with a pnio in my bnok for soino time hut nftor unhik two hoxps n dotna kmvi v ill ui i wna 1 ntln ly cured nnd enn sponk hlolily in their finnr prion at coiilu por box or 1 for 1 2a nt nil ilmihrn or iho dnnn kidney lili co lonlnto ont tuidiihwthlrktntlit itii i did and hero ynu inn sol ting yourself lip a n hoau oortnlnly why did ou suppose wanted tlio othor fitlloun tngop woll well i im sui pi land to hoot vof illaa iubhiiy holng inigiigod to mr cwyinan llun ho nu hilly fast inn know oh i dont knnwt nppuiimilly hu wasnt faat onougli to gut nwuy from do 1 igbt nnd your reonmpenco la the joy nnd powei to do moro right ilobortnou lite hoiillhyglnw dlbappoiiilug from tho ohook nnd mnnntng and roatluaa iieuu at night uro suro ajinptnma of wniiuu in fdillduu do not full to got n hottlu of molhor o roves worm hxunnliinlnri it is nn effeotunl modi clue ilio grenluht nit hi life islo hnvn na many pluuannt ihoitghta na poudlhlo vornnrd a10 your oorns hnrdur tu romovn thnn thosn tlmt o thorn have hndp hnvo tlioy not hnd the aniito kind p hnvo thly nut lifliui cured by using moll own yn im n jut a p i ry 11 bottle tito boat rewind fm having wi ought well ultondy is lo hnvo moro to do hat4eir r tolhdbo of hoiton tury ocoupallun men who follow sedentary oooitm thins wliloh dopilvo tliiun of frcsli wlr und xoioibo are inma prone to dla oideranf iho liver mid kldnnya thnn thoso who load nctlvr nuuloor llvoa tliu foinioi will find in larmeleoe vognlabhi lnllu 11 robtnratlvii wlllinut iinbtlon tin most tltloaoliuia on the market ihoy aro easily pvnouruhlo eaally niton aut nxpodltuhttly nnd i hey nro biirpilttlrigly cheap codildor- ingthuli oxfliflluiiop no man is culled to n lifu of self donlnl for ita own auko it la in order to obtain a compensation which la real and alwnye propoi donate drum- in and tib a martollotia thing when tho oiirca rneoledliy dr jliomne kclootrlo 01 nro oonsldored tlio speedy nml permanent roller it has brought to the buffering wherever it lina been used it must iw regarded na u mnrvel lonu thing hint an iotnnt a medlolne ahould roaiillu from thn six almplo ingredlonta wliloh enter into ita composition a tilal will oonvlnoo tlio most akeptlcnl of ita healing vlrttiea honest inlwir on nny matter itusorv ing of toll la certain tn produce good fruit onrlyle keep thy heart nnd then it will he enay for thee to keen thy tongue brighton to mako libhllitnlly h new osthnatp tlmt uolovatlnn kmorann iihripe fbuit change of u water golds improper diet ousi diauriioea dysehtetty colic cramps pain ih the stomach summer compl ywt etc 1 linu annoying bowel eomplnlnta may be quickly and effectually oured by the ih of dr fowlers extraot op wild strawberry thla wonderful remedy 1ms boon on tha mnrkot for over sixty yeniy and in using it you nro not running nny risk ho sure when inking for wild btmw- bnrry y get tin fowi nna and dont 4attlia u e- lle whoovorooinoannd copturco ida enomy with love la the greatest of nil conqtidrora fronde 6jlr 1 tils sifsstiirv baevinr bcx e ibeasaulbi taxauvc bfwnoqulttlne tabuta uo reewdy thai sm la stay wo must try with nil our strength tn destroy igiinumoe and ovll t only wo hnvo to lonrn that ovll la lieat do stroyed by tha growth of good vueknnannda a suro onro for jleadnohe nilloua lioiidaoho to which womon are moro uhjoat than men boaoniev bo acuto in annio anhjocu hint tlioy ore utterly prnatrnted tha alomnch rofusea food anil thoio ih it constant and dlatresntrig cffoit to free tlm atomnoh from hllo whllolina iwqouio unduly aoereted there piirmeleou vegetabta imuh aro uepeody nlterntlvo and in neutrnllr ing tho elf cols of tho intruding hllo rollavoa tlio pressure nn the nervua which cause the hondaclio try them a cheap aulwtltuto on you mm fjordon llehner nowlnston ont wrltoa i liave used dn fowunva estitaot 09 wild btnawnttmr for dinrrlioea and never found any other modlelne to equal it there are many imitation hut none ao good aa dr fowlera hrhc w drawn oram ilarhor n t wrjtof i i consider dn fowlm etiiact or wild btbawurnny to ba too best remedy for summer complalat h it cured mo of a very bad cam x out woohumdnd it oisbly to uxfoa tho reword or klndnosu la a more iovaiiio disposition and n wliltfr vision nf opportunity jacobs thu wliolo duty or man la oiuhrnood in the two principles of altatlnonooand patlonce seneca tliora nover wan and novor will iw a iiiilvorual immioon in ono romody for nil ilia to wliloh floidi la heir whnt would rollovo ono iii in turn would aggravate tho otliora wo have liowovor in quinine wine whon obtained in a sound unadultor- atod utnto a romady for many and grlovoua ilia dy ila gradual and judloioub una tho fralleat oyatma ro oil inln enntnloaoonco nnd strongth by thu iiilluuiiuo wliloh qulnlnn ovorta on nature own restoratlvuo it ro iiuvoj thou o whom a chronic elate of morbid despondency nnd look of interest hi lira ih a dhuuuui and by trnnqulllilng tha nerve dlspoae to aouuda4idirvablnvaltimihirtir vlgor to the nation nf the blood wliloh iwlng etlnnilntod aounoej through thu volns trengtltaning tlio honlthy ani mal functions of tint yatom thorahy making lollvlty a neoeaaary reault atrangtlienlng tlio fnime and giving hfo to tho dlgestlvo orgatia which naturally denmnd liioreaaed aulntanoo result impiavev appotlto north- roi a lyoiuii of toronto liavo given to fho publlo their auperlar qulnlim by tlio opinion of aolontuu tho wlnft npnroaahoa hvaroet perfootlon of any on the lnsiiet all druggtsm itell it was a total wreck from heart failure in aueh case the action of milburns heart and nerve pills in quieting the lwnrt rentorip lis nor- mnl imiii t nnd lnipnrtii time to tlm nerve centres ti lieyond nil question marvel ions mr dnrlub cnrr iniry n ii writes it is with tlm gmitct of plnnsiire i wntn you n fmv ilm i to let you know tlm grant menuinff your milbunia heart and vervo imin luive lioen to mo i waa a total wreck from lwnrt failure and my wife ndvwd 1110 to take yout jillls after uiug two luixea i was restored to rwrfrrfc lienlth i nm now 03 youra old and fiol nlinost na well ns i did nt 20 price ao cents per box or 3 for tl 2jj at all dealers or lunilnd direct by tlie -t-milbitm-0flnrijinilted- work is not a mans punlahmonti it la ida reward and hie strength hla glory and ida plensure- goorgo hand roundmtlen prtnelplaei first 1 whon wo undertake to 111 your auimcriptlone woglvo thorn our undivided attention and boat enro tlio patients welfare la orrv first eon aldorntlon boeondi wogttnrnntoo our drugs to bo of full strength na well an pure and frosh tlilnl 1 our ouatamora aro auppllod with juntwliat thoyaak for 1 milwtitut ing la novor nllowotl iainbfl oklbhy oomiound if you nro a aufforor fmm kldnoy dlboaau llvor complaint blood trouhloa rlimimntlum neuralgia or norvoua prostrntlnn wo confidently reoin- niond tlio iibo of palnoa ootory coin- pound ihlu rellablo and novor dis appointing medlolne la a truo dlaonao hnnlslier and ayatem builder wo upply tho gonulna palnoa colory coinpounil at drown aoton ont who she was sketch of ibe life of lydia e pinkham and a truo story of how the vegetable compound hnd its birth and how the panic of 73 caused it to bo offered for public sale in drug stores this volptukablo woman nhom maiden nuuio uui 1um mum tarn in lyilb mart lelinwry tltlv wu com ing jdroin a ifvwl old quaker family fox sorrin years olio tautilit oehool and fjmwntn a a omnii of aft alert fc and hivmllirailnit mind an earmt m ki r aftirknniili ipi and iifwm nil juwnwil of a uowti rfiilly mjuitlk tit nntun in 1ri1 pbo marrlnl ifiiat pltilliiu i a biilliler on 1 nul rxlntu orw nil ir nml their tarly imirrliwl lifo mw marked by pnwperlly and 1 in pi i new tluj hml oiiriblllnn tlmt mini nn i ndaiiuhli r in ihoao good old fuuhlimii ilu it v romtnon for tnotlii m to mako their own homo uipdirbuu from rools and lierlw nnltiroh own wineiliei i ailing ift a plivsklun only hi bjm i billy nrgt nt i uwt a lly tradition an i i xporirmo many of them ninrd a uoiuhrful knouleilfie o thn curative pmportlia of tho nrlnus ronta and liorlw ffra ilnklinin took a treat interest hi iho study of rvw la and lu rim tin r rhar acteristics and power o or dlwaso hho maintained tlmt jim t on nature so homill fully proidem in ilm hnrwxt hilda ami oreuanls rgilablo fomls of all kin is so if wo hut take tho uilua to find them in tlie roots and lu rim of the field tin ro areremwllee ixpnwdy dinlgned to euro tho arlotis ilia and mcntnisnes of the body and it una her pltomiro o search the out ami prepare almplo and effec tive modlclnee for her own family and friends chief of thine una a ram ronihlnatlon of the rlinieeft niodieinal roots nnd herbs found host mini r tho ciuo omhe iii and wenknciw a pt rullar to the femalo sex and ijilm u i inkbama friends and nulohliorf liumivl tlmt lier rouipniinil relloveil an i curod and it itecaine quite popular among tiem all this so fur was dono fnwly withrmt money and uhout priio na a lalor o love lint in 1h7 tlm financial rriela stmck i nn ita length and aoerlty v en too murh for tho largo real estate intorsata of the ilukbam family aa this clsaa of buiineaa suffered most from fearful de- premlnn so uben the ctntennlal year flanned it found tbolr pnipi rty swept ana porno otlmrooiirco of income had to lo found at this point lilin l pinkhama vem lalilo compound wna mado known to tlie wort i the uireo noiia and tho dauahter with heir nmthor voildilned forrea to n atom the fmiilly irluni thoy argiiv that tlio iiiedirliiq ulilrh han m good for ttielr voman frliut la and ndgjibor una equally good for tui women of tho rt ik o w orld tint pinkliiiia had mt money and little credit their find laboratory uua tlm kllrln li hero roou and lierba went sfiiiud n llisxtovo gruduatly filling gmmcnmw iiiom tlien raiiioilieqikwttnn of hi ifliik it for alwayn before tlioy had gii n it iuay ihm ly they hired a lob print r to nm off some pamplilebi u tting tort 1 1 tin inerlhf of tlm mdillrine now rulliil lalliu k ilukbama vemtablo toiupoipi i and them er dlttrlbduvi by tin mnkhani mmn in iloston ifk nnd hmoklyn tlio lumili rfut iiirajlii prujurui of in medicine wire to a great extent ellaihertlnlntr for whoever used it ro- ivmiim mliml it lo i tin rv and bo demand aradnull ininumml in 1h77 by combine i efforts tho family hail saved mntiuh money to commence no wb wiper ailvtrtuing and from uiat time thogrnuth and suroem of the enter prist were awiunsl until toiay lydiak inkhain an 1 in r vegetable compound hao lutiiiiio hotiwliold words every n hen and many tons of roots and herbs ire uwl annually in ita manufacture i di i i i inkbaiii berself did not live to see the on ut surrewi of this work bhe pohoil to her reword years apo but not till eho hnd provided meana mrrontinil- ing birmork as effectively aa shecoul liaadnnntliomlf duriiitf b r i nit nod eventful expert mil miii hii ever methodical in her work mil aim waa alaa careful to pre atrvo a reronl of evi ry raw that ramo to her attention thn raso of every sick woman who appllid to her fnradvlro anil there viero tbotiramls rorclved earerul elinly and tho details including symptoms ireatinent and resulta were eordeil tor lit tiro refereneo and today llieee reconls togi iber with linndreda nf llmiihanile mado since am avdllabla to slek women the world over and ropre btiit a vast collalionition nf information in muding thn treatment of womans ills whiih fur authenticity and accuracy can hardly iw equaled in any library in the world with i vdla i plnkliom worked hnr laugbtofln law the preoont mrs rink- ham hie warn carefully instructed lu all her hanl won knowledge and for years alio anklcd lu r lu her vast correa pondi nee to lur hands naturally fell tlio dlrec tlon of tho work when ita originator pawed aw aj for nearly twentyavo wars uho ban continued it and nothing in tho uirkfahnwh whin thn first lydln ii i inkhain drop noil her pen and the present mrs pinkfiam now tho mothrr of a largo family took it up with woman pslstanla some aa capable ah hor- aelf the present airs plnkhamcnntlnuea this gnat work and prolialdy from tlio ofneo of no other person liave so many womon itrtn advtaed how to regain health vlck women this advice u yonra fir health freely given if jou only wrfui to ask for it huili l tlio history of lydu c tink- hain a egetablo comnoiinu mado from simple roota and hornet the one great mediclno for womens ailments and tha lilting monument to tho noble woman whoso namo it bears tltnulinrteatnnd aureat way to live with honor in tho world u to be in reality what we would appear to iw do hon lea to gurib a cold in onb dav tska a lstly nromoqalnlna vsbltt all rw moniy iflt hits to ems hw qrovmilitibtuiraoaeafib itos ustius wlae men neer alt and wall their loss but cheerily wok how to rodreaa their litrm fjhakmpor a bad stomach that is the secret of dyspepsia tall disease ntuutmea ao many forma that there lu sonroely n complaint it may not rehemliln lu mm wny or ti not iter among the nuwt prominent aymp- tonu nro eonntiiiitlnn sour stomnoh varliihln nppetlte distreas after rating etc burdock blood bitters is a poaftko euro for dyspepsia anil all stomaeh troubles it ktlinu atea aeere- tlon nf tlio hiitltn nnd gnutrlo jiilcea to fnolliutvuitetiiii purifleathe blood and tones up the entire syateiu mrs w a moneil llrook villhre mk writi i i ailfforeil fmn thisrma rtwtimravli to no purniwo l thnn flnally uvmlm um uufdoiik llloni lliltr i w i tmalt of tlw rikxilcliio loil tuy- thlnb now nliltaki nny iii r fbeia oa tin tp9jnu moiioiuoi is it foo twear- vou are look ing tor if thats tho case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots sliocu rub bers etc for people of all ages anc siaesa fall and winterj stock now ready for your inspection wm williams tfaa shoe uan mulbtnat aoun excelsior bakery wo aro lioadquar- tcrs in acton for bread calccb pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con- lectionery t statham evson learn dressmaking by mail in jour spare time at hemic er tjke a pertonal oouna at sohoob to enable nil to learn we teach oiucasli or instalment plait we nlto tench a nor jmfllelnptm onwabthclaaa commencing inst tuesday of sack mouth these lesioas teach hew to cut it nnd put together any garment from the plain est shirt waist suit to the ment elaborate drm the whole family can lanrn from one course we have taught over haven thousand dreaamakina and guarantee to give five hundred ilellnni to anyene that cannot lenrn between the age of 14 and 40 vou cannot team dress making aa thorough na this course teacbou if you work in aliopa for years beware of 1m itatlonu oh we employ no one outhldo tho uchool thlu hi the only experienced dresh cutting bchool lu canadn aud lx culled hy none in any other comitrv wrlto at enco fur eartilutaru na wo hnvo cut our rate one third far n short time address aanmiqk drnsactrrtina bxhooi 31 brio st btratford out cnnadn acton pump and tile works aahlnoi k iiiainft tl 11 mi j- ll li lll so ll i kin 1 nn u no 11 h l j all trill in 1 ta i 15 p mr mak iits tlhotio i i 0 ii o iodic m h wll 0i0111 11 ivri rw ik0mi11 vitnrn new pictures at waters bros new idtas 111 rriming artibtb suppli s oil and water colors alw5s fresh and of the litst ijuilitj waters bros cuelph aut btoiie w- ginison pa in let pajilr ii nit r sirn wntlr picture trinitr shop mill st acton op posite willnm lncr rcpatrs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary dck knives ground sclsorb sharpened courteous tttcntion and reasonable pnem v gimson to itioiraplcrs tho david smith eng lltho go lormorly of koljl smlili co 00 08 go church rtroot adjoin inn toronto railway cliamuers tonohto bngravera nnd lllhournpliora oank nntt commorolnl btntlonoro msnu ottirora of mluh cinon cal- onriaraand advortlolna novoltion old iron eogo nhd rubbora wknt6d fumi miuliiicr htippln 1 mourn ia1 bi n lmi out o b kddaqb froprlotor mill btveet aoton nassayawc lu mills lumber i ailr and shlnglei alwaya on band cheap ulll ilud oul 10 order p 8ayerf sons our premlsts are now fully equipped with all ilia latest machinery and appliances for manufactories puiwur and pump suppllfm ti0tarxumvuuraoutrrtm ere stm jvne jfittinf tool and jvjia svppum orders promptly filled main stheet acton m synolsis ob canadian n0bthwb8t humbbtbad rboulationb albsru almru ifltutlub auit m net mmmif rosy bataoaimummtiy aayesrsen who is ths sols hud ol k fsmlly or sby mu ovsr l ysars nf la u eiuai ol diisqusrur sutioa ol ida 1 tuorsorlms ttusuj ttif faomsstsaasr is rsqulrerl to psrfern el lbs lollowlnf plans i ai isssl sis naoaltis nslrlsdes unos slid eulilvsllaii ef itie land tn son ysr for lures yesirs l if r fslhsir or neltisr if the faltisr is zje woodefldravinti dhoto ea16ravin6 halftones juoftesiiim od aav bniifrr oy rntlontts x manko deoianb copvntohta an g m hitrli mi 1 itrvcrli ii n mm ftiirv wwulii 01 r hi iifronwl hnrsl ijafesbn swkr vvrul hhlhoili wuliiulvlmruo liilin sdenlific hmcrkmii a tirnrlnmtr lit utmlfxl wrrlilr j nrucil rlr rvrikjirbii l pffimm aptly secured uiwe umtlns isprl swnad tayjitin hi lbs vleliilly oftdsliatttmmad th mqmlrsnimu ss to rstf mum may im ssuaasd ly hsusum upon the rlt tunauoiatlitsd tfablleatfea ol uils ad vetmismsni will uotw pia for a will for our litlrrccl ik i- l nveti ralulp snt iioh you am swlndifd josiki ma rough skt cli t r inoild i f f iirlu lyaritloil orlllli rovaihli i nml weuultynu ifrsaoiir opinion ns to i ttlirr ll u r mjun ly ktslttsms rtiucld srhtlillikiavnftii st bilmsljll1yumcmril ly ui tii i l idiinl offlrrs lu siuntivall iawij wstlliibloni iini llniikiirnmitj fy iuoatcti work and nnlrhly wcine i t iitj lirnlit sf lis ihviulm lirsltl if ftltn si itirnuht i 1 raltnlt fmn rr i ltirrii mailmi a mvi rtoiirsetlv special nntlca will nn rislfas yr low thwrmw iluiitlhiiuuliniiuvotti m iviiii i ii ton j srttsmir m marion paiani r owo4

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