Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1907, p. 3

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it 1 1 not only tllllciqujly tlchjufiil to cat but greljs whut swan jelly powder mill trim fr i t and v c fhvors i really iff i fur j on ait ii i r icttf rapack iif ai y i f is u tr r it live r i rice tor n eobmt obiu w uju xi it 3 bur took of hojeiy b knlvon wedding b forki irononts 3 h bpoonn u insiuerwarnonl h wadding fwicycitlij 3 8 ninui g m is up to dalu s 5 geo hynds jowollor a mill si aclon g thliisdvn fllloiii it 21 11107 brilt local itcms i r u 111 lie wulcomcd ncll hi ftiilva noanoii hull mi hun in ii v 111 til ii i i i i no i l iii- uicl nvt ihuudiy will liu thanb umukdij i ii holiday i in n wiikiiiiiih wero received in t hu mitludut lunch luit hundny u oil lift ii ii i my vw nl tl ivn about tuihu uiiu 1 1 1 luu freezing un nun 1 1 nliilit mi jt lin i ordun inia pur hi is 1 h diii ah i hum is lilt dwoll i m nu l linn i sluu ilia hlrlt n m nf mr nhner hindi mil m ihw iiwltcnco nn willow htui t iiihimu co in plu it mi i im hhliuik ol thohtullon ii lcl iiih iihlikiu i llu icnntloton miuhti it nppi itulliu hntil oliiu i ut l nut will tiu hold at lei igd tvn t n 1 i id i noicmhur 1st mill ut i ipiuii onibor 2nd iho in iiiruim nt is nlrundy ut lvoik miking prtpiratloiib fat mi v u ly i polling 1 1 the ukntlnff rink a unclil will liu hold by tlm ii v pi in tin ii iptut chiirrh on iihlii ninlng v collection will ho tukuu mr wlllhiln lit iiiutroot hna lon nppuhiuil miiilfii iho ilurlln iratilta wduw ml ih iuuiinif ordor for inuiimik iitu tin nt hi i ulunyh wotcomo at tilt i in i im hh nnicu hand im in tlio niiiilh i f johr vlultoiu ur lull us or youi till u uv iy alliuliiill i i brother of iho i uu i hill of vcton dlud nt iiib lioino lii irufilrfii on haturday in hla iiliuly m n nil ji ir cluulii hiiij who waa incupnci titul lj llhuun fiotii attending bla liuliuliy iiuhiihmu fi i u cik oi bo ir ii nd nt m ik ug tin llm c lrntr btuno of iho now iauhj mi mull il mutlincllst church oiiolpti will 1 i ild on ilinnluglvlng diyhymi ii i i mat or hamilton a lecture on japan by liiittni biiiib ulll ho ghon in tit vlhmu i imich thlu uvoning nt ti o click by iho hi it ii meolnnl inlstnnnryfmm jnpmrf icluu n ickli unt r nnyu ohulr- mill willi iinu u an slow in making his prop aid itpilia to tho ootinoll olmnilmi an liu himself hna boon in gutting in thru now ontrnnco nnd gutoa to 1 ulrvlow ctnmury f mibb i duticoii hna lioun oppoint ud muulcil dlitrtnr of tliu mtilbodut church clu ir lltlng u thorough iiiiuklui shu ix t iiiinoiilly qiinlldod to iii thiu imp it nit und rciponilhlo poultinn milton ilufonmr flio fun i i il uf tho into mrs llolwrb wulliicu laut i ilday nftoinoon wh nt ti nil ml liy a imgo concoiun of frlonda nud nolgliboru fho aorvlco wiu con ducted brltev j o wllaon 11 a imitated by hav it v ilaikvr tho oxcciitlvdof tho lliilton him dny flohoiil avnoolitlnn luivo donldod to hold a invention in conjunction with thn liiifulgii township oonvon tlon nt nn ourly late a grnnt of qiou wan iniido to tho ilovinclal anno cl illon v h a ui mi i on 0 a nf pihnorstuii orcuplid the pnllt of wuox chinch i iut hiinduy morning nil oi i hingyhir imiairiiccoptrnoo itnv mi w llm u pioncbttl niinl- miuny hiiiunint in tliu pruhbyturlntl olniich at i i line i uton iho nil hmibu nn tho ilonnlinnrn pti pint i uownnatho molnulbouao in holng tiiu down it xvua built thoululxty u a ngo nnd wm ocou phil liy tile fiimlly of tho into thoinita mol mi f i nt uly forty yonra alio inn old landmark routovod hlln nt hlu wot k ua n solit tonthoi iidlor nt lluuidinoro a co atnnnoryi nu mo id iy morning josoph ohlppor- ih id hid i liu iiilufortinio to got hla loft hand in thn maimlnrrj it wna pftln- fully hi iilm d nnd pnt t of tho first joint of thn mm nil llngoi wim torn off thn young lad ion of tho kpworth long ii ii who gavu up dronilng dolta iiovmul yiaru ng i mo nt lb rgnln liny in 0 diohnlng fifty or uiuro to honil to thn oimcoiubtt hoinf toronto foi dlutillmtloit nninug tho poor llttlo lotu r thn city nt clulhtnmii tlmo the utnblluhuii nt of n now wmil ton mill ntoitoigi town la holng dliouaa odt mivsykos junltuv of ultiiiwllluiiib will prohihlj i root n wonjlan faatoiy on tho piopotty ndjolnlng thn grand limtk utntlon mi 1 11 miiakotutln la pn piling plum fur tho prnpoaod mill iooigi town 1iiitt tliowoiui unit id imvn olimod ii dual for tbolr wholti piiak nr wliiliu ftilit mi n bmla of til 2s por bhl fill no i klngi uploa and jnldim itiihrotk mid wl 7fl for no a 1 im total ookl pf pnokliig bnrro oto will bo nboul 70u whloli will hwv u bnodunmri piollt f n tho inombers of thoooinpnuy news or local import will mlmna for atria rv ammln i ho oiiflpli mi ruury bnya i mr a ii murrny llooi tt krln la in tin i liy lo tiny on i tmlni nu ho ihjh ih il hr will titiid for drfmty ri itvi uf liu town hlp imxt janunry for ih i i urin mi nccotuit of piiibiiro bilng brought to imir on him in mtmory of titbit mart a memnilil lorvlro tn honor thn innniory of llm i ilo hov john iolla i l wiiu hold in iho mblhodlit church on hiinduy ovonliig hov mr ilarkrr baled n voiy improaalvo dla course iion iho joint lout i 2 hum 1 1 oh i know yo not that tin ro 1 n prluro nnd n grant ninn fntli u thlu day in iimel nnd lleh hi i j ho holng dead yot sppnki th tha mlajh i sohool connrt henioiiihi r mon day noenlw 1 1 tin tlui datfi of tinr high helton fciitvruin inont iho prlnalpnf feathio of the vnlng wlt if n tocltnl of chntlou dickens a jbrutiuoh 0roj by mr v r h wiuuiiimn of lirouto urnd ilirtatury iwfora going to tlu cdnoorti thuio will bcgv s liy tho idduuta a solu by man mbtnlo llulmind othof- lntortiitlng umtutvit itev ii v irldbt it a will occupy clu ohnlr t alban ohutsjh aaopnlnar tho nplnrgfrnunt nud iiuttrovotnciita to- ht alhnna iiimi will lo- com plot oil by iho mil of uoxt month and iooponltig seivlcaa will 1o hold on hiinduy and monday lt nnd 2nd of dooomlwr horvlcoa of r btchil clmrnctor will bo hold on hunday on monday ovonlng ilia ordalilp duhop diimonlln will visit st allmn a nn monday evening to continue tho ro opening icrvlooa and to nd minister the i llo nf confirmation to a miniwr of en militate a feiuay nurht foi uuialar on tuoiday night tho hotel at nor vol waa onlored by hurglnia who atnlo n fur coat belonging to tho ih milords wife tho bar wab broken into and ii piatftlty of rlgnre taken na wtll na bolua loon cliango tn tho till dm log tho sumo night threo hoitsts wi ro on to rod ut oenrgotnwn from iho tnhla of mr j a tompkins eniuo vegotahlob wero inknni mr w hor top b collar nud pantry woo raided und onio things wore mlislngnoitmnrnlng from thn liniuo nf mr jni hit lb georgetown herald thankajilvlnir itnurtalnment oi ytara iho ladles of knox ohuroh hnvo provldod a delightful ovonlng on thanksgiving and they nil likewise no nt thursday ovonlng hist inst hptendld talent hna boon si cured for tho occasion und will include miss jessie ii vtngi tlocutlonlst loronto wiiobo hcotilsh rod tilts hnvo dollghttd largo nudluncca throughout tho oouiln ion mlsa pulon soprano of tho metro polltnn olmrolr toronto nnd mr h s d i la toronto addresses will bo do llvored by iiovb ii a miicpharson of toronto and w g wilson ij a ouolph tea will hostivod frini 0 to h o otock traat vaur old country prlentla the qlgga fruit and iroduco on of uurlingtnn nro making greater pto pnrntlona than over for filling ordore for forwarding fancy canadian npplea to frlande in great iii llnln npd ireland na cbrlatuino or new cni a preaenth last yenro trndo in thla department wiie decidedly satisfactory to this enterprising firm and eminently bo to tho roc i p on t s of canada a cholro fruit thoy guaranteo dellicry nt tho ha mo of iho old country friends a fow dayi boforo chrlstinna in prima condition samplea of these itaokagtx of fruit wll lie on exhibition at tho ontario hortl aultnral inhibition maiiioy hall toronto in november next another of anton son proapahnjr from tho winnipeg tilogram no notice that mr hamuel itmwn son of our esteemed townsman itobt drown ksq dower ave hna tho contract for tho fine new union station of iho onnadlnn northern and grand trunk paclllo hnllwnya nt winnipeg tho telogrnm soys i mr 8 drown who ecured the eoutraol is one of tho well known contractor in tho west nnd till year baa u large number of railway contracts on hand tho work of the powor bomb and loundhoiue of tho c n ii is under hla supervision nnd ho baa charge of n number of con tracts of u similar nntnro t western divisional points tho new building la to havo a frontagoof4nofeotnn droad way nnd will lie 2 ml foot in dopth the length of the depot will lw ftbont ovonly dlatrlhutcd on the north and south aide nf dromtwny n the new building will extonil about bv foot on olthor nldo of that ihoroughfnre holid out atone will bo used in tho conatruc tlon of thla fine depot tluia two aotnn ition me prominently associated with this big winnipeg enterprise mr d d mnnn vlco itcs or thn cnnndlnii northern und mr hnmtiol ilrnwnrtho contrnotor mr nnd mnr ilrown spent noma tlmo during the summer with thott aotnn frlenda two million noasik while in drainptnu thla week tho fhkk phichm vlslttd tlio world fumed groonhnuaea of the dale tatiito lhla great establishment which 1ms neatly fifteen noroa midor glasa la tho 1 ugoat in auioi ion nnd it nron le cipinl to thnt of allothei cnmniorelnl greenbauioa in ontario combined i tlio company which la under the able management nf mr t w duggan huu fnnn uk lo i omployrea the following will give an idea of its untput t 4 000 roue 2a000aariiatlonanndlft0t0llly or lha valley mo out and ablpned weekly during the eeoaon 100m to hoooo obryintithpmunia iimprodticed those are all of wondorful beauty and excel lenoe in addition to the nltovo many of the rarest vnrletlee nf orchid a are grown ft htgtttiltnt of whloli wne ahnwu whole value wnt 15 01 for tho present aenaona stock of illy of the valley 1500 010 pipe wore imported tho dalen ehlp their iveaiitlful produc tions to all inrts of the uomlnlun wbllo the writer waa in the shipping room orders wero being lent to mont real hmilt hte maria and culgary ho aucoesiful nro thoy in growing auch varlnllua nu the american deailty rosea that they euooeed in winning prlsea over all the united bin tea grower in their big horticultural exhibitions mr a 1 drown le the local agent for the date greenhouse and very kindly telatlona exist im- i ween the dale and theli aoton uffettt ho nor wlr pnm sonusm kioueslng fownshlp council bus passed tho fillowlng resolutions i ibat no boniia be paid fui vlr ft lire in thlu township until n drpufnlloii of the council miainlnus be unim ul u im iiiim r of tho council reillltea that it is nil right dint blx months nfter tbladiiln tho lionus fur wbe funcea will lie dlscontliiuad hlauthur of the innen two cmiad of hunters lifter any live thing tumour wild they could legally kill a doxen in encli npiad represent ing thn dominion and tho acton hotels scoured the wooda surround ing aoton on monday to see whlrh side could kill the largest number the uluum aide won nnd llw aoton u r p riboiitullvra bad to vny for the oyster riipiwi which followud tho day e kji linif ho mor vtreat beanre the guajpb ht raid anye no m rc boullroa on thostrootii aay iho ptillco a rfuat many coinptlnla recolvvd amut iho liininlng of iriivoe in tlio kiilartlauf soiihj of the reid dojttnl slnols tlio prnetloa ha be come a mil nud the vollao me determined lo put ash pto it acton aillyue fi oiji m slinllnt nulsunoo thorn la no hotter fi rtlllxer to be llnd ihyii louvi a put thtiu on your garden and avol i dnugei from lire und animyihir tn your in ghlhire onsior hal ton a urihut dauvhur mis murjnry vanlleel or kilbride lute iteen granted a first class loneheru aerllftcate hbe waa the only one of alx candidates from wnterdcwn high hctionl to pass at hit ox a ml nation and waa two pohitu hrt but i be department threw out the pilta pajuir which was tho cuuao of i ho trouble nnd lhla loft bei fifteen p lata to tho good mua vaullout b iv tlono remarkably well considering in t nge only eighteen hho is uttondlng til uodul schoi i nt milton his term aaioh vounar ladle ln pmltlon mlsa amelia husl in i daughter of mr j w ilusluind young fitrett line la on uppolnted hnu tlmundsiit of nnroea in ilammott hospital nt erli pn und h iu com i lioino for i ten days visit prior to onti i ing upon tin respon slide duties of tho position hho will have charge of the twenty flvo nurses employed in the hoipltnl mlsa muhol conk duiighterofmr adnmcook mill fit hna lieen appointed hiiperlntend cut of the general hospital at grove city pa mlaa conk commonoed hoi duties ne superintendent several weeks ngo hoth or those young indite nro graduates or hnmmott hoapltnltraln ing heboid for nurwes their profi i mantln upjiolntinunt lo llm iesioisbh positions numed la crodltablo indeed to their character ind attainments our cltlmma gtiiiully ulll ipirclato the honor thnt bivn riiiuu to these worthy young udhs hookwood a grand concert will be given by the moiiiliera of rt james oburoh choir giielph in the town hall here in it wednesday evontnglslth inst under iho auspices of tit lohn a church a splendid program me will lie rondur ed itov d ii taylor attended the funeral of the into ilev dr pott nt loronto inst week nuwb notbii forty pulpits in london prenohtd against hund iy cars hut hundny itov dr gilray pastor of college avanuo presbyterian clmrcli u to iw operated upon atthogenoial hospital york township council heard adop utntlon backed up by n largely signed petition for inoni option monday after noon and ulll introduce u by law fur the ratepayers to vote upon ten chinamen left toronto hundny uftorunon foi vancouver thoy told th railway offlclnla liefoie they left thnt thoy wjro not nfrald to go and thoy had laundty jiiba out there wait ing fur thorn nebtlkss iabikcj if your little one la reatlosa and cross it i more than likely the trouble la duo to aomo derangement of the stomach or bowel nnd if ibtbye own tablet la given tho child will aoon bo bright and cheerful and when the mother gives her child this medicine slio baa tho guarantee of the govern moot analyst that it contalnn no oplato or poisonous drug mr j v loney alluuford ont says i have used uabya own tablets for constipation and other ailments of children nnd lm found them mora satlafnotnry than nny other form of medicine bod by medicine dealer or by mall at uoahoxrromthedr williams medl cine co drockvllle ont anotiian bio shin rain klkhtornlnathomsmnd popl vlatt- ad tt laat vhutwdav social and plrs0nal hoove htvaokhamer was nt county council uu tuesday mr- j w kie of wuuiloo vull td alton frhmdaust wiok mr fred wllllauiiou wan lioino from it ronto over hunday mr w i fori mis of toronto was hoifie fm it day oi ao thla week mr fl j darry has returned to tho west and is now in han francisco oil itov nud mrs ilaiker am spending a day or no this week with friends at gouroek mrs hrigey of pnaton la spending a few days with her daughter mrs dr hoie mr h i mooro attended tho funeral of the late itov dr potta in toronto last friday mr hnlstpn drown wae boom from victoria university toronto for a con pto ftl dayst ibis week ale james liy iter baa rctirned front fctwo wttka visit wltli bin daiighur mrs vance at cheltenham mi w h xtumiiy f wlngh in wn hero on vilduy attending thn fuurral of aire uubt wuluoe mnly wni donjild epocth to ii ive nliout i liu end of the mouth te jui iter busl iid hi tliulnuhvjioino at victoria dc mi john harvey was taken sellout 1 ill mi holiday night willi an alt meilt closely resembling appendicitis he is recovering mr harry htephen ilowen haves canada for hor home plntt lew at miinchesteri linglntid un the etc tin ship dominion nov 2ml und will in turn in april next mlsa amelia husband hupti intend ant of nurses at hummntt hospital urle pa la visiting nt hoi fjithors home onge htroot mr j huriistde of dillinafail uud mra david hill of cralgvllh former ly of dnllluarad visited nt mr guo camplulw mctoiln villa list week mrs itov g w darker and mra a 1 drown attended the anim it meeting of ihodlslilctof the w mirnn s missiuiinry h rlsly at irgiiu lol tliured i mr ii h iiiiluius spent friday and haliird iy with his son nert in tho boa pltul at hamilton ha repnits the wound d lllub to be making sat mac tory progicss mlsa may wyutl daughtir of or ex mayor wynlt of london mr w itotihibi n nnd miss gladys of gutlph were ginulu ut mif goorgo htoiol down am laul utkk at tho diptlstcniioiitloti atwoml stock mi it d wuion if iho guoigi town hot id w ia oh clod u member of iho d ird nt gov 1 1 no a of mcmnsttu uulvorsll foionto di and mis nulon mcgarvlu of dtitte mnntan i vpuut monday with acton filnnili liny round ninny lin ptoviiiinuta in tho town which was tui many yenia tliolr homo thoy aie spondlnga iiinnth with ontni in fi lends d henderson m p acton lieut col tuuiu ox m p p i tout i ol appolbj majors knltlng nud noble captain ji liu ileckon nnd david huloheon formed n group near the horse ring nt iho filr on ividnj champion invitations have lieen uaiuil to the mnrrlnge i f miss lo in isabel cauiuion daiightti of i bo into thomas cameron to mr john alexnndor htnlth of croemuro tho ceremony will be per formed in kunx chinch aoton on theotb novuhiri imvati mr nnd mrs h 1 alouie di nnd hurt mrs a t ilrown misses lnttlo k hpolght and minnie ntlson and messrs c a g matthews und joseph olilpperflold hnvo been attending the tlio provlnolul hunilay hchool con vontlon at dramptop thla week m nam a place of safety and secur ity for the accumulations or all who work and save dcpomtb of any amount ncccptcd nnd intercut paid t times n yenr nt lughcst current rate geouoetown branch tt r he wat ajkr with the delightful weather which prevailed kiln fair could not lid other tluin mn unqualified suooeu it wldo reputation it energetla officiary it being tho inst of tho season thn fair naturally bus good prospects nt nny time but when bright clear fall sun ahlne pie vails auqeesa la assured b yond peradvt nture there was nn ex eeedlngly large and well dreaeed crowd in attendance thero being it win tol eulated lietwoen eight nnd ulna thou sand people financially he day was a rvoanl one morn money lielng taken in than at any other fair held in the history of tho fair llm exhibits wore of a good quality nil through and n good deal nf com toll i ton was shown there wo nn ox im fine display nfludlea work and a big show of bread tho fruit was nf good qunllty especially the npplsa which though not as hngo u anine that have been seen wero very fine the potatoes that this township la noted for were very good thla yenr in thermtiulo lineal hero- were- thro the fall fair 100x011 ut 10u7 hni now- passed iho full ubbuob will lie hi hi nt milton nu monday nov 1th hlnce wluut got paht llm dollar tunik it has been markoltid freely here acton nnd vicinity sent sovrrul hundred isltora to frln fair hist thnrulny the bricklayer commenced opia tlona nu mr d m henderson new residence on dower ave on mondny contriiotm conery who laid a mile nr bo of pnvemont in acton several yean ago has laid about six teen miles in guolph thla season thnnka for th aisurnnco hint tho dealers do not propose to put 11 man anrd roof on the nlreidy lowoilng pi ico or oonl toronto toh gi nm muuar a o chapilinn nnd a h dancey of toronto sang a duct in knox church on hundny evening which ih congregation nppn elated vary much allan ltobeitson woll known 11 political nnd munlclpnl clrotea in vrl llngton county died last thursday at hla home in kiln township deceased was n staunch llboral nil ida lire he waa 70 years of ngo exhibit of plnnoa and organs which attract ml a lot nf attention outside the pavilion the livestock allowed up vcdl ther wee good competition in horses und some fine nntmnle were shown the cattle were nntultoso good thla year as usual owing to shortage of pasture altogether the fair was a grand euo ooae ikith from the standpoint of tho dlivnlor uud the visitor iho atieet nficilu piesonteiln gay uppeanmce lmngduuoiatod with flag and hunt log absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must sssmr sisnmur of warmest kind for cold weatlier tougher horaehido will never be found because the best ib used for storeys gloves nnd gauntlets and yet the akin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and ejffisfw fire proof the beat working gloves on the jqj market sold at all stores insist on storeys if it unsworth store will be closed 1 innltsrivinr diy 31st october special bargains i adleh nnd mihhch jnckctu hliort ir lgtlih junl tho thing for rough or gclionl wear i ohh than linlf prlle ifi o tn 5 it ich loo yardu hrehs t m ilu i tain nu i fancy v envoi regular 50c tn cle ir at 3 jc yard 300 trla drt4 l 1 drt in j i il 1 1 id tarlmi cltccttt regular ajc to jjc yiird to cleir ut 33c il i pay lilgheut price 1 fer drchnod poultrj n itttr and fggn get yniirtliiiikhglviii poultry hi ah tu on as p ifihlble fl h unsworth oimoiuu tost oil id acton ontauio the right hous hamilton 3 i avohite siioi ting i lac1 a great showing of astrakhan coats for women 3250 quality at only 2500 1xtra quality black astrakhan coats made from good full tkins brifiht rich glossy finish inter lined and wtlllined guaranteed quality good btjle and a very warm conifortnblo coat for winter weir all sizes 30 inches long on sale all this week donl miss them ruflular s50 value saie price 25 00 mall orders promptly rilled thomas c watkins oonnkr kind sr east huohoon mulhmiifai rotiiuucic r tmmut tiuemiilii roitoirituw mulmtimtiok muutwius rwtkmmmijum l immkirmm cur blok hiadaohs hamilton ont you sivc 00 to 1000 on a suit bought at our october suit smle mens 1500 suits at 1000 mens 20 to 25 suits at 15 vvc silted at the nnrt of thn memorable mlc th it wl wanted to distribute 300 of our own mike suits to introduce them to a still greater number of wearers for thii rcabon alonl we inaugurated this sale and believe that before the end oi the month we will hive accom plished out purpose an offering such ns this is indeed rare at this season of the ypar just nt tfic time when most men pre thinking of invent ing in a new kail suit during the last few di 1 our tirlors nvc furnished us wilh null iurlltlr hnci ot high gride suits which wo ilso include in the sale we can promise for this wck t tsortnilntjr is broad and varied a on the opt ning d i s of life sale 111000 suns frj o mnliu blun and i lack ivyoclbills trg ilsr jirlcs tij stilt aa 1iiiittara of irenulna iuinarlnd cotch 1 weeds an 1 rflnlirly pilel at jooonnl ijj oo ovcrcpits i ibolud our own maue art built in our own tiilor hhop and are- ot the high est order of tailoring e r bollert st co- intyndh5c7ut strbbt cu6lph mammmhmmmhmmmhmbihmhmmmsimmm s reduced prices s m m mmismeimmmmeihmmhismblhmmmhblhslbl for cash for next 30 days keimey bros of the dominion boot shoe store made in canada aro still to the front with a large stock oi boots and shoes from the best makers in the dominion of canada such ab geo a slater of ik invietu shu gz0 empress shoes and williams of brampton hie names of such manu facturers are enough to con vince the public that when they get their footwear at this store they get the best that can be got in style fit wear and price ein addition to boots and shoos we hav a full stock of rubbers and overshoes manu factured by the merchants rubber co berlin heavy socks for winter wear repairing is a special feature with us call and inspect our goods we have confidence that wo can please you kenney bros actons oldest shoe house main street acton hello mrs housekeeper good news i good tidings i special prices on linens domestics blankets draperies etc saying time 1sxtjia attention is pld to al who com to us lor llielr injured ctmhlnr yoircw rnnlfinmjr mistake whan yon ptac your order here our clouting is msihj lo your order perfect ii it models of slylo nnd arllsilo finish hotter let us fit you wllli ono o our special blaok and bluo suitings at lj5 os 1w hlr rsns of flna fiootoh buttings from 30 oo lo j5 oo r e nelson morohant tailor and man n fuvnuher mhs houslkripir this is ynur lime i woak w will sal th lionreliolil nccomliles which ynn sra mast interested in at price which are most agreeable ixok over your needs haib present and probable lhla la your buying llm and savink time tike lincntory of your linen supply look to your curtains and draperies and exam ino your dunkots nncl comfortables uil joiirnnetls very lilttlo to nay lor fine linon good tintn lowels at ajc 30c 33c and 30c n pnir ol i blanch linen i oiveli at 33c 70a ii 00 ii ij ii 50 si 00 and j 33 a peir linuii labia covers and ntie doion nspulhs lo match at id 73 17 00 8 00 10 00 tu on nn i sis on i inon table cloli sliei 111 yards and mi yards nr 6i 00 3t 7ji j jjqi iloi tjqq t linen tabl napkin si tl3i tto vi 73tj 00 ii aol no 13011 00 anirl7 no a iloien i inen tray dfoiba si 13 33c juc and 30c hand drawn and embrol lured tray clothe at 73c ti 00 i 50 ii 00 and ij 33 encli who winls pomiinicg nnd dlankitib and coatponts sob usrm fleecy hlaitkais thick firm hut hilly comlartarsihu hlael aisorlmenl of ilia most ileal rsh a sorts 1 heso spoclau are worth examining wool ulankets from 6 lo 10 lbs and price nt i oo 1 v i 3 no o 00 h 00 an i 10 oa a pair com oris from i 11 up to to encli with nil rkira special at j 30 window curtains- 330 i0j10 coper pair rugrall alio laaolosao d e macdoijald bros the htoii guclpu

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