Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1907, p. 2

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j llt v l i villi in i rill i 1 1 i 11 til if lav i ii oi lr mini ii i tit on in 1 l u i the dc tctive rire hose i coal oil mav vct bc found jlllitsl vt ik ioh1 it jl 11hj7 uditoiual notes it u in urn ihiph in nolo hint lit liau lui it ii middy ttulliu hi i ho con nun ptliwi nf plillti iihlliitriuliilniit ijrltiiln fi lli lu viiji i 1 iii iipp1lt litiii in 1u unil diw1lul 11 iikim i tu numb i if luiiijifuitit ii living in milr imhy dniliiuhbi iiimi mviii iniullihiruiliiai iiumiintiil in lfi1 0fln 11 tor liu viimo pt rlml liihtji li lliiwnhlw u iomiitiilrl h vtniul of iami iuioiuiin i iikiuti inrinniir whllu unit fuim tliu tnlliul btntiu vii olf rclifldurn1iy hit llrptai men fvldnnlly rouluu 1 1ml lonil olillun in linn imaluewil ijv arrlftg to llio uutllnk of ihu ijiunr drillers apt niuiinrnctiiicrb in toronto on lursdny hi lolrkini wu aiwmif tin lurftl lintel mini tburo in n feillnp i lint then must bo n poriimiient nnd tftvctivii oikimlnt ion to flfibt locnl optlnn mill tliti money for tills tntist lw furnuliul by tli brewers nntl distillers a despntcb fniin irnvuiiliiirst to tlio orlllin iinwu biijh option lw nmrclihiu noitlmmil no iiihisihhii tli ti rnilih il tliut tliin cmini 11 tduutld vvllli tliort of iluutbrltlh lid hnnlsvllli following tin exiimpu of orlllhi be nuked to submit a 1 onil option tty- lnw to tin i in lorn vol inn on lili inn miry in kt if tln miunicr unit thi oiiircln luivu inloicl into tlio nun piifllii iilllbocniitliimidlo tlio voting oiepiifciiliirortlil liy uw will bo ur tain it i now sftfu to ay unit wliutt tbrislilnu lhriiilioiit tbn wist tlumil out iiiucli likltti limn boil liuon xpect nl iliokiiiln in hrnlliigixciulliily wull coiiuiiluiinii tlmloma by final mill tliliu in liuu uoiiy about finicil wliunt ttmn tliuro inu in t n fo mime tiniu it in ti no nun will liu a roiudiloniblo nimmnt jf drtiiuiiif tl wheat in tin cuin try but it will bit put to good into nit tlio fin me nil tin liltfh prictr at pita ont tulhik iltniiio a ijoml rotuin to tlin furrnnre a western niilliniity hut wnok estimated unit tliu tntnl jlold of whoab would bo butwiiin tievnity wild eighty inlllloii hiislit u in ttm dimtli of itv hi john poll not only bun tliu mitlmdut uhiirlh lont onu of itu most hiilm mtui worki is and nmnout iupiortuiu onu who i ailmitcilly llio iiiicrowmd piinco of atulliodluiiiincaiindd biittliucouiitiy ima lout onu of itu irtmtobt imiu ur iotu watt bciiini by no nnrrow boc- tnrlan tim ho win u kicrtt loyal broad inltidid citlon of thin great country nnd wuu for half a cmitury nn cloudy liliuilllkd with iib iniirvolloiiu projirb imy of ita luudlng itntcu in on notlvo in political onterpiimb hn wni n man of tliu punpto anil ho bpont ltla vory notlvu ii to fur tlio uplift of tlio common pnoplo tl clnadliin iliiptist issued n special number hit woolc giving tlio bulk of itu epneo to tlio onnvuntlon of ontnrloanti qimhoo hold in womlatoolt mitclianicolly jliu uumli jn a h crcdltuulii onu smv bondings now type loo hook pnpoi tlio wholo oin balliuhad with pnrtritltsof lending niflm- iwm nf the cunvltition tho comantlon ohiirch etc nru glvon a floe pm trait of ii d wmron 1i irouldont of tlio convention npprars nnd tlio ac companying column contnln nn inter esting nml cnrofnlly piapnrod nddrosa by liliii on how hlmll u roach tliu mnatori lulor mr wnrrtnu iiiiiit- ngoniont tho cunadinn hiiptlut glvca innnifiutntlonu of u uplortdlil proupor llio nppi i waa adopted tliu ittn ivrtlnt hnblmr co in viplylng with xvfironco to tlio 1i6rh wiiilu ihu rorponillun found dofoctlva aiid lutvrnui nllirgad uitiucbbarlly loud uuiigo of tboboai hut ngrfleil to rolliiu tin intiilni with itnw rublwr aiidtetnrn a httor was rutid fiomtbi klrc kuglnn miitiufnctiirlng co atntlnp thoy worn piopiired to send nn expert nt any thuo to nxamlna tlio tirb loglne movmi by dr gray uocowlod by aipk iioll that tlio hcevo and ijoun- clllorb bo a cotnmlttoa of tlio wholo with mr ii orlndoll engineer to re port on tbo condition nf the fir rntiia nnd to rupuit to counall not inter than nokt regular mooting of tlio council carried moved by a hull bacondod by dr irny that tho iforiimniuit pavement daluiitunolm itnuud nt flvo per cent curried at ihu conclusion of tlio biislneaa tlio tiiimiheru of llio council tint municipal onicer and llin rep rose ntntlvo of the ill uk iniumh were entertained to sand wiches enke and coffee daintily erv- oil by mra moore nnd licr dniiglitera mia chua jonnor nnd mlaa may that thoso who participated appro- claloil thin hospitality la evidenced in tin following muohitton panned unanl- inoiiuly with hueu mwiickhniiior in tliu chair movtd by councillor bpolght soc- ondid by ur cray the heartiest lliuukb of nil concerned lie nnd are lioruby entunded to mr and mm mooru nnd ilanghtom for tlio refreali- nionta just partaken of wo congrat- ulato mr monro upiii bin recovery from bu locent aorioun illness nnd uliicnro tiiiat t ho will bo spared foi many yearu to perform tho duties of ida ortlce for wo nil npproolnto bis aerviccb and enjoy his cheerful preeenco ninongnt iib apt leisu nnd liunhintia n dlotlnn tertlnoiit anil rich in matter nod thought nnd frank in tliu treatlnont of soma of the bnula problome of tho canadian pooplc iliidynrd kipling addrohs befniu tho uiamhoih nf tho can nil i a n club ottawa at tbo hinohnmi on monday wuu piohably tlio ttiout liotowoilhy of tiny of tho notnhlu nddrismuft ho bud glvon during hln vlalt to ciuinilii ho touched on tlio splendid dnwlnpnieiit of nil auultr ud imtfonul uniilt in cumidu with which ho bad limit lmpriiunod ho noted tlio foi ouiout plnce which canada hold in tliu littoinut of tlio wholo am- plio dwolt on tho fact that her pro gress nnd national policy- wore being oagmly followed in ovory pint of tint tliltlnh dnmlnlonu and pnlntod out what wuu involviil in the duvoiopmont of ihu nation inn piiklihiii or high iniil- neiicu ninong tho tuuld poworu ihp ttntlonal upiili bo xiiiil una nbendy iihhiiiod i tho gnat urn d now was inlllloiih of on ii in iluvulop tliu vimt potontinl tviiillh of tliu oounliy no uelfluli jloliiiy of t xuiuhioii wan puiliilu- ulhto tit u nouiutj no ilimtd nnd bo fiankly ailtiiutil the olfoi t of vot in in srellonn of thn oignulud hi bin lug uhoiuen to ullilt out coinpnlltlou wliou tliu pa i pa hi o fact wuu that tbn ciy ovurywhmo wnn fot innni men to do the wink ordoviilnpiupnt ballinafao ijitttoin of ailmlnlulrallihi have bum hppllud foi hi the nutate or kdnnrd wansbniniiglt nf toronto julietuin by liu wldiiwrthebtiitimtf n tntnlvnlfior nf d17fl hoeonulnt of uinrtgngfl seourl ilea of 07 and iciil eitnto of txm on vlotnrln street to hi n to nnd in tbo township of lirhh ohildnbn plav with matohei puteiboio ool yst children play- log with niatolibm hub tho uiman of n dlaautrohs flii on llio fiirui of hurry itowoti 4tli bonqoailon of uitvnti town ship in holiday tit burn wnallrst igiillednnd fanntd by feironp wind mr low house a new one took urn m was oonaumsd lois a000 huurniiof ssoo to n mntu ml oomi hw by lh auttn ijh 1ubbioo nnd nvliirnsil ci ii in ii nn t on monday ifviuilng at tbo homo of municipal cleik monro mimilijiin all pntnojit iloovo hwaik- luinu r in boihiilr ihiitonimlltiio on finance prosont d tbitii lamiiulnth ropoit nnd nco uiindd p inniit of iicooiiuls hh fil lowai lomiii miculloub repairing ruililiibn hl j i wurieii j corda novo wood uttfl f ii iioim i luoii rtp iinnit t mujikh tuimiim alioii i ihk piikh pilnttuu undndv f w cinndh kitmidry oct luphtis hleain pluuit nlnv imunaii i hrlilubupnllon l hiuiwnm 1 luctiloothilwi 4 1 1 t hilucoil 1 th cnwmm commr oil wu l- jmi umm net n abnnilonwl uui ci vwuciiinctii tu i a roi i enpondent glvea ah item nf lutimst roitctlng tin oil will iiruposltloo which will glvo renewed hopes nnd nunniirago nt to tin uhuro hnldrrn of the com- puny ho miys mr m- ctewnon lurorina liu that ho wllluhmlly alhlt operations tbo oil wdl ugnln foi the company iho government itsanyliit who pynni- ined th drllllngn r the well boyu thnt they show stroll rnihrsthxts of nil but that the well will imvoto ihi 11111k over 1k41 hot mra albert itlohalnan who wau si sorjoiislj iii imjuiw ml jlfulr wny in recovery kir and mlii ii crlppn rettiriiid hoino on tueuriny aftif spsndlng i fe dsya vry tlasmiitly with owvlllo and kllbrlclitfrisnila the faruitjr nr luisy taking tip tfnd hlpplug turnips krlnshow took lite mot of our poopl mi thlirsdsy neopnwii man nflor 10 yars nf local option baa vptod by 271 tolill to go hack to tbo license system the liquor intoiouta in manitohitwlll jnbl lute nnd tho friends of tompornncs will proportionately deptoro thin out- coino of tbo noppawiv fight hut the iubuo wns not loqnl option i it waa whether or not aniuc men u noopawa would or would not realixo on their stock in two local hoteta there aro two rival hiihlnebi atotlons in neepawa ono of them built a largo hotel sum clont for hie nueils of tho entire town to biibtnln thilr pnrt in tlio competi tion tho other bociioii must needs also bulhl a inrgo hotel aufflotent to afford nil tho accommodation necessary in noopawa iloth tliono hotels could not possibly succeed tho stock nf ono of them wns-ettered- among ilt-lnwl- ncsn men nnd it involvad cnnilderahls liability tho other hail boon acquired by tbo lifpinr in to rent a tho liquor men anld fllvjt us licensee nml no will toko thla hotel stock off your hands that wns tbo issue a pieiibnuana luck wk worn and almost in dmpau whsndi- wllllamspink fill osiinsi to ills noua my btrongth waa almost gone my in oath very short and i could hardly walk i n bid many romrdlns hut thoy did nnt help mo rinally a friend ad- vluod mo to take dr williams pink iilu i did bo and today thanks to the pills i um a rtoifeotly well man thin vory emphntln statement is inudo by mt it ii porter of maltland n u mr porter is a fisherman and naturally a hard working man mihjeot to much oiipobiire he further eayi i wns in a stnto of tlohlllty and blood- lebsiiebs hnmetlmen i could attend to my work hut often was too weak and miserable to dn to i wns wakeful and restless at night unil could not eat in tho morning i wns troubled with pains in uty buck nnd shouldorn some- lltnoa i onuld hardly straighten up then indigestlnn cnuio to mid to my misery nnd my condition wasoimtliat miiilo nur nlmout linpelosa i tilod unvunil iiiodlolnrb but in vain thsn one day a friend nayei wliydontyou li di wlulnmi pink pills trlihl thoni and i ahull always lw guttpful for tbuni in u tboit tlino i began to rrgnln my henlth i could nnt lietlvr mid iiould i at any kind of fond my stmugtli luluinud 1 could iitloml to my wink i was in fuet perfectly wwll iignln nnd ibis is iiotimlly duo to dr william pink ill is hi williams pink pills build up tho hlieugth mid drive nut disease in just one wny thoy actually make nsw red hi nod hint la nil thoy do hut they du it well they dont not nil the howeln thsy dont pnrgu and weaken ilka onmuinn pi i in tliev dont bothrr with t no in symptoms limy go right to tho rootjtf i lttronlilo lit tlio blood tlmtls wrtylbwy atuionlhi with nit its lira active attd haoknoheu mid dlsslnenn mid heart pijlpltatlnn thai is wl lltoy ouo liidlgentlon rheuma tism nenralglu sl vitus danoo guii 01 ul woaknwa nil the upeolal ailments thai growing glrle nnd woman do ttot like to talk about oven to their doctor unt you limit insist on getting uio genulna pills with tho full nam dr wllllum pink pills for palo people on the wrapper around sch iiok hold by all thvdlalno dealer or by mull at co tent n box or alk ikx for 460 from tho dr williams mfdlclne co urpakvllle oht auction malk ttkolotbfl moniv oit 1hhilri or boiaen shoit bum and grndn rattle thflcp mid pig- the phiihtty of chun davidson hit ih 2nd line iio log t lugiuui mini imiser witnlh0vor hlhdloiifliiirsits ihoroughhied and grade cuttle shoiip and implimiitti the prowily nf i l warren lot c fourth llnr ksqiioulng t ingrain ituotloiieir a or mat oonvhntlon th lvovlnouil ajudy aeheol oon- vsquon at brmpton thlv wmk tho forty second annual convention of the ontailo sunday hobool absorla- llon at present in progress iii hi amp- ton la nnsof thn greatest gathorlngs of tho sunday bohool workers of the pro vince over bold the attandanee is unnennlly inrgo and from the outset the interest has been maintained at a most interoutlng pitch tha addreesea by mr w o pearee and mra m ijuiinrisim of chicago both intsrnntlonal field work ers have hoen vory helpful and inspir ing thoaddrcaeof mrs lamorcaux on the subject childhood the great est kvarigallatlfl 1ield was most tlnto ly and interesting hlis urged that while in tho heart and mind of a child under twelve there could not bo found habits reason or idolatry yet there are found love hero worship nnd faith and an easily led will power all of which qualities should bo tnken ad vantage of in leading tho children to christ on tuesday evening mr just loo mo- chirnn of toronto held an adult blhlo class demnnttrntlon with ooo young men from toronto ilhistintlng in a most romarkablu maimer the growth and strength of the now movement an it la called which seeks to i itllst tha members of the churches especially tho men in bible etudy it naa a unique feature of tho convention it is worth crossing this continent ten times to be hor to night declared mr w a pearee of chltago inter- nntlorial adult department hpcrotnry and i thank joii men from tho bot tom of my heart for coming speaking of essentials in adult bible- class work mr pearco said that it must be a part of the church i lb must b a part of the organisation of tho sunday school itself it ntiiet study the old ilook and not allow literature business or social interests of tha olusa to crowd out the bible study othor easentlalu in class organ ixatlon which dlvldo tho work mako the work per manent strengthen the class increase its ma mite rehlp and supply adequate christian service for every member were emphasised mr pcnrco appealed for tha men to ho given a chance to do something worth while in helping men who need hidp nnd sympathy and are hungering for righteousness tho men would not fall a new day hnd dawned tha address of welcome by mayor charters the editor of tho conser vator was a magnificent outburst of the warmest kind of hospitality and was oouched in language both eloquent and appropriate the entire town is vising to do nil that local interests can accomplish to affect a crowning suc cess the ontario llcunso department an nounces that two tara men were fined 50 at wlarton for selling- liquor in tare a local option constituency at port hope two hotel keepers paid 905 and costs or 100 eaah far sunday soil- ing oibt tub mmmrr always when tho best can be had nt tlio ame price as the inferior article why not have tlio best p if in addition to your local paper you feci you should have one of tho hlggor weeklies than have the boat thn family herald nnd wtekly star of montreal has stood the test its growing popularity is ad mitted by all publishers it is a otean family paper iiisgaxlne and agrlctil tnral paper without a ilsl it coets as llttlo as the inferior papers on dollai per yenrso why not imvo tha iteetr xxaocwxkoo 3c a day will cure rheumatism the iilin nf mout cures forllhtii- iikiuhiii wrriim to i mi o rrjeve the mhi when thry have dour that llirir ii hi- fi lu if wn i gone and tile nciy hmo you tike void or your ferl get wi t or you aikrrxmit your- self kick conies the palu fimtst tkecenlfe kidney pill la different it docs relieve tlu twin as ilckly as the bt lini ment and it does mo uk it rkmqvltu tllh cuhk of jilxi font 1 sin uric acid in the mood livery drop of blood pusses tlirmibh thn kidneys these organs siumuii filter out luipiirltles when they are weak inflamed or diseased the impurities stay in the blood and are carried to the sensitive nerves uhciiiuntiiui ia simply this irri tation of the nerves caused by uric ncld and other impurities being de posited upon them heir favorite place being the joints and muscles mnkc the kidneys filter the blood properly keep the blond pure slid rich ami there can ha no uheu- iiiatlhni bttju does this duy buju on an unoonilitlonsl guaran tee that they will curt y it rr money re funded at all druggists xoc a large ttoir or sent on receipt of price the olarlih ohkmioat oo limits wihdion oht vi wet weather work healthful pleasant ip you wear st i waterproof 0ilcdo0tiiin0 ichd vtuavf t cct pro tl ion uo igaal sarvlcs low lw prlaa thb berlin steam granite and marble works oabpbr dilautf proppltor designers and builcrrs of statues mausoleums mon uments markers and head stones and all kinds ol william hemstreet agent acton by mail at college mi british canadian businbss colloqb touonto prsollosl and ibflroiuli kb or i lis nit aimmanitsl an ustrlaulstlon vlr a rrss ttsllwsr isr p nspur htsntfonxl aaa ii tlon vli pid it ibis i ii a vaii for sale building lots apply tq bgardjiorgcu hmhhm mhismai an enormous ribbon sale mstmmm i iiilii uiiltll wnrlli 10i for nl 1 melt wlrilli wdrtll 9jc lor ljc mhlhu ago lir imyer ilcliil up hi iomtuti von litrirof tluin tuffilu hlhhnnu in tlint i lalliery iunllty only known to lie item iroliillii 1 lieu itihboiih w rr tnrllibkeil nt iilmnnlly low pricl ui liply littmisu limy wiii not u keller ki blnk it loop or plait eia iittinlioil liy tin in lunriilttirur mill liiknluted to nwiiiit materially in til vain iliy were hot u o llilyim wonlil mfl nny iii lllfciciic in prim for llio luncy eit null iii iotim x li wk ilkll ro llilyiru wonlil urt pny askii till mai onvl efc st auiciils lnrcl v 1 on id ci ii ii in- mil if v will t ma ii li i win n 11 ml y m tn mi j a ri lid i ltv at t timnts nmrxii nnlc losi or ma tills will allow ef our ucllimtf the lot edpe muilily u give in ordinary ptaln 1 alycla kiiiiwimh uf liiitrior uulily valued the burgaln is too apparent he our wltulowb they uplnk for tlmmi livlii come on hauudy comoearjy if joii wluli to gtt tlir wuever oitere d wldilm nt uiulii lower prlces than ws rr v on loiiiii not help apprsdutlng t lie riidn bo t lolorh and on of the lint ulhlxiii hnrgnlhn staplo benplttsjor saturday jsc tmv sjc ecalt li dostsiil cm u unblaqcbetlvuro uum iowel i hiu 3ii lc 111 ncllsrt rgittnrly mihl ut jscmcb vurs for 951 nn saturday aridon hatitrd lyont v ni for iqc pure lined rolkr itwrlliug tkilisnvy r6uhiird working kind hold ul njc regularly yours on ofaturduy far 10c r i9 stra flue tronk ull linen holler 1 owrjlitis ujiru bur fain fnr baturday enly hatunrny nt iaj i lie at sc 3jo yurdu he jjrr towel krtjt to fie noli haturdity ut t a yurd ijc fehvislt t yordiuuck mecerued sqteen fast hlit u 10ui mens lnduwear sale s rfgulifly nusc tiq n hot ccordinjr to jdxe ir ba tc picoo a lilwi ruductionj t this puro wool unuhriiilnlite underwear in nn txperimttnt ultlt ur but n thoroiiglily teied hue n we have tonfldento in and hnve been iiclllug ever since wohtculed our men 1 store would you like a rolfnw bargain l anilaiunt heavy weight men a winter underwear let ud sorvo you on saturday when you liae a tnomeitt under control bring it in mid lot us convince you of a few poind about ready made clothing which yeu may not know learn what utyle ami finiih o ii it an a co nlltr mknb b i io iis the very newest lnntii nml lines prices s3 50 and y a square deal for every han a 1 1 mi 1 11 von sii ti t ii 1 r 1 1 01 ulli m jitll t mi i i t iii iu kiv 1 imit m 1 lv i 1 jojk u0im- am lot iorihai 13pjfiril lrm 1 v t ointt j rjl tl 1 i h j i ii i ti cook st0k nil saw vntki a i 11 m 11 1 ii v v u g b ryan sl co cuelph bargains in shoes for everybody geo st0vel adort has larger store larger slock more custom er all brourbl about by the very reanonablo rices we have been ulving ilia sstlifaciory boodi we have supplied and the courteous aitenllon we have pjluen 10 every customer a fine new stock of fall and winter boots rubbers overshoes socks etc lias just been opened and we cordially invito your luipeeilon because we can suit you per leclly both as 10 price and fit we specially bank on our slatir shoes in all slius they never fall to rive sslufoc hon tiibtedd hoot for boys and ijlrls is superior ii la solid the leather roes rlflht ilirourh 10 the toe for 30 days tins big stock will bo on sale at a good discount ofl regular prices rlmibiwq 1bomrnv and nkatl donr geo stovel kcton is far your bus if ho the weekly sun the farmers buslnesi paper will each week be or special interest to you subscribe now for the weekly sun to 1st jan 1oo0 ih couatnavioh witll te acton jiee press only i7h wl gopep fob wintrv weather ritekeen1rco1dweintherrernlndayir if ynu hnve ilolnyed fflvlse us yeur order thnt you onnt delay it any lenjrerv our liaiidsomo ovortoatlniru and httlt- 1jp will please tile most particular dreuiar we ninke them up right loo or you dont take therii 0 9 0 thf tathor cornnr mill od main st atton ont you ready for your winter suit or ovorooat i nm ready for you to supply you with the best clothes you ever wore and at the lowest prices you ever paid for good clothes in spection invited oc j wallace mens outfitter atmi for ims rsmswawf etb csatury cimnln underwear tkt4s 3w03utbns childrsns wur stock of underwear is now complete in nil j weights and sizes and comprise the best values selected from the foremost manufac turers in tho country the most reliable underueir mado turhbdlls for worrien nnd children all sizes t all wool union floccolined tho pehhans best valu in modorrttel unddrwoatt medium weight and extra heavy stanfields ribbed the famous unshrinkable a allwool underwear tho springneedle kind fits you ellis like a love comfort and waamth combined henderson cfe oo mill street acton acton flour and food store now is the time to lay in your supply of flour as it 11 advancing in price every week and be sure you get norvnl flour the old re liable r noble proprietor n i mooqc ntr hcton li ver y bus lin6 the undorilflnod respecllully olicls the paironaffe of the pub lie and informs them dial well ie can stables a comfortable hna meets all trains between 10 00 a nt and 6 to p m careful attention riven 10 every order the wants of com morcul travellers fully met john annilih7uts piiotltlsitom wear well goods lalies suitings blankets flannels yarns excellent quality harris co limited bock wood may bo of little consequence now but to neglect it is to imperii yourself a wise thing to do is to tako a cough remedy the moment that a cough begins a reliable tried and tested remedyis dr jardlnot enrllsh coujh remedy obi j oursynib of while pine and tar- remedies that really do cure coughs and colds quickly and effectively dont neglect the first cough 35c u bottle e a robertson ptimb- dmifstehstetloaariuul opttobra iioisk am lot r on hai 1 vmi lo 1 r io i r 1 ir i wi i mi fallll in l 1 irilir i 1 irn i t i llnr- tall ii 1 anikh hjr sosrlii tii t r liu 1 i wmiii mil f4uir or any i m nn ilnu a l i i ihiui ur ill la wlnur u rur i ull i t i i lata or sv auruaa i 1 i il ll i jill is l can ui i 1 lit uit nm ewes nml aniln aslm stihm i irr 1 1 lmlih 1 ilicnb rnu lli u li 1 ill otttmlli tirlaiil unix i iv 1 icru i caiu ik 111 vnks riii liiiiulit 1 linl 1 t i rci uiuir iti 1 ccrt ttnl- i ii i ji k u t1 liliii sirlui the r lit c uvit eiitbifi ul u real fit iho 1 it 1 ul uio ar lure 1 juit ma in a i nak i urlutiu tliclo our hirccioikiu in k tr il ui w nls cm 1 roiory clvo 01 rrasleu to lloilt ul u l 1 ui wd dtuiiltl ul cllaking auctiojs sale ildises short ii0111 nml grndo catllo sheep mid imploiueut pill un lo 1 c i ima nt li i 1 miction 1 imxhj a l worroni tuil i t t llu mrtlonmi tl u 1 r nil- 1 t ili lit 1 j ma liib j ilk iruni um n wfcdnlbdav octodcn 30lh l 010 0 clock 11011 lluflohlul htlrsool 0110i i oit- i uui mam ihorin lyosraol i i inrclmil 1 mi mid ol i by hiustbbiiul i tlllj tjraroll hj tlul i ualorw snttlp1 short horn cow ulilnauat ool orl iforu ton ilim dr ilj 1 s nrt morn liblfor lycsriull tine oi hi 1 hi ort hum hoi tor j year oh tlnn tmu 111 1 lilinrl horn bull jjonraoll ivimimim mi mad ilin i liirolutow iiipairil ljrtion 1u uarcli itili llirlfr j ara luo sot xhu i fiplbir joara inu p ih i lilfrrj yara ililil oh ih 1 i if r j nr ino ill ur i i jartnycow duo iiiiiirt j iiuftra ljtr j- ilssr co i ii it i ijiut 1 1 rh l t iltm honamimiilorol i tiro ire i l arte i rocl tipiit bhoapil hhr 1 n i ut pi0s1 orkihlr w ii s ih urkahlruaou an i mi h d ell h j c i iiiolitliaoll imploinnntamnttu ii null lor i in out irot i i muuir ol till matwu ichltlur iiintil n i m liih i llmt rnku ii it llpjlok ut lar jumv mania nilmn lor mauuciillltnlir ini 1 r lur stuiilrlll tiniaiiotjiio liairoc chilli it i irr too it raru lit trat ttsliu al lllit ilrttlnu lululi ml i olaku u kill lu itutr nit tor ulailatiinn marli t hi r nl mil so 1 vlaiih 11 so i ah murk u 1 1 luiulp ilrll an illtr lointn it ill i filn uiona national cruam hi i ralm s u il irani tisrncaa lion irt hw 1 urtin h i 1 1 lluhi ilrlvlnu liuitiem i ion ly a i iiuiiral 1 ilrnacr kaitla j lot linl loirun purtttrlobhcttkf l ntu tlmtuaal1 othor sriklua li i imintr n i i muiillui tormn or enloul nn if l m srl utitlor taah ntrn nl nn i mil i j in iiulm en lit mi apirovnl julnt iiutiv i ivu i ct lit i ft lot iniltlvtltyuonttin tiltu to far n ull tflllhnja tuaiu till incut ho trains ttrai iimlnui aiiltnt1 11 ul hi j itlo isuwllll mullqliccr t6lecrhphy lllll h tslearrophv 1 1 n i i to our advertisers on mir to ilit inijc nchtncc in the prilt- of pnpd nntl nit otlilt pniuuijj material iho vuuu pm ss hnd ti neces sary willi rjtwsptpcts rcneial- ly to atlxniill its present low rates on ill clf cs of adver tising i liu now rati h will go into eict on ist january 1908 at wiulii date nearly all existing contratts terminate ii p moore tfolletfc j cublph 3 iltlvllht out tic best sytcni 01 tiflinniorcilrtl irnliiluu uinwn in mnloni luialiieaa stliioullon la id niiuoiauitil iifttlnii at his qublph du8inu8b collliou tllll syataiil lia itooll tliorotmlity nitiil kiitl bss ilsintiiivuaiul its siiiorliiriiy ti all mliir tatiia or cuniiiuoiolal tralnlii i lm tliiolt li mat ilea colhou sloiui in tliiu iirivlnuo 1 t tiuuilsoil in loa oh an t lrat lluu li llrlglit t nulls iikii nml vrfmnti ol 1 ncruv ami olurotr cn it u oiimblvfa inno t iiitumrai xini or the iwhi iioililiiiia olfjrliu in ilia liiiilusss world 1 ills liiailuulai lioln 11 uiiliiiiw iiomloil aiuonn oaiiadlni lluuimtv uillw il will lsy yniiio liiveilluhtti llow nml wtiyy ktiur now tor luynrovmihiiiiniiiii ctmiu ilirsot ki uhi julwifl uliku siaaoitlii i loch tjipsv wyuitlistn hi uuslili orsilnrmn m mnoouruick pflnolpaj

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