Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1907, p. 2

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ill latlllfrl 1 jlllvtmlw hauuthu iy in if mr si ilia ifathndul rrnhf arliil tiivintntav jllli jol llaju- w itifdw urtpwh aim iliuwii wlllitw hi in mi aiii nimnii il wtnulitm tlfmlicui i mimm tin finaley jiilylllh itl ilia twllnn i lin im it iiarauie j iuaart av ttiriuitii liy lliu llfv ii a tlafihoiaqil nl dlitltiltm hurl hareli uoomllun itiiiolinr hi mr a rcnohliuin to ii an ry t din uallirului ian iiikiiiu mill lulv by u ir ilillli a inn nl n hml iilvdaimhurtiltlu w aclou r ilinruibt at il hrle llamllk ilia whluw jf llalt it liuluilt oar tllllwdav aiyiht 1 lwtt bohtorilal motbif jil llm hrlluh house uf ioihruoiii vhp other ilny yhon the- treasurer nrmuncd nilhuuhcd rovunrn bocauao of a dlmulied tniflld- in drink llio whole house ruso to is foot nml ohecrj ed after lioiirlnit tliat olio iv wt surprised to ejmi ttjnt hundred maniur of thu lit note aro ttiil b- tulnore tito cousus and etutullcu deport ment of llio hdvcrninont ftt ottawa iiiib figured out cnnuduu population up to april 1 limt nt tlauwxi nn in- creau of lkciriho in the last six yearn til la lu nn ndviuicti of considerably more tlinn twenty per cent upon tho census of loul and cmisliliiteu a very reiniirkiiblonnd gratifying uhowlnu iroin picm nt uppimriiiiriu tho pro- motors of the gnnd londi liy law nro going to liavo unine difllculty in net ting the im ileum ihrniikh nt tliu next inoctliik of the coituly omii ii as tho oonimlauloliui of highways for unlnrto has shifted liu ground hoiiimvlmt in regard to tho conditions imposed in respect of the improvement made to atreeta in towns which would lw affect ed liy tho liy law lloformer that tlilu lu uunndue century in nn longer questioned iloinono end of tlto land to tlio other ropoiu come of ripening nope increased brink rot urn a expanding cmnuiorcii rnpld railway conutruotlon nnd heat of nil genuine contnutiunnt tho people of canndn are gratoful for the tdoaalngs llioy en joy and ono of tho choicest which tnnkcr for tlio wtll iwiiir of tho cltlutna rinrnlly lu lntulllftnt pvo- rulvo jovorniuont in tlio inarch of onnnilirtit civilisa tion and populntlnn northwnn n movemint wlilcli la now noaumlng mlrlity proportlnna the rnllronda nro moat important factor homo in- torbtlng incident in connection with tlio railroad fight fur mipromncy in this movement nro told in tim hull- ronila itncn to tho north liy aubrey fullorton n clovor younr torontpn- inn in tho august numwr of tho huay mnnai mnguzlne tho hollilny ofiuipmont would bo well supplemented with a copy of the augtiet number of tho canadlnn magnvlno which contnlna a guwl supply of whort tor leu nnd oxcellunt travel nrtloloa tho art featured aro flxcoodlngly gootl thin month the wash nnd wn drnwlngu holntf nbovo ths vorngo with ono or two excep tion far initnnco nn nrtlolo ontltlod party qovommant by irof gold- win hmlth tho nuinlor contnlna light wnrm weathor rending mntttr the 20 mill bylaw passed connrll nint on mouduy nvnuliig i rikillitr muulon menilml- pinaiuil ileitvo hwnckhiiuiur uud couurlllortf hi ay william anil im th- itieiting vinu an lniirunt mm mid tin- biibimlh win pimbiil foiwnnl wllli dlspnteh tlunite of 31 mill on tio uutvuu- iiuiut of i ho t iunnt yiur wn conllini- ml in it by law lu whlnh the viirloiia lalnim to bo lavlud for were bit forth an extrn half mill ia being lovbidnmlor the tcrinaof tht pel iniinuiit pavement bylaw on nil prowibb oxrt pt themo which nr puylng the full 1i0 per cant coht of the pniiientm fronting tlirlr propaithm whuh werti liild under tho oilglnnl bylaw tundora for tbuiiitvenlaiituto w laid tho pitibctit arhbon went reculvtw front ccoiuoyh- iltiitowojid a mnttliowb tholuttur iwlng tli lowcat fen cnta pdv iiuire foot wb accopted llio upeculcauina are to ihi tho intimi ah iliikyi of lnt year nnd work tmuit he coinmiiiccd by iioyjcruiudity the fourteenth report of the oom- lillttcoon 1lniinto wnu prtaontod alnl tho following nccotinu urderetl to h paid a n ibimi ititt ii a w unlm3rtwn jw geo kltcblo i acoolt il canndlnn ilubtmr oo hlipplina 10 02 an cjin llloctrio co auppllaa li 17 cun aveut co uuppllea 10 2t j u illllcdal 2t no u1 id tlio report wrib ndnptitl ohnlruinn oolomnii truateo 1vnucla and secretary ii i mooro of the itonrd of imucntlon walud upon the council to preaont a kitltlon for n ce ment walk on imucntlon lane ftom main street to the school building under tho term a of tho permanent pavement bylaw it was pointed out unit till couno whs not femiulilu under the rondltloua of tho liytnw tho paveuioiit will lo built linivovti uiidtr tha buihtvibioii of the council and tho puymont iboro- of will ho nabuniid by tho truateo hoard who will arrange tlio pny- uio nt it to bo sprund over a term of yearn mr t t moore tlio indufngitnbo municipal clnrk naked for ttavo of nb- aouco for n few weeks to nnablo him to njoy n holiday which ho purposoa sponding in now ontnvln tlio council willingly granted mr moorou rtipieat nnd wlihed him a very enjoyable outing council then adjourned the important subject of child labor is engaging the attention of canndlnn loglalnturea qiiohoo lina jut cnuotod a law raising tho ngo limit for child run am ployed in factories from thirteen to fotirtoen years another now law provldoa that overy child lon than ixtten yoara of ngo employed in nn industrial establish mont nnd not nblo to read and write ulmll so long hb ho or aha aontlntifl to lie bo employ oil or until ho or alio la nblo to write am- tlnuoiibly attend a night school within the municipality wheie ho or aba ro- tdoa if thoro lw ono thoro nas0aoawbya mr lid ward illrut u wellknown rmldoot of thu township for mnny yaara died on tuoadny nt the lioma of mr pan lot wlngrovo thooldgontla- inan had reached his 7hh year the ostato of tho into u wheolllinn of cainplwllvllle will imrloh tlio pi vlnolnl treasury by the liitntlaonio sum at filooo for succenblnn duties tlio eiuto comprlsou dhnhmhi in real ettato in untaiio t3llw0iw in llio united ntatim nnd wjmih1i71a in imnk anil other stocks in ontario n totnl of 2tfm71 kov j 1 mill tan of kotguu pronoh- thlforltov a illnlr ita taut hun- day ills aonpona woro much enjoy ed itov mr mitllitn hnu lotlred from aetlvo nlilbtarlnl wmk nnd will short ly man0 hla home in klnnt whllo pltehlng buy in loft in tlio barn ufwnuoii brothers nnsiiign- wayo week iigo alfred wntson on ot mr idounrd wntuou met with a painful ncoldenl tho noitltolddig gave away proulpltnting him to tlio barn floor a dlutnneo of 1 1 fcot iln reoelv- n1m luid scalp wound nn wnll hb a light eonaubalun of the hrnin iatoab rourta vera that he lu progressing favorably k h itloe la now linndllng ohiihiiib hroml of 0orgetown a trlnl will convince you thntlt u nil right actons oivln holiday itnd oaorge- towns big demnnuliiitlnu next mon day oo to lent gulowo btiainbos outlbob bduoation ah young men nnd women who intend ontoilng a liihiieus college this fall nro invited in wille to tho klllolt bitslnais college toronto for thslr eataloguo iiih telmnl ia classed among llio lust lmlnimi oollegea in cartnda tp tidvuitlhiiment of llio oolltfga upnava in till pup or bomb obobiivationo wlmt n cominutlon a few taps of tho lire ihii mnkob i 1uaplo turn out of overy plnco whore ponplo may bo found and tho flibt question is wheres tho flrop anxious to find that no plnco involving personal con cern la in danger soma return to thalr occupations indeed necessity no wall ns common bod no of tan cults fur it j others however proceed to know mote about jr ijvon women do not enre if they nro soon in groups on tho walks thoy would hardly be suspect- od of goaalp nnd soma got nafaraa tho mlddlo of tho street men rush but for activity nnd getting there tho smnll bay equals all comers onco tlio aro is loco tod a dodnlto advance ib made and ovon if it is a mil out tlio way lu soon crowilod with men boys women old and young liaby enrrlagou nnd other vehlclou ii ut for promptitude engornosa activity and sncoobsful work com mand us to our cnpnhle nml ofuclont rire ilrlgndo eton cltiions should bo proud to linvo nn niganlatlon sucli as wo have ready to turn out antl do hard work often tindsr adverao clr- ciunutanccs and their work should receive- mnro honor nnd better recom pense than it does tinroly thoro should tie aoinn more encouragement given them financially than what they rulso by their own effnrta by antortnlnmenta nml tlio contributions riven from time to tlmo by grateful reclplenta of thulr help tho destruction of n inrgo fnnn linrn by the dovnut lug uloment containing beyond posulblllty of saving large quantities nf vnlnnblo friilta of the earth its well as bo mo live block and n largo outfit of tho uhiihi nnncomb tante of a wnll supplied lahoi saving outfit holpleauly hopelnualy b u sad dening sight mid oouiuhmu much moralising on various lines and to tho dlbtrobued owner nt suuh n time it mint iw wearying to have to so repeatedly nnawei- bo many queallonb as to orlgln nmoiint of iobh and so on and yet while such quest ions nro often from more curiosity and it doulio to rnpout to others it la nn occasion which cull foith much of tho synipa thotlo conflict which helpu to bwenten life nnd iuiiovo its burdous moralizing i hane said while to mnny will oomo such thoughts us riches inking to thonnolves wings the vanity of things earthly mid thenppnrantly frultlesb toll of years of labor nnd rate tho pathos of a team attached to a load nf liny and nn piano now to take it two outstnud lugcnubldelnjionbiireipiltolngltlmntui tho constant ikhhi of great wntehful- iiobb iignhibt the 1u0 nf tho devouring element nnd nu far an possible pro tection in vauo or its attack nnd secondly wisely arranged insurance ns a uieiiiih of relief against inttu the amnlloat houuelinlder in the eommtin- liy ue well na tho large manufacturer or wealthy farmer would do well to entoi tuln these considerations ciias davidsons barn burnt llctween four and five omorl haliiiday nflimthiu tint wau iiotiinl in the line bank lmru ofmiclia davidson on the roid hue ji iwyond tlio limits of the rmnnnthni in a veiy fiwiiiliiiiteutheroiiiiiiihlloiia utrurture nod tho driving iioubh adjoining with the moat of their contents wi ro n mass of ruins ilio oilglu of the flie lu a uiyateiy mr davidson was in the buy laid finishing bis bnylng nnd miu david son and tho family were in thn home the flumes were breaking through the roof oil the north side of tlio ham when first noticed by tho family ol mr clins johnston adjoining tin alumii wan given and iff davidson and ilia imlgnbohi hprrled to the scone to noonfyrtr so save nt leqt toitjo ol the routentu uo far inn the tlaiinta gotvontisil of thtrhorn howevef tliat nothlilg ooiild he gottttn out tfio driving house waealao on fir ft but liy troiiiioua ajiyarta nn tho part uf mr davidson nml willing hands hicludlng thn lttmik knll tedder co of acton which had rflpaitdwl to the rail a numlmir of vehlcleli and imploinntits were savetl tho itarn was ktxlki feet and ijad splendid stablea very conveniently uk- arranged under tho entire structure it waa eqiilppe with wludnilll pump nnd power to operate chopping mill puluir grimlitone etc those and olio binder two niowera a cultivator two funning mills nnd 2700 feet nf luuilier were destroyed in addition there were thirty tons nf now hny which hail just i wen stored 201 but els ol whaat im at oats and im of hiau four pigs and two cattle lost their lives in thn stables the driving shod which wns nlso on a stono foundation wbb itflxltfl feet and contained a large number of imple ments nnd vehicles mnny of which were destroy od the main part of tho barn wnseitct- ed in 1h7j and tho enlargement whs mndo lu ittlo i or throo yenra thoro was no insur ance nn tho buildings or contents but early in tho present month mr david son was induced to put on 2m0lnlho hnlton mutunl of this glwi was on tho building and gfloo on contents the iubs was ttetwoen sfltmhl and soo mr davidson will innko preparations at onco to rebuild uonornl aynuithy lu filt for hlin in his loss which lu especially felt coming on tho eve of harvest there being absolutely no pro tection on tho farm for tho maturing crops 9 vcais in bko with rheumatism t now wcu u is simply marvelous tb effsc tttiju has on rheumatism itawt rotr- ly uevaai 111 pelt but eocnplstely vide thaavatcmof thatluumsar ajjwtiik okntut tcidmuv tlhu do ihla be cause it curaa tha kidneys irihimnovauf llat lm w tavmlu i ifunw lary i upi k4 w fcj ui abjt i mia ki a rii1 ml h im kill 1 m imipum a ilud labia lhm 1 mil iud dm mtywl ho1 ditor ohahtinb mayor ow bramkron an olofllloii formnjitr nf nrnmptnra wnu hold on monday to fill the vacancy cniiflod by thn reslgnatlitn of mayor mllner biiiiio weeks ngo mr ft char tortlitlltor of the cousffrvafor wan hmtfitl by over two hundred voue only nbnutonothlidof tho vol wbb ptillod our bowlbrb viotoriks two very enjoyable games were played on tho greon hero last week georgetown brought up two rlnku on wednesday and ilorlln enmn down on thuradny afternoon with tlireo in both matches acton wns victorious every rink winning against their re- dou tabic opponsnto tho georgetown acton scores wore as follows i fllcoiulktown actov j afolloan ii p moore ii w kennedy g hyndu w a praser w monnhh w a 1 camp well w j gould skip 1 aklp 31 goorgotownjaltmml20000010hlmtiiia aaton0111 lorttilinaulojikxi- j hewitt w b chuholm ii a ootyon n monabl jmmodernild j llolmea n a mcoallum a m htnlth skip 11 skip m georgetown lmuloowlflommluooo u aotonoiuothiooyjiitiitiioin majority for acton 13 the scores with ilorlln on thursday nftecnoon woroi iiumum a itov t ii middloton ii i monro j k 1uii n monabh j j mccalhun w monabh ii k wotlauffer wj gould skip 17 skip hi iierlin02311010uooou100l 17 acton lqttwin20rom311012f2l j mcquango j molntosh i imiltjps w h chlbholm g o rfilllps a m hnltu a ii davltt l mcintosh skip d aklp i7 ilorlln ammimxlolcaloihlflowiu acton 1 100u30iiia2a31 1111137 h g rirsyttin it marchuient v h molntyro los llnlmefl to tjnllon iivndm ie w clement a j mao kin mm skip 13 aklp it ilorlln luflftollliiaotloltloulhiltw- hi actonoi tii mummmm inio ui majority for anton 111 in defeating tlio club which holds tho trophy of tho district acton bow lers may bepnrdnnul for feollngntrlflo obitwl tho third game of tho week was played at onlt with tlio veteran bowl ors of thnt town a very pleasant daywnsapentnml the mutch thorough ly enjoyed two ganiss were played in tho first the galb club won hut in tho boeoml the visitors showoil they had rot tho ha of tho greens mora cor rectly and tho honoi u full to thoiu tho scores were tin follows t bi e- c4llckklcillidwulorot nlcklln a a necord w h chlaholm aklp refi ll ilawbw w hjurnbuil w c w harris a j cwnly ii skip hi acton kkl3kct0hwol0u0n gait lummtiiutnwil id k mfre he ijlo ii htkwart j mckenti a r mnrkinnoii il inlmef g llymla a d htrong acton ikhiifhshwi 101 0 gnlt alkiiullo 11 tho return iliatoh will lw played hero mi tuaojay ultb auffiut in returning liomt the pltvyers train reaehtul guelpb u half hour lata and flio iiiahilliietmln bad ttepnatet they the re torn proyeeded fo the bowling green of he gtu ph club and had a friendly game of two rlnku there wltu tho following result acton a 1 mackinnon sklph jjuljli n macdnnnld hmp acton w h clilsholm uklp h guelpli i k lrrsaut aklp if tho days tinting was fully enjoyed nnd the lwwlors arrived home at hm oalhd jtthkinb oh canada nnhttiilik kton vut laa mooro 1 ii clmpplo j a llrodlii n manulili a m hmllli o tilrnliull kip 11 aklp acton hlklkhmkil02l 11 inlt iui0ifti2iliiiiiin ii miirolimont 111- qlinrltnli a k niollin v u w ilrrli b illililinlm a 1 oirly w h jurnbiill a a floonnl kip iii aklp i aotoil liakhuinhhhllmmmwi 111 gnlt hwaiftttaiiomigixv ii p monro j c nhortlll w ii htewait 1 w johnston geo hynde w unroot a j mncki mum v c ilond skip 0 skip i antonllhkiluuorxtoollotl gait ftbmuuol 400111 mkuinlmi vmk lamob moore a 1 goodnll a m hmlth ii hancock n munabh o turn bull j holmes a moauslaml skip n sk aoloniolooliwiiiloolli ottit oiojaoooirtmih the well known caleb jenkins wiioru homely lottoro from jenkins corners aro crowded with sound philosophy and up to dalo common sense the prndiu1 of mi 1 v lion goiigh cartoonist lectin or etc has jubt written ouo of bis interesting and characteristics letter to tho chicago canndlnn america from it we quote tho following paragraphs i and sir it is gratifying fer mu to state ho showd tliet canndy isduln wel bo fur as charnktor goes thay hnlnt hnrly n spot in tho hull west rlto up to tho yukon warn the peepol dout liev n chauco to iibboii to the gospel preochotl putty regler and ware tho yungitcra dout hov a chance to go tusknol and thayu not a place in tho hull land ware thay dont hov law nud order and corts of jubiis nud wnro lifo nnd prop- pity la not per lock ted by the strong arm of tho guvermlnt jus take cobalt for ixamplo it is way up in the north in a kentry that hnlnt setteld es you mlto say but thasa thoiisenb of miners thoro a at proslnt thay nlr out on strike lint you dont lioar nothln of rolts and murders u sech things tlio fust thing tho guvermlnt dun won tho strike started was to uhet up all the hare in tho towns nonr by thay dont hcv no licenses in colwltcnyhow antl stopt all lickor iwing lining in to tha deostrlck tho govermlnt owns tho ralerotln so thay cootl do this quite bimily nnd thny duii it prompt this shown the kind of govei mint wo hev in canndy 1 will es uionshln rlto hpro a fnct thot think we kin lie proud of that thay has nevor bin a llnchln lieo en ny wares in this kentry not ono solltary case of llnchln i nin gcntfltlo to tell you thay booms to iw a public opinyn in favor of keeping this good oaraktor cb soma feller sed wot wo hov we hold we nlr ole fashion ed in sum wnse nnd fer ono i nm glad of it wo bloevo fokca shood tiiko tlmo to sot down antl test and do n little thlukln tills llfo hnlnt intend ed simply for inakln munny nnd taw- kln blflncsa nor yofc it hnlnt intended to bo nil for fun going to shows nnd reed in bout bustar drown ami thnt sort of things in sundy papers wo hov tlio nosliln that folks ntter hov flenso enuff to tako lifo ensy nml not llvo llko feever pauhents in tho hobpb tel so jcs lately wo got a law past nt ota way to hi id n good strong wall round tho lords day es i mite put it eoao to pervent it belli stole from lis by tho groeil of hlg cnrprashlns antl tho graft of fellers that dont noun god but munny ily this law wo put up tho bars all round tho hull of canndy ngln sundy papers and shows nnd games and ngln fn ok try a nud ratnrodos a so 4th doln eny work thot hnlnt nessessry ktikus kin do aw they hov a mind to bout gain to church or hpckiltn thaiv tlmo on sundy os privet indlvldnolsand fumhlyu hut the law tope nil thorn slick skcomors frum niakln munny out of em on tlio thirds dny nud portocku thousous nf workln men in tharo rlto to hov a free day overy weak lino uilotltatchlkngo wood lalf nt noch n law nnd call it bloo nnd atrato laced and ty ran nickel k soeli llko hut to my idea its hotter for tho kentry to shot off tho atceiu nnd give tho bl lor a rest nnd lino rlto down glad canndy lu tnkln this vuonf things and of it amuses chlkngn that dont do us no harm iraps afore moony glnernshlna thn fokoa over oh yure aldo uf tho lino nil- tuckered out with thnretllgobtln outor kilter nud tharo noivobnll vong will cum to thn itloe that canndy with hlooinln cheeks and taklu threo bipmro ineola a dny uud rtely enjyln lira lies showed putty good sonro after all hot ucubo me for ilthi no long a letor i will quit rlto hoar sine myself vuruo trully caidcnlinkins hmmh prosperity mmmm hmmh 120 million buiheli of golden grain j last northwest wlllylam tills i tlilu will alto protluc a humpar iutvbii wllli llm other province w tliou wtio know la i lis thai u i no mllllnn butlieliof jrelrj and ii ink a bnotl aecond filllnr once mure our mnreiouica to lli full tlio nho know say let the reois a nood growth and i he grsln will be all the belter lor ll canada it all rlffht blie can hold tier own wllli ilia vmorul iter roou have sol a food rowih alia la hullt on a aolld quitlalloti and such a thins aa a few weeki ol bad weal her inch sa haia had ihla iprlnnj a not kolnf lo up rip the hiiflneea fabric ofour country willi ilia ability lo produce audi wonderful reaulla m a few weeki it wilt tm s long lime mat holes will be punctured in our pfoeparlly tha rain crop ilia oulnui of gold iran illver copper and coal were never so larips tliy are to day and who can llmale ilia ircmendouaouipul flln yesra from now v liae only wet the aoleaul our fret in llm real ocean el prosperity that ilea be lore ua il ui as ctnsdlsna tale courage each man determined io nu ln pari to mala this country whal ii waaileillned lo he let the roots tj rood rrowih lliat ia the tlsrllns point and protection of business as well sa of nature we had some week of unmastmsble wiallicr si the beginning ol tits season but what does a few weka of hack- ward weaiher amount lo in a hualneis ills ouri where the root are planted deep down in the hearts ol ilia peopla each year sinking deeper and ilia hrsnehes elendln farther and fsrlher we conllnuo to grow wllli ilia cliy and our cdunlry tui we have not jet by any means reached our ideal we era making ureal preparation for ilia future and we aik you to pleat let us sno when snylhlng la wrong or unsatisfactory in what wa are doing a friend is one who villi ret ui right in our mulakee and encourage and support ua in our auccen 50 vcjirs ajto jiftyyars so nn da tkeiigat iron weuld fleet new the urgent hlpa pf the sy are built with iron hullu irea healing all ever tke eceaeu of the or1it we ttave kndr balleeaa sallies with tho winds for many years hut it lu only raceatly lb at wr wtb have bee constrmted to fly airaltfat tks wlad app thete prlaclpieb to buslneu im thhi our gnnuafer rale we are mnklag a dally demee miration ef how hwnliiai can fly oarainnt ike iarfognuit buaiaeflftpurjeatn it cell do more tltaa tills it can van raise trad winds whaa there u dull culw suteitkisr unaufstturera whevl nud retntinebah utetl to take to the weeds in the summer months aad have plenum t dream n nf wsat they k done or what tkey ware gelag to de bacauie they thought there was eo bunliefui te do ryans store makes business in dull seasons duslneu catt bo mn at any time if he tigkl uff ef merchaeallue in offered end at tke right price paring tha summer months there coontantly flows tlireugh thfa atere a ltream of jedn frein the tuaeutuc- turer to you juat iwoawse we see to it taut ilia goods are right and very much uaderpriced tke ntaay special has we eferthreugh hit months of july ami august are very much under the regular price nothing else would draw the buslness we knew that very well have learned it fem eipsrlarice eiteading over ike luat thirty yeais if yeu see an article tleketeel lu eer wlnjdw lu uridore er advertised in the paper nt cut prlte we woulu have yeu know that one ef eiir most valued easels werd aad reputation a at the hack of every statement made by us in other wards we do what we say ry7s1ni st co- onthrio gu0lph g- b- sunnouiiiud htock cartiai eiiuonooo the well1nqton mutual insurtancb company valabluhed 1040- hes4 ofboe ouslvll out tlaeien bummer comfort talcum powder i have almost entirely supertedsd the old- fashioned flesh powders made from rice flour and oilier vegetable subilinces the principal advantage ol tal cums over vegetable powders is that they are of mineral origin and cannot possibly dlaiolve ferment or irrlllle the skin when molilened with penplrailon our talcums are ilia best fleih powden that can be uaed they are of im- pable fineneaa and contain anlliepllcs which make them very hesllng their uie dur ing hot weather will insure comfort and a feeling ol clean liness even if one perspires freely for nursery uie they ire unsurpassed plain or perfumed frlceliio h6hjnterpiimb druggist stationer atcoixkob rmagrt dr1ti3h canadian bubinqss cotuleob toronto fraellaal sue tnoreuiu hhettliaail cota- tuanlal emt 14 at ri out i on v u a a free hallway rave pam if lliui paper mentioned address it a ranjiihawoii il a vang a moor its teveuto seiol lcocal s wanted for acton and adjoining country to re present canadas greatest nur series a permanent situation for the right man for wliom the territory will be reserved pay weekly free equip ment write for particulars drzlnn pltcljcrs new and improved vegetable rem edy for the treatment of stomach and ilowel troubles o infants and ghildrer onbwbonb oornmhs at llm preanut into nf di ii u np the oil will will bo ilnwii inl feot by tho lust of the week llio dtlll isiiow working lu tod blinhi rock quito n iiuiubor nf tho young people spont n veiy enjoynhln tlmo nt the homo nf moesrs duff tho other even- lug mr cluis hiivldson will hnvo tho wympatliyof bin limtiy ft lends in his heavy iobh by tiro nn hnturdny mrs huillh nf woodstock jslted frlemla hern tluiliif thn week mr nml mie lit crewson of fluolph vlsttfil nt mr m fjrowsonn mi tueadny thoroaiiltof tho nanny nf thn fold- bohhiip pin r la found in thn oil well would imrdly eiiauiiitign mlulug for thn colli at aho tlupllt nt whlolt tho j litnrtu wai found ilrltlshnnil kiiropoan import ors hnvn been uvlnclnp u rrortt interest in tliu canadian flourproductandnlnrkflly in- creasod export trade is confidently ex pected to result the year has seen a ramarkahlo inoroaao in tho demand for ciinndlan flour in china anil japan all western mills havn boon affoetotl by this and some nro nvorsold in tlio grades that tho ohlnena market domnnds thero aro oomatlilng llko thirty now mills in the west either under construction or projcctotl sotno of thorn being of quite large capacity all this menus very greatly inoroan- etl output of flour il aids digestion regulates the liver and dowel and cures con stipation sour slomsoh diar rhoea sleeplubaneea eic guarantuud iiarmigss li ice ajc a t brown oton ont everton s5 eden mills tha dei4ubllty ol manitoba family and paartav flour for ante at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oala hulled every day feet for sale caih far wheal and oala henry h or top stone wellington fonthlll nurserlee over tioo acres toronto ont youre welcome to call at any- time you choose but wo advise you not to delay your visit tho market la such tliatwecannntguar- antoe ahead to sell such clothing at our present pi ice u ut the opportunity le here now anil you should grasp it for you can gel better suls and sum mer trousers ney tsi- now for isbb mone than may be poi ble again co today e b swnclilinuicr mkns outiittkit aoton paiwoleuii absolute security genuine carters little liver puls mu sar slaniur s tit wll fnife m vf huh mmi m mm rwauumir iraitinnitu roiiiuabimt rfllthmiuvu reicevstiratioa mtuuwiua cunt iokhkadaomi new telephone diuectoby tub hsli tblbrilohu oouiahv ov canada u about to pumub e new ueae ef hie official telephone directory fu 11 illul1 nt central ontario ineludltib tie teen of acton ordareornew eon o eel tone ehaneee of firm msmee ehantee ef bum aildraaaee er for dull- eau asuue aheum lx banded in si euoe to a t jmowny iioab mkvanan the old citizens work charlie socy cton hand laundry willow htreet nenr post office nml town hall i am a laundry man ol long experience and alve special and lender care to articles of all kinds hroufdtt to he isundrled shirts ironed so they will not hurt your neck stand up collars ironed ao thay will not break in thejjdjig arid ten itlsfocllon endmomptba to charlie buoy and let him itio vhen all ladles arid nenllemena ironing done with entire satlsfacllon andj ia nsnia rtuoy antl let mm i wanted and ho will not fall you the gdbat 8iiooi ly rukpahation por 1ioksus catti4i u1c uu one part ian olhum to il parts water spray nlplil and morning prick lioa ruil can jolnstope co mill stimiit acton ihlu ablitrtlsmifnls st auok cliuicli mnltsima iii ult i 10 m hflm nil i rittuui olit h11i1ji imn kojl haiek jv llllvil- aitili ayli ii j minaidi want kit ativjiaivrvrjvri flki ail inn a 1idx 11 i acton i o itkme organ pom l alt acghirsulrii1ilfii ruirllllyii mm t u r i mile at life liiiuiu uf 1 tin lunlf littiii 1 a imiieln low uililihihl a imiieln j wliltlkuiuw 11 luerhjiurbfjfmoiiila notiwo ijikbtollk- rlialtl have i ft 1 tlila nol1 llirl- klvan lljat all uiriunla inuai i o 1 l lv ttm imfi ileum i irj llmia nniliiinff uui al i eller ihik ilae will l jilnffl i hi ilr lian 1 lor eul leollon jiaktiu mijlmih mietutru aelou july 1 1i1 lt if vnlunmo iiiort in acton for salt illk il aih ii 1 molu irorli noilaa la a w half ronlaii iwr wuu ll ill r ua lata tlomaa x moltwlun a nluiii tul wil n 11 lot ilr tlie llalu i q lliclimtr ot cahi ok j hanks m all nlliara i an work o tr liie to v lllaelrnnanra rn ha all eflorl in llit i r larnanl irmi 3l ilia tanifir ufi nr il a tf tram lha m afrlanlihtcal tendkrs f0u iininev roi school t iqnvl will reatlvo loo im for llie ot a j it i rick tlkclt al urn ulilla anoiii aniun u xu uiiu an baditiuy jnl auiimt 1 lane ami rclllruilou uit lu area al tlie kocralart fllicc llio lowmt or any lender not acrcaaarlly uneniin i moik 10 be ooinvlotej hy lliu tin aiibiiii ivr if i itooitf xucruiery ol lloeril actco july uril l7 4 j acton civic holiday w ii mil ah it im uimklflllty pltoolamation llv c six i jay turllvla iii iieeii a lovyi duuoul till nh that ailoihoilbvton nlliar lai on wlini 1 to all lioliita and wl ell tin euirnutati he iiroaleltiiiml lor mi itliurtlureiirollilm monday 5lh auguat 1907 a clo ilolllnv lur till nuinioiiiutv in aniunl olioo willi tho ttlmvd mul would rm uoltiilty ro tuoel that all our lilmu hoiiii olnervo llio h hh ilmiamijii weoo notice to cueiwtous in the matter of tlio eatate or dobert thompson into or tlio townehlp of kaauealutr in the county of hat ton farmer deceased brbinat llio i tlie town v ol ilattnn mm llio twill t end hi oredltniaanil lithi ru hauini rial ktlslo nf hotivrt 1 liuiiijwiu uu 1ili ot i lllullli lu i 111 uol fsrrnnrdaiemotl wlnnlleil mi o day ot fleioliar lino aro rciicmi rwxt lirninilil nr ilollvar lu a i itievlllbubof aatoi in llm ldiinty of llalton hailoltor for lliu a imliilatralliii nf ilia iilil ketalo oil nr liufnra uie i jill lay of allium i ht tbilr iiauiea aitilreiai ami dourlniloiia lo batlier willi a full atalomcni or tlulr olalina ami tho naliiro ol llio lutuilty itany liehl hy irllro timl nur ll day of auuiiai l 00 oil lutllutillniui tlm aunt otitic kiililileoeaieil aumim tho ianlru iiuiiuul tlipnuo iiavlna ro iioolaliiia n whlult iliti iliall tlien only lu 1 1 iiednollt for alnnjan t thon lilcliitliilnyil lull a mri nollrlloi alralria lateil dili auction sale 01 real estate iuhnltulti an1 iiousj5hol1 klfjjtlts tlieiiutloriiluiiihl lualiccti tmlriiotul by mr j fvfk loaellliy imh tenia ut ida il itaiisru aloi nil immlrooni i lr miulloii hi ol 1 11 1 incliiiihi iiiriiuun lint of iho rou ilhin uiihiii rnnm iainv crpclrry ulnaawaroanil jfe 8ynwsis of canadian northwest hombstrad firtaul ationb isretl aenllon of dominion iltftiie haakstslibwaii aud uernmuadeaiivaiiyiiersaii ttnla i lie sine i ft li f any mala nerls years nl mklje j leiejiiarlereeetlon of im aere more or leu afntrv rnaal be marie parennslly at die imioa lfi5si jm pmform the w uie sslllar lias tile pernbtii rfhkioiihimiivh r sis tssth mmm w it in mmmlmloav or ikinilnlai mull ml tin 01 tmulbg mper liil hi ltnllt llimrli t hatuiidav aug 17 txxjiiiiitno axta i in and guniiiiiiiku iinlll tiory iluuia sold at the aaine lliiti llnitraidmioo ami 1 1 lole will be oflerstl for aalo lint on hlioli ami k not told then in detail tlihmh or uklu on fiirnlliirp oanh at limn nl aale mi real mtalfl one half ceth lalanm in nu inn and welve iiionttii wllli lulrrint at l iter cent leeureii hmni will lio a n miw tili m lha iua title um lircmhilil it aiiatinnoer tlon company tli iiit 1 yllivi ifniilrtal tinl unumi tohohto alontitllit mnp nif1i i li v f dalti for niamllnmeil hnil lalemte iiaiiiiruv muntiuur iini1 11 111 nave toronto tnttilayt tlniit laytaiiilhaturitan furlinv of uoiiiin uionx itrpekville moulroal alllltlilavx ir tlokati ami imi q llnkol nam torn n lo nvi or ii faitier lor vihi lion hiacara navigation co bumalo nuffnnt phiih new york nnd nil unlteit ntntee point dsllv atceept 11 iiiday irom foul of vomntfti nteainiia lanvn lornliti t h nt 11 a 111 11 a m u in in im niiti n n 1 1 3lly tlflk inhuujdlt mo m m oily tlflkul i mm oh ml floor tradtie iuabtiell

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