iiiuwr 11 f iuui in a at nutlstl uno mryllodi lnlllliur i i ithat flan hnlt wilu ivya u1 luyuarr r arilnir lnu 1111 auluil tut ulay may tflfo of j iii i i jill all kljc rton 3fm rrs tuuhhilav may ji ltt7 kditoiiiali notbw kilinmitiiii allmttii li kisat ihhii cliinl iwnoililjitinvii jii jiiiinluiitl lljvi tlbfloclii utiht plant jlit wiirbliiiilntituum lnia iitnarfiihitf faiitilviasa of its ifsvn ihwih nuiitlro tlilv yiir it own alrsatosr yauuiatul 11 uka untufr iliht a tlm iimainik of tlm winurir lin mltta oy tlut magum uyiiwli nf th ciiurcli n f ijikiaml ffcrnttluirmuy ills lordship ijlstiop i u moulin pro lcliit a nntica of motion wi pre par at fui tlm hyihitl moating nn mia ihlh j mis lr petition tlm jigiautura of orltnfl to nmi tll llcenao ndt by closlitk till tinr rooms on ghrlsliniib lay mill jooil krijny at th inptlnpf tl by noil otthu rrotuyurian iliurtli rt toronto lust wank tlio hynoil nttnln put uielf nn n- rnr1 as fsvoihiff thn abolition of the imi room in mill provlnes as anon ns posinbln a riinlutlori wmnlan pmeixl mlorinn til trforti of tha haul ltj- auinnre to sscura for tlio pooplu iiulet tiny of rait in savan free from all tiniiceflssury sonular work new llrctkician engaged till guelpii district meeting oiiuuiiiuuiomic to 11 b uouaiit all llllllllllll mlllil ullall hpuiih h pultun hiiiln ikr ml hull tinmll ititl hf-l- ii pin ul lllfl tllllllliltl ull riimilltt pillhaiil atl tin li ninth to pot i mul imoitimaiiil ml pn iiiciil of m mint us follow dominion si wit ilpu co cut tlh yiiih uililina mrtiillnili ifpiita ul iiiui hoiihi m7 mi liagih timmlnj mill llllt mimliiii of tlio ii m uuliiy ivnnltitf til most in flliti umimloii wna tliif itik nn lo aurraail lit o dork mnifl- urn lltuvu iu tha nrk mi ill inn ijuuil i mink fil oil lis ii i hbtiun tpiliiiik pump mlllltduoltl u rihilutltpnnplu liiimfmi w hthiklumai vu tjipplf a uiuiittlmwuhiir v ijllll ii i tm llrj hulisit hlckanlhio tha member for tlia fit lawrencu division of montr la authority for tlia atatumant tliut n ptan la on foot to make lord htnith cona lovornor janarul nf cunmla to auccacd kmhlrey nir wilfrid inni lr la to ha in ml a oannillftii hiffh toni- nilaalonamndhon a iiaylaaworlb la to baenma prima mlnlitar pramlai laurlcr l yt to lialioard from chic ago canmllan- american iha mnnibarri of orlllfa council lit tftkan to haart tlia fact that paoplqwho break tha lawa ragarjlna tha aioot llfiior altoutd bn traatad tha aanie aa paopla who break other lawa tlio orlltla pnllca liavahaan nrdarcd to vialt aach hot ill nt leuit tlirea tlmea dally concerning nnforcamant of tlia liquor act and if thoy find liquor balng aup- pi lad to paraona under aga ortopuraona under tha inlluanoeof mlior tn laaui u avimmona agalnit tba party fumblilng the hnoa tha week uit paat will prove a uiem orable one for canada it aaw thn conolnilon of the colonial confnrtuicu in london at which canada gifted premier sir wilfrid lauilar win honored upon every occaalon and who o ably represented great drltalna greatest colony and uphold tlio beat of canadaa tredltlnna it aaw tha flrat atop aacompllehad towards tlio oatab hah m out of a new fast mall earvlce be twaen eosland auatralla and now zealand via canada it gave to the country the latest information with respect to tha cost and ronto of that great national undertaking thi qeorglnn hay canal of which hlr wll frlil laurler le on record of eaylng it ahall bo built it saw the publication of ir ii res which provo thnt tho trado of canada has increased by the vnor moiie sum of t02llfloo5 during the paat year it permitted the finance department to announce that tha lsoul roturua for tha year last past woutd ehow a surplus of hh000000 after pay ing oir nearly 9k00o0uo of the puhlio debt it welcomed the announcement by the premier that the liomn govern ment ahoutd seriously oonaldar the ln justice to canadian int areata by reason of the cattle embargo which obtained in lngland against canadian cattln and the response by mr asqulth chancellor of the kictiequer that the question ehould be seriously considoi ed by tlia hoard of agriculture j a howat b01iool tnustbk t b prloe wa also nominated but withdraw to avoid an election ae usual at bye oleotlane in tble municipality tha attend a nee nf rato payers was very mvngnt nt the uomln atlan of n parson to fill tho vacancy on the hoard of isducation causnd by tlia resignation of w j uumpluhm at noon nn huturdny lena than half udonn persons weio present when the following nomina tions weroinnde j a mnwat proposed by a a accord seconded by henry lilndul t ij price proposed by a t drown ueannded by j h colnnmu at nine oclock tuesday evening mr plica called upon municipal ci art mooro and found that mr mnwat wow lilt in tha held feeling that nn eleotlnn was umlsilramu ho withdrew from thn con tout mr mnwat la tliarufnre el so ted by acclamation hie term will nxpiru with thn present year that holng mr humphries time for expiration nf teim no inau le a fiee man who line n vlci for hie master rocratee mr tlios duggnn the portialt artist giialph will be in acton on tlm 1th nndnth juno to deliver hie work one or in- a nuinbar of hoy in town who inaku a practice of meddling with tho electric lamps on tho streets nra llknly to get into serious trouble if their pranks are not discontinued in tha first plavn this interference le nn nffonsu punish- able by law and the nuthorltlea are de termlned to itieta out savora penalllne to any person caught nfnddllng with thn lamps or wires in tha ennond place the a is pasltl a danger of aei ihuu accident if tins dnnth to thosn who lmnd thn lamps or live whas while t tin nun ant is on lloye will lake the most discreet iniiuo if they lonve dip lights ond thollr connsntlons severely alone in i iii l uli iiij uwftji jidoplud tho idiiiiu liyl jiikiltiaitmud vlgh trim jijimi iillnih fof thn micartl jumi tillll of iiiii11u ijhi l ill tlfllllll ilifm i iiiiifully rmiviikmod by the iiiiikilinc iiimlttoeorthv whole and tin j fhihlly tltmmed tn angaun mi lint mullli uf ii llivllu who imu hail luiigikir thrt plimt emrn mr hiilliinl lull tun wouka ugi mr mnrllui ointti highly u oniemv ad iln u n iiniig i nullah turui an tin miuripil iiinn ami imi boon in cunmla font ytmu hu lm linpn employed dm lug tlml imi in aivnial of llio brst iluitiiuil iihtiililiflniunla in tnioiitn and foi i in pil m n in an wan in the ilillitilli i nn hulitlngpowei hniiss and mi tlu iii illuiiiu athff mr mmulin ikuiiii lo tlioiiinuhly under utiiml lilx hualnttw mid his work the pnut tun witcu i uiiiiiietidi d itself to tlm iiiiiii il sim n taking i inirga of thn plurit in int ivriuilhluiaulf to pill the buhl i i luti into hat i inusshnpe iiohajh mihui i ho ioiiiuil supplies a now miklt i f ilmnlh foi i ho uti lightu hu will i hi ulilo to give a tagulnr aud aatiarm loij smvlru mr mueklin la putting tlm powiu honso into cl and tidy oinililiiui and h will make tbu powi i houin hiwn a beauty spot hpfmn iiitiuy wfuku in la fill of mot hy iiinl in iiuiiilfvhtly nnxious to givu uutlyftii lion to nil t niicernad among tho nppllciiiiti wna mr i a illalr who loconlly left acton foi ueoigntimmi ho has had several yojiru lxpsiliiicn in vnglnitniid uinrhln aiy building and iiuh juut completed n com siiiili mi out at in electrical onglnuiliik i in onncil hawuver felt hint bo lin uotl llio net ismii y practical niu moved by 1 d i ny woronded by alov hull hint ltucat imntklin he eilgagiid as nlcuikiuii to iipaiato the corpora tlons tloltik lighting plant nt u salary of vitt pel tiiontl citiiioil llio mul foi lirokaii stonu for keep ing thn streets in good rupali wna om- plmuied by the hhciits and walks coinmlttui moved by di tuny aacomlotl hy alua hull hint tbu ciurk bo instruct ed to wilte to tho loading qiiairlos to iiuloi tnin lho pi ho of biokou it tone siiltahlii foi ti pulling the etroeta cm i imi onncil ihuu adjourned a mitcumatic wnaok i biilfrkil thn giouti st ngony from iheuiniitunt loiuling phyaicihiia pie- ncribnd many inuillthuw hut with un- nitifnctoi iohuuh i was louipolled to go to an hiiupitnl hut even tho treat- montrtlioio fulled liien i took dr william- pink piln and tn dny 1 am a widl man theue vmw wum ipolfbii byclilmrd h im bun whin inliirv lewodut hie homo in poit miilllatid n h mi inrh is a ftehftriiuin and had nlwaya been very healthy until uonin thren yoaie ngn whllu luhlng olf newfoinidland ho wn aelid willi a veiy mum a nlteok of rheiiiiiiitluin in hlu imn words he says i was lulling nn thn hand hanka in thn upi ing of hhi i when i was strlikin with ilmumntiflui i could nnt woik in it loop and tha pain was almost miliojii nlilf my cami became so hoiioui that i hud to he lauded and foi wiiukv i iny in it cnpu llraton hos pital im helplumi iih a i tipplo thn hos pital ildlliim pifhiilbnd diltuient idiii- edies hut ilioy did not cuio inn i than liift thn huhphul inn wnu taken homo with i luminal in in nppuiantly completely fiiktinunl upon hid day aud night i mlteiiil nothing 1 did foi tho troiihlo huumed to hulp mn aud i be ami duhpondunt and dim n hearts it than u fi lend ndvued me to try hi wllliuius pink iliu i wamakeptleal hut my frli ml pi aui d thn pil so high ly that i dett nniiudl tn try tin in with tlm iihtill you tnn in dny i am fully curoil nnd havo not hiiiio hud nven a twinge of that ilieaded uillkillon i caiuiot nay ton much in ftivni of dr willi mil pink pilli and i mgft nil rheuuialli milyiieih to tiy thorn di william puik pimu cnied mr foi bou lieiaiise they struck at might at llio loot unil niusi of u nilppllng ilienmalimiii tlioy dont ant on tho liieiiiuymptniuiillkoordliiaiy uiodlilue they dont in t on i ho howulu they tin only one thing but they do it nell thry aotually iiiake new blond in that way limy inot out all common hlnnd tlitisiiiua like aniiomiii hoilnclnu nnd liackaihm ihnuiiiiititim unlntlcn iinuialglu and tlm ueoiol ailinente of giilu and womun who unltei unspeak- ably when li dilutees nnd legiilmily nf llioh blood but umuu dlutiirhml dr willlaink pink iiiih me eohoiy all deulnm in nn iiilido m tent by mnll at ou ctmth a box oi ulx bnxis foi ji3 by i itingl ho di willlanmmeilli limcu hroiulllc onl ho it known tn all- loo i hint i llhhhgo iu gi hiding lawn motors at tlm acton iunip mid tlltf wnrke o ye in lug them hi 4tt2 wiiihmiiij hnnmh is the dato if clum j wwitnu unvt viwlt lo ailun lln iu an oxpait eyesight api ufullhl aud if m gliissni do lint suit nn niut ivipuin ohnuglug thin wilt nlfnid n good nppoi lunlly of having thn mtitlei atlniidml tn haa him at llrowns ding htuio nn june nth crt welvl iiin 1 mii ittlu doctor tmyx ifyoii lilih r i rouhh uldnry dlmiin or hi in you mil get mi lliljou tiki 4uari7 iiaiuicu pom tlluuionir tiin aiiliiinl lunellng of lho luelpli dutiht holilinllmfmolholut t luiiob laulihuiuiliiy mid iliday mai full or inlareut itev w j nuilhi ii a of luelph thachalnaaii piaiildid lho procredlnga of tha first day worn the pksulug of iiilnistelial chainitei mid olbei loulliia respecting the ministry in tbu evening a public masting n au held at which tho spliltunl woik of the circuit wsa dlscusued mi ii p mooir acton gave mi addieuu on llio iny agencies of lho church pointing out that tliu ideal ihurt h uim thi nun whom the members guiiornh mtniiil d thn eftmti of hie pastor i lie i mpl i suod ukjicrlally thr xnhni of tlil lon meiitlng as li encinl imrmm of gtmli wliurcbyiiu iiiimih ware jpilakuin d i i srailttiiil ijfo ail intenialing diw uw shn followid inwhkh iuv ii w crowe ltev dr komhimnii mill mm 1 1 itb haihui of auuljdi id v u wwiigmiiuaiib ituv a niinidi irnnsi irv v nntt aiun mr opelrtnd tr haletiu and mi j- cnlohihii of ai toil took pai i the fay delegates mum m hied lmdy niomlng and tho day was pent ii rovuivljig tho work of tho chinrlius the dlstl let during the year 1 ho i e suit shows voiy eiiluuraglng pu gu bu uuperlully in the coiilrjtiutiuu of oltoi llign fim miasions whl h nvgiegntid miwiin itiisolutiousof ay ill put hy i lepmui d to ltov w j hllllth iu tbeteilh of ida mother and to hev j 1ied kujr in tho ciltkal illneioi of bin fntlm itev john icaye of plattsvllli llov i ii htevonsoii of p i hy iiub applied for a sunt iiiiifiiiutril iu latioii owing to illneis neenhiltutliig rest ihe eloctionu to tlio muioiis tiinfii unco coinmlttaea and thn lay diugatue to conference took place us fnllown ntatlonlng coiiimlttiidlluv j m wilghl rrgua alturnate ltov ii w crews ciiiolph clnas leaders and other lny agi u clesltovs a u hobh lloia jainth hurrie quolph i messis ii p mooro acton i it jlollert luelph icpworth lesgiis huvs i w ibu- kor acton win watson liamohn messrs ii hat pi i htiele luelph hoht dye pimisouby contingent rnmt llov d ii lay- lor hockwoodi mr urn heatllr ittrgue htate of tha woik hovs u a lacoy nnssagnweya and john mills uuolph messis jacob hurt iain mid ii 11 calendar uuolph nominating com ilnv l ii htev- enson ponsonby mid w hauige uuelph messrs john cioho uiuilph i l calvart moffat kdncation hev dt handituon aud prof iteynntds fluelpli hunduy hcbuolsltev d i ker ilelwood mr john h cohiuun acton sustentatiun hev ii w crown and mr h carter cialph temporancit ituva ti l niltb liamusn and jas walkei luelph messrs h hurrie uockwnud aud t c hogera quolph memorial itova o t walu kiiu and dr grlflln toronto mumis t i hibsoii llora mid c w ivullny quelph habbath olnorvancohov v l harbor giialph and dr cornuh to ronto j messrs w hunlry lrumnuu anillt ii nolaon quolph cburolt pioporty heva v j fimlth uuolph jm htminii rutgiih messra john nnai odon and u ii hyan luelph tho lay delegates to confuninco are as follows acton j h coleman ii p mnorn aborfoylew hlah holwood john towns nd kloru t i hissill hramosa w huntwy ixn jacob hurt fergus gnu huattlo guolph ii italph htvvln piof it-j- uoldu hampal carter t c hogoip l h dollert jno ciowc c w knlly it ii neleun o h hyan h h oil- endue r niissagawcya l calvcit orton john noar ponsonby it jln kockwoad h ilnrrls itesorvo detoguten wero nppolnled nu follows ti ponit tiainosa judgii jamleuon and m w ilurr inolph rarberee nnssngaweyn hov j m wright is tlm rinaiiciul hoorotury ltov 11 a iscuy dlstiict hocrutaiy nnd iter v huiboi htalistlcal heorotiuy among tho matturn couuidoied wnu lho dluponltton of holfmintnln church on thu lrln rlt cult tho nliuich is at present closedandchaliiiian hiiv w j hniilh of giialph mid finani la hi ci u- lnry1 m wright uigus uuiochou- n a coinmlltee tn consult with tlm rhuiih trnstose and maku lepiihunlu- llons to tho next dlstl lot mooting no legards tha church and its futuiu the ohnlrmiin of the dint riot nnd hev i if taylor were appointed a ouimiltoo to consider tho fenslhllily if providing preaching services on tho nundayo whan thn chinch at nilnam on tho tlocuwooil ci milt is ipiw- cloued by iiiumm of local prenchoia and huparmiimiated inlnlutoit in answei tnastiong pntitinn piuauntud by tho congreghllon owing tn their balng four appointments on tlm cii- cult tho church is now without preaching every other monday ihaseaslnn olnuod nn pi id ay aftoi norm at llvn oclock tho moinheis of the district went entertained in thn huiiios of our ciiikoiib and expieieud high hpproolatlnu of the mirdlul hospl tallly extended abhni to sjirak bnstily foi limn i epeutancfl follows illas it lea liver pill many or lho all monte that mnii has tn contend with havo lliolr oilgln in n dlsnnloiod llvei which is a douonto organ pscullmly susceptible to tlm dutin lisnoes that come from ii regular habits or lack of una in eating hiul di inking this no- counts for thn gient many llvm regulators nnw piehsed on thn altmi tlnn nf sufferers of thosn tlieia in none supnrlni to i arm ohms vegolnbln ills their opimiiliou llinngh gmillu is effocllvc itqtt ihe tnint dnllimln inn use thorn the gentle kidney mu jne n liryi iwx at urntgliita or by in ill direct polild j tlia clartln chomlosl cd lu winilor onl you can keep dry comfortable- in tiic hardest stojm uv wrmno wateppboor oilcd cloth1n0 ouwihti vjettrprtof trtw in pr oniewldnu coiinicnfi iih nnd fioht oifr hit 21 at or may ale mi uuciinoion thlugu in ihourpatts llio hllllgg iiiaihiiu hloli 1ms boon rulmllt dining tho prist wi ek in now noiklng night and day on tho oil well ml nwxnii oxiiot to drill uk fiut hi a nqihi of utiki it la at hiu ilipth that nil is xpi otrd to he incut- t mi it i uvlnu mid miiu k upps tuoormu fliilia d young punplu were uiiltdl in llio holy hondu of uiiittlmony in hamilton yestciday may evory imppliiohm niul pi he llxliu mix ii watklimtaiihllally lllultb piiuiininnla nt thu h u l 1 1 i oil mr p wiituinx hoi many fi lends mo hoping fin inn sptody ru oveiy jillo a nunihoi fioiuluio will tako iu tho methodist limli louiilon in the town hall itookwood ihla evening it iu n viol thy cause and should ho well patipnlud mi mid mrs ii a huddllig of nt ignnce mich lsited at mr john lnvhih and otlmi frloudn foi a fowduys last wiok rocicwood hhu 1 loioiilo v leslie a locimt gratluato of thn uurlpli umioral hos pltnl and lately of the kelly hospital haltiuioir i nd lias hem appointed lady huptrliilonilont nf of the kings daughter iluspltal nt 1ortubiouth a muu losllo ih n daughtei of mr w 1 loille lininoa htn d h tnloi and mr h hon is will at lend the hussion of hamilton tonfoitnio which opens in hoi lln next ihuimla i im molhnillht ito ion in lho town hull ibis evening piomuvs to bo ipiite and intoioutlng event it will havo hoinewhat of a histoi leal flavor when it coiiias to loinance the kind found in liookii 1h vei y biiiiiini to the aal thing bclatlcn cueoit attoi twenty yoare of torturo im mote than twouty yiars mi j ii mausey ottrlii clinton ht mlniio- npnliu minn wnu tortuiud byscinllca ihe palu and aitlfuilng which ho en- duivd dining tblu tjuie is beyond com- pielu nylon nothing gavo him any poiiihuient icliuf until ho unod ham- hailnluh pain dhiiu ono application of that llnimnnt reliovid the pain and made aki ji nnd lent possible and loss than ono hotlhi inia nlyoi ted a puriua- nintciiro if tiouhlod with sdatlca oi ilieiunatium why not liy a j scent butthi of lnin h ilm ami hon fur your utlf how ipiiikly it uilloves tho pain im uah by all diugglsth kou hale ii j honaiiii wanled osi inllllmi liniaubcui ors m try llllverolalli for elumiiiuianl imlluhluu lhirwro ate no howiltir imulu or iitlnir nl i la roij ul roil ulinnly ruli urn arttolo with llio iiroimru i olotli ami tlio iletlrsil inulrn in tuidkly oblnlnoit 1ilns u1 eiiutu iionliiihl trial nimoloe inm to any art luoif m uiiih vratiloi cnau vhiiaic1ici0tii 00 toronto otl niagara camp1907 tuksday jcn1 it niillnn la liuruliy lllvoli that llio jllli lliulmonl i iirmi hill u iih i nun nnloro 1 lo i ami at mug ana i n linn ii lor twnlvo ilaya inalriiouaii all ujiloiiri mm cni luuintiul nniciri unit tllni uliu ii n of nti i loiminuv will iiarilo at tin ariuorlii anion at elutil oelnok on tlia ninnilii nf ii uui juno llmf umii jit ul in nn i drill ovary iiwy uvpiilim at a tcfiidnuit la ila aaiqtaiiik h ar ilnti tlut tlm ratlnru tliii mrwlll i m nimli hnjuovuil ton ilixl tliont will u iii liiorumti ot my 1uaiii 1 h h iamiui captain nn unit ml ii ij no ii onmiiniiy 30ilt r net in out i i lornohiltas hats kind iiais im wakiiiild muulkv b vson all itcfiuliu ml hi til all mu cap ft om hu lo 8i ro nt hul lhurlng onl iigarilleriri of iunl on uliftunt of not wanting to move homo mo in punor hais at bit- rrdtkliiink with wiio liuiigerii i nil uimlloiii l aoc 35c toe and 30c at lafontaines fur store on mi iimm iu k vtni han mojyt tlojjhl let it be knoistn thai our prices on ladies wliltcwcar and blouses arc rom of n determination to make new cust omcrs white wear and wliite lawa blouses arc represented with ipccial num bers secured tliroukli bcarcliing the market for best possible value for large quantities when the purchases arrive they arc divided among our three houses gutlpli owen sound and berlin at ti 50 skill of fine lumlnjc ull tlironjth vuto ilnit frill aklil tilmmcd with two rows oflu ortien und oue row ef luce madn wflh loin of wluli a rcgulkrflj no mjiukcr for rsi at 351- 1 wo good htylsjvof iysfrets ncm1irolil rr trimmed tig olliar tucked with twurrtwn f hrmstltilinie bcp w list wv un olterif for an avijc drawers trtmaisd with hfe tlirffl incln lude a gooil full rtriitvliahly autnberior lji ai fivt liit1nwii gowni witk doubly yokf frilled embroidery colur oitr price h jc i tnbrilory v rcfjnlnr ti lamptitchhir v and yoke lluy thinaiimber at 70c at 701- a rcfjnlnr if0 finwn trimmed luck nd hamptitchhir with enfbreldery r price in jc sd lut 111 dollar at jit comet covers in u fine rpmlity o ljoi btiu rlbhrtu trim me d nrd wdf ly innde our pni1 sit see the value jif thin imnilitr makc conat covrn of vary hut tawbili nnd wida cc trimmed spccjul ptke 3n a 35- corset coven nf very fine uapiwick un i trim riud with wide lace a reniuruitlilc cover for jsl at sofcohiet coynt a feulur ijl number made of flue huinnoov ilnimed with three rowx 6f lanertlon a baryidn full nf jadl iwtrjjnjn ipinwtia a potiitivuglfl nco jni at tf 00 whiter iiwrt kirln wllii very fjim pml t itytambrio frill irirttmsd with twe rnwn of intertlon und one row of luce piit frill six inhch widi skirt vturlli i t snycinl prkefioo we have feur tinitu the nnnibor nf specialw but no wore npaie la thiit paper iat tit hliow jon whut our piuntlty purthuilcxihr do for jfu thifi nmmer g b ryan co synulsis of canadian northwest homestead flliaulations an avail tiiiiiitinrpil sonllnn of nominlon lands in manitoiia tuabatoliowati anil alliarts oioai una tt anil i not rourrvcl mi im imtiioataaifoil liy any rerou wlio la ilia uc lcail oi m family or any mala oarlh ynaraof oijo to llio aalant of 0110 niarlar aaollon otino auras mora or lias isult lio imtneiuailor rfqiilretl lo irfni illllnna oqnnoolftit tlirinlul uiijar oils or iwlnuylsiis la ail sis uioiitlii raahlanea uiwu illiallan of ilia ian i iu oaeli yaar for i tin hi j if llio lllior or u illia if lliafallia mjiilramanla ai iy such 11 imtlirr i if tlia saltier baa lit oarmsnoiit raalilnni limit farm 1 11 a latul owuod by i1i111 in ilia vlalutl f lil iiuiuaatasd tlm rntiulro mania sa lo rw lanoa may im aatlaflst liy rtaljonoa upon tlia aal1 latl nix mnntlia notlna in wrllliialoiu be pivmi in hid cnnilulaalonsr of uoinlnlon iiand al utlawa of intuullou to ailly for lialont w w ooltv deputy of tlio minister ot tlio interior ii uoauuioruol pumloatlon of this art vnrtlsomoiit will not ho alil for luo well finished floors ark nnst maltl wmi the sherwinwillimhs floor finishes they uro mndc to fiuiih floors in tho mo3t durable uinnner in any utylc you dcolre fiootite for torch vaontut b w fov for vunuhoii floor liaam 4 rl ftlht a rliuabla floor varnlili rorpmmlucinaawasvinlih rwrsiv floo wtt for un lightly craclit til l cht 40 u fhui ailc for tho booklet ssajeflbsmbaaflbi bold ov sabbbaaavbaabaavl at brown h h umtsworth picture post grds local and o moral vlows arl osnlu comics ljitihor iostt cakd amlumh350 tn li oo get it at hunters hgllunterpiinib diiigglht stationer special bargains lp fjoiise fisl7iiis the riolit goods at the right time and at exceptionally right prices japanese mattings regular 25c yard to clear at 17c a yard carpels 1 piece only 36 inch width regular 30c to clear at igc yard stair carpets 18 in wide regular 15c to clear at ljc yard stair carpet 18 inches wide regular 20c to clear at 17c extra special prices in tapestry rugs 2j x 3 yards regular 9 50 to clear at s7 00 3x3 qo 75 3 x jl 1000 850 3x4 1100 g25 4 x 4j 2750 2350 3 only aminstcr matts regular 75c to clear at 59c a number ol tapeitry carpet endi 1 12 yards in each piece worth regularly 75c to 135 piece for 50c tapestry table covers 36 x 3g inch regular 75c to clear for 50c a number of splendid table covers in dif ferent sizes and designs at greatly reduced pricca counterpanes large white bed covers cxtragood value at 175 to clear at 125 2 only colored red and navy regular 150 to clear at 125 towels linen 2 dozen only to clear at 12 i2c lace curtains good lengths and widths extra values at 35c 50c and 75c pair 3 i2 yards long 5t to 60 inches wide extra values at 100 10 175 and 250 pair spot and figured muslins for curtains and drapes 12 12 to 30c yard corn and cocoa door mats just the thing to keep the mud and dirt put of the house splendid values at 12 12c oi35 eacll highest price for farm produce h h unsworth opp0sitk post ofpiclt imioiw ml for sale b grain chopping tubbdavb and saturdays untm lurtlir hollo llil mill will i i un titmihy ndl hturiuv jirt will not li oimiiil on any olltr ily undr ny ii asloti buhhoiiiiimd htoo c lafloo the wellington mutual inburancb company usubluhad 1840 hssd ofnoa owplivu cjnt wiifnahhvaksnl voubtht aelon r also usui fsy tha union imfaisma a piano foe 100 notice to creditors in that mautaai or tli bitau or mai by attn amlartfon istu oftha vhuva or aston in tho county or ilnlton widow daoouad notioh la hsrsby ulvai iiuraiianl lo ii r o k7 ulis 1114 and auiaikl no sola itiat all cisallors hiiis claims bnallil ilia aauto nf mary aun anaaraoii lata nf ilia tllsta of aetoii in tba oountjr nf llsllon wlflow ila eaaastt wlmrtlail on or aim ill ilia nflasulli itay of msroli 10ot ara raaitatlsit lo nil or ilallvar ida j afaeklnmmiol ilia sail vlllaoanf aalnn hflilellns for tlia kmnutrhi nt lln isti rlmaaainl oiiorbaforallia tlial ilay il jinin nam itujr n allies and ililrcani mil ilinriinuiii tngnlliar with a full alalanmiil nl lliolr dlalni ami hie naturanf tlia saaiirltr if hr iisltl hv lliain ami furlliao lasn notlna ilial afjar ilia aalil asai toillitrllnilatliaatsflb of tlia laid ilauaaatl aninng lha faj as eiilulal ihnraln iiavlna fraarj nniv in lis alslms nf which ihsy shall than lisvaiiaitiiollim aj usfuimnon rollellor for ainalla aiidannn kasotitrli datmltotb april toot a j wall in window t i simile and curtain poles j imio 1 tlni in i nil iii iu i geo hynds m acini till nlw regulation bowling shoe 11 01111 sl m hit 1 full u hnrtinrnl vt tlia tnteht kr lilton luwlint slim jiisfelliu krin rcruircrf liy tlir 1 ulr- f lie tlub coll lid ijli jmit pin lo 1 i goorgostoveli stroot st pelluis clyiirci a a j an itlclorti tin ktvt maiiliew 0ilsan m a i i li j hun wrrihniiiiiu actlci0 ia bumla im mmi mt alio clock iiousemaii wanted fjoo wabt all ir ot onro 10 slltli it 111 mm llflok wanted immediately clhmiii ull a id dominion loll a j lk1iman wanted uibunl alilr no int acrosro hookkeepkrs services wanted tcmporanilv n v muolil manaaur rmiriilu wandotto eggs ron bale iklinill fait ii it mm j hi i at si of aistllntr i llami aoloi iaunlry house mid lot tor sale aoinfoiulilu tluhl roolir i liome illualail lirllir tojalilooii lot vot if itilmtt c ormtrwj uitciiib eujs l0jt hatching cttl111 hruo iy liana wsilol a ply lo household furniture ron sale ai intlly oi li mm 1 1 fnniliurn at 1 rlvata aaln a ily ut1s111 hk anl ul ally valuable rrojioily iu acton or sale llnnlanlaull ual f tho lain tlcniae rnnrof ulll and ull 1 1 co aiora tlia iiilmaat ttory an a 11a an i nitliiiiliiinfla v laalrablo lodatlou hollo way 11069 1111- l uisi cias3 imported cllcmlalo stallion will liialin lho kktann of 1037 aa fallows 1 tuatilav ilsi 7 lo will loavs iii own iiabla lot j hth lliii i rill atlouloilt ml rrooaad in i nl man a llntiit tublna onn ami lamalnorsr ii lut r ft i 1 incbday itn i me nt n a in for ilia ii til lie 1 motel auiii h luiitiiotntiii tor nlalit tlitiralaylinltiaviuatlib ni lorhlanwoilahl hulirlnv bo tcaui at it a m far tha llnla lloltilauilus i rln wliirnlio will runialn until 1 1 111 uifinniionio until tlm follnwlns tiiaailar tuniia inliiaiiroflj jiayittilo 11 rah 100t 1 cr furlliar 1 iirilaiilara hp lrin iioamri uaniicii mrlu oiinik 1- klaiiauor ami coltootor munutlalitv ok acton 0ouxit op revi13ion not1ch i horihyuuaii that tin hrat ma i inuofllu loiirt nf koiialaii for ilia mltaia of anion will ho hul 1 m tlm town hall on monday juno 3rd 1007 hi clulit p ill to hr ir all coininhlu aflalliil ilia ataasauintit hull lor i m7 all iormiia lirvl a imlmt in lha aall court ajo rmiunlo1 to nlltnl at urn mn tlnio and ilncv l 1 m00iu5 fjlarli data 1 at icton tlilw tilt lay f may lout il 1 notice to citedit0r8 in tlio muttoi or tlio uhtntoorjttmaai blinrp into of tho vltlnireor aoton in tho county ofhaltqlitaantlai man dooonaoil nortcr u t it 17 clia urnitltor- mnl 1 ly 1 ivin iniianant lou 110 iriiiiiiiinliiijaili iliatsll kiahavliiu rlalnia aualnat ilia wmrji loin of ilia a lllaaa of in flu inmty tir up li on lonltonun 101i iv1iiii nn irnhont llio uijrtoaiiui l aiill ih7 aio n innato in sand ar dallmriiia 1 xuchliuion nf tlia aall mllsoa nlaoiin kilitlmr fur tliu i itontor ol lha said 1vci aa 1 on or i 1 1 ui tlm lnnth day nf j una nnat 11117 hi nr iaixa allrubia alif ilaaorlii tlniia loiithir with it lull aiatninaiil ol ttialr ilnlinaaiulilib nalnrn of ilm auoiirlty i any lit lit liy ilcii ami iirilur talio nnllac that afltr sal i until ilav t 1 111 1 uu lln 1 kiriiior will iirnoaai m dlitritiiua lllfl aurnrnrttm tu dnnoaaiht amnim iliniftrllraiiilltlrillhimtolmvini roard only lotliuolahiianf wlikli ha alall tlnn tiavo liat not i co a 1 mukinnon hn inllor lor lulm uslhlri kaasnlnr iuio1 dili iu 11117 islllnr id- j exkcutors sale ueal isstatm ilolsehoij amr etc thn iiiilarljnl ban nmouod itiatriidlloiis lr in ilm km iiura of llio muinnf thn lnto jnmoi 8hnr bnlurdnv 25th or mny illhropimn iliofollnivlni rnnl ifstntntixitou mmn wlifcli laarfol ul a hi if u him n nf 1 lubl rooiix wlih iialila iar1 ami und wahr niuharl sul in til frulit iidmiiiiriiiimiiii ohslra i ulilil iirl i kimiim 11 iduti 1 i inoin aiiln i liuuloii i j halrnhilh hninita 1 ill im ll iiatnlt i minimi innoliliic in uiml or lor i cwriit nuinr tlarinla 1 omiiiur eirtiln unhjl u h liarlimal nnflta vl iniili liarilwniul a iiinniily ofilry liarlwniul i iisiltir 1u iijtl 1ivi liml iiiuirmi oiliar liiiiianlmlil mil if tmrnib of tiiilnliir mul lalala int i omit oihlay f a ill luinn 1 aa tiinv im suipi linlllunuil ji r l wmiihmrtiihkt amollnirr iihn onlmrii wi1 llonny t kotos