iv pijjd bunviok lu naaaaflawoya on sunday 21b t oct mrs wui burvlcu ayouisyoara hafiuiniik in emjuobliik on saturday jjjtu october ttioliulovud wlfo of wiu haiopalilro lslkj bdwtih on thurisday 25th oct joeoilf wilfrid nou of john iotoub milton aod b moutlib aud 3 dayfl biiaw at iila honiiv burroy btrcot ouolnu on thurttday octoljiu- uhtli fiiiuitiol hhawjit his 70th yoar wuitk at wooclatock on wodiiosrlay 3711 oat llortbii ttsard rcllot of tlig into oharlos white ttgud 20yuaru i i smith at general howpltttl ouolph on wed- tiu8dayootu7th william b smith jowbllor agniull yoary thdksday november 4 1897 neighbo news news horns supplied by conros- pondenta and exohahges rockvvood notes and comments m- m th w tray ministry waa defeated in the neneral elections in new to bad land the premier and several of tho cabinet miniaterb io3t thoir beats the w e sanford manafaotutibg oom- of hamilton which reduced itseoale of wagosjo to red tore it to t ho old ago re karaerons other manufactures throughout the doroio- iouhayo takeh similar action lu the- past d weeks- l q the miilera appointed by the dominion goverumfnt to fiilhe floor standards have completed their task the important change is in counootion with atraight rol- jerb hereafter manitoba wheat will not be allowed to be mixed with outarfd wheat for straight roller floor hon h b emraerson ianow premier of new bruuawiok a reconstruction of the looal government having been a fleeted labt friday on account of ill health hon james mitohell resigned the premiership and attorneygeneralship apd governor mooiellan oalled upon mr emmeraon to form- an administration the toronto star quotes the following as eigne of bettor times in that pity houses filling op van cant good ones boaroe priceb of land advancing rents firmer bank clearances jnoreasing customs returns going up need of more schools faotories working full or over time put on u cheer ful look and talk hopefully the oh an go to the new order of things is gratifying and promises much for the fat- are of the country already we stand fall in the gaze of tbe wojld as the most prom ising of the british colonies for emigration and it will not be jong before the thousands of homeseekers fromvthe british leles will be aeeklng our shores instead of the united states aa heretofore this is alpo gratify ing inspector w hballord of the hamil ton publto sohools says that the latest american idea of makingthe dallytnews- paper a textbook in the schools for ojp-to- date history geography eoonomfoa etc la well worth considering for ontario and if properly conducted would be exceeding ly advantageous aa it is how some of the inspectors classes are following the indian frontier war with atlases and it wouldnt be necessary to jjo very far to adopt the scheme in fta entirety- the ontario legislature will meet for the debpalcb of business on tuesday nov 80tb it is a long time since- it met bo early since confederation only four sesfliona have began earlier in the fiscal year than the one now pending the govarnment no doubt are anziont to obtain the bense of tho house on the log and i amber question at as early a date as possible it ia yet to soon to speculate as to the nature of the legislation that the hqube may briqgdowo bpt it is not likely to beof special importance excepting that mentioned however the session will no doufefbe a- lively one mrs wilson aa old resident of the villua died in quolph on sunday evening at thorealdenoeof her daughter mrs tilt deceased was over eighty yoars of ago and leaves two daughters and two soon all hiving drown up children mr eu jaokton of lhe briok school haa etartad a sinking olasa in gladstone hall the meetings are held evory monday oven in j and those who would like to spend an enjoyable as well as very instructive overling would do well to take this course of lesaous from mr jaokeon vyb bragg of book wood has secured a contract for putting up on eleotrlo light plaatat-thdmpaonlqityti-bj-t- milton inspector j s deacon attended the normal sohool jubilee celebrations ut toronto this week whitej of wboaetobk were interred by the side ot her hnaband here last friday v tho town authorities bad a toronto water wprks rexpert engaged in stopping leaks in the main last week robert baipahaw jr who was operated on forappendiifltiaa couple of weeks ago ia getting stronger and will boou be able to get around again exmayor dice bab gone into the auction- eerlog bnaiuees at tho worlds wol t u convention at toronto miba bowes of viotoria b c ornoerly of milton was appointed saper- intendont of the worlds w o t u misaiouary work limehouse tnei following is the honor roll for optobar sen iv o marshall 289 e soott 2g3 g lepoidevin 25g j f swaokhamer 253 a meredith 210 j newtoo di jan iv l garvin 221 c meredith 212 sen ill o lane 242 marks possible for above ro0 jan ill j oneill 823 v swaok- bamerail j hainor 288 h lrpoidei did27u marks possible 400 claflb ii b wheeler 175 8 deemeri 183- seb pt ih d sharp 188 e mere dith 181 w dobbie u c galbraitb hi k bwaokhamey iso l mocainah 120 jun jt ii f mcdowell 191 r soott 1g8 w bowman 140 e marshall 181 b i wrmaoainsb 101v k haioer 1c8 v walker 155 w- marahall 151 s kiokell x48 cmodowell 121 a it bobble f wheeler w lane marks poaaible for above 200 number enrolled 46 average attendance 40 ida- a fom teacher rev j w h milne of mauaewood occupied the pulpit of the presbyterian charohlaet sunday afternoon his ser mon was very aoceptablo t nassaqaweya tammany wins another vic- c tory van wyok bleated mayor of greater new york by a plurality or 75000 nkw yprnc hov 3tamraauy won in the qroater new york eleotioh of yeaterday and mr vaa wyok beaomos mayor of the consplidaledt city by u plurality eati mated at seveutyilve thousand it was a notable coiiteet second only in the interest wbioh it challenged to a presidential election what rave it almoat national importance was the tremendoue power which the winner would oxeraibo in the newly-con- btruoted muuioipulity coupled with the intricacies of tho electoral situation enhanced as they wore by the detormina- tion of a powerful organization to save the city from what is technicauy known aa the raaohine 1 smothered to death accident dlstrosslnff fatal oakvllle oxkviilkoot 30 adietreeing accident j0urredhoray esterdaymprn iog- at -1130- w hereby willie tho sixteen year old aou of david white lost bid hfe the young ud was a driver for mr john wales and ad gone dowiitq the lattery storehouse whore they vtere loading the schooner von strau- benzee- he jumped in the bin while play ing with some other boya and at that moment the ohute opened to loidthe ear below tbeauotion carried him down and before the chore could be dosed he duap- eared adt was smothered to death liefore he was rescued gratitude to canada warm thanks from india for the dominions donation to the famine funds ottawa oot 30 mr courtney deputy minister of flnanoe has received a letter dated calcutta 17th september from- sir franoia maplean chief juatloe of bengal in reference to canadas contribution to the indian famine fond of which mr court ney waa honorary treasurer after thanking all parties in canada for assisting sufferers in india the letter pro ceeds to say thatjoutslde the uu i ted king dom and india- itself canada was the largest contributor the letter is a moat cordial one throughput henry george dead delivered four addresses thursday evening and expired early next morning new yobk oct so henry george the great champion of social problems died at the union square hotel about five oclock friday morning after bpeaklng at four different oampaign meetings the previous evening mr george returned to tho hotel about eleven oclock be ate alight supper and immediately retired about ij b0 next morning he awoke and complained of suffering severe pafns he became unoon- boioub from whioh he did not again recover apoplexy ia given as the cahbe georgetown the victoria b c timet piredlota that before the winter passes the busiest times in tbehifllory of tho province will be seen in january and february an extraordin ary number of pilgrims for the klondike will be passing through the agent of the canadian paclfio railway co in glasgow it a imply delu w iui from all sorts and conditions of men eager to learn about tho new goldfields the same eager demand for information exists in all the great towns and oltles of the united kingdom from inverness to southampton from belfast to cork giv tag some idea of the intense interest felt among the british people respeotlng the yukon bl dorado dr a f hoaband veterinary sargeon has taken an offloe in bookwood and wilt commence the practice pf his profession there next week he will visit everton every taeaday and oustio every friday his friends here wish him buooeas in his nefr field mr wod boles left monday morning for hxcikoka to eearch out his brother whem ho has not beard from for the past 25yearii mr win hannah baa bad qaite a seripusr time with bleeding of the nose it wai feared the trouble oould not be abated sho is now in a fair way toreoovery november weather this woelt mr oeofge gordon raised the frame of hia barn on saturday last tb era was a lare crowd present the bides were captained by john mophedran and robt nick ell both of nassagaweya and when it became too dark tp finish putting on the ontarios sunday schools great convention at hamilton last week a j donly the new presldent yvtf the ihirtymoondl annual oonventibnof the provinotal sabbath sohool asaooiatlon bold in hamilton last wek waa one of the most largely attended highly interesting and profitable in the history of sunday sobooi organization jn the province the report of the general seoretary mr alfreed day whaby tho way waa elected to this position when the convention was held in hamilton eleven years ago was most interesting and on con raging and marked progressive accomplishments all along the line the corresponding secretary mfsa jessie monro reported very satisfactory work in the primary department and gave tbe opn- vcntioiia cotoprehensive viewof the impor tant work of the ceniral exeontive and the exfjont of the dufioa performed at the effloe on king btrcot toroolo never was the treieurera report given with more pro- found feeliogs of rratitudo the deficit of 0loooreported two ago year hat been completely wiped oat and treasurer score bad anboapded rrteaiure in announcing that we owe no man anything and have a balance of 954 in the treasury the year haa bome frni in miaatqnary w bdder t absooiatioo auspices tb reports of lhe gentlemen who vjsited nortb- em and dorlhweatern ontario the past summer were iubpirldr greater work will be nbdertaken in this direction next year tho oopvention programme was of a very hejpfol obaraoter all departments of son- day sohool work were dlsooaaed in addition to ablo papers and addfesies by prpvlnoial wotlipni prof hamlll of chiosgo trophatleed th norma work mri crafts of waahlngtpo do andmits haber of loolavilie ky the primary work mr gihartfhibald general seo retary for qaabfo waa a wsloome and helpful visitor prof exoell enlivened the praise aervicas with skill ajid saooess amiltaria wehto j tmxi l nnanffeoob ohoioepf the convention for new plalua mr mophedranb side was ahead he claims the victory a goodly number oame back on mondlay morning to finish ths work was done without any serloae accident tbe only one who waft hurt waa mr albert ramabaw of eramosa who had bis leg braised by a plate dropping on it when the barn is finished- mr gordon will have one of the flu eat iu tbe county the reengagement of e e shortill for another term at asbgrove meets the appro bation of tho ratepayers in this section j f nixon has at bo been re engaged at an advanced salary tommy tbe 8yearold bod of mr thomas fisher vs was drowned in an old oiatern near the presbyterian churoh on main street on monday wm barnblu has succeeded dr webster as postmaster at norval revg a mitohell b a and b d warren attended the provincial sunday sohool convention at hamilton this week an intorcating patriotic service was held by the epworfch leagae oh monday ovening busineas mep are well pleaeed that we liave now a portbf entry and that caetoms matters may now be personally attended to thia is the complaint of thousanda at this easpn theyhave no appetite food does not relish theynoedthotonlngupof tfiestomnch and digestive organs which a course of hoods sarsapnrllla will give them it also purifies and enriches the blood pbres that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know creates ah appetito overcomes that tired feeling and butt4 up and sastalns the whole physical system it so prompt ly end efficiently relieves dyspeptic ay mp- toms and cures ncvous headaches that it seems to have almcjt amagle touch lath infact the one true filood purlfler u jj vkiir aro the beat nfterilinner hoouskuls pills aid digestion ase bditqr3 table apart from the interest in the mayoralty campaign of the greater new york tbe oharacteraketch of tbe late henry george by arthur ofoewen in ibo american moiitidi review of review for november will attract general attention whatever may be thought of tbe singletax doctrine in economics the politicians have found that mr george was a personal foroeto be reckoned with and his personality had a fascination for many who are fur from bharing the beliefs be held on account of the november issue being the opening ot ite tenth volume the canadian magazine issues an anniversary number it has a special cover and is more bulky than the usnrnnmbera of our national publication while ibe oontente are perhaps above the average mr j s willison editor or the toronto globe haa a magnificent article dealing with john sandfield modonaid edward bake sir oliver mowat and hon arthur s hardy tbe premiers past and present ofontarior this is undoubtedly one of the best studies in politlaal life ever penned by a canadian john a cooper gives an account ot the fenian baid of 1866 which is acoompanied by many valuable photographa and maps other articles of interest also appear contributioob from gilbert parker gold win smith prinoipal parkin and other leading writere are announced for the christmna number the ontario legislature is called for november 80tb a wido s hard work brought on a severe illness the aleutoduit magazine and review lor november the illustrated artiolea in thia namberarebariu epxland- with nnal- erod bekatltol oate a ohraater etady of emperor william of oermaoy and tho tirring times lu whioh be lived by tho bev j o seymour with ezoellent eograv- iega light a branah of electricity by o a chant ba of toronto ubiveralty with uioe diagrams explaining telegraphy wltboat wires and many other anriobities of elobtrioityand a atady of madame do stael by the late abel stevoni ll d with a fine portrait namerona other artiolea also appear fourteen nombera of thia monthly to the end of 1898 are offered for one years anbsoription toronto wm brigga frloetaooa year s100 for six rnontba bingle nnmber 30 oenta over 400 purchasers were served on saturday at cheaftebe and some of them bought largely every department was busy tho millinery department hada long string of figures to its credit more and more people are finding out how well how nicely and how satisfactory we do millinery the clothing and gents furnishings department always busrwas morelhan ordinarily so on ti attn aabertisemtitts wanted jndu8t11ioub moo ot character the lisbcottcompany toronto oot 5 taafarao cojldwooi wanted tuucorjb dry tamrao wood tojir foot long apply at fnitb pfixsaomee 1 hpijrjobb wanted ti1ueb ladlea to introduce a houaaliold work bjilondld rotnrhb to oooipetaut perfons j o all o way tdronta no hanging or dragging to this trade always brisk and sharp quid attractive values always a big trade here are sorne values that cant be found elsewhere saturday turnovers always interesting and m d lajgceyal lwoalplainshir tsanddrawersreguiarocfor5c mens flesh color ribblall wool shirts and drawers regular 50c for 379 mens all wool blaclr cashmere sox spliced heel and toe the usual 40c article for 25c boys 2 piece suits in great variety all the latest styles neat patterns to sell at 125 up to 350 worth from 22j to 5 mensfine double breasted- fall ond wintet suits in heavy scotch tweed effects first class trimmings splendidly- made all sizes regular v to for 8850 j wanted appoint agents no canvming andvxpeubiwpallrtmi biajtolsroaiiiuttsov co liluilted toronto the fur department was more than busy saturday we sold electric seal capes grey- lamb jackets sable ruffs black robes sable and thibet trimmings furcbllars gauntlets c vr our manufacturing department where we repair make over and make to order fur garments is aswe anticipated a great success v piles ofrdera in we have a thoroughly practical furrier who understands the fur business in every detail we guarantee satisfaction and our charges ate not too large we sell furs beautifully made up at much less prices than you can find them in toronto or montreal we sell fine sable ruffs at 9250 splendid sable mnffs at 650 some elegant things just received in electric seal and grebe combinations dress goods department iff busy too the average x our assortment includes all the latest styles and weaves at prices below house furnishings oughtto be an interesting subject jnst now when at many are settling and arranging their homes to be cosy for the winter we have just openedsome choice things in chenille and tapestry curtains and table covers direct from the manufacturers at very low prices aisosolidc trimmings to match from 20c tb 35c each manufacturers at very low prices alsosotid oak poles cherry a ncf walnut poles in very neat dcsigob with wood om 20c tb 35c each finestock of grey and white wool and cotton blankets eider down quilts c the zieglerhinch co cuelph enlarged and improved with a magriifieent stock of fall dress goods dress costumes trimmings to match we also make a specialty of phies tall apartment bulldinga struqturoa of from fifteen to thirty stories in height- are a strictly in dt eiecle feature of civiliza tion how these modern babelsare creat ed what materials form their skeleton and onter tegument and how the nnmerons danger- problems are met is agreeably exploited by owen brainerd in tie chau- tauquan for novomber under the heading moderntall buildings and some half- dozen clear halftones are given of the masonic temple the bt paul boiidlpg and other architectural beanstocks of gotham and tho windy j3ity we also have all the latest novelties in fancy dry gobds at close prices fine highclass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the best fit best stylebest workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overc6ahhgs etcv to choose from by placing your order with ns you are sure of satisfaction everytime fur departif ent we are making a specialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen oiir gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities and colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants- overalls etc at theldwest prices we would like you to inspiect our stock before purchasing elsewherer we buy cheap and sell cheap abd you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all cpliouohs wanted vorlng comtalwlon pld wk tbe d6unti nmes no delivering commlaslou paid v ly a canvasser reports his first veek maklnf over seventy dollars profit v teacher anam a f raipawons nr jamlniup koyamber for taacbor wpftstinair tobonaarttenlng orfortbo foartb da toja jsurr rpavy moi of aoton fabup scfaool salary not tbv oxaeapvlsnu oartifleat to be moondclaw eranoea tobegltan bp uobne aotop oct hjhi 1607 seoretary eae1e to bent tbb bast hair of lot tfolxtjrwxtititm- westhalf of tbe bmt half of lot twenty nine oonoesslon one township of bsqr coptalaiag one hundred aud pifty aotm ji tbe farm lately owned by henry townmoavli for further paruoutaza apply to b 3 orabamvjl barrister brampton or to im bjmcnabbaotod jyiffi8paeljb men women to eondaet baslneis i at home m work la simple writing and copying jta of addreuaa reoelved from local adfertlsluf total be forwarded to ua dally no oaqiraaslni bofl prevloos experience required bat pimo writers s preferred fermanentworktothoseoontottoi earn w or mora weekly in spare tiaorrapp waiutbn bvd co london out anteda1efens both msn and women ip yon ar wiuior to work wsesnittsjwijttba oloyment wltb good par and too oan irttna all or partjinte and at botno or travaudavvtllsffl work la light and easy writ at ow terms eto to v thi hawks ntmabatcompant3 boohestar nt wantedants ruebn vjctobu i boomlni mjhtthonil w iaud- copies sold- tbreetboaaandjlda bulidnd ordered from australia laraaabsntfapia gone to boauvfrica oanadalord iiorne her u sjssl bclnslflte wudflr 1 a majestys soninlaws sajs tbe beet popnlar idle of tb qnssbxis bare aeeoaad tboossads eadorsa tbsatatar usttt on tilt tree to canvassers exelaslrs territoryf books on tint essr to mskefln dollars dally some make twloe tbst thr bbableitoajulkison ckj umlledr toronto -7- klondike gold fields like vblrlwlnd experienoed eaaraaaerra mamngtbe riohesfe harvestiu their hvm fffl new bednners doing wonden neuly- every 9 body subaetibee- oaa young fellow oa a fann- atls00amonthism0udfj7wtt alad writer- at 3j aiweek lerilearing llmaa meebanle who bad earned 91js0 a day ut etearinf 0jd0 a day we waatmore agents oaaraasuifft outfit moeota worth 9i0tl thb bbadry3ahbet80n co limited toronto ont antedagenth gibsqtsl millmmm ijfl roe block jvthin st produce taken in exchange every day bargain dayjiere crew8on8 corners asodtlflvbat serious acoldent befei ftlr w berioblt last wednesday eveaing ho had jnst crossed tho track ooroldk oat of aotdnwlmriif tlie daranesabe ran o the rosd and his ryz was oapsiasd over the flmbanknens near the opoper abop tho chilled november day has come halloween passed off very qnlotly in hls violoiiy while ilr jas moore and his dsngbter were ret nrnidr from acton last friday their horse took fright at a bloyole and ran away upsetting the rig and tbrowink tbom both ont af r aloora received a bad sltsk- lnji upand is atill oonflnoi to the honsefroni the etfeots miss moore very fortunately escaped uninjured mm alex pripps ia very ill at present from a severe attack of grip it is to he hoped th at abe nay soon recover mr it osan of easttiotber spsnt iev era days the jet week visiting friends here hisdadfl mls a cann who has bean viitlntricndb here for the past few month returned- home with him- mri wm watklni son of mr b watr kins la studying law with mr ii momii- lan of guelph as will is very clever he nillnodonbt have a bright oafeer before hlrn mr r grippe who went some time sgo nervous prostration dizziness and extreme wetaknes8dr wllllamb pink pills came to her resoue after hospital treatment failed to mabkoka to seek his fortune bas return- bome bob did not fall in lovo with that part of ontario the prayermeeting at mr n forbes last vedniday night was very largely attended ibe meellug for this week is to be held at tbe borne of mr o laiby mr geo cann was in bamilloo on wednesday last on baslneis he has just received hia winter atook mr snd mrs xriok of aoiod spent sunday at ooldbrook mr t rsmahaw of lowvjlle spent a few hoars sllh friends hereon sunday veby dear 8 two unltacl sataa 8portsmen heavlli plnacj for violatlnit l i toooofcoovniysrttrn sdqut hantarshafs hq in the bsblj of golognorlb llpaikjiarjs jsfibqiiij prom the port william journal in the town of fort william lives a brave widow who for years hae by dint of constant labor kept tho wolf from tho door and her little family together from morning tilldijxlit she toiled to provide ooro forts for her loved ones until nature at last- protested against euch a draiu 00 her strength and bood she began to lose health boon the slender frame became unable to bear itu daily loid of toilvnd the poor mother waa at labt forced to give op jbe unequal contest andbeoome in burden where she bad once been the chief support nervous proltration heart diiease eon sump tion nd other names were given to her malady by looal pbyeiolans bat months passed daring wbioh she buffered untold agony without finding any relief from her sufferings palpitation of the heart dizzi ness extreme psin in the abest ipsa of appetite and liervouenees were some of the symptoms of the disease gatherings hat caused exornofatlag pain formed at the knee joints and other parte of the body and at last she beoame perfeotly he t plea i and unable to walk or oven ait up at tbfs stage she was advised to enter uje hospital that she might have the bene ill of skilled nurres as well as boat medloal trfatment but some time there without obtaining arty relief the poor woman gave up all bope of recovery auuv asked to bo i taken home so emancipated and weak bad ehe beaome that her friends were shocked at her appearance and eo ntterly hopeless was hor condition that it seemed like mockery to apeak hopefully of her ultj- sloans indian tonic cures constipation sick headache indiges tion and- dyspepsia clears the skin and insures a beauufuxcompjexiop mra j wbeaven of hespeler says v i was troubled with constipation for many years in fact it was my only enemy and was very dlstresalng i tried a great many pills and patent medicines but received no relief until i tried sloans indian tonic it helped me nt once and effected a complete cure i have recommended it to a great many people and believe in every case it has given satisfaction every sprlog i procure it fiom mr phin your drngpist hero and think it an ideal blood purifier nnd system tonic price jf 6 for 5 all dealers or address the sloan medicihe company of hamilton limited rrawl ktsiii mate reoovery what then was tbe aston ishment of all who had known herjdreadf ul condition to hear that she had at last found a remedy whose maglearppwer demonstrat ed the faot that wero there is life there is hope the name of this remedy that worked snob a wonderful onangein such a short time was dr williams pink pills and after taking fivo boles she was able to resume her work theenbject of this article mrs jane marocule is well known and her youthful and healthy appearance today oanssa people to esclaim wonders will never oesse she attributes her restor ation to her family solely to the virtue to found in dr williams jiok pills and her experience aha- hopes may- put some other anfterer on- the right rosd to health this gnat remedy enriohee and purlflea lhe blood atrenjlhens the nsrvss nd in this way goes to the root of iha dlssase drlvlbg it fron the system and eorlog iwhiir- blnifvlmmlssftiilr rhj- ifbirisbbfiojiia dr viiariis labrador herring kippered herring herrings tomato sauce finnan haddie red herring boneless fish sardines salmon another crate crockery fresh biscuits christies rolled oats buck wheat flour corn meal c fresh bread on hand highest market rijbpaiitl for any quantity of wheat peas oats rye barley buckwheat delivered st i acton edevatoil robt noble 1831 blityeljbtt tear the 1898 gminfryswleftiaii the best of the agriorjlttjeai widklies j all counvbjhksidcnts jmmiyu kmop ot w1t5 tbb thou the cam r o r prepare for winds we would loallyonr attention to the faot that we are prepared 16 supply yoxi with amber of suitable length for your barn doors via 10 ia 18 or it feet also aftsh doors frambb i mouijdihas eto for building stbfm doors pnt up at aa low a rate a posslbls repair your pumps or pat in nsw ones before it is too cold wi om so rr 3hopa thos ebbace roarsabtariptllmmskvxlfjoujjts sixsutpcrlptiaiu mtxbpliuns s9trflfbouzi ijrop wniah will bo statsd by mailoa application topersoas raising sir pspvfllbbsal tbs rsst of this year new subscribers f orlsn r hlaprmltfcrercrrrmcur it will be asn4hatlhs dfntsxjes bstwasn the ot of th optprrar oavrtmsust and that of otojraittiwswlmbv l8 in every- district otftns oonlinsnt to tsks- orflersfor hlghgraae o ery stock and asedsi iargtantnlostoonplets assortmsnt in tbs trad past srthog special ties sunoru samples tojfnlbyfrsoorrssrij popdenos in any laogctm tbss pbsiuims slj ts moneymakenrand t saonl4ps asenrsdj at ono tor tbe season brail hnstlsrslcoklinrforvj a good thing oox salary or oommwoo offerer will interest anyone nbssanid9lq0monsre year get in eommnnloatlnnwltb ont nsarsst an oitortnbltj wprejrsntablubed 4 uttymomllmpojrmbjtamjsnjtfo bonse m t inlenallonunsleait chloao iii odtreajqnabbssnt extaurptotiiicial i l5- vs t pdblio notiob la hereby given- that under the provisions of beetlonlmssstartoij companlesaet every oompany imr jsotnnroa l ated sr on tnrobst ttra ilraoarrrbrilrjuct aw ia thb lsatbu9tnuoatioirxasibdftrielinowor iot uithttnatr3 tgjrfl soioiaotfortfios npany might be laeorpos tball m or before ibsj off irsroavoaa whlchaeoml the ealaaet shall on or befotfiainitidayor novsmbsr jldls7nlakaout snd trinamlt to the provinoud beerotara atabssaant under oatbahswlna v a tbe eoroorits nam ot tbs oempany b how and under what vbsnerisl aetthsoompsnywas1lneoraabaand the aetssmendlog snob speelsl or generalactjr oflloe of tbe- oompany la d the amount of the authorised eanltal stock o the amount of stock subetjrlbsdor issued- and the amount paldnptbereon f the nature of saeh kind cfbsalasss which nyis smpowsredtoesrryon- rkiadalsararaearrlm seompsny and what kind or k on in ontario- for every day dmisf wbleb seek default oonuo- pes and- every dlncbor msnaforvsscrtary amnttravsilttovsalsahnm0auea1leomlrsar wbowiaboxssofsuettutefwiltnubmeuwiloihvj bnhnssswhatererfer for each day apobttwh ontario any baslnssswhaterer jot kiy shall for eaoh day opobtrwh nsadta sttoh bustnsas lncura of twenty dollars rosins forth purposs of euablloi oompanles to eonrply vritb the above provtslons may be v obtalnea nponapplloatlop to tbstmdsralgosd bxlvfvi provincial secretary toronto ftfwlia readily be 1 upasmsll ninb to- fhari- a cant a weak sxhd ros spxcuan copnes which wfubanuaedfiss and see wbether this snonaousdlflerenee id ooat should prevent yoor bavin th best whataeeouiit would you make of aoeb- a difference in buying msdlelae or foodrtdarsas vi luthsr tucker 4 son albattt jtt eiai hrvbaber jbros paraamabjrb v qeorai5n ont i leavo your orders now for your winters supply jjone but tbe very beet scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and not sins the liberal patronage accorded me last sesscm by mr browns cus tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated lean give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders cool delivery to commence in seplemlw john mqqueen watchea the most rsliabie and popular inakes cased in gold silver or nickel at close prices clocks many attraclivb lines the newest and best in alarm clocks t sure to wake you chains iithe tatest styles in gold silver plate etc ladles long guards in variety jtfc wswsddlng plain gom ajldjchlldreas rings gem dta- a specialljrfof pairing itvwnlcltitsjifg