Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13 1896, p. 2

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i j- r j j i i i micakn hi a inn mi rurniuy iir i mil n i klr bird mra ii j ur ami mlmiltur v annual ih ity he win i lllnr nl llu htamlii tinielt f hi uahtllln htaii in mis lii hlmt uimhler il mr jnm ltluli all r lilylli jollmos i i trm al lberralhuiiirih lrl l falli r mnalny hirdl aurora nuriiuralay uhanumil i hit t uim mim rlla r idl luilltilir rth ii i mill i llliif f ihn ai iimi lussiu lullr f w imiiim f ih i i win lapert nliau mnnltral 11 1 i i- oiu in trnfalcar mi wnlikxu wuil lb neighbo news nuwb itoms supptlod by cprroo- pon junta and exohannrow llmehouse jcijc toi jfrct press 1 hi iihuay al hi 1 t lhhi notes and commknta llin ondrrirh li law iraiilllik run froo water for ten cold hlorafio i luri oiiikll dl ly ipltun iron taxation and yeara in ill nonunion of montreal who r km creeling colli storage building tho indication in manitoba ami the nurlhvrrtl ioliil lo a irnhab nso in price tottio tfrairl market them anl it there then in ontario w lrtnl lhe luif may tx realized or innury ha beon rather a tear co arlirle fur iouio timo pal m both province north drey iiitatnr have immi nelnl mr units hlcliikhlin the defeat ml candidate in the lain election to ojjmoo lion win iatrraoi hath kentlmnoti aro wholesale hi mt manufacturer anil mr 1elaraon waa mr mel ujhlin a employer until tltn tars o ln order to put down the cuban rebel lint marliurx i ampoa eslimatra tliat it will require 100 ink mrn ttiat will bo almost ono ao idler to tucry four living in habitauta of the island white and black counting in woman bebira and holnlraa old men ihla la what bpaiu has coma to in liar degenerate latter day a tho chnmmn aayi it wcrai thai lha uoorssary aftldawta had been at cured and lha other ixra prrparcd and furwardod to luronlo for a proleat against ho rccen election in hal kin it la aald that there waa a aaw ofl between llalton and ham 1 1 ton tbal ilallou should lie out of 11 when elrotiou protests aro boliik filed la something almost unprecedented ompleto returns rive the following a the oeeupaltoate of he member of the new house of common there are 01 law yera 33 farmer 2b merchant il physio lana id tenllemen li maiiufacturcra 10 journalists i mill owner i contractors 1 real sal ate amenta snreyors 1 veteri nary aurgeon i townahip olcrk j dlalillera 1 financial agent 1 itiaurauce manager 1 banker i ship owner i rancher 1 oil re finer 1 printer and ono civil engineer tho minuter of agriculture mr fialier liaa it ia reported from ottawa been com polled to follow the aamn course aa mr terle uiu minister of iubho work and cancel a lare number of appoialmeuta made hastily aa the elections were coming uu tho appointmeiita made were of tot erlnary inapectora who were nominated apparently whuloealo lo the number of a hundred and twenty without the approval of the nhief inspector lr mokacberi who waa conaullod by the uew mimaler bafjro the appointment were cancelled the toronto ii u auirtjeata oial it would be a good move ou the part of the provincial uoverillatal 9 naa prnphloi coulaiuink the lateat infojnatioo about the roiuiuu induatry in brit rah columbia eepeoially the character ex leu t and rich neaa of tbe mtnea in the kootenay diatricl huch a alatement ooonlng from a reliable aouroe would have tbe effect of keeping the prospective boom down lo ita proer and juatlaablo limit the ontario govern raant ahould also rive tbe public the benefit of the lataal facta in ita p aa lo tbe rnlnea of nortbweatern outario which are asid lo be giiug promiae of grand result a tbe tailed htatea aalbontim have for some time past been keeping a cloee watch ou vessel a pasaing up and dowu bt mary a itiver in an endeavor lo compel the cap tainp to live up lo the regulations drafte1 by tbe unitod htatea govern moot these rvulallodb are to the effect that no vessel aaoeoding or deaoanding the ht mary a uivor ahall prooeod at a greater apeed iban eeven miles an hour it waa known that a number of ca plains bad been warned and others fined for not observing lha rules but tbe announcement made saturday that no lees then thirty veaaela have been given penal lies ranking from iioo u h00 will bo a surprise among tbe boats thus pciialixod are qve canadian steamer there ia ulte a wideapread fellug lo canada agalnal the general circulation which united hulca hills aud silver baa oblaiuad ltely lit most of the hamilton banks aud in the city taa collector a and waterworks ofhoee of that city orders lava beau lasuotl to refuse american rilver and silver oarllrtcatea a coord lug to the bank managers this action la not altogether tbe result of the allver uoatiu in iho htaten but because of the large uutlly of amor loan silver currency that ia circulating crowding uut the auadiau coin 1 he same action has been lakeu lu the past with the result that the cuuulxjrjiea been rid of a great deal of the american allver tbe hlaudard ii nh has notified tbe public hi at aflcr august 1 american una dollar bllla will only be received al a valuation of die hut woalhirnr aoiun other cnuwu u ariniiulntiu fur a roiiiarkaliltl ttullv lu the trout in the pond hern tlundrtidh or ill ail flail have in on ii flln on tlr hiiinmi of ihn walrr thn pat w ih itrtv inufinl ii a prei lu 1 lit thn in hj irrinjt litiri li uat kmldity ritfnrnin marvphj iiprraliiuin am very huh rail roncludrd i uruiilu ihlbmlun ami hop pirltlng will lie iho next innisnnl utir mockwood i lid anlgiire h anln of ihn prnpurly uf jb1 hoiih was linld mi 1 rula 7lh hint hit rn wna lily ml in i llin off r f lr gn was an rpli il l ii jl mr jh 1 mlrr ih hiftrm f r in mllv illation uf ilm kuir mr j hiraihan ia p ndiug n few ilaj a at ilrussola ira it luiyon ia hiiflcrinit from a sevorn attack of rheumatism lr dryden spent a few days in lorutito aal week thus kgerton haa uonrflit tho property of maurico moore and will move there ehortl mr moore loft tho tillage to go u hracebriila work mr ii iee ia amniliniuv iew dnya at llarailtou lleaclf the election nctuhnb dfflolnl no part of tho voton cnnt in thto fldoant etootlartn orrlu v atlk h thotiniuej rntiiriib for tlio elolith fldunral ejoofiuir hnvn now lrnn tiled willi tho nlork uf tho nrowu in rhaiirirj ono or iwn l tho r lurnlu i lhnrithii fln tow in tumliiif in th ir jvh it t hut lh luivi nt imt ipi n brought in llinv i in hi ir uim li nru p il u iw in imirl lino i it ri iting nutln in itl liijonnitii n ri gsnlinj hi i til i in li i intro wimiiii thn jiu in cam in all nh r v 1 1 r it h ml lw tin 111 following fl ler if vulch osat by prnvni d uilh tin nmuih on tlio i ml votllm lift tt ij- ii lllii milton i the civic holiday excursion in tliu 1iuib on 1 ucaday took a lug crowd out of town iho haii will play at a lawn social tn de held at the rceidruue of j 1 hlchard on iowtilli una evening our baaoball huya and tlielr admirern came home on halurdav with ll lug color they will play ball hard now for iho chani piouahip of tho ioagnt c liarlea urowp of drum t n haa ship ped a ton of honey to scotland on hunday evening jnd mat miss kvellne cnillilrigham daughter uf llin late james t unmngham fjf the rith un trafalgar who waa nailing mra maude attended the service racn hurch with that lad hue appeared to be ulto well but ahortly after mig homo with mra maude waa taken til with craiupa her symptom roaonibhng thoo uf append icitia hhe uftored gruatly and dud on monday moruing ilrr ihhij waa taken to her homo in tratlahr and tho fu took place on wedncaday hmupmu nassacaweya iho fifth animal harvjwt home undot-j- tlie ausjncea of the lad id aid of lbenerr church will take place on 1 ucaday evon ing mil lhih mat the harvri aoptr will be served in tho on bar 1 at the rui dencw of mr herbert r letr-h- iho idioa i oriiel hand of 1 rin will be present vocal solos will be given by the misses amy of alma olkgo uartattes by tha me rubers of thu church choir aud miss weateraou will give a number of eloouliouary aoloctlons addreaaes aru expeoted from itev j h llowoll m a aotun a lllair it a jaiuoa keatle hock wood and by mr ii 1 moorr aotun on hunday lolh lual ptlal mentions will be preached by the paatur an 1 itev mr howell anion miss jottle amy uf alma 1 adle ollc t spending her vacatiuu al the mathodiat parsonage mr kerr of hi i bumas i- alsu isitu g at the paraoaage mra johu met aughan of lailtille returned homo saturday after a three rrioulha vltit to frieuda in die btate mr and mra archibald anderson of vvawanoab are vialtiug relativea aud frieuda lu nasaagaweya and 1 aru at 00 0 ilia hfch majfcsty uhowinu fcliulfc vlutu of thp it tat utmttuttxaa qusmii will attllooto in favor prince of watlue i unihin aug 1 tho uld time worn rumor that quewi victoria is to retire from lha throne lu urdor thai the 1rluoe of wales tiay be orowued king has been re vived but attracts little attention i here la said however i be oousiderablo anxiety in official ciclai regarding i lie stale of itte quean hellh common report has it thai 11 er majesty baa decided to live hare aifer nther at osborne or llal moral the 1rince aud princess of wales to occupy buckingham i a lace and windsor aslte unlvfcrbally poaulllah the actun far a- iursa is aiiada model local weekly newspaper the daltty uf tbe paper used purwy and ele vatiug character and trend at ita contents from week to weak and year to year lottelher witt mptlopnchanicl gel up renders it attraotive touoth subaoriber and ochaue and makertflvar sally popalar lb pap recenlly attahpail urn majuruy n t slamilatd oo tig rat ill a toe hrer moeeeoa hie arejl tftroed auooessand wiahea him con ir agnsw a i ivor 1illa aro iho tinl perfect made aud cure like iubiic hick ifeadache couatlatiou illliuuaneaa i ndl ailiou and all liver his 10 cants a vial ntptpeft mmwk4mtodnt io du hoij by j kainwin gbohcbtown itev 1 1emn da aud m i mi bate been enjoying a trip to mackw al the past w eek hditor warrou took a holiday u i clovelaud last week 1 ho tint v u a ploaaant ouc but inautlerably hot rev j w and mrs iedloy are pond lug a month with mr it a haul and family mra j h barber an 1 mia mulxxi have gone to muakuka where i hoy inteii remaining some woeka miaa hxael wallace of 1 oronlo la visit log at mr james leslie a hvr vocal aalo ou bunday morning in tha irujbyiorntu burch duplayed a vol on of much oullurn her aalection was thoroughly appreciated by tbe large congregation itev italph duff 11 a ha preacbod ins last sermon aa pastor of the ungregaiioual churoh georgetown mr duff haa been a real j ent of oodrgatown for twu yea re during wbioe be baa shown a tittep in tor cut iu everything that attained to thn town a welfare itov mr dull ha iiol douidoil aa to his future charge owing to tlla oppmaiivanib u iho weather it wa a small audleiiou that aaeenlbled in tlio baatnnaut uf hi do rge s church on 1 hursday nlhl lo lutan to the lecture on 1 he jew i ila in kiitma by- maunoo j ooodheart a huialan lew an 1 studoul uf yolllle t ollege i oroito i lu loot u re was must inlerasliut i ba proteeunl laorua itlaluli lim m u lha him of inrtinti and tha 1 ma waa playcil al tirorguuiwu tn 51uday i ho install rasullad in a dtisiva victory fur lha home team by aevau goals to none over 1010 hkplo wllnosaed iho match which although so mo what una tided wa a lino exhibition of the national gaum i he 1- mas wrre in tho boat uf trim and oom nidation work which was tit a iimtui order pruved too fal for ihn t ltd di eiioc a fallhlul uld dog twluiixliig lu j h iteaaey 7ul duu lsuaing went in j week km vfaashul boiuiu ha hadtiuiv u do any damage 1 here wore a lot of bud ly scared pruple lu that vimully lor a hula while a muhb hamoim ao fclou a a rule care morn fur luinfui t limn for atylr still nil man is verso lu a lie i well tilling coal lhat keeps it rla through all kinds uf knocking around rhia is one of ilia extras thai lbre ham uia furnishes wloti used as an inlarliuing in men s olothiui ll not only make gnr munta ihorooglilysaealhor proof jiroviding a healthful warmth whioh can l iw pent irated by tho aevaxcal wiud or uqj but ila flexible spring and stiflues make thu ooat or veal ml well and keep ila pro par hang till wnru completely nut aud hid beauty ia that il ia au light you wuuldn t know you wero carrying anything extra around aud ao cheap that it is lu every one a roach tmh protested elections now that the time for filing election pro leata in paal tbe maiilt will he iutoroatiug iho protenla against onanrvalivex aro aluioht i lo i bh iniiijitnl will ill ono out orcd innml 1 ihnrnl itiu hgnro aro i lo id 110 rulluwiilm ulilo ivt tho iiiimlwr coiitclol in mwh of ihn provm voucangvo good results iiy knpmi i wntji oil tlw j inu of jlliis slorc nu in liii niiilcy iiy limng our m nl oiji lit p i tint nl invi ilim i inillnhi irul tn li i t fr in ttttl vtit n limit tin tniy si t in nt t in iki uui i ttf your mom y i ii it if ou ant it lvti f i il ij i j spoatal valuos at loxyop prloos clearing out lou raiaiueup tjimtt tet us 1 show v you diamonds nm ntwsoh thr day an lipltomo of tha world a doinga during tho wuuk i ho unman c ttholic uhurch at mr ad ford waa destroyed dy urn ou mondaj mr i rank ii only wan accltloutally killed while al work on a drodo al han lana 1oiiit h nday iiinriung mr hibtrt diokhnn uf itrautfurd hd ilia nplue broken and inn head aenuualy hurt by juiupiug ff a moving train on monday mr imiiigu mitiholl lurmerly of wood etoek wa btirnrd to death in detroit whilu lighting a tiro with coal oil ltt i huraday a grctt n amino n y deat h tahcu place the t lr hu from the erliiro in bt i uu i huudny wa old klli tight holder of hid hi a taoball team lied it n was burned to death at iarla llnr clothing ignited from an overturned lamp on hot ti r tiny mr and mrn k h north wont out for a sail from owen bonn 1 on wodnoaday a big htoriu ctuie up and llu y were prnb ably drowned marlil- o hon wliu h t hi h juarrel in tilrny and waa knot kod dowu by auother sou lied in thn hospital at ottawa monday i i hung hank i nl lilnanian who i un villi lii ruglaud will return by way of auada he will br thn iuet of the dominion loverumutit ajijillcallotia f r farm laborer aro iwtug rccoived by lha i h authorllia at winnipeg it i oalnualed thai bolwceii 1 000 anl i 000 men will be required irlnclial hatch of the woodstock itaj hal ollege died in muakoka laal weduea day morning from blood poisoning caused hy iho puncturing of his hand with a uh hook ijw may ih ihoillas m on bunday morning from tho effect of a blow ou the temple by a baseball which he receivod on saturday while playing against tho hathatu club thl fcdtoh b taulb making rate by lanay lllunlralo1 cloth 100 pages william ilriggn publisher luroulu lrlcel j 1 liia is tine of 1auny a best if oris and will be a moat popular volume i hu atory of tbe jonng people ufa community outer ing upon tha realities of lifu i excrodingly wall told an i cannot fall to inurol young teople generally 1 he almunllly uf irtil lug to fala ir in good luck la imprenaivuly ahowu throughout iho voluum while the fan i lhat pluck la a boro and self reliance common llble in pooplo who are building charaotur la jirucllcally illuatralet in oach auoceeding chapter aaido from tho mi kir i a i i lusaotia brought out iho luloroal in iho alury ia capital nlnliiml from brginning to eud iho augul number of llu t i iuc1 lha mldhummcr nuiblv aud lit biijierb lolufod llthira hlc platia of dtoaa modes an i millinery bugun in iho july laauo again form a brilliant foaturo uf ila lllualralod faaliluu lha vastly improved uality uf lha onaral and literary matter uf tlio riiirif t ib attested anew by artiuia from such well known writers aud aulhorillea a 1 rof av0r ricbarwauka julia mukjudoi mary alwalader juno lha imimtiar i ex olloul uimugli mt addrasb all lll i iho morlf 1 ubhshlug to of i or ill 11 11 richmond hi waal lonnl unl or to the loual aganl for lha llullenuk 11 sit aw f llr 25c 50c all riiictionhcrriu11j answered 1 ttcra or mdert rcccu cl he fore 1 ot lot k inawercfl same i i jsutcliffesons l j toronto a iii hi in i ink b ulicn tilliui 11k mt j i 1i llre h our tork is tirpr tltnn ny oilier in cunili our villi uncquilltnl 11 amfini cv iv liimi is pfi soirilly il t it irom ln till li rs in amtlcrtlari am direct ivo tlirik very profit but our own diarnontl rinti from sg to 82 60o inch orders by mail recolvo our lotattention money cheerfully ra- funded on return of goodt if desired in canada r i kyrie bros i diamond merchants i con vonqc mm aoclatdk tb 7vtjur7utotir hctusb wfller mcbeari co mnin street ucoreotown ilto aftbrrligrmrnlr p sal iltr i frnt i1 yapnehl lu i mr l r n ci i l fur 111 i mil nlm filvt i 1 ifoh iioufil j wellington mutual fro insuronco coinpany 1- wtaii nuirii mo goods ishl itasch niliirnliitlri 110 or il leliill i fail alt t mutual i lai lurwar ll uf a n vlll lie 1 rmij dlin taloii afcriil av mrs nichobasawrey dead tho wlfo of thortoklatrar of wont- worth pomiea a nt o by park onbundny hub ipl tha icl tl tk pa ih lib all iril h i mr 1 on n nslly liinlumo ai ti i ot 11 ugoa ll r ul the past 0 year in and lulrtl all aru lu by iho boat ai1 day are rcly wrilleu tillable 1 uhilii w tlio 1 rogroi u10 nd the vanou ilu writ r if iho 1 richly lllustrat od iho blur have accompluhed iho dilh ull laak of priiaeiitliih a ompuudluin of information list nhall be al once in loriual iluhuiual aud pbuular i he 111u c iiovrr tlaga fix a nioinunt an i luu li of lha hall ueptury growth ia in itaolf varllabla uoiupuudliiui uf valuabla sclanti infurniallon fur future reference iru u flirts aug 10 al ruitshy lark yesterday mrs aiime ii awrey wlfo of mr nicholas awroy o m v heutrar of wen th worth county did after an illnesa of a little over a wee 1 he deceased lady left three aona aud ono daughter who were real ding vllh her at the park her hu band la in 1 ngland she having leen in tltjqd hmltti whrn he loft hanrtlttht mrs awrey waa a native of iliubook township where alio had many friends tbo re ma 1 mt were brought tu the city to day rall exhibitions al 1 in i nion at tdj oct i i ciutral juolnli boi ia ui 17 lotulrlal trouio au u u bo t ia woatorti luidmi h 111 to i i northern walkerton rki ti a knutlieru llraiitturl rial i tl t- ilraitmi hoit i uiwl viitiun llrrluiu rt 1 l s trtli i oal rttratrl ocl 1 j l utitri u tillliimlon portfu i i- rmm ilhhwixxl oct i trin i- rin 111 d ocl i 11 i bl doctors gave heh ul ntfb left hor 01 tho voruu of tho grxvohu wholo body racked with pnln her husband brought hor hcta to dlo but sho is atfaln in c001 houlth in the pretty little town of bl 1le liagot ounlv i ono of iho happiest homes in tbo whole province of tjuebeo aud tho cause of muoh of ihls jiappiness i the iiiustimabla immiii uf health conferred through thctfiae of dr williams im illln mr h va halul ib lha porioii thus restored aud sho toll her alury a tot low i ike a great mauy other ua diaus my husband anil ulyaeir left canada fur the htatea in hope that wo might tiettcr our condition aud located in iiwell mum a lion l a ear ago i gavo birth to a llltlo boy but whilo yet on tuy aiak bod i waa a i tacked wilh la irliio which devel upod into inllainmalioii uf tho lungs 1 had tho vary besl uf care and tbe bcal uf medical treatment and although tbi iiillaiu mailou left ine 1 till uol get better but oulluually grow weaker and wiakrr 1 j moffats music store bcton ont dominion pianos llalijo am nil iiiii lrtllr pir 3 organs vi so klmiih orsau khi hirlin moffat s music store hext door to symon bros shaws iylilii stork kockwooi i ti vutl spin unl ml 1itklin and 1icst rm iciju isitt s of ik it iju 1 it clem frt sh up in tlalu rltlilt mtllliik- il u 1 jl bleep al night that hie leant 10 1 lfpe upy 10 rli ure t 1 illlutllou and i lv lit ihu bloruib lltat visileil western ontario rtaturilay hunday aud moulay did great damage 1 ba llgiiliilui was part 10 ularly apvort lauiing many lire i ho wind uurotrfeil huiiiu building anl llin hall in pllos dtbjtriiid crop i ho ucxl 1 sutnsulaf hauug rlmt will b hold at herllu lu 1hjm ilk retl hi i lu 11 mghu dr agnew b oiutmeul will cure all ibsui of itohlug ill os lu from j lo ti might one application biiug ooiufurt lr lllind and i heeding lllwa 11 is wurlt also cures latter flail hheum lurmt jjuthoi s itoh aud all eruptluna of the akh toots hold by aud all erup t j kaiiuawln aaal niiloa would pi kt y 1 could mil eat aiul ial lu a kuletoli m tl tackoil with paid ul iiuiiii an rilmll that it la iihm slhlo for mo lo leainlx ii i i i low ihl lha doc tor who wa all on dm inn hist hope bnt uggrnlod calling in auiumr 1 xilur fur con sultalion 1 tkgiiod them tu glvo ma uiun thing t 1 d aduii the lorrlblo jiain i endured but all thing dune fur me boomed tiuavalt lug aflor the coiiaullatlli was entod my doulor said lo me you are a great sutfarer but it will uut bj for long wo lnvo irlo1 avor thing we can do 110 mure i had therefore lu prepare myaolf fur iitbiii alitf would have walu itiiod ll a a riillijf in uly aulluriuf mini 11 mil for 1 though i if loaviug my husbxtfd owd uliild when my huabulid heard what lha luclon bald llu replied thou wa will al ugco gu baok lo t auada and weak and ulleriug a 1 was wa roluruod lo our old home 1 ridiida here orcol thai dr william 1 k illls la lriod and in y huabaud procured thoni alter taking ihciii lor oine week i rallioil and rum thai on i ooolaully improved in huallh i am fiuw uullrely froo from pain i tun cat well aitil xleep well and am and thia renewed health and strength i owa lu lha marvalloua wera of dr il ham iluk i ill and lu crallhido 1 urgo all alck people lo try them dr williams 1iik imia urwhyiow blhxl build up tbo nervoi aud lima drive iho dlaoaae from iho isloui in hundred uf taca thoy huvu iuolnfli all olltar lucdtuinea had failed thus seleuliahmig tlio claim thai they aro a uiafvel among thu triumphs uf modern medio scionco 1 ho luiiuliio lmk tills arc suld only ttintc boariug tho full trade mark dr williams iluk pilla for tale tuopla trot out r bslf from imnqsiilou by refunlug any pill lhat does nut bear thn registered trade jark trnniiil the box ihk oid m vdk mil mi i ho omit beautiful i oar b pnve i molhiml of photography a riduction to at persun men ui mug llu bihurlibcuicul j j 7villikiis tj yonol btkifc1 tokonto durinc aug and sedt wa aro prepared t rrl jh lold aud ml licit halts leetb only ft i iulea 1 tiacliou free 11 a allow a 1 dentist n is cur yonge and qucou bu toronto hair goods great july sale instruc turns have come from 1 oronto to unload the stork ot ioooti 00 and to dtj so wc have put the pruning knife to tit vi rj t ore our buyers are busy looking after kail goods anil puking up the most reliable good to be had in th tllllt rt nt m irk tt of the world 1 hi following lini s will give jou an idea ofwtrit this store will do cluringtliis gkia 1 saik wonderful how much peoph tan savt by trading with at walker mchcan co s t ta lorn jw hull rhnalhir anl heller trmn walkrir urltoau a 1hfat hpill ctionh in nor tllorls llaiiartiiibill ifun twoe1 hull or t lu lnnitsrl sulla for elltj bum tittxhl hull fur 1t ji lii rnaly in soar lathing at halt prlcas lloalm add shoem urn hasten al hall l jo sale trice tc till lo irlen 1 tf 0 nolra nld llal and ougrea al si 0e heme of thaso warn ft 00 woman tan hllpiwr floo sale ri tlta miiau tan oxfnnla 10 f rioe tua wimmi illarh oi lords ft u sals price tie ulbse hll oxlunla ij aalajriice tjo tl 00 ttoyt huff ilala sale rlca t9e kic w iiiiinii urtl kllwrs sale tti s7r w hoiobti iruiiell rtllthr sals irtca xto xv woineii b loth hllier ul irriea itc iitc mnnii lialtiar hllnr ala irlca j mta ueti urgnt hupiwr ala prioe tje all bisifa lu king v tidlilatail huow tu hlack 11 1 tan the vary hosl tor hot weather el v women oxford sale ftc 1 j ttmnou lonc kid oxfonl it l si l 3 umiiniii hlia aiivss oxunl tor m ci jo wuuiau uhiteciiva0lrticnl tl 1 tlrmmm food anl ijc plain anrt kaney uraai lirirn llr 1 urns ixttu ul prloa file 1 fane atrip sale vf lie khoker riannals sals pries me tweed tuning twwli for hoy and man a pool ah prioe mo 3 lota tie bl 00 and s3 font tic and 00 al catrper sir el tr ft era 1 c uln prloe xte arhu at half pries during tba ult oil cloth i oil cloth lor ufa durlub the j rut hla lmdltut hloae i oh hiousm aals price tx tl au miotics sala prlcaa 1 1u ladle voeta x tor he sue white canvas l coreata uu prlco v conic and trade at ihc great cash store of jialton and iavc moiit whlk6r mcb8hn co the achranee guard 1 tn d of arm ib ajwt the signal of ivlc an i t all kind 1 haul hie lt 1 1kmbhk val uid 129 vongo st tviouic tfrant li iti yonut aikskt toronto kvhibirion 11 nutud in muau o m 11 1 lruniauls say a llrst cjasn ornet o a cheap one a lollu r any hani lutiu moul a ural cisbs lira- baud mouth organ r anything in our line call u t claxton i vonce st toronto i uhiiikni hoo lay 1- ll ha rtl 11 ibn llortllull tyt iaftnt monumbnts al tht tuhonio rxhibitidn hi lh hui hull in k eill uliii uib new 1 irm w hum nt iiu 11 i u imil all olai marliln 11 i griill llin art ti i ill r to il a ii 1 i 1 1 i- 11 i oioroirniiil i i luu limn half llmmvmmllttl 111 hi 11 fxjrs i 1 u 1 icaia ia j t- mi 1 1 a una julln irrcilai j si c cap bhmjlcoflh lull mt pi w n i i vjn in m 111 1 1 rti ii 1 a 1 bo i n i i- lurt li w 11 a y w d dineen cur klnjc and yongc its toronto tlic iiiai approacli of tiie gicatcr hol wl llavt niclid tlutii 1 uiojk hi liil bliapc of a latc sin if ot imoikn aiul bliippcis adicts the advance guard of lit lai- liti of casts and halt of i all ooods which will ik 1 iow ill 11 in on us in a few inort da s willi 111 1 vjuumcil and practical bui itom taili ik 1 iiincii tisilinthc cliitreb of manufacture in all the liiits of 1 uiopt and on ihib continent during tl e last five wttks wc will he lual to juur greatest jexpectationi wc au now in 1 positioji to out d all previous records for a stilish and i wi increasing trade boot 8 and shoes 11 1 ing t experience of over twentyfive year in lioota k 1 hoes thn ib not an cpciinientul side line with us but a lull fledged hoot and bhoe store muring illicct f l hu the beat and most tellable uiallutac in son the umuiidii saving jobbers and middlemens piohis the expense of double shipping from the factor to tin johbti and ihtnct to the tetailcr and while not cramped for room wc saw the heavy rent taxes and heating of a ticpaialt stun bivt 1 1 hu 11 ij ijull kjit tl i ill kukis aitl still tl j n voices iine tu hand the frank dowler co irat cash ilpiihe iepartnental7itielpii c guns bicycles c 101 sk and ivots for bale in terolifnt i itnr nmale i ult u cnh i th rrrr i mill anl nrlh4 rl ai 11 1h hu ian i uirirtahl ii i mil frnn i f otuiit r kin in with liar ant it wai r al 11 1 r itahle wihhuiiii t ior aiirrlln i moo for any ihitlna ii rnirr i lri r ti rm iiiwle known 01 illcali to win i j no r mil or 11 ll uoitur s waiuei a man in 1ii canadian andtj ff row trnna iwrry iilania ruaea ahrulas limlpa- iiriibiiieiitaj trui am eel hi a too tor lha n j 1 until- y having tnatlno orchsrds in canada wniilaiu tlm l int ul out extartatira i your r uree i uiiaraiili it on are not rir ln ju wr niotitl an riiwiiim writs 11 i lira 1 r rllcuar i llnral ooinnilaainua iwil lrt tin men rnnn anir ahould to into tin jl jia lw tier lhaii working mi tt farm alu offer a olianco f r proilibtlon llf now an 4 cat choice of lor ri lory kt0si- a wuji inoton ti rou la canada allens patent fireproof hooflnir afijutoblc to all pitch of roof my ilia rreatii if rooflnu material iwiiil used jllallitlt st rone and llaiihlo ill not crak aiiillmr camants do llalarniicn the llnardmora co ac kin tl llralthauiit lrfiathnr 0 iterflq clars jlro a c- i rekn ami others tl roof bllnt ii r tt id aatitactlon and la bound totaae thr f iiiiiuir in- kami hutlluk coat alxiut tl uim a ahliiiila from ji to 1 00 par lunre allon roofing cfcf cfflt ont voters list 1h ul sirijalitv op tiik village of acton col sti of ualton n0tirfli heroin elvcu that i bava tram in it tad or dalivored to tha panous men uooed lu livctlon i ad a of u10 voters liiat act rba eoiilss required by ssld sectlom to ba hi tranarultud or lahvsred of lha lat made pur uaut to sajd act ot alt person apierlnc i- tba last raflssd assessment roll of th soil lelpallty to be soulled to vota in tba sail electlen and thai aald list waa first noelsd u iri my oltlca at acton au saturday ut august 1896 and ramaiu there lor inspection klocton or called upon to exauilna the aal i llu sad if any otulasiju or other errors are inunil tharaln to tsi im mod lata proceedlnn ui ha ui al i errors corrected according tola thos t mooitb aluulclpad clerk hte1 al aluik tl l 11 da j of augual ihuq brampton pressed brick and tile works jas packham uixi nitttaxit or finest pressed brick drtualag tlla of nil sixes la stock htw sauiplo of llrlrk at li i uoora iso south walllnwton street tact brampton good looking lassies the glasses wa furnish uut ul lul alsu tha g t in tin laigcst dtalers in the above lines m oui sloe k t inbraces an assortment ol over w two thousand duns and rifles p e i u i il tit lit i will ijc flad ttl glvt stiu in tifdil nil ii muu t ill in ilvc tiui selection jt iitinill vslwlhtlslsllltl e t i uk john iltlkkitiis cyfik coml ltd 81 yonge street toronto piano department at industrial exhibition toronto sir tat fliiiaiirfiriil lu tlaliorn all who are ui teres tnl iu ilatio and t burch llpe onfall a are oordlally tuxlled to visit ihe wareruuuis ut the it h wllxl a sons co iti bi iitijjt btutxt fo uol to and lnel ibeoo one instrurueuls whioh are diatmuiblieil for their bupvrtuc oelleuoe and hae lou ooromandrd tha ctnitlilo4tcesud irefereuca uf the canadian public and are reoommsuded and eudursed hy tho inusl rinlucul authuritica durtiik tha i ihlhllmn rrcial induccrnenls svill bn utloretl to lolendliik iuf ihasent and for tluwa ho may not be ireared lo aay oah liberal larrtis wih be aratird ihla will te a kfwkd oitrartnil to secure au instru inuiit of uuduuhttd excellence al a sjiuuoed price ana uo favorable terms hlcisl atlrutiiin erill be sbowu to is i ion by tho nlmmtu aodeauwuauls u williams jafaaaiter mimq mprtmkk 4s maar piaa hrpartmmfiti i tub r s vrylltkms sons co limiud savage co jl wl l 1 1 kb cuelph ieokgktowns livkst stori gibson millar go great summer sale a iiai lu jrlnoa llarialu ur vrrvon mprluk and rluunwr uoeli u si alsartxl ouri 1 less itiaii ooat la bdvonued aud wa waul tu uiaaa o lur fall itargolu lu auuiaier uimkib ureal liari iloym- voit heeuv to wear t lathlag tlreat llaruu u cm ocmtm taralmhlaai ltv irwet hartal i h jllah cuma tmllorlug 4 xi k zi our dm ra 1uii t furiflll w wain io eeuru tour i iwirhas gtha w ramaiuhip iwrluouuulfii o will liavo 11 ituuisuibai lha iu u1i1hon mil ult a cu itoe flinch main htroel oeorketuwn it i ulliimi ii tiuatj i

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