Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1894, p. 3

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l 1 1 f ft- rfl s v i i v ratk of hamilton the news at home the coutrvaround comiflg a going head ovrtam hamilton criri rain ur mksknvh kumi titt aaakrw iasbooo wattutiti board of diuedtonb- joiinnrcairr a o iumha president icuircalilrut jonif pancton uiio iioaiii t wool a ii libh toronto m ihnii u1 tl itmll llcmhur uthbtlilukat cashier ii u wattkjn iiixvlor aoenotes uarnllbra ilerton hu kul i- ml ajlut yueontolown ildm lion uoanl id port hlgln hluiec wlnihem british gorrenpbndtmui london jfallonal isovl octal i lank of kim end ltd amorioan oorroapondonto new tobx fourth national hank mill nsnove- national hank itosrrom interuauuu ejtraatop lprrl umrtnliiih imuua nftuowlftui of ihlnalb end union satfoual itenfc datsmmt detroit national hank klkul crnr national hank of commerce agrata id montreal toehank of toronto vw obohgetown agency sttriogb paportmont pepoells of 1 omo upwards rneelved nil tolareal allows from dale of dbpoall tu datu of withdrawal spfcclal dkitjbith weddinu and birthday presents at geo hynds jeweler store silveyvvare rogers knives spoons and i orku fancy glassware albums vases tpb d et 1 he finest stock in town bring in our repairing all work warranted charge- reasonable oeo hy1td8 acton ont ffibc tan jfm jrc5s thdbbdav octo libit 1m little loral brieflets which caught the eyei or ears of frmm prow roportwr this wank klin fur is la pro to day quail shooting uuon opened uonday the aoanlry roada ora atill in good condition bmall boy batter nuta bij hiiunior bruised n agora tba utatiy leaoou trwtt jreeao tlm aipromob of wmiar tba farmora are buay with uimr rout cropa aod fall plowinfl kooa ohnroh guelpb oalobralod ita aomioao ton nial thla weak itookwood abow attraoti a lara oamber of oor oiliaana taat friday nail mealtnti iiaaaidt townaliip ooodoil will ba bald on iba 6lh november tba 100th mam bar of aolon tomiwr alios unloo araa imlialad laal friday avon in meaara c bey 00 broa roll or mill in rannldf order and la tarainic out drat olaoa floor tba oral flurry of auow cnn uu huu day wave had aoma flue weather iuoe col allen kindly favomd the i- uti pkkm tba other day with coujo o litlereat luff hootob papora a doinberaf the- members of the bo of soolland viailad tbair itookwood brothmu on monday night in atortog your winter vattetabloa do dot ba too aoodomioal with paoe crowd inff will injure ibarn wm lamoion a klnitalon hoy waa killed lha other day by fall inn on a lat a cold north wmd and atful nhuwcra o mow oa sunday ware the ttrai uu aaa baralda of winter a nn ul our local buuday htchool workara will at land the 1ruviacial h h cooveotion at ileuevillo oosl weak etra ooptea of tho fare 1ath cmium log tba prixe liat of ac loo exhibition may be had ready for mailing fur three cants notwithstanding the uuffvorablo char acter of tba weather the accond day of acton abow the aooiely l pay 1 or all prlun iti fnu tha potato crou n luruitig uui twiiui than waa expected in many aeon on 1 tie prtoe now la lower tbau it waa a uuuple of weoka ago now poet ulhoca wore opened in il ano on october lt aa followa uttsolj ltuaaall crow lake adding ton ii iliu duudaa and uilohollville boulh 1 hiii a maaung of the board ul trustees ul aoton publf uohuol will bauuimiv uih day tanitlg al 7 jo u clock in llie ouitwl chamber uualneaa of luipurtaiioe will ooma before the fioard mr t j ualated rocwuuy porchaaod the abop on main treat latterly otupiod by the salvation army lie willcoatdo up ataira and the oral floor haa breu filled up for the aolon glove work mr ii uumroor of tba luojpb ilnuji haa oblaitiod a verdict of io0 and ooala 111 a libel aull agaluat the rtra wliicli altatk ed bloa over a priutiug coultacl witli itm korea te re aud llie choaau frienda xnaaday evenjeg waa yowum matt b a hf l mr howell gave au ad tunable addreas baaed upon 1 johu all t have written uulu yuu young ulcu beoauao o arv iba ureuville 1 klolaer eolarlaln maul uu mouday oveuiuj jutti met uudar uta amaptcloua uf tlte a o i w la looked fur warn tu with grurral in tarsal ilr klciar la hie of tin inal pomtlar euterlailiora lo liio ouutry bald ule icavca upon hid bfalnbe oua aaony autumn day wo vo dniahed all our work end now we mu ho loittjcr lay bo our guwua uf red and yolluw audour aobar cloka of kuwu uiiiat in worn before iba froat oomoa anil we u mailing down toieee la an uuuiual iroai in alure lur all who attend the oriental eutcrlainmoiita of mre moanlford tu lha nurfolk hi metbtalial charon uuelpb on friday hal urday monday and tuesday uor leoiurae are aiogolarly elofjnaot and reallalio wlnlo tba groopinga offer too moat vivid tllustra liouaof roodaru llle lu 1awllne iboy era really tableau eolertalnuibula allowing eyary phaae of oriental ufa tbe nolpn the praaa and tba publlo nh lu lbs er mdntlf or j looal chi motor and i evary torn intorootlnu j tint putt i mm i hi trtflii jiio of tliocatlio imlunnliik to a chcaloy drover klilpiiiuiil hail a ptmtillur oxriorioiioo bomo wooka i whon approaching acton thoritoar of tho 1 i it oar in which it wnaaliippld foil oil and a aletir jutnjwj ojit and waa iitilmrt ii jut ont 11 lit tirnafuf iotor mcdonald and jvaa ndvovtined aa- catray m lha 1 nur tiikhi 1 ha 1 t h authorlliua uw tho nolica and aa tliny had paid lha drover fur hit loan claimed the animal mhreii hlhetf by j ilo follouuig ia tho hit of o1nnih fur licrji ttillt at b llmli0 at uijj mciotiii n rupufmhih luwiinhip til uit wiiik itmiiali hillh oiinlin lir lamb tf a uui lluillu lua iauiui jll do arelilll 1 mi flu ri n m hiix i i iu mriif vlyim lauit j i la now itomsbuppllod by corru dondonts and bxatinnko aunt holtli ilouiil 1 ul lal 1 cart on liuh j ft jouti 1 llrowl ahu tjlanl u it 1 ho niiiuiiiit in ifcoli aim ja oi o third ioum than thv kctuil alfio the ntutfpteu l r j t j t tho inut rcrilur htmilotib iullii of tlr hriallin imltavir floniely of oi plsciptn ftmrnh thn foltowiiij mil rem wrro omlinldir iliu uiirruiil turil i 1 t j l hi lifj 1 awn rivnll itobort 1 iljinr ul li la r jtllai llnlla lilt 1ji uaa u al i lookout 1 i 1 m morion konlai on prater iiimtuifj mr m mlaa uaule uaaajoa h lay seliinil ulm halu orr rluwir mlu 1m tuvt 11 tt lr inutmll the nrld at ihu imoinik of tho wumeu a miaaion arj hdriy in thn mnlhodiat church laat imrajny omiiiiiiu nilrrcatiiig mid appro limiln allre wm deliver ly hi v jainca herri finish and ihr pastor mra tlioinaa i aalui the preaiiont open ml tin meet i nt mi i mr h i moore itcloriiinj hiirlarj road ttiu report to ihn jir howmt tin prugroaa of ibo eociely ll haa hi membera and ranrtta ttllu lor miaaion purptiaoi llor w uryera ocouplo i urn chair ail i tho uhuir or the hurili prowdil auitahu imixio the ilmiicttiul iimiiilt lhn uoixil mil reularai moil dav rvtmut i l luovn ami oim illor illiatnn worn aluotil ihu chairinaii of mnaiuc wan inovrd to the chair and ipbntd thn 111mi111h at ti o clock life only buantjiil tranaartoil waa the muaink of a plnf amalr arrmpa nmhrarnil in i0 iiiurtocnth report of tho fiuaiioe com iililtc- aa followa 1 kannawin for coal oil jhtl and ball lelupliuna com patiy for meaaafr aki upon inotjuq of ounrtllora ndurhoi ami itana thn report waaaloplod 1 ho meeting adjuurucd at m jll jnlard in llvlr u rdionjt juiol wcdhiii waa ixiuauiiiinntcd at thn humc of mr juiica l cobban hower icntir luat wcdnewlay whun mlsa maggie mi hcrrat hrr mil mr lattice alexander of nelaoii cro miltnd in tho iwnda of wedlock hev a lllair ii a nf naaaa itaucja k rlotinod tin wiroin in only tlm im mod into rioniln of the family wcro prtactit among thoan from a dlalaiioo wire mr and mr 1oter mcortgor mr aud mra marshall mcgregor and mlaa jnaiu hcontor loroiito mra doorg guarrle and mlaa daic of alt and mr and mra a alexander of kelao cut oir in htrly llfr i he llfo of one of a i loll a trinat roe pec ted you n men waa termmateii al duulph general hospital laal r i idoy un lur vory aad lircuuialaiimia laal aprmg mr lingtfa nnklln merrfialit lallor wai taken ill wilh a complication of trouhlca and tin bral medical aktll failnfln ritlng htm pur iiiainriil relief ho cunt limed in ioor health end two ortrrre anontha wu waa obliged to hvo up buaiicm ho was ahorlly after couhnod lo lil nioiu and gradually grow w about ihu middle of hoplember in wai thought lo l bomawhal lmiroved and wbb taken to nejphuoapltal in the hope dial iifiprovnmoiil would ik morn rapid r it a liuii llto change boo mod to ahow faturahlo roaulta liut laal tlliiraday all hupca were frualratod and hia friend wore auiiinlunod to hla bo j aide tho apirtt took italliiht uu 1riday muruiug lite remain a wcru br mglit homo that availing and the funeral which waa vory largely attended w hull on hiiudnv aflunioon a mamor il aervice waa held in the methbdlat hun h o hupday etemiit when huv mr h well pro allied a wir lmiccjalvo oriiuii from i ij jl tour luait ahall live forever mr snklli waa the yuil gnat aou of mr i ma llih noil lina no id hla priu oarrtago tonin of hltmlng liulita to u luruiitn morohani for tm do irin alma today vtaiora win im lilurtily fvnllmrli itov 1 i habinrpjf itoakwooil roariyil in lrln laht huuday uvuulng or htroug man waa at j took wood mr i molnllan of ihja place infl or liolrolt ualiwaok whern he will rnaunia ihn atujy ut modicinii in uui uf ihu aullogoa of thai oily he diplitlijria antra hrm auhaiil d and hiigtiinaj in all i ii jir igroah aa a largo am iit of farm prulinn haa bueu bronchi in llm paal wuok otohoetuwr llm lohimoii rimily uinoirl to mort iw ovoiiiiil will bolhu unraciiun uf tliu wuuk miari luuhnn loliuaon llm hid an pot loia pieman her audlencoa ivory lluiu ihu womtu a auxiliary of hi liillirn tniri h huk fur a largu tletilainu ihu mnlhodiat younjj puoplnnru mnking pruaraioti for n tttunal rtoil mi ml tin irlabylerian churuh tu at sun lit 1 im itov j c hmitli 11 1 nlpl ill preach mnrninj and virnniu tho ilaptiat imiiu itiplo- umm u fw meota on mondav inatoad nf bumlay evi iig on huntuy ovoniiig lal a ating air vice waa hold a caao or two of diplithariohiive broken out here n uf ih j who waa attonihni ihn high h houl from ton hn bin ti ilown with it hut a rm nv nnng abhcrovb lh miaata hobiuaon if lau h witid jkliia do itt k ul wick an uk u ml inn kaf iry f w from in rn arn gunti lo i nn fair thla y r f ulill l v o briduo mr jamoa onlaou who hipfhoni acourlng rcil tlikula on lilt rondatora ut aevoral fairs intonda ahuwuik thrrti mr w itrownndgo took ilrat pnao ut hia carriage toam at milton an i it nkwoul laal wfwk 1 rml wrikklnnwurth acurud anolllor ural uu in addlo hora oll illy at mrlion ono uf iho boy a in rojort od to havu a new blatk i nl tllrto hivtaion of llm bona of rentrr noo will be hold at ottiagh on 1 huraday viol tore to and ffpm adton nn uqrtoubothor pdraonnl notoa mr jamoa clolille of loolplt waa in totvu mi 1 monday mr lou mooro of thn uoorgolown cm lit wnu liomn 6tor bunday mr uftu hpaighl tlin iaimirjliflu-hl- loruuluai proaont wan hom ovor hun day mint aliiiio hlophonaoruloft on yunaday for harnfa wliero iho will amnd a few wooka with frionda mr i i rancfa returned from lowell mioh tho drat of the weak after makitiu a plnaaant vlil with frleitda umro or it j iluaband of haiujlton and mr c riiiaband hauli hto mario vialtrd tlieir aler laiigrtll of hatoh bull laal wtok ihu 1 malum ontario lroaa aaaooialioti inili at larloton 1laia laal week mr j a mnulunald of iho arnprior thntmrlf waa oleic od prefntont mr it 11 lermyn who haa ikoii in mniinl 1 ureatjind laobtiow for aome time iiruod to aaton and la ken up hia qpe out in jlctonr on saturday oct 20 1894 in the post office store important- idel i ho- mr n f mclam haa daefdod to romian 111 afaiull und tffll not remove to nauara gnirtl tt well represented llev mr oliver of ingle wood reached an oicollani urman in tho meihodtal church uu holiday whlnli waa liloned to with lutereit ballinafad the the 1 lwar d s ikll no of ur oldoit and ill lal u ituei kxi rtai ulla llo waa twent live ye arauf ago an ilea vouu wlfoo acaroo ly a yr ai much hiialh a full for tin itrcv d oung wf and hia falhnr famih vh have lecu ciealelly ho1 to mourn the hiallll 1 1 llio hli i t w 1 la i in ull annual n vautlili i 11k 1 h mli hil 1 un lal u will be hold in ail 1 ixi 1 mil lay and 1 rid 4 ll and 1 nd 1 cbiu ary ins a mcediih d lha oiiiii 1s ulio waa 1 aid in mil i laal w ll au 1 niako air un into la ri ti 1 whiuli give ovidaui v f bollg dili unuaiial iltroal 1 he o u volll in will npon at i ml iu lliuradav tuuiulug ami tho tiral ataai u will bo taken up with irgiiiatiui apikiiiliiient f i oiiimltlooa an i icporla lim lownaliip fllwjra ami individual aili ola many tupnit of prac in l iiiluruat wilt be proauutod fur dtactiaa ion and al li apcukura and uimirlauoeil wurkir will taku purl orreepondonoii laa uwii opuuid wlh llm fullowiui ulld it la impel tho aurvlfra of all may l eillatcit luv 1 iu win i altcraou i rol i nlli j i ii l i n innal ho rotary mlmi alfu i 1ay tiunal ho rotary f u i rutiucial vkhlalloij lulnulo luva u t alvurl hiii h i ruth oakviue ihuv i ar juliaraou ii lailda hill tlkoti hnrlingikn ttov t 1 ul llorly u v it lladlow h a i v miuholl ii a and mr i h doaiuu 1 s i mil ton mi it ll warruu and lav 1 it hull ti irgaliwu kv i 1 unwell m aili1 will dolivor iho aldrtna of woiiiii wlni li will tw pra tiially unluranl by im oiliua who onjoy umiiid nipillatln ir whole llrurlii1 lim litahly lo lh i i if t in i 1 uiafolluwiiti are i aniieaiug a t ollcol r 1 lain fui the prcaoul year lulling llit no 1 ariulubaldmouoogall ho j lund 1udaay s t william moore a lillboua n i tiourge aoipboll j hu i lam i hey will roueivo aih for tloir aurviuea wjiiibu n lattlaml ptcuataliun ar livolvid in making ready fur a wedding whllri ilm bride a uulllt latu baalaburate and umlly or almplu and ooonoinioal ll la til great inpurlaiioe thai material alyto aud- price be reliable and oorreot u m ujrati i o oi ouelpli have alwaya paid ietial atleullun to malerlala fur the wtd din uutut yuu may ilepoud uu jtooda bought frutn lhttiu aa butugs up to ualc 100ii01u material and eold at uloaaat blgbeat lerme ol mra uountfurd a tableau irkm wsdaillc ou dawrluwiit ibcluitaw j- mveraary aorvic ireib terian church hern horn in every way a auuooaa itev mr liadduw of mil ton conducted iho acrvmin n habbalh morning and availing tho houao ihtiiik well lllied mr i i i ainplkll b a wa illi ua on habbalh and oiiduqted lha i nurvu o after the evemuw public meetluu mr campbell la now attending kioi ollcgr ilia lea mcalmig on monday night waa a uccea a lecture by ltev mr huddu entitled the merry heart waa the tea turn uf tho evening 1 ilia waa follow ml by anoeohea from have ajgo htronnmati fa who and ampbell tho ohair waa varv ably tilled by llev 1 h ailmii f lialltnafad whu la a iiut in hiuiaelf the actoll iraabylerian ollulr aliilllol ihemanlvea well and itllly auatalleil lllrlr roputatmu fur pluaaiuk au audlonoa i ho aoihiiittoe uf management roalliod abuut jii k rockwood 1 lie gruuu 1 fur the i hecao b aulury waa broke i laat monday and iho wurk la in w progroaaing in grand lyto over flvi hun dred cuwa havo bran aecurod fur thn supply uf milk to una ealabllahmuut 1 hla hual ueaa la imuod to be a luooeaa u ler the ablo management uf mr laylor lloakwwda celebrated agricultural t i hlbltlou waa hold laal thursday and 1 ri day the ural day waa rattier ohlllj and ilaagroeablo but thai did not hinder i he liibllo routs grain dli the ahow i aay lha leatl m was up to iho mark in kialilr bill out in ijuaiilllj of ouiiran lliero wore lu oaih departmeil artiolp whnh ware imlh ainleil an i wall ki own to null im l uo 1 ramuaa hhow 1 he niai h ha 1 in the gram drparlmeut an rxhitnt ol a win li haa atoii tho hiiowb nf nearly twenty live ycai mi i liellavo that ou iainil h loo much if a g xd amnio 1 he aquud lay 1 riday very iuiuraafiil 1 lit cslilblliuli of lnifo waa aoiuiik itm u at it la aliulatcl ual uvnr twu tooauil wiid piaaonl lllla lay 1 im eulrlna during iho two day amounted lu ovor lihhj a unit jihi mure than lat vi and lln gain in uel ti fai eiioed hi lliuae of iii plevlua lha 1 i ll u 111 m11iii a tiumliei ul o nilpl ilea i a uiuile uf the kikhwouii uyi tigml alhar putuluaull ihu hutuo liuiupull idra wore uuunlod uiit k die anil i f llu first ruuu i 1 ho aoom 1 to have r u ivod iolftuiaut tu aatlafy llioir ardur in lug thecuneert bohl on iba veiiinu f h inlay waa u brilliant aiiucaai 1 very body waa thoruutdily del ililod wilb thn pi r urmora mlaa liuulding of llraiufurd waa ihu vnta list uf iho ovofylng tiroat taate wsa ahowu of i ml- ualhieaili uf lumluiu llo lalioel whi was euttagod fur lha ui uuerl la woi kunwu in hotfllisuud h1h in vary hftlil anil graoalufun hut icoj all i do a liar daticoi wilir iitii ntatibt ul uu wuiiflorwl at that alio hold ono lot tjuolflli lauuea mr 1 llaker i runt bul lo l jd i uokw h eatimal wuru well chusiu aud d the inelala klvo iho wuihla 1 a a uuv ilia hi i hi im lit mr jul i a htmi ha a lf f i a ml tl la pauinioiitb very ainptably lha promedn f tho iincrl amuuilled uiauiul i hi ik ml h hrydon tluoljb la auflertug from hrmaea and other injuries iiun u hi leant havinu run away and thruwu him mil un ahow day here hip huns of h holland here wcro vtsilod by their ounlpli and autnn brulhrlii nu mouday night an open mealing waa tflvon and a very kua progfammouf ktnli os aud ringing was eujuyed by thn friomlb uf llto inombars iba mambera uf hcut laud lodgs are 0lte cunndaut of having a rftrgc force uf boo tub iallcred totullinr aa aupportcra o ihia worthy aooiely in a very abort time home nf lha members are abuut to gat kilts 1 very body is look log forward to see theau partial appear in the tartans mtnaruntmrnt tu mwi halls ui jib had intended on friruda art wall talirtqdd with hia doaialou mr c w hill of monroe mich who haa been apnidtng the paat month with frlinda in canada at various points lias been the gueat of mr c t hill and family the past wook aid and mrs it i- nelson uuelph mr and mrs w j joybo toronto and mr lohu mcklln cud miss niaklin of aber fnyhi at in n dell thn funeral of the lata llrikgn mukliu un hilnday iaat wuek arthur iuarson aon nf kenva i ottrnon who was sttondlng ueorgotown high hchool waa taken wilh diphtheria llo haa had ihl very baal attention the ervtaeaof a tramad ours and ia dally improving no withstanding that the caj was aggravated by a severe attack of ihroniu cafarrh prompt moasurea were taken by kclvo learsou and his family to the diease the patient waa immudiatoly isolated ami tho iitorn and house alusad to all comer escopi iho phyaiman so that n danger may be fcarud by the community iho doctor rcporla hun now out of all danger and that ho will be up to dav knatchbull with a compiqtc line of tjftyoooiovs t clothing boots st shoes in ope iiin4 out here we lo so with th intention of rcmnnini and handling onl thosl hnch whitli wc uip with ever conhdrnc rccomrnend for in wi style durability and price- vvl iiim not tynl nor space to enumi rate nil our bargains hut as trrc stock is all new and bought for cash in the best markets of the dominion wc claim to be able to sell you better goods for lessoionej than insever before been heard of itlldrcti ml in liruimirllon wo halo pfocnrrtl mmo lovely dbess goods 1 itmlltfdhr cray ilsonel union for 10c alt wool forlijc vast col d flannclotias from uc up blilrtings fron bo tip heo our faatory coltona 4 a and no a gond cottonajo worth ida or vin heavy ribbed caabmnro hose ladles worthvo for jfo hlyltsli effeota in ct a v lots bomethtng new in draih irimminga doya sutiatwo itart attl ik man a snita wo start at 00 homo handsome rffnots in cafe borne very nobby and entirely now over in tared coats for hoys ouths and man at prloei in hupsackinga that will astonish you mrs johu taylor returned homo on uaiurdsy last after a throe wooka visit lo rol a ti von ami frionds at clifford last week one of john donaldson s little girls had tba misfortune to got struok with a stone on the head whiah f roc tared her skull hor caao is a oarioui one bat it is hoped she may soon be restored to health tanners are buay taking up tho ixitalo crop thia week lha potatoes are a fair ui but are nut very plentiful joseph or noil and hla aou kdar uf llevurley township are visiting relatives and irl oil lis this wook u i umui thai lha lla breakers going tho rounds uf iho oountry i ho people need lu have llioirs doors fas toned unwadays for ihoy don t know when they may get a call from tba marauder a iho t ougrogalonalists in town have rented the disuiplos ohuroh for buuday oventiigs for tho present iho uev mr adams will proauh there am ay bo uf vcy much or of vory i li n sr it may contain much praudual information ur it may simply ha an exhibition of the eiuberanoa of lha advertiser s verbosity when an ail vnrtlseneut meets with such a rushing r lo slantlo halo annoui week it s au evidence ol the publ faith in lis reliability hard i linns inkjple cry and yet uur mantle bales have been enormuiia the extraordinary ohearmesb for goods of such blyle and us lily 1s readily apprcciatod ly the purchaser t a waut lo press home unoe more the fact that nor mantle ituotn oouleina iho moat attrsulive goods and prices that the trade of uuelph oati produce 1 serially hanilsoma la our sloak uf hii ulttn b oath iximprismg the on urn sample range of a jormaii or al ono third off the usual bofuro you buy title uiim hu ml wotl lnutk l hlhl ml hao 7ou 1 00 tl i si id tin the heal goods at tho pride i adiia heavy al 1 wool hohl at i l joe ilt tfir ia and k r pair are lu lunn uasas leas than the iiaitulaolurara imiuaa misses haa w am wool hohm and ovdrslkklugb seo tally shaped are all vary heap goods at the price we sak fur them hoys heavy all wool h i of k i tfb double k urns heels and toes al i i 5 nt 7fi and boa per wlr are very gxul gumis aroug and choap about furs fen years of i ur selling on a very ax lot i at vo scale dealing only in guoda uf a most reliable i haraotar selecting the tressed kib aud having them made up aldirdlug lu our patterns and uu autre guaranteeing aboolulaly every j itno of gooiu buld golug to difforout rtianufantururs fur their partiouiar apei tallies buying lo enormous ipjsu litius and aellinit at cluae profile ia ll a wt i lor thai poo pi o naturally turn to u when wsulluti auylhiuu in that line our stock of lad las fur cafhm is still very large aud of all leading style and a prloea of raw skins have advaiieil very largely and many deal ers have had tu put up their prices let ua ad v iso you in make at early seloo lion whllu tliore s pick and chuioe at the lowest prico at which you will see e r bollert co i ia h 37 wddhain hum oubbpif ont ihti uiilmct i an wc can save you from 25 to 40 per eefit in ladies mens and childm underwear in boots and shoes wc itsk ou to compare prices and ualitieti mens long hoots wc start at si 70 mens lu ivj worknir shoes a looc1 line for 1 in ladies iios ind misses shoes wc ha l some wondt rful alues call and see them ui member thest art not shopworn 01 bankrupt goods but all new stvhsh and fresh i erjthmg will be mark tl in plain figures our motto strictly cash and trado ono prlco only and that tho very lovvost the h e mad dock dry goods co trade taken as cash acton ont thmifch im ihi lit nil mill in i 0111 putroniii iiimui mi iih 11111i w l liii tn 1 uih i n 1 li nr- nig nidi i tin kiim u iii i r lilt lilsiimltlt ulll ill lui nil till till l 11 till oolu iii ll ullui iiikil out iiil lu in hull lor null ir producl i mil nr uool hut no illm niuil win n jiiuiiui i ia tiikili m no ilmi omit oti im din o u in 11 hold vv i 1111 iiimo hi lltn ii illlo llml iii ttlllt 1 mlllll h ut i 1 1 1 oil llilli i 111 otlii mil 0 pel i lit nil uk hit i iiouhlhltl lluo 11 mhm uu tidhm oooih imiiiil nt ml 11 11 inn n u low pnnh thij 1111 1111l111lil mill lln olhir diihi hioiih lo pci 11 ui oil ikiiiiiiil 11 in lm 1 our ni hull i iniporliil iinil i i 1 i i llll i 111 111 im ii till lllulhi lillllll hllll llll lllllll llll till 1 lihii hi ulll k i tl tllll illllllll ol iii 111 wu luni hhiiiilul u ilrim liunik and billm nm mumlich nu m1ll1111il nin llohiuj c gberman jvtantles cjui maihh kouin never fails to be intercbting it 1 uld setreel help beintf espeeially so just now eontaining as it does 1 remarkably choice selection and at prices i vhieh are the lowest htra ood value is the attraction 7 t k it keeps oui mantle litoni filled to oveiflowin kirfjje as it is wi iliil end uji 1 u- ijtiltu 1 iiinu m 11 tliinu not do we uliintain a permanent off e in l01 hn 0 for notning ii this enterj nze we obtiin abaolutt ton tiol of the newest st les in all department notabl in mantles and jackets ill in lu w lit dltlci t ih c of u lllloii n tu whu li is llie leal m lu 1 e k 1 his stole has sty long held ihe leading position in ti ts 1 nportait wade and has so satisfactorily antieiptied every demand on the part of tin public that a feeling of confidence in our resources has been naturall du lapully developed and this has grown with the increasing growth of oui mantlt trade vv do not sa that there are no st lish mantles except our own but we do aert that oui ei thorough and exceptional efforts tu obtain nothing but the latest and most fashionable garmonth at exceedingly low pru frs are tlistnu tl wastt d if we t an not giv ou better st it t lions m our ma nth room than y ou will find am w lu u t 1st vvt gu 11 an it t im s ttisfat lion theie g b ryan st go cwtei kl tlie higlrt house new frll cootds in eizery d8phrtment lully equipped fui pall trade with a template now block lu every department ovriug t the dlfloiotlo in aelllug bpaue from laal i- oil we lao had lo tnako tiurh inure ni ul ih gives ua a greater variolv lliau wo havo heretofore boon able 10 ahow ladles fur department v l u 1 jtaneut itlat will u f groal int nal tu ladles our slock uf t i j llubes sic w ii be i uiid worthy ol your pauonao in polnl uf style uality and prios wo i ai thd ainu 1 a n furs as uu ordinal y dry goods dress goods millinery mantleb and sillt at- i ways vary allraullve lo die ladles d uoi ituck i douce lu asking or your itade hannels ttlankrta kuauu hbimiiita iti a i leal living lioftl 1 1 will i lf- jul you oau buy uuuub 1 1 kill ua by mall aloat irersouallj ud fur oaiuples make you uliulu i aa aeuj your j i jr jearasl station it ll amount to 00 or more drees making and mauue making are btelallloa will us inu hlhlhr 1 aht irudt uubmili buml i 11iiii1iii liav 1 1 ii km ladles underwear slightly damaged i styli of uk -v- selling at a room in thr house anc in wad a pine cr6ht r6duction we allude to wai i lallus ckliingpapkkb window su aims 1 dozen ladies fine wool undervestt worth s 1 26 for 76c we can sml you at the lkut vroki mlniirdsuiilnniitfurailgivtjyvilicrt i hose goods are all bus wool lllbbed aud nicely bhaped the very best guoda in tha market we are not afraid to assert that there is no line of goods that will give more wear or mors oum fort lu wearing tho damage is simply a dromiad all loll oouaaiunally nftaely darned and naually unly una 11 a garment and thai au alight aa to be hardly uolioeebla calliid aeoure some at ouoa as they are golug out at the rate of from three to ova doocu per day j d williamson a co i tftwrilllianibtreal ll fi i 11 t ph and b4 uaweld alfmsit uhutfuw o u a- m annotindernent itctiiiiik ivimi business in iimimtomi h m lluvulir lltitill hi ijihllll illtl for hi citj u lime tltuiluil tu futiro iiiiuiix i frexr trm nu ulll lt ooodrt new inthihjr nw tweltts itllll slllttl ntu tu toutinih xt w carptt- nuw urtiihts in hu i ihw ill l hi- ton tlllllieniu- to nu ntuxi oui milhmr miuitl und drewmrnitkini tit uu tnu iih trc iii vlt in in lit i ihupi tu t tun out prop r ty oil ol i lithium ilepiirliiuiit in tnl lain ttlutpl our full hllnui unil dictm uutkjtj uj etiinn ami llplii u ill in hell on flu jlli lint jhtl ol htlll tllc tlll i till 1 1 iihhiiil full mi in p i tni it- imlm ihiitmlnn im lltli all iniiir i nu n n hum art ifnh t tlull ii pa t to m tlu in 114 11111 lln iijhi ut l lolx iih poslilr s in ii ki palt liiii a yeuiaii uiii mil ii in per rt nt ilim otnit nit h w i lia i it anl pit iti i aim iiu iii rt that l i lut i t to tukl i tlnithn ion nf nliihu tin- upiiiiiiim oi 1hm f h muki t 1 i in ti iii lowii dvi i litimlin wm ml ltuu co gtunut lowr the star bakery m c harris i til it all i hit un i in it unto i lav lr m o hakk1b acton saw mills j h7vv s brointn boiler repairs steam fittintz etc thos sarceson o dure ainrtu sttam ullllthi ul 11 k lo bttamunint iny ilnm ijitlot 1 1 lli hi s link wall 11 quip poll nd ilyllli hi wy ba baaurtkl illlln w 1111 wis powders tim- 8 0r hcaosomi snl niiraulav tl mo mllvrii a i 4lrl i i illl i illlu i ui nllns i lo lsimmi i ton liver tllltlrralb i si yimtd i maoiaib il u l veffr mo ro raa v ntroe 2 oisrs at omvo sroareat i pi

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