Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1891, p. 1

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s r 12 r6ltjcexvr 27 every thursday mokkikg st rax fr rrcskam prtwunjf office jmai street actqn oxt tkakortrwwrnavoo dollar wrim jfmid tit sdviace tr within tun month from tcibnincot rrar l rwywir if not to paid tbe dste to which evtry rabwtfpuon ii paid u exacted by the dte on the address label aptxstwrvg lurti f transient advertise- brtat mbu vt noatsarfu line jcr firrt in- action 3 centt per hne forjch subsequent insertie-u- oavnurr ritttb lohwtojr ublt showt ear r6w tor iiicinsrtia of advertiiftment tor ijiceited period r pioch lotnche 5 steehw i4 tr 1 ho 1 mo ilko hoib ajsno ual xo uoo is un sjo s0o- 100 adrrrtiwmcafit whtbput qxjeifle direction wixl c iofrti till torl4 and charted accord- usjlr tracafcct advertisement dust be paid taaotaoce- adttsat will be cbbped oocech dootfi ii dwinsl for change ottencr law oap t month th compohfeoa matt be vld lor it ropilai rt v txcrt forecvatrmldvflrtiwaicau mmt be intiw osce ly 5 jb on tuesday ethcrwi tat rvll be iclt over until toe ichowing tock editor andtroirclor susiruss btitctnttj tf h u- b mgps m t gnnxte of trinity couectjatemberof golle of rhrticiani ondsnrwons osee ni residence at the head ol frederick trt acton- d kt ringer nrrcaas sukgsov accocntca qrnce ax resitcsci dr heg arris baste corseruill and frederick ttreeis l bennett lds demist t ocoerroirk cstaeiq r p vtrt m n tvtvs rns wiilbeal claras every fridav c licklxlay ldlv vicj acaa r acaevlt hoj on the tecoad iad iozrl tfri2fiy ct each nioaiii rcleak 4 ucleik earhstn soudtort xouricc coctcyxacerr ose tcti hiil actca wr a sfclnar jso i mr tin v t jl itowax bxxsznix soacnos kcrurr prcrjc orrccx din tuemiy tsdsatcrdtr omo iciithewtbzoct acias cptulrc s hiltok waxlbridge fc stoke birriitflrs solicitcrr ax toeasto 1xd geqgtlvx qste creel aanv block georetotc ftsi trader east chirkis s3 yccge it tcrcrta a i w it vittk9tilr hueft0se pjlxekt5scured c- fos rxvesnoxs seket grist taiti clsads txerty ytart practice so tuzt ko piv rrrif he5csteeex llceeseu acctioseee icr lie coasue o weiltslo isd fltltcc driers iefi at the feee peess office adas or ii or recdecce i3 actas vill be procpllrat- lodod io teisc reasonable r alio aozrr to leas 02 the mast ftrorthle terms iadn tbe overt rites of interest ui cnnu oi 6300 cd cpnrdi- l nqw year t s goods oxford bibles ckurclrprajcir and hymns in cases baxters bibhjs plush goods new large variety opening every day days bookstore dav sells bank the traders of cahada tacoritonluxl hr act cj t heid ornoe calttal altholuxkit catitil illd it toronto lmooo quelph brak0h conicx of vvyudbam and juttec street adtuec made to firmer ontuctr on note atuielotrmturrcnt rateof inlerett fialot and otlicr note collected protntty ko charpo made for collecting j four per ceut oterliajd ou diily balancos ent and compounded special arranccuietiu can be made for iam w ceuu idierubiaid 00 ctlly balancos of tami of u and niivtrda doltold in h batln uana apartment u4 compounded ercry ii montha deposited in the depoaft receift deparluienl draft ittuod n a culled guiet lirttaln al very low rate j for stated period draft fuued and nyibe iaallpartaof cand i nltod staler iua ore i clicap bank of montreal capital rest a savings dtautxtet has been opened ia ciirccltotritb this idtercst auoiutl a 12000000 6000000 currrut ealw jashflnlay mtiuc gtelnt b1ukch w barber bros r paper milkers 0eorqeton ont ioxejl fctedaltt or machine fmishe book papers kiqil gualk wlxkly kews tbc piper used- in litis oon is rom uie above mills to bikbes fi bros waters the pktffee galet qtjelph bros feliiesi- p1ctcjiesj rictuee sxolldcjgs lioou i0lxclss corxice wtis rej i3t eetss edds eavsb i eods frei lit ae tsti- jtateeiils oil c5icrr wltez calcn etc er edr lliied tiirts arj trills ejinele waters stgeoeget 8qtjase tohk day 0 abchttect rczlra ojrr otoce qaeai hotel elock ifrtetinr cteascifi t v tsneeeasor to t fr gapman i r gceipbonurip acsonntboofci of 1j tintfr ma4e to order periodicaii at erery description carefully baend- suiiv etit and promptly done t hih nacoicrt brcshes tcrde wires jiootsre bros aeoodrzshisc silestian terc fintia ray ctrnrfd tttfcly coemuision or sajaxr- qjaelnellicgcctjfrshg and specialuea fircers as ret a coot fvjins job for the winter write f or icil tqk and partlcnlaty fuzd e yolfc k t 4 kocbeser kt i a general banking buiincti traaaacted a i h jongs j i uauacergaolpu branch gnfliih december 1s0o photograph a bums at a reduction of ouefoartli to owhalf 6u cur- tent rate all roods ciaiked in plain flirre 80 bibleis frduisqcenietoflo each darioi the holidays sold at atedactioa of ten per rent en all pumhaao up to sue and twenty ixxccntcffltrgcriutis call early and get rt elioice john smith wyndhamst jquelpli thanking my many custom ers for their patronage in the past and soliciting a contmu aace of the same i- vvish ou all the cojipliit 01 triesshson j v kannavvin fancy goods store frank b org ess house painter aper hanger sign etc ie prerjcred to eiecate ptderi in tcr cfthe abcre lines ic the best earner and at reasonable terca e very fob narigny pcrw2jattertion ec tuoie csstotnetj sqpplete satisfactloc grain eg in all woods rjijeiaity oraere kit it my rccicc stainst acton wil receive proniil ttcnlln haklax r1bbeb sh0p jdllsteext actox as eaiyihate ttylishhxireat good seafoam texhilirtiincsbmpoojtysciten rxor boned and p3t in unscitss condition- rjtrifea andchildreaihafrusiay-etit- j s wo ed estonoriai artist agents waated if poa rantto make money tsjte held nd sell onz choice xcaerr stock sov is the ime write us at once for terms- itav beothkps varservmen eociessr k y wellington marble works qleezc stkettt gcxxps- clark cv carter dieect imperten of granite and lfarme if oaam eat nd headstone of ajrhdes end from the newest dexignx all rat nd mi- lerial wirracted trstclae paxtiar wishing w prcbxsa will please give ns a call and inspect or koci and price a we are confident we can compete with any tstalilithment in ontario hxnng ftsldont my interest m the above firm irfcrpedfnr solicit ihe pajnze to mv friends and jie parlie 0 their beu- j h eaioltox agents wanted la etery township e to seu tlie hctorial cyclopedia of live stocfeand complete stock doctor tee tfi complete aci oompreucusirc orfc eterpn bushed iuaatljorstand at the head of their profestioa aiid have i cpntinental repn- utioz- worth it weight jd sold to any one banng kantt sheep caujeswine ponltry doctor betx a grand opportunity m cake taont secaxe territory at- puce- address e k kor publisher- 120 tonge st toronto cdal wood mutu rfte ihsobjuiqe company ci couktt of willthcton head office inscxes b nil ijrsrerchbcdise if tcnfictorier and all otscr dtscriptiocs al t- d i0 cuep h hi inuribcproicrtr f w stone chfis- dittdsok predaent joftk taylo1 kmnga hamiltoirs jlailjle works jyaimitoxtcltmi foibirri ititclit elod q the gcre coruer oi4cjjwcbted xcrftjlk ettcete gctlph oct john hh proprietor wholesale and reuil deaji r and direct importer and laaasfactarcref all inds cf grsritcsnd sfarble ifonjments tcnfjtoncseic haying had anetteniivccirierifccte fcrthelast 1c yean the ynbic cay relj- on guting all caperior articles t a cneiitr rate ban cry other dealer in the west s b jj jr cert c2 n a dircct order rc- ceired for tnc nert yj days picket wirfexclxg costs from 50 cenispr red i6f feetl trp for- the farm or garden dnrljeind teting freed us t tritl oricr aai we asstue you fatis- factioti will be the resnil discocxt to the trsde tis lists ted yarticn- lars ca appiicaiioc addrts j m dooler co cueldh ont james brown haficnhxiidalarsfiqnaatityof cicclleat coal which he will ptoiiirtly delirer to any part of the fjre a reasonable prices hardrci and dabs cat liore length alwaji on hand s tf cook gboeisetown ucented imctioneeri apprassen vain- iton coiiectora eeal elme tad gneri land a gwilz foe the cbrsnzt or hilton fee wellinglonsimooe york nh ontarto ifooer to ioa fnw w0 up t ix per cent f j pl05t their uje oritber benaea to t nuds ailksn tbe ume promptlr attsndal wumodertlechirtm i otnatam sues uoonslflll st-ceoree- jwjaimm box 16 b b cook co b qw sfcbirt toronto ale ooog a qb- ittrti aeorgetowftind toronto new planingr mi tixt saah and dor factory john cameron karftd np the lnildicf an ifainstrcct lately peccpied a a trunk factary with new machinery and is prrparcd to faroisfc lilacs specification andt estimates for all cfflcscs of b sijdiagg and erectile all undsof dnkbsikg matciu g 1 andifocldixg k1xe ill bjrrtcs of sashes doors and windows and door ffafiiesanddn and keep a etock on hac attended u factlon v livery the undersigned reepcctfollr solicits the patr age of the pnblic an inform them that well equipped and ways be i iecoxed at his stables a comf irtahle im meet all train between 9 al carfnl attention 3veti to every order the want ofcoamercial travel- yiaatvf- there is no fence so new yeaits novelties miss freeland is opening cji a complete and varied stock of fancy goods in so many of the latest ttyles and flew decrn that space will not allow particularizing all kinds- of novelties suitable for the holiday season j acton ontario thubsday january 1 1891 flufrg a nsw visars pobu the pablic t inspect the t citct puices i to buii the tikes miss freeland opposite i jndae jcwellry btorc ictou hartlarh does uio now year ootto to- night mamma t im lirod of wilting ily stocking iiudr by he chlmaoyside pull thioo long days go 1 run to peep within urn doors t early moraines light theyre otupty itfu oh say mamma does uie kw voar cdrne toufglilf dacs the new yoarconle obight mamma f tho snow is on tbo hljl and ihe ice must be twf incbes hick upon iho meadow rlu i heard you tell apa last night nil boy must bavs a ilod 1 did not mean to boar mamma and a pair of skates ton said t prtyod for just those things inauiuis i shall bo toll of gl aud tho orphan boys ifl thovillagc cjoo will all be envying nic id give the tu toys and lend thorn bcokc and make thairxaw vearglad for god yon say take back his gifts when utile folks are bid and wont you let uie g4 msmma upou the now years day and carry something nice aud warm to poor old widow gray 111 leave the basket pelt the door within thd garden gate will the kew year ccuil- toajghu mamma j it leeins sq long to wait the new year come tontght aiainma i saw it in my sleep ify stocking hnng so full i though t uauim wbat make jou weep but it only held a utushrood a thread and nothing more and an open ooffln made for me wis standing on the floor it leeuiod so very strange indeed to find such gift indead of all the tova i wlihed so much tbc rtory books aud sled aud while i wondered what it tnoact yot came with arful joy and laid thoult findlthc kew years suit- god callcth thee my boy i it inot ahadrcauitaoimna i know it intit be trc- but bavci bcu so bad a boy godtakeuitnc from voa tdact know wbat papa wilt do when i am laid to rest aud ran will be co willies lead to fold upon your brsast the kcw year comes tonight mamma iut yocr hand imncath my cheek aud raise my head a little more it is so hard to f peak j yoti need not fill my itckilgi cow i cannot go and peep j before the morning sun is up iil be so soarfd aileejr i i tball not waciheikalcsntamuia 111 never newdthe 11 but wont yea rive theni both to ulake who bnxt uie on my lead he used to hide my books away and tear the pictures too but nor hoil know i forgive hiin i as then t tried to do and if yen please minima id like the storyhook and afcte t go to frank the drenkards hoy yon told me not to hate and dear inamna ycc wont forget upon the kcw years day the baaketfol of tome tiling nice forpoor old widow gray the kcv year edmca tonight mamma it soems so very soon itninkgoddiditthearjuieaik for just another fune t i know ive been a thoughtless boy and made you loo mcth care and may be for yocr take mamma he docs dot hear my brayer there one thmg morel uy pretty pets the robin and the dce oh 1 keep for yon and dear papa and teach them how jus love the gudflc hoe ths utile rate yontl find them nicety laid upon che carrct floor biamma the place whore jattl played i thocght to need theai both so oft- when summer come again to make my garden by the brook nctxlly w invitod to call aud merouji article from which to lamps lamps the largest au bt stock ever shown in guejph ps library lamps banquet a piano in poiislm bra5 iiroazc arid silver nd lampsr that trickles through the glen l thought to gather fiawers too beside the forest wait and sit tcneath the s pti where encewe wt toic it cannot be bat you l ie trees ulk tan kii thesnmmcr cowers trocn and plant a few dont- cry mamma- a very fesf i mean where im asleep idklecp so tweer beneath the firplettte when yoa and robc titljc ujgru uay come and ting t me the kcw year comes goodnight lay me down tn tlee ipray the lord tell p or paia- kfy soul to keep ii i how cold it seems how darltis tue lfamma i cannot ee the kew year comes tanightmanima the old year dies with inc dzd jfffniil juaiing is 300 j intent lampe tlia deeotlad aridbronic stand celebtiled b sn4 hf lamps frota 75 to 400 candle power contractor esed lumber ill orlfixt pronipur lrohn oameeok bus line stylish bigs can al- m and fcls pm the beb in the imported direct bji i john li bond jtco ouelph direct hardware impdrters a0t0x- pump fac110ry planing- mjlll thos ebbagb jqhkwiltlams i haye rcsaincd the lnnietiieat of uie pamp basincks in acton nd von d refipectfally infernt 11 parties fn want of pan p that we are no prepared to aapptyuiein fro a the old style wooden amp lo the bet force pump mde pumpt for wind mllla orj hock weila mppqed on then notice deep weill a speoklt prices eight bvbjr time our planing iill lumber dressed while yon wi it uouldings ax madelo order we bare als quantity of lnmberforslfluitableforboi ding pnrposei order by ffiail will receive prom rt and careful attbtiop bhod at foot of ely or i treet i world r m vi pkige tkbe cents lilm a few minutes inter n slioaaw him going out with hi ikafcii thatll bo all right mother ho on- swered ill be sure to comeback in time to get it beforo dark hi lutcnlioa waa good but as usual be failed iu carrying it out- he retunjod only in time for a lau sniiiwr after which some friends called bridget want you to bo butc and not forget ho kindling thii evening whispored his sister as lie was going into the parlor hadnt yqa better got it beforo yoa go in ko need of that said hugh ill gel itbefarc t go to bod hut he forgot io until jinli asleep and half undressed he heard 13 ridge pass the door of his room iredjouf he knew with a hard days work- he felt sorry and ashamed of himself for as he had asserted fo his mother he really was a boy of g5od intentions his unlearned lesson was also a burden on his mind as he lay down to sleep he turned once or twice restlessly on bis pillow saying to himself ill get up early in the morning yes i will before bridget gets up and get her a fine lot of kindling and then iii have a good longtime to learn my lesson oh dear i hope so he waut though hell forget of course he will and thatll bo another load for nie to carry said a most doleful voice and for me too said another hugh was startled by hearing these words spoken close to him but in tones which had a weak sound something like a faraway echo hastily sitting upright he looked around and to his amazement beheld a number of small figures moving about the j room i they were curious little creaturesuhin shadowy and deformed every face bore a peevish drloni wistful expression as if its owner was continually longing for some thing which he never hoped to receive and every one carried a burden which seemed almost to overpower him their actions were as strange as their appearance each one would sometimes start up suddenly as if bent on doing somethiug and doing it promptlyand well- but after a few aimless movements he seemed gradually to give it up and to 6ub- eidc agxin into a candiiiou of apathy and discouragement who are you asked hugh after gat ing at them for ft few moments and what business have you here iu my room oh 1 were here whenever yoa are said one of his visitors we go with yoa wherever yaa go only sometimes one of us is the fellow thats being made use of more than the others but notwithstanding thai we all have our full share of work said another well who are you i say were yoar good intentions good intentions exclaimed hugh scornfully good hey i shouldnt say there was much good about such a looking set asyou are thats just what your mother says r said one and just what yoar father says said another and just what bridget save chimed in a third just wliat the teacher says said num ber four and just what everybody else says idded the fifth oqs a vcw rith n ktonr did yoa get my letter in in time for the mail hugh oh im afraid xot motherj ed to tiyididnt you i met george willis and he to go and look at mviyinnasilim and i knew i hadplenty of time before mail time so i went- nt we tried the indian clubs andthe trapeze and the time went faster m tj 1t j ii ji i j i i inleni- wantedme the mail rwae closed jwill it make any dif than f thought- and before got there ference i am afraid so book for your sister it will be unlikely tcj reach here day dear me im skrry said hugh i was sending for the birthday present and before the your 6orxow forj the neglect never seemsj hugh you forget less as ever about the next thing again and are as heed leverely and hugh felt he said man she spoke rather a little abused keauy mother if i had committed a great an think i am such a intentions are good there is an old with good intentions why what does thos ebbacj4 h adaffer re you go out sbjting himself with a mother closed thtj look for other work hadnt you better get yomj she on tho floor while iqlt from a broken bottle wai slowly making fts way among ihera his mother had drawn his attention to the cordb which had held up the vbelvea ibowlng him that they wore growing old and deeded replacing woll be said goring at the disorder if i didu l intend and then ho stopped getting up with all haste he set things to rights as best he could then going quietly down stairs he was rejoiced to find that bridget was not yet up hurrah he exclaimed xqw ill have her kindling ready before she comes ie iad enough of good intentions though he said laughing to himself as he thought of his queer dream of ail the mean looking miserable contemptible little wretches in the world they are the worst and its just as mother says they never do anything and theyre never good for anything there i guess bridgets think this a good pile i wonder if that little peakfaeed chap ever got his wood picked up dear me his face grew suddenly sober thatvjusl like me too i never can pick up and do the things i ought to have done at the right time and didnt sydney darr a boy hero many to do you jjou talk as i dont hrcadful bai boy my saying that iell is paved it mean asked hugh a little takeij aback by he forcible expression it has 1 thinkj tt conveys to me a the good which conies fo nau is turned to evil through lock hi good in tentions being earned out din you ever hear of any goodecmingof mere good in tentions or of any blessing promised upon them by the wt y hie mother looked into the drawee cf- her sewing machine did yoa get me tl e thread tslnt for yes terday ot 1 iatenjied iwh checked bflf rueful smile at ms machine apd went to a ery solemn meaning ery awful suggestion of or winch 1 or if they dont say it they think it said another hugh looked sharply at the speakers and as he was becoming more accustomed to the dim light began to see more plainly what their burdens consisted of the one whoquoted his mother had a bag so heavy thafit seemed ready to break his back peeping into it hugh 6aw a queer collection of articles everything which his mother was in the habit of send ing him to buy or to do for her could be found in that bag groceries dry goods messages to fneads and all saris of com- misatoasihai a boy might be expected to bear were there gathered at the very top of all wasthe package of needles which she had wanted that day near him stood a little fellow who might have boon taken for a mailcarrier only that none of tue queens employees ever went so heavily laden or hobbled along so wearily he carried a variety of letters notes postal cardi and newspapers which hcgh had at different iimes forgotten to mail among others he saw a bundle of invitations which he had not delivered very distinctly he could recall the day ofl which he had come home from school io find his mother and sister dressed to receive guests for dinner whose invitations still lay snag in his overcoat pocket l near this one stood the fellow who had advanced bridgets opinion of his inten tions he was aimost covered up by the load he carried and hugh presently per- lcpived that the most of it was made up of lfijichopped kindling wood plenty of other things were there small articles which bridget had asked him fo mend or lo get mended for her while conspicuous among them appeared a cake burnedfo a crisp which he had one day promised her to see to as it baked while she looked niter some thing else after him came a worrieslooking fellow carrying a pack of books and papers oh what a collection of unlearned lessons and undone examples he bore then came a long line of good intentions in various stages of depression ad debility aad nothing about them was so annoying to hugh as the grotesque but unmistakable likeness which the weak and uncertain looking creatures bore to himself i wish youd all clear out of my room he cried angrily id like to know what you are good for anyway he said to two who crowded very close to him im trying to attend to that lesson said the bobkbearcr with a heavy sigh im trying to look after that kinoutng said the other speaking as if suffocated miderhis weight of undone duty but its no use were not good lor onythingt we never do anything he stooped down and laboriously tried to raise another bundle- fo his back but he already had more than he could carry as iast as he raised one another would fall harder and harder he tried panting anil straining with the effort but the more be tried the worse things become two bundles fell for every ona he could pick up until with a dreadful crash the whole thing came to the ground i hugh opened bis eyes and looked around purely some loud noise had awakened him oh yes in the uncertain light of the early morning ho saw that some swinging shelves r winch hung in mv room had given way and called after the books whjch they hadhew lay in heops are so few where are they now i never realize the passing of the years as i do wim look ing around for the aged friends of the times agone forty years ago in 1842 earlier and later while beningiathe us xavy i became warmly attached to many of the heroes of 14121 i was with hull he com manded the mediterranean squadron in 18to also with commodore morgan who was a midshipman of the old cvntuuion under hull fn her battle with the gunrirtc with stewart and with morris the latter i remember with feelings of peculiar respect and esteem he was one of tbe most use ful men that ever served under our flag daring a continuous seaservice of fifty years his absence from daty either by sickness or furlough amoanted to not more than two years he was the first lieuten ant of the coivfttiution at the time of which we have spoken i wa6 with him in the old liue-of- bat tie- ship dtburarr in ifii his last cruisp in command at sea in tbc action between the gmtftiulion and tlife gutrriat morris wasshpt through the body but stoutly refused to b carried below to the last of his life h suffered f rom lhfc effects of that wound was told by a but- geon of the ship that at issue had formed which was not suffered to heal and there were other i of less degree old men of course bu grand seamen and capable where are hey now there may be one of them let in this lower life but i do not think so however i took up my pen for the pnxpo ic of recording an anecdote that was relat si to me by an old quartermaster of the fr gate braudyyclac billy hull he was not related to the old commodore though he as with him in all his fighting and manaet vering on board the constitution billy wui a lad on board the frigate uuittd stake ui der decatur when in octoberof isi2 thai ship fellinwith the english frigate mactdo iiaa and his story was of that occasion on board the united states was a boy not over thirteen or fourtet a years of age the son of a quarterunne he was a bright- faced keeneyed smai little fellow and the officers of the ship iad made a pet of him wb en their shir was drawing near to the frigate that had shown the british flag this boy went up t decatur who stood near the wheel and sa i to him commodore wont you be good enough to put my name on the musterroll v why do you wish i ie to do that my child the commande asked smilingly why sir the littl hero replied draw ing himself up i am going to fight all i can anyhow to help- and i would like a share of the prinemoci v decatur was pleased and he ordered the boys name entered or the musterroll of the crew af once the action that folic red was sharp aiid severe as all know wh i have read little ked was set to carryin r powder rom the 6toerage hatch to the t afferent pttrts of the spardeck aud of all n board noi one was exposed more than wj i he yet he never quailed never hesitate t but ran from point to point with the pawc r as it was wanted and didjgood service lateis when it was known very nearly what the prize would be worth decatur said to the boy well ed we whipped em and we won the day and i am proud of yoa my lad for the help you gave us your share of tbeprixemoney will be as much as two fcundred dollars- what will you do with afaulti pf the schools teaching ch rdkdy know idren what ttiey ai- a ladyof wfle educational eipenence told the other ky this story of a small school- boy who a she found in great distress over his lesson i when she asked what had been liii pa icalaf trouble that day he stated this r loui problem ifjohuhai wo red apples and charlei has two bow miayjed apples have they kith together iiibat hard be said- very hardj he saia sadly t bat lurelyp ihetfflphed you- know already that twv and fwomake four there can be no trouble about that of course not was the palhelic re- sponse of course i know that well enough mrs-j- bat tbe proceusi its tbe process thartjwears me out ko one who pa bad much to do with schools and especially with public schools can help seeing jibe tremendous force of this infantine sarcasm multitudes of things which come lot naturally into a childs mind that they fcigbt almost be taken for granted are virbuauy taken from him and joffered him again in such a formal shape and so environed with definitions and tech- mcalities and y processes that he is almost made unconscious that heeverknew them it is iot confined to arithmetic many children iwhd nave grown up under educated inflaeu es write better unfiliah certaioly more i iomatic and often more correct beforo t udyiog english grammar than afterward they write as they speak by ear and th rules confuse more thsu they help in i e study of natural history i have heard ftercises with objectles sons that seei led to me expressly con trived to elullifj i the human intellect and this especially i normal schools where one young pufl stands up before the others making relieves he knows every thing and fcer classmate sit before her making believe ley know nothing it is necessarily all i form hnda process they go throurf the questions which tbe children are si ppoeed to r bout the object aud of c jurse if the real children do not ask the n bt questions they must be taught to asl them thry must wish to know what ll ey ought to wish to know not what they really desire when the junng teacher f i les real children therefore iastead of study ng their actual minds she proceeds on a m ithod- previously arranged it did net sur trise me iu the discussion which elicited i je anecdote with which i began when a liter speaker a man who had spent man bucessful years as teacher and school bupei inteudent expressed frank ly the opinion lhaf there were many schools which ai nply stutified their pupils instead of enliij tening them anil when be asserted as a fi neral proposition that at least thirty pel cent of the time in our public schools as devoted simply to teach ing over again 1 1 children in a more elab orate and artiuk ial way what tbeyilready knew perfectly rell in tbeit own way the time beng givn in other word to the process nol to the real thing it is something 1 si ppose yhich all the best teachers will an nit as an evtl and some thing which thi yvall struggle against all the time at u me point certainly there has been much improvement dmde thus reading and ipe ling are taaght far more easily than the- once were and in a less mechanical wsy the same is true in many schools i ith grammar geography and history at d when one considers what j large schools ei r teichers have and of what beterogen was materials and under what uncertain mperyiaion one may well wonder that tn y accomplish as much as they do the certaioly achieve almost everywhere some training ia the elemen tary duties or obedience order selfcontrol patience and propriety this is much and thetime ia coming when they will im part mote the substance of iotellectaal trainingvwilhless of the process a bletgbfiig 80sg rlttfo sot alter the cuiuanarr tnsnncr but with oroe regard to fkctsj in silence and slow j ly oer tba cold snow wo po raaplngly icrajing tonight the rieigh bells dont sing aud the itlror mooh 4bent hln bright its cold and its dark not a single warin spark of life seems left ni now uy loft- car is froze n and likewlio mj nose n 1 irlih i was back home i to tho old nag is played oat im heglontng to doubt if hell have enough strength to pull through tbe cutters too wide and the girl atwj side bociut snaggle sjsbjs obght tp do she iniu i shall drive with both bands jfanalivd when i jried oocd to give her skiai im sstoniihed t she said with tosi of her bead and i tottered oh ppparfon me miss shes cold aud shes glum you would think tbe was dumb if you never had teen bar before but ibefcnt oh no t dont mislead yourself wo and tomorrow shell talk ajl the more its beginning o snow were got ten miles to go acj 1 lash eld maiepia tn tain sow you mark wast i say von may kick mc all day if i ever go sleighing again sotflcrruic journal v years customs things you any good i will send a hundred dolkrs to my mother along with fathers shaqtand the rest ill take and pay my way atfichool the commodore patted him ontfie head and promised to help him in the future and he did it an early death however was to rob the country of a valuable officer ned entered the service and lived fo becomfe a passed- midshipman when be died of fever in new orleans old new some odd nek gears customs formerly prevailed in tha rural porliics cf england and in remote parts niy still be found to some extent wne of the most curious of these is callel the apple howling which besides ffiving the boys a frolic was supposed to secjire a good rop of fruit for tbe comicg teann on new years eve a troop ot thes sturdy country urchin armed with etnog stacks would visit all ihe orchards in the neighborhood and en- circling the apple trees repeat iu chorus the following words stand fast root hcajirell oi pray- god send ui a bcuiing ciiii every twig apples big every bough rcscncu hats full eap full j- full quarter sacks full one of their number accompanied this chorus- on a cows born and during the ceremony the boya rapped tbe trees with their sticks we can imagine that apple howling was a very appropriate name the girls new year memories christmas the most joyful time of all tbe year tp the youul is pail and the keif year kdawning this is rarely a- hajppy season to the old for to tbem the past is far more than the present and memory hangs tbc walls of remembrance with many familiar presents of tbe long ago which serve- both to sadden and subdue so as older friends trudge through the snow to visit some dear congenial friend they toay little heed to the merry shouts of tbe ooyi and girls in the street or tbe cheerful greetings on every side for their thoughts are bay with the time when new year was a festive 6easoa to them ai well and i many whom they have loved and lost gathered about tbe amiiy boarj when light hearts kept lime with the springing feet that tripped a graceful measure and allwas mirth and bounteous cheer or perhaps they recall the new year eve when iu the old homejtead beneath tbe waxen light9 they plighted their troth to one another and promised to share each others joys aud sorrow fifty long years hare passed since then and they aigh as they contrast the stalwart hopeful joaug bridegroom and the winsome girlish bride with the couple who have outlived children and grand children who have tasted the bread of adversity have seen their ondeatv hoiks blighted or dashed in pieces at tibeir feei knd who now poor and- bent land gray are wearily plodding their way through the winter slorm but suddenly the bells begin to chime from thfftower and as the sweet liqnid notes float abore their beads the old man pauses and clasp ing the hand of his aged wife whispers hark sweetheart they anuikaang voices speaking words of hope and cheer and they pronjise reunions beyond tbe clouds and a happy dawn of the day where all are young and sorrow ia so more to tbe young those bells tell- of a new year full of gladness of study of dm- slant striving after something better in the years to come what a woman would lik i tosek j i being a wojpfcn i would like to see mn a ettleinore unselfish i would like to see children a little xdo e respectful i would like to see servants do bonsstand honorable work rather than eye seryioe- i would like to see sensible fashions used ani not abused i i would like tosec babies sensibly rather than elaborately dressed i would like to srwple return borrowed books v i would like to bsc simple meajs well i cooked i would like to see the pretty words i thank you always given when a service l is rendered v i would like to sq my- sex more interested i in good than la bad reading i would like h w the rnillenaium though it may be doubted if i will how i ever it is in our power individually to make l it seem as if it had come and we can each of us help bv precept and practice to bring about this delightful state of affairs i am going to try will you ready to save k is son heroic self sacrifice of a fftf he for his boys qood do you care pop said the email boy if i go ter the circus yes sir i da circuses are demoral izing and there is no telling what may nwhile wereaiso having happen 3 you the temperance lesson lesson be is a temperance lesson necessary forall classes yes certainly if there is a class whose every member has good sound temperance principles then that class should be separated at once and every scholar becorne a teacher mspiacin if need be those teachers whose emperanc senti ments are lax and indefinite of course we are not to spend time telling a class of christian young men or women of the saloon curse or of the evils which intemperance has brought into the world all this they know but they do need to be aught faithfully and repeatedly until only their minds are instilled with thorough temperance principles but until their hearts are impressed with them so thoroughly that their own voices will give no uncertain sound that they will not hesitate to speak out on all occasions not only against intemperance but against the indiflerenco of temperance people on this great subject we are to inculcate positive views on this great question if it is the great evil we believe it to be what should be our attitude with regard to it 1 if we knew a lion were roaming at large through our streets would we be justified in saying it doesnt matter lo ub our children are all in the house vould we not rise up in alarm aijcj not rest content until we knew he was secured again but a thousand lions- are on our streets wih open doors drawing in men wonen and children only to destroy both soul and body in hell shall we not be aggressive then in this work and teach others to be so so many are suffering so many are in danger and the laborers their sport gaingboat from door to door singicg vsrses livjanor of the feasoq aud bearing tbe wassail bowl a great hbwl decked with garlands and ribbons and filled with a composition of aieuatmeg sugar and roasted crabs or applet called lamb wool those visited drank each others health in this mixture repealing washatk or dvinchcu which are the same as our come heres o you or ill pledge you they generally bestowed upon the maidenwasailers a small coin or little gift an orange stuck with cloves appears to have been a favorite new years gift iu the olden time as were alsogilt nut megs and kentish pippins in scotland on iheiost day of be oldj year the children go from house to hous asking for bread aud cheese which they call wogmoney they make tho re quest in these words get up guile wife anotbuiuo wiiirbc not lasyv aud deal your cakes and cheo while you arc bcro ior the time will comcwhcti yell be dead and uoither need your cheese or broad it must bo a hard hearted person indeed who can refuse a triflo to these bonny lads and lassies iu france new years day is celebrated mofe as it is in this country by a round oi visits being made between relatives and friends and an exchange of bonoons and iweetmestf itjsa contest of roiteness which shall start earliest and make the first call but sugar plums most always be presented either in fancy boxes or baskets or biraply wrapped in paper a dinner js genfrfly given by some member if tha family and tbe evening concludes with a social gathering forjcrofala in every form hoods bar- saparuu u a radical reliable remedy it baa an unequalled record of cure but i want tot got yor mind niatfe up have yer said tho old gentleman looking up fromrijb paper nvith an expression of interest that was momentarily quickening infd enthus iasm yes sir sud the boy with some hesi- tation xfithin will change ye i no sir twith growing confidence elididni give you the money youd sneak in unnvr the tent an maybe get arrested wouldnt ye yes sir with great positiveness well it never shoilbe said that i was the cause of my own childs gouin arrested and to make snre that nothing happens to ye ill go along with ye i lets reason together herefaafirm one ot the- largest tho country over the world over it has grown step by step through the world of grealnessrand it seuitatent medicines ugh i thais enough i wail a little tba firm pays the newspapers good money expensive work this advertising to tell the people thai they- have faith in what they sell so much faith that u they cant beiseflt orjwre they donfcwajb your money tbeiv gparantee is not iaoefinite and relative but definite aud absolute if life meelj4ine doesnt help your money u ancali v suppose ever eick man and every feeble woman tried these medicines khd found them worthless r bo would be the loser youorthey j- j the medicines ore dr- pierces u goldap medical discovery fqrblcoddjieaaeanil 4iis favorite prescription for womaii 1 peculiar ills it ihej help tqward hisjth they coat 1100 a bottle each ii tbey dont they cost notblrig i f i i i a- jkif

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