ho pmb8 oauujtoab l rjt mg jfolhi t i thejottbbitsj i rear the molbelli ringins ringing i in their belfriec rrtyiog cwiociiis i hfltrylns scnrrrint oatrii fliactng ob the ik tefr clamorous call tar and oesr their iiinunons iendinjr dotiest ear slow tplofriendicff and iriu hamu tolea blendloc echoing dear from not aoi will 1 tbo the idling world is tleepfsg lo thfl ijimy curwnt keeplnfi j rhythmic biomhb onward iwjaac tinefol trampaad toft toot fill j i answering beck the belk ontiplnff la thtir nasi hncerinj nreeplic and their djing cadence creepinc ttinrn coining one end au vj i graca apputou a trri k the african problem ft j the sptfcxf o the africa problem is not yet it is boe thing to cut lot for african provinces bat quite mother to re alize them when cut a deadly climate dirk jangles tad tu desert to say aoth ing o the trecheroas afncan himself tie til potential agents to btx the progreess o greater foroet perhaps than even england and german csp employ and then it is by no moans- certain that the german eagle and the british lion are to ire peaee- ahly together in airiest their interests are ndelj apart and besides the latter l ootbxelyto forgive uiejjtormain for pce- enming mxm taking half theseitolen honors the protectorate at zanzibar may yet prove to bare been a poori exdhanga for eriignlinri and even if the cession of the later place does not cost theife tit the tory ministry it is by no means impossible that it soon will provesx a peremptory earn- moos from france to terminate pem oijegypi col cbulixlosg harper t weehf ccsirwibtwttco g5tsfhy horse was so afflicted with distempet that he conld not drink for foar days and refnsed alflooct simply apply ing mtkards ldmfkkt putwardly fewl8a7 cm rtnumrr cikk c c tttqrjigr co getts i have used jwir mxkabdsj liniment lor bronchitis and asthma and ii bu cored jnc ibetfere isfhebest xoi5pei t mrs a lrnsgsitis ji lit if si nothing to sudden t obstructs the pera- piration h fnddpn tra from heat to cold heatrarifle the blood quickens tbsarcnlasionnd increases the perspir- ation bat when these are suddenly checked l the consequences must be bad the most common caaae of disease is obstructed pers piration or what commonly goa by the name of catching cold- coughs colds soruikma etc if attended to in time are eyjnbcttted but if allowed tojnm their oin conibei generally prove the forerunner ofnorbaangerogsjditwises kmetenths p of the oonsttmptive date their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases that are caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numeroas than are gen erally supposed one of the most effi cacious ir for all di of the throat and lungs is bickles anticonsump tive syrup- it promotes a free and easy e ij which free the longs from viscid phlegm by changingtbe secretions froth a diseased to a healthy stauj mrs h hall kavixinor n tf writer for years i have been troabled with liver complaint the doctors said my hvier was hardened and enlarged i was troabled with dizziness pain in n y shoal- dec constipation and gradual k losing flesh all the time i was ander iie cire of three physicians but did not get any relief a friend sent me a bottle at north rop lymans vegetable discovery and the benefit i have received from it u far beyond my expectation i feel better now than i have donetor years afdct uoeth imowtnff js ihsi bldod dll vv msmwhwi all trthor rtiotuee fall to cure ylew to aver fiarsapariua pr4h conflrma- uon of tbia stato- mont comes to hand dolly even such dotp- sotted and stubborn com plaints ai fibou- mauam rliouma- uo oout and tbo i like are thorough ly eradicated by too use of this won derful alterative mrs r irving dodge 110 west 1331u street new vork certifies j about two years ago after suffering for nearly two rears from rheumatic gout being able lo walk only with great discomfort and- baring tried various remedies including mineral waters without relief i saw by in advertise ment in a chicago naner that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint after long suffering by taking avers sarsapartlla i then decided to make a trial of this medicine and look h regularly for eight months i am pleased to sar thatll effected a com plete cure aod that i have since had nc return of the disease jtrs l a stark kaalma n y ites one jear ago i was takeir ill ttrliumatism being confined jo my house slkmmiths i came outof the sickness vcrynuiidcbllitatpirwlth no appetite and my sytwrqidlsoruered in every way i commenced o use ayers sarsaparilla and began to improve at once gaining iu strenih and soon re covering my usual health l cannot say too much in praise of this wcllkuovrn medicine j i have takfi a great deal of medi- cine but nothing has done me so much good ax ayers saisanarilla i felt its beneficial effects before i had quite finished one bottle and i can freely testify tbflt it is the best blood- mcdfcinq i know of lvtward sr woodlaud texas ayers sarsaparfha rthtiim btj dr j c ayer co lowell mitt prfcliiilakt5 worth as ibouk notes here ani there nd items of general nterjsst to free press readers t speakisk about circoiarj letters 0 u one j truth crushed la earth will rise so waubaiscajt and bread made with imperial cceam tartar baking powder it is the only reliable stillwater runs deep but the dashing tide gfits on the rocks malarial fever and chills are best broken np and prevented by using alilburus aro matic quinine wine j once in a while people go roaod the world bat most of as are content to go through it f vigilant care vigilance is necessary against unexpected attacks ofsammercompisincs no remedy is so wellknown or so successful ia this class of diseases u dr fowlers extract of whdgtrawberty keep it ia the house as a safegusxd j eeahslit first visitor at realistic wax- figure show are you wax second vistitor ko are you 1 a burn or cut will heal quickly and leare less scar if victoria carboriic- 6alve is ap plied at once foreman tto editor where do yoa want this article to go sir editor what i it about the proper ape to marry pot it in the maritime intelligenoe mr jesse johnson ofbockwook ont writes last fall i had bcdls very bad and a friend advised burdock blood bitters i got a bottle and the effect was wonderful half the bottle totally cared me a mare rspid and effect ual cure does not exist a foregone conclasion j where is the messenger boy i usually employ he is sick with a fever too bad what kindof a fever is it v a slow fever l national pills are sugar halted mild bat thorough and are the best stomach and liver pills in use tfotuert and km ail who have the care qi children should know that dr fowler s extract of whd strawberry may be confiienwy depended on to care all summer complaints diarr hoea dysentery cramps colic cholera in fantum cholera morbus canter etc children and adalts destroy the worms or they pay destroy the children freemans worm powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms r advice to koteebs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child sufferimj and crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs whitlows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers j there is no mistake about it- it cures dysenteryanddianticea regulates the stomach and bowels care wnid colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system u for children teething is pleasant to the taste nd is the prescription of one of the oldest and besi female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the wbrldj price twentyfive cents a bottle be cure and uk for mas wdtslows soothisg srhtrr and take no other kind i i t i s c- b hall crayhe i1l say jl have told at retail price- since the kth of deoemherlast 15c bottles lof dr tfcomu ectoctric oh guaranteeing every bottle i must say i never sold a medicioejin my life that gave such universal satisfaction in my own case with a badly ulcerated throat titer a physician paneihogj it for severil dijb to qo effect the eclectric oil cured it thoroughly iu twentyfour hours surrhreatened oronp in my children tbi winter it never failedto relieve slmost immediately m toe third pace of the toronto jteitf maitim noted lor want adrartitt ment hyoowantto boy or iell anythiig if yoo want a aitnation a jnechanic bnai- oea maehiseqr lodginiar if yon hi e ion cfotmdadrtliin orif jroo want tifind obtvbertioyone i tdrertiae in tie to- fobtojdoflr kail and read the ade srti- roentjobtb joirf pace o that mper hudoiblaoceiiu a word eajh in 4 mrtioc- jaddreai tie hair toronto can fr ulreicrrterr feiileen ugly sores inflammatory rhsamatigm throngh wrong treatment left me with etiff joiau and osly running acres on my iimbe uid for seven years i could not wait with i commenced taking bardocfc blood bitters i had sixteen sores bat they are all healed save one ahdan now walkwithcnitches miet caliiwell upper gaspereaox n s wiu cuf biuousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum ieartburn headache relieve dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin mf tytry speelts cf dis iritis tro disordered id v kwirirrs stomach bowxls os blood t milbtjrn co ssstai uowtpiivelvell 10q doses for lorf cents brfrdock blood bitters does you head j ache i take bardock blood bitters is your blood impure take bardocfc blood bitters are yoa costive take burdock blood bitters are you bilioas f take birdock blood bitters are yea dyspeptic take burdock blood bitters 1 cent a dose i j cent a dose burdock blood bitters ayers hair vigor has held the first place as a bairdjossiug j in the estimation of the public laolw find that this preparation gives a beautiful doss to the hair and gentlemen use it to prevent baldness and cure humors in thoj 5clp emuirrissiiiff why eutler the embarrasmeou arising ftom catarrh when kasil balm will cure yoa a h- berry bannockbarn ont says i received hue package of nasal balm and from its use can highly recom- the head and catarrh very quickly meed il for cold it will effect 4 mlbantt ltalaienf for ule brerrwhere words cannot express the gratitude which people feel for the benefit doae them by the use of ayers sarsaparriila longstand ing cases of rheums tlsm yield to this rem edy when ail others flfl lo give relief this medicine thoroughly expels the poison from the blood rest aud tamfurt ta the suffering browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pald both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged u the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in th world should be in- every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach ma pains and aches of all kinds and is for sile by all druggists at to cents a bottle i not so very bad anxious young wife do you really feci too unwell to go out for dinner dear yoa see i am all ready the wouldbeinralid well what is there for dinner if we stay at home coasumiiuou surely cured to tie editor r r please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy lor tbe above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho less cases nave wea permanently cured 1 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rae to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and p 0 address eespectfully de t a sloctm 18g west adelaide sttrouto ont if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtddy mail that paper- reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are in- sertediathe toronto ifirehy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada in order to give a quietus to a hacking coosh take a dose of drthomaa eclectric oil thrice a day or qftener if the the cough spells reader it necessary this widely esteemed remedy also cures crick in the back rheumatic complaints kidney ail ments pains etc it is used inwardly and outwardly consumption cured an old physician iretired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedv for the speedy aud per manent care of conlmmptiou bronchitis catarrh asthma ana all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical core after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it kaowa to his suffering fellows act ai ted by this motive and a desire lo relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire if this recipe in german freuch or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper y a korts 820 powers block hechajster n y 1 mbumtc liniment tor sale everywhere u an excellent one and oar team lurelo inviting the pnblil always present t becoming appearance we have ple- f to cail on us for anything required in our line just to hapd the fallowing lines brussels carpetra all- wool carpejti hemp carpets next door to herod co wad tapestry carpets s union carpets stair carpets clark fc thompson carpet house cuelph 30 lower wyndham st with the knife -at- j h matthews cutting up the best leather that money can buy and mak- ing it ui into no i harness if you want a set of halters whips brushs before dealing elsewhere and material heavy or light harness collars s oils or any thing in my line call as i am bound to please in prices repairing promptly and neatly done a pleased customer ujill call again is our motto i j h matthews acton guelph clot la hall i ybsts cohts williams greene rome fant- flannel tennis and bloating shirts shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuelph to farmer and threshers uss on vourmaphinertonly the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medal save been awarded it doring the laatthrw year a jjxju jiijiiijlj try alio our poul axl mm for you waggooaandhorse foyers thea e oil are usod and highly recommended at thehode farm gaelph ranners aak for tlem nse noother ldanafacturedatjnei0ityoinrdrssihy samuel rocers co toronto headquarters for- house pleftning supplies jvry r pqiiisite on hand for croup quinwy or colds use yellow 00 ifr h b ifckianod pain ier moaot albert says last summer my system got impregnated with ihe lead md tnrpeh- tueusedin painting my bod was cover ed with scarlet spots as large i is a 25cent piece and i was in such a s ate i could scarcely walk i got a bottle t f northrop lymaiis vegetable disoo ry and at once commenced taking it in arge dose and before onehalf the botfle wu osed there wu not a spot to be seen md i never felt better in my life my baby mrs ah roitoff of waterford oct- write was very sick with summer com plaint and notbinji would help him tilt i tried dr fowlers extract of wim e tmwberry which eared iim at onoe it ii one of the bett remedies i ever naed ali paper ceihog corners centersand borde jthe larrest stock and neatest patterns w have ever had fipring sam iles now ready come and see them r wine ow shades fancy liorninbeaatiful shades of olor aod design in decoratioo all squired- and hemmed with i spring boll sracompleta ready for immediate use also paper shed ss in pattern and by the yard msajsfillvi catarrh many kvcalltd dileau cmmtltach ts hmditi aeon of aaad fool brrti aneaeaera beunrofl irodblairiritli ut of these taetatarrb md ihoeld i a bottla of nau bxim ptcuiau in headis or oonsompbon and dealfaj all draacitts or will beii ocoftaiuhijo fsifdb t btwan of li nsayalm toldfathe keatiod cuuxt nallues eistoaabig heauio lorlut relief peiroiwnl cw i failure impoiilbh v are limply wmptoibi ol pvtiirdeameu lolinj biwao and apittliix euhlyelc if you pr kindred symptoms yoa lose no tlmein procnrln resilu audrnuistse price so ceots j lmttaties bawarvd fa fa in catarrh fbl ttasii balk is sold br ww paid on receipt of pjaddresaiiu bttnu rr aiabastine a all supply of this favorite kalaorj other all paints ot s varnishes etc gins whltinc watbior soda fearlitie ererythiiig yoa want for liainfeatairs hardware spades shovels firoo our 50 cent t beats therh all r bj c those who have used it once will have no popular shades in stock fvaahing crystal soaps broom brushes eta gdnenil cleanup also prof barks and deodorizing powder arden rakes glass and a general stock of groceries jand fare spices pearson hcton ok to the british market our mr j b williamson sailed from montreal on the 27th may for england where he will spend eight weeks ko- curing our fall stock to make room for it we are giving a grand clearing salie 3ct dhys only at the golden iionj the moiiaicli of tlie dry goods trade great great great great great great great i great great great great reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reductions in reduction in reduction in dress goods millinery and mantles fancy goods prints and muslins curtains and scrims carpets and oil cloths ordered clothing readymade clothing boys and youths clothuij hats and caps all lines of goods boys suits si mens pants- all wool s mens socks 3 pair 25c collars linen 2 for 25c cptton 529 yards 1 prints 25 yards 1 parasols- 4 forji ah wool cashmere hose ladies 4 pair 1 black cashmere dress 150 embroidered costume 150 muslji color ed arid white 25 yards 1 towelling 25 yards 81 black lustre dress 1 j j dwilliamson st co 6 and 7 wyndbam st quelph 84 oswald st glasgow you can keep cool at a moderate cost if you all at r b jermyns we open this week goods suitable for the warrji weather such as j i new shirting embroideries new lawns new prints new jchallies choice coods and remarkablyjcheap if you want a stylish hat or bonnet for dominion day dont rest until you visit our milliner- department as the choice ones are being rapidly picked up reduced prices iiow our stock was neverso complete and tte prices we have made to suit the hard times j parasol8 and cloyeske here ill endlessariety cheap the word summer turs pla stcacs lo rtrts poor trips per week betee detroit mackinac island srery ercsinj brrrreca- detroit and cleveland our illustrated pamphlets tm mid rxsortion tfekettfut bimasi r a e b whitcomb a f a dnacr uk the detb0it t cuveu8d stuh ii cq st7 troliltvichl mm woni s i oooo hsi utv old haaiajj ctta ink iti tj jioqaxkjtjw toojilr tmm ttttrt ear tjtviirr tti odt lain luba- liarcf uonhm tbmb taimfitm u win 1 rr fac jj lktt nttdtuhuibaw i thjsit olwitadv iiiratdt and nrlftt md sb- i uotitpnnil is ralubu d tv wiwh bo fur fran n ba mrt oaatt ud list w re njid vtt pay stl nftu fnirttf fie am jo know ifuif o wrtildliaj 10 so w1 far aj mm tms 930 ta sso prr vrtk 3d crnjiii m stlmon a cqj bos a i 2 portland win tii i inaava iadternj mobth ifl once a mol t reolu cbangbil in the offli thej irill fc ioamott obeeahj i ic j il lb1 fc purest strongest best contains tm alum ammonia umt phosphates waniintoribusmlruli 1 e w g1llett ss uxtffraaiolasuzissiztzisiam visiti ad andfonrth office fn gj jytchnrch wiea j s hiltg ooleea- w tii axen 1hbit twenty to when i sav ctjre i do not mean u top them for a time and then ha v- themjmlea rsaln i sitisi a radical cuee fc i bare nude the disejise ol p jfe fits epiiieefiyo falling siaktness a life ion stnd j i wainwf iny remftr ts cvbe the worst cases lkiahirelsixejoied la no reason lor not now rwtiiip a rure ba at once for a treatise ioid a tr kp boirlek ar infaixiiat jjemedy ulvj hxpks iudill office it rosis tou untiling for a trir joxllt a mil cure yon addre h o 200tmjcl hjsm 1 broxch office wwt adaide et ttiranj tohn3 ornck- obrnftit bksttrl the kotill coc4 aad to lal topmcr ftwdi v will fiamlu ta dm rrevix is neb lsl moif tny tltoh ltttt oir dnrnn caki mf 9 ii cbiurr f jn liit tir 5 tnm i l tiow oar r t m4 tbrv rtnied roa thmi lie rnall cud of bt george i rphe it rhe flfttrtti pufof tti sli- it ii trad dcoblf tixt i foptlttbft fntttwt illnllr joo iifm tea nak train 3 lo 8 1 0 iijt i ion ran iht tartf mf tx6eiariiciftlrictsrtiit fft mx anccemciaj4 aturrm ii 1ullett a co llox tt u f octujcs 1uoo dr f ext of aild jrfwbwm cures holserr sioleramorhus oiric ramps iarrhgea ysenteryl and all summer complaints i amd fluxes of the bowels- it is safe and reliable for children or adults n ag1 i dunns powder jhecooksbesjfriend d and froml ujdalwnj porch vsel our atockl compsta ha pinal and ibe r iiiswn i will positivay cure alkrffissijtiestbhissf bffwei cooplafots diarrhoea summer complain keep a bottle ib house v i sojld by all talers v q mh tnondtj ldo well e j