Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1890, p. 3

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isantbu vm urriii a isalk j t a 110 nui 6m oj i v- v ii m vilio hr if rf s h hwtoiitux imu foil saltp 1 iwrt liuije ixraexstan 1 aoatbcir aba bud llwyfis buidrlb hfnaa ice br3 in oac of idc to oftc traidc m conliiv xtiuc po liuess gollege ontarao pffihetaodist church acton i b7 0 a qjfford ica phj5- puton tut sanca 10jo m nl fcso- sondiy noltx bible clueoa4inti by u jattor all eotdullr inrt wd bnanir fcnd vitlwt ilttjn irclconift lli j5sih l lh toot tfttttisp dil irir lo b p uoon bank of he ad office cirrar pah cr 1llse c 1mj hamilton hamilton 1000000 h0o00o it 5 steve d1kect0k- johx stswinr frosfdcuu a c jukut kfrtiwjhx pnoctor ciu georgetown agency kotdionuii ud drvnc ulido on ill tbl tccnritiw drart on all pins of cxx- 1 tit usitoi sritxoauit ubjtjjx and at ctosnxuxr or evnorn bowhi ud soli stixcnovi tuidc oniu icwsaible point on gst favoru tcrait savings derahtuent dktostt reccivrd ol 61 end aprirds and ia- wnf tnovri from date of deposit to data of special deposits ilja rec t current retw of tnterett no tim of withdrawal required h mwatsok aficau nhg mjll n contractor exei serve udr nii ar iiciunerr lllollursg- i windots and door johkcakeoh e t ti xmie- iie on- kii i j- icirae alt cz is- i r fan- ttrx iiia coscty of lird t-csi- nal the irr cisst c ja the ii lk bcrn aad j heaj d ciije io uciij tcre re two cd srrirr- en the fuin 1 i cl ipfe id pear t rill be saidt a grel t rsui rrs tat- sr ilooilt loos rz li2iic silisai th tad oicx vjsilla iitohall irsl vallpaper4 5 6 7 8 g 10c per roll very prett- de signs borders ic per yd upwards cornice poles in walnut and cherry what about window blinds l see our linen blinds at 75c per pair selfacting spring rol- s 2q and 25 cents green window blind paper 3g inch and 42 inch wide 50 per- yd qniin uuitinc uxiot picring or jiattiufi sy vtadott bliodi inspect oar nock ko troable 10 hov roa uiroaitu geo htnds arton oni- ijt rtim fttt f was thubsdir apbrl3 many ledvor locals villiti by ile etrtuottsfatfal ind alert fr pitss krterf ixipla eotr tcithcr good fndiy tomorraur kggs are dob to ten cenls eutff ssnifcj- next lords uj coancil mtm ueit monbuy etenipc- cnity o pel spriag shof will be bd an die icth inst oitrille publishe iu micatcs br- lirt eicinpiinpfilel form the muhaery dupiays ixe cooictn- iafibe ktieatioa of theldies h t lit of torboto is expected to pmckin the dttciple chnrcfi next sac- t- i the board of ednciuon will meet in 3ht pnblit libnry room oa londy even- -indext- gilajeher tisi jme iato psxtnerhip with mcgintv the firm will dai in elg set z z sxlothos- w diies of 4e- 1 isr tci dcsistytma of cch dsacrfiioa ot ti us oods caiidjar dettinseai restrf nciit tialttresri d ij- k fcs on ciiidlia bsi t u- tcjc3et of the icied if i iat ten- cc taied oc d3 or if b xirisiitk lithe sd it no esreaes c- fir lit ppei- po- lacd oa ia tender- -s- lhcriz- cf the fir riiei hy iai -hori- bros gbt r guelp2- tc-virtairir- is bros s sgiee fkis inc der estf riend se1dsdy amur4s ms- 1 terttcrel i ka wtlmb it ker0d hadl wiih enter the tnditionxl dale for oet iprin girmenti e tc the fepring faeid- fer will appear toare ill for namber one the wijor ctkid ind yoa for namber tire the bachelor replied ptlm sasdm serrices were held in the epucbpaliiii and eomia catholic chnrchet last sttrfdav fridaf slam gave another- day or two of ilfigmng- a namber of loads of b were brooght in to the milla tbe town bell rins at fix am aain- wilh the bell and lbs tannery whistles cur dtaeat should be early riserr dirine eerttee will be held in st albans chmxii on good friday morning at hxlfpast tec and a st johns bock- wood at h pm tickets will be issaed daring euter on the g x- k- irom tharsdar friday and silariay t a fire and a third good to retard on toesday the assessor is a man whafgnt yon down it his own nlnation and u theonly penos yoa oomplain o having too high an opinion of yaor actoal worth- itm the manfonnd finally t- the j gnelph fgff of the fpn of the i tff trfll o hi dajihlerv w tlst eefc gnienced to im prisonmenvfor life eer w e xortoa will condact dirine serrices in the baptist chtnxh on ban day oa slooday etening at 70 i eetieiibeiaie of gait will preach 1 the hamilton spectator tella of tfce mirniee in barliagton oat the other dy of samuel eraser aged 7c and r wealthy ty his adopted ciece aged ic- jvow that spring is opening the wedding feaaon is being talked about for very seat and pretty weddiag cards and iariift- lions call at the fete eess office and bee aamples the millinerj ibowv rooms 6 e b jermyn will be opened on wednesday april lite ail tlis novelties of the season will belthown- ladies are cordially in- rited to be present theitorm of tharsday bight and fri day was the most vereof the teaaon the acw drifts were higher than at any other time daring the winter a rosd deal of it hu disappeared again itr edward tolton of lot 10 oa the ewnd uceerianearospringis shoot to baud cew residence- mr joseph allan of lot c on the line is also arranging to baild a resictsce this seaaoo the lest a ot spring to oor way of ibhjiingia tfce demand made foradvertis- inj tpace by car town merchant they imderiiabd tbe valde of mafciog t an- naanceinents in a widely read home paper rttrjjjlmtscoiey of speyside haviog kiveu up facmiag will dispose 61 her itock and imptetoectctiy public aaction on her property at spejside oa friday aftopooo ltik april wiciicjurczer aactiooeer a very interesting evening witllcanai diaa acthoeand poets- wu spent at the meeting of tbe eoyal teoiplars on monday fcveuiiig aboqt twenty aatbors aod selec- tioui frota the woclcs of a oambec of thim tr presented upoa the approach of spring tbe aporumans fancy lightly tarns- to thoughts oflaie lore of the woods the fields the brooks the rivers the lakes and tbe pare air of the country bet the fish- iog season doesnt open notil foar weeks froaj to day the clothing aonoaocement of mewrrj kedy bros oa the aext page will command general peruaal they are enterprising yoong men have great fallh in printers ink and invite tbe readers of tbefzz psxhs to call and verify the truth of their advertisement they show a fine range of of saitiogi etc for ordered work home frleangs which art ttottly w lov caaraeter ni allutrrtiuuf dtith otmiss aforton mfas lavinia morton died al her ttl dence on bower avenae last sahirdal moroinct she had buffered for mvera years from coofaraption the fqneral ht vic was oondocltd on monday sjterqooi by elder jimos kvlgoar ot gaalph wh spoko ta the higbett termi of the christian charaoter of deceased the interment w made atererton a rtcremt lorer mulcted al lhe anient gaelph i nt eek in breach of promise ease of miss graci morrice ot kichol townihip against w h auardioe a welltodo farmer of tha sain i township was tried before judge falcot uridce tbejory awarded mias morric 11200 damages uua morrioes fathi ilso broofiht an aclioo against allardit s for sodaction and auardice war atscsael an additional 4750 on this charge gddeuo wships 59 ti anni rersary the grand master ot the oddfello i of oatarjo has issued his aaniversar r proclamation setting forth april 26th as t day of thankagiriag for the mercies id 1 blessings vouchsafed to the order dunr the pad year acton lojge ko 20f hi 8 decided to observe the aixtyutcth anaite tary by holding an at home in tl s lodge room on the ioih ic4t and having l ipecial sermon preached oa the followic sandiy ton ta the fir west yesterday moruicg dr k mcgirri l accompanied by hii sou george left acto i forbtrtte city montana with the in tea tic i of establishing a practice there it thirtyfive years staco dritcgarvia telue 1 in acton then a wcall hamlet for man r yean he was 60cessful in his professiot bat as is generally the case oauide bas aess interests failed to realize anticipation and the result is well known thecircan stances attending tie dri recent bosiaei i lronbl are cenenlly regretted bat t a ievves with good prospects for the faluie and the fcx pcrs acites wtui hisfriac a in wishing him eacccss in his fir weder l home acrcji5nrtnrsi3witpri 16ui the exoeuence of acton spring show f stalhoas in former jears is well kucw i both far and near and the show this eprti g will uo docbt eqcal if it does cot excel lb t of icy former year the dale has beta ied for wednesday icth inst and i a attractive list of cah prizes has beta arncged for 11 the classes of horses ia d mand for this section the officers ai 1 directorsfer the present year are prinncjrr win htiiatrrc i srciletiii tmusraeii t il hsniicgl djxctoas jowrhschecvrk f- liadrtj 1 eastjcdps4sccijqlscntciicrocjoi a utmcvs jotmhmcyiiijcjiaiidcrv i with ecch a lint of active horsem n the show this t pdag it sire to be saccessf l a urge camber of cntrieshtve already be m promised sarroie dextj frcsi diphtheria wm hopkins a resident cf streetjvi le died oa tcesday morcicc from diphthe ia it is said that in a foolish moment and ai an act of bravado he pcxpostly enured the room where a child casterinc h om diphtheria was beiz cared for and rcb led the clothing worn by the child over ha tace in order catch the irkectian and thas he did other foolhardy acts to prove thatjhe feared not the temble scourge ha taken ill and lived only a few daye coald net be prevailed upon to teei to bed or room ana actaally walked arodnd cntu the last moment when he fell dopn and expired br actcal strangalattoa complex collapse of the eystem he i was tanedlon taesday eveoing braarpaa pebs0xal 3iesti0n neighborhood news faralsheil by comfpobouiu called troa eichenfti and picked up by the wty i geoltgktown the congregational church will givo an xhibitioa of mm jarleyi wax works iu the towu hall on april 10th chanoollor mc vicar ia aonounoed to proachiu tbo baptist auutcii on banday gth april it is about decided that the people want a i team fire engine knatchbull lait friday itorm was the heaviest this winter dtiriog th early part ol the day the wlud blew a ragular torn ado piling the mow ap ia many plaoes or 5 feet high bat by noon the itorm had ipenl its fury although bdow contiaaod to fall heavily about 8 or 9 inches of snow tell oil the level j several of the fannera are cngaced in sogarraakiug this week next sunday ia easier eggihells will beqaita numerous kot machnewb berca boats this week rockvtoou eev v h harvey of rockwood ooon pied the pulpit of lhe norfolk street meth odist church oa sunday ia the absence of the pastor rev dr willoaghby who wu preaching missionary sermons at listowel mr harveys morning discourse from matthew 18 23 wti excellent while his evening subject lit corinthians 18th chap was treated in a most ins pi ring manner mr harvey is a yoaug man who preaches for the love of the muteri caose he gave up apoailioa u teacher fa upper canada college at 1800 per year to enter the probationary ranks of the ministry squire strange on the information of henry rolh cdauablfl rockwood fined a roadside dealer last friday for peddling goods in the place withoat a license the fine was 10 and costs 590 milton the v l a society of the methodist chcrch purposes giving a u festival of katious in the town ballon moadayeven ing next at a meeting last night of the congrega tion of knox church it was resolved to purchase boselawn mr l p eager residence property on main street for 3il00 and the presdat manse which will be ac cepted by mr eager at a vilnalion of 1 00 a fine brick church will be erected daring the coming summer oa the main street property and a committee bas been appointed to make the necessary arrange ments champion at the meeting of toronto presbytery ou taesday on motion of rer w g wallace and rev dr par- sons the application of tbe mhton congre gation was granted giving permission to change the present site of iheir church to the eager property also to sell the old church and manse property and apply the proceeds towards the purchase of the new site messrsj dunnett land tredale of the royal templar rescue dnet closed their meetings oa tharsday eight a large aadience was present the rescne duet hare done good work in milton and a unmber ctf tew members have beeu aided to theroyal templars rtfarmcr 0aethxe i 1 j iia o fararsiibsepctuir visitors to and frjjai acton with wham free pmc eesdcie ireltrre orlcisacaaiinted ilrc chalk of berlin visited friels here tu week mr john a- hejidereco oftoroolo at home over sunday mr w worden cf toronto visied fnends here this week miss easterbrook of xassigrweya titl ed friends here this week rev dr giford epent a day or two ihis week assisting rev mr chown ia special serricea at elan messrs stmaelitclim ecgh camaron sad john esstooof saraia made ar ton friends ehort visits last week mr james matthews attended the up- reme circle at toronto last week ai a re- presentaxivefrom atrm circle oa tuesday ermiioc ilr wtuiam waldie and family mr john watson and mr boot robertson left for manitoba mr e horseman of rice takt wis- oonsin formerly of gaelph has beenoom- inaled as one of the aldermen for that city the names of meisrs h j sltdgle of na6agajreyaand j heell of bndiocton stood first and second iu the hit of th4suc- oessfol candidates at the recent primary examiationsai the royal college of burgeon good for the halion boyi la referring to pr glfldrdt berlin the bails acim says the giffotd who is a gracefal and el sraker chose for his subject the universal reign of the lord which he treated ia a mot learned and interesting maam was attenlirely listened to by a larj gregation maps and fall information coycirning rate etc over any rorife to manitoba the north west or the western states niy be had at the grand trunk station actio mr job a cameron has commenced operations el his new planing rntll on mim street and i prepared execafe all classes of dressing mafckintptand mould ing on short notice the boy that shovelled snow last week oft thought bis lot a lard un and now when lovely ipring is here he breaks his hovel with a cheer bat lo his iuttbers striding near he bods a spade oa pulls bis ear go jobnny dig the card m tlie stratford adccrtuer ami noces that its istut last week is the hut the publishers messrs pratt dr tracy have not foand the newspaper bnsmess r iman- erative ia face of the keen com p tit ion ragiug there and the slowness of subs ribers ia paying up- aitbitict wixred at oocetoj panti- aud vest making apply tojkxixr b everjone thoafd call and see bar ilo00 order got at j 1200 and h00 suits made to they are better valae than can be any other rlace in town by three dollars a bait inspection invited fituarqntoed krixvbiioii 2ueasrs sippel co opened their new tailoring establishment over kaon twins drug store on monday tbe i have a nice slock and guarantee nrsuclasa nf they will not do nwb big piking tezfisffim learn three toys were arrested an wednesday night on two charge of house breaking and fire of entering stores and barglaririag far fcotne time past this work baa been going on in oar town and lately to sach an extent that the people were becoming alarmrd seemingly they did not care lo take to take anything very valuable bat chiefly carried away with them cigars candies matches and small tools these they had stored i strawberry cases and buried in thegrond a basket fall of locks aod keys was sunk in the creek the boys acknowledged all and told where everything could be foacd they are betweenthe ages of fiiteenacd eighteen and belong to good respectable fsmihes residing in oar town tbe trial took place on thuriday afternoon when the boys were committed to hilton for trial upon being asked what time the robberies took place the boys said that they retired as usual got ap ahoat midnight and made their way out through their bed room windows after their nights work was finished they returned la their homos and arose as usual in the- morning thus they deceived their parents who thought their boys were peacefully resting in slum- bet land the boys were great novel read en and undoubtedly were led into their sin through tbe reading of these pernicious b macli sympathy is expreased for the grieving pareats who are held in esteem by ajl last friday oight the poet office was entcrered by one or rmore persons and a namber of letters stolen mr b aimers drug store adjoining was also visited and a number of cigars taken a detective from toronto arrived next day and is doing his best to bpot the guilty party the boat- bouse belonging to mr a kemp was completely aaafbhated by the storm on friday we hope that it will be rebuilt before the summer months arrive great fear was entertiined that the wharf and the liglithonse would receive much damage bo i they stood tbe storm bravely sod are none the worse for it save the loss of a few abinglee at tie reqaeit of the members of the w ctt rev wro kettlewell preached aj tempeirance sermon oa sabbath eveniogi he chiefly dwelt upon the statements that lo degrade and destroy human beings was morally wrong that the liquor seller de grades and destroys human beings and that which is morally wrong for an individ ual is morally wrooc for tbe state there fore a government that frames mischief with the law can have no grace or favor with god he compared the hqaorteller to a parasite and said that the tavernkeep er hi oar town were every day doing greater wrongtbau the boyi who have been committed to hilton on the charge of bur glary j kevpr before has mr k entered in to tbe temperance qaeition so deeply and strongly aabo sunday last woman cut to pieces dcttoy chit april i eaatboaod local freight ko icon the m c r ran over a woman who was sitting on tbe track near this place this afternoon aod mutilated her body ia an awful manner the heart was found a abort distance from the rest of the trunk the woman proved to be a mrirrou of aid borough who is said to have been intoxicated fi cloth- tbir 1 led by impulse and licoh wcomtoce april 1kevillo t pkk- tball nbou rocdt myitertoas dutppwr aooe excitfld 10 maoli comment iu canoeo tioo hb uife beavell niarder cue arrived town earljr thii morning b ibe grud trunk limited expreu rom tbe west when uked if be dejired to roike ur el- plinftion be replied tbt be u led- by impilx ind liquor tod bu now retnrned to uooditoek to oleir falmaeli of tbe ta- y in yxit sftinc opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following days with one of the largest and most attractive stocks of millinery that we hava ever shown the ityles are the jatest and the tnm- mingithe best as weemployoojyjoxperiejiced hands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies wul call and inspect oar stock at we will be pleased to show them through fullrauge of new spring dkessand sfantle goods new prints suitable for early spring new parasols with long and short bandle new ejlbkqidekiesjuat to baud something altogether new iu those goods fall stock ot cottons cottouades table iineus towels 1 towelings etc cheap stock iu boots aud shoes extra values iti all lines cf groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs henderson mcraescco i scton iti ill iff grand preparations being made at the liatfof guelph the spring campaign y ii almost every steamship brings us au addition to our stoijk onr goods are all booebt by ohr glasgow buyer who hanbeien in the european marsetsjor the last fifty yeajs aud knows all the in and outs of the trade he is no mere novice whbse knowledge i limited to an occasional visit of two ortltree weeks but wlio is as fauiiiiar with the english markets as ihe average guolpb buyer is with the toronto market thisissne of the great secrets of the wonderful value always todbe had at h ii i f the lion guelph glasgow vs jli before baying your spring goods at least visit our establish ment and compare onr prices this is all we ask and we are assured it will de mutually beneficial j d williamson co 5 knd 7 wyndham 8t guelph 8oiwal48taiagow t fs headquarters i j for- house cleaning supplies ever requisite on hand neiar spring g jiovfiltyj variety i quantity quajit- j or rant kennt bros jommion b00t shoe store have j ist opened up setae extra fine lines in ladies shoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties ibrspiing and summer wear mens alli gator and calf balmorals rriljew styles and of the best material our regular lines will be foundxompletejyith firstclass goods cimomworkuhlbepaliteg m tnmla toil vtluei i ilwm ctierallydone ui great rarletj take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots shoes- that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods ijfinney brosacton i liwentysgyen w date 271 pool i slwrt have passed through the customs house this spring np to cases and bales of new spring goods shipped from iiver- w etc as follows wall aper j j ceiling cornerm centert and borders the largest stock cd beateat patierna we bare eter bad spring eamplefl cow ready come and tee them window shades fancy ltoen in beautiful thadei of color and deaign in decoration j all qoand and hemmed iriih spring roller complete ready for immediate ate also paper shades in pattern and by the yard t alabastine v a fall supply of this favorite ealsomioe those who have used ii once wilj have do other all the popular shades io stock pafnts oils varnishes et- glue whiting washing soda pearline waahrog crystal soaps brooms brushes eld erery thing yon want for a general cleanup also prof turks disinfectant and fleodonzing powder hardware spades shovels garden rakes glass and a general stook of groceries and pare spices l our 50 cent t beats them all jb pearsoist 7 hptqn watch rpaibigl glasgo lke cunard cttnard cunabd 8tatbl white star gclonl and fom new york ps only a small portion of our importations for spring gpods are arriving daily meanwhile we are workingday and passing the contents of these cases into stock and can promise isjtomers that we will this season lolly maintain our reputation chqice goods and as well for goods that you wit nor find elsewhere i j this more night onr for dupli cajted i vessel bothnia umbriz gallia indiana adriatic arizona pbint8 challies etc total no of cases i l 9 2 2 9 3 27 cases we have just purchajed a stock or fine american main springs fiuejewel8 and other good material tor watch sepairiug i bring your work to b sayage watchmaker cuelph speight son acton j a speight manager caniapplyyou with all the poroimirs raquired to lurulsh voor5awudi eoy httla losis or to rsplsaish yoar home if s wttjtkl one iu inv ityle if the very iowest priest there ii ao articlt of f arnitare w caaaot aiply aud furthtir ddlvet oar forsltuxcind yoqbars oo arranrlnj freight ebars ud run no ruk ot bifeakase t us can nit all undertaking our uurtybv ysars iprlenc iu inii tmtioem bu rtuhcu- i u couvini thjj sntirs oomaidiilty uuu we supply fintclus work in til or0rrj which compare with tlioao ol ujc city ti one htlt citr jiri luc tlie imbllfl ol sua iu styles our hearse- b sn exceutbt one aadour tcaiu alvsyt nrewrot s bvcomini appcaraucj tun is larulns too public to csu au t for uiytnisfi required ia wo ul plu- narilbss m

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