cu ft trttt rinjcwi up kb uftu uie wife ol ur- oet hvitrf a lo ttt im krmow on ttae loui lusu the wife fluaiw oial iitos atiitneh ne on the lotbltuuuie it of mr ofhl baveon ol a son n the 13tfa nit lbs wife o a a daafbtetstillbom ttscs to a culr in moj on the linn iut the ic iurthemaie it of a son mlsu sck c i the hth iruu the wife ot t jnmuoo e taaehcr ol tuaf htor luvxo lutikiw rioo ol ksquceii s ioiuo vagina criicil j die nryfiitabjht aimtcll fceetjvh al tlit residence of tbc mrides mother 01 wcdumkr mil fivu by iter 11 direr ft irtm by ucv t hurfeoa mr msnnouiof v niiiiwv in hit jinnfc liar- luuiicc to wis jennie hr- linrcu of oar lu- rtherl1sutj- to trntolo uautc hinlco rf toisewvc ur all d w wiooa of lmvilic lo ium uujnni gotracaft dtactt of urv f tie jrtiit jrttfta thuksdav al ibe rewiicum rf lk laklaky 10 1ku if nsattlx6klfaixfiumi klghbohhwd news fntalibl by contiiwndntt culm hress i euaaapi end picked by il w luiatchbull beverel linnets iu this viauitj- were ploughing daring uio put week auiiog which seldom ocean lo these parts iu jin- uery end one in which hi may hate the chance ot performing o early in the new year again la grippe claimed uii orel victim id this neighborhood the other day mondays wind did considerable dam age iu this uctghujrhood r kdwerd darby hid pail of ilia barn roo mown off end mr wm jaciion tad tho whole o the roof of bi b demolished messrs- llab- tuson of ibc 7lh hoe hid part of theirs takau off besides liiis the wind did con siderable damage in ovcrtarniufi tree and lcvclw fences in general i i oikville x0tkuvllcollyents xolice his bee i given ot s3 private bills tchich weome before the pominioa pr- fment dnrins i lie lession which opent lo- it is reported tint the romsa catholic archbishop ot kingston says that the j roman cuhob ivn averse to anneiatiou jj with the nited sutes becaasehhoj- coold n not there hate mparale- school it is amid thsjt ail ocean stemsbipc axe i on the vi on the other side of the illan- tie which vill be snperior in speed to any 1 which have yet been launched it u de signed to maiq the vojage from england to the cniled stales in five daya j the 3o0oo walerworlcs bylaw was defeated by a rote of 52 for and 91 against the mcmlxrt ot ihe prcsbyteriau and ketuoiil charcbet held anioq tnttuci daring ihc week ot pruyc the attendance tras not as cood as anliajuted owing lo sa macli siskucis li grippe of coarw r uariug xir kculeweus abscacc on eau- ilay hew sir hams ot waterdawn occa- pied the siahodist palpit the elections hare came and gone and it no remiiua lo be seen what aund ot tithen our town it lo have this year slav they be aa improvement on some of the last in epwortli league has been formed in connectionwithlhesteihodiitcharch the appointing of ofiisers md selections of woefc to take place u the next meetings strwilbnr sfarlitte and sister lea left si onday ntarnin foe trip to ilobile xfiss slary forester reiarned to her home in everton after spending the holidays with her brother nmst the aunnai oiteting olths llaltou agri colt oral society wm held yesterday circomtlidobi have ejrtsen lately that have caused the merchants of the town to grumble because of trade beihg taken from them tolbfl oily a golden wedding was held at the teal deuce of mr and mrs wm harrison milton on wednesday mr h is pg years old his son j k harrison v 6 of burlington iowa and other members of the family and fricuds were present he- farmer tho iicfvcmtr roads its helorm readers the fotlowing ictere lecture for electing d w campbell reform en to the poiitiou of mayor instead of fp dice consetva- tire mr dices defeat demonstrates this fact uamely thai some of the men who havo been the loadett id their protes sioni of temperance did uot hesitate on monday to fling their phuciples to the wind and swallow the whiskey candidate hook and all henceforth their utterances on this question should be takenwith a large grain ot aalt and a1 a big discount to preach and pray temperance and vote whisley ic uot the best way iu the world to advance- the caaioof prohibition and au einlanatioa ot- their conduct in this election is now in order for a pirty preseulauve the ilrfvctarc peaks oat bold lyaad it remarks will inaka some people ahiuk at a meeting of the traitee board ot the melhoditt church last woek the new church eulecpriie wu abandoqed for the lime being surely r this ii a ihortsighted move tue pomi lil tho dominion luuhrxdcillqt sum iryllth ooquids uti portraits of some of 6 ir noted mensir joseph hiokion having t is place ot honor while the hon p j 0 ci aureau ouoe a prominent figure in cauadii i pabho lite and dr j g bonrinot the n iw cm q form an interesting pair tl features ot the number will please of scenery the antiquary the ei for industrial progress and the patriot to whatever of these cusso belong there is a fine series brunswick views the house ii vaudreuil signed tho capitulation real an indian scene and a flue ar pictare by chataillou altogether ft is a 1 no num ber price ot nubscriptiou m a year address dominion illustrated ilbllshing company 7k st james street montreal other heaver thnslast anadian he may of new w filch if mont- senoiannual on sttjh3d1t jant uts- the hoi rtod w 0to mwttsrminis i lioise to rent v oti chuecb buuct at jicuiitgceih by mr albert lamb cotnforttbiu drelhdg4ldhliie aiilj- to h- j uoolle i i gbryrn co commence their great semiannual sale to continue for 30days the tourvjoe of gold duit shipped from british jcolnn bis last year wu hssuq an increase of u5751 over the figure for 1888 the m ners are now devoting their attfutifrti chiej f to quartz mining though siltttial wasiing for gold is still being carried on to spme extent thekeir brtmswick government hav ing at the hut session ot legislature re formed and widened the franchise and thns iieffeci declared the ensllng repre- enutres no longer representatives ot the country dissolved the assembly and ap pealed- to th new electorate on monday at the nominations on monday out of the d eeati the government claim the return of u aipporters by acclamation- i the new coixtv cockcil the sesaicn i ot the dominion parliament which will o n today may be enhvened by the inlrodac ion of the separate school and dual llaagua p question sent along from man rit a id also by a request far orange incorporitio should these subjects come up atetyeteriniiied struggle over thein mayjbe eaf scted from both sides other qnasuooi o wide interest will no doubt coins op for discussion- j a a great advantage in regard t in her climstff- tiic epidemic progress only upon mild although we have this seasou nted succession of danger- lre always feel that the clear hi days arc never tar awuy another thing to be thankful for is that the epidemic departs aboat u rapidly as it spreda unless it takes imoresenoa hold upon canada than it has yet done it- wifl not be regarded g y dangerous epidemic qere i i r at rotifiii esuouie tbe intotsses i ex penses in hecrpnin trial werejioo eipenaa 20000 steongraphers and type writers w6o6 the jury 1000 and the tola ocat lot tar from io6000 hadjarar cclver been a little more obstinate or there bfrp one man on the jury who jhad persisted p voting for acquittal this im mense si ra of money would have beefi a tctal loss and it would have become noces- jsay to i peed as much more tor another uxal tl e nuachief of which one jcror w capable u practically tacaicnlafcie eaix the fakir busiuesi has at last been ooa- sidered a disgrace to eric a bylaw has n passed by the couccil prohibiting fakirs operating there infuture itwill be remembered that confidence men reaped a great harvest during the recent fall fair afew- days ago thomas scttoa son of mr mark button erin township met wilh a peculiar accident while engaged in otiong straw intoa barn bysome means asmall scaffolding pole fell from the roof about four feet above him striking hiraioa the back ot the head near the neck completely paralyzing the whole body three physi cians were in consultation over the case sutton is perfectly conscious and has been all along but yet his recovery is very doubttol the acton methodist choir furnished music at the annual tetrseeting ot the charch here and more- thin sustained their reputation the cugicg being excellent aockwoop at the regular meeting ot iiockwyod lodge ko itj aotav the followiug officers were installed for the year by 1 mutrie marehal brejubcrarjivorlitui ttikjrjnltavli worfciai tbou ttol furtttu tuqmax jtio utcrxr jouu fcirstu ilccjrjvr jquj icio liumciir jcttu icqutccaircivcr luaicrt croft oiler wntcli jobs metric lunhtil- pm j burns representative to grand lodge smecoe john sinchtn and john inaes having been recorder and financier for three years tvcre appointed to visit grand lodge and receive the grand lodge degree the lodge his ot members in good standing mr hugh mcctnn at the foot comers eramosa had a portion of the root blown off his barn and narrowly escaped being blown down himself while attempting to fix it on monday will be calculated mrcai the wmc as it was lvst year only two municipalities in the county have changed representatives 10 the county council gcorgetowuand kelson oakviuc sends an additional member this year the council for i00 will be aa follows civic xrxiciriirnes aitox reeve w tt storey brcuxtitos reeve dr richardson gcoaacto reeve g h kennedy miltos reeve dr robertson iuvii4t- recvcm fclan deputy m l biggar una lajjieuilrndi evylxstsr reeve it graham depu ties dr webster and d cook kiiiwlii reeve james mcoi deputy d uutcheon knjs- reeve t i scott deputy j jficlde tutrujjj reeve ilcary robinson deputies dr liudc snd john husband the politicil compleiion of the council is reformers c conservatives 10 the wardenthip will in all probability he between messrs graham- of esquesing and scott of kelson the frxtfixs voles for graham ult tilt fotttcxk the well kuon lladieltr iurritrrlxaci an ktafc of wwu00 the wiltof the late james tit q c who died at his brothers residence in brampton a couple of weeks ago was ad mitted for probate on tuesday mr tilt was generally believed to hive boeu well bestowed as to this worlds gootfc and his will shows that be left behind somu0g000 this fortune be divides apamong his rcla lives ins brother- joseph of jbramptou getting nearly the whole ot it some 5183 000 these are tbe beqaeita annie beattie niece tjoo james tilt nephewj firm tan center road toronto township 100 acre free from allmcumbrsncet wm till nephewf 5000 fred tilt nephew 500g wm tqt brother 5000 elizabeth tiit uiecel 20e minnie tilt niece 2 500 charles grogaalncpbew tijfixs rev j p lewis h00o mrs grogan sister 1 200 pcij year dur ing ber life wilfred tilt oephsw son of joseph tilt his law library valae 110000 and interest in business provided ha stud es law and enters the profession joseph tilt brother the reaidae of real snd personal properly which rill amount to about f 163000 rev j v lewis ot grace gburch elm street toronto to whom the above legacy is left was the lat mr tilts pastor i i hi i will be placed on tables thlibe will beoondoclfdu oat bile hive been in the put ah good u nearly pjj prie wlihoot ukinr down the oenlreotthebtortuoio marked in llain figare that ewry oaitcmer will blta the trouble to uk the following are only few ot the many baream we are offmnjlonng drbhb q0008 5jri ene black and grey stripe al j udi colmal j yard fine black and grey plaid al 20c u 1 o u 7 4 pair kid oloe eventos we need hardly remind yon ot onr repu tation for carrying the largest and cboloeat worth 50c ifock of dreaa good in the weat yon omrmltlta will and theaeijood marked away downing bifflfljinio price and the fltylea decidedly new q ble will be devoted to liemnanu we carry a complete line ot dreea soil- i of black and colored dreaa gooda al ing while onr pattern dresaes at once at- i prices which will ininre a ipoedy aalc tract allentiod hy their novelty and beauty and the many line of theae pjoda will be hosiery and gloves mid at a great reduction a beautiful line ct ladiea colored cuh- among the bargain we offer in dress hoae at 50c former price 75c good are tho following lot xo 7 colored wool hoao at 20c 250 yardi colored dreaa ccoda at 10c former price 80c worth ujc 1 lot no 3 black wool hoae 1x0 yirda colored dreia good at 121c worth 30c at 20c worth sic 150 yard colored dreu gooda at 15c worth 18c 100 yard checked tweed atl2ic former price 18c 300 yard checked tweed at 15c former price 25c lot so i black bibbed wool hoae at cc worth 75c mmea hoae a few dozen of jtiaaea hoae at 10c 15c and 20o these gooda are worth more money ladiei colored wool glotea reduced from 10c to 25c ahadea reduced to 2ic house fubnibhihas linemwe import our own linen goodvdjwctlron the manufacturer and ourcutomergtbeneaot the dfler- enoe in price aeenred by ao doing unbleached table llnenispeoial line at 25c 30o and 0c blwched table ltoense the line we are aelling at 75c and ii is tibia ctohf8ui beiat- ful linea it 12i 150 lad 12 towvlitladie now i tbe tuw to lay in a atockol towela see the lot we are clearing out a 10c 12 je 15c 20c and wo toweuingaspeciil line at 5c 8c 10c ind grey flinaela at i greatlyveiaced pneea farm to rent lot sojsjii tliclt conof iiqftium ti jirohny ol iho uto llfiicw ilittum ol bo laased tor lenn ol tun forurtber tj- ilyio miry wccacnhoiil tieaiars or to klikiv iilis oi rk actoa wanted salksjien tv m11 narcrr sk arrsqttl ftritclwi jtniisncctfleanot i poiti or lie ririit iijeu uorj nd cxrti isld -tll- liunl in- m to 1 profit bl uiarlc n ducemet enea nwary giving h chailks h uiaii sunajiticii mcntitu ulis ppcr xbttcr ny- an oorid lit no ltcvioni cri- ouiftt free wril fox tenn tax notice notldt l lielb- cltcn ui all muaioip tax ut jwld ly ibe in id ioiijo acuni jiiy ljuili welliiigtou steainlanmg otjelph collals sc cira our mr ryan is now in europe selecting goods for spring we are the only drj- goods house in the city sending a buyer direct to the foreign markets this winter successors to john hogg son guelph i co haltox rxaiccas sacccisful jfmtin oftlic iuitllirte at oak ule ycrtrdsy two guys of the ucw saipensiou bridge at the falls snapped daring the storm oa monday but the bridge held together at the uamiltou assizes on monday ju3 moore wasfound guilty ot manslaughter in having caused tbe deau of reuben shoupe ot ilagcrtvtfle st g tsnford sta tion he got seven years in he peniten tiary ic attempting to board a paising train near the g t ii uliaa at watford on monday afternoon richard the 10 year old son of l fowler slipped and was dragged underneath the wheels of thn cars both englisl investors hold united states rail way bows to the extent of 150000000 sterlings yielding at the average rate of four and t half per cent an annual income of 6750 000 eut into dollars thismeans that fjtr railways alone contribute tirfhythree and a half mflllions in interest to englii h capitalists but besides these itrcestnu ate a vast amount of british mnnty he whole extent of which can scarcely be estimated and which is con stantly jeing augmented is invested in fam tx jt rnanufacfories and business of sll ki ids the t ra dskotasseem to be commenciiig careers as states under t inacspicious arcumstances- in message to his legislature the of north dakota announced that to tbe estimates there would be about jf000 is the states for the current year and that at iba pratenti rsie of erpechitare this sum was ekely to be greatly exceeded the governor of south dokota iui timihz bad news taannnunce to hfs legislature in thjs case iht estimated descit for the year being about f 173000 wtien in addition to these acts the destilntion among the farmers in some fccaiilies in both states is taken into conside ration it will be seen that the twins beginctdu under bppy circsm- jfoix f are no stances the mcsicd7alc0ckc1x vcr ii tie btutneat left for the iocs ltsf- latsi tn transact st their last steetln the sjuncil of isa met for the last time i moaday eveniug j thei b were present ltee e htorey iu the chair corn dilors becord hpeiglil and hurvuy- mm ilea of the previous meeting ceadaud cohfin icd- the committee on fiaaucc presented- their i weatysecoitd repcrt recommending rpsymi ot of aocoant as follows i itbuiui i t uobrc ilesutatiw uf 0ir4w uisrnsgo and liettlis 1 wch d remlriac strod iuniv j vg3 ib f lttoorc jrafj aunaal gtstaueal printing far ulcctloti etc if- ki j 1 upt i motion of councillor hpetght snd seoor the report was adopted it u reported that cousidersblo damage bdjjf en done to the park boildiug by the imisi infiof windows etc by person fre- jaffltl w ti p- ktn idlr jobo harvevecondrd jby alex spoop jbwtbebeeve be instructed to offer item dcstjteadouara for the apprehension idda ncttobrfh person orpenoris who besfee besriddowiintbeagricyiiaralhajl lad ni a sitnutf rewsrd he offered for statu ijltotbsi will coufict pertou irpst toba wy property rf jppoocatried troleukrows reeve ktuucdys majority wis g the park bylaw died a psicroldeathat the hands of the electors the agricul tural park will look bare and lonesome for another year the fouawingis the result ot the recent examinatiacs at the high school fdeu l jcxtoe dmsiox esclisk coiuosmo tsij gxulkiz mixjloohis gamble 62 tames short- ih 53 minnie williams i efowant price iz xelhe grieve t2 jtne cree minnie ctee vera board fo poeticll lrmiitree james shortill eg charles gambie l micnielwilliams 75 jessie eeid 73 jane cree ijjie har- ley 72 may tost 70 asrreiirnc james sbprtill v john mcuermid 5f- minnie wiluams bertie lymbumer 00 howxrd price 1 charlie gfamblaig jaoe cree 15 aiocj chas gamble may toct 100 minnie williams o0 james shortill chas wheeler 60 emma godfrey 77 kelhe grieve jane cree 7g totils mix f 00 james shortill 301 chas gtmble 2j mmhie williams j7 mar tost zll jaue cree 232 john hc- dermid 22i minnie cree it chas wheeler nellie grieve ikl bertie lyra- burner 177- these ten bare becu jromoted to the senior division siroudnicv third classi ks gciitjacmsx 105j b god- frey c8 w wlti ci c warren 62 h u henderson 00 w atftmsba 55 es- imc lrrontrcx max u0 ra mcgee v0 j- b godfrey flf letitia thornton c j kennedy 91 kale evans 00 thnrtell brown s5 gertie williams 83 aggie nixon 60 afirraarncmax 100 wy hilts 90 t brown 6j k- evans 80 annie mcgee 70 aggie nixon 0 k- ryan co aucirt annie mcgee vf t brown g k- evans k- ilyan bo beit wetherald 73 l thorntou g7 fs6t nixon cather ine kennedy go turilfmsuc iljt brown vi a mcgco 115 k kvaus jw j b godfrey w huts 371 c kennedy 7 a nixon 2j3 l thornton 251 k byan hz foiaru lad cfsss ks- gituijut k jjavey 78 w w stall g7 3 f byan 06 m murray j c n kyan 57- poiniitr lrteilirrra max 135 w csrriqoe8llt king si e- uatey j byaii 73 m murray 0j c henderson 08 c liytu gg g buck 03 aurnutriic w w stall 55 c hen- derou 0j c k- ryan 13 aieiia w w slufl 5g e dsrey 55 c nllysii 11 w srrurae it j f vlyvjii 4f j toriu lusja e davey 210 w w6tii237c n2i3 w carntioe 1115 j kbyait iwc c henderson 100 r kinitw tttrnld lee tbe tivonie tailor u tbe onlymau iu hallouwho keeps looucoat makers only his work eonsotiaeotly firntchus leave your orders with him if want your u ments cnurd sattilactory oyviui jan u jau institute mctting of the farmers of hsitoa which will extend over tomorror was opened this morning in the town hall here amongst those present were col campbell nelson e a peart darlington deputy bheriff clerealc milton peter mcculioch bur- iiogfau neil j campbell nelsou l k wrench appleby divid lucas appleby mili smith oakvillc llorris phelan warden county halloa w j bobtnson and lolm lobicson james ilobinsaa and mr bnunali oakville geo e fisher wis sppoicied secretary pro t tera dutin the forenooa session papers on drainage by john dryden m v p brcoklinuct on small fruit culture by e morden niters falls socth and on sheep firming by edward jeffs bond head were retd- thereafter the qaestion drawer was opened acd numeroua interest ing qceries answered in the afternoon mr g e fisher spoke on growiog apples g e smith church vijlc on holsteinssadairy cow and e morrison oa raspberry calturc tlicevenius was equally interesting bciufi eali vcucd with wajgs by miss patcr- 6cu sod the mises anderson jakville and a comber of other artists mr dryden in a short address dealt with ths fsr mers future mr morden answered the question who should grow fruit sjad mr jeffs spoke on the educatioa ot farmers sons igs wereeut iff and he only time ne lived a short v ar bhibtfe 10c famllj- washing withoal iroiinaisc per fsmly wssbing wilh lronrg i pr ioi i gfldtjcmajii v whinfi ad kcuainng star all prk guaranteed it ia cxs jf- ofllcsand wort5qcptc ttrwa p- goooi left wrtb kuy bros ocr isilvii actoorvill be nt w the laacdry sua ictarfet to theif arore free of charge at those friend li hackski rrorriei rhb 10 reward ibwe reward will be paid for the iplte beosioo aad convietion 6 tiir person o persois who detroycd the window ia tbe agri cultmal bsil a 6imllua kewakp wflflio paid for information wbich wfli lead t ujeaaictioqoany iru cr penoualoaafl destroying ay troicny withm lite corpottia ky ordtr vh btoluyli jskujrhliikic w lv tlit actos free pre the leadixg- ljocai newspa of llaltou couhi blisbed tvvry tkarsdi ag o sri criiitluu trier only tw lu ilvnnrt th cronin trial aeaiii ctuiifio jan u judge mcconnell thus afteruooa granted the application ot kunre tor a new triil but denied the molioaas to the other defendants coughlin burke and osauivan quadrciiieu apd triiileu st lorii mo jam 12 the wife ot e le page a merchant of ingersoh texas on friday cave birth to four weu developed babies the mother and littlti ones are getting along nicely the wife of n h pegram residing ore miles from carroiljon iu give birth to three girls yesterday tlicqttfcnfe ifcalth ljmfi jjtu it the yacca lias f5in- plefcd her preparations for a six weeks so journ at wcisbadea hy the advice of her physicians who recommendlhc waters ot that resort as l panacea for the troubles with which her majesty is afiected it ia dtated that her majesty his lately experi enced so much diciccity in locomotion that she assented to the trip only when assured by her medical advisers that the treatment prescribed was imperatively necessary as a means of averting complete helplessness caxadas comic papeit grii begins its thirty fourth volume wiih the new year which means that this brave little journal has celebrated its seventeenth birthday when wesay ok we can with out hesitation that its ability both literary and artistic has been kept up to a uniformly high standard throughout this lone period and thattvdyy it itf its bright us ever wc mention a fact exceedingly creditable not only to tho conductors of griy but also to the canadian people without whose appre ciation and support this phenomenon of journalism would have been impossible we call it a phenomenon advisedly lor so far as wo are aware there is uot another conn try of canadas age certainly uo other- colony that can ooat of a sixteenyear old comic journal- urqi has well deserved its success it nuol merely a clover and amusing paperit is alcoa recognized power in canadian pnhltc lift- and a power winch wc an glad to sajj is ulwajs on the rich i side where iucstions of moral principle are concerned it oujtbt tn be a pleasure to every canadian tocntitriboteto thesucoe of well journal and the mont practical wsy of doing this is by nubwriinng the price is only two dollars per year xullrc to tfulrwrlbcr mr john magwood vklonx road writes northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure it a iplendid medicine my customers say they never used auythingraorecscclual goodresulu immediately follow its uacj i know its value from personal cipericntjq ha ving been troubled for 0 or 10 years wnh dyspepsia since using it digestion goes ou without that depressing feeling so well known as dyspep tics i have no hesitation ic recommend- ing it in any case ot indigestion coiisti- patioo heartburn or troubus arising from a disordered itomach it is worse lhan madness to neglect a cough or a cold thich is easily subdued if taken in time becomes whm left to itself the foreranner ot consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tiasoe ot ihe lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a txrtuc ot bicklcs anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasra this formidauie foe of the human bodvv and drives il fruui the tys- tern this medicine promote a free an d easy expectoration subdues thei agh heals the diseased parts and exerts i most wonder ful infloen iu curing coc other diseases of the throat parents wish to save the children and thenaehes from much anii- ety trouble and expense let them procure bottle of bickles antlcousumptive- syrap and whenever achiiihas taken cold sumption and and lungs if lives ot their has a cough or hoarseness according to directions give the syrup i cry or ritchors casiori i jxiy v os tc re fjatw hr czxtatiz a he vzj s child the died f or castor o ihe baca stiss she clung to castoria ii t hmt children th rare them cajtforis some- for cvetybotiy some- for everybcclys taste the date priced on- the ubel of each paper denotes thecals op to wbioutlte sob cnptiou linii uen jkid for- everybody one feature of our xnms stock is that there is thin thin something or jcvcnboovs purse almost evcrybod has te practice a little cconomy in xmas biding tia make the gifts go round andwe are here to help everybody to do just that thing come and look through our stock and remem ber that next to selling its our great pleasure to show goods gro llvixns acton gold watches braclels silver watches ilkings liar kings brooches cult buttons bibles plush boxes annuals plush albums toy books xmas and new year curds toilet sets vases napkin rings cruets parlor games toys cups and saucers from 5 cts lip childrens sleighs no other place can a teryou such a completeassortnent come in ancj see us whether you want to buy or n t george ynds 1 acloti john bulli hi hahvays get 1113- dry goods boot shoes hand groceries hat the glasgow ouse hin acton toon hand dovrat yow go hand forget hit heither hi tell vow hit paysme hevery tahm hi deals wi cm joost try hit for yoursen hand see hif hi avent been tchin th treuth shndy siecaii a ilaee for bairgains as youglasgie iioosc jn aclont dinna ken o in a these pairts baith the misters henderson and mcrae arethocht wee of in a oor pairts an its the bonn bairgains the- gie that tempts the bawbees oot 0 anes pocket the noo and again pat ttyu lor three monuufor25cait great d y goods must besoldmoniy is the thing wanted and money vc must have 1 wc batc dctcriniueu ou a jij sale on liimdav otu lav of january iptulbe 10th day of march 1890 shure and where abouts in the wide world wud oi go til for the splindid bargains if it isnt till thim same misther henderson mcrae co the glasgow house- in acton beyant biddy always sinds me there for the foine tay an shugar and jdhriss goods an iverdthin else entoirely they bate all for cheapgoods and henderson mcrae ik co kcton ndtys0x t do th6 l great special sale continues 4t- the right hotjse itrvmilton wtfudoa does cot put hn roocib dowa one day aud up the beit be coiitiuue hia ureat kodacuou hale ol winter good daily until all are aold ilea oi dolmaui snort jaokbu and ipaletota are aellini at only hall price mantle and ulitet cloth goiogathaltprtoea knitted woollen bbawls and bcarla are aellini ofl at ar lew than half pnoe ij ao enormosa atook ol rem nauta of drees goods prints cretonnes munrtflng gooda emnroideriee sheetings pillow cottona and ginfinams going off at hall prices beaotmol allwool french liress goods dowu from 3yc to 20c new style of sootch dress goods from 83c to 20c from ssc to 18c new costomes from f im to i from h5 to 1373 from 10 to tlso from 1873 to k black bilks down from i lo tl30 from 1173 to tlmr from jc5 to y from to 11 w from 137 to fl ladies purses from tl93 to 50c ladies satobels from lliutb 75c carpets radooed very low linen diaper from 87jc to2ie from 50c to 37jo ladies mantles fromtl0to8 from 410 50 jo 80 trom413tot5 silk ploihe in all colon greatly redooed kibbons in new styles greatly re duced in prices a fall stock ol carpets m variousqoalitiea and prices fpm hemp op to charming wiltons carpet materials llnolenmsr oilcloths has bogs wiudow blinds wiodow cbrtaios etc in gnat variety of styles anilities and prices ar rivalsthls week lease bhbber cirootars direct from the i sootih roaoafaotarah lease linen collars aod cuffs 7 bates grey cottons pillow cottons bbeetiiigs oottonsdes bhirtinga wraps yams tioking 8krtings denims 1 case drees linings wigani glngbains cheese cottobs flannel shirt drawers ladiei vests genu lilk ties 1 case pin 8 cases curtain poles please enter the storeseast of the carpet window many make mistakes and do not get into the bight bouse corner king and hugbsonstreets hamilton jan ictli 1830 fe tbcptvtas o wateins we shall give a discounted t n per cent for spot cash on bles ofs2 and npwards nnth the e iceptiori of white cotton factory- otton and cotton spools whehj v ill be five per cent this t ill i tea rave c-tiancc- to get goods ah mi c xtraordinary low prices tlit go ids a re already cheap aud nil goxls 0 re advancing rapidly so now is j 3 ourg9lden opportunity tn fay- 1 1 a stock of dress goods dibss i ilks millinery mautla sba vls j- jloaking and ulsterins wtol- j bu goods furs prints cbttcns ickings cottonados checea j iihirtiugs diiiirus flaauils j adies and mens underclothing iosierv small wares titcids i llothsof all k kcailymjido 1 ilotuftii overcoats garpbts oilcldtlts oartaitis boots i nd i hocs felt overshoes fur eobei i 5tc ouf manufacturing depirt- uetitssucli us ordered clothug ressmakiug and millinery p o lull running order busy lnilcrs but we want to be tus- er tliisis goi ng to bo a cracker t a sale and whoever coru39 ret tho bargains ladies gen it- nen and everybody are all cos- lially invited tothfs salcatsju i ammoth house seor r oil i w mcleod co geok5e itffik oniy 25 cents m tso uykxy uksclultlos m fiubber and mai 3tamif mhqusz t8tewiet mfp c4 ka king bu weil f cranio