Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1889, p. 4

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i- i i gfrc jtrimt fttifim thuesdlti auqtj8t 18m ftp mm jwjts anhltam bdnrl ttaorulu joom hj way c wtr htt triln8 in tnomi joa qomtow oric ybfttrttaroootiniuilr rufrotttbtseyftc upon nrr oooulob b started tb bvl at the tollest ttias or nothing at ill tdl hts mother declared why thoophuiu dear d you are not more careful roa wool leave a tear and sows day you know 1 might happen so your feelings or bead mlchi roccin a bar blow 1 blow that woold reeily be worth a tear s by being so lavish it tweaeuu i fear ii bar oot a tear left lieinr bereft or the man that arc ueedfcl to make a food cry with so means of relieving your feelings youll dtor but tbeophuo paid to this counsel no hood he continued to roar aad cry as before the family wished themselves deal yes ln- deed- altbough certainly some 01 them wished he mi dumb for surety anloog things eioeesirely trying hay be reckoned the child that forever is cry- j far leh the worst at the story remains to be told he waa weeping one morning 4mcaasc it was ooid- when ha felt a strange quiver a shake aad a shiver it becan at the point where hit eyes met hu note and ran through bi backbone quite down to bis toes astonished he stopped for an instant his wih and when to renew it he tried ah sad tale alas how can i tall ot thetste thai betel tbispooriittleboyiound hed cried himself drr not a tear could he squeeze from bis dear livue eye chough be straggled bis hardest 1u useless try 1 vein ill tain i andui nniatisfactarv cry is 0 one where yon havent a tear in your y r boys be warned by his fatec before hu top late doot cry for small matters blight braises and batters or indeed who can say it might happen toxne day when todm weighty occasion for crying should lik tond be left like young jones with no tears iuyoor eyes i 7oorf clxr jungles and jorblets half u how with the wis m the vfiit andthelsraffraplildrucdar t j i worms own ferwriihoe pioaqtnflanl reusqba daring atop mother jgriivm worm eitermioatoc it pleasafit tun and effsctaal if yooc druiit has nonila took yat him to prflpuw it for you bata4reuau- i highly reoommendpr fowlart eilract of wild strawberry for corio cholera cholera morbai oouo crtmpt dfirrhcca djrtantery ami all maimer complain u it ii safe and reliable for cbildron and older persons miss hiley fixscukbomos esy worth qoe hegttltu the liver and bowels by the ja- diciom ate of national pills they are pure ly vegetable r the oklahoma boom forms an iottance of a wild ruih for j an ancertaiaty which is fast the opposite of the steady booai enjoyed by burdock blood biuers bayers of this medicine get a cer tainty au uaeqaalied remedy for will eases of the stomach liter bowels kidneys and the blood as a healing eootbuig application for cuta woauds bruises and sores there if ooliuojt better than victoria carbolic sa scccs ix smau pbcitctltcre the laie e p roe used to say that the secret ol toocesiin small trait enltare mjgfat be foand in two words stim ela tion aod restriction by stimulation he meant a tforoogbj polyeriied and enrich ed sotl thu is especially enentisi to the strawberry the foreign raspberry and ail the currants a rampart growing rasp- berry lite the cathbert or tnmernd oar tujorotu blackberries do not require stim ulation bat they do restrfcition by rmtrintion he meant the derelopement of frail rather than wood or tines bet oat a strawberry plant in very deep rich moist sqq and its tendancy is to follow thfrrrest law of natnre and propagate itself bat to the degree that it makes plantr it cannot make fruit cat off every nmaer and eoormoosfrnii bods are developed the sap is dammed np as a miller restrick a stream and the reeolt is that strawberries are dbnhle in size and- quantity this is equally troy with rurpberriea corrant bashes ezawded with wood bear little fxmvr i- s dont ennb a boy because his home is plain and anpretendinjf a ltn- cohis early home was a log cabin annex to uotbxs are yon disturbed at night ad broken of y oar rest by a sick child anffering and cryinj with pain of cat- ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of krs winslows boothinff symp far children teething its vmlae ir incal culable it will reheve the poor little saflerer immediately depend upon if mothers thereis no mistake about it it cores dyseotrv and diarrhoa regulate the and bowels cores wind colic softens the cams redaces inflammation and gtres tone and energy to the wnole sys tem urs winslows soothing syrap for children twthipg fg pleasant to the taste and is the pres of one of the oldest anil best female physicians n arses in the united states and u for sale by all drnggiats throaghont the world- price twentyfite onrts a bottle be sore and ask for mrs windows soothing byrnp and take no other trjnrf c c eiouds 4 co gbxts i have osed your minards linf- ment in my famhy for some years and be lieve it to be the best medicine in the mar ket as ft does all itts recommended to do camun forks n3 dunn kitesteiu john uader mshone bay informs as that be was cared of a very severe attack of rheumatism by tiling minards lfbiment timely wisdom- timely wisdom is shown by those who keep dr fowlers extract of wild striw berry oahsnd it hu no equal for cholera choleri morbm diarrhoea dysentery oolic cramps and all summer complaints or locse- ness of the bowels jamea h gilmoar of t gtimojor 4 wholesale grocers brookville bsjb hare ased tamsxac elixir or a severee and cottjifij which it in mediately relie and cured milbarns aromatic quinine wine is is- incuy superior to any other as aa appe is- inj tonic acd fortifier 3 tears la bed- gentlemen i tried your fowlers eilr ct of wfldstrawberryindwu perfectly car d from sickness i was sick in bed for ili ee years and after taking six bottles i tu perfectly cared and nor i would not without the medicine in the boose jflss enuyiu ftllei vcreker p 0 ool l if yoa want to bay or sell a farm vertise in the toronto wtckty mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers honjes every week and yoor advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are serted in the toronto thy mail forfi cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada the foot cardinal points- the stomach the liver the bowels and the blood are the four cardinal points health these burdock blood bitters acts upon o strengthen regulate cleanse and purify thus restoring and maintaining per- healuu bb- b is natorei true tonic stnd renovator i mr george toiendroggistgravenhcrst wries my customers who hive used northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cure say thxt it has done more good than anything they have ever osed it has indeed a wanderfolinfiuence in paritying the blood and coring diseases of the digestive organ the liver and kidneys and all disorders of the system crcwned er raenwaeif j the head ol anyone goffering from cons tipation bilioasiess or dyspepsia will harbor asickheadcbe by regulating the bowels arousing the torpid liver improving diies- ioo and porifyine the blood burdock blood bitters banishes sick headache no matter how severe or obstinate it may be j ceaswaipuoa garelycored to tle editor please inform your readers that i haw a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by il timely use thousands of ho i- iess cases nat oewi rexuiueutiy cored i shall be slid to send two bottles of my remedy mix to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and p o address bespectfully dc t a blocc i west adelside sttorooto onl the proper ehxoel for the escxpe from the system of impurities which would if they remained poison the blood is throegb the bowels when this outlet it obstructed it may oe diseocumbered with xorthop lymon vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure a remedy which regulates the sys tem invigorates digestion and is pore and safe as wellaseffectire it cures all diseas es arising from impure blood the third page of the toronto vatif jfw arnoted for want advertisement if you want to buy or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a basi- ness machinery lodgings if yoa have lost j or found anything or if yoa want to find oot where anyone is advertise in the to- i ronto da2y mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cenu a word each in sertion address the mail toronto can- tads gohert laird bl margarets hope orkney 6cotkod writes i am reqaest- ed by several friends fo order another par eel of dr thomas electric ofl the last lot i got from you having been tested ia i several cases of rheumatism has given re lief when doctors medicines have failed to j have any effect tbe excellent qualities of i this medicine sboald be made known that fw millions of sufferers throughout tbe j world may benefit by its providential dis- scorer r l freeman s worm powders destroy and re- jmove worms withoot injary to adult or in- tont v i those intolerably paipf ul and constantly baxassing things pile which trbabfe so rnany people are soon healed jby dr thomas ecjectric oil the great external remedy for physical sofferiog and means of relieving paiar a very small quantity ieuferes result of the most gratifying lind hlmantwmlmrmt frr hmmtltm or b pfayifsos and chemliti j certify that imperial cream tsrur baking powder is made from pare cryital cream tartar and english soda sod isiby far the best known sold fay all grocers paines celery compound act at the famc time on the nerves the liver the bowels and the kidneys this combined odion girts it voa- derfu power lo care a i dueues whyarewe8ick because we allow the notes to 1 remain weakened and irritated and these great organs lo become clogged or torpid and poisonous humors ore liiercfoc forced into the llood that fcbouij be expelled naturally r cmpouhd will cukebiliooairzssplxea cohbtipat10h ehmt cos pxahttsoeiliaetdibeafleb itsuxeweaihefiehetjmx tisu bxotalola avs all jzb70n mweke1u sy qmdintj and strcngihenlng the nerves and causing free action of ihe liver lotrs and lidncys and restor ing their jovrcr tolirow ott disease tby tnser hiuns pjai ud aeha why lamented with pile catiwust i wtijfribtacdoerdiortjkiiatyil why esiaie nerreos er sin htaaacbssl why fasti slccpuu slfhu i uk paints ceiwt comrowpj and rejoice in health it h b etrtirtjy refsts- blciraktdybannleu lu allutt seldfyqll dnfffitft friafuoo wtusricasbdeontcortairutm moktnkaiipq jtwmiisiiutmciirgi an old phykician retired from tractlot hartng hfci plud m hit hmdiv eu india mission wy ths formala ol aslmpls vegsublfl rtmwy for tht apweqy id per- manwtoirtcif coniampuoorbroiohltii osta ajthmaandajilhroskadi loos affeotfimuj kin it poattlro and twuoll core for kervous djebihty and all nirrotlicom plaints afiwiaviog tested itt woioderfol caratitje powefs in thousanfli ol oaau has feltithlidnty to make u krjownjiohii sofferiog fellof s actus tea by thli motlvt and ft deer td relieve human loffertdg i will send free of charge to all who desire it this reolpeiq german frebch or enfi- iih wttb foil dlroctioni for preparing and using bent by mall by addreuldg with stamp naming this paper w a notes 149 powers block rochester n y va xcataad cesnrerl trthe harerlb browns household pansoea hu no equal for relieving patn both internal and external it cores prjo io the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooths ache lumbago and any klod of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal sa its acting power is wonderful v browns household pan acea being acknowledged a the great pain rliaveraud ot doable tbe strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world j should be in every family handy for use when wanted a it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds and is for stleby all druggists at 15 cents bottle it is worse than madness to neglect a cough ar a cold which is easily subdued if taken fa time becomes when left to itself the forerunner ot oonsampttori and prema ture death idammatioo when it attacks the delicate tissue of he lungs and bronoh iai tubeb travels with perilous rapidity lueu do not delay get a bottle of bickjes aattconiumptire syrap the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from tile sys tem this medjicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the coagh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful indaenc iu curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lives of i their children and utemselues from much anxi ety trouble and expense let ihem procure a bottle of sickles anticousataptiro syrap and whenever a child has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions cvrr11al drifxc33hay fcvm a ncw h9mc tbcatmclrr euffcters arc no rcrcrally aware that these diseases am con jloos or that they arc due to the- pjrcc of living parasites in lie hnin membrane of the nose and ccstichian isfcet xticnwcopia research hotctcr hai prated this to bo a fact and the result of this discover is that a simple remedy has been formulated where by catirrh caurrhal dcafnea and hay fever are jkroancntly cured ia from one to three simple applications mode at hesoe bj the rauent once ia to weeks kb this ttiimcnt is not a snuff or an 0 ailment both have been discarded by rcpunbla physicians as injnrioos a pamphlet expvning this new treatment is tent on receipt of ten oents by a h dans ft sos 803 west king street toronto canada trnnta globe j snfferera from caiabal tzoobles shoold arefnilrrtai the above rich and poor prince and peasant the millionaire and day laborer by their commoo ose of this remedy attest the worldwide rep utation of ayers pills leading phy sicians recommend these pills i for stomach and liver troaues costive- ness biliousness and sick headache also for bheumatism jaandice jand uraigia tbeyaresugsr-coatedcon- talhoio calomel are prompt hot mild in operauoa and berefore the rery best medicine for family use as well as for travbters and tourists i have derived great relief from ayers pills five years ago i jwas taken so ill with rheumatism that i was unable to do any work i took three bpxes of ayers pills and was entirely cured since that time i am never wit boat s bar ol tbciie pills peter cliristensen sherwood wis ayers imlls have been iu use in my family upward of twenty years and have completely verified all that is claimed for them in attacks of piles mm which i suffered many years they afford gnatcr relief than any other medicine i ever tried tfi adams holly springs texas 1 1 have asi ayers pills for a n am ber of years and hare uevet found any- thi tig equal to them for giving me aa bpptiru and impartiog energy and strength in iho srstem f alwsys keep them fit the itouse r d jackson wilmington del j two boxes of ayers pills cored me of severe headache from which i was long a sufferer emma keyes hubbarostou xass whenever i sm troubled with con stipation or suffer from loss of appetite ayers pills set me riht again a j riser jr rock house va ayers pills are in general demand among our customcrn our sales of them exceed those of all other puit com bined we have never known hem fail to igive entire satisfaction wright k honnelly san diego texas ayers pills dr j c aer k co loweir mm sod mr ill italen in medietas dr fowlers ext of will itrwberry i cures holera holeramorhus 01aic8- ramps i larmea ysemm ahd all summer complajhts amd fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults i lp at xi id jermyns acton a picnic for bargain seekers 5000 yds of nov dross goods in the scsroe shades such as mahogany and green at about ball prfoa we can save yoa si least so wr cent black cashmeres reduced to s5 s3 60 65 to and 15c wr ffturante the 15c line lo be silk wtrv and wellrworth si pec yard we can ive rou at least x percent new prints zephyrs chambra and lruslins a good assortment ew bbadec heary wide cloth and tut djes- we can save you c per cent in this line gloves and hosier ail kinds mates sad color we ictc ycasc per cent here we dost pretend to sell goods cheaper than every other boose in canada for there are others rho sell equally ss cheap but they dont do business in this county satins a grand une of satins etemnff shades ktka cents per yard do not delay as this line is boiiis picked op rapidly and ve cannot repeal u 1 than s3 cents millinery during oly ro will sell all trimmed hauat cost and untrlmmed hats at i5 per cent be low cost kow la tbe time to secure seme of tbe finest tuts at medlom prices parasols corsets and bosues in variety boots shoes and groceries remember re hare the best 15c tea on the market this bxtraetfrom the scientific papers of great britain and europe a kw umtvhe tm uemc1mz thsotgrwtestmeoueialeratres of the wbrld london paris berlin aid vienna these cities ears immense hospitals tecnisj with inffiring bmnaniy crovrdu of itodibu throng tbo wrtit stadyinfjmder thitrofesiors in charge thsmoitranowsedjuirsi ehtni of tbo world teach and rsac u here and the institutions cro atorehouies of medical knowledgo aad svpsrlsnoe with a view of making this isperjenco avafiblo to the public the hospital remedy co at great expense secured tbo prescriptloni of these lioinitals mnired the ipecincs and ol- tbooch ft would cost from ms to itoo to secure the attention or their autlnfuisbed orlfinators- yet in specifics lids way thtir rntssred rs offend at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly eulm io ears very ul from a single bottle- tbo wast always felt for a reliable class ot domesue remedies is now nllsd wits perfect aatlsfaetlon tbt hospital reraedlei make no unreasonable claims the ipecific- fbr catarrh enres that and nothing alm so with the specific for bros emtls consumption and long troubles bheumatism is cored by no 1 while troubles of digestion stomach live and kidntys have their own eon- t these u added st ipeciflc for fever and ague one fox female weakness general tonic and bloodmaker that makes blotl and rives form and foineas and an incomparable remedy for mervooi debility icurcc eataium tiat mitt rose c-0ca7ar8ha- viafhe tb orlf autigrtti ears enabling frum celtntfe toareu now mar ih t psbtje tfti ft tot a onugor otatmtalbota are tixsrttf cs tujzri tz 8100 so qcqvgfiz colds 8h0h uttjb asthma cgn3uh7i0na ircompafatiti rtisic do not nvjr cioi r er- c- bui erofeatcs us dlstott mi ctreajtla the lgs cri ruioru wattml titty cltirj c ta izzzs cf 9100 50 0hheumavssa dlhhyahttt end seff- lrozn c ecejit h ss fvscs ia partt mho trtats rcihing cht iut u npuiaooaoi thlt rpttdt 4h so iuyer atn kmtrs ctep8a ahd ikdiqestioh cctstipatloh bright8 disease- a fevortte tlouohttrjlii for via tvaek win mar ruuitd vore ttomaeko than afc vs a tmti taaitlontd is high pact 100 so 1nveb ahd aque 0uu8 auqe ualam muralqtaftw know arhat grace tiaxiagt thlt 4ot thttfttm ft it trtatta ff brtak it far a tlirt- vtt rtntdo that tnutkatu it 100 00 female weakmess lazeguumtiet whites hany mnta en broict cooi becaum thtf cagltet tittt dlttotu until ibroele czc twiu utt mo b ondrtgafn htaltk and ctrtrd ft 00 ko tffiw form amd fulness arsrf eood blood end lotto ft ffmtak fbtoed ft pcrr ltcnwttiuptrfkttomle 100 ho keh0vs deeiutr loss of pdwesri euack eurtriddtn public kiv hdl a ccrcfrs rocrf for an u fort vat atndlthit mo 0 h cold n ahha tut trial mill pnm beware of igacrcxt coeeks mho ehano high prlczm forcep eu1 eorthkt drwgt eai pllir tht propvtict ef ckld iktg en ittttrlf igmotomt and mho cxpets iou by rcmac your cenfdtnuatlttttft to olari la tht temt refcrloai buti utt mo 8 end ioc tgein 100 to be had opall dbucaists ll roar drajfht fen ael keep 0mm remcn rank prtc to h tri ht 4h to r- ifrect knrriln tih s cittt mhtt i dfmtamqmxantmmoiaatammbiaad tbcm fctfi tz llcapiu kaodk q ham mamic bbov iwd tit fjcrwm xakd tk 11 ud dtaaaca indlybo proced 1tujtmcbttcalalixmmtaim antcumuuaubiiclu aaieflrou dmihto hhaaidaekacn out tbouw cat men ibu om lkjur for twmt dtkv tb modlctocfb- fiilojaiajberti6vbest hrlmrtbmdbknugkstfderrrtabtnilbdetr wriwwkom tml ti m tamltaf tfriuki bm uu ud bwtved to alt k da n dpmil ttaxa ttx orir maiimj m mency in m tw qmck adopwi frm tckwf tim tnutmiz mk or tba eonsdinj aalt buy ef ftp- sti ud ttsparjbk itm oakat hninrn attr iiii niii mm cad w tnitx djkj f tls we boeoi et may at om wbetoe to ftva man iwm iihiih tkaa doxen of ur tpcdsl or pc iimmwbyjmim vm caliileewi a proprietor -great- sumiaerkrf fsiile out our summer great bargains willbe given in imillinery qlpves feathew rib- jbons straw goods ot all kindt a fine ladies straw bat wortii 3100 for 25o6orae as low las 18c dolmans jackets ill cloth and ilfc to be slaughtered parasols 35tpriginal prjee 1 qreae lines of dress qocjds re duced to c 9c 10c 12jcy and 15c worth double the money muslins plain and printed 6c 8c 10c and 15c a hue ot fine fancy mnslin for 10b worth 25c black and colored silks at marrellqus jlow prices for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pinis new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slides and napkin rings b say age gcuelph colored satius and slks trotn 25c per yard up a beautiful jblack andcolorert 8atin merve- jleauxatsoc per yd seersuckers for 6c wdrthj 10c prints 6jc jworth 10c gjingbams and cy prus lawns in j great variety ifor oc per yd and np 35 yds of ifactorj cotton for 8100 white cotton for 5c 8c ind 10c per jvd worth 20 pent more n also we are astonishing tbe cople in summer lieadymade lothing nice icoats for 50d all nrimmeo8e stock has been bought right we are selling it cheap ana we have reduced large lines to be sold regardless of cost uemnantsinsilk8dressgjoods print8tweedaand other roods very low it wjllpay you tf give us a visit of jourse our u5jin- ary department dressmwing departmeo t and ordered clothing department is running at high pressure speed 1 turning out toe stuff to suit the most fastidious wmmcleodco mammoth houser aeokqetown eanjway and trunk raihkissgi mixed 8a iu eiisbf fml mill 1q ffifkfe rhrmwh epj 00 djn 1 jjj 9tn ieooiu j5 arpvlffihi our spring goods kelly bros ordered clothing new hats spring ties kctom a look through our vel auoned and nobby stock ot spring snitings and pantings till risce yoa the hrce the choicest coods in the coanfy a perfect fit guaraateed erery time a care or fare eyes is a look through kelly bros elegant assortment of tie most fa spring hats tbich they can sell cheaper than any other home in the county and most faabionaile spring ties and yoa can ve moner by buying your beady hade clothing at kelly bros e have just reo ired he cbodcest pat erna ults trora lt5 up pooitt tirtnan rrluil moner by buymgyour beady uade clothing at kelly bros tt iveaqy jilaqe olotainf a very large stock of men tooths boys and childrens suits which are of thi 7 and styles uens soils from uo np odd pants frdia iu3s np childreasf dry goods grocerje8 oct supip dry goods caat be bcal otirubckef groceries is vcrcoutiiletc and of best quality st lowest price our x jnn tea beats the world prteef 1 per bottle or drbctosfcsil dniaflsulutekctcusntforyerftwaiii aent to any address ia receipt tttmkttlm rsfftkexdlll coenosbeft-fc-ft- bold dy all dbcggist wlfca 01 utt duggggssglstfjtg che celzbbated fioiai yeiscssm- moa aeedaeacael t rttnut kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros a word to the wise is sufficient fci rai atrbei a ttetntlisv l iitboiaka atliaakm 1 sea lfre taw bt ije3 at o2 wt tmvb d cto box 110 auctm tssmh what we intend doing for our customers 1 the wale way to do business is to sell goods on their merits and we can say that aa we make our ewn goods such aa ibirain woe and ctiion caxmu we fawjw what we are selling we invite ear customers to call and lee ui before buying- elsewhere and don t be deceived by other merchants who say our carpf ta are not np to the mark people who do not make caroeta do not know u much about them as those wbo wnnfacture and we aatall intending ptrrciiaaers to i i call and ice us notictfwjouowingforlodayi i all ol 6- u nion 30c tapestry 30c brussels 60c hemp ioc per yd ah wool stair carpets 25cperydr specialty lace curtainb only 50c per pair urdock p 1 lls hisunecunb fonbiuousflccocorictipatjorl moigcorion di2thcooicr hcadachti aflo diseases off thc stomacfi livcr ahd dowclo thct aneiiiothonoucii ano mpani ih actwrvafld roru a vaujasl alft to dwnpock cloptt crrrcrs mi the tnurtjcvr ah 9 pone or crinpnld flwpoteynatg d1sca0c3 1 j rbjlrmyn jerinyu sells clieip he largest scale works in canada over 100 styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases money drawers hettehsfatrs mi btrreiem unuu lamit u tvu wriw a unu c wilson 4 801 0 esplanade sterr east tohontcont fawjib ww 7 una ko wjfcif r clhrk thompsons 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod cos drug stbre th9 ffflr er than ever this isteeki co i to r a to h pq bigger lot of goods bigger bargains bigger bruslies bigger brooms l bigger stock tflurwure j bigger 16qt pails bigger 10 qti bigger brzes of matohes bigger everttlmg come early dont miss it if you do you will regret it the rest ofyodr natdra pails life the a in mrs secord8 block next to havils fin sthi- i w i i makhooltt how lost- how restoroflt r jnitpabllihed a nr edition ctvtwa irelva colabratprl jbaaay on the badkaleos of spermatorrhoja lor incapacity indnte tf excess or early indiscretion the celebrated author lit this sdminms essay clearly demonstnite3 from a thirty fa r 1 successful praciioe that the iharmin mbs qnences of early error may be radicahy anwl v pointing oot a molo of cereal onaajsttrfftv eerteip and effectual by iseansol wblcaent sufferer no mattar whaj bis coodiaon msysetw may cure himself cheaply prititciy and rsflo- txthis lecture- should be in tbchands olenrf youth and every mania the land bent undersea in a plain onvdoptwl t address on receipt of four ceuu ortwopesjssf ampa address ttu oilterveu moafeoo iaskst karoaa pabexf ltit jua will biliousness indigestion jaundiceic erysipeus heartburn- hajjche aarf a vary specios of d from disordered liver kw stouacb bowels os blqc1w t mmffin cot a or relieve 0i221ness drorer fluttering of theheart acidity of v thest09ach dryness oftheskw i acton rcre 1 do not mean n a tlmt anil then have tnem itwp a kadical ithie ibpilepst or lina sickness v life long study 1 waaiusx my jgkgtjj cxuktheworstcases lkcauseolhrrsnaveiawij is uo rcison for not now receiving care new at onr for a treatise and a f jk eottixoiw ivfaluklk hfjirhy ve j8hj qfilm- it coste von irothlhij f wl will csrow alrr h g 99j brojfch office 164 west adaltudo 9wr toronto fovs worm syrup dcstrots and remove dr allikind nchii adults s oannotthahm jthf it idetllcatech v i i hupa saiggg itv sv j

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