Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1889, p. 4

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i i l m llijttmfitttis tuhiffiat jancary 10 l88 hji founjj jfolks ssaporo rax ruruns we abaj ami w the joy oe fear of thlefa tbe coming life l tutdc j and oil oar fatnrci ttmoaphrrc with nurthifiecr with ihaac tbs tissue of the life to i w wravs oar colon all our own india the field of destiny we nap u we hate sown still hall the tool around it call tha shadow which it albtrcd hr and painted ou the denial tall the past ball wtppear think r the note of holy was on ufltous tuneful oar have died think ye that raphaels ntl throne hat vanished frpui his ode 0 op we live our life ajalu- or warmly touched or coldly dim tue picture of toa at remain kans work shall follow him jingles and jokelets halt an houtwuu ui kite mcu- llic wltt and the latftffmphl of the day mhbonie beef iron and wine is pre pared from fresh bocf soluble iron and pare sherry wine combihed with choice aromatic j ace youtuiade miserable by indigestion constipation duaiucag loss ot appetite yellow akin shilolit yitalfur ii a positive eaw for sale by k mcgarvin ahead prill i haw ued hagyardi pectoral balaam in my family for year and hat found it ahead of auy preparation of tha kind in cariarooidstclc icau specially oom- mand it for children alex moffat mill brook oat sorrisr congratalaung aa episcopal congregv tion in tbe townships lately upon the open- ins of tbeic nv church a cenueman of an other denomination wound op by hoping ot the time wbeninsteedtl presbyterian churches uethodistcharhesaodpisoopal churches we should all unite in one church which should be called christs cborctl considerable amusement was caused by a member of the new church jumping to his nt and announcing that it had been de cided to call if christ church aad he trusted the hopes of the last speaker would be at once carried into effect public speaker actors and vocalista find and jiate thst dr thoroaa electric ou relieves hoarseness and irritation in the throat better than remedies specially ad vertised to relieve that difficulty this oil has a wide scope since it cores external harts cans tores frostbite piles aad a rariety cb other unhealthy oooditiona prneaee r xlad presence of mftd is good m cue of acci dents and emergencies and when coupled with eagyards yellow oil will often care life yellow oil cares all painful iojuries burns scalds bruises frost bites rheuma tic and neuralgic pains and is in fact a handy and reliable surgical aid ceaaampttm cstretf an old physician retired from practice having had pucedln his hands by an east tni missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for thespeedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positite and radical enrt for nervous debility and all xeqrout com plaints after ha ting tested its wonderful caratm powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty ta mala if known to his suffering feuowa aeiotes by this motive snd a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng lish with full directions forreparing and wing sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a- hoot lift powers bbckbochesterk castse asd effect many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent caase it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood and lira are jpot performing their regular functions andj with many person they wul follow a flulli heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case of dyspepsia purify the hlooovcleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using- mourns ms mandrake mixture prepared by j by kfeacham 133 tonga street a chemist of nineteen years have yon tned holloways corn core it has no equal for removing these trouble- some excrescenses and many hare testified who hare tried it nothing so suddenly o the pers piration as sudden transition from heat to cold heat rarines the mood quickens the aroolation and increases the perspiration bat when these are suddenly checked the consequence must be bad tbe most common cause of disease is obstructed per spiration or what commonly goes by the name of catching cold coughs colds sore throat etc if attended to in time are easily sobdsed but if allowed to run their own courae generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases- kinetenths of the consumptives dale their afflictions from a neglected cold and the dffr that axe caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numerous than are generally supposed one of the mojrt efficacious medicines for all diffa of tie throat and lungs is bickjeianticonsnifi ptive synrp it promotes a free ahdv easy expectqratioo which frees the longs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state elderly bride to her husband j dar- ling when i begin to grow old and plain wih you worship me as passionately as you do now young husband ah dear can yon doubt me ikryoa iin for a moment that my lovtt to you is so short- livedr eestam4csrrf fae fiafterfso browns household panacea has no quai for relieving pain both iaternl and rternal it cares pjua ia tbe side back or bowels sore throat elieumalisin toothache lumbago sod any kind of s paluor ache itwillmostsurelyqnlcfc en the blood aod heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as ihe great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment ia the world should be la every family handy or use when wmteov as it really u the bat remedy in the world for cramps tnrtbe stomach sod pains andiess of all klnds aadisforsaiebyalldroggijtsafc 25 cents sbtttitv john llsyi credit p 0 myahu shoulder was so iamo for nine mouths that he could not ratao his hand to his head but by the uso of dr thomas ecloctrtcoilthe pain and lameness disappear and although three months has elapsed lie has not had aa attok of it since janics ii gilrnocr of t gilmour t co wholesale grocers bropkville says i have used tamirac elixir far a severe cold and cough which it immediately rcli ed and cured for lame liacki side or chest use shilohc porous plaster price 2jj cents for sale bv k garrin there is no better reraed any kind in children or lows worm syrup- far worms of idclt than dr a talsalile dtsrover f p tanner of keebiag oat says he has not only found b b p a sure cure for dyspepsia bnt be found it to be tha best medicine for regulating sad invorating the system that he has er taken b b- b is the crest ejstem regulator croup whooping congo and bronchi ti mmodiately relieved bysuhohscurc for sale by k mcgarvin i if you want to bay or ell a farm ad- ertise in the toronto irariy mall that paper reaches 100000 fanners homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye ot someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class arc in serted in the tcroato ittfy hall far five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada burdock puls cere rick headache by reg ulating the stomach liter ted botreis a nasal injector free with each bottle of shillohs catarrh remedy price 5q cants foe sale by k 5f cgarvinj a cure for dcafncs there have been many remarkable cures of deafness mideby the use of hagy trds yellow oil the great hoaishold remedy for pain inflammation and loreness yellow oil cures rheumatism sore throat and croup and is useful internally and exter nally for all pxins and injuries 6kin disease are most tuaoying because so noticable dr lows sulphur soap heals and cleanses the tkm the weakness and debility which result from illness may be cpaedxly orercome by the use of ayers sarsaparia this is a safe but powerful tonic assists digestion reg- ulalet the iver and kidneys and cleanses the blood of all germs a of disease why will you ooagh wbta shilohs care will give immediate relief price 10 ct 50 cts- and u for sale py k mcgarvin brakes dawn after eusering with djbpepsia kidney disease loss of appetite and pain in the iead until discouraged 1 heard of b b b toofc two bottles and am happy to say i feel as well as ever plrs euf as e merry kew albany k s shitohs cough and is sold by us on a guaarntee sumption for sale by k co isdmptioj mr h mccaw cnstfla writes 3iy wife was pepeis and rheumatism ft she trfed the different- not get any relief until sh lymans vegetable d peptic cure she has it and now gads herself than she has been for yea house toronto with dys- r a long time but did used korthrop very and dys two battle of u better health medic nes tttieo the best anodyne and tqe cure of coids and cong long and bronchial roubiis ly ayers cherry pect druggist for it and at the ayers almtcac which is the prcpec channel for the system of impurities they remained pnison the tbe bowels when the ou it may be disencumbered lymans vegetable discova tic cure a remedy jthich tern invigoras digestion safe as well as effective eases arising from impure ion core it cures con mcgarvin expectorant for is and all throat is endoabted- rsl ask your same time for iree to all he escape from rhich would if jlood it througfa let is obstructed rith korthrup iry and dyspep- cegolates the tys- and is pore and it cures all djs- ilood ehilohs 1tailzer is wbj t you need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per- bottle ior sale by k mcgarvin asma m mothess are yon disturbed at nighi and broken of your rest by a sick 04 suffering and crying with pain of cnt- ting teeth iftorknd atonce and et a bottle of krs winslows soothing syrap fcr children teething its ysloe is incal- cnlahse it will relieve the poor lfttis snf- erw munehtuif depend upon ft moth t thtn if no mistake aboirt it iteures dymotery aod diaxrho3a regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic fofftofthe gums roduoes ttffltmmation and gives tone and energy to till whole nyttem mrs- winslow sooiuog sy- nipforohildren teething s pleuact to uwtestbt and is the pnaotft lionrof ons of y jalolans and is for sale the oldert and best femti nurses in thevi byisttariigsis world pwwnnsitcstwsue be sun m soothtsta hsckmcuck a lasting and fragrant perfume price s3 aud 50 conla for isle by x mcgarviu the new ihow rooms of the mccauiland stained glass works toronto have at tracted considerable notice since they open ed to tho public thorn are examples of ceiling and wall pspcr decorations in var- iout msleriali presenting a wide range of prices while their specimens of church and house glass are vary superior and in teresting the firm send samples of wall paper and gliss to any address- j ucvhambr iron and wise ifyouare languid and weak snd your appclile poor ray beef iron and wins li the tonic be sure j as an invigorating tonic it is ccooguued by the medical profession as ithe best strengthening medicine thus far produced it is invuluable as a bloodandmuscle rcakcr especially in those cases when weakness is the result of imperfect or in- food of wasting fever or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of ircnand ii admirably cal calatedto baild op the emaciated system brilliant r durable economical diamond dyes exdel all others in strength purity arid fastness none other artjust as good be ware of imitations because the arje made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crock- colors to dc sure of siiccess use only tli diamond dyes for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c kc warrant them to color more g oods pack age for package lliax any other dyes ever made and t give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diawwdan a ce no other tionu dyed f coat colored lo- qarmmli renewed j cano acbildcanus them atdnutenducrdiaiiu fc boofc iml wells richardsih l co montrbftl p q 0 s the verge of haraton for three months i could not eat a full meal or do a days work i bought a bottle of burdock blood bitters began using it and in three days my appetite re- tamed in a week i felt like a new man it was wonderful whit one bottle did for me writes arther auchio of huntsville mukoka who suffered from dyspepsia the third page of the toronto dally uall is noted for want advertisement if you want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if yon have lost or found anything or if yon want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto dadf jfciiand read the advertisements the third page of that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the yail toronto canada that hacking cough can be so quickly cured by shilohs care we guarantee it for sale by x mcgarvin i catarrh cared health and sweet breath secured by shilohs catarrh remedy price so cents xasal injector free for sale by x mcgarvin the rev geo h thayer of bourbon ind say both myself and wife owe cur lives to shilohs consampfon cure foe tale by x mcgarvin for dyspepsia and liver complaint yoa have a printed guarantee oa every bottle of shilohs vitalixer itneverfailstocure for sale by x mcgarvin sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible co agh shilohs care is the rem edy for yoa for sale by x mcgarvin will yoa snffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint shilohs vitalixer u guaran teed to cure yoa for sale by x mcgar vin shilohs catarrh remedy a positive core forcatarrh diphtheria and cankermouth fcr sale byx garvin ehilchs core will immediately relieve crocp whooping cough and bronchitis for sale by x mcgarvin the favorite keditine for throat and lung diffi culties las long been and rtill is ayers cherry pectoral it turcs croap whooping cough bronchitis and asthma soothes irritation of the larynx and fauces etrcutlieus the vocal organs alhus ftorene- cf tlie lungs prevents consumption aud even in iulvaaoni sltgts f tlit dik-ax- relieve coughiug and imlnjces sleep there is no other irtaraion for dis- eases of the tlirwat tud luiigs to ikcuw- i pared with tins remedy sir wife had a digressing couch rith jiaius in the kidc anil fireast we tried variotts tuetlidnes iit none did ur auy zl nuti t pit a bqttte if a vctk cherrj- ieirai v ldchjok cured i r a jieigliuir mr cileminiad the ades aud the cotii vran relieved liv l ile cc ayerv cherry pedoral c 1 ave no hesitation in recuiiiuieudlug tills cough medicine to everyone aihicted itoliert horton foreman uttiiujut morriluon ark i have been afflicted with astlima for fortyjcars lat spring i was taken trilh a- violent eoazh whicli threatened to terminate ray days every one pro- nonnotd me in consmniition i deicr- mined to tn- ayers cherry pectoral its effects were magical livas immedi ately reliered and coniirliied to improve umilenlirtly recovered joel ballard guilford conn six months ago i had a severe hem orrhage of the lungs brought an by an incessant cough which deitived me of sleep and rest 1 tried various reme dies but obtained no relief until i be gan to take ayers cherry pectoral a lew battles of this medians cured me mrs e cohtirc 13 second st lowew mass for children afiiictcd with voids ccrcghs tore throat or croon i do not know of any remedy which will give more speedv rclieftlian ayers cherry pectoral t have found it also invalu- able in cases of whooping congh ann lovejoy ks7 aihingtoh street boston lliss ayers cherry pectoral reeriktd or or j c ayer k co uwelt mul goaijdnjjia rricciiiivout burdock blood wilu cure or relieve biuoosness dyspepsia indigestion dizziness dropsy flunering of the heart acidityof the stomach dryness of the skin jaundice erysipelas salt rheulil heartburn headache axd rrtry species of dinim truini tmileuenco mm syrup oegtroys and rcmoveq w3rms or all kinds jn ohiloren ob adults sweet as syr jp and cannot h arm the most i- pelicate child headquarters- for hardware i bare nov in stock nalli causdlsn and american tsttem all iii in cut also bteel aha chisel polntod wrought clout fiulhdg and tacks all sices hist mstrsp t snd bcrew hook hutu kereas cutlerj- spoona axes saw hamtnen wrsdabts fuqh jsck knives gum hinos kcvolvert porder 8hot sbills caps luaors barn door roll en lackinfl llnlilwr hciilp soap itooe and asutttm llabbit matal ic class all sixci an j cut to order free putt potuts ac paints ails attack of peacheai irvmrod tudgutu icrcha lainu tlwiyi on baud ia all poynlar shades ajm wtiit load dry sud la oil i ud lc v kod vellov odin and all dry colon c ikihod sud hive oil tuqcntinc vimiihet japansbollsc 4c machine oils urdiiifl glycerine amber ulsck and cantor groceries a fall lias of fine tea co joe sugars tohsccos kaisias tnnsulsliicebarlcytspiocs fusttwd alumkoeincrcui tartar licklec chooso lard bacon blacking store hoot starch hofipkluc vcast cw lisking powder boda cocos- aa choeolata kxtracu spis orsccaind lemon peel oatmeal syrup moiamk vincin utit iaa and cider in fact cverything uuallr iatiui in a ftnt claai grocery lamps l full lias all 6haioa sues and ocltic shades glohc chimney lantcrni ic cheap crockery glassware indttdiaff tea dincer ani toilet seits in plain colored and china aiabastine another lot of this jtuir popular kalionjlnc fust to hand in ail shades wah paper a larje htoekon hand of rich aud kolhy paiiems from sc a roll un a large lot of rem nants from one roll to leu at ydur owe priec to be cleared onu doatforsetoursocteasutticcm all isd our pure ccjtec fresh grocud is a luiurr yoa cjnt veil do without great bargains for the holidays at mammoth house georgetown sole agent for brainl common setae sash kuiee gravity sanh lock and curtain liollerf aio hlaur- cuccii itrftctcd fectaccs j b pearson for ciristmas gbiffcs new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gretri rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings open till fl p m all tliis week b sayaqe quelph wm mcleod co will give allthivmonthand for a month after the holi days all through january wonderful bargains in all the departments especially will they- in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress go6ds and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in widtii worth 60c per yard for 30c per yard beautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk- handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of every description and a fine stock oi sealettes also jclearing out regardless of cost in many cases less than 56c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth s30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock m- eluding lynx boas bear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our milliner department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a- suit regular price 816 for 12 20 for s16 822 for 818 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is the peoples chance to save money- by purchasing out of our mag- jnificent stock wm mcleod co mammoth house qeoegetowk choice goods suitable for xjtas presents gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflers silk handkerchiefs storeys gloves and mitts shaw grundy merchant tailors cueuph h a stone georgetown htteriok dehors tor pamtzr kqum sign indorajnentlpilnubg inuie latest stales lessovs ec oil painting clxcsos ve4besiij- evening tbandimd btonlsj- aliernoooa order left t free press office acton or id drewed la bot lfi georgetown will rcceira prompt attention ho stoke u the principle of treatment ealttslattnflt t grand truatljaihrt torn tin eoumrij ir ooixo e1st 1 ubcd jn expreo ui pmiui1 ff jn thw us5 5 throotb expti m va llil ft aikotn 10 to pm jliicdlt35 cblcijoexpreiidoeioolitopbmwmi time orcloukg kxij going west9 15 am intf 1 2p pjn- going eait 10 x amno j p vj3t n washington mo crips einec thro nd lno burrton will next visit actorf domiinon hotel saturday february 2 from 30 aatil 5j0 one iat onlt cataerh thboat cvhed a fewraltoithehnndredofwondrful care br dr washingtoti sew uethtjd of ia halation t chronic bronciutu cord aa zaskth cbnrcb clergrnjaa ipealii rrctoar cxilx ovir dusvajlhsgtox dclb 8ia 1 am claito be me to lofonn ron tbil raydaaghterli qaita well again- ai tbit ia tbe mcoaa time abe bu bees eared of grit bronchial cronble nndar roor trtjatment wbta tbe nnal remwiei failed i tfah to expreo my cralltnda pieae acceit mf lincerethankj yoori truly c b pxtitt afnjno mckitt klngiton on catarrh and cooiamptiod john mekeltr kinfiston oni catarrh un a hopping klnjiton onu broncho coninniptlon mx e scott kingilon ont catarrh head and throat- urtnobetranihartowiniitbnucatarth thro jamealfaltfaewi p waiter acloo out ca- tarrah bead and throat p francla berlin oat catarrh bead and ikro j mlneilfaebjberlnontenlar8odtonill f win p 11 coronna ont catarrh head henrr scott berlin ont- aithmt mra1 wagner near berlin ont catarrh bead aod throat eeri kercher st jacobt oct catarrh bead and throat colin campbell pt edwird onl aithma jimei sut dutton ont- catarrh largest cirrnuuon lii wcitcrn ontario r -the- free press lokdok cakada- tbe jree ireaf li the onlv acmpaiwr hi uie wt reoefttig tbe aocttd pm deepatchei- it contain ll the sews by cable tele- axaph teftpbone and uafl op to tbe boor of goinj to prea it girea la each lnne original and valuable flltutrationi of men and thlnf and ii the onlj oevspapesih canada employing iti ovn artiiti 9 the weekly v free -press- 1p0 pee teas postaqe fbee rtwolled nerl j- half t century the three graces axd by the lakeside two haxdsosee chkomos mto t beotinl niortrtted chruunu xuuiliej eotnlirutng 36 re nvcp r proe to t orery ibcrtder for 1989 800000 is premiums gompruing se and ilefnl articles given af fre to agent the mott uberai in- dneementi ever offered in canada to agents send foragenti outfit and terms the frie press is the only horning and evening paper published in western ontario it li forwarded on all early morning trains raafiring all plaeea between toronto and wind- tor by fi m and ia tbe only daily paper receiv ed it point west of london before tho after noon the live newspaper of the west who per year postage tree bid by agenu every where addreca free press pr1xtixg co lcxdox caxaoa stnitia 1 in cc ifcs av if each iri ll ui- vyr- in il ami th vwa in iirfrur jjj uu in rti lf err- i v 04 cf- lsitarc cf iviivi ufy a rihii tuici snd juu trill mi i dljippiriiied cures cfe f ahng froai jori r stmalw ytopflch ani lvxrvlj za as t dyroepgiai ir indiatian iniwa aitectiotn hjiiche acidity omba stomah hlemaig j ioaapf avncte gravel s pebility aea cr vcgiiilr v m prico 25 centc per cottle iist3 cl if io coasffmptiob codgbs colb 1 asthma croupf- t all dlseaseofthtmrcatlvsciab pulwonasy ogahi tr it tairnrri rc oosothiftiou hasees failed to fskkji an nrtiwuneodf br pnfinu- jlivimtii il ftj inal it rr faili ia lrify n as kh eifpfctorafrt rr hs io 15j it contains no opiu- inazyforci peit risi ava fm rrnorrlii j gitteral ajruu mistiikjfi j errors op youte xervoui debility 5emical losses and prea tnre decay promptly and permasentljccni sper1hozone does not interfere with diet ornjualoecofa1fa and folly restores lost rigor and insure perfect manhood sent co any address postpaid to v receipt of priceonedniar per box sdeaeebsy schofield bbuu stoke elm street 55- focto tlie dbmiaioii boot slioe store kenney bros maix street i actox have much pleasure in tlianking their numerous patrons for the liberal snpport accorded them during the past and wish them all a very merry christmas and a prosperous new year prices in all lines will be reduced for one month on cash purchases kenneybros groceries ia s opfcj ntrri tub i tjftue ai cobe 140 anruu jlalsf exhausted vitality t the science of lee the great tfwlical woilf of the age on minloodncrtons and pbydeaj- debility pre matore decline errors of youth and the natold mis eries consequent thereon 300 pagesevo lij prescriptionso for audiieases cloth full gill oiiy mail scaled illustrative simple t yocngaad middleagd den 9ctid 5 gold and jewejied medal awarded to t by national juedica aasotfiaticq p o boil s55 koon ilass cr drsv keb graduate of harvard medicjj colj years jracticc ia boston who may to o conidentiajiy spocialty disease tf ifficcxo i bjlhscii st dry goods boots k shoes fresh reliable season able oheap few goods this week -at- the right house jerser ttadteu gimp trim mines jet trimmings quilted satim collar coraau da sties can too fuuneis dreu sbieldi hom sopporten elaalio corset laces etc jail see the new germa mantle direct from the best berlin maken examine the chsnnlott millinery cot op fu the best french style impect the drewgoodi they are tbe latest french and german detlpii tfie corwu nave n araazinrf eale in french germaa brittah aod cani4in maket remember watkinv entire itoek bt been boogbt for prompt cash at the lowwt possible prioea and are sold at email profit bee the gray cottona white cottoni cottoo and flannel sheetinca filiov cottont blankete of all kinds flan noli deniras cottonadet dncka canadian tweeda bauiura wadding cotton and woollen yarna underclothing of all kindi for all agea and teset canton flaoneli etc ire aellinff att very cheap handsome titriped jjresa goods down from zq to 20c ouier lines down ajually low the following goods are reduced to half price many of them less than half price ottrlch feathers in buck white aud new colors astrachan cashmere and kid gloves ladies satchels and parses several lints of dress goods grey flauueu mantles aud mantle cloths shot and watered silk plaxhes boy a jerseys table covers feather trimming down trimroimr fnr trimming of various kinds b4nru tn we the curiam mtutle and mantle cloth detartident tbe carpet dcpartnent i fiiieh with beautiful goods in almost every article required for fumiibinjt bonses mtod and enter the doors iut of the carpet window many make mistakes and dont ret into the luitlit house corner sing aod habsoo streets 1 m l- thomascwatklns hmiltondeolt 1b8 555 call at- man-hoqpdr- how uost how retoredjt ju5t pablished a ner editionof dr ctttej wells celebrated essay ciithebadicalrtiw of sprmtorrbcta or iacapjici induced iff exeeu or early in discretion j w the celebrated anthor in this adefirabte i essay cleatly demonstrates eolo thirty year laccessfil prsctico that the sianaiiir consfc- qoences of early error may be rsdicullt cured i ioialios oat a mode bt cure at one sifiipla- certain and cfsctuaj by tueaoi of whick ernj inflerer no inautr whit his condian icy msy care himself ehtdply pritately ail radi cally tathis icctsreshasld be in the 1iids pfevery youth nd every man in the land sent under seal in i plain envelope to aoj i- addrcss on receipt of four cents or wo ucstaflb tamps address t tha oultonrelilfoicuosiv i 1ss it sew iob pixbw j c nelson acton kwtuiily1 i uk it wart te im rtj i wmj sste u tte m ii rm im s waas thm m om authors 0x manbiactnrcrs of trusses artificial umbb and arii i hi armiue otiat him siall diic3ihir j l4m dhm 0 it mi ud anslo kcocli kii lac cjul fcrt ek 117 ghur6h also chcfiile j st torcjstoj t0r0hto steam t 108 tork st t 8hbt8 collars qaspcciftitx chit tf pmniptjr bttesdoa t pvtastnlcuoas 6pshabpe door to palmer homo so4 o pro eel tar iligdj laukds up if ma

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