3pfcigiisjg8i wcb- i f- m wl- j 8 ii 1 i psspf own victoria iu her fortynine yearn of rate ha pasted but twelve days in he and hondiotnwiuthiboofitry cla nth be irishtaeti cannot fchb betjstr naoei however ne soott act owe against jas ellis m forest ii decided lut eek with a fin s of 50 and ooats we understand mr el is ia ao disgusted over the result that he ha decided to cloee up his hotel and em- barkinaome other bosuwvaf ponrt rt prweittatiee j president cleveland has removed two di itrict attorneys one a republican and ui other a democrat for interference in pt litioal campaigns what a universal di unisstl of government officials in canada w uld follow tbo errforoemeixt 6t anch a rile hen here during the elections all w k in the different departments by em- ei aployees of the roverntnents has almost b be suspended because the workmen are n arty ail absent or political campaign vtirk folioe magistrates saunders of guelph in giving judgment the other day in a vhiakey case tried before him gave ex- p nession to some good sound law and com mon sense he evidently does not coincide iith the legal doctrines laid down at saruia speaking of the evidence of one wilson who acted as a liquor detective he 8 iys5 as to theredibility of the witness filson be had yet to learn that an inform- e r was not a reliable witness and he would g further lhao that and say that he bad yet to learn that an pformer had to be o jrroberated in his evidence by another ltseemb rather a strange coincidence tjbat the board of trustees of the new high i chool at georgetown should be composed i enominationallvi of wo presbyterians two baptists one congrerationist and one tiatholio and that the church of england ind methodist congregations which by he way jointly from more fran a third of i beentire population of the place are left inrepresented this may be a matter of nere accident but it certainly ia hardly air to the ratepayers who are not repres- nted we bope however now that the ward has been organized that fee b rill beoonducted unbiased by the religious am looi ur ht1im that it is ladys tlve to please herself we will it was the last straw that broke the camels back when he presumed to criticise our head gear and say tjhat we have uot the faintest idea of what suits us this was the unkindest cut of all vhat is it to him if our faces do look like a thimble in a i soup i plate though how that lookb we cannot say as we always have something more digestible iu ours we wonder any one ao profanely wise as mr argub can wonder what the large pin in ithe side of our hats is for we might as well wonder why a man wears a moustache but what ws do wonder is if mrs argus ever pre sumes to have a thought of her own well well after all be is only a man so he knows no better we do not make a chimney of our mouths or stand on the street oomra and make remarks about the other sex as some of onr lords ot creation do the cold weather has giveu us one thing to be thankful for we do not have to run the gauntlet ota lot of idle men every time we have occasion to pass along mill street how beings with such gigautio iutcueot can fiud anything amusing in lucking a ball for hours at a time is a mystery to ur we have no doubt their wives havje tocliop the wood while they aro so employed if we had time and bpabe we could inform mr argus about lots of things ho seems to be ignorant of now we presume mr a will see fit to criticise the phaseology of the above epistle bit allowjns to inform him once tor all that we care not ft pin for his criticisms one or the gists acton kov9dj 1886 preferences of its members scott act trials rhe scott act found to be a trifle prohibi tory by seme of its violators fihes and imprisonment police magistrate young held court at burlington on tuesday of this week when the following were charged by inspector brothers with having sold intoxicating liquor wm pittman georgetown who was fined fao and costs last week was again found guilty and ordered to pay a gjwrjir amount with costs thomas little palermo was fined 3100 and costs a charge against t little sr father of the abovenamed person was adjourned to compel the attendance of the witnesses who did not obey their summpna john bell milton was the nextfound guilty on three separate charges and was ordered to pay the sum of s30 and costs in each case in all f 150 and costs patsy walsh late of this place who was foond guilty in two separate charges in february last was arrested i toronto last friday and taken to milton by inspec torbrothers ud lodged in jail where be will serve four months unless the fines are paid leorge robertson lata of acton was arrested thc other day by inspector brothers and lodged in milton jail where ms rvfiy serve two months it appears that he was twice convicted for selling liquor and was evading arrest it would be difficult to find a more push- ing and successful inspector than mr brothers he fully shows bis determina tion to have the law enforced the magistrate is patiently waiting for the next oejmuestar c municipal matters the business of the council at its last meeting- council met on tuesday evening mem bers all present except councillor pearson last meetings minutes confirmed mr j henry smith was by bylaw appointed collector of statute labor ta for the year the committee on finance presented their eleventh report recommending pay- ment of accounts as follows jghul repairing btrett lamps 6 28 thos easton streets and sidewalks 8 65 12 30 30 34 5400 to our readers we canuot too strongly urge upon our readers the necessity of subscribing for a family weekly newspaper of the first-class- such for instance as the independent of ftew york wore we obliged to select one publication for habitual and careful readiug tothe exclusion of all others we bhould choose unhesitatingly the indeikmlent it is a newspaper magazine and review all in one it is a religious a literary an educational a story au art- a scientific an agricultural a financial and a political paper combined it has 32 folio pages and 21 departments ko matter what a per sons religion politics or profession may be no matter what the age sex employ ment or condition may be the independent will prove a help an instructor an educa tor our readers can do no less than to send a postal torn free specimen copy or for thirty cents the paper will be sent a month enabling one to jnge of its merits more critically its yearly subscription is 300 or two years for 500 address the independent 251 broadway new york city the cradle mugiluvhay in acton on the oth nov the wife of mr j h mcgqlivray of a daughter frank nunan bookbinding h p moore printing ana adv john davis surveying i11 47 report adopted after some discussion of minor matters in connection with the municipality the council adjourned j thealtar gabbcrr hcsbaxdron the 27th ult iu the methodist church merton by kev u i gollamore alice mary daughter of deputyreeve john husband of trafalgar to mr g garbutt horrix doweitat the residence of the brides father by rev h gaviller mr w h hoppin of the conger lumber campany pairy sound to hannah third daughter of mr frank dowel merchant parry sound bitrrows mccnvset nov 3rd at the residence of the brides jiprentflt oakville by llfiv 1 e- browuell methodist mill assisted by rev w meikle presbyteriau ltev albert d wiu burrows pastor m e churcw bhmt hughes co dakota formerly of holstein ont to louisa k second daughter of v mccraney mi p for halton nov advertisements private boarding tihe undek8igned can nccouiuiodnit a x unniber of boarders mk8 stafkobd x botteil avtstu ue1fu astmay camkupou the premises ol tbo budersicued lot 2 con 1 erin daring the summer a rwoyearold heifer owner will please prove property pay expenses and take bar away bobbbt kennkdv actojv ciiokal soi 1kty thosk who sinjiaud others who aredesir ous of learning areinvitedto join fho above society membership fee ii cents only no fur ther fees for ensuing three months practice every sy4dnesday evening in the town hall at 8 oiock the geueral public is not admitted w 8tabk secretary salesmen wanted jj vxtk are in wautef a few more flntelass meii canvass far the sale of choice varieties rsery stock to men who can makers w of the business we otn pay good salaries or committioniandgiyeperiij snout employment we have nmuy new ftucl choice of ml sac m rockwood news froi our own correspondent w b bragg is busily engaged putting a chopper into bis cider mill building campbell strachan who has been home oil the sick list for two weeks is con vales cttg- i our present efficient staff of teachers in the public school viz mri sinclair as principal and the misses strachan and black assistants are we understood engag- edtor next year a pigeon pop ten dollars a side best ont of ten birds between w i ghattuck and wtynfcu haluday 8r onaafbi and won by the labter took place and attracted quite a hnmol sports here lartfridayafternwm the white bros opened their gospel yiai sunday ncjbiqgto a crowded bonse and the inter- erfappiwntly by each meeting s hjupaxt ftyvtajfmvury 1st tor ff loo 1888 both in the fruit andornsmeutal lines which others do not handle apply at once with rafereqees may bbotheb8 ndbsbbtmbn bochestkb n j afctiosr sale househbid efiiscte i the undergened has been instructed by the bbv d b caiiehon to sell by public auction at the manse acton ou saturday 20th november household hoods etc as follows hair-hot- tomed sofa hairbottomed chairs canebottom ed chairs common chairs bedsteads tables jjounge stoves carpets books potatoes cow and calf i j the above is a geaoraj statement and does not include many smaller articles which will besold sale to cokesomct oclock ph tbbm6a11 sums of j99 and under cosh over that amount months credit on approved joint notes five percent discount for wm hzmsxrbxt l0vblls gazetteer and history pomirllon of cafal i jjitciluwibojrbl ftw i to be oohmetf0ep whanever asuffloient domberofsntcrttbikow4p to cover cost of publicatipni subscriptun to the viiia rvoiumes7w5 itutlmimeironm w to qaebae 9lm tonw7bwirick aje koa flopti wwomaiiuobaorto bma0afmft vtoftubdwani1siabd tnov8iwei5 territories 40i each province tobave a map please seiwt for prospectus 1 johm vovzuh makaoku ako feausnish jfoutroal august 4th 18w wsmsmmssstmtmmmmxiata firmh wantkd oalimh ntlu jc f our ana 1stolh0lrchukv of farms thnuuholt buro o and uier d offlee at uual pit thoi oauti for faims t uarti oftho i liittod jamitea anl ohcr couritrios are tioninar ties uuhavq soon our njvortlko- ment tho ts watitlng tosell areiuvlted tocoitto to our office nquulph and soe tlio lettors fir then mlvos we ire selling more farms ihiit uy itbor flv m iu 3anadn and we defyreotitra- dlotlm to tils lutemeut if you want to tmll send us yom nam jd mliroks aud thou wo will wrlb i to you no jlnufboimloss a salolsoifrctud adde johv j i ajjet co ouslph gnt qo to moqarvi ug andstafinfry cotjirt of rt islpii o votdrs i kkttt fill ijc ui irtjoii t1ck 1h arbeby givkn that a court will tie held pursuant to the iters mi ta act by his honor the judgo of the jounty zourl of tho county of hal ton at the tov tt hall ctoi on t lureda r uth ray of november 1880 i ne ooock in the afteruoou to hear aud dowmilue 1 be so emlooni plaints of errors and omfexfonb ti i tho voter latot the muuloipallty of tjievuia jo of icton for tho your a dir lienors hovliia btotineiui ui the court aro 1 st tho above time and place 7 kmcoarvln clerk of tho said municipality dated at vton t ills nth day 1 ofoctolwr aldiiwo at jaisstirton lds dentist totefts flfoc oppbsrte put office guelph vitalized air plain tis8 extraction of teeth artlficla toelli cuaranteed jwrfoct in appear ance fit and ub flue rold work a 8iocialty all operations sjtrictly ttret class appoinunontimsdo by letter ihdiendent the liiutfest the ablest i the best religious and literary newspaper in the world j one of tlijc ablest weeklies iu existence pull mult gaclte london england the most influential religious organ iu the jstatcs j- the spectator london emj i clearly stands in the forefront as weqkly religious magazine fnndaij school tn ir phuadolphia ittareijigious literary i educational aitr srroity hlnanclah isstkanck scientific political 1 agltlccltlbal sikdaysjchool st has more anil abler contributors tbau nuy tl voplit c0ltennonirits it stanus iu tho frt ut tank of ijotiruahsii and every iieron of ih olligeuce should read it tkllijs ok srisschutios oile month- u ouo year tl rcc months p ur months it month 100 iso i tmonthi 1 konrears lueudnthe i85 five years two years three years fonr years ir a to 00 too h 50 1010 iend ppsulxsrd for a krte hoiuiile copy and 1 ibbunj list if von wish to subscrlbo for any m marines or other newspapers at icsn than pi blisters prices i ithe independent wl bread wa sw vori godeys 5 book for 1687 collies i sample copy 15 cksts tfci 4 vi at alwaysii ffra a x mha xv in advance uefliitiful lieiuiinis-tocvcr- subscriber terms to clubs ktra premiums up cliib raisers 7 75 for list of premiuinsand terms to larger clubs nd for satnplo copy which will aie yon fall formation godkxsat tbo present time is adiuittted by va find people to be superior to auy ladys jaoazine iu ainpflca baring tlio greatest variety f departments ably mlitd the literary features are serials xoyplettes hort stories charades poems etc atnoik the popular authors who will cbntribnte iodiy are j v pritchard miss emily lteed n churchlu william miller hutler emily euijoi and others kncrttving appear in every uumber of sub- ecujby wollknown ortiate and produced by the lewent processes iu its colored rash ions godoys eada in colors and styles both modistes and ome dressmaker accord tbem the foremost obltiou paper patterns are one of the impoitaut tea- urcs of this magaeiue each subbcriber being dlowed to select theirowupattemsoverymorrtb in itemoloiie more than covering the subscrip- ion price practical hints tltion dressmaking rbow bow jarmeiits can be renovated and made over by the practical bfuts for the household show young inqsaveaperg how to uanag0 the cujlnory do- lartmentwitb economy and skill fashion uoteg at homp and nbroaii ileigjt avery ladys heart i the colored and black work designs give all he uewebt ideas fpr fancy wprli the cooking recipes ore under the control of in experienced housekeeper o ths architectural department is of practical itility curef u frgtjipgths being given with ieach ilan f club raiseflb- pftemjljmb todays hqs arranged fo rtstedwarp of superior pin she value of which iuoume iustanees reaches fipud 15 tiye ejegnuteilver ovs us promiumb for one ureiuium hie nil part- address goders ladys book ver i lainpis copy premiums with full rh cents lor which will contain illustrated articulara and terms lhhanblphlapa in club wiib this paper godey8 and the fbeb phe8s for 9m0 a year which should be fent totho office of this paper tpsbpdli how lost how restored i nrp il bpsbna voluntary r ss4 pttoiiwilental ind physical incapacity impedicttanti to a new edition of dr culver srted bsaajrpu the radical cure lbsafttlsotis mtogwi tc also nbompsovpiiirayted indaoed by seifinanlgepoe or sexual ex- ico if l ebrated author in hts admirable essai itrates from a thirty years wc 1 of tubutttmpfcata bymeauspf whioh every snfferexno bis ipditfott bejniaycurt vately and radically lid be h the r of- a pwu enypo- ip ansr vopflftwsfainps aaar r tfci ttpyjjrwoa meoiool pfc i i 1 and st jjbw ions s p o buxw m st l t j palntsj oils v s school ooks school requisites avfclkbblfaktjihutpb alaoa plkfe iisk of t a iuirtfeu a new mqk of fancy ooods includino albums olovk and handkerchief casus perfumery oases ic moqahrias drug 02tm3 srn 1 iu punish es kj1 it shesi etc donv fomgbt thk hlacli- j call early an d secure aa4 stationery store aotoa aunpdsi canifullyre jeweiv a ij has no a rin wa oytergor fernlcyfs ttil cry canned k j mubsbavli i crumb provide by -m- 0 ombination offei save money the free pre8b and thk i itvi al vax adf ax frouuow until 1st january ikt for the small bum of ftl65 lly an nrransement with the puhllshor of tho ltuiui iladuw now iu its touth yokt of publl- eiition we aro unabled to oder both paierb for i10j tbo regular price of tho twbisfs 200 the hriial canapiam js a monthlylilluatrated magorlqe for tho vartn aiid horns til follow ing arejtbe loading dopartmeuu karut and field horses aud cattlo the dary bbeep and hwino grdou and orchard bocs and honey poultryand potst home circle tho i range kcoordrbural tsoie house hold hints young canada hcleutlftc and useful the uiusio ulouc is worth tho price of stnjeral y oars subscription ijbsubscbiwu novr akudkt balance of tear free tapob qqlid mbdioatb3d the halton forge pump jt vv and every variety of force well and cistern manufuutured by a g bounsall aukntswaxtbu ryan ierkinpaw successom tooihi hogg 8oni cmmi 4- we are gn the market wheat peas and oats wo will give market prices for all sound marketable krain delivered at our ware house at acton f e nicklin son acton sept 29th 188g jm ontario t the hnebt wat3hes jbwejmt repair ng always satisfactory i ty 3u ilave vztik nisafpointeu jx try- the alaska tlayarj the heat we ever sold aage sole aent for cuefpfi i h washington hd lc ps 0 emiuert throat and lung siirgeon will visit mct0s dominion hotel monday 8th november diskasij tbkatkd catarrh of tlie head and throat catarrhal deaf ncss chronic droiichitis asthma aiul consumption also t8s of aoicc sore tlironti enlarged tonsils fc lynus of tho neso removed comk kaiiiy cohllitatiof fluih catarrh ol- v v vkars rtasdisu cuukl ur n washington tbroat and lung hurgcou toronto i dear sir i nm pleated to oiipiois ij uiltiru satisfaction nt tho results of yow low method of inhalation wlilob has cured mo of ft very troublosoiiioforui of catarrh iu fact all tlio usual remedies failed to lve mo at j relief but your treatment from the first gave ue great enso and fu a few mouths entirely cured mo of a luost aimoyini diseaik i cam lipnestly rucomivpnd any who muy bp nufforim is wrs 6 your skill fulconlduratioii vonrftrulj geo qoulninu remeoeuu c turabuu ualt and v btohmv hos acton heiidofflces 215 vouyo st toronto write for jiarticnlarf grand dexcwsioiis to- jsa fuvxeisco viv jllinoi8 central r r and new oriieastsi i the illinois central rltwil i run o grnud exenrnions to san francisco no new or leans and the southern paoifto leaviufi chicago nov 16th pec lth jajty jlth fehy 15th and march loth rates for tho round trip 8000 for f urtlier particulais address f b bowes genl northern fase l jl kavrplni babcjns agticmut streur chicafio wftt harfab hi watche clooksh 1 feex verw are biaviug biwtuiased ihi ni itopil stock lately f to rive heaotop people iit he aefitrjuoh has never been offere before being ft an syefctobyta h worjujita ha the qhtf t n njoje jfu v itirn 1 20 lower wyudliau st guoliib wimmk has co for those w i with prtnleuco and aforethought uiak 3 thou full st loctfous while assortiiieiits are unbroken while roods are ip jr ie s hc 3stu while they- vc the tiiucto look and we the time to give that tjaretul attention which we v tlesho thoy all shill havo t- 1 1 thik season tiudd u lar belter- rejaretl in 1 asrsrw i iverv particular t meet yvui iftiiits than did buying tune a or age ami u not aware that vbutllon fniid us lacking eitlicriii oo or style be that as it liiay this years buying time surpass all other buyingtmies in the size of our stock in the assoftmcut oneredoy in every dopartment in the t excellence of otb goods and in the r oo loms of ou price i t 5i l reap thi ierteiw oi come and eo to wiiatxtentyoinuy he benefitted at thjlcrs in reasonable prices i i f our famous 60 firstclass gbods and fcenf tea m js riffi immm r i early aatw- of the j the flpor jh section hai i copy it in dates of suffil katlaorosstj themeth work iji f the n sacrameutall