Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1885, p. 2

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m ftfor akr 171683 jf ourlnmioipali terksts teafly8honoe peopl of thismuaijoi- parity kill be euferiof the i reek of pojb lie turmoil and excttwjrent i icident to 1 1 be mnuwa elootkn ot mjudidaeb to fill he civio office ot the oorpowiti iu tor the n iu- wg yem it ts uot oiir in jention in ilia mtieu to go iuto detail in c mnection w th the wiuons of the members of the council of thejpal jear or the fitni tea of any asr ir- jng candidates qnr cjohnma have beeo pretty freely need by a unm ber of our pi ib- 3o cttinns ou this line dim g the paeti ve or six vteeks without intrua on by us vc will endeavor then thismoi jniuo to presc ut r ai few retnaka in w general ivay whioh if carefully perused oner consistently seed upon will result in no email degree of be le fit to bur little town we rto firmly oonvinoed that acton has suffered very materially in io past by mostapparent lack ofjntetf st i u muuftsi al my own prorx rty too at the head of ihepoll hat that he dt nt head one of the men who m ow modij comr ttsaioxu fcmli sib 1 top rjwnwil allow joiie tomrismomi letter now i bold in niifoi what i bald w b trtte ai idhekno it he ays he tarn id me o f because blaokgaurded aim bgmeu lite him r easily pffende i mr ilendersot and othars hoard what aid fa hint itell ndlh i atu 74 years old audlhave livad hereii years i think i aut considered honest lam aa homst as a jr ismo id anyhow he owed me a grudge because ho told hie ht would havi been he ad of tie poll last yoar only foi me aid others who gave henderson p uropera i thank goodness i can vote wjijkt way 1 like aud i qualify on irt it 86 you tee by his aw xt he actually voted for it pif affairs by her citirensgener illy there js no dispnong the fact that the welfare of any community will be atvaitced to the highest degree when the in livi duals oo n- posing that community are vid awake to the public necessities and tt anifest a livi ly interest in all the questions i bearing ujpsn theif welfare and prosper ity asa cbn- monityod tlien act with uvanimity to establish and perpetrate wh it is right p id to correct what is wrong if onr opinion as effibodie a in the abo vo paragraph is correct then tl ere is nothi ag sqprejudicalto the interests ojf the coin- munity as afoldyourarm9 iuddonothi ig policy i j v vthe fre peksb has alwiys endeavor sd to advocate the best in ten si r of the coin- inanity to the best of th j editors abili ly and judgment it has bi qur duty to point oat obstructions to c raw attentu m to the necessity of repairs and improve ments in sidewalks and stieets to advo cate the enforcement of jstnitary reguli- tions- jto write in behalf o i enlarged schc al accommodation to preset t for consider i- tion vajrious matters of pumis imjnroveme it which would add to our cc tr fort and co i- yenitioeaj a community or increase tlie prosperity of onr citizens i i general or e i- hance th appearanc qe our attractive little town etc etc in return for this we have fregnently receive 1 the journalist b ustaj feebnipehse severe iriticism and n some few cases illwill q fence has somj- times bieen taken where no ae wis ihtended andkiur best lefforts for public weal at- tribated to personal unfrie idlintssj or pe r- haps to nndne influence of some interested party w danot compla n of ihjs ascoii- cerng ourselves indeed srerajther expet t it and really its nothing when you git accustomed to it but all hougi l many in i- provements of a worthy a id epi nmendab e nature have beenjpffected vc dojthiuk tbt as a community there migl it be nore live y- interesfof a reasonable ana con monsense character manifested in affairs loueerning our municipality and also th it greater unanimity of action might accor ipany tl e actions of oor citizens tha i i has been tl e case in the past as we pud at the oul set t le lapnu d elections are approaching and whie extatement and turmoil should invar- ably be discountenanced in the disc at sion of municipal matters yet there shoul be fair honest and general explanatio and discussion of matters and things taining to the public interests and this hope to hear on the coming nomination day of course it is always conceded that when private citizens allow themselves to be placed in public offices they are placed in a position wherekeencritacism of their conduct and actions may be expected criti- obn which could not consistently be prof fered the same individuals in private life public men must expect this as far as the council as- a whdle cob cerned we have no doubt there will besom change made in ita complexion for 188f jtat present includes men i who woald d honor in any assembly for intelligence and breadth ef view but unfortunately ther are also members who are- too narrow- minded to represent the intelligence ofthi s community the people of iacton wan energetic liberalminded intelligent and not parsimonious representatives ai the council board menmust be selected too who will conduct the affairs of the town vith a reasonably economical adminstra tion for there is no denying the fact tha oor present financial position demands care ful legislation by the council of next year the finances can easily be placed in a mon i satisfactory condition and a council t be elected which will endeavor to effec i this we have not written the above from th standpoint of pessimist or with a desire jta be cynical but with an honest purpose to awalpsit if possible a greater interest ii our public affairs and to i secure that un animity of action invariably necessary to success he is fond of being but ill put a plug itthisyiar worked o i the streets told me it todk three c ays to hi nt the wood which ifr ismond 8 nojlf im not well sets what kind of a man of business thiscommiksionnris cost the oorperation o load at 125 cost rjeceived for wood 8 a wonderful man through the village foi blows about feettinfi muohof a scholar but now 3 days with team 9909 8 mon to assist j7fi total l375 balance r7tj what mr commissioner lmoud is willho pay the villaga the 8475 loss i guess not etit as ho got i most of the wood for 82 he should do so before lie asks the people to again elect him why didnt be burn the wood onthejptreet aud save the loss i know all abotit this wood business mr ismond and i challenge you tojmeetme at the hustings and tltj tell you something about it and qijher thiiigs ho bays icwould take 40 eeuts an hour to watch meandithat ilaiddowpbnthe grass and said it was all right tho taxs were 22 mills on the dollar anyhow he gives me credit for being a smart old man after all if i culd tell him six i weeks before what the rate would be he says the council hut him in and he dope hiaduty j he didiit put any work on the two hills at the taunery creek for two years localise he said the council could not afford it but he could iput a sidewalk to a certain brick house on john street aud put a culvert in as veil oh lyes- mr che amount duev t1b he cannot deny either i could tell the hon commissidner how he made it right witli the village trfcabiireri but for his sake i will refrain hosay8 he did not charge 20 cents un hour for the two men he oversaw i will just bring it to his reoollcotion does he remember building a sidewalk opposite the post office now how many men were at work itben i know there wore only two besides himsojf and one of- thein was once ohairmau of streets mid sidewalks and did not get 20 cents an hour either and i know he got paid for that work 1 hope the electors will not allow thoni- selves to bo influenced by bhcii nonsense if our village is to be run in this manner wo will oontinuejo pay 22 mills on the dollar now mr editor if the coriuoil for 1886 does not iepeal the bylaw appointing ono of tliemselves comniissionerjand paying him 20 cents an hour i think overy rightmind ed elector should vote straight for those who will promise to repeal it i am kviefayku s acton dec 1mb- 183 ismond is a model commissioner me to stick to the truth will hurt his fcplingswljeu he sees me do ii hilt t m ho told afraid it it i acton dec 14th 1885 i tuos melroi iii dont let this happeiir parentsrj let th empty tishave not ptt stogkings rowfulhdwobeg r morning oni mock eo happy iwo matter what the state yoiir purse maylbev dp the little ones at this time of the yefe j vi ren j wanted i 10000 volunteers to buy christmas cards and presents troin waters bros guellph piicbb lover tbjmiovor couadian canl photograph cards chromo cards fancy cards pnintiiig canls albnme handbags purses j fancy goodx c ac ac artists materials oil iud water colors frames piotiires c waters ros tliu picture oallery near lie post oftlce new goods just opened pro bono publico to the editor of dear smi having iuofbek pkess read pro bono fine publicos letters and being one of the per- sons who were appointed to get the petition signed for the submission of a bylaw for the sanction of the ratepayers for the pur chase of cemeti t y groui id it was distinct ly ordered thai the mtjority of the rate payers must pm i their n imes to that petition to insure its being passed before iany bylaw would be submitted all of the council knew this to be the u iderstandmg before they could entertain the matter mr wells and i failed to ge that majority but aside from all that had the majority of the council only acted np to the letter and spirit of the by law bought their six acres gone to work lil le sensit le men a id adhered to the wish and desire of the inhabitants all would have been well the cemetery would today j lave been in full working order many of he lots sold and the fonds in the treasury the whole proceeding looks as if the majority- had no other idea than the glorification bf themselves the taxpayer being pnly a secondary considera- tionifahy consideration whatever messrs pearsoh and isihond were perfectly in order when they heldl out to mr wells and my self for a majority of the ratepayers to in sure the passage of the bylaw this muni cipality should not bo in such a bad finan cial state as it is today with twentytwo mills on the dollar had common sense and prudence ruled in the several councils since the incorporation of the vijlage no village had a better bet inning with 9700 ftom the municipal loar fund and a like sum from the clergy lieserve the whole of which with annual taxation getting every year higher that property it getting of less market value is no secret t le man who docs noi believe this fact let him offer his slot for sale and see if the very first pbjecti jn of a purchaser if by any chance he drops on one vill not be we could not live here and piy such taxes ls it net a fact that it takejs about three months rent of most properties to pay the taxes hoi are labon rs and the poorer classesto make ends meet i anr sorry that i should h ve been compelled by that nondescript thir g who stj les himself pro bono publico with hiskside issues en deavoring to glo is over tha many iniquities he has perpetrated on the community l the county pourt there were no criminal and only one i civil caae j his honor judge miller j presided at the county- coirt on tuesday ithe- rand jury made a formal presentment and was dismissed as there was no criminal busi nes the only civil case was lawson vs bodden apd mcgeocb this was anactiou to recover- the value of promissory notes soldd defendant mcgeoch who is station maeteratijesquesing to plaintiff and who sjrictitain thoroughbred oatth to bodden of precott bodden claimed t uvt he was notliubeftaiuch as defenda itmegeoch hftinot gifeu him pedigree o cattle as ieeed upon tut plaintiff clain ed that he ticc and that coiseftuently he sbotd getitiiffvalne of the inoles judg nwtf ajjrgainttff for fuh amonnt good nrijkefbr 5sfendant bodden inttff for fuh amoont tifftewar oh n for de the couh tljon rose 1 s vests 40 ovirobats to be tiwy moat be so d las we are braocoi itelsbi gold brooch earrings fine cold brooches english sold gem rings silwer scotch peblile jewelry selected personally while in england b s a va g e cuelph the fashionable wet end cuelph thanking you ing my letter and trusting it will necessary to trouble you again i am you acton dec qtbj 1885 twenty for your c urtesy iu insert- hot be cents an hour truly w allan bae co to the editor of oiofkec im ss i srn the con niissioner of publia works for the village of acton hai tried to answer my letter by saymg for some reason jhe was not put on the streets and sidewalks com- mittee because hp ihad doi e 1 is work too well now ij sayjpositivel r h was put on the committee above mentioned when the committee was fjrtrt struck and th com mittee was smith ismond and hender son after mn i smiths ieatb aid mr stephenson was elected am at the vety first meeting of the council after mr stephenson took bis seat mr ismon 1 was appointed chairman to which he did uot demur but when the work w as about t begin hie then became baulky tu id kicked ver the traces and said he woulil not do t lie work wless he was paid for it now mr editor i defy mr ismond to truthfu ly deny it but sir when the 20 c ents an he ur was dangled in bis face he ace anted the position cheer- fully thereby dep eting the treasury of from 8dto90 u oor jouncilloi have no higher umbi- tion tha4 to seek potion to their services we obtain pay for bhould disjcaid them alto- igether how mo lest be is when he aays pvt ry other meml lar voted 2 cents an hour at lor ian serve ibemselies but he sat still amtjof diem do itwhodt sajyng a yfs j bug ham wo liave pleasure in stating that our stook for the seasons trade surpasses in extensive varie ty aiid choice selection anything we have ever formerly laid before our customers bucham co our store is full of toys dolls albums bibles toy book cups and saucers children sleighs work boxes writing desks cruets butter dishes napkin rins watches clocks jewellery xmas and new year cards a wonderful stock j be judieioui about buying our xms presents make sure youiata getting the best acd most for your money makjs a point to see oto stock at ah earjly day compare our stock an dprices witu other stores you will find it to your interest to buy your xmas gifts frorb ua come in whethbr you want to buy or not all welcome 1 the leading store in the george ccjunty of halton for xmas arid new year presents hynds acton silks satins and velvets ill this department no house here can successfully compete with ns in point of variety real sterling value and downright cheapness lafcijefc who are in the habit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements we offer iff this department to pur chasers inspection invited buchalvl co dress cqods this department is a large one with u and always presents a choice bf really desirablegoods to select from seldom met with even in the largest cities ladies will do well before buy ing to visit our bstablishmefit and look through compare priaos bucham co i fsjxiomtfjla wist sncl press mantle and kplnptv bstftbllstiebt youj can buy anything in clothing bootsand shoes and afless than cost of imanufacture fr r nos6 aiid 7wyndliam st stusiph and 84 oswald st fflatgow scotland g from for cash this wjejs 1nt next j j special reductionis in gre i db j fur and mantles wool squares and shawls i in theiali hit beel1 ster than auythidggiielph has kiiown in 01 icipatiou o a mild intor we consider it tuebetter policyito make a eat lonhce niuw rather than carry gouds over christmas 1 r i am seliag jofl ito resem coal oil continues at 15 cents a gallon cjrnie stalghi to tjie rirht jplace yoii- va liave 30j oeehb orr every dollar you sp9nd with us x now is th time to uy your winter furs now is the time to 4iiy your winter mantles now is the time to buv yout wintrwrap8 we inake special reactions- ofi theke groods j we have still few pieces of those coated iwonrg i- t c b griffin j d t i clothing clothing the lion leads everything ia this line our p suits and oyerpoats re fee vfmfof of i thbage a 4 i j m sanl mormwl ofr 25 hoe wei printing jfov marketi elowti tol bus sipce alel the da arid i thef school uood the i iu dew btj season post on jhe 80th icst1 3alv lot busind for some bre and onlyl six in btif ee boom mondayt thej swack eenii one aud frt some npm c rcnov tlie i turis oo 1 1 more tti mtllon i vfhol with tois lij annoancp our with ciij look as ill profitahlej bel hughes next moij lecturebfl 3iess rhe the store i the ha block alle t

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