hjretfrcss tin rtu mormvq agutt 31 is at geo ilyndv acton r 3vintlol koru holler ktmt crmupalsj ivael kuicivau tbiuhatutton llicoivlv ln in ten tbil tccil a kwimi t l go jatl ukuc4 out an llt lluck eirtu uswia or l llltlt mt- call 111 aud lee vtem bits of brevity t r ih pk ad tctr far reader of ihe ft ttt village varieties a cuccu r lnl nw nmd other matter r bperul latrrot u tr llute kadcr a b7 tw al prctcdt aeion la a busy i littto torn as anv of lis lite iu i be country new buildings art in pngnssia all diixctwns tod cvr tmnp fxlnbos an air of enterprise rx pruspotitr may it crer continue aeiom band concert the band gnvo our cihicus mutcal trcl on monday evening a nuiuboc of ntw tunes were piaed we export to bcc tlic kind win crcn higher honorsthtoi u1 jural the cuinpcutiout llus fall go in iwyi and do our best the bower lie one heatts tiie wck on the building a vocation v lioes oa b wcr aaciue ia pwgissmc rvpidly the mines of siz of the houis lun dtublo tiu idtujjs k up and reach r the brick aoi ibe cul cr four imu be its fur sdvicco i m a few days cwc wcatber lt jv c august wntfrnul a npe t mwt npvnlr tc r r advtfrumea fkt did mhilt tiij t- fiu c one- arc over for the wa of c arge we all ci joed tbe h hdv acuic boii s cacrw lake ibeciko tbe aucfloftr en hi rucfee aton eqacic to wcslip conned met lav saturday gram is now comii mio market q uc j sjlunii morning as if u werexfift dollar good at brcakfat a sulfctiber in buffalo mite r ct i find one diar for another jeers ijjcnpiioa to tue free ppess i thiuk mi subnpan runs out bept 1st i lool fir ilc flee puts as aaruusly virj pltniifuur tr4cto irdiisiil eil iuiloa opex next tudi tlcicaio bol liy of 1 u new a th cf cf ibc p5t- when you go to it oq a chair be sure the chair u ihere tbe dctro t ercusioauta returned hone ou ilodiy evttug setd t copr cf jiu pip to y fneudi it will iluret them ilisiesitincie acd lzne forer vialed fneixli ci bcxkn dura g the wwlc tbediiting park i yutrcc reddirby horsemen it la now in jttlxl conauioa adrateuc tumult sem to be of al mostwetkly occcrrccce at a loose on wil low sirecl unul further nouw th erec a serice ia tie uctbodi cuarch kill commence bill it six tastbinti of the frxe pee4 sjff ne dee 13 itrs a a securd f jc a qaau y c harrefct apjj a jfethiuls report a alight reira in bncesi dencg- ile pai wct aal expect a b iraue tla xsul mr r e i a ezlb ts a dcubeheart exl agpt- it sholi eenxiclr cierc x syiapljif f i a fe ijtrs llefcs t k hardnr groce- tad eecy tfc son ixkv an- bhcics lve lid tier wmaowe ncuy k ired hop j ckjd wl 1 txmrctace nit wetk the cruj i rirr co1 au il- pice lcucj lias baa brt- ic a tf ei ilr win hj lowwt c- an eh3 ei- plio ru tuesday wi ch wulci lbs prtabrie aj fcjbbj l slol p c cid ysterui mioi a a ove ta- appitcui ktp the uit e ven qaic- thccficl- bv wi tr- r to c03 ulwc i tc kc if llz wiii 10 cst ltn vi rsulctliicv py te rna iuuu- wnh biii tur y cayererriia in thich la com pie e xiifi new town 1 1 tue wok lo p g stific oil tl cipea ert 6cia ia kijw uar bcii tu ilt ton bchj i exrrj iite eg red lj scrvi vs ol iir gr- oc d csjii es head ha ec cx ih pb jc ilid uodel bcljo- at a ar c f 3 x a jt- it s c tiiat mr sj ce m imager of tht graud tmca lis laseu an c er m liqmra abijl net be snd ic rtfieline4 rocili cu the bxto tlitcgrel ese it cires us pa4urc to noe tne ma effcrts hich lire beea made by oar cui- eci of late to bzutify axd mprove tbeir pvperas ii gnea the p c- an air ci pcrmiiiecre no others ie obtucab if the pice r bop eoatilats ti nc the bcwete wj b- cutipt ltd to i-crcac- lhe pace of bcero ruduu tbe quality b the bautuuuya of torn dnjg iq txie lae puce of tlic rupidy sdvszzm hoys jltcatftd victualler r organ as thjlgh some drug wai foreja to the beer cow manufactured note or my breakfast k fjuc kaoior it is wid tbit the rumnr cucaated lal wtck to tie efftt thai a apcrel weddiog lad ukca puce in rockfcood with an attua youug udv as bnde ia incorrect gosipcrs ahould b more careful how tiie circuute stones of tl s nature u u untrue me persons feelings are generally wouud ed icddenu on vaturdir eveicg list tvilie son of rer jamo ccjtu was reummg home from tbe counlrv wha the horse upon which le wti riding et ambled and fell pec p lalicj him viaenllv to the ground breaking hu cuharboae dr ree reduced frxcue wh cb was a rery bad one win- will noa be as well u eter gtorgt- fmi hercd i ovt at m time and agu hire we called attention to tie praci ce t f paaos allowiogchildrec t- ficquent the tircets at nigfci bit our wxrcicg are appirntly uobecdrtl par cnt oa- childrens monls art btmg ever list eg y ulclfcd by ilta urwimnled m ualgecce ketrj uicm in at eights ard thry wi i ic fniure ears thank yoafocyocr tmilgly etnct ddpue now csa5ae0fprltttsew j pfgitt of st allan church and rer r5 locke m a- of ortaceiciiaflg pulpits ltat fcaaday- 1 fisea afpzaxaxcz the 20lh battalion lome kfls have received an acopuble ddiaon lo their nciform m the shape of gleugarrt caps and urtin trousers haltcus fall fabl the annual fall exhibrioli of the halloa agncatanl so ofitvwui beheld at milton taeaday and wedottday octouer 10th and hlh- fc3r or the faib- the port ekia biuy tintallis publitbed s aeat sixths pae u imtrtxed paper in cjnecuon with the port elgin uii saufteen agricnltural exliiuilifia bra johnston desetrcs credit for has enter prise black ichhtisg we are informed that bandredsv persons es some 1 ayi ihoas- aodsviju the- blackberry fieida at st helena t flw mifes south of this village the pate 1 comprises up wards ot a thousand acgrsr this is the last day of august which is eaeraliy the hottest mouth of the iear tic present oiunth h a gnenbul few hoc idii e iwieed it has haralj seemed lifcealgit ail siine expect scpcwbtr to mi an for thia moolb it heal 1 1 it is aa udwntteauw well understood in joanulism tiiat no edjlor u under tlie eujlitefl bligtwa lo gire ratoa for bis cceluoe or noa accepiuce of a mana- ecnpl heu ml calledupoo lo write a piote en aqu ou ti article lo llie auliior cfit his acctplaice orrejecui uaa ib tofule mid flwjueiufjawe fact athoi xaieur writers ill doe oi ippeir w be undermjjd tbe nature of editorial worl requirefl jbolai power of decision i order to preserve rile tuiiue of tbe journal tbt tdnor cyiiducie 2kloati5orrat lime fruit a baekdoim a theb01 gof ther7erafa te arn liliin of actoa btie bill cmb br agea own team a claikege fron cioa wis coc axtpcd a jlejwi unit ilt wee a o chailuged to pay oa caic bdsy but sfc- tccep iljj the cbilletge uic 1 eked down and declined to pvy quz s ira seem to hire the 6vd aji lo tbemve noa- are ilere ro at ream ii iuus culia tb- ut h re to cnoutr exklbuioa jnonuii tiit eihibi mn nmbir tif the fa uxci afro cl lbisled at l ndnc ocl is to hs d a d h full if most n easirg matter f sg icj tnts fifty thoisand copcs iepjbibed tv- htve a so received iht anuii eihui oanamlxrof the rural vetc to lxr tna it 1 one o ihe jcst sn ul icj rnxr zirc we eve fii ii cojtai c tedii g matter ind wluitniktcs ltlich j j be iu tle hidi of eidri firmer in b oji so ils ortemprxnee a pe mi an rikeiing wuh rifrenc to tl r rejrgmjiiu ioa of act a divi a 1 s nv f tc pcnice w i i dd ta ilcdy eve j iog td hjti p esidetl over hy crraad woolly patrirca 0 hm of ttr cvj 1 uj ection at u stailjuoa of tiffiteia will tke plce next tuediy evemctr and ihe d 1 vi oa wall be placed oa a re fuoaiog fir futaie pfgrtss asd tac s ac dkioc lis d ne mcch go m lb psst t she will mike her enstence felt in ca s to come a bad pmxiliapt on tufsdav fo an accident occur- red on jlnl street hy which the bugcy of ilr d willamsoa was verj badly dam aged ilr j an bums was hauling jocg timber tn ihe new lo wu ha p and in lumiajr te coocr at 5cam street he must have talced too ihort and tbe hind part of the bad ought in vlr wifliamsons baggy i which was standing in front of ifr havills licsbop turning the hmd wheels insideoat and doubling up the axle the hoise at tached was badly scared and tne bames was cojsiderably bnaken the buggy is almost a total wreck- eortlna exhibftloa eaqasing agricuuaral society holds its annual fall exhibition at georgetown on fnday ocl 6th georgetown had better make tbe best of the exhibition this year as she wid be left out next year aetna is determined to have it next 3 ear and we think it ia certainly dae to her s well as ihe members of the society in this vicinity that it should be held here alternately with georgetown acton cok has just as good grounds as georgetown and her claims lo ihe exhibition are just a strong in every way we hope lo see her eet justice at the ueit annual meeting of the directors tie cuafow loiue tamc j the runout ccmontlut week thai mettra chrstie henderson a co had disposed of their dry goods bnshieaa wu received with wonderment mixed with a certain degree of incredulity by our ritizcoa but u our column a elsewhere will show tbe change u an established fact the rtuoa for ihe change is that the ouliido but in era of the arm tit the lime and stone business and the private banking business has grown to such pro port ion ft that it wu fouud im possible to tnanocfl the whole aa profitably as if more direct individual superintendence was giveu to the several businesses and after mature consideration ft was decided to dupose of the dry goods aud general buiines mr curislle will give his entire attention lo the lime and stone business and coutemplates removing to toronto hii headqairtets for a itme for that purpose the business will no doubt derclop into much larger proportions by his personal smxrnteudencc mr henderson will re- miua here to manage ihe business of the aelou ilaukinjr cojtpftny and wil also coaduct a goaeral coaveyauclng and collect ing business these gentlemen have been as sociaiodith the mlerrsts of the village dnr- i iglhc paal leu yuirfand we can safely say that no cuizeus have bad actons progrcas more at heart norendeavorxd lo bnug its advantages more ulxoeuy before tbe outside pub c ihua d d christie and d uenderson we are sorry to low mr ckns le from our midst even for a time but he has lare intertsta here aad we hare uo doubt his geuial face iliotteo be seen in acttn where be has spent the put leu cart ne tnisl pleasant h and profitably ilessrs r e kelson and john iforae who have purchased the glasgow houso basnes3 are yoqng men but they have both had considerable experience- in the baseness and will no doubt witn careful prbonal attention preserve for the businesa the pow assame the good reputation it has always hitherto enjojod we wiahthe new tirra every sneceas and commend them to ail tne caatomers of the recent muage- meat aetoi uric boluay a more pleasint day for the civichobday than lat fnday codd not have been de sired and tbe general way in which the huuhy was obsetted by our citizens was a poo of l acceptability there was an a most ctitire suriiioa of business the buiura alnae rmamiog at ot and ereiy res deat seemed determined to speca an sajo able dar- caiou jack were hoist ed mid tb hide town preseqlcd bielf in holiday attire amusements of ranoua kinda were paric pi ed ia by citizens in- dudiac jicnics driviiff bcatiag and a nmb r to k in the excukion lo toronto but the chief attraction of the day wu the cetcktt 1catc1i bween a berlia encket tedni and aa elerea chjaen from he ciuh recently orpiniied bee tle berlin boys arrived by the 9 45 sm inua and the maten commenced a few minutes after len oarboyneatenngthegxme wnb the expecla ion of beng very badly beaten but each payer was determined to do ins bl aclon won the loas and sent heir oppoueota lo the bar the bowhag of messrs lore and mcgarvia did not seem to be relished by the bcrhn boyi and tliey found the underhand bowling lo be cbcal as hard to gel over u did onr bos thir roald arm and uver arm balls both teina leag ucaceiuainied wiih ihe others ball tbe were managed with diffleulty 1 ie u heg t f hiagkes of tbe berlin leam w a aduiirctl by all aad lie was set d i wn u a cickettr of ihe very first water scul ly s bowbug lo 0 wu got but could not t jcti hughei 0 tbe hed there were coj men un both sides but both wil im- p by continued prcice the bciun uofi re ired at the eol of the first innings wih 1t ra i aad our boj s then weut lo the bl d suceedd m piling up wah niias tud extra 24 to ileircretiil thepujenr len went to dinner and yed an excel leal sp ead al agner a lioiel at two oelockihe gme as reoieied tn the e ond innir berhu made uj when tbey look tue field and oui boa wert in the willow five mrj sncceexled in making ufliieat raaa to over baikiice their oppon mas re and gains wua called about 4 so p m ih ailou victorious by 8 ruuj and seven wiliaeti to sare the gme through out was amended mlh tle utm fat cood- cxicre br bodi teams and lo theircredii be it taid the umpires decisions ere never ques loned tue berlin bo 1 1 left by ihe p 21 train feehig that ibei had eujoied a plenum day ile return maich will be placed in the course of a week or so tbe fcltowicg is the score beklis rtllst rxkccgs eugtes b ifuore 5 0 0 2 1 0 i 3 summer- series lecldettf a daughter of mi jowpb arthua of tbe tbird concafiu near tbia nllage aged about iz years met witb aa accident of a somewhat serious datura oa sunday afler- oopu te girl bid taken quite a faneir to nding fcer fathers hoisei and tbia ater- aoou unknown to her pareau bid brirllod s colt and wu riding it about ihflfled wben 11 beame fnentened and slijiiir to one side tbrtw ber c2 by be fall i she ustoioeci a dialocalioa of tbe ribt ebotxider and a number of painful bruisa dr porbter was at once sent for atid did ajl iu ins powar 0 relieve lie sufferings of the m girl sbe u now reeawring sj juieeatjxmoawui wifds cfjfe blfoote boehmer al b ilcgarvui sutder b ifoore i cualmers c matibewa b sfcgamn scudy b ilcgairm bnigeraan run out boelimer el c mcgamn bmoore girard b mcoamu 0 simpson not out 0 dcbna c iloore b hooro 0 extras 2 u sioojtd cotrsga eajhes b hrwre it uilds b ilcgamn 5 boebmer a b iloore 0 sander b mcgamn 5 cualmers c smith b iloore 0 scully b moure 0 b ngeman b iloore 2 boeumer h c moore bmi garvin 0 ginrd blfocre 2 sirrrpsnn c king b uoore 0 debus nolout 6 ertraa i total actos fikst tssisas t t moore b scnljy w c kin b hnabes 1 e mcoititin b hugbca 6 s smltbbhugbea sco hynds not o it c w aid bhujrhea dr lowry b scull r fife b hughes i maitbens c uugbes b huebes j speiirht b 8culy c hoff b scully extra u 6ec0jtd restsos t t wcore ran out 0 yv c king b hughes 8 j e mcgamn not out 12 c s smith not out 2 geo hynds c hughes b hughe 2 ezjas 6 28 totaj 52 majority for acton 8 ram and 7 wickets umpires g munaiugton berlin aud 1 b pearaoo acton bcorera b weber berliond h p moore aclon drug stove aoton oat the edinburgh warehouse stjmmbk 188 2 hughes griffin ncvr offer great bargains in dry goods heady hade clothing hiliinery aad soots shoes our new stock isfkoial li3stes 917 patterns of choice english and french print at 5 cenu a yard and up mantle ami dress ca8hmere3 50 inches wide single width dress goods all the fashionable colors and shades with trimxjings to match from 8c a yard upward linen qcoda of every d8cription at prices that cannot be beaten heavy white counterpanes at 8100 beautiful stand 8preadsal 80c and 40c gents furnishing goods tek most complete stock ik actok j our millinerr will be found more attractive than ever this season as we have taken all pains to obtain the latestand choiceatclastof goods in the new york montreal and toronto markets special hues in childrens eats fancv straws at 15c k 20c mens and boys fell fur 4 straw hats w can show very large and choice assortment in this line boys fanoy straws for 20o and 40o ileas straw aad felt hats for 25 50 aad 75c 11 41 lil department the large trade we have done in this line during the past year convinces us that we are handling the right class of goods iour principal lines are manufactured by j- d king i co and cooper a smith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongsmhe best in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work trour prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of goods 3highest price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs hughes i griffin aoton removal havikg larqelt rcbkased mt stock or 1- boats and shoos i hav found it necessary to remove to the rrore commodious premises previously occupied by dr forster which i have leased from ill i creech i therefore beg to inform the inhabitants of acton au 1 vicinity that on saturday next 19th inst i shall open out a very large and varied stock of boots and shoes iwliich i shall offer at the lowest possible prices as heretofore- my stock has been purchased from thelargest and most reliable firms iu toronto aud montreal which enables me to offer you the very best value ever offered in the county of halton trusting you will give me a call and satisfy yourselves my state ments are uot exaggesated i remain yours obediently james coodall ssuremember the place next to hynds jewellery store hello brown r where is that big stock of glass ware and crockery gone oh its sold but a new stock has arrived and will be opened at once what will you have rtmtmbar that splandld soc t w i ibirowinj try it for a aioe bummer drink ttoataerral lime go to t h hardings for 12 lbs good bright sugar for 1 try t h hardin gs 4 lbs good green t for 1 try t h haedixgs 35 ct japan tea worth 45 eta gstry t h hardings 10 lbs raisins for 100 go to t h hardmgs for family supplies of all kinds comprising teas coffees spices canned goods dried and salt meats laid c a splendid stcok of crockery and glasgware just received at t e hardings flp s remember the place agnew6 brick block main st acton july 27 82 thus gowdy go guelph manufacturers oh reapers and mowers steel ohilled other plow trait jiioo it hparyias drag rtore acton