Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1880, p. 3

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i xfiigsi mmmmmm 1 i tetjly tawx tiise u trains leavv icton follows o043ki west jijvt ripr lioovm toronto mail fcloam thy kipresa t4puu kvprcm 513 nni lialttnitcd r 645pm i j qotxo msti i kirkt kvpresa lflam gilttuucu sara oil- etf ihsocin rotcra iniil i optn- tdtloaittii 830 pm eilre lati gratta snlyw spooai iilfuris faaey fllui wtro voi- dizca4eirtilyprlaaubrljit aliraye a larcc stock on hind ot berlin rxils motions card krd envelopes note rrr combs purses spectacles autcut ijuck btveltos bracelets etc at om hyuds jewellery a fancy goods store acton oat tiirusniv uotxtxc xar ii issi touw ixf- corar i ox tfteaty- oc mud again georgetowa waata s bout baud merchants report llieir fall busi ness ahead of lastrvear l acton orangemen celebrated gay fawfccs day last friday night the urcollector b nommenced hit pilgrimage front hca to hoaset we hare ajen wmetbing of no rem her i sins during ihe put week tr ilrlelsorhs frying rwrfec satisfaction to every caslacoer call end ace him the monthly additions to the faee pds sahscriptiaa kit are grxtifyiuly tm rewnt rains hive made tie raids very heavy lut graitr continues to be ocliyercd in lirr quantities 1 j alex srxtt has hissiip vii hot vcry neitly drea with hardware ttka lcoii at it vc2tyu1 see something voa l we received seouinianicatioa this week without the sistcre of the srriter cc citwiy e o it t pu in oat inste utste every conicnsiiigitia not bcirinj jf- ntert niaie irili be caciigied t tile frrrre pllre axgtheeticttjc oc sunday tie reiiei at cliriljlrce fickle sun xviit forty exrs o tr were focnd in tiie tavzsip of kelioc iboct jme ciue froca csriinrtf ac ermjty wkifcey jap wxs tjica by bit cie he ao dflabt perixaed frc ecl iciiue iutcriatei ew cosstaole at the lift meet- ic tf t viiixce cccnci ilr w hemitreet r uii etorn in u rillise eotstible 5r hiitrei bts been instructed to ecforce ati brkirr z3 hire no doalt be will irriorji hit duties iritboct fesr or firor tie pririsoas of the cov by kr will nor be carried out- 5tr w ffpmstrrrt attctioiierr ceiires t iniimit tn tbe finrfrj tnj other e vavliiaston coanty tht tihncb he ht coei to acuo he is etih rrtpsred to tt- teil anction in tblt cianty il in- fnsilion la reference tft terns lnh ilxtes 1e jiren by hesry ixccirtbvkoct- liir by himself it actoc- urivtr eervifes ire tiin con cten in the c- it cbareh kyiinbji cir ice fcprritiua of flevt sw wtbtb t afttrc mjore the neetingc are htlz escceafji in tteu tozii converted qiite i cusbr inrics cica tiaseiret to s v tit lord ini prsfei a change ot heiri jifirths goo vatk ccctincec jtart jiitig to tne irn amaint of trf rertiseioeats received ftrinsertion till eefc te ir enable to ficeliia citlit qnaiitity c local matter aa several- important artxcles andcornnicnicaiioua acrowded oat tte trctt hairerer that oar reader will bear with cr ttii weei aad we riu cire the cinal amocnt of ifltereattag niattef iaoor cert issue i siceprxxr oa eanrkj- isti tb xnal qiiirterlr kirkei were hett in- tte methodist chareh at tiie con clnaxon of the morning aerrice the lre feast was bebi and tre sacreraent of the lords snpper waaadininuenaf by eeir t l vpiifcinsott pastor of the eicreh the monthly com- eicioa serrices were aisa laid ia st alhani chcrcii on scndsy iaat eirplr eespoxd during the past weefc we rendered account ia nearly all aub- ecrihenr whowere ia arxeariad urge num ber of thoie indebted- to ne inre reffparji and paid up their aceoatsta whom we tender onr tiaati there ia yet however a rtryjlarse nnmbec wbo owe as for the fezi petss and also for adrertiang and jobjeork who wonld eatfer on na a favor by aetjinj their scconnts without farther oii- citafioa foobtit divwos auur the divitlod court wa hto btra joattday qiu k timbar of ouei were diapoaed of tht aaaai number ot uw tendon wen pteaint curto rmiiw w hr recti v d fron thi aiaoora f rninc a copy of uieirprtmiuoipireoto all itiuoriura who pay in idranoo it u a utuufui litho- graphic pfunjr of jf iajara ftlti aud ia t verj- valoabli preieot dkw ituktiko ott moadljrllj xf cat n ht bpeigtt nd drd xiokltn of thia tillage and urtc thompaoa ot palarmb left here tor the wilds ot mmkoka oo a deer hooting expedilion we wiak the ipattanwn their mnal aaccesa tuk hiou frxo the windwbicli njd early oa snndar norninf did conaid erable damage in thia ticiiily one ot the brict walla of ha kitchen ofxtr thoniaa meocta aewhonte oq uower aae tu blown down a bomber of feocea also aaccumbed t scott act jrecrika a raeelinjj in faroc of ue scott act will k- bald ta the temperance hall actoa oa ffday a tea- ij12th inat addrcaaea will b delivered byuata bamfpreauvterian and w j uaxweu jfeuiodiamof uoelpa diacoaaioa atited arrwrxtath9tillaji cancil bte track unrataottaiatioo ortkojeaf u 11 aiutjoa to dollar thia ia a vy low rau wea oompared with other villkrca of the aiwi ardour alretiand aidewalia are in tery fair eoaditfoo fergaa law are 14 mills aad witrtoo paji 2j nulla quartei or l cextuar the ifariauaa icoaoouv eitewd upoa ita twea tyhfthyear wiut the last iaiae the o auxat ia ooe of oar boat axchaojai it baa a goodtypographical appearance and ioofca tran aad healtiy enoorh to lite twenty- lire veata longer we wtlt it aaccesa cakadahealtlrjodrkac the nq- rember namber of the cdxaja ittallk r- idfiaimttohaad tt oontaina 28 pager of t jlcreitiug and highly instructive matter and is pnhksiid ajoatbly it the low price of 150 a year ia advance- it adroeates pnrrentiou rather tlua care aad alionld u received aad read ia evtry hoaaehold tic wosdearcliiaxthe attan- tioa of ocr readers is directed to the mam- motaadvertiseaieat of the well known dry sooda firm ueaara oba sags son dry goods merchants gdctvh ia which they aanoance that i hey hava a large stock of 3 dresi goods radfinery maatles fare readymade ciothinpi blankfta saaqela rttteys tweeds etc which they are aell- x at erceediiijtly low prices whateyer it reqiirea ia the way alaty goods tljey are able fo anpply peroae the advertisement and tiea xb hooderfnl ilui visit tke ladies especially ahoald gtre fieaacall addoess the foliowia is the ad dress presented to mr r little p s l with uio gold aratch aad chain at the teaclicrs coavtntion at jikvilla last weet the teachers of the connty trust that in lie tnirftr a onerous duties yott bave been cheered by the aaarxace that in taany iciittnces we have practically reeogcixcu the great lalne of yosr corti to savancc the odacitiocsl intrcst5 of oor oammnnitv year singl siii often amid very perplexing circumstances yocr zealous earnestness iu tocttring the eciency and success of the teichcrs your untiring industry in apply ing the machinery of oar school system in lu minolest detas haveletii elements et to the progress of ocr schools vanr friendship is rendered daablv valuable by a strict impartiality yoar long experi ence comifjaads oar respect yoar example confirms the deaire to be worthy of our prufession and yoar kindness and consider ation tre mdicatire of a sympathy that has won our confidence aadgretittde as a lucmorisl however inadequate of our ap- prceiatioc of ttir nine tcarx toil tiaoagt us we ask your acceptance of this vnncli tadchsin we trait that it kill aid iu charing as they flyjthe macy hoars during which we pray ajtini praridecca may preserve you m this field of usefulness signs oa behalf of tie association i 1 enaasls jodjje miller paidyiftou tiaitjealer mr aha ifeeaerjon of palermo was ii wwaoaiaoaday mr thomas christie of walkerfon ra tttowaoatrednesday we had a call front mr d w campbell wrof ixiltoa j-eaterdt- ij- donald kennedy wbo has been in jba daring jho past few months paid his oufneudsashort visit thia week he m port haron yesterday eaeabts r pjtlilit iu per issue af list week we sice a short ultice- respecting the wuit of tcirouto aid hsmiltoa k of pv to their acton brethren the visiting brethren natnberini about 3c ia recalia arcivej by the s3 tnin eu wedntsxisy tieuing they were met at the i t edcpot by the meinliera of caiintbe lodge of this village in falregaiia headed by cctoa brass baal and large ccmlr of boys bearing totchex several bcudred of our citizens assembled at the depot to witness the procession after fraternal ejecting tbey proceeded ia pro cession to the lodge room where a aessio j tooklrihvce aad several ranks were conferred after rbich they again formed in processioa and marched to the grange hail where a bonctifnl repast had been prepared by sir xalui bennett which cedected great credit on him as x caterer for the public the caxir was occupied by dr w h storey ccoi calanthe lodge and there were present llessrs c h mitchell c k of k and s a l rattray p g v c of toronto g w plastow g l g j scott ii of f if hamilton w ii dhilds c c of eed cross lodge hsmilton t wosdrr p c w l beimeater g if of f g farley p c iron city lodge pittsburg pa amooj others present were messrs doddffhcphersonfgraycameron of rorootd and heaars walah brown pedler kcclertone aad goodete hamil ton after all had aatisded themselves with- the good things provided the tables were cleared aad mr w h storey made a few appropriate remarka ia reference to the progress of the order and the hospi tality of oar village after which the follow- in tout wen proposed aad drank ia water with eatbaiiasfa the 6rst toast waa welcome to the tiaiting jjrtthren res ponded to by members of toronto and hainiltoa lodges then came the health of the supreme lodga replied ta by mr- gjl mitchell of the sapreme lodge thernett propoaed waa the grand lodga of ontario to which if r h i villiers of toronto and mr g w phutow of hantil- tonj reapoaded after which our american brethereowa giren ahdaorwered by mr g ifsrley of pittaburg r then followed the prosperity of ilalanthe lodgewhich was replied to by ueaara g hynds t moore aadl fraacis of calaothe lodge the qaeea waa given aad honored by the company rising aad afneiogthe national anfhem the preai waa propowd by hrtw wilson ad rtaponded to by mc hp moore of the teiepftbis the ladies and the hoat and hbsleas wee presented and replied to after which gen eral conversation waa eoraged in during thw evening namber of pieces of good voealinaaic ere given the company broke ap at a lesaoaable boar all well pleased with the eveninea eatertaiaroent the visiting brethren left for home by the morn ing train ad were bud ia their praises for the warm reception accorde themj garnishes etc nbtlem worth attention ca8b fqr bpttiib asb lor frfah egat lh liiwi iric io oh paid for good fitkin butter a quauutv of eggs nod butter wauled at oooe awgreen hats from j ooali lo f2cc at j fyloa choice fresh butter for 19 cettla al ohipmant ladies mitvllea ftowcit ityleg at chrutloj lleiidenoa co best display ot gimwarty it ilex secotda a good felt itat fur 5 ccata at j fyfea lattoest block of grocetiee ia tojjn at alex cecordi tiie ik1 50c blncfc cushmera at cnriitie- ilcadetianvkcoa tle lient u cent wincey at curiilie hetidenon 4coi onioni onions oniom large red oniani waaiodit alex rjooords if yoa want a nobby durable and coeap tutt fy fea i the pluoe to go the- largest and cbeaie8t rlocfc of boou tad shoes it christie henderson jfccof if yoa want ta pnteliua crookery go to aleisecorvi where you will have an assortment suiu ani overcoata at extremely low ratea and made ta latest itylea be ire ta call aad ace them j fyfe acton the biggest beat and cheapeit stock ot boots and shoes at christie headeraoa i cos eemember the famous we tea scotch euglish and cnadin sailings in great variety at the east end cluthing store j fyfe actoa alee 8ecord im the anlr com plete stock a fctardnireof all kinds ia actoa and he sells very cheap carpels carpet cupels large flock splennld value a beautiful union carpet for 10c worth iyc oill ami see them ucxol andersoaico ueoige- tows ilaxttei the newest styles in ladies cloth mantles cheap clcse inspec tion if coods and prices rcsplctfuly teiiest- ed remember the fanwut 5cc tcjt sold in 3 iu lots at ijc at christie ucndersu t co doctors cava him op is it prwtole ifaatmraoatrnyts upend at wort amicurw by so clmiileit rvmc1 t aire yoa u u in tuc l u rntreir cured and witi tinihluz bul hoprhtcrs i lid aily leode crihts doctor caaebittt tipunl said be mustdl wvil-a-day- iflhsl l so i will to tlili jilnuie and eel wrae for ixjur ieoire i know liois ure pxxl xew ilillis-ekv- christie een- dersnu co will receive their new fall millinery m a few days and early nest week will beprepsrcd to ill orders thtnk in their mau jiatroas firrisst fsvors they rejpectfully sohcit insjecuoa of their new fall goods which will they btlievre be found very attractive and very cheap re member the fadtoua 50c tea sold iu w lb lots at tsr croup tiat dire disease has lost its tenors tri those who leeptellow oil at htnd yelloir oil also cures oie rhrirtt quiasey congestion and infum raci6n ot the lungs kow i lb fetsoli to guard against sudden ittscks of ctfensec ask yoardtuggist for hag- yanis tellow oil ucquilun k hamilton of the wellington visible works guelph are note1 or giving satiifictioo to those favor ing them rith their ordcrr if you need anything in their ie beturesnd rcniemltcr them tlicy do a very large business con scqccnly they are able to give liettertenns and keep better workmen ifin stcsller works send to them for particutirf no medicine is more jualy popular than hagysrds pectoml balsam ft is a positive specific tor nil diseases ot the throat ald langs lea ing to consump ion it loosen he tough phlegm or macoasjoothes imlalionillays froulde siiue coughing md heals diseased lunes hold by all dealers at 25 cents per bottle zqlesa i luiye seccred the sgency for this new coin pennd for dysperst audclver rraqbles it comes to me under mort uivor- able aosrices belnc verjtliljuly endorsed an recommended iu wonderful fsuilyto tneoleeaitveoncansand the liver ircrne- inc taedbsolvt nffjulees correct ing ibeaeljs and earrylncotr impurities of the stomach and re gulatlcg the liver can be tested btfe- curlnia sample bottle wnlcu sells at 10 els or large eirtit ounce bottles at t5 eeels x e kcfjarvtc the m km troth rtonsegeorrelown offers the biggest drive in dress goods andgeneral ary goods erer offered to the canadian pnblic dress goods for 10c 12c and 15c onginsl prices were 20c 25c and 37c wincies remarkalje bargains millinery 5iantlesfurskeady made ctotihirig overcoats oidered clothing immense bargains mcleod anderson lco msmmoth house hagyards pectoral balsam fs the most safe pleasantand perfect remedy known for all diseases of the throat and langs u carts coughs colds rrooohitis aslhms croup whooping cough and all pectoral camplaints in the most speedy manner a few doses will relief a the most troubiesome cough in children or adulls for sale by alt dealers at 25 cents perbotlle ihpoktakt alcsookcektst ilo leod anderson co of georgetown beg to announce that they have moved into their new store right oppositehe old stand having enlarged facilities for doing business we shall make a special exertion this fall to give trje choicest cheapest and best goods ever offered to tbe public the slock is im mense varied and attractire and won derfully cheap our new fiillinery and mantles opened out newclolhs and clothing and all kinds of new fall and winter goods call and see at and be hold one of tbe most ma ni scent slocks sad stores in this part of the county mcleod anderson a co wilson tvhd cherry one oflh most lliorougliy r llahe medi cines nowln ose by tbe canadian pibllc is wilsons compound hrrop of wild caerry ttipsueceas wti ch attends ita ose ir- esseoaf colds cooghs dronebltfs croup wluoplng cnusu loss or voice and weak lungs u moa- remarkable jrlelniilly prepared to meet tbe dmand lore good medicine of the kino in the retail store ofttie proprb tors lla sa le i ncreaked so rapldlysiid beramso largely extenel tltfit tbe mannfactarers fell it wiuronly ncoearr 10 fntrciluceltthroafh the newsi apersnrstie country to rnure it adopt i on as lie nullonel cure for dlseasen cf tne resntrntory nrkkns every leading- dnuglat la western ontario now sells it 2 galbonrvs parisian balm la a rare cure for creaked hassu craokofl lip boncxv sou of the skin tap rreckiea ana ban- bnrn it dee not man like niycertno and la far more naavuns try it of all kinds at njkas ii m an immeriw redubtloii in prices to clear out our stock to make a change heavy 50p factory flannel or s9c 25e wincey sbirung foe 18c 125 double fold coaling for 95c 225 beaver foren75 100 vlret wide hqt 70c fine 125 lace curtaini fori it0 flue 35c caaltoijre for 25c- heavy 50d diejut goods f jr 25c fine 22o dress uoods for 15c etc etc etc in groceries 3 lbs splendid tea for 8100 find 30o coffee for 2 jc coin 8arcli 3 packages for 25c diking foisder i packages rbr 25c liiacuits 3jh for 25c 1 etc etc cheat ssduotioas jamil- liaery iw good boots sc 8hos5 3t sailing lower tliaa ever ksuettnic cliapmaas corses storo aoaroisr- velling off at 0gst john ahern has decided to dispose of his entire stock 4 ceockbef and 1 duringjtlie next 15 days come secure bargains th whole of the stock iwill positively be sold off as the proprie tor intends engagfing in other business john ahern preserving settles in cwtotblb post office stbroj aoton for cheap hardware i cut i waottctht in all sizes paints oils and garnishes i window qlass 7x9 to 30x40 choiob smoked hams side meats best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest prices alexsecord o t sili -f0u- groceries ifyoa want a good and cheap article la tout- hyson jajia slack ox chu- povdor t e s i i sukars syrapa spices and tobaccos of au kioda fresh 4jtd hw15et hardware alt auktv paints and oils hinges and locks nails glass i pdttr brass and granite irolf ware fibtlie but in he market at hayills uill smisr scum- sigjv of fss lump tt- eryrresqn- salt br the barbel all cheap for cash oo to 0 t hidl mill street aoton christie henderson co acton this week show the contents of over- 60 cases of boots and shoes from the bttt xtkm in ts aaatnltrn fk 7oy ssotucnt qntutf a tbn wol fcu thowujlily ttittd to rtut as tit tteek tot tjuia- tity virltr suaulity nl ohaapaeu ii unturpwttd by tay tissru iitramtatatnftrmi9eituitrli oflrrti tn vonxiag tt wtvnif- ltt ftu tad vlattr npply full lines op tweeds gray white and scarlet flannelp can ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies man ties fine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in huivc alwats maob a specialty of a 12io whstget i we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plain and fancy from 5 cents up remember their famous 50c tea chistie hendeescn co k distinct and peculiar combination fellbws cohpodnd strop of hypophosphites tt cosairi ihe flemmls essential taf ftt a j organization the tttidislng agfiits aad tcsfles la combination with the stimulating agent phosphorus ncasntiag the merit a be lag slightly alkaline aad is dispensed in the convenient audls4ablefarmof asjtup ita eflecta an itsaallv visible within twenrffoct boon and- art marked by a acta aaslliat aftsu aftslim lln dlsntlna and iiriallirain entering dilectljlnto tbe eircalasoa ittenes the nerves and moselcs i exerts a healthy action of ths seu neither disturb the stomach nor injares tbe system under prolonged ose and maj be diacoatinued at any time without inconvenience ia a word it possesses the atimnlanu to arouse tha strength the tonics to retaia ii aad merit of a high de i fellows compound syrup of hypophosphites apsuxtr iuio ptauakiirar owtts ctttmtun f a tmh hrnrhult ctnmtmpfuti xnm p l nmft ttrmak tk wn trrmhllmfflh hmmitumd tlaut rkfwleal mitd vnitas orpremlau l f jpfmm asd il nsmdv wpron iim vcakemd foncticks sad orssat ef ik bndf vtuds 4epan4 tat l cpqaqliubsiy toluatsry jnj iaytiimait oermia aitm a7sassa fossa passpmlsr perry davis son lawrence frbttrtyt iqestsi kqitseizt x mccrae cos first prjze underclothinc lambs wool merino aad heaty ribbed als0- childreiis dresses and ladies underclothing wma stewart co invite the apecis1 atleoljon ot all who want really grat class dry goods air raasoaable pricea to the immettse stock of he goods iu onr j dhessaoods department 1untlk dkf arthent wllineky depaktifeut t lace hoslekif and glove department black and colobbd velveteen department silk department v cjaaldbprtmenr staple departhknt wiscet departxest uckjrmng depakthlnt table linen dsp a rrfent clote and 1 weed department blalk cashmere department we have the largest stock of goods vrs have ever before offered 10t oar aim is to offer such talajft and choice aa to make it an object for purchasers to call and secure bargains jot pleasure of a visit solicited wm stewart co shawiluftoii mtohanttttljors outlph able prices john worslfold x mandfact0kee3 and dealers in all kind9 of m e a upholsbsred goods a i r t ii elegant drawing boon suites elegant rsmfrj snitea elegant llniruj booni 1 dautor be oar llen adjoitaiu ssiift chair bee in tbe marke pign of the chair hazletoiis block upper wrsdham street gufcpk at mccforvins drug store actnv m

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