Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1880, p. 2

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v t i s u- gpssjj5fga4a mm 4 thfgeeprfissf0ai88l to sfjwsnicritwnii tlle acum iruiprkm will be urnialicd o new subscriber from the present time till the lsvot january lwi for jim iwo mouths for uotbiltg rtuhreribc at culx ml nocart the till bcutlit oi this liberal iiffcr cli eutaerftm ast piwtt subscriber to the acton fast press sending us now subscriber yritli the money l0o as above will have hii own subscription advanced throe month for two fotnoribcra ilx month- and o on three mrlhs or each now subscriber f ffs jfgbs pimsst sai vtvlj tjatsadav nov ii itvsi our village rulers x lcaatitr ami important tics sionfour bvlaivs lutro- dticcd ana lnucd tho eitlmate ptr tio current ytartlie raw furooi at 11 mau oa uia collar 1 mill mlgner iu lut voir collector appointed effloteat constable sworn ia ha will eaforoa ordar street lamps to be krccled the municipal council of the village of actoa met in tht fcauucil chamber ou friday eventu 5th iustrpursuant to adjoainutut members present mrd ilendecpin iutiia chair measi v if stdrey 1 d christie end n mcgarvia moved hr d d cliristt seconded lj x mcgtrvio that mrs sauinel slight be paid the mini of 8u7 litiug two thirds value of one sheep filled by dji curriti tha curamittefl an srtett and side walks icpartetl that they have laid ss fetofiidcalkeaineela6tiiieetinj end the several uceauuts are htid before the finance committee 3toretyx etcorvo koojded br d d ciirttie that th rejiort of the committee en stilts and sideadi be adapted cartiej ti e finance couiiuitloe presented the fullowin estimate of reciitx uud ipendimrr for the cm rent year ind lie several rttct by law for tht puqxte required kecetrra tlioeae statute labor ty dog til z uuus en cie on lsscmciit of 212010 rvccnimended that namey be irvted br ium sono 2000 il1ltos county sews georgetown tiicto ia every iirutpect o george town academy being full after cbtut- icwa urraltl mm chits itoe vholity in wcb a prcciirioui jtuti it duf or two itjo mij of wliow recovery little liotts weiv sntertiinedhy the uindicul men nut- tendauct is no o arimtorvd to be beyond tbi reaou ol daugek her aid wv ar glad to note thot our ilichanica lnsliluto is praritig a latge tddttiunof very xoheul waifcn has imia ntallo to thu libvaty togslber with tlw piiiigauw etc uialcm lbs roout a ujt desirable place in wlilcb to spend a tiveoiug urcaltu bob jtcanw left town on wednesdiy mailing r charg of mr suli dktintioti miltin jail charge stealing guods fraot jno wilson llcr- oa simdav kovcnibtr list tbe new m e cimtch grepwn vill txi dadicstei 8erioe anfatlovis servioa of ptsyer snd song from fl3q to 1033 a m sermon at 1030 a m hy hav s a stone d d hamilton sermon at g3q pltu by raruidell tine ii a of belluville sfter which the deditttor serrice ill iqllasr uerau v hilton mr francis reid who left this county fur the kariawest territory lut summer cas in toru yesletday he jpeafci terr highly nf that country ana intends starling on his return on monday with a lot of horaat snd cattle caflyoi though milton has not been so much iofssttd ilit bad charaters as some of tht qrutatt blossln a llmie ri barmtom nmnlr that turca ovcty lime aud praviiu ilunaai by aeriimi llio blaiil naiumoii reaulai siduf ami llvreurttlliftj atestbimj iii ttivieri sure belni tiiiii aam ii bee olber lf tvcroiiiromil vwb man i l llul rcffleaitand fit dmifloiai buuid lyibvjiikm i nndcunsli eoluuin will rott try velio oil is lhtlp panaoea magical in its power ovtr palfi and ui- flimmsllon ll ourm xneumalltm and neutagln irne baokltfla bplnal afleo- lioot con motion ol cord and musolei uax mmaltynojpternlly for isle by all dwhrli v free the oyitem of impufillai excite ilia accretions to a healur sollon cleamo the blol and tone up the ikened nerves with that malohuwa medicine burdock lilood dlttcrs u cures berolnla liter sod kidney com- plainls jaundice constipation dyapep a lleidache keivoui aud genera debility snd all female ooropulnti etery dealer in medicine can supply you lilt burdock ihood bihers kumple liotles jo cents tegular siie 100 zopesa cora bril is now eomc inln oiukdii ll la a mlltpnritntlveaetinf n a oiiteriiaibdslvliiialreinll audenry la tile ulfctuve aptflrcuia of tlia uituau mamiieu corccetlntaudlnerealnrlhiacld itutuooetyauiuduiiovaanacaituafitrbil uriiuii lillcoiomupue clver iv ioaial lljehlon and pcely lieilili to the tirwtlc indllie millout tekj b uelarvlirfora ten com fcikple oollle and leu zuecaitlie neireoinixjiiiidlirfelllitoalca boiuci ts emu see wm jash purchases do at the at l u u from th maker forh thwjxtrobp llnablwmniti pk wjbufs jejdw vv t r fd ft m t different aunottqreatbli week wheb wi ffftuffixto ujblichffi ullo re iuo it u worth it nu to u baafuri 1 nl mill it em kheetlngi less thin the nblei him to sell the very hardeome dress oouds at onlyloo and niee f t at he i aelhnic the matolileas loafs corsmsloory2fc sttt m onlr loo whiohlilbemsnofaotorers price by ibejenwit that bleaolieil cotton kept in all qoaoulirs at ry low prioea hortoekseat i tensblea mm w sell canadian flreycottotac 111 be sold tery ebsup i ten 1wql rrencb 6irm it d l qfjss go 09 8 deess goods i ossas g0 0o8 wool eaiokavor men at only 5o wortii tie a full apply direct trom the british makers ibis week are ottering ohei it enable blm to sell t ry rioe well made 6n beary laillbs w o men a only iuo wortj v aol l m a aaetuller for below regular p moti milliner 1w dlreot from the brillu makers ibis j7 pj w onjer oarpew frnj wo lo 10 an diniensa tot on bandwliaatxla ihog oft yery last mwiliwullsou i buxnila is worlh lu weight in gold thnetfthbonbgtowih hu aclr vfoy i h u iadaya b dss h3c tcii tsuh3 eipexbltroe cntv rite uijw cltrfc icitnar3tcr 6000 crlltctor asd aiiescr kxb cvoitaiile mm htllrcirt haxo fnctirf ism cuanties 5000 strwrt and meralis zxm u ncollected taxes iojx contingencies c3x total 8jk mope1 by ij d christie seconded by v h swrey tbat the estimate of tire finance commiltee for the current year be adopted cairied the following by laws were intro duced read- tbe rwjnired number of umes and assej a bylaw to riiiss the money required ifor acton public school for the current v ifear j a bylaw ti provide for the prpenses of he village of actou fcr the current rear a byis td appoint a collector of taxes for theyear isso a bylaw toaiatut a coielabie for the village of acton the finance cinimittse prwenled their eighth report and recommended payment o the ssieral accounts 5fj jdmgnan burial of j beer 1225 of petty tliierea tbat khould be etadi cated a few nijjhta ago a collar aud hamea were stolen from mayor ctrap bells stable mr john wallace jr hai mined several article from hia sublet of late the las bung a black dog skin robe far tho recovery of which he ouert a toward of 5 chamnan mr john lennan of streetavilte has been fined for violating lie licanac law- he paid 5 and ata into the ueasury aetrr a special meeting of the town conn ciiwai held on monday night to con sider an offer made by an agent dewa esist who had a second hand fire engine 500 int of hose a hosa reel two bab- cock ra extinguishers ate all for sal at 4 00 nothing degiiile was done acire th scott act committee hare been successful in securing the services of mr t w cassey- of ntpanew and vice chanceiter blake tho former will be in milton da sunday and munday the uth and 15th iusl std th latter it expected co appear a week later aeim w rnsnlfji labor 700 d smith j axa gvrdyiitoorc lumber 8111 gecrje ryder labor 2j2 tsonias brunt 3x0 hpltoore- bjli j b hvde cellar posts 2zo e dvnes bailiicg sidewalts 2350 c t hill nails selection of jurors 3m jt rrligan nails ijw fl5577 jroved by w h stotey seconded by d d christie that the eighth report of the finance committee be adopted carried moved by itjiigsrvia seconded by d d christie that the sum of two dollars be levied and collected as statute labor fax from each dale inhabitant of the riluue entitled to piy the same tbat euch sum be paid to the collector appointed to receive tlieaamt not ialtr than- the cret day of dwiuher next- and that the real of tliecoixirauon be attaclied thereto corned ijyvcd br w h storey seeorided by p d christie that the committee onaareets and sidewalks lie instructed to erect ss manv street lamps as they deem necensary not exceeding twy- arrjiigemenlsto be luaife forjigbilhg wit the ersonsoppcsipwhose pre- miara they are kiwafrwitir 4tfewiti mating them mrrpakitiyrttdltfii corporation a aaalme cirriuiary mived hv dl cbrnuiefieconded br w k st my tlint the offer of j e mtoarvio of hfiy eights per lamp for the privilege of dv rtiiiinj on street lamps lie accepted pinvided that the style of adyertiseinenc be approved of by a cammjt8 consisting nfche reave the mover eriseconder curried condcil adjourned to meet at tbe call of tfaryeye j b megarvins esqnesn plowing hatch the equesing poughing match was hed on the farm of mr wm wilson at aahgrove on friday 29th oct and the following ware the successful prize takers lit ctassj met tat- peo llroom grieve son plough 2nd james mutr grieve dsja ploagh 3rd john lindsay mckinnon ramhaw plough tth johnbrownridge grieye k son phugb 2nd class mejt 1st thos moore hardy plough find james mcphe son grieve li son plough 3td john mcdowell grieve son plougb tth w mcdougtld milloy plougli jietal beak class 1st james early grieve son plongh j 2nd andrew willson grieve i son plough i bors class 1st t joyce milloy plough 2nd wmnrray milloy plough also a special prize for tbe best finish on the field john mcdowell grievi it son plough fines amounting io 855 were collec- ed in liquor cases at new hamburg last week burdock blood bitters is the best bloid purifier liver and ktleybeeu iator and restorative tonic in thu world- it acts upon the lirerv the kidneysand the bowelsj curing all manner of biliom complaints kidney complaints and diseases of ihebiood ak your druj pst for burdockbiood bitters sample bottles 10 cents regular siie 8100 i iieenit jnydujyto wale to yoa and fell yua what the psmkiller has done rdrmerin oriievlnatyon cai use it if yon clioos imnauendngotbers who may be afflicted as l was to nseferry dana ftin-jajtrv- yfjiarelbsrerfe dyspep alasucoesstnlly andalsotti cases of canadfao vcbpier fflh the latter diseari 1 wainltckedctlijlentiy and after taking one or tare dotes found almost instant relief nud have since recommended tbe pain- killer lovrfenda and neighbors for the cholera in elvery case it bas proved a success yoa can publiili this as much us you like patbickkelly henfrew ont h see advertisement in another column epizootic pbw- reid tu tres five to thirty drops of tuoitts bcuoroio flit will cure com mon sore throat it never fails in croup it willoure a couch or colu in iweneyrrouriofortyelghthouh one bottle has cared bronchitis of- eighl years slsndfng recent cases are cured in three to nx days it haa restored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in five years as pii outward application iii allcne of pain or lameness nothing like il lis ever been known tine bottle will cure any case ol lama back or cnck iu lit back for diieaaos of the spine and conlrselion of the iluiclea it it unequal led in kheamatic or any other pain the lint application does you pood it alops karache and the pain ol a bum in three minules and ic altogether the cheapest medicine ever olleied to the people the cleapest beoauneit lakes m little tod iyoutood itia compaed of six or tbe bed oils known and nothing kicucas aaiitantpostiuaster art habit katille i q writes thirteen years aro t was ieiid by a severe altackol kheumatisu in the bead from wbch i have aenly ooistantly sufleied afler having used tbomn eclectrie oil tor ninedayn bathing uie forehead i hare ten completely cured and hive only uel halfa bottle this i can certify unler otth if voh wlali rer j hallory ol wvominjr k v wntea dr thomas eclectrie oil cured rae of bronchitia in ono week reware of imitations atk far dr thomas eclectrie oil ee that the signature of s k tuomt is on the wrapper snd the nams ol kortbrop a lyman are blown in the hmtle and txcc so otnsa sold br all medicine dealers price 15 u ktlrth hop t lvuas toronto ont proprietor for the dominion xnrc wrefrjr selected snd electrized auction sal saautsr kovntara uth auction sale of farm stock snd implements belonging to ilr icofih cameron to be sold at tbe aahery m this vulafic sale at t oclock pra v hemsfreet auctiouser i kov23nl auction aale of farm htock aodimplemeuta beioafna to e beasey igc jo coo g eqccaic sale to ootn- meaoa at ii oclock wm hcniatrcet auctauecr ftparties retting hills printed it tbia office receive a notice similar to ahovcfkee or cilleoc auction buua printed in the beat aud most sttraelive manner and as cheap as anv other office in the vicinity th cttldle- ilcxaie in ejqaesinfc ou tin 29th ult the wife ot d jdckair of a sou alljix in esquealng on the slit ult tbe wile ol joseph allan of a daughter lxwsos in eqneaioir ou the lit init the wife ef andrew laasodof a daughter wnixlet in kaaaagaweya oa the 4th uut tbi wjifliciyai aviuuej of daughter waldie iifeaqoaanr on the gtk iaat tfca wife ot wm waldie of a iom catninit la kaaaagxweva oa lue ilk iait the wife of itr jas careruill of a daughter acto x k akhltk wbiuwheat 100 treadwell ot i 00 sprinff wheat ghugcw oil 1 00 red chaff oata peas- barley eve efig per dor batter dairy packed butter roll potatoes new per bag dressed rfogt i 01 0 s 0 g5 0 6i 0 50 0 10 0 17 0 20 0 to 5 50 to i 00 to i 0i to 1 05 to 1 00 to 0 30 to 0 6a to 0 71 to a go to o il to 0 19 too 20 to 0 45 to g 00 plasttltung haik plastering hair for sale at the acton co rdovaa- tannery c kkees qoal1coalu stove coal dehvered to any part of the town apply to bex tobaut at the gtr depot s 450 forutl cts 13 choice pieces of sheet atu3icaggregate value 40 full size best quality vocal and instrumental sent postpaid for 25d- adiress at once to t c shatftjck owossa mich us a h eifer astkal came ou the prcmiies of the uudcraigued lot 18 eon g naatagaweya shout tho lit october a red and white heifer oae year old the owner can have the sauieby proving property and paying expenses christian frank urh fuk sale s lot 23 cou in the township of eiquei iug 10tiequpcleirdaha under culti vation baladoe aobdceilar and blaok asb nol farm building fanees in the beat con ilition splendid orchard of bearias trees ex cellent fruit rood fpring water all the year round tho nroperty is situated alwutzj miles from acton j mile from a firstclass irit mill convemeut to tebool and church title indisputable terras reasonable ap ply ou the preuiiaes orsddrets james scott t acton post office ders ibr horsefc ilsmiiton oct 28th 1680 thomas c watkins hamilton fashionable tailoring o the lubscril or wiiboa to announce to the people of aotoa and viofaity that he has open- od out iu the premises lately occupied by l o mahew to the post offioe complete aatortmcut ol ctotns aud twtros smubie for the fall and viu- ter trade and ia prepared to make them up in the latest styles and offers good indncemenla to cash customers jay stock consists of black and coloked beavers diagonals coattngs and vbrtlkua english hush scotch and canadian tweeds f winch have bu bought iu the beat maikels for cash an early call is solicited satisfactioa guaranteed r e itelsolsr new goods new goods b iia8lett has irsr arcsrvdi a urot stock or w fall goloids comprising french merinos cashmeres lustres colored and plain winceys gents underclothingladies undewests berlin and fingering woolsj colored stocking goods and a large assohthevt or t anct go 0d s all of whicbtkeitniaau cheap for cats or i rale b hasletti a crowded store -the- fashion ableewestewendi doifg the trade dressiiepartmentrfshing our klilournan tweeds onr harris tweeds our eildore tweeds i our osunolahair twaenlfl oar scotch suitings oar wool serges are tfamlfleent and attract dally immenaeeroodt to oar dras ivpaiimenl tadlra may ti iit lookloaawtincinndencefrlllrlatll malerlalf ttie fanloule end la buoad j ciccinc uiui tola tm lueaaloaierctua veryuxtut prtalnetioas ot british and koieicn loonu- grand demonstration maprniflcent daily gasligiat illuminatioii and ex hibition of new millinery i mantles arid fancy goods at our snow rooms we lake special pleasnre in informing the ladies of acton and vicinity tbtt commencing on thursday sept 30th at 2 pm f continuing on friday oct lit and closing at 10 oclock on salnrrfay night oct 2nd we purpose presenting an exhibition at once uuiqne novel and brilliant w shall mk our matnifletnt and nntxroaned display of orlflaal paris and london pattern mhlinory plomssflowars ornamsnts fancy ooods mantlss dolmans tc undera daily cislicht illumination our spacious showfeoonu will be specially orraneett andsli esr- ated wrastsjeichiticau lisfat frtn wltrvont atm eoeres tjbmttet wiu pour lorth a flood of brilliancy that wul rkal the celebrated a 0 bucham farhwnahlc wui end dreu mantle and millinery edauuhmenl guelpli acton harness trunk factory- in view of the extent and novelty of our ditploy tee shaltihar an immense throng oj vititors especially on the latttr daychen our friend from the country will be more fully pri sent and we ilierefort urge ropectfuity upon the ladies who can fib so lor favor us with their presence during the easier part oj pur fix- hibition and escape tlie crowd tliat will be sure to take place on saturday this tv iii beat the grandest display of millinery erer made la finelph aud worthy of the attendance of every lady that caabt present i all are wtelcolie n j bwmiamson co guelpli harxess and tr0xks mada to onler ia any style required on slort notice and at reasonable prices itepairuur promptly stuudcd to r oreeoh -i- fine art goods jjtbasr the cheap grocery w p brown has just received a new stock of groosries crooksry and glassware hi8tbas are excelltnt and have given great satisfaction try them charles w hill hais a flsk assoetmest of pictures and frames 0t tux latssr dxsiaxs vat cnrar also in stock 3tereoseopes 8feraoscople vlaws mottoss psrforatsd or chromo picture oord plcturs nails glass alt sizes motto frames complete for 20c a srlexnin lot of i lasswabe soon to be opened and very anilable for curislmas presents i 0iyehim a call good delivered in the vlllace w p brown i- 5sv- teas cheep stbayku btrayedfrom he farm lot si con 7th xsstaotweya some time during the summer 1 1 sheep and 2 hunhe anv oenou living information hat will lead to the recovery of the ssme will be suitably rewarded j elliott are sttf 6 preven- tteifeb a8tbay cam on the premises of the undersigned west part lot 27 con 3 eiqueaing on or about the 1st of august a yearling heifer tbe ewnar can have the same by proving property and paying expenses huoh cameron tative and cure op h o t o g- r s s tut latest cm smis thi best akd cuiapest uj the upcsty cbs w bill hats anp caps a uomblihttk assoetment of fall and winter hats im caps at the u his eastenpclqtheqst a lot of bot scotch caps- vn rat in von riu wua oooikwf tjnderolotsiifg and knitted in great yabiktt ahd vbtckkar at get them in time at his dru1 rlm ar

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