Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1880, p. 1

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j l va up ii ft m- pur as m 7 s published j svebt toubfdat itoritlkq s ip moore editor proprietor exldoortouettcdlsl chares ltmslr aclmon th taefagspatsssrillbcmnt to subscribers postage paid for 100 per an num in edva tlco if cot to pud no paper discontihttod till all arrears arc paid cxoepiattheopticuof thcrmhliahcr anvaxrtsoco rarri cisaa adrertne- mcnu 8 ccnta per line for the in inser tion sni 2 cents per line for each subse quent iiisortia cash professional cards 111 line or less siotl per annua square it lines jsoo per annum parable in 6 months from datr of insertion any special kotico lhc of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be eonsiiered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the tpaee occupied measured by a scale of solid konpareil coxttticr carts oflt colamaone rear half column one jear v barter column one jear h one colama six monlrta halfenlaainttr months 7 quarter column sir months oieeolalaa three months rtalfeolarnn rtreemonias iaarter column three months sln soon oo 1100 so oo at to rt advertisements wlthautureclne directions tcintw towrti uu ftarbittand charttttaeeord- tertr traasltorr advertisements mast be paid la advance chances for contract advertisement most be lalheomee oraarnoa mondays other vise they win be left over ull lie louowtng h p moobe editor arproprielor term8i00 in advanca tlic kccipdiwra ifap of busy itfe iu fluiuation and hi vast dm a lovelorn ditty william f she crisd u aba got oa w will l whsslou t yon gate on mtr he smote a smile that was fgltuf bile and aasworsd icily it is well for ym wcelted maid that yba wsenfor 1 hare wopia it 1a will for you fur y krfota tree tour mm ou havea t kopod i but now i see ah 1 ww me la the msay he yoafte ioto 160 if not ao paid volume vi no 20 aoton ont thursday november 11 1880 fiiorfeed at store i whole no 281 th18 paper i ntu rrirtnkotlfc tai cwttner ad oimirtcumtrbcxstdcuxu ik kkw vott5 idirmcr ttt h lowrr 1tb jic p8 gnjaate of trinity college mem ber of college of phyaciani and surgeons oficc ani resilience at the head of rickslinc2 id of fred- 3 law80n bros peelfnllj inform the peot io wlclhllr mat they hayaopa wooltl remeuau inform the people of toifanovlelhllj mat they ha ed la the preailaaa oppolis dr ida acu eyba nits 1 oarttn rasldece a tit mcgirvix ir- iu ii a p s j graduate of victoria college eesi- 4eace coraerm siu and frederici streets counltiuon diilrfroni to 10 a m and s to g n ai- sljrvefor johk davis pro- nsccti iiiid sarrcyor civil engineer and drazgatsmaajif gcelph ie prepared to attend to all snrvera in actaa and vicin ity orisrs left at j e hcgarrins drag store actoc will be promptly atteiided to jd kithesosittoesej-at- a lit solictor in cnancery c osce 1 cea door to kallacet sctet iilion l eexxett ton yau dextist gsorge- 1 lister m culbe eaeiuster quebec street gaelph kutr xcta ftorno oris cvrti feaitka tffiseervsgoeget0v oat- will visit ixtan every wednes day and trill attend to all calls pertaining to his profession orders ht at 5icgarvins ung sore- will recefre jprompi- sxteation tanas moderate- t jfisker b elkg flour and feed store and trill keep eonatanlly oa hand a full stock of floite of klh linds laoladiajf family floor buckwheat floor orahani floor kejlls com if eal oat ileal cracked wheat b- j coarsa hhoia fine khorlaf chopped peaa chopped jau mixed chops oala and peai and all binds of fted uioally kept in a fustclass store satf goadt t delivered to any part oflltt rillajt at toon as ordered ta call is respectfully solicited lawsom brojj acton jan is 1ssu1 posfsr a farmers wifa 111 be i am a wild and uanhiog girl juit loraed of sweet litteeo as fall of fan and miaohisf as everyoa have seeu and hen i im a woman grown no city beaur forme j if ever i marry la my life a farmers wife ill be i love a country life i love a joroos breeze i leva to near the alofting birns autoog the leafy free the lowing herds the uleatiaf flocks make matte sweet for rao we mast have bread bo i7 irtuaii peoi jud to ur vt b e nicklin oaklr8 confectioxers coskis itux i mill stoirra actor i uiuuo ivn tor ran beg to intimate thai they aw prepared to if fever i m4rry in b life a farmer wifo imnnlv thn milium nfl bnrmnnhitkt j 1711 la i iota to fad tha eliickenj r uvt to ud tie cow i love to hear be fxrmerr boy whittling it lis plow aad field of com and wiring firaia are pleauut iigbu for m u ever i mattr ia my lit a ftrmeri rife i love to tm the orcbtrut vben tha golden tpple fttoxr hove to walk in mcitaoirt wheri tpaxkliiifi itreamlati flaw wliflq oiufai uiom w floty iak 4 ihuf aooki have us with ihflir patronig in p u 7 chgm 5 audtaeonunsceotlhowill wfll kv i miny ui my we a farmer wife wdconia neir castoaiors t other giria who lika it beat enjoy the i cloomy town orstee pakloe and dait itreetc and dirty walfca ba tj wood and supply the village and soxroonding r country with vary best- of bread buns cakes pastry aad oonpeotionery bread delivered serve them ut any style in connection withtne bakery v b t e kicelixj acton uay 6th- imo now- ready issued antnst lit amsrioin newspaper directory starry ikies far me if ever i marry in my life a fanneri wife ill be 1 8 80 ceoecetowk v miaiinertcf etcrr desyiptica mide to order en tie shortest notice and most reasonable irei kepoirieg promptly t- ificdedtol wx ezxstrztrr licensed aactfoiieer for the counties of wfttfagton and hslton ordes left at the feet ptzts oaice acton cr at- niy residence in icton will bo jprtrnptly tttecded to terms reasonable jtobst cciss s1ecee i hate aeenred the cervicta of ifr g h howard tfirtciim barber who will coa- dactcay baxiaeas for a fthr wtckt and gift tery attention to the wants of coitemek eindly gire hiai yonr patrnoaa j p woedek datekts foedt vkk110ks esfe- ju dtnocclr axd properly seenred in coz- f ida the united states and enrope pa tent guaranfrsed or no charge send for printed instructions agency in operatian ten vesxe i f hekergrijsf i ottawa cailada- kecqinical engineering solicitors of ps- nfg n trvftjstgrntn i y j doiffkigk hotel actok eobt agnett roprietar kie new hotel is fitted ap in firstclass ctyle witli newfnrmj tore commercial trarellers willligd good artrr m and commodionfi ssmple eooms special attention paid te the wants of the travelling pnblic 3ar sixppued with the best of idouors and cigars soodstahl ing and attentre hostlers tvxljlk a usual volume one teousakd axd fiftt paoeh prict fire dollar this work is the recognized bource of in formation on the aitiatfcs of american newspapers a drertiierc advertising agents editors politicians and the depsrtmesu of lite government rely upon its statements as the only recogmgwi aathority it gives the name of all newspapers and sthcr periodicals it gives the politics religion class or ensrscteristics it gives the days of issze it gives the- ediicrs name it gives the publishers name it gives the nice of the paper it gives the subscription price it gives the date of establishment aad the best obtainable information asoci the circulation and several valuable tables and clacilxcalioiie revised annually and information brocght down to the latest date i sent to any address on receipt of the price address geo p ro well co pabliahenr xewspsper advertising bureau- 10 snrcce st kew york u koatz intimate la the people of acton t bat ie has purcbt4rct ibcutuclmrbomtaeixltlel rcxrrtmoubrmr a- coot and that he uaa alwajr on haaora flrttclass stock vt bef pore muttok sausage poaltry and garni ia leaison arc and hopes by strict atteollon to bodneas in tecore a fair snare of the- itronaraof the and ridiculous i pawle meatdeuvercdataor time to any partoc the town terms ca8ff a call solicited what john hardin thought a stoki job the cextlemes la some things women are so eillr cborttra promptly attended to william fare tf kassaaaweta lumbee shihclejaills peter 9 a y e r 8 wonlnatmxt that he has on band at his mills n kastaawers formerly known as cartu mlu a larje stock of lumber lath and 8hinqlks ofall kinds and qaaliues qheap xa i shingles 9 50 per square sill stuff cut to order tesbmscash petek savers acton dee js t rjlseuge faiktotc sating opened a paint shop in the prera- isealately ocenpied by ifr james ifclam neiidoor to kuklins bakery iampre- pared to do carriage painting and sign writing of every description and would re- spectf oily solicit the patronage of the people of actonnd yidaity tames 6cott pumps eumebi pumps w e adams mannlactnrer e annerior elland cistern pumpswhicli wfllbepnt ia on short notice bepairiog promptly done furniture tnade and repaired charges moderate also saws filed aad- et give him a call shop on frederick i street oppoeife dr eowrys residence weidamb uajiles cajbeedjf j wmn st acton- agent for the bell orean maonfactured byjffssra w bellcogoelpb orders ft at his residencewili receive prompt at tention for particalars aea adv on other aide gire him atriaj chas caicesdxi eitf7a2tb to advertisers geo s eovzlitfc gos sslmt list of lasal kcmtijart an aaktuervhiitpalipvtitdiofiooo a yvxr and idioinzuu lets than 50 of ilia clot iit icritet ickt sdeel local luc paid me heller but near tfciaftlltlu otsaf aivutuibgztil itiiastcjajsrattyslist it ii sat s cloap list it u ts soaost list the catalogue states exaettrwhatthe papers ere- when the aameofthepaperls tilatod- hi fcix rtccttfe it utnarerylastanoe the best when printed la caprrxuhls tha okir papr lathe place the list gives the population o every town aad the emulation of avery paper the rates charged for ad vertlilngare barely onecflh the anhilsheraachedale the price forslnalebutesraagesfromaoest the price for one inch one mooth in the entire list is fats the regular ratea of the ppert- forthe same space and time are ttsseu th listlacludesssroewspapetsaf whlcblst are issaed daily and ics weeklt they are located in las dlnerent cltier and towns of which m are stale capitals so places of ovec bm population abd acscouniy beau for copy of list aad other information ao dress geopeowelleifx w8prncebuitewvorfc hr john harding laid down the magazine article be had been reading and which had for its theme the appar ently cerbauilibu one he follies and shortcomings of lb sex la which he had alluded mrs- hsrdiny glanced from the bow aha was fashioning to he solemn ficc of ha speaker i xa tone things 1 that is ercoarag- ing surely ive known such quantities of hien that were sillj and ridiculous in ad many what is it now i wou- jderr j loftily oblivious o he quiet sarcasm in ihaxe words mr harding continu ed just look at tha way they dress for instance ohp 2tot only devoid of common sense majqhood lt howlost how restored rtstc elegance and beauty 1 f ppilr jnlin mfrvlttl fr tfra really john retorted mrs hard drawing ber needle through hei ork with so much energy as to snap qjsjbtdnint ber needle through her frilled essay on tuc radical and permanent care without medl- dnejof sertondebihtymenuianphylc- l l- lii ailncaracltyimpecamenuofmarrlsgeeie th9 taread however silly a woman resaltlagfromexceues i may be in your estimation l think ort mtftknor w what ttieeiebrtelatttliorla thtrladrntrablatyle ta dress the might i bappose wu the yrsrs caeeeufal pnactlee thatalarmlii t con- sequences may be radically corea without thedanteroas og or internal medlcincsor cool rflspoaae c that they doa t is the aseoltliefcnire polnuntoit a mode of euce atonce rtmpte certain and effectaaibr vetyevident liave you read dress means of whlcu every aafferer no matter wliat htileoodulon mar oeinay cars hlmseitw itudaia 10 health and btuutij m chespty privately and radically established 35- tears weekly spectator eight per year one ataege i page paper ok fir per year best of the liarsreat and weeklies in canada balajioe of 180 free agensa receive 2s cents lor every yearly sabecriber any party sending us thrte subscribers wdi receive a copy post paid of the farmers account book worth one dollar in place of the usual commisson send port card for sample copy of our this lecture shoald be iu thehanis of ereryyoath and ererr man in he land address the calrerwell medical co at as ic vew tsrfc post office bors proverbs c txq one eau he si awhenuhe stomach blaodilrer and kidneys are heall brand hop bkters keop them sogsj the greatestnouttrhtng tinlc anpe user atreagtheaer aad caratlveoa earth hop blllers itismpossbiecoremalalnngsekor out of bflalth where hop ijitters are used thy da hop bitters cure so mnenr tbcaase thev si vs good dlgestloa rich bloodarulbealtbyscilcaof alllheorgans rfomsttsrwhatyourfesiingso r all meatls rtopibuters will ado yogood remember hop bitters never does harm mt good always aad eoatlaaatly parirylhe blood cleanse he stomach anr iwseten the bream wtta hop blt- urs qolet nerves and balmy slaep in hop biturss l health with laacllve liver and art o ary organs wl hou t ua p bl t e rs try bopiongh caretand palbsellet for sale bra u druggists y an energetic honest man to open a branch office of the new magnet telephone co in the last monthly t xo responded mre hsrding a toss of the head it raj written by some man i aappose so milter who it was written by it is sound sense every word of it i wish yoa would study that article mary i would do you an immense deal of good i dont mean to say- hat you havent sense iu a good many things which snrsirises me all the more that you should enow so little in die way you dress mrs hardings red cheeks grew still redder john harding there now mary dont fly into a passion because i tell you toe truth ail j for yoiii- own good just look at the trimmfng on the skirt of your dress for instance according to all arljstic rules the line should be unbroken from waist to feat and here it ia cut up and de stroyed in half adoien places v have you ever seen me in a dress whose skirt it entirely plain or as yon term it with the line unbroken from this and adjoining counties small cash capital required to auch a man this is aft eueuoht opening fnranoney making bnai- weekly winch is sent free the only paper i nese address with stamp q w poster in canada that publishes a draught r l2s and 137 clartst chicago iu column address r r spectator fmtihoibl p lex f smith aaiirr thx kisbt ftsarsr a howa also arst class general purpove flowsommax gmachlnta vmoesota chief and jl no be 1 1 should be glad to do to ybo- would 4 have you any farther complivnt to make if ynu haye i bep that you wont be baetwatd about stating it 1 1 dont mean to he theres the hat j any that i da ash foe bkdtb taresnidg kacaints siynnrwiia niei ana 1 m i r j 0vlbratotbpr1nf tooth harmwcentennui tod wear that is wjt you call it i r to p the a hoary i horse bake climax fsnalng mills i vifirfnrln lides calfskins deacons lamb the eeleerated wlsror betd drill rc ali tnppoee though for anyflse itperforms pkins delirered ft27kal it niight ll be called anything hereonsouiayontiani ry sxetj f 8juth il j jasteshoore acwx a l t7 else amasi at nblans leathers and flowers piled tip as high as possible and worn npon the back of the bead anything fuitherf yes look it the way the hair is worn by nine- tenths of the ladies yours among em pail of it in a enarl on the forehead and he feat braided and festooned a the back of the head how would yon hire me arrange ur why simply drawn back from the foieheid and coiled low at the back of the head so ti o preserve its dassic outline 8ouiethicg he way it ia in that picture see t mrs harding glanced at the picture to which her husband pointed that of a very lovely girl with small regular features and whose wavy hair was loosaly knotted ot the back tea j see but i dont think you ever saw my hair dressed in that style tt would be an immense improve client if you would dress it ao youd look like quite another person i think i should but have you no further suggestion to make i tour ideas are so original that they interest tne- not atireent returned mr hard in biting off he end f a cigar he in tended to light as soon as be got out on the steps a few minutes later he put hie head back into toe room where his wife was sitting 1 shall be around with tha ponies at three mary dont kiep me wait ing mrs harding belonged to that large class of ladies whose attractions depend more or less on style of dress and no one understood this more cleat 1 than she hhe knew her strong and weai points and bow to bring out the one and conceal tht other fur instance she bad fine eyes hair and complexion but ber feat a res were rather iregular her forehead especially being out of proportion with the rest of the face and the form wanting in roundness of out line but so skillfully were these de fects remedied by the adjustment of he hair and dress hat tbey were scarcely noticed and she was considered by all who knew hot her husband not ex cepted to be an attractive and very charming woman mrs harding spent the greater part of the morning in the attic oyerhaulieg a chasl that had belonged to her hus bands aunt apparently well repaid for her trouble by the garments fished up out of its dark depths and which she csrried to her own room out of one of these she fashioned a dress vary similar in style to the oneibr which her husband had expressed so much admira tion i hate lo disfigure myself to the thought is the straight folds fell lankly around the all thin form making it look still more tali and thin but nothing else will cure john and if be keapa on hell drive me frantic 1 then she proceeded to take down the heavy braids of hair and combing it smoothly from the forehead over the ear arranged it in a pug low at ihe back of the head good gracious i didnt suppose anything could make me look so much like a fool 1 ejaculated mrs harding as she noted the change that it made in her appearance but no matter its only for once and i guess i can stand it if he can taking a roend flat hat very much in yogue a few years ago and whose only ornament was a ribton around the crown mrs harding went down into he parlor she did not have long to wait ten minutes later john came up to the door in an open phaeton drawn by the well matched grays list were toe pride of his heart running up the steps he opened ihe door of the room where his wife sat he stared at her for a moment in dumb amazement heavens and earth maty ia that you t i thought it was i dont know what 1 what have you been doing to yourself t i have been trying to carry out the hints you gave me thu morning in fe- gaid to dress i hope ii suits you and that you admire its effects f well no responded mr harding taking a critical survey of the odd looking figure before him i cant to speak plainly you greater fart of the moroiug in follow- ing the suggestions yon gave uia at breakfast aud still you find fault what is it now id like to kaow t here is the unbroken sweep of skirt lao clastic outline of tare head i think that is what yoa call ii aad you suteb can not say that this hat is too high or that its elegant simplicity i quote your own words is destroyed by any super- abundsnee of flowers leathers and ribbons mr harding turned very red that is all sobaenee mary i hid only three hoirs at my disposal and its now half past three i thought i should find you all ready f i shall be ready in half a minute replied his wife lying on her hat mr hirdtng looked at hir in horri fied astonish meat do you think that i am going to take you oat ia such a dress as that 1 j why you look kkean escaped luhatic i just here the doorbell raog its judge howe said mr ing as he listened to he voice in reply to the servant who answered it hes come expressly to see yoa for pitys sake go up stairs and put on something decent i wouldnt bav bim see you in that dowdy thing for any considera tion t will yoa promise ill promise anything interposed mr harding drawing his wife towards the door which opened into the 6aok parlor and through which she disap peared iust as their visitor was an nounced in an almost incredible short psce of time mrs harding entered the par hjm many a time when others slept i never slept a slope bet thank of yon aed thnuk yos trrx and my reward im v qo wink yoor wimks at othei mea- a ud ling the songs youve suoged and when yoa sigh no joy will bring the thoagbta them songs once brunged farewell i farewell 3 yoart croedjyonr cry your lolly yon have sawn of tears the trace ia on yoor face please wash it when ire gone willyrrm p she shrieked wiuyuai willruin i my heart is tored in two t 0 ct oel cruel cruel man i ton knows not wfaat te do f she fell into her williams arms ancrwuluia felt in hern each strove a strive the moro to love aad did not give a dern a father wao melted tie otbereveoing aitizen jf detroit beckoned to his twalreyearem eon to follow him to the woodshed and hen they bad arrived there be be- now young man you navo been fighting again how many tunes have e told you that it is disgraceful loughlm ou father this wasnt vboirf marbles or anything ot that kind re plied the boy i cant help tint as a christian man it is my duty to briag up my children lo fear the lori take of yoor cdat but father the bey t was ngultcj with called me twines cant help it dllivuitianies dont hurt any one off with that cout he said l was the sou of a ire puller what i whats thatt and he said you was an ofsce- hbnter- what what loafer dared te make that aatertioii f it made me awful mad tat i lor where her husband and their guest didnt say anything then h called were seated looking so different tbat do one not intimately acquainted with her would hate reeogniied her mr harding drew a long ligh of relief as be looked at the pretty tastily- attired woman of whom he had often spoken to bis friend page howe and to whom he was so proud to present her in the gay and animated conversa tion that foliowed and all the plessmt thoughts to which it gave rise he for got everything else not so with mrs harding as loon as the door closed after their visitor she turned her laughing eyes fall upon hey husbands face now john let us hare a fair and clear undemanding i want to suit you ifit is a possible thing which of these two styles of dressing dp you wish me lo adopt f i shouldnt suppose youd ask snch a question mary seeing you once in the peculiar costume yoa assumed is quite enough forme i assure yba i assumed it to please you dont forget thai toa failed in yonr object then to speac frankly i didnt suppose it possi ble for you to look so downright ugly in anything ton are jiot over complimentary laughed mrs harding but no mat ter if youre satisfied i am dont look so crestfallen john yoa are not a bit more iooonsistent than the rest of your sex who give outs so much sage advice in regard to matters they know nothing about if tha wives and daughters of these modern solomons should dress as tbey advise other peo pies wives and daughters to do tbey wouldnt be seen in the street with them you a hireling j called me a hireling why i would like to get my hands on him puffed the old geulemnu yes and be said you was a politi cal lick spittle t land o gracious but would i not like to have the vaicing of that boy for about five minutes wbeez the old man as he boppejarutmd 1 pat up with that continued the boy and then lie said you bid li your pipes for office sud got left by a large majority i could not aland that father and so i sailed over the fence and lilted liim baldheaded in lessa two minutes i thrash ine if you miist father but i couldnt stand it to hear you abused by one of the malignant opposition my son said hie father as he felt for a half collar ith one band an wiped his eyes with the other yoa may go oat and buy two pounds of candy the bible says it is wrong to fight but the bible mustmske an allowance for i political campaigns and the vile slanders of the party i only brought you out hereto talk to yon and now you can put on your cjat and run along a summer yarn look like a fright 1 i must say john retorted hiswifo whhan injured air that yon are yery difficult to suit i have spent ihe a south hillfdebating club is wrest ling with can a community exist without women f w think it might exist for a while but then it aouldnt know what was going on ma said a little girl tf youll let me iihybome candy i1tbe good my child solemnly responded th mother you should not bo good for pay you should be good fpr nothing an irish drummer who now and then indulged in a noggin of poteen was accosted by the reviewing general what makes your nose so red plaieyer honor replied pat i al ways bleak when i spake to a general officer i wish i was a star he sidd smil ingly at his own poetical fitter 1 would rather yon were a comet bbe said dreamily his heart beat tnmul- tuooaly and wby 1 to asved ten- derly oh she said with a brooding ecraeatoen first fell upon bis soul like a bare foot upon a edd oil c4olh because then yon would come i6nnh only ooee every jsoojjcari love at first sigat in church with scriptural commentary is illustrated ia the local columns of the albany argus out sunday a beautiful young gutie man happened to have aseat in a pew adjoining one in which a lovely young lady was fitting he was seixjd with a violent passion for the fairatraitgervna resolved to propose to her then and there so he handed her n bible with a pin stuck in the following text and now i beseech thee lndyiot as though i wrote a new comniandmeutinito thee but that which wo had from the tagia- uing that we love one another 1 john 5 the isdyreturned the book pointing to ruth ii 10 tiiffflaheml on bar face and bowed ijerself to the ground aod said unto him why hare i found gnco in thine eyes lliattboa ahouluest talra knowledge of me seeing i am a strangurl he banded it back with bis finger on iii jujiii 13 1 v j had mroy tbrngb to write put i wlh not with ink and pen write nnto thee but 1 trust that i snail thorbly see tbee and we rtiall luieelc face to face as the re- sulfoflthia interview it is said thata marriage will take place ink ncaith or two when the daughters ace infanta hotbets are anxious to keep matcle ontfif bsr reach ife difforeat when they grow up u the sas who sighs how goon ws are forgotteei ms only toleaveihdtel withnnt paying his bill to find how sadlj mistaken he it

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