Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1879, p. 2

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itelrl 1 mfcttemrtf wtuyua4 t sj ftvhb jtcrok ckkk prekk put titicd every- rkacnuy juoritink slfer annum in aefvaace- iupctiav mckmsc km is ivjo riwivaimi urns tim annual ploughing match of the bquujiug agricultural socklf wilt held on thu fat in of j murray iesq tollo fvr an nut onant suottousaln of agricultural iniptonrenuycamprisliut separators tltiptn muwcrt kly ii a sua lurae powers land roller lqinwt wgo etc will lake iiltce at lilt agrleultiral works of messrs v- k liwuee s co palcitnn on tlutr lt hotter fllli at 10 oclock the as eipecied ptiucljuelly on kootiuilvtrf incitui iw all jhdfwnniiimfaotutv h 17 13 uir jot ig gilt coil on friday fvclvt p t00 jfc css last tbcklkuaaiice winotlr8l fllfcvat 10 oclock i i it minf kf iiti tmiall thiil iiurn n if tiw welcomo uevjt cornea trout mvwpliis dial the vlo rfivct is ptnlcl this howard 8kwnliaiibadiarlikrgvd au nilrwa and clwd i office frust hot a in and- ytthlu w r has gone lo tlp fur lie winter mcrcliaula aie otatning up their mown and inccoltott trtvdd is reviving tin eotum crop of tiuricsecliiisyemer be liigeand its bale alone wilt measurably itsluce lira lyet prvstige of memphis jw iie is tlie grctt at colloa mactsl in llietoiilh wist gold for breads a million and ballot gojuarrtvcd- in xew york from europe last week ttiia is the way and rwiaulity in wvicli the flceciwa metal utjatradily flowing from europe lo lhi8jmttluicat ut tx- vbaostlesa rcsouiear talk lie ptesont jajrdfttotia of prosperity conliuuid it it it difficult q foreseej lltfl crue when every encumbrance uow tield by euro pean capital oaihe iitdtwni of this country wilt be tiuiorid whin lie pinfilsjof production lnyiugiuterest on dbt but will he tttiribulesi between mid labor there is better tint ahead for domestic capital lnquosliooably a xoriu america wilt not go lo avoid unnecessary anxiety- hardly a weekpwies wiluitt which there ia not the aiin luuccuicot of ibe end jen dealt of some proatiatal nan trlucli is altribaled tubtmacss troublest to depresjoti acd umclv or to over- alt all important prjeiteat lesson ihuuld be diud frum tkise autuetoaa- snjjes and untimely deaths ttey rojij resalt from an necessity aatkty jtering upon both ciad and txlj ujt sr unoejaasarj- anxtetr btcxnse it iutjht be avoided li y care beforehand much of the lueinaa trouble which icts and tortures so many men eoald muhc be uhupned blv better tuaeured plins of busintsi tt arises from l ahead withontre- fiefctioa wtere one u cumin oat one wv of thought anf five of wcit is iiifelj better linasir days of wort and vwdaf of leiectioo beforehand would cidenrarenwyiong and dreary days bfinctow afterward jtiiak before yoti ewltr apart any nw plan of all ite chanoit of mishap aii d how to mate stiecesi ceruiit ko cuatiees ofprtst eontpeiriate for the iejvy load o care whici many a proroi- ieat man earriea tad trielo concejj from- other eyes- if yon woald liws long if yon woatd exyij anything of bft sunshine and florers of bfejtuht beforebattd and avuid is kr tx dosili all koareee of ninecetsarf anneijr tlm tttjfiivtiiutie atuxtt of the woather hut ihu uttktcjli lltftmiliuttwt com- ptte iuocn tuir fulluwiur ii im of the auoxtitul conipflitoti j istclass r 1 clearie brviwtt oriovc plottrlt s jatuw allr 3 atun irfjie ttrimt- ikwjhl mm mulr liricve puiw i 2ko cwss- 1 john ltndtty wckinnoa i lunultaw liqw john mcuawell oricve mrmglii- j j mctucctaa itutrc riiwh tatci liurdou cuarlluttkul i iintil nttit cuss j thf re not- living enutlt competitor in tltif cembk 410 it ilea wctv awarded iva cxtifcx is tcabs itntjaycv matuitjilourli i 2 murray mallov frtash 3 sclwn cellar foirli t ilctnth jickiuuou t lunuluw itoagu s a dtntiqr for the ploughnwa waa iuwded at mniuna uutel ia tlie eceniug eouinfoeuncll t sttwabtrowirj tstfcjct 7 tlie conncii met pursuant in ad jutrntnenu tlie becvo in the cliair members all trnanl the miutttea of laat tueeting were toad and confirmed jthe account cf hart k ttivlitwin fur collector k 1u and receipa wi iro- scuted alto in aco unt fur rcirirg road 5th c3n lot 1 the certificale i county judge at lo fees o cletr ltit coutt alto of constable lor attcudatioo aud wrvini haticra for wid court moved by mr shortioed ecoiid by mr cintltatu that the turn of 175 ba wid lo audtbwailtin pathnmtler for building lirkigr on lot g tilt line auo 10 to jamra weney for building bridge 5th line citrried mo4 uyjmr shottrted ktmtidel by mr mcenrir that the sunt of 5 33 lv iwid lo roh knight being to- thitds vxluf of ono tlieep kilm bv dogs the owner of which ta unknown cnried moved by mr mcenery second d by mr shorttced tkal the following uiemuent of thia councit boa cunimt tte ta ritit and t xatoina the read btween 22 and 23 tlft cor atto the trod wertof sk5 side between 15 and lgind also utwteu if and 18 iatcoavix mo r lindsiy him and stiatlreed acd tliey are irttby atrthanrd to apptoprule an jtuoont eufficnt to civtr the necessary repass carried mared by mr mcenery wcanded iiy mr shortreed that the treasurer pty to mr john oct 100 for building biidi at menwillianis tso that thos monoghan be paid the uunatic fringe or baagedhslf j that ataoy of tfa preraletit faabioni are crtremthylnnbeconiinsilt is well liigb useless to mentitra everybody mawstiia eiiptlic womewlsff adopt -laetu- they may know it tof rtcy re so eel on tjaatiou tsat some of tlmin wauldjitutr bk llioasht faihiun- thle ttaa gpflxiktng of all- the pofiittteiy anbeeoniing modes uow iurrtut the mode iof- wearing tha bair banged or combed dtrwtr over the row is perlaps thg ugliest w had ts origin if we mistake not in the demi loude of earia where so manyfashions kise was copied in kew totk and was biiallr imiutcdsere icelearlybe- tisrs its origin and b worthy thereof ijt it givts to auy womaji a bold- look tuch as comports rith tlie cearsctec of lis originatots banged hair is per- sicuurty affected by burlesque and variety actresses who emphasise tbetr ieiijiiiice abplaasantljr therety and nho mny be ho ignocant of the kwa of tisw as to beliete itadds totheiifjome- iiuese there neyer- hasbeen a humtta creature who wticnot deteriotated hy this odious syljof wearing chehair uiiless perlips a persony otjreceding trehead in such case aa the dtfect in the brow tspartialfyliiildct banging tliay be recommendwl but veryftea- wbuccn re imagine who bang their itair cocld be petsaided tluit their facial outline denotes weakness of inttilcct although the- ihnbit krtaiuy doee bingiog entirely destroys tee inset of a gae forehead and lends lo the whole face sdegro of ioeifjdnett wliefthiirdly spy banger would incur if she could realuw its fullfotce it lit- tarpruing how many womnrery nice i woman some of j them jng- their bair ijn this and other plieai the do it i aitlioat reflection witgvat any either uugjit thaaj hafc is faslltaname i women of really dive iudivid naiity aod iifaai of tlieir cjwn do not bang tjj iwrfotitlr new tint ot antclaii matnrml their lauittidu oc wuinn off their pmtcnt itock la to mtvoi drtin liclil fir nctt iciant tlktaiiouii convcytmcta will moot the traina at st kwiii ou tho ii a n v railaiy la colivcy iutauuimr iiurehaacn to laltrewou day of aala this tapyortairity- fhould b iinpruvcd 1iy all vrliu require aruliig impleuicau li fatal adr on monday last an accident oocnmd betweeti 8ijllda nnd milton whioli tvattlid u the drtlh of willfoni htw art nf vhn foniicr plx lirtpiieais tl at ihu dwiuud uud jamct hohtnton lead lieen to milton on buainem and when raturning hotue deeeiawl got out of be waggou for something and tt7lng 6 ro atn his seat ill ire waggon while it wu in motion ae fell backwnrda and it iatsapoaed ik wheel patxtdotcr uui at the lime he did not apear to b badly iiijured but nuinediauly got lulo the waggon alid roda home lithe evnn hoouiplaued of iu frrim his tnjtirirt but ntirwl witlioitt ihinktug of anything sertj ta during the night hoaaver he woke up iugrrat pain and afckiki for the doctor to bv liiooglit but befora medical aid could b procured he had expired llii laid wan swollen lo almost twici the natural ai and it ia suppnaod his injuria eie internal dr frwnt coroner held an uiiiueavon leu body on tuoaiai- evening ixtauds do you wili to rillierlteih to aequlto an appetite loenjoy a reati- larhautof body to oblaia refreiliiae aleep lo reel and know that every 0tre and liueof your lyaterau being braced auicl rvnavatedl if to eemmenca al ohc and use ibe quinine wtne rtepared hy korthropa lyman o toronto and in a short lime jou wilt feel the whole jyitem intigotatetl and itrcnjlhened t k a wellknown fact that quinine hat been acknowledge by the- mediae taculty for many years at the bet appe- titer and tonic kuoan and forgtneral deulitvj tula crmbiawiion will be found luperior lo all oilier ae para lie ra and combined at tt it wktt fine therry wine ant choice tomxiie it ia made an icreeable and pltuaanl faivlgorator to the wtol tyilem tfct ptoperllea f cjulnineare atabriragetonie and antf- periodic snail doser frequenlly re pealed lrtnglben the rulte increaie mutcultr lorce and inrigorale ihe tone ot the nerve lytlem th pecalktr operation of thij medldnr iaj general debility and at an appeliier hat under- roue long and clde obierration and it ia tiieved it will never ftiw if pioperlf and jadicioutly r dminuiarect tmlets oilier duett predominate of dflerenl 4hareter eetaont of weak conilitu- tton may laka it without the leaal diffl- caitr at it ttrehglbent the itomaoh and digestive organs and setdoiin tequft more than one or two boltlea to effect a i t w t is or limb airoaod a 0hophi tmdfcedunruuuihn tnt 6 sloda um voulirful unle tfivchboit likintaapahtttsiiwutwaanhad rpesrtanailiaixo5aa e 31 upl 3ts xy el cuanie sale or 0a saturday next we will oymraenee an ntlonsivo sale at reduced prices of oor itniclats dty ouoda millioerr manllea and clothing on account of altera- liana in tie buainew rxiraordiniry iwrgaina may ba ejipected sad will be given as ihb is a genuine akie to reduce onr hrgn stock everv customer in he royal city and coanty of wellington aud surrounding guunlirt will cave tiuij and money by j coming direct to wm- stewart cou and attend his gresl tale of dry goods silks mantlet millinery flannels butiktu gloves hosiery uudcrckjlliing aud fancy goodc a iiecial lot of heap twmla whidi can not now bo duplio it- d at a a mic lutoffutir uew falliiouawe aud cheap will be offered at the reduced prices obliging and tueotive talesmen who consider it o roobvr to ahpw goods dming hk orcat kilneed kilo positiwly no goods will be charged nulcss by ipvcial arraiigeujeut wm stewart co guelph vsut iiii r dltelph ti i grand display or all tas tt seas 0 it able c 0 0 d 3 jst tecb3 xxon w retpeclfuilf rrqoeti he attention of onr ntfmerotfi frfendi and pttfrofti to m xcoeilmgly fine mock of winter iooda of every description wfiichwe are aow ooeiog the liont repuuiion lor ilandlnl lar abeoil ol all conv peulots has txen eaubliabtd lor many yean abd e aaaert witn oonlideooe tiast ibitaeasonorritocfcistlie largest cheapest aud choicest in the province dominion exhibition ax tsttal occrae co fake all fhc frfies fa tt5st r 33 r c zx o t h 1 1st or a cbapfe aaaortrnwalotttetrbeftsoodaat ha gtcei33pbc oiioth sclxjxj e ient8lttt dmwirviidtoeail lavallnjislilru urawfia and socjall at tea caluaetaatiinkaiiiljwwlaooe pl aua lirats dudkicwttiboj sjzir jsubtq j8ct ttiioas lion kemrmoer to aifc tar the 2ainiae wine prepared by korlhrop 4 lymin toronto and we are tare yoo wtlj be atitged that you hav full value for yoarmony bold by o js moiraw acton and all kledicine deafera ma tiviat ta oeorjetowu it ihe thupia ilonte on the 3th iait by lie bev f tt watta mr peter uataluoc ens to mitt strait cmeroa ot eaqaetinf dceiffecl benefit st it conuratnolhini saaioflsfurbteakaalcracd removing iiijirlout fcthe moil delicate cbnlhu- grevel oirried moved ly mr lindsay seconded by mr graham that the following sums bo paid lo- the uudertlentiofted patttit for ihctr rvtces ra connection wiltilhe volert list court viz john mattay clerk oftatdccartii580 i edward ktxott 1150 aieof j to john kennedy for cleaning drain on the check roe 3rd con and auo the suni of 5 to john sutton foe repairs of wagon carried moved by mr- grahasr aecoodrd by mr liodity tbat the treasttrtr be authoiiid lo pay to- james newion pathmastefj the asm of st for repair of road lots 2f and 25 5th line carried moved by mr gotham sec onded by mr lindsay thatlhe folto iatj accduttti be naief by the treasurer rir hart t bawrinscn ciilleaxors bjlisandbeiptsi8 alleir apfirl- be for culvett it 5tk line f7 r- riid the council liien adjottrned onlil salurday the 29 lii november ufsrary soelef feav ta tkepbar lie fra prru j peitt stt on looking qveryoar last issae iwis orjrttoadthat none of the acton ymllilwd reptied toytar saggtstioa of the organisation of a tjterary clafc sttiee yoa have opened yorir dolumns foe the diseussion f th fufject will giye yon- lie erpemence of a- club of that nature organized in uilton lastwinter by wiichto profit a few of our young men feeling the he time hanging heavily upon their funds rented a hall and organised them selves into a debating club their numbers increased greatly until tie variety of taes compelled i them ej- make its general literary and mumcaf society a short lime alt kinds of genius was brought to light soma displayed their musical talents in bott vbca1 and instrumental exhibitions others ezpan4edtheirmindj andrculti- vated theio composition by writing essays etc while those who had auy oratjfical inclinations fodnd abuadant practice in the fortiightly debstts thas whofe winter about a score of our- young men found amuse ment for bna evening each weelc at the conclusion of ijie season j they gifa it concert in the town hall which reflected great credit upon ike annteut actots axidtohlaf they willacknbw ledge to a miot that the benefit they dirtvrd from tlicbrgiatettioa is in estimablf a fw waksmtj i under stand these y mtr men rtorganizj their club and i p now looking around for some outside talent to vie with in a friendly deuate so mr editor if your young men enn lie prevailed upon to form alclttbtof this kind i think theyenn calculate upon at challenge froia onr miltonbqyssomtimeduring the season 1 believe sir there is talent in che youth of acton whicfiis vesurpassed by any town or its ate no let me urge your young men to take this matttr up take- ivap yoont reo thanking you strftr your valdable trace j i remainiia jmrcrokttjr xctoi hxijalts wmte wheat tl is lo i is trcadwdt t is to t is spring wheat gitrjcw 1 12 to i is kedctutt oatt peat barley ecg perdoz batter dtity packed batter coll poubkt per bag sheetitkiat hide per cwt wood per load hay per ton straw per load wool dcesiti hopt hjw anted 1 a load of rood itay- wmtca it eichange sortmnglea apjly o manuel alooro or it itaif ofsce to h k- mooee airpjvii qiititi l 10 to i 0 0 30 tot 31 0 55 too tjj 0 52 to 0 67 6 15 to 0 iff 0 is lo 0 is ms k 0 0 sfci 0 60 o so to o s s00 to 550 j50 to00 too tosoo soo to 00 0 18 to q 20 600 u 7 00 ccetrst mikkets his to j 50 flaa white wheat iretdwell spring wheat glucow- fiedcoall oau pen barley ekkvperdnt batter atity packed buttr folia potatoea per bag sfieepaktiia eodta ner cwt hay per ton applet per bag wool urewed u03 1 10 to 1 15 i 10 to 115 1 10 u i 12 0 95 to i off 0 30 to 0 33- atw to 0 gj 0 52 to 0 57 0 h tot 15 0 f8 to 0 18 0 19 to 0 20 0 lo 0 50 0 50 to 0 5 i to 1 00 to 0 80 0 30 to 0 50 0 is too 20 5 00 to500 stoyesi stoves oatp at hills aurvcshcbtfautudt of stoves jvt nccirvuutaclirrdtfaiia iiiklf oflnm tkea fia cad tie no faaefene stove i ivwrtt cook itotes asaa at tkc trry uhkm pncet a tall kltdetjfid of tiirjrai alwlts okuakd aataraowajs koassssstosz land trilt bt ceijiw e ta jawftrf aotste gpsoil goad oe aixrfcr jualu cieap obicbaxtb sietor totassltss september ub b79 wc h1lu garaai3 i at home owing to achange intfie management ohhebutiness aoutlb tase place craine son- flave deetaew lo ratftof lbetrt6cfc of boots aid shoes for the next month or tcp at cost price ahd under come af once and secure bargains mofa bfrties indellfed to he snore firm will kindly call and pay up heir- scoonntt at chaafwtvlfl take placeabout he litof october and e uitut have all accounts tectltd by hat dtile- sir ottaine son lillkszj mantle and ukesshakikg eht4buhs jtesit msscemfrh tukej pleasure in announcing to ihe udiji of acton and vicinity hit ine iaprepareci to fill orders for mllllnorv nantlt or drs in akiik iatett stylet and at the most reasonable rales ftajall if solicilcd mi3so smith j ilslnitreetj aoton s e w i k u jul a c ei e s b w i n q c hi a c bi lk bh txs uiobal3bd woold ke- sfet i wllix inform the inhabit- aouci aooj aod tarrouoding country titat be hu opened in seoord bros ou itand corner or main and kill itnela a couplet and fresh stock of qrogeriesli aqong which will ba foanev ttnaj eftei jipta ta suek stu wmen or atrainatii and rracraic eanoot im aurpawkl 8cgie ootuiiting of catloaf tsranala led 8co tch and uob wal eeobcd i symps and molmtes touatn of tarorlts te rjk prtnee o wales kapiiimn j cat plm hold flake happr i aea tiowen bar amlbotaee 87x0x9 07 all ttots wwatxuauremttnaekwelra plckeiaciinlpowdtr etc 0avsxzs vsbs la atransa lemoa and cltroa twklem lyerv auefvaleceta tuidna tollrt iai wumae n talam rarlaij- tranapirenl panolne attiother candlet stir 0u ui tuyariae xxtneta java bloand tuvub smkte ctc kclwutmla and fnoen tlnefarf tmapoa saasmas wuui fik antfltoot tsetherwlth a aill amoiuneat of general jiueerleftowbienaillnstcuonla respect fultriutit r taidmore- ou dross cwu ts nnsuioasfkjtl soy where and we assert with netfest eonbdence vhat otn price 1 ute away below anything that eanbtr offered elsewhere ladies coma to tlw lion fo 7our fill drsices we sre isa showing a spienjitf vanety fashiim flats bonnets nd wincf mantles beiug direct imiwt tations at unusually eheay prices m- w4sf hie lirzeai aai cwa wt htfieyi i eoebw r i 9u5 seifs a xevrlot of dwlft tmeeds jasft buneetscreat baruaing thvi liou wilt always be fotinrl tobet peoples giieap store 0 tas j d wiluamson co but olss tssssfi spools full lines of falfglkg from v sao to t i8uo0 v bobt h prepared tojajjon ririont rtaulniiir 8ewlif aacgtart of organs cam raoh tbrl- lehbiheeajuwwand sdelreafto tuioj u actoa po m has at neat anoofa iu oanntrt s terms very realdeoee or will receive pramlwtl to manufacturers or oapltallah atabaroaint tlie shlntrle stae aad htalim manuflkstory belonsjnp to thtv es tate of the late edward mrfbre aoton lit ifl nov offered for ealfjut a bargain the ahoyirijrtpirty it known mr lie acton shingle mills and it in ereelient fuaningjorder altrjeauokofahinglear uuvetmj heading baa just been est out and be mill it sow running this year it has been thorough refitted and a new aett ol stays and heading- ma chinery was pnt in tasking it one of the most complete bhttfgle stare and qeadlvig ra8k in the conntry any quantity of oabtiroan- be secured dfe llvered at the milt aiida good business in custom shingle tawing can be done nee the isahla are distant about half niie fiotfi the aoton depot of the q t k and ready markets a availabu for the tock thmill alto ron taint a planing and hatching machine tn1 there it good power for matting alb th maohinary trnib reasonabtetitli india- putable f or particulars apply at the mill to i i samuel mooas- ilpmoom v free press ofiee achont t sp 8u malcolm laophehsoif x l n fl p p- vr 01lve8 astbai u i strayea itaaienrtnuet of the it v- torrbef tot 4 coat 7 imomtiflvsyearling syethre beitett and twer steers tftfi erttrejcdar white in color ttlw of the fer irt rl and the nthortlsmiller and reel and white abylntotaation retpectii caiiveseswtaf j f came en uwprttiiteioj the nnqoiledec lot 11 4tb eone4tttijvboiit ihe 20th oct three red esfvefr twirrjictiiw aodxma steer the owner esc hvthe stdwby p proving property pyn jxpeoses and tak- itbe above willba ttuaktully received vy bigawty a iwtid mootseockwoea t 71 v lsrssf a r ift a large and soleot stook of twpeds hats caps nisfiffib af the bast bnp v- c l otsi m st 6 e pyfe mcitab 1 oi er i zfi 4- i xn johniworsfold 4 co v a 8tndotfefteilelj newand graceful dtigris dfifify gboet- tvprkpianshlpand low prices in all grades bf buy from them have elrgarjce with oomrortiandtavetooney large ttock ho lolr of choice were4frfykulfij armvdbpmf ewi3 i r5- sasign op thb chassr stazletoff bleckf upp9rwynclliabst fbevbt department mjsyat ibs flshioffable west sillib and jdres goods fi is ikptmentoarsilea opntltvie daily to improve i our magnificent rtngetot lovely tezttvies never ftirto phsascv hftj0ip9ad aftostv line of hiindionie french woolen materials ant anotbev oaseof aowlely swtch- 8uitln08iatptctnvilaiaonablei v fiadies must onme to n for the right textaresi wifasw boooi to- do toeuress oxxls butineasinsuelph jmdhkve the alocktewbrt withj j millinery department fr toca id ujudepirlment ia at prespeni very sejocl baaineas toou be urtllian it baabeeaat any tifitetlariua the paathiesycmk qtdxvtfif ingjifabvani ajioorhaoda treorkinjjwliura v uijo i tijdltia will fiqd j a relesureto select iftwn oar stjei vwe ovtjb tuejgoods to do the miuinery hssueta witauierti u noxjoubl abotftthst m jiettaote wkdrrmiiatitmmikffetloblulmni ottfflc- j avii

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