Laer Ady igh May enti ast should subseribe for two thousand shares of ~ Stock in the said Company, aud that deban ..-turesyon the-ecredit .of the «said, .Coia > poh s BAGG: peek A Tee eee Ey ios should be issued, payable in the manner and at the times hervinafter mentioned, and} that a Special rate 'should be' Jévied and raised for the payment! of the sdid suins and therinterest: thereon, on the whele tateable ca property of the said County, which amounts to one million:eae hundred and ninety two thousand threeshundred-and twenty three pounds currency. eas, -- Ist, Be it therefore and. itis hercby enacted, hy the County Council-of the County, of 'Kent, under and by virtue of the said above jn part redited Act, and the Upper Canada Municipal Corpdrations Act of 1849, ~ and by and with the consent of the majority of the qualified E*ectors of the County, as pre- vided by the Statute, that the Warden of the said Gounty of Kent for the time being, be and is hereby authorized and empowered tassubscribe for, and in the name, and be- half-of the County of Ieat two thousand ~ shares of the Capital Stock of the St. Clair, Chatham and Rond Eau Ship Canal Com- pany. Qnd. Thit the Warden of the said Coun 'ety, for the time being, shall have power and eeheis*hereby authorised and required from time to time to issue debentures to the amount of fifty thougind pounds currency in payment of the said Stock in sums not less than five pounds each. Provided, howev er, that the calls to be made on the "Aaid ~ Stock, shall be mate and the same payable 1aethe same proportions and at the same times as the calls upon the Stock shail, be made payable, and provided further, that no de- benture shall be issueJ, until the ten per decent, less the ten per cent, to be paid by the said County of Kent as provided by the Statute, shall be paid into some one of the ehartere.l banks of the Province, 23d: That the said debentures shall bear 'interest from the first day 'of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-eight, at the rate of 6 per eent per annam, and with the said interest, sha:Lbe payable at such places either with. vorwithout this Proviecs, and either in currency or sté:ting as the Warden of the said County of Kent may appoint, the satu debentures being signed by the Warden and countersigned by the Treasurer of the said County to ve payable in the manner and at the times folowing, thatis tosay: the sum of yas ~£10 009 on the first. day of January, 1874 10,00 : « : 1875 10 Be (4). ge " : 1876 10,000 ~ « rere 10,000 z a eV' And the said interest thereon to-be paya ble half-yearly on the first day of Januay and Julydn each years and: for whieh said interest payable as aforesaid, the said deben "ures respectively sball have conpons attach Sed, duly stbscribed with the signatures of ethe Ward p and Treasurer of the said Coun eras That for the payment. ofthe said de- "debentures so issued as aforesaid, and the half yearly interest thereon, there shall be asséssed and levied upon the whole rateable "property, both real and personal within the sand County, a speedal rate in each year, over and atiove, and in addition-te all'uther Rates whatever, as fuilows that is to say: 2 & Th the year 1853 a rate of fdan the £ ee See do 1860) s = MaW pel a Fyy pi eal ds A862 ae @iapigitesois bse V¥s' Up xg [S046 nome Taro &" do 1865 a ay slo: : 1IR66- ep Che ers do Zl T3867" & a és do-. 1868 Bia Be ee do. S69 c ga tl@o re . ws rtaw - - do_ = 187 1 66 tae ¢« aes: = ' : : °¥873 2 dand ¥ farthing " 1874 *§ C4 <aplR aw 73 fm egy" ite do: o=91877-- « rr SeBihe That the Council shall net at any time e*before the said debentures "are tully.. satisfied sell or dispose of the said shares, or any portion thereof ezcept. for the _purpese of buying 'n or liquidating the said , debentures, or otherwise securing the due payment thereof. ',, 6th, That the consent of the qualified elilectors of ihe said: ounty of Kent to the subserption by the said County Council of two thousand shares inthe Capital Stock of "the said St. Clair, Chatham & Rond Eau "Ship Canal Company, shall beascertaind by the opening of Polls in the several Munic- palities composing the County of Kent, and inethe places herein named, that is to say: . Township of Romney, in School Louse Secnion No. 2. Tee East, in Town Hall. * Raleigh, at Jolin Pardo's Tavern. Middle Road. a Harwich, in School House, Sec. No. 5. be Howard, in Town Hall, at Ridgetown. "Orford,in School House Kilmarnock. ~. Camden, in the School House, Dawn i Mills. Chatham, in School House Louisville. Dover Mast & West, in School House at Pancout. »one, in School House, at Bothwell. "* 'Town of Chatham, iu Town Hall on Fri- day, tbe ninth day of October, in the year of "our Lo:d, one thousand eight and filty-seven eat twelve o'clock, noon of that day; at whic! hour the Reeves of the above-named Muui- cipalities, or in the absence of any of thei «the Deputy Reeves, and in the absence:o! wany.ofthe latter, one of the Councillors re "espectively of such Municipalities; and, in the 'Town af Chatham, the Mayor, Reeve or October, in "o'clock 4X fourteen years.of .a.ze. '4' Second Hand iMunicipalities respectively, shall then pre- sent themselves in turn at such polls, ani *Shul givetheir votes, to be recorded for or | against the said by-law, Yea or Nay; the x 7 F 5 word "Yea" meaning that they approve of 'the proposed by-law, and "Nay" that they Alisavprove of the same. And all. Munict- pal electors posessed of the necessary pro prey qualification to vote for a Municipal Vouneillor, in their respective Municipalities shall be entitled to vote. ry ry . eS 4th. That the person presiding at such | poil shall adjoure the poll at four 'o'clock on the day of the meeting until 10 o'elockin the forenoon of the following day. not being a Sunday. ora statutory holiday, when the poll shall be continued as on the first day but'shall-be finally closed at 4 o'clock of such second day provided, that if on the se- cond day one half-hour shall elapse without a vote being recorded, the said po'l shall be closed. Sih. That at the close of the polls the persons presiding, respectively, shall count the Yeas and Nays as entered on their pol! books respectively, and ascertain and certify for the information of the said County Coun- cil, whether a majority is for the approval or disappoval of the said by-law, and such certificates shall be countersigned by the Poll Clerks, respectively, and be kept by then with the poll lists, among the recordr of their offices respective'y: and the Clerks of the saveral municipalities in the Coun- ty of Kent shal} send ceitificates, as Sioned as above, to'the County Clerk, on or before the sixteenth day of October next; and the majority for or against the said by- law shall be taken to have been expressed by a majority of Yeas" or "Nays" as polled throuzbout all the Municipalities in the County. 9th. This by-law shall be published four tines in each of the newspapers, of the County of Kent before the ninth day of the year of our Lord, . one thousand eight hundred and' fifty-seven, and further shali take effect from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. The above isa true copy of a_ proposed by-law to be taken into considera:ion be the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, in Council assembled, in the Town of Chatha on fourteenth day af December, in the year of our Lord, 1857, at the hour of ten in the forenoon, ai which time and place the Reeves and Deputy Reeves are requested to attend for the purpose aforesaid. JAMES SMITH... Warden Wa. COSGRAVE, Clerk. ths Se CWATSON MM. D ee e | LE LLY : i] e eo HOMOEOAPATHIC PHYSICIAN SdOnGl S2uwies Some QPRINGER?S, BUILDINGS, Former. ly Charty's -KING St., Chitham Hast, 1857. No Ais 16 See August, Sih, LAND FORK sSALE. (ey EVE Nth half of lott in the Gth concession of the Pownuship of Raleigh. Apply toS. S. Maecdonnel,, ffsq., Windso J. B. Willams, Esg., Chatham. ? Chathan, August 8th, 1857. Ve nye WANTED IMMEDIATELY. : 'a 'smart, aciive and intelligent boy abeu Apply-at thi Ofiee. Oneable: to recd and writs pre erred. AND SECONHAND THT ATA PADDED PENG St OE li Ue ts | Y stibscriber hereby informs the inhabitants ed te ae Sat ee eee of CHATILAM, and the surrounding i wes) re tee : County. uthe has Just(peneda store for the purpose of supplying persons in alt kinds of Clothing at the "Tawest Casa piies.. Call and examine tor your- selves, at his Stole on. King Street. : West of WW -lliamoStreet. : N. B.--The highest prices paid for New and Clothing. MchiMMEY ARMSTRONG» July 25th 18573- m, 46 r EN 43 6 N. B. Scourimy neatly done. second door PALMERSTON HOUSE. Oxtario Street, West of the Albin Hotel. G3 SS ON De? TED, FA AE above hous combines all the sadvanta- gt ges and couveriences of a z PRIVATE MOTE RESTAURANT, and will be found fily equal Gif not superior) !o any similar place west of 'Toronto. Refreshmetts, Dinners onthe shortest patice Breakfasts, » Suppers, ; | -An Ordinary. every day at 1 o'clock. Balls, Parties, Pic-Nies, &e, catered for on reasonable terms, Oysters, Lobsers, Sardines, &e, served up in a variety of styles. Wines Liyuors, Cigars, of the .very best brands. ~~ Summer beverage, Soda Water; Min Juleps. SheryCobblers, ©Old Pain' Chinese smaih, [ce Cream, &c, GOOD NEWS FOR ALL. SD ee ae pee Nee EXAMI- HES A'TIONS, Clairvoy: 10 wy N. ; oyabl cou Corsi sultations, atd advice given daily: aay Sundays exepted. Magneto-Elec- tricity appliedto the cure of Diseases. It is ansinfallible cure for Weakness Debility, Tudieretions of youth, and all nervous complaints, CLALVOYANCE enables us to see more clearly the cause of all oursufferings and 'infirmi- ties. It enables us-to recommend and advice those means that will effet a perfect and certain eure, when all other remedies have failed. Deputy Reeve; or:some one Councillor; as aboye proveded, shall open and preside at such polls; the Clerks of the several Munici- «palties acting as poll Clerks; and that on sthe opening. of such polls the cloctors of such also enables us to see the most innocent, safe, and certain means to be etployed. All who are in_trouble, all who have wen unfortunate, de- ecived and trifled with, dl whose fond hopes have been crushed and blaged, all whose minds aud health are suffering and declining ; eo tu the never-failing UVINCIAL F PPE EA gD 4 a ®& bi ye War wae CLAIRVOYANT AND PITRENOLOGIST, For advice aud guidance . All laboring under melancholy thoy -hts and depression of spirits, distress and angaish ct mind, from whatever caus, all laboring under bad and. delicate health; go to him for retief and comfort. All Ladies who have suffered under those complaints and diseases incident to temales, consult him with the er-arest confide ice. Previous to mar- riage, all in delicate health should consult him. those who have suffered from. the secret follies ba! hatis of youth, consvlt him privately anc confidentially. All who have had bad luck who have wied their best to get on in the world and cannot; goto him for advice how to im- prove their circumstances. Parentsshould get bis opinion what trade or Protession is best cal- Lulated to ensare-their children's success in life. cn love affairs, the principles of the above Sci ence guide you to a happy Marriage, and Do mestic Felicity. He shows the ' LIKENESS OF FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE. ' Call;,cousult him, and judge for yourself, how truly be ean tell you. Further particulars sen! sRATIS. fe AFFLICTED READ !_23 DR. RAPHAEL'S MARRIAGE ALMANAC. Itis a work of startlizy yel very instact ivi interest. It is designed to show the feaiful con sequences of excessive sexual indulgence and unnatural solitary habits. Tt is written in é chaste style, and may be read without detriment to the morals of innocence and youth, It is the very book so long need sd as a warning to those guilty of all manner of secret and criminal in- dulgence. 'Ths unerring laws of nature are plainly reveaied, andthe road to purity and peace pointed ut. Let no young man enter the secret obligations of martied life without reading every page ol De. Rapyani's marriage Almanac. it discloses secrets that every one should be acqiainted with. It contains a number of ex- traordinary Cures, and the treatment of secret and delicate bisease, Self-abuse, &c; and shows that cases which were pronounced incurable have been radically cured, and tue parties ar now Married and happy. livery one, especially young persons anil thes cont Mmplating marriage, should read: the Doc- tors MARRIAE ALMANAC. It contains Diactical observations on the cause of premature , weakness, debility, nervous complaints' anid foss of health. It contains a Father's advice on the indiseretions ane follies of youth, of both seXes, aud points out clearly its remedies anc cure. Enclose Three Postage Stamps, deere eS 1 ley Wt Of el ees = 27 si0eTal aslo wance ou ail Ptayellis Booksellers, Book Agents, and Pediars. : All Letters, Communications, and Interviews Striely Private and Confidential. Ih order to gaim attention, the postage of all Letters must be pre-paid, and have Postage Stamps enclose fo. the answer. Address, PW. RAPHALL. Box 568, Post Office. Etfours of Consaltation. from 9 to Lf 1-2, A. M;, and troin 2 tu BP M., it the CORNER OF NELSON AND DUC S TORORTO. certain STRIDES Ales i) cee ds! iNWe er begs to inform his Custom- A.-ersandthe Public generally that He has recieved one of the largest-and best assortment: aw FARMING [IMPLEMETS, HARDWARE WOODEN & GLASS WARE, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c., &e., ever imported into Chat- ham. His goods consists of The Cheapest Hardware, The Chi apest Cradles, The Best Flard ware. The Best Cradles. Phe Cheapest Sneaths The Best Sneaths, ? 'he Cheapest Scythes The Best Sev thes. 'he Cheapest Rakes, The Best Rakes. The Cheapest Spades, 'Ebe Best Spades. 'The Cheapest Shovels The Best Shovels. t ) fhe Cheapest ELoes, The Best 1. oes. The Best Forks. The Best Cultivators. The Best Grindstones. The Best Pump Fixings. The Bust Carpenters Tool: The Most Giassware. The Best Liguors, 'The The Cheapest Forks, Chexpest Cultivators, The Cheapest Grindstones, The Cheapest Puuip Fixings, The Cheapest Carpenters 'Tools, The Cheapest G.assware, Th: Cheapest Lig wors, GROCER BS! The Chegncst Teas, The Best Teas, The Cheswst Sugar. The Bes. Suzai The Chea ss! Coffee, The <Best- Coiee The Best Spices Twe Cheapest Spices, : Fhe best Extract: The Cheap st xtracts, &ei che, &e, bc. ie; &c., de, &e. Allthe above Goods will be sold Cheape: than ever have been sold for in Chatham before, W holesale and Retail. Remember the 2nd and 3rd door from the cor rer King and Fifth Streets, opposite John Smith' kisq.; Sadie and Harness Store and in Miller's and Barfouts New Brick Stores. W. H. NELSON, N. B. Calland see the Variety of goods, yo: will] find accommodating Clerks to show then free of Charge. WH. NN. Vol 3 40tf Chatham, June 6th 1857. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE, Sh atlina wea N 1-2 Lot No 1, in 5th Concession, on Plank Road, [00 acres, per acre, K20. 00 LI_Ooyvyer ast, N 1-4 Lot N@. 24. in 5th $Concession, Plank Road 5) acre, per acre, al=o 0} $20. OG CGAwta Gem, Lot No8 Fronting on River Tham«s,a most d: lightfal Farm, within three miles of Thames- evite Statitn ot Ine Gitar VW est Raitray The oid London Stage Road passes through it 20 acres cleared. Inall 240. acres pur acre, $30.06 No 60 in Ist ConcessicnExcellent hard wood Jand 200 acres per acre, $12, 00 No 7 in lst Concession excellent hard weod lan 2U0 acres per acie, $12. 0: RHRWS LIBS: RATS For further particulars enquire, (if by lette, pos' paid) at this office Juue 20th, 1856 Notice to eachers. ryXHE Board of Publie Instruction for th County of Kent will meet for the examina on of School Peachers in the Grammar Schog Building of this Powu, on the first Byidays ei June and September next, wh-n all those teachers who have not obtained certificates of qualification for the present year are req'tired 1 attend; oiherwise they will forfeitto their res pee- tive School Sections the public School Fuand.-- Teachers who hold certificates during the plea sure of the Board are also required to attend and produce testimonials of good moral characte! either fom their respective Clergymen, or frou: Boards of Trustees by whom they have becti engaged, otherwise their certificates will be ean. celled. No certificates hereafter will be eranted fora longer period than ons year, Z By order of the Board THOMAS CROSS, See'y B. P. IL. County of Kent. Chatam May 4th, 1857, = 3in N° ASS} L 4a 8 2 COMBINATION (O'S COLUMN, AUTOM NE NE Beam be PR QR he AD OER DAL : OF THE Farmers' & Mechanics' Store, NOW SIX MONTHS IN OPERATION. Sales in that time 3einga larger amount of business by thou- sands of dollars, then was ever before done in Chatham, by any one store. Showing conclusively, that the great mass of the people can and co discriminate and appre- ciate, and consequently will patronize the store in which they ean find VET UN \ wl, THE LARGEST ANSORT- TEN NATIV re a NLU EN MENT OF THE CHEAP- YOM Ty VATA EST AND BEST DS GOODS. Those who have contributed during the last six months to swell our Sales to such an uppre- ecdented amount, are very sincerely thanked, and respectfully informed that the Manager iu January, ordered through an European Com- mercial Traveller, nearly all our Spring Goods; which with others ordered from New York and Montreal, are now daily arriving; so that very shortly our assortments in every department will be full and complete, Filed too, with Goods of the best descriptions, not two months from the place of Manufacture, and purchased of first hands. Herein consists the secret of the extensive business we are doing. «Re ea cwme aa ney fa A No two profits to pay on cur Goods. Those who have never visited the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Will find on doiug so, that its stock embraces fuil assortments-of DRY-GOODS! PANDY & Le Seasonable and Fashionable BOOTS AND SHOES, From the celebrated Manufactory of Messrs Brown & Chiids, Montreal, -CARPETINGS, And other house furnishings, WALL, & WINDOW' PAPER. POUL? SOAPS, PPR= INT MEIBIR WT, Do }f the most approved, English, French, Italian and Bohemian Manufacture. Hats § Caps, Hosiery & Gloves, Staiwnary §& School Books. Hall & Window Pager, Trunks, & Valises, Crockery & Glass Ware, Cordage, Pikles & Sauces, Frutus & Nuts, Groceries & Provisions, Cutlery §& Spoons, Nails, Glass & Putiy, Oils and Paints, Wines and Laquors, INCLUDING Pikes' "Magnolha, Champagnes, Alcs, Porters, §c., &e. Being the Farmers' & Mechbanies' Store it: tocks are laid in with a view lo the supplying heir every want=--and as Farmers' & Mechan- ics', like other classes of the communily, have not all times the o pay down for their necessaries, a well defined and disciiminative, Credit business will be done, in order to meet the wants of worthy and responsible persons: Making only 5 per cent iffer-nee between Cash and Credit. We have a large yard for Customers to drive into, and a good ley a ree ey et tee heir Carriages or them 1% put their Horses under and feed, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE will always be bought, and found FOR SALE. Those who have not paid us a visit are re quested to do so. kindly and obligingly treated, Parcels delivered at Hotels or Town, free of charge. By or ler of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. S -Ly. res "dences, in April 22nd, 185" A KARE CHANCE FOR &A GOO. FARW. as z : : : Lot No 18 in 3rd, Conscssion, Township of Moore County of Lambtos, 200 acres will le , sold low for cash al the present time or for twe F vonths to eome. All may depend upon being The land is good and eligiby situat-d. being about 5 miles from River Sr Claii and the same distance from the thrivng 'Town o Moore = For particulars enquire at the "Provincial Freeman," Office. : June 5 1857, A{-1 ie BOUKS ON SLAVER¥--(PO Bi CON- SULTED, | Slavery and Anti-Slavery, by W. Goodeli, New York; p. 605--a complete history, and with reference to the churches, &e., &c. 2. The Slavery Question. by Rev. John Law- rence, Dayton, (Chiv;;° p. 224--(a complete nuulium, tik Pai vo. 3. 'Teachings of the New Testament, by Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, D: D., Nev York--185$-- p. 62 --(mcst valuable.) 4; Scriptural Views of -Slaverv, by Rev. A'- bert Barnes; p, 384, Philadelphia--1e5s--(an unanswerable book.) 5. The North aud the South--A_ statistical VIEW Gre, * ep. 131. Jewett & Co., 1855--CT his book is an anthorily to silence every pro-slavist, 6. Key to Uncle Lom's Cabin--Jewett & Co; Roston. (aid se Appendix to' Died,'--buih by M os. Stowe.) 7. The Shame and Glory of the American Baptisis, &e., byRev. Eiward Matthews; p. 23 --Bristol (Eng.) and London--(CWhy will not Regular Boiptists of Canada read, confess an: Reform.) 8. Unanimous Remonstranece of the Fourth Congregational Church, Flartlord, Conn.: as t American Tract Socicty; p. 34. 9. American Slavery in connection, Ges; eni- bracing Dr. Perkin's Valuable Sermon,--Mr Jay's Letters; ard Note as to American Sunday School Union--p. 60--New York: H. B. Knight --4854. 10. Letter respecting a book 'dropped from the Citalogu-"' of the American Sunday Schoo! Union,--in compliance with slave power; --p. 25--New York, 1848 11. Insite View of Slavery, by Dr. Parsons Jewett & Co., Boston 1855 --(coata ining facts horrors)--p. 318, 12. Lefters on Slavery, by O. 3. Freeman--p 108. Boston: B. Marsh--1853--This is th book of principles.) March 1897. Divisicn Courts for 1857. Nee is hereby given that the Division Courts for the County of Kent, for the year 1857, will be held at the following places and times :-- : ist Division, Chatham, Saturday,--{0th Jan'y. do do Saturday, 7th Mebruary. uo do Saturday, 7th Mareh. do do saturday, fth April, do do Saturday; 2t May. do do Saturday, 6th June. do do Saturday, 4th July. do do Saturday, Ist August do do Saturday, 5th September. do dc Saturday, 3rd October. do do Monday, 2nd November. do do Saturday, 5th December. 2nd Division, Morpeth, Thursday, 26th March. do do Thursday, 23rd Jaly. do do Tuesday, 24:h Nov. do Ridgetown, 'Tuesday, 27th January. do do Tuesday, 26th May. do do Thursaay, 24th Sept. 3rd Div. Tecumseth, Friday, 30th January. do do Monday, 27th July. do Dawn Mills, Monday, 30th March. do do Monday, 28th September. do Dresden Friday, 29th May. do «lo Friday, 27h November tth Division, Harwich, Thursday, 29th January. do do Thursday, 28th May. do do Saturday, 26th Sept. do (Wellington fun, Towr- ship Wrw'h é& Howard) Saturday, 28th March. do do Saturday; 25th Julv. do of) Tharsday, 26th Nov. 5th Div. Deal ToRn -- Monday, 26th Jaruuiry. do do Monday, 20th Mzy do do Wednesday, 23rd Sep. Pardo's Inn, do Middle Road Wednesday, 25th March. do do Wednesday, 22nd July. do do Monday, 23rd Novemb'r. 5th Div. Wallaceburg Tuesday, 3ist March. do. do Tuesday, 29th- September. do do Saturday. 28th-Nov. lo at Oungah P.Oilice Saturday, 3tst January. do do Saturday, 30th May. do do Tuesday; 23th July. Jth Division Clearville, Friday, 27th March. do do Friday, 24th July. do cto Wednesday, 25th Nov. do Kilmarnock, Wednesday, 28th Jan. do do Wednesday, 27th May do do Friday, 25th Sept. By order of Witniam Bengamin Wetts, Esq Judge of the County of Kent. GEORGE DUCK, Jr, Clerk.of the. Peace, Gounty of Kent. Office of the-Clerk of the Peace, Chatham. 9th Dec. 1856. New. Spring Goods ; v3n31-ly AT--PHE CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL. STON DB WU IRN BU lb AVE to intimate the arrival of their NEV GOODS for the present season, includ- ing an extensive and carelully -selected Stock ol! LADIES' DRESSES, SHAWLS. MANTLES, BONNETS, PAR ASOLS,. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, 2 GLOVES, HOSIERY, PAPER HANGINGS, DOMESTIC GOODS, Ready. IMfade Clothing, &c. A Hirst-Rate Stock of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, & GENTLE- MENS' GOODS. CLOTHING MADE 'TO ORDER as usual CHEAP FOR CASH. Chatham, May Ist, 1857. Important to .on: v3-n36-tf. T offer for sale 35 different recives for $1, man\ if which have been sold the past year for #5 % ryiece. No housekeeper will grudge $1 for on: if those recipes alone after trying it once. Address WM. BrumBack, Point Pleasant Pa ane vhole number of recipes will be forwaid- ~oail, SE FT EA Os ILA ES AR BGR CHR LY ADVERTISER. VOI OIF AAA A AAKA RSE RRR Ladies' New Gocds. 3 Toki lee 8 At ALES Maral L&D Eo EGS TOINFORM THE LADIES THAT 4d Yshe has received her New Goods, whic Ishe bas careiuily selected, to suit the wants§ of oatrous, from the BEST BRITISH AND! AMERICAN MAR KE TS! Consisting of the mst Fashionable LVPress tS Els: BONNETS MA NTLES-- SIA WLS : RIBBONS--- FLOWERS -- SibksS---- SA PTINS-- &e. &e., &e, GA DIRS? underclothirg !} Po allof which, she respectfully invites atten- Donat ter SHOW ROOM. osposite the "Roy- a Exchange" Hotel, King street, « 'hatham; j-@" Paris, London, and New York Fashions just received tor the Spring of 1857. Nov. 2st, 1856. 4 v3-n16-Ly. Draught le and Porter. TRAVELLERS. And easnal boarders will find eveay a~omo 'a- Monat the above honse, without the oise nd disvomboat so common at public hoters. Raaee Ac ToaAdat ioaurc and hodging 7 os =! ony i. a a a ae uumber of gentlemen, Also Board [without sulgings], by the day or week, on rea- sonable terms, C. THOMAS, -£ *roprictor. Qe Eo T ey: Sratford, May 30, 1857, 39-tf eee ft th ihe; Bos ee Fis ee WeGe=k OL he wile: tr t of all Lemperuc Riv Tit, Lecincl ve scnisters oft - elvin &r- (SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED] Censu s list OF Lhe Inhabitants of Stratford CL. W. por 1857,shewing the religions denominations --those who use intoxicating drinks al d those'wnodo not, with the religious Denomina- tions app-nded,--also taverns and sellersofin- foxicating drinks, with also such religious de- bomination appeided -Lists of Distilers and Brewers, with the same--List of Ministers of he County of Perth,-- (Lists of members &c., of congregations may be added. : of Teachers of Schools &e, Sees Seiat that the Traflick and drinking habits, and the drunkenness of our land, are confined to Presby- terians, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholies such lists will practically show the truth or un- truth of the statement. "lave they not (the trafickers) got enough of our blood?'--Hon, M. Ca moron--the next ber? legacy and gilt to every woman andchild of ovr land, will he he freedom from tho traftick" L- By "AMEWN!-- Strrarrorp. C. We loth. March 18574 Ne The attention of all Temperance Associations Sons of Temperance, Leg- islators. Ministers of religion, and others fa- vourable to the patting down of the' CURSE' and the "DISGRACE? of our and every Christiam county,--the public Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks (the savage, uncivilized and unchristian lands cx-epted)--that attention is called to the a- loptiny ol such a Plan as the above, to show SEA PISTICALLY and more EXACTLY those who, In our several municipalities and communities, countenance the public evil and disgrace of our day, "the Traffic in Intoxica- ting drinks,'--and also by said plan, to help to purify a British Coiony which is the most a most of Great Britian's possessions: and make it --Canada--more reliable as a home for theEm- o laa a 3 5 Ea under a frea, liberal; and loyal govern- 4 _ To make the "Census" complete in its inten< non generally, a Listshould be subjoined of the aames of those resIDsN' inhabitants. who pub- licly use Intoxicating drinks at our Public bars ind '"Saloons"--the latter commonly named 'as he "Hells" of our community,--Sober farmers aechanies, millers, carpenters, laboures &e are 'hose, D. J., who realize a cumpetence and pros- perity In Canada and meet with ready employs nent.--All those connected with our Railways must be sober men.--Ask Mr. Brydges, the Rail way manager at Hamilton ©. WwW --Is the same sopuiyel pecded as we move through lifeJ-- ee ae papers favourable to the cause, "THE LARGEST FALL STOCK = In Chatham, HASED for CASH, and OFFEREW "OR CASH Bene : vr Produce only, at prices as low as such terms demand, far BELOW COMPETITION those who buy or sell _on any other terms The Old Store, JOSEPH 8. BEATTY | STAPLE DRY-GOODS, GROEKRBY -GLASS, GROCERIES & LIQUORS, PINS & OILS, 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, l00 KEGS GUN POWDER Sole Agent for BURNING. FLUID. JOS. S. BEATTY, Chatham, Dee? 12th, f38562° > 1 yf NEW BOARDING HOUSR. WILCIAM STILL EGS to an ounce tat he has Openep ~< BOARDING HOUSE, a: No, 374 SOUTH STREET, below Ninth, Puw.aDELPatra where he vill accommodate respectable persons, perma- ently or transiently, who may favour him with heir patronage. . S The House is Commodious and in goo order ind the location Central and Respectable . j-@ No pains will bespaired therefore to giy very satisfaction. = Philadelpbia Qe 29th, tar QT-1v we ~~ & oe <