Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 20 Sep 1857, p. 1

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Blavery; Emigration, "emperance and General Literature. [t will opeu its solumns to the views ef men of different political opinions, reserving the right,as an indep-ndent Journal, of -u | ex- pression on al] questions or projects affecting _the people in a political way; ay treserving, also p ojects, having for their object in a great or 'ge note degree, the subversion of the principles seét exclusively, it will carefully observe the t ghts of every sect, at the same time that a reser pre s-cts respectively. VOLUME IV.: = AND WEEKLY -------- >? CHATHAM, CANADA WEST, | " SELF -RELIANCE IS THE TRUE ROA PROSPECTUS PROVINCIAL FREEMAN' And Weekly Advertiser. Mary A. S. CARY, H. F. DOUGLASS, I. vy. SHADD, Editors. The Provincial Freeman will be devoted to Anti- he right to express emphatic condemnation a, all ofthe British Constitution, or of British rule in , © Provinces. Not committed to the views of any religious Fatien shall be made in favor of an existing dif- ference et opinion, as to the views or actions ot! As an alvertising medium, as a vehicie of in fsrmation on Agriculture,--and as an enemy te vier in any and every conceivable form, and a proinoter of good morals, it shall be made worth €i the patiowage of the public. aut Lerrers, to receive attention. whether for pablicatios ur on Business, must be ad.iressed, pest-pars I. D. Sapp, Chatham, C. W. Oe iii : THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser, {Ss PUBLISHED EV<R Y SATURDAY MORNING. AT THE OFFICE OF THE PAPER, By I. D' Shadd & Co., King St. West, Opposite the Market. CHATHAM, C. W TrERMs: ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Rares or ADVERTISING, eB: jx te tea lines, first insertien, - - > + 4 fach subsequent insertion, sa 88 Or-rten lines, first inscrtivn, per line - Oo 4 7 Rack swhscquent insertion, per line, - Sid A discount allowed wien advertisomente te continued over three months, te Merchanis, an: others, cantracting for pace.can advertise on advantageous terms, & All aévertisements, without instruction as 'eiveeta of time, Il be inserted until forbid, * eaerges acceriinzly. FRINTING OFFIC, King Street West. Onpasite the Market, CHATIIAM, C W. THE PROPHIETORS oF THE T Z Ae ah +: PROVINCIAL FREEMAN euldinferm their Friends and the Public, that their @itice ia xupplied with all the Requisites for the execution of every description of z U ( v ey SP ipr INCLUDING PAMPIILEIETS, PILL MEARS, CARDS, FUNERAL LETIERS, INVITATION CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, BVAGE RILLS, CONCERT BLS, PROGRAMMES, LAW BLANKS, BANK CHECQUES, CIRCULARS. LABELM, PesTING BILL6, San BI1.8, DEEDS PROMISSORY NUTES, MORTGAGES MG MORTALS, ron Eg OCC 5 And every description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING in the best and handsomest style, with accuracy and despatch. $F PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZES. nh LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Subscribers who do not give express notice the contrary, are considered as wishing to con- tinue their subscriptions. lt Subscribers order the discontinuance 0i their papers; the publishers may continue to senc them till ali arrears are paid up. If Subscribers neglect or refuse to take thei" papers from the office to which they are directeu. they are held responsible till they have settlec. their bills, and ordered their papers to be disvon- tinued. If Subscribers remove to other places, withot yntorming tho Publishers, and the paper is sel 49 the former direction. they are held responsible Business Directory. aS TEN OGRE LORD RE pS S 9 DIT GON a Vim STONE & TURNBULL, CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL DRY GOODS, REE ieee Grocery Hstablishment, KING STREET, CHATITAM, C. W. September6th, 1855. 20t- Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. Ww. L. HUMBURT zene of Windsor, and , that he is prepared to W OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- try and in the most satisfactory maaner, balample experience in his ' he Cities of Gharlesion, S.C., and Boston, Mass surrounding coun- MAKE, REPAIR, of CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, Having line of business in GEORGE KE HARDWARE WE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UTEALER IN Pratt's Block, Chathaiz November 22, 1855, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, &c., §c., RR, J. R. BROWN a KEARNY, FASHIONABLE WR, Ce we 30-ly Spi ANDRE W HENDE Auctioneer and Commissioz ROOKSELLER AND No. 54, YONGE STR TORONTO. British and American Works saleat the smallest possible advance upon the wholesale prices. dow Glass andLooking Gla at the lowest Cash pr Terenio, 10th April 1854. --_----- BAND, are prepared to information apply to. +e JON No. 32, Yonase Srrest, Toronto. Riferences--T homas Clarkson, Esq., President of the Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esq#ire, Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co.; Messrs. Howatd & Fich; Messrs. D. Crawtord & Co. CHARLES FLETCHER, STATIONER, CHARLES MARCH, House, Signa, and Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Glazier, and Paper Hanger, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAINER. No, 29, Kine Street West. Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win NOTICE. MIME Members of JONES' SAXHORN CER rs, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terms. Chatham. Dec. 26th, 1856. RSON, » Merchant, EET, imported and for ss, for Sale, 'ices, 4 play for CON- For ES, Leader. v3-n19 D. FARRAR & IMPORTERS AND WROLESALK DEALERS 1m Groceries, Wines, Liaquors, &c., No. 15, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. Co., ATTORNEYS AND S WELLINGTON STREET, Neavember 1838, IN THR OPPOSITE THE M And lately evected by Messrs. VRY GOOLS & GR LIBERAL SHARE OF The Sub-criher is determined possible London, Jan. 7, 1656. Be Ds DEALER IN -- Office-- Cuuncu STReeT, MALLHEW Cx AGUi4 or S Shoemaker, Bronte, h: datters himself that, attention to business, he will be able to please. 25, Windsor,C, W., Sept. 9, 1854. by diligence and stric Halton County, Canada W¢ ings currency. J Bronte, July 1%h 1858. Masses. R. P. & ADAM CROOKS, Barristers-at- Lav, MRS. S. WILKINS, SDABDING 1OUSS, No. 168, PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. cceyy SWORE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, BOW? OOkta "PUe SUBSCRIBER w old and numerous Castomers and Friends, CD peel TB wi wim BS se> With a Large awd entire New Stock ef He thanks them for past favors, and hopesto reeeive of them and the Public at large, any JONES, Grocerics and Crockery Ware, NQ. 311-2, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barvisters, &¢;, &¢:; next door to the Cour! ERSONS affiicted with t the CHILL FEViR can h speedily cured by applying to JOHN Township of Price ten shil OHN HAT FUN OLICITORS, TORONTO. 34 ARKET, Moore § Relph, auld inform his OCERIES! BOOT & SHOK MAKER, And 107, Genesee Street, \ R. JOHN WILLIAMS has just fitted | on-hand. Friends vive a call and full satis- No. 90. King Street West, TORONTO. % MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, 2 Steveotupers, WPrint.rg, and Winders, zg PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS, No. 5, PARK ROW, Opposite Astor House, New York, Auburn, N. ¥ MILLER --\WM. ORTON,--E. MULLIGAN. C.N NORTH STAR: SALOON. No.. 40, Jefferson Avenue. up his splendid DINING SALOON, where all kinds of Choice Eatables can be had at any bour. Superior drinks always faction will be given. JOHN WILLIAMS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. y3-u21-ly S NOW OPEN at No. 388 Jefferson | Avenue, for the accommodation of Col- ored Visitors to this City. c. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do all in their power to make Boarders comforta- ble, and give general satisfaction. GC. Ws: BLELIS. Detrvit, Jan. 10th, 1857. y3n21-ly Mmitoe 8. FRENCH, M. D., D. D.3., DET ISL, ce Office, cor. of Bay & Melinda Sts., 3 ILO 2 OMWO 9 @. Wa REFERENCES: Bartimore ReF.--Chapin A. Harris. A. ¥.. M. D.. D Dp. S.. Phomax &. Bond, A. M.. M.D.. Phillip H. Austin. A.M.M.D..D.D.S., Washington R. Handy. M.1., Pro- fexsors Baltimore College ol Denias Surgery. : Dr. Fi.b CH has the honor of publishing the tollowin: reconrmendation trom the Lord Rishop ef "Foronto, anc o of referring to the following gentlemen:-- 4 tthe best 1 mmendatior French Surgeon Dentist. i: family and given muc} JOUN TORONTO. Toronto, Jan. Vath. 18 T-- Dry PD. French, surgeon Denuuat, hes both Extracted and Stor pei teeth for me, with perfect fuccess, and with less pai to meself than I thought possible. "--A. P. DouGLass, A. C. als | Toronto, Oct 18th, t856.-- that lean give of Dr. M.D. i that he has been employed in this gatisfaction. " GovsRNMUENT FFots#, ------------ Rev Dr. Burne. Rev. A: Fyfe, A. W. Strachan, Faq Dr. Scott, Dr. F, Buagley, Dr. N Bethune, Dr. tlerrich Dr. J. Richardsou, Dr K. Clarke, Hon. Judie Born Rey. H J. Grassutt, Hon. Judge McLean, Dr. F. A. Calc well. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M. ax TERWS CASH. ' ye ¢ v3-ndi-ly CIN Y c OFF A SLAVE. U INS Cy é> 2 De A RS BURLEY, (late Mrs. Jackson.) is now N epreparcd to supply the public with her COUGH SYRUP, an invaluable remedy lor eouvhs and consumption, It has won 4 wide reputation for its great curative powers, having eff-cied cures when all other remedies have failed. Mrs. B. would alsc recommend her ALTERA- TIVE, an excellent remedy {for S-rofula, linpa- rities of the Blood, scurvy, Eruptions, and all Diseaxes of the Glands and Sxin. It has cured in cates of Many years standing. To be nad of Mrs. Matia Burley, No. 816 South Ninth St,. below Gatharine, Philadelphia 47 closed. been run off, and-that be @ Canada, in Chatca-n. August 15, 1857--l y PATRONAGE tv so}l_ as Low a} B. JONES. JU os House, TORONTO. a ) ahaha AYLEY, 5 207 ee OUKS CAMERON VANKOUGHNET & BRO, Barristers, Attorneys. §., 8, Ojice--Cuvrcu STREET, Over The City Bank' Agency two doors South ot St. Andrew's Church, TORONTO. -- sa NOTICE. he FEVER an N HATO? 'Vratalga est. 17-tt. aud yave hiin two letters which she had re- ceived trom him. A pass book was pro duced in court which the wi-ness swore was ii the hand writing of Mr. Cope. He had been dealins at the store of the accused, using the pass book in which tne thinus purchased were writien down, and the Wil ness had seea him write, and swore to. the hand writin. The witness bil frequently seen accused in consulting with bis Raschael inis negro woman, but didn't think much of it at the fine. he two leiters he received from the girl he swore were, te the best of his belief, written by accused. They were in his hand writing and on this cireunstance he had him arrested. The foilowine js a copy of one of the letters: 2 "To Mr. Gillcrist, Chatham, Canada We: Lousvitte, Ky, Dee. 8,57. Dear Sir:--A young lady of light color left this city for Chatbam the 9th of No- vember, with a white man, and froin her long silence, 1 am afraid that some foul means have been used to pervent any of her friends getting a le'ter from her J wrote her a letter dated November 25, 1856, to gether with a box, containing the following articles: Six yards witte flannel two bars of soap, four pair of yarn siackings, two boxes sardines, two bars soap one botile of extract for perfume, one bottle oF hair oil, and a samfi red morocco Bible, with the following wrote on the first leaf; 'Presented to Ra- chael, by her affectionate husband, George. You will please find enclosed with letter, another directed tober. ft ts from her NG _ George Cope, a well known grocer in this ity, was under examination on the charge { runving off a slave woman of Mr. S. c " etheilee in October or November last. The bes testified to missing tha girl on Sunday and und rstanding that she was in the habit of washing for Mr, Cope, went to his house to tind him, but the lane was Subsequently he received informa- tion that led him to believe that the girl had . would tind ber in emande a] to the Norjh, and at the very Slee aes ted found his lost property. He couldnt desire her, but she very plataly pave him to uaderstand that the aceused ald rai her off IOS Wy 2 eR ia DNE DOLLAR AND A = al HALF. zi NVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, © 'NUMBER 1. nele, and I wish y ' i oe Soe you to vet your wife, Mrs. st, to call on Rachael and bring her O your bos Joa ¢: ot j use. Youcan read both lette 0 her. Promthe--reta : RABUN SAR EY : ithe Telationstiy-ext-tne be ween Raghiaél and inyse ene Sad 'ome unfal® Means. will) ye ato ne tocause a sep: i ose tbe o ly ag ever have again. listresse | ab foreseen Tbe adopted Hgaiesr 2 lon, ringdytheteghe wilh most trend she ever had or Indeed, Sir, Lan greatly bout her in mind, for some un= ae ee Pay oceur that. will ruin a pisiniiss of both. I shall fee! myself pee oes ee: by your kind attention ae quests that [make .. I think that Sha | be in your city towar ts the latter end of thism nh,ind then, sir, l cant 4 a n person 'tor your okindnace Wr how L. Lanham & Coz ieicee " plot: GEOR HH COPE." ee Nese pe shure fe the fetter : ". 2) has been opened an] = tents read and aaetle ee in its pl a Ren 10 s place as os eae Tell her to pe uae the ee os A Iwill send it back-to ber Zane : things of this kind is' often re= ee or gaining such information as swer ther guilty purposes. I amon the rack of excitment about that' dear girk She is persecuted and- in trouble vee ineddling people who have no aoe ae y ter fere in any respect whatever. "She Is = wife b fore High heaves our heret " ae are revistered there before Gud 'aud a thort of that surrand the throne with ans if Pane Sir excuse the s MOUs style of my lette 2 not help it. J J tter, but I can . Corn,'" ' Phe other letter was also addressed ta AV A sl hese 2 Mr. Gilchrist Chatham, Canada West tho envelope, but tl i : ete pe, but the letter itself was to «} owne Dear Rachael,' as follow: "My Own Dear Raci nea great deal of plug have arrived sateen Preasant both, when e time a Vichael deat, you haweg ae T a:n to leave this city: my We miles fr ete ni ies Iro.n me makesme teel very unlhpe + © Be indeed dear the sooner [sell out the bettfer, ue : lost all interest in business of any feted ¢ a . 33 =e . < F = ° = : think of is seeing you again. "In rela= ° _ to how matters was. after you left, [ will tell you all. wheu I eet ; : vet, out t iio place 30-0 chin a [t will be much betier as L hayg tell that concerns us both si son have 'no interest j@@ee something to entertadi gether once more you will takcetdére: lg Me pray . that ou Can 0: your- na mew country ad to the cliamat-, b BEL daer, and don't expose eda bad weatuer but. keep, in = am really glad that jou are going to schol I hope your progress will be so fast that the next letter that you're- ceive from me the adswer will .be -in your own hand, then Copey will be proud of his little wife. Rachael if Pro vidence vive me good luck I hope that I shall be with you for good by the middle or latt-r end of next month. Yourecollect Kinkeys, her little maa wishes to buy me me 'out, I 'told him that I cannot sell any other way.than for cash as f wish to leave for St. Louis, you know Rachel I have a tight set to deal wilh the Weatherlys I mean. J.C. swears he w. | have satisfaction out of me as teaih the cause of your going off. We shall see wiht we shall see as the old man said. when ina tisht place. I send you a box with articles in. that you wil need before I get out, * * * * the valance of clothes. The wateh chain &«. [ will bring with me. Tf you get 'out of money youmust let me konw 4s sooi as possible, and what kind of money passes with you, 1 am-unacquainted witis the ener cy of the place. 'lel! me all the news you have,how you like the p'ace and people, how we are like'y to-get along fogether: (4 feel certain ic it Cont do well. we can.go some other place zany place will be home when you are with me. I must clese or you will get tire! of reading, so cear I will close By wishing you all the good luck: that' this world cana fore, Your affectionate husband -- Nov 26, 1356. GEORGE Rachael send your Jetters by mail. t will send youa stump that must be put a it so it will come safe to hand. Direct youle'ter to care of J. T. Lanham & Co. Louisville, Ky. Mrs Weatherlee testified that the oirl Rachael disappeared on Sunday, the 9th of November, that she dealt. with the acensed at his grocey, and the girl took bis washing, to hin accompained by her, the witness children, 'They were always very familiar, and the children called \ him Copey. ..He was in the habit of visiting her house, but after the girl went off never caled at house again. A vood many moie witnesses war introduced in the case to prove-certain cir- cumstances connecte! witb it, al tending (ee fo ¢orroborate the statements of Mr,

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