Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 13 Sep 1857, p. 2

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180 PPL OLOLO IOI OOOO LOL OLD IO would tend to basten the ultimate over:lrow of slavery. But the immediate and /egise mate effect of that measure wou'd be to strengthen slavery, as we have seen. Now to strenvihe sliver; for an hour is a hesnous sin. Hence to vote for the admission of Cuba, in hope that, at some distant period of the future, it will tend to di stroy slavery. is directly do'ng evil that good many come. No man but a Jesuit in principie will do that. 'Yo refuse to inferfere with slavery, where we have no power to effect it, is not wrong. There is a right and a wrong way of inter- fering with all evils 'Po use doubtful owers to overturn a system of crime, when ee Je powers 40 gars, assisting to promote sound antislave ry docirive and urging with might and main the self-supporting principle people in Canada ; an equat and uo o be don, and imeurriay the Ik Ine { hearty welcome to the vietins of Ain rea 'j displeasure of the bigoted and wicked Lgno- Shali 'Dp Cc prejudice aud opp rant amonyo us. its course be "on- watd and upward?" is the question we ask the fiiends of humanity white and. colored. Already the enemies to the progress of cul- ored men, the slaveholder, the pro-slavery religionist, white and black say No! But nately said parides always say No! and any and every 1e- Py A\ ! j | | i i | { OO OOO Ol eee Asthna.-- This most disheartening com plant has beenco upletely cured in many in: Se ee 'stances by the use Fistar's Balsam of among ce'ore | stances by the use of - Wistar's 2 Weel Ger a afford ielief from this painful disease will be Surely anything that will hailed as a real blessing. een: EC Sorrerere: ™ ever ntarcemen ss PRICES OF N ROLLS. x 4 iG Millions of money have been disbarsed in Richmond during the past fifteen mon ths who Have during that time, commanded more exorbitant prices than ever before. All negroes are sold for cash, which is sup- | ter,says that his expecta'ions in regard to drafts, | his gifts of land to colored men to' the brokers. | been fully realized." «He ~ says:--"Of the > Si ks are sold to sup | t ply the Richmond market with Northern land, probably less than tifty have taken and of Northern sight Por f plied by means lwhich are ¢ Enough of the O Kxchange. Asrbefone rematked-at no: pe- riod before did 'this species of prop rty com | What is w _Many_ sell | { judge, have either sold their land. or been fz Soe | ' ' c rand so exorbitant a because of the very hig tn proof of this, tt may state] that if the market declines: sa or $100. per head, the receipt of nezroes is visibly affec- ted. It is said, by those who assume to know, that the increase. in- slaves" creatly more than coante: balances the mumber'sént from the State: The following statement. of the ruling ure. prices obtained. rates (and which, it is confidently . asserted, are likely to prevail for some tine to come) is subjoined for the information of the read+ ers of 'Phe South:? fF = No.1 men sell steadily 1,400; something extra, a shade higher. No. loals from 1,J00 to $1,200, (iicld jhands..) Likely giris (seamstresses) com - mand from $1,400 to $1,200. Boys from i twelve to fitteen years of ave $1,000 to $1,- 900. Girs from twelve to. fifteen ye: ave g750 to $1,100. Good blacks fine size, ran ng from twenty-two to thirty | years olds at 1,600 dollars to 2,000. Carpente commane the same rates. Brick layers b vom 1,500 dollars to 1.8 | Allothers in proportion. | Phese prices are | fur nevroes free of defects, and sound and healthy. © At the pre er, itis safe to say that nerves, goo or bad worth.-- Lhe South. ' for $1,300. to fury 1 = ae, Dp ~ vp + /command all they are ' Jew each other ina South Carojina paper: Fligh prices.--Miutes are seling in Mis. sound at from' 175 dellirs to 13) a-head; at Ee heto-kind nf stocks in | | | | | { { i} | | | 3 sent me, howev- | tof furv g f° The following items of business ful- | } ----$------$ ------ A serious riot occurred a Short time ago near St. John. New Brunswick, betwee The contest was provoked by an [rish 4nd German railway laborers. The. contest was provosed by an Irishmin. who yasulted a Germ n, for which he waa knocked down. In less tan half an hour upwards of 200 persons were engag din deadly conflict, in the course of which one man was fatally cut and beaten. he Germans were-finally driven from tfie ground. "RUROPA." Hairax, Sept., 8. The Europa, Capt Leitch, arrived here this morning from Liverpool Saturday, 29th The Collins steamship Baltic, Comstock, from New York on Sunday, . the 16th of August, arrived at Liverpool on the 28th. The Persta from New York. on Wednes- day, the 19th, arrived at Liverpool on Sa- "turday the 29th. = es The British.Parliament was. pro on Friday the 28th. 'The Queen's was read by commission. It was tiie general impression that the Atlantic cable would be sold for the tele- graph to India. The Indian mail reached London on Sa- 'turday, but the main features of the news had already been received. via Alexandria and Malta. = The Liverpool Cotton Market had been very activ, and prices hid considerably ad- vanced and were buoyant. Sales of the week 110,000 bales Liverpool Breadstufs were generally dull with the tendency downwards. Liverpool Provision Market was gener.l- quiet. : Lonxpo | money closed at 90} In the London Market suzar ly advanced, --_-- rH <2 8 eS oe Gerrit Smith, in a recently pubtished let- have not hree thousand colored men to whom I gave continue: to hold possession of. their grants: orse, half the three. thousand, -as so careless as to allow it to be sold for taxes.' gued speech ; é BURRITT?S COMPENSATED EMANCTPATION. ~The Newport Kantucky ~ News, before the session of the: Cleveland) Convention, spoke as fulbbows: While we rejoice thatthe friends of hu- ty aré every where moving upon t t of slavery, and earnestly asking themseives how this system may be extin- euished, still, we, in the first place, cannot see how Mr. Burritvs plan cat' be made practicable, or Low, under the present con- dition of our country, it can ever achieve the object so much desired by its friends. "The! , of the Compromise Tne has | - es for the intro'luction of sla: very into ail the axtensive and fertile terri- tory of the North, once consecrated to Pree= | doim--and the late Supreme Court Deci-ion has thrown the aegis of protection' around | ithe mosster, so that it not only féels sate,|.. GG" The heavy rains which prevailed but much encouraged,and ber votaries will | bere on Saturdsy last' were st3l] more yio- sitions for emancipation, | lent in the neighborhood ef Londen, C. W. nsation er aby otber mode,, The railway tracks were much injured by jelds.are open, and legal pro | the floods. man tit 4 ¢ abrovation opened therg ates the : had slight- : a RB Dee rey u ignore all prop wheter by co | so long as new fection is given them, to encourage a hops | ato the slaveholder. | washed down large Under sucha state of affairs, so favorable | to the spread of slavery, We can never hope | it tothe depth of many laches. At a spot 4 olders, in-wham alle Suthern | | } } 4" that the slaven . = 4 1 - power 1s concentra.€C, witl 2 degree, and the conscq@ienge was that the atiurpvon express comiby 'west ran off the consent to ; E afc 3 eee NEA G3 ; smuncipation of any "KING. Morak consi | | track. The engine plunged headlong for- no effect; for with tbem 'wealth is their} ward and busted itself-4p.a sand bank, on rod, and wiil vangaish Morulity inthe eon-| the Jeft of the road, white ihe bauuage ear test for sapremac). | tovk an. op,o-he direclion and was driven In the second place, we do not believe | off. 9 the rght and completely shuttered. hat {he majoisy of either the slavebolders ' Fortunately, the passenyers did not yeceive nr non-slaveliofders wil many injurles of a prayel nature tham se- proposed ;- the: former, yere contusions, but the fireman, D. MeCor- reason to the one given... Mr. Burritt's p'an | miek was so severely scald-d' that bis life is-to compensate the slavebolder, withthe | ir despaired of, The engineer was not m- proceeds of ihe sales of the public domain. | jured, bat the biggage main 'vas very much 'Ro thissome.of.the Southern journals have| hut. The damage done is considerable already pertinently expect*to compensate us with the proceds | of the public domanin, a part of which is our own?' And many of the North are: unwilling that /heir share chould co into the pockets of those who havealready filcbed | tortures from ihe labor-of the lash'driven | ------ slave. | A letter from Kev. dibbart BM Again, we have many 'white slaves' in sionary in Burmah, to bis father, Jv-eph the South, who in regard to their labor aud Robinson, E-q., of thie city, has been handed respect, are brougit upon a level with the io ne for publicalioas (om which ee black slave. but who constitution ly own a | share in the puble domain, and would be the last to contribute to the it-gotten gain of Newron Maulmain, June, 6 1857. their oppressors. Tudeed it would seem} Dyan Fature,--Will you kindly' say to that if any.class shoind Be 'comprnsated,' it Mr. Davis that Mrs. Hibbard and myself, and : d be se W ave been allowed by |. : : suo ss eg nee = eS 5 indeed, I might add all who came out with the jaws of the eountry to hive their sacréd | Ss honors and the profits of their date vicla- | U%» feel very grateful for the box Zo Pain Kils ted and embezzled by a slave aristoeracy. ler he gave us when we left our native. land It. will be seen, then, that those whom we for Burmah. have enumerted, together with land mon- | Violent internal pains sutnmer complants, opolists and their depndencies, an-| a host of | burn otheir obstacles, would not oppose any feasl | with ble cr practical 'plan for' the extirpation of | slavery.; We believe, however, . that the | = plan that would command the algenugaand | = Es aid of of most of our peop'e, 1s first to 're- ithe Pain Killer. We «always keep it where strict, by law of Coagress, the slave institu. |:we ean put our hands on it inthe dark, ifneed (iug to its present bounds.. And havingit) be. Although I took Mr. Nesbit's box when thus confiened, with all its prospects of ex | he returned yo America, yet it Is all gone but tension cut off, we can turn the wrath of : three or four bottles, anc that would have their own' 'god' upon them. Our pecuniary been gone long ago, had I not refused part statisttes ee impregnable, ame ut is only By i with it: 'Che Karens are begining to Jearn showing the impovrishiny -tencency of tho | aia awl Ga 5 tee os se 'system that they "canbe made~to~-feel-and | reflect. Besides, the nonsslaveholders in the | them, except in dose, fur we could not think lerations can have kis is the 'Age of Lnere;' avree- tothe plan | ea oee t for an additional (@ f-om Beaehville. : TE { ryseusat ed ~s creas mR SERS Wotics. Ris Speial NEAR Ce Phos -Syy yen away Charles is- the following extracts--Porvidence Journal, | I have-used it for coughs colds s, bruises, and for the sting of scorpions uniform .success... The only severe spasm of the stomach which Mrs. Hibbard had in Burmah, was instantly relieved by South are in the majority, and as 'Sov-;o! being without it. ereignty is inherent in the people, and not in proproty," the-e non.slaaeholders shall be allowe} to vote equally with property-bol- doing they vote according "ests, slave:y will be stab- ofits' fricnds.'--Newport A PERFECT CURE AND NO MISTAKE From tne Editor of the New York Jlirror, ders, ard if in so to their own inte bed in the house (iy.) News. About four weeks sinnce one of the com- positors of this office was suff-ring so bodly from a cough thathe was unable to sleep nights,and too weak to stand at his case. et 2-0 Ee He became very pale and thin, and gave symptoms of falling a victim to quick: con- We him various & Bishop Simpson, in his travels in Tre- land, thus desertbes the country through | which he passed :-- "Tn passing through tne country [ foun] tivo tiines different from what I had expec- ted, First, the land as not so wholly oe- cupied nor so perfectly cultivated as [ had fanered. I had supposed the whole islant to be a garden; but I found waste places poorly cultivated lands. The country nuch more hilly or mountainous thn be of mountains nearly the whole Jength of On the-east were the Galtee Mountains, and oa the western range isa high peak. with a revarkable notch, called the Devi"s Bit. . Various lezends are con- nected with thisspot The Killarney boat- men told me that it was said that Satan was chasing some souls that had just escaped from purgatory; they fled across this moun- tain into the province of Connaught; where- upon Satan, concluding that Connaught was about as bad-as purgatory, ceased his pursuit and contented himself with biting a piece out out of the mountain summit and spitting itafter them. Similar storise the inhibi tants of the different provinces delight to tell in reference to ecah othey." sumption. | medicines, which had no effect. Finally, we gave him one bottle of WISTARS BAL- SAM OF WILD: CHERRY. It - afforded him immediate relief, and he is now a well man, and not the slightest°sytnptom of a cough. These are facts, and futher particu- and lars may be learned at this office. We should Ranges add that the cough it the abave case was ac- companied by profuse spitting of blood. None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. FARE TS. i Chatham Markets--Prices in York C'y May 16, 1857. 0 9 4 S FREEMAN OFFICE, $25) 0 0- 6 a a Wool, per Ib Wheat, per bushel, Oats, per bushel, Barley per bushel, Rye per bushel, Potatoes. per bushel, Corn, per busbel, Beef, per 100 |b, Pork, per 100 Ib, ' Mutton, per 100 1b, COSaCSooacos ' Chickens ' : se per pair yin sof and German railway laboure s. tae ee n Money Market.--Conso!s for | On the Great Western, says: the Lo:dun Free Press the heavy torrents, quantities of "sand, | i whien overlaid the track, complete covering | near Beachville this had occurred to a great | ask'd: 'Does: the North! and has been-estimured-at $4000. The spot | it whieh the accident occurred is two miles | Butter, per lb, Tallow, per 100 Ih, 2 96 a : 120 O04 0 J ON SmMitu. Market Clerk; 9 0 0 Hay, per ton, 9 0 Eggs, per doz, : ti New Advertisements. TAKE NOTICE. T his is to warn all person from harborin or trusting my wife, SARAU GRAVES inmy name. As I will not pay any debts con-tracted by her. _ EDWARD GRAVES Chatham, Sept jin 1857, : in AAA AD | | L a PERSONAL. George Simpson, and Polly An | Short creek Harrison County Ohio |.to. knew the-whereabouts of "Mr ie Sampsons are from North © | so Mr. Lewis Artis: Into:mation Sampson, of would like mpy Artis, arolina, Al. left at this of ? fice will be thankfully received Tax Inpustravep GyMasiun.--1 his is the title of a new book by RT. Tran, M. D. now being published by Fo: ' Weis, New Yorx, The work 'compre- _hends considerably moro than the title ex- | | presses ; for it contains pot only an "exposi- Ore ~ . im § iit | tion of Gymnastic proper, but also the ap> plications of Gymnatic, Calisthenie, and Vo cal Exercises to the devclopment of the | whole body, the proper training of weak and -- | defective orvans, and to ibe cure ot disease; gpecial Medical, Gymnastics for particular "atm. nts and infirmities have a prominent Bits ee Tank alana = Banos Qin Gectis and important place. Ling s system af Kin- | ESIPATHY, as developed by. its author and pracused by Voth, Georgie, and others, is extensively treated -of.-- Bricf 'instructions are given ia the various "manly exersises," uw a Ss sees ae Swinming, Sailmye- Rowing, Riding, ete.; and not the least valuable port of it is the analysis of the rudimental sounds of tne En- gish language, with the inst: uciions predi- 'eated thereon, to erable the student. to obs tain full conimand of the respiratory 'appa- jraius, a d acquire fluency and power of Voice ani Speech 4p ST ! ; : Alid pa tuents of the workare profuse- tly illustrated ith engravings. Fi is a book : for the Lndi"idual, the Faini y, th Cinh the Schools Tv be wilicompicted in two nome 25 : 9 ibers, Price for the work 'complete, $1 208 Broad- | Address Fo# Ler anv WELLS, hway, New York. = NEW HAND-BOOK + OR, HL) ME,IM- PROVEMENT. = HCW TO DO BUSINESS.--A Naw PockEeT MaNvat of Prac ical Affairs, an} Guide to Success hy the various Pursuns of Life. 3 ee { STORE, For tux = By AM eBoy Por rae Boox-A Fon au. Busing HOP, For vir N THE SwopP, I | On re: Bsns, XE. SVERY WHERE, __ Fs: Eyxnysups. 'How To po Bysingss, now-reaty, ele- ses our first series of. Hand: Booka for Home Improvement.' It is the most complete work of the kind ever publish-d, embracin¢ the Principles of Basiness---How to Choo e a Pursuit; Natural Qualifications required for Different kinds of Business. & Edu atio: ; How to buy and Sell; How: to Get: Caste mers and Keep: Them3. How.<to am to Farm or a Trade; How-to Canvas and Get Subscribers; The Causes 'of Fai'ure; How to Suceved; Book-Keupings Commere? | Forms; Practical Rules, Hints) Maxine ete. Price, post-free, any Post 'Office; by FOWLER AND WELLS, No 308 Bread way, New York, or 142 Washington street Boston. = aoe 'How to Write,' How to Behave,' How to do Business Talk,' 'How.ts > same price. The four books, in' paper, sevt for $1; in, 'muslin, $1,75. In one vol, muslin, $1,50. Auy, 29. BO A BY-LAW. To authorize the Subreriplion by the County of Kent of Two Thousand Shares of the Stock un the St. Clair, Chatham §; Rond Eau Ship Canal Company amounting to £50,0v0. =. Whereas, by virtue of the Act of the Pro vincial Parliament of this Province 20. Vite chap., 57 entitled an"Act to incorporate the St. Chatham "and Rond Eau Ship ~Canal Company," a Joint Stock Compan has been incorporated for the purpose of constructing 4 Ship Canai between the waters of the Rr ver St. Clair & the Rond Eau Harbor on Lake Erie. And Whereas, the County of Kent is in- terested in the proposed work & deeply 1m pressed with the benefits which must result to it therefrom, and is desirous of promoting the earliest commencement and completion of tho same by taking stock therein. And Whereas, the said Act' hath, under certain reqsirements as expressed in the 20th -- and 21st.clauses thereof made full and ell -- cient provisions for the taking. of amy. No. of shares of stock in the said Company; by ihe Municipalities interested in the construe on of the said work, and the requirements of the. said statute have been compli¢ with; and it is necessary ana expedient there to thatthe said County{Council of Kent

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