Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 6 Sep 1857, p. 1

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"SELF-RELIANCE IS THE TRUE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE," VOLUME Ik. CHATHAM, ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, TERMS: | AI? CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, SEPT. 6, 1857 AL MBER 51 == rs : PROSPECTUS S GEC Ae Bw) tan he BY = = = ee OF THE VARDw ects KERR, J. R. BROWN, Ifa Chinaman I wud siz him and kut ue ' ye PROVINCIAL EREEMAN laa WARS THSRC KLAN FASHION ABLE Off his Rew, and bare it off in triumph, : HALE me. a And Weekly Advertiser. Te eee ere = | : as d see a slit tore in ye, or the sacr The ee ILLasTRATED-- -- UEALBR I ae 4 ; Ss <r amue Sawyers se duat 4h mn OT & SHOK MAKER, Hands of a fo kattin u up into bullit New York Union Theolowienl Sen a Heavy aud Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, &§c., §c., 3 Pratt's Block, Chatham, C. w. November 22, 1855. Mary A. S. CARY, H. F. DOJGLsSS, IL Dp. SHADD, Editors. TMé Provincial Freeman will be devoted to Anti- aay Slavery, Emigration, 'l'emperance and General a eaage toes se Literature. i will open its columns to the mie ws ANDREW HE NDERSON ef men of: different political opinions, reserving Avene = Mae EN the right,as an indepenent Journal, of "a lex: ees and Commission Merchant, pression on al] questions or projects. affecting | 45, oe YonGe Srreer, Toronro. the people in a political way; and reserving, also, 2vferences--Thomas Clarkson, Esq., President of the.right to express emphatic condemnation o. ali | (he Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire projects, having for their object. in-a great o1 Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co. Messrs. Howard & remote degree, the subversion of the principles Fitch ; Messrs. D. Crawtord & Co. ofthe British Constitution, or of British rule in "'\e@ Provinces. Notcommitted to the views of any religious sect, exclusively, it will carefully observe the rights of every sect, at the sametime that a reser yatiow shall be made in favor of an existing dif. ference of opinion, as to the views or actions ol jlie'Sects respectively. CHARLES FLETCHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No. 54, YONGE STREL?, TORONTO. British and American Works imported/and for sale at the smallest possible advanée upon the AS af advoitising medium, as a vehicle of in | wholesale prices. fstmation. on.. Agriculture,--and as an enemy t vice in any and every conéeivable form, and a proinoter of good-mytals, it shail be made worth ofthe patronage of the public. CHARLES MARGH, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Glazier, dnd Paper Hanger, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAINER. Nu:29, Kine Srreer West, Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled,and,Plain Win dow Glass andLooking Glass, for Saie, at the lowest Cash prices. Toronto, lOth April 1854. 4 aut Lerters, to receive attention whether for publication or on Business, must be addressed, psi-parm, l. D. Saandd, Chatham, C. W. wrnnnnneeeooOoeeeeenu5oen5ywrsy es a--erserr eee THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser, -- a: Sat ee Re es SBS eer NO'LICE. TI\LLE Members. of JONES' SAXHORN BAND, are prepared to play for CON- CERTS, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, FAIRS, &e:) on reasonable terms, lor information apply. to. F. i:., JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dec. 26th, 1856. v3-nl9 : IS PUBLISHED EVER Y SATURDAY MORNING, AT THE OF FICK OF THE PAPER, King St. West, Opposite the Mar ket. CILATHAM, C..W TrERMS: ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. D.-FARRAR & Co., IMPORTS&RS AND WHOLKSALE DEALERS IN Grocers, Wines, Liquors, §¢., Rates oF ADVERTISING, sfc D. T s f Eeeake aly 8a eye ie {x te ten lines; first insertion, ©-5 + 7-3 4 No. 13; DUNDAS STREET, #® ech subsequent; insertion, -.+,- 0 10 LONDON, C. W. Over ten lines, first insertion, perline - 0 4 Kach subsequent insertion, perline, - 0 1 r 1 : onan Massena -R. P.:d) ADAM CROOKS, A discount allowed when advertisoments te continue! over three months. te Merchants, and others, contracting for ace can advertise on advantageous terms. rar All advertisements, without instruction as elenzth of time, Il be inserted until forbid, * charzgei accordiusly. Barristers-at- Law, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO. MRS. S. WILKINS, No.-268,- PINE STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. November 1836. te RIO 13 ws AA iho PRINTING OFFICH, King Street West, Opposite the Market, CILATUAM, CW. 30 ry STOW! IN THK COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, And lately erected by Messrs. Moore §: Rolph, THE PROPRIETORS OF: THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN enid inform their Friends and the Public, that their @iice is supplied with all the Requisites for the : execution of every description of a R, Ste Sop isy ip PA IP? REO 2 TOU wma wera, INCLUDING PAMPHLETS EP AW? IP Cag ILL 188 ADS, CARDS, | --_--_s GIRCULARS, OMS Ghia FUNERAL LETTERS, LABELS, INVETATIONICARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, STAGE BILLS, © CONCERT'BILES, PROGRAMMES, LAW BLANKS, POATING BILLS, HAND BELLS, BANK, CHECQUES; See ee ee "Pua SIIBSCRIBER would inform his old and numerous Customers and Friends, that he has again CD pw mea TBmesimesse BARDS : PROMLSSORY -NUTBS, MORTGAGES. MEMORIALB, With a Large and entire New Stock of &e., &¢., &ce, Ana every description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ia the best and handsomest style, with accuracy and deepatch. '$4 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZES. 279 PRY GOODS & GROCERIES! fe thanks them for past' favors, and hopesto receive of them and the Public at large, and LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE } ees The Sub-criter is determined to soll as Low as possible LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Subscribers who do not give express notice te the contrary, are considered as wishing to con- tinue their subscriptions. B. JONES. lf Subscribers order the -discontinuance ©, anton. Jan. 7, 1656 36 their papers, the publishers may cuntinue to senc ee oe ; them till-all arrears are paid up. eee a2 If Subscribers neg - ipo tuse : =< Arad f Subscribers neglect or refuse to take thei! A. B. JONES, papers from the which they are directea. they are held responsible till they have settlec. their bills, and ordered their papers to be disvon- tinued. If Subscribers remove to other places, withou mtorming the Publishers, and the paper is ser to the tormer direction, they are held responsible DEALER IN Grocerics and Crockery Ware, NO. 311-2, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, €. W- CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, &¢,, &¢, Office --CuurcH STREET, next door to the Cuurt House, TORONTO. WILLIAM CAYLEY, aie MATTHEW: Cwx00KS CAMERON ---- Business Directory. ONS NZ PROBA RINT LAOS ee STONE & TURNBULL, CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL Al Grocery Establishment, KING STEELE, CHATIIAM, C. W. September6th, 1855. SS SS VANKOUGHNET & BRO., Barristers, Attorneys. §6.,9C-, 2Q0t- Office Cuurch STREET, + Over "The City Bank" Agency two doors South ot St. Andrew's Church, Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. WL. HUMBURT OULD respecifully announce to the Citi- : zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- ty,.that he is prepared to MAKE, REPATR, TORONTO. ee NOTICE. ERSONS affiicted with the FEVER and or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest-notice, eaves ae Ro Osan he nd i icfact ing AGUE or the CHILL FEVER can be and in the 'most satisfactory manner.. Having UE or Pore 'CO JOHN H TON speedily cured by ap la' ampl e-ience in bis line of business in e experience In ) e | Sboemaker, Bronte, le Jities of Charleston, S. C., and Boston, Mass., he Hauers himself that, by diligence and strie altention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor,C. W., Sept. 9 oP 'fownship of | ee Halton County, Canada West. Pricé ten shil- ings curreney- JOHN HATTON. 1854. : Bronte, July t7th 18509. L7-t. forte past rine pers str of he Bact aioe rae oe eS lee hee ae oe nae recently criven from Sen cae itl chcianss Cas A of ue course, in Patchin,?'d brace my back agin a waul (or House, ora fense, or a bord, as it mite,) And fite, and strike, and scratch, and Kick? and bite, and tare my klose,and Looze mi hat and git hit in the I, and On ny leg, akrost the smaul of Mi back, and faul down aud git up Agin, and kontinue the struggle for haff ot Three.quarters of an hour, or untill I got Severely wounded. No. 90, King Street West, TORONTO. OMe ED U i - UU bi > loa P y by his master, one Colonel Nether- his Church. Mr. Sawyer evard to the affair MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Stevestuyers, Wrintirg, and Winders, PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS, No. 5, PARK ROW, Opposite Astor House, New York, And 107, Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y C: nN. MILLER.--WM. ORTON,--E. MULLIGAN. Anthon land, and elder in has p iblished nothing nt until driven to it by slanderous reports, pre- judicial to his character asa munister, having been circulated, and forced bim to his own defence. ile therefore publishes. a long stutement in a supplement to the es ( Tennestee) Prebylerian Witness, the truth of which is vouched for by Messrs. Joseph Hoffinasier and J. L. Johnson, elders, of the Rowersville Church 'The Colonel Nether- land, whose brutality 1s S80 disgustingly shown, has been evected a delegate to these- Convention called by the pro slave- w school Presby- Richmond on the Terrific enblem! How proud you look, Aud how almity sassy yu waiv round, Snappin and cracken, and scarin ov horses; [ Spose yure almost tairin to get intoa Fite with somebody, and satisty yer kar- Niverous disposishua by cating up a hole hashun. NORTH STAR SALOON. No. 40, Jefferson Avenue. \ 'R. JOHN WILLIAMS has just fitted t up his splendid DINING SALOON, where all kinds of Choice Eatables can be had at any hour. Superior drinks always on hand. Friends give a call and full satis- faction will be given. Grait flag! I don't no which matkes me feel The most patriotic---yu or the forth of July Yu aint made of the same sort of stuff altho cession ~ ry mipisters of the Ne terian Church, to meet at 2 = Vi @) Derr Jan ee - ee Yuare about the same ave, and are both 21th instant, | formerly <belong- ; 2 - "ly + c 5 > anpears ¢ PS H ) ' Y | Sublime, and terrible to kuntemplait. \t appears that a slave, : . i; iy rane Wa is Poe Stat a ing to the children of the ae . i i : st kle : 515s ac d by Col. Netheranes ant But I must klose and waiv my last adew = ee 1856 to be sent to Mississippt- was S$ : However t yin to my feelins it ma be, And git down of the fense, for alreddy the Sharp plats of the pickets bevin to stick Me,and maik me skrinve ind hiteh abuot an nega to tair mi kiose and maik me hol er. Rather than ADAMS TOUSE. S NOW .OPEN at No. 38 Jefferson Avenue, for the accommodation of Col- ored Visitors to this City. Cc. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do all in their power to make Boarders comforta- ble, and give general satisfaction. Co W. ELLIS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3n2l-ly axe) "down South," the negro ran olf fo the woods, and remained conce il- ed for more than a year, until , found ac brought back by some hunters. ile Lee 'hen handed. over. by Colonel Netherland, with bis chains on, to the trader who bought him, who took him back of the Church, 1a ; field, and there, in the presence ot : crow of spectators, beat him with over Lhree oe red aud thirty blows, laid on with @ teat 1eP strap nailed to a board; while the slave oe tied down on his ba 'ky naked: aod blia oded. 'Che trades whipped him to make im confess who hid harboured him, aad vould probably havea 'beaten huotilk Pe ay night? if such an excitement ha a = een caused by the first instalmen Lcourging. But thus was not the wor and owned an old gray hate vad pursed bim 10. aude Mmitoe D. FRENCH, M. D., D. DS. =" Office, cor. of Bay & Melinda Sts., LA | REFERENCES: BaLtimore.Rer.--Chapin A. Harris. A. Ms. M. D., D D. S., Thomas E. Bond, A. M..M. D., Philip H. Austin. ASM .M. D,, D. D. S., Washington R. Handy. M.D., Pro- fessors Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Dr. Fiw cH has the honor of publishing the tollowing recommendation from the Lord Rishop of Toronto, and also ofreterring to the following gentlemen:-- Toronvo, Oct 18th, 1856.--"'The best recommendation that Lcangiveof Dr. M.D. French Surgeon Dentist. is that he bas been employed, in this family and given much satisfaction." JOHN TORONTO. GoveRNMENT Hovusk, Toronto, Jan. )5th, 18:7.--*Dr.M D. French, surgeon Dentist, hes both Bxtracted and Step ped teeth for me, with perfect.s1ccess, and «with less pain to myself than I thought possible."--aA. 2, DouGhass, A.D C. rst. Col. Nether- ej slave who | Rev. A. Fyfe, A. We Strachan, Hq} Dr. Scott, Dr. F. Baugley, Dr. N. Bethune, Dr. Herrick, Dr. J. Richardson, Dr EB. Clarke, tfou, Judge Burus Rev. H. J. Graswelt, Hon. Judge McLean, Dr. I'. A. Cald- well. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M: gar TERMS CAS vo-noi-ly. Rev. Dr. Burns, RS BURLEY, (Jate Mrs. Jackson,).is how prepared to supply the. public with ber COUGH SYRUP, an invaluable remedy for coughs and consumption, It has wona wide reputation for its great curative powers, having off -cted cures when all other remedies have failed. Mrs, B. would alse recommend her ALTE RA- TIVE, an excellent remedy for Scrofula, Lmpu- rities of the Blood, scurvy, Eruptions, and all Diseases of the Glands and Sxin. It has cured in cates of many years standing. To be bad of Mrs. Maria Burley, No. 816 South Niuth St,. below Catharine, Philadelphia August 15, 1857--l1 y 47 jJoetrn. RS RGN INI gD ERNE RRO YOUNG AMERICA MOUNTING PARNASSAS. ADDRESS TO THE AMERICAN FLAG ON THI FOURTH--BY SQUASH OF CALIFONNIA. Siuddid wilst sellin onto the Piazzy feu watchin of American Pag wavin from ihe Liberty Poal aud tehing off of frre crachers now and then. O, mity rag! O booteous peese of cloth! Made of red and white and b.ue stripes, And stars painted on both sides-- Al! bale! Again 1'm sittin in thi umbrajus Shaddur, and adiniring thi grandjer, And sucking into my cuist the gentle zeffers | hat are-boldin uoat well ni unto Strate, Grate flag! when I shet Mi ize and look at yer, and think How as when u was little, and not much Bigger than a pecce uf paper, yu Was carried oll threw the revolution-- Ary war, and bev sum, few times sence Heid up yer hed with didiculty, and How tremenjus yu are now, L feal Jest asif | snud bust, and fli oil reund, and want Tu git down off the fence, and git shot, Or stabbed, or hit va the hed yuh a suck Of wood, or hung, fur ii kuotry. Prodigivus banner! Wouldn't [smile to see A Chinaman, or a small unnatheralized Fur.iver undertaik to pull u down !

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